

Attached: IMG_20190703_1353.jpg (4032x3024, 1.21M)

Other urls found in this thread: kamvas 20&qid=1566944885&s=electronics&sprefix=hui,electronics,234&sr=1-5

Does your tower stay cooled enough down there?

What's the point of chairs shaped like Racaro car seats. is the G-force from the game going to be sloshing you around?

is that a fucking prebuilt?


Attached: 1562946464201.jpg (10000x5973, 3.64M)

That's the battlestation equivalent of a cu.ckshed lmao

Actually kill yourself, your old friends are wondering what went wrong. Keep attention whoring while living for free off those poor people, fucking degenerate

Usually it’s just smooth brains falling for marketing.

Turning/shifting your body etc. makes you move faster or jump higher so yes


Why is there a book in your PC?
There isn't even any fucking room to move the mouse.

This is literally the worst setup i've ever seen good luck moving your mouse more than 2 inches holy shit

post tits or GTFO

Camgirls. They look kinda nice in them.

>no gay ass themes
>no gay ass figurines
>no meme hardware
>no collection of old defunct consoles and games gathering dust
>no multiple monitors that I don’t actually need
>only pure performance

Attached: 891E9C85-1CA6-41AD-B63B-9DF93D98D9EE.jpg (4032x3024, 1.91M)

I'm a man.
Sure, sure user.

>I'm a man.

Attached: 1517974857843.jpg (601x601, 156K)

Just stop giving the tranny (you)s, he posts the same shit in every thread

>no meme hardware
>manbaby light up toy on his desk
Also that cable management is a nightmare, holy shit.

Its contracting thermo nuclear fusion. it has a purpose.

>no meme hardware
your case is filled with colourful rainbow lights

And very masculine, don't you forget it!
I'm not a tranny.

That "desk" looks uncomfortable for everyone but manlets.

>expensive chair, rig, keyboard, mic and mice
>absolute shit tier desk

What the actual fuck? Don't you have legs? That's not a table where do you put your legs?

is it really that bad for an grown man to own a lot of plushies and figures(90% amiibo)
im not posting pictures because you all will make fun of me

Attached: boyohboy.jpg (720x720, 42K)

Yes, should probably sell them off or put them in storage if you ever bring girls over

Fuck I want to see your battlestation now. You triggered my curiosity.

My new setup, just built this pc a couple days ago. Pls no bully.

Attached: 20190827_144110.jpg (1422x1080, 1.01M)

Post the pictures you aren’t linked to anything here.

>just bought huge ass desk
>no decorations for it

I just wanted some cool vidya trinkets

>ibuypower keyboard


Got it for free from a friend, and the mousepad was a freebie from Comic Con like 10 years ago. I'm a cheapskate

If you have anything but a narrow shoulders basedboy body frame, don't bother. I have wide shoulders and those side things push my shoulders forward like crazy. Very uncomfortable.

More or less how it still works, added a few shadow boxes I got from Too Many Games. Need to take a updated pic of the PC setup soon.

Attached: 5-18-19.jpg (5000x2750, 2.81M)

>no meme hardware
>has rainbows across rig

Larger desks can’t be that expensive


Attached: Capture8.jpg (1589x1046, 346K)

time to buy some anime/vidya figures

There's no way that guy built the computer himself then crams it into a zero airflow compartment like that.

I dream of having a basement like this

I have problems with your setup but I love the BMO inside the computer, and I may steal your idea because I have that same BMO toy in a box somewhere.

Attached: 85756CF1-212D-498E-8965-B7E61EAEFF89.jpg (4032x3024, 1.61M)

I haven't fallen that far

This is ideal.

Why would you use a full size keyboard when you have so little space available? Look up some small ones my man. There's some tiny ones that come cheap too.


>those wood wall tiles
>that couch
>black out curtain
>fan placement
>sound system
maximum comfy

Attached: 1566778719512.jpg (250x250, 21K)

They're comfy. I'm 6'2 average build and hated normal office chairs, they just kept my back bent all the time. These keep my posture right and I can sit for hours in mine.

Don't get a leather one though, get fabric.

How dare you even respond to me.

what is the point of having a couch like that if half of it is facing the wall

Here is a outdated pic of the PC setup, need to finish up my retro setup I have in the other corner but it's a fucking mess right now since I just upgraded CRTs and everything is pulled out.

It's crazy, lived in my folks basement most of my time with them, move out into my own house and setup again in the basement. 70% of my house is empty with no furniture in it.

Thanks anons, i'm trying to do some repair on the walls to fix the holes from whatever the prior owner was doing. Can't match the color right though.

Attached: DSC06218.jpg (6000x4000, 3.47M)

Pull out the desk a couple inches and place the sub behind it and not just sitting there to the side

Anyone have a pic of a nice PS1 setup?

What job do you have/what do you make?

Nurse, make 80k a year depending on how much OT I do. I live in a fairly low income rural area though so cost of living is super low.

>battle station thread
>pictures of stuffed animals and random faggotry

When did Reddit and Yea Forums become the same thing?

I'm a NEET looking to get into nursing, seems like a decent gig. My people skills are shit though, that's what's giving me pause. Thanks for reading my blog.

Shitty quality and it's a work in progress.

Attached: desk.jpg (1848x1796, 641K)

>no meme

You just became one dipshit. Take that shit back to Best Buy

a god among men. nice statue of my wife

Attached: z - Copy.jpg (2304x1728, 1.13M)

The dust makes it more comfy.

Attached: dusty.jpg (3264x1836, 417K)

I’m sure you have a very masculine vagina xir.

Just work nights and stay clear of everyone. Nursing is a great gig. I work weekend nights at a old folks home. Spend like 80% of my shift playing my switch/watching youtube video.

I actually have a very small penis!

>no tenkey
I don't even care about the rest, homo

No shame just dont go full autism display mode. This is just the spare "hobby" room.

Attached: 20190730_203904.jpg (2560x1440, 1.43M)

Get better friends user.

Attached: trytry.jpg (1624x1080, 1.21M)

Attached: 20190124_205108.jpg (2560x1440, 1.39M)

Some people don’t have tiny hands like yours?

More like fag boy

I like that actually user.

What's the best "Gaming Chair", Yea Forums?

Attached: 1566764952022.png (256x206, 4K)

And final is the shitty uncleaned setup itself

Attached: 20190828_000925.jpg (2560x1440, 1.06M)

>stacking consoles like that, especially when they're prone to overheating

Ikea Poang

Thanks basement user, will def consider that

Depends on what your budget is. I've got a Markus and i'm happy with it but a lot of people can't sit comfortably in it.

There are no vents on the top and they have clearance on the back and sides so I don't see the problem, I've been doing it since 2013 and never had an issue

>gaming chair

Attached: 1467479199366.png (611x607, 393K)

I don't. :)

What? Keys on a keyboard are always the same size, it's just the overall build where you can save a lot of space so you can still use a tiny keyboard normally even if you have giant hands. Even getting a TKL would improve the usable space on that "desk" a lot. But continue enjoying not being able to move your mouse whatsoever I guess.

Just put the PC together last night. I love her.

Attached: Fresh.jpg (960x720, 42K)

you know the rules

I'd really like to know why so many people think that stacking consoles like that will make them overheat. It's like they never saw any of them IRL.

Haven't upgraded in a while.
Trying to save for a house so I choose a poor lifestyle and live in a trashy apartment.

Attached: Sort of Poor College Student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

Attached: 1547401880025.png (1068x1478, 714K)

I'm probably just being paranoid. I'm sure it's okay as long as you don't have both on at the same time

Attached: 20190827_171743.jpg (2560x1440, 1.16M)

It's nice but the lighting looks juvenile, like a dorm room.

Otherwise comfy.

>Battle station
>Here's my kitchen, bike, bed, gym, etc.

go to >>/soc/ you fucking nigger

Attached: 1445475478474.jpg (429x410, 40K)

This is ironic right.

Do you move aside your bigass gym equipment everytime you want to play VR?

>All that warm beer

Gross user

Is it a meme to put your center speaker above the tv

They're empty. I just like putting the caps back on because I'm autistic or whatever.

how unwelcome would posting my dorm room be?

You mean the lights hanging over the shelves? Yeah, it's temporary and i just need to find a nice place to put them. GF bought them cheaply somewhere and we haven't found a place to put them yet.

where do your legs go?
how do you play games with your mouse literally have 2 inches to move?

Based. More people need to tell him to fuck off. He ALWAYS posts that shit.

is it? I've always done it that way too

Man you're about as annoying as the other little faggot.

Why do weebs and NEETS spend so much money on useless anime shit and weeb knick-knacks? is it because they know they’re kill themselves soon so they have no purpose to save any money or care about how they look to others?

I'm glad that single-monitor setups are becoming normal again, multi is a meme except for certain productivity applications

Ideally you want all your front stange in line with one another. With the height of my left and right speakers it's the same distance regardless of top or bottom. Going top I get more shelf space for my consoles.

I read a lot of manga but the only literature I purchase is novels and lightnovels because you can finish a manga in like 20 minutes and pay $12 for it.

literally dumb as fuck. Also figures are cool but they're really expensive. The reason anyone would want to buy one is just because it reminds them of their favorite show or appreciation of a character etc.

>Caring what other people think
>Not spending your money on what makes you happy

Attached: 1537271656833.png (348x278, 106K)

Glass desks are the worst. Also, manage thoes fucking cables.

yeah thats essentially why i do it

desu if you're not in some field that uses computers heavily and you have dual monitors, that's a big red flag

>le designated gaming chair xD

Okay, that's fine then. God speed.

I slide the equipment into the closet.
Doesn't take much time to do so.

Attached: poor college student desk.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

Eh not really, even for daily life, it's really convenient imho.

>configurable arm wrests, both horizontally and vertically, and at an angle
>cushions in the lumbar for back support
>seat cushion and tilt

>some office chair

Attached: 1462831481379.png (218x220, 95K)

What graphic tablet is that?

I'm asking since I have mine slightly raised below the tv. But I've seen people putting it above the tv and I have always wondered why. Also dual subs.

Your PC is lit up like a pride flag.

It's probably the opposite. Most people who buy that stuff have more money then they know what to spend it on. I mean, if you pirate video games and live a simple life, there isn't a lot money can actually buy you.


Just a cheap one kamvas 20&qid=1566944885&s=electronics&sprefix=hui,electronics,234&sr=1-5

Attached: bartop.jpg (720x1280, 364K)

>configurable arm wrests, both horizontally and vertically
u wot?

>sort of poor college student
thats a joke, right? because you are fucking loaded (or your parents are)

i do this

Attached: 1564976975548.jpg (800x450, 51K)

Thanks mate! A bit expensive for me tho. I was thinking of buying the xp pen 22e pro since my tablet died months ago, it's 300 yurobucks. Any idea if it's doing the job

That's the problem with him humblebragging in every single battlestation thread. He probably hasn't earned any of it himself.

Spread armwrests out

>rainbows everywhere
What are you trying to say?

That looks so painfully uncomfortable. Why would you have it set up like that.

I find my tablet to be pretty much as good as the 2000+ dollar wacom version.
It has a fully laminated screen and pretty good colors although still a little behind a Cintiq in color accuracy but it is 3-4 times cheaper so...

Why do you care about people you don't even know or will ever see in real life making fun of you? Just do it. People post their anime figures all the time.

Damn nice. Maybe i'll pull the trigger then. Thanks.

Attached: e17dc1c421827150baae3af839c1d9e2c6156209b240789f2981edef5db6ca37.jpg (2448x3264, 1.84M)

Those shorts are great and comfy

too bad they show his hairy ass legs

Attached: laptop.jpg (536x768, 65K)

>pc lights aren't green
>no razer socks
This kid isn't ready for the big leagues.

As a man why do other men shave their legs?
All my 3 exes hated when I shaved it due to the heat when I was working construction. A prep a gamer and a goth. Weird.

I used a small pizza box for my first fightstick build. It held up incredibly well and I questioned if I even needed a proper enclosure.

Shaving your legs is for fags, not even the gay kind.

just got the mic stand today

Attached: 20190827_184115.jpg (1536x1536, 642K)

too bad you got a shit mic to go with it

>Everyone complaining about shitty apartments

Attached: room.jpg (1320x1650, 2.13M)

What chair is that?

my brother gave it to me. idgaf

90% of these setups are ruined by the little bitch tables

Attached: 6864f44a8886c74d.jpg (1052x789, 209K)

The rest 10% are ruined by gaymin RGB neon lights up the ass

Attached: IMG_20190826_210846719.jpg (3264x2448, 1.13M)


Attached: Battlestation.jpg (7000x2800, 2.49M)

my nigger

based and buubuupilled

Haven't seen this one in a while. What's the guy up to nowadays? Still in the Steam level race?

>framed keep calm and carry on
are you for real?

damn europoors you live like THIS

That kanji on your wallpaper means woman and is pronounced onna. Also your wallpaper is stupid.

you still haven't moved in with your gf?

Why does everyone have a nice mic like this.
Do people like to listen to you jacking off?

My nigger I wrote the kanji on my wallpaper and I made it.

Whats the point of having 2 detolfs when you got nothing to fill them with? Got a lot of stuff planned?

Good stuff
>Got a lot of stuff planned?
You know it, but I need to get risers and proper lighting too

I needed a new headset and I got the mic for $89 on Cyber Monday

Source for pious crusading knight figure?

Go have A SAPR briefing.

>you think I'm in the airforce

Attached: 1474482095210.jpg (600x400, 43K)

I have that same monitor. Too bad mine was apart of a bad batch

Some shop in Belgium in 2011, that's all I remember

can we talk about how shit OP battlstation is
>fuck good ventilation
>fuck having mouse movement
>high resolution camera and sensitive mic so mi6 can watch and listen to me at all times yes please

I must have you confused with another tiny speakers/berserk fag user. Sorry.

>all that shit

ok daddys boy

Whats impressive about this again?

>1 inch of mouse room
Yep, its a Yea Forums desk

nah they look good with the right furniture

Attached: 1559762511271.jpg (3120x3064, 841K)

>im a mature boy whos earned this himself
>stranger things wallpapers

Attached: ZZZ999.jpg (1000x750, 201K)

Oh so you're dumb. Having fun pulling night shifts at the gate?

I've never pulled gate guard in my life user

Well it's pretty neat. Enjoy it user.

I see the registered sex offender is posting his place again

>Pillows and blankets
It's for friends to crash on. You can fit two people laid fully out on that after a night of drinking


it's been fine for me. i don't think i'd like the feel of wood or plastic. the cables were all on the ground before i ziptied them to the desk frame. i'm not really sure what else to do with them though. i'd say it only looks bad because you can actually see them through the glass and there's no rear panel.
herman miller embody

>Nintendo got millions to go out and buy these
>every other new games used them in some small way
>Nintendo even made some artificially rare, by their own admission
>they were selling for $50-$80 a piece on ebay

>then the animal crossing ones came out
>every store put them on clearance months later because they just wouldn't move
>most stores even removed their amiibo section
>even gamestop, which is just toys now
>Nintendo games have basically stopped using them, even though the switch can read them
>new ones come out, but only a few times a year, and in tiny, tiny numbers

Wow, one shitty franchise killed the entire thing. Does that piss you guys off?

Attached: 7605158477429.jpg (558x434, 113K)

best gaming chair is a support chair with cushion and springs, back support and butt support, you want something comfortable to sit in for hours at a time

I'm not a sex offender.
Or a faggot. Just a gay.

Hey anons, what kind of computer I should get for video editing/gaming?

Fine I give up, what do you do bud?

i want to know if the cat is a bro

Attached: 1508982731159.jpg (268x265, 15K)

he's an idiot

spread out thoes pictures, they look silly all bunched up.

ohe hey, another embody

nah, I use an NFC writer on a spare phone to make them myself, beats paying the amazon/ebay price for most, and I mostly use em for smash or botw

Attached: 1488960616017.jpg (800x800, 123K)

just buy a desk instead of amic holy shit this makes me so mad that it has gotta be redditor shit I can't picture any Yea Forums guy living like that

intel but now I take flights

Don't forget literally ZERO leg room.

well that kinda sucks
>good on the UPS though
not sure what the silver item is, a large nas? an external GPU? HDD enclosure?

it is my computer

Neat, I used to fix medical equipment. I got out because they wouldn't let me leave San Antonio for ten years.

I almost never play games these days, but here ya go.

Attached: room20192.jpg (2048x1536, 829K)

Source for art above bed?

Fixing stuff in more important series like medic, intel, etc is good to get maintainer contract positions but my job pretty much forces me to work at another intelligence community, mainly the NSA. but because I also fly I can contract for that with all my hours and certificates

also was that lackland? I have a lot of friends there


I don't care much for your taste in art, but your set up is comfy and clean.

>Shit blocking the window
Why do retards do this?

Yep, if you've been at Wilford Hall in the last decade we might have crossed paths. Later flyguy, get a better wallpaper.

Because I'm too unintelligent. The intellect required not to do this is too great.

Attached: 1566132496943.jpg (2048x902, 174K)

this is where i eat, sleep, work, just use an "amazon basics executive office chair"
do not make fun of the poster it gets me through the tough times

Attached: battlestation.png (943x703, 1.23M)

What kind of speakers are those?

Harman Kardon Soundsticks



Nice shaker cup. Is that memefuel?

berry protein powder when i swim
its empty there

Why would you want to look outside?

fuck is even the point of the middle one
is that where you put your porn?

i have to use two monitors for work, not working i put random variety of shit on it

externals are because I was laptop only for a long time, replacing them with internal soon
the backpack has writing/drawing supplies
the other coffee mug has ice in it for my bong, I'm not addicted I swear
I have more weights than that but I'm in a physical slump right now but I recently bought that bench and it's helping me break out of it
and yes the clothes in my closet are arranged by color

Attached: CameraZOOM-20190827164325703.jpg (2048x1532, 404K)

explosions in the sky? thinking of seeing them in a couple weeks.

Attached: 1540921725540.jpg (497x429, 45K)

I've had a couch like that for over 20 years but it's not leather, I like yours

>live with parents (20)
>room is literally 6 square metres

Attached: 1562220627909.jpg (694x757, 51K)

>Displaying Yeezy boxes.

I can dig it.

>Funko pops

Attached: OP_Faggot_.png (240x215, 136K)

looks comfy. im jelly user

>Ruining a perfectly good reaction image with weebshit

Attached: Nothing Sensible to Chuckle About.gif (245x246, 1.93M)

Attached: IMG_20190827_201702864.jpg (3264x2448, 1.4M)

Attached: 1515727960414.png (2048x1536, 3.72M)

How did you get your couch in your basement?

Don't care, post tits.

a battlestation is just your desk you fag

Fuck off, manly tears

Let me guess, for authentic PSP emulation?

Where can I find that wallpaper?

get your lol on ___

Attached: shit lighting bst.jpg (2048x1152, 173K)

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-27 at 02.43.41.png (1276x1704, 3.15M)

Here ya go.

Attached: It's a Sony™.jpg (4032x3024, 2.02M)

How is that desk still standing with all those heavy ass and energy raping crt shits?

Manufacturers make them because knockoff "racing" seats are cheap and readily available and they just have to slap a base on them. Anybody with sense who buys one does it because they're much more adjustable than traditional office chairs in the same price range.

Attached: desk 8 26 19.jpg (2469x1597, 791K)


Attached: image0.jpg (4288x3216, 3.86M)

My friend, you've made it to the good life.

>shit internet
>shit pc speakers
You disgust me.

No PC?

>in the same price range
Sure, but you get way less with those meme gamer chairs. Spending $400 on an office chair can get you some Serta / La-Z-Boy shit with nice wood accents, special wheels, and I've even seen some with back massagers. The meme chairs at that price will be thin, cheaply made garbage with no lumbar support but hey, at least you can sit back uncomfortably at a 45 degree angle.

Looks great, my dude.

>The meme chairs at that price will be thin, cheaply made garbage with no lumbar support but hey, at least you can sit back uncomfortably at a 45 degree angle.
Those are the knock off gaming chairs that go for around $100 you are thinking off. For $400-$600 you get a good quality brand chair that has all kinds of supports, even if it's a gaming one. If you actually look into the topic you'll find that all the hate is mostly misguided.

>How is that desk still standing with all those heavy ass and energy raping crt shits?
Because the "desk" is really two desks in a line that can hold double the weight that's currently on them.

Also, I don't live someplace governed by communists, so my electric rates are low enough that I can run my monitors in all their 150+ watt-drawing glory.

Dude those things waste more energy than my central ac unit lol.

What monitor are those?

Attached: BFD8C88C-D61E-42F4-954C-FF3E4A467383.jpg (2617x2624, 1.9M)

Dell U2414H on the left, Asus VA32AQ on the right. Both are many years old and have newer versions available though.

>holo the wise wolf
>all that beer
>schitt amp
>hd 650 headphones
you are quite literally me, I wish I had a sick monitor like that though

Attached: photo_2019-08-27_18-33-57.jpg (1280x609, 100K)

>herman miller embody
>mfw it starts at $1400

I'm kinda jelly tbqfhwyfam.

Attached: battlestation_wide.jpg (4032x2268, 2.53M)


Attached: battlestation.png (1137x852, 1.51M)

>room is literally 6 square metres

Attached: kelstrapped.jpg (788x1080, 167K)

>not getting a herman miller aeron off craigslist
100 dollars, "broken" but fixed in 5 minutes, and its so comfy.
gaming chairs are a ripoff, dont be dumb

>shit shitty off-brand "VR" helmet
Laughing my lmao off.

basically this

i have a hard time looking for one off craigslist. and im really tempted to just buy a new one since they really are worth the money

Maybe after I do my cosplay Friday I'll upload pictures. I'm going as Eva and I'm unsure how to handle the chest part.

That's...pretty big. 65 square feet for the Americans. Not bad for a child's bedroom.

Attached: Rikiya_Yotsubashi.png (963x963, 730K)

>Jessica Jones

Cuckold gaymer faggot posting

>PSVR, the most popular and most supported VR headset by Sony
Based retard.

>the most popular and most supported VR headset

Attached: ivnr_attack_titan_lawn_ornament.jpg (700x700, 330K)

>Raccoon city plate
Holy fucking based my nigga. Dream setup

Attached: DONAL.jpg (640x684, 35K)

>tfw you live in a shoebox

Attached: 1566618496113.jpg (1440x2015, 255K)

That is really classy. Wish my walls were sturdy enough to support wallmounts.

Attached: Setup 2019.jpg (4009x2278, 2.71M)

>wife stopped letting me buy things
Fucking sucks bros

Just modded the NES with the Blinking Light Win mod. Also, just added the Wii U. Yet to mod it, but I will soon.

Attached: IMG_20190827_231356.jpg (4032x3024, 3.51M)

that's entirely your own fault, cuckold

>Gamer chair
I don't care if it was a quarter day ago, never get a gaming chair. Get a comfortable desk chair rated for 8+ hours.

>likely works and earns money
>probably pays bills and is expected to do household chores beyond his share
>lets his hole dictate his purchases

kill yourself you spamming nigger

I have more rooms in my house.It's quite a comfortable amount of space for 1 person.

Attached: IMG_20180531_183239.jpg (4032x3024, 3.1M)

recommend me a good chair under 200 bucks

Attached: 1512150128790.jpg (3968x2240, 1.7M)


Attached: IMG_20190818_123516_resize_15.jpg (2000x1500, 2.4M)

is that a desk or an end table? this is the worst setup ive ever seen.

Literally just go into Staples / Office Depot and ask when their next chair sale is.



on this day, i call you a nigger

what do your kids think about your battlestations? do you let them use it?

holy shit this room screams faggot so fucking loud my ears are bleeding


lmao stay mad

Your art is shit
t. Successful artist

My daughter uses my old battlestations, I need mine for work most of the time. I'll let her use mine for VR stuff sometimes, but I'm trying to teach her computers (specifically software since hardware is just electronic Lego) from the basics. She's already used to DOS and has been playing old Civ games on XP lately, really likes the turn based stuff.

lmao stay rich.


Not even fucking close

I like it, user. Not a fan of the carpet and I'd probably re-paint and change the blinds out for curtains, but other than that it's nice. As long as you like it, that's all that matters.

how does it feel to know you will never not be gay and rich and suck dick penis
poopnig you

your room looks like it was decorated by a middle aged woman

not him but post your work

Yeah I've got a bit of that in me probably. I'm sentimental for family heirlooms.

Attached: my battlestation.png (480x638, 850K)

Jesus get a bigger desk.

Are you having a stroke?

no i became retarded when i looked at your room

Not my room, just my office. But I wish it had the power to turn autists into retards.

Imagine having your bedroom and "office" (AHAHAHAHA) being the same room. Fucking Zoomers, I swear.

>Microsoft mouse
Eh, at least it's wired

it worked on you dumb fag idiot

Attached: shit.jpg (1536x2048, 212K)

Finally someone who's fucking honest.

I think I have the onahole.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1967x1222, 494K)


What kind of games are you retards playing where you have such small mouse space?


>[the current year]
>using a mouse

Most people are capable of not being a complete piece of shit.

Game recognize game.

Sent from my Samsung

Attached: 20190827_212846.png (1075x806, 1.25M)

Attached: taistelu.jpg (640x478, 43K)

very cool user, nice rig too

Most people are a piece of shit.

I still have those Boston speakers/sub, they sound better than my studio monitors.

As people maybe, but they can even manage to clean up their living area.

you are faggot. big faggot. i breka your neck

shooters and wow.
my mousepad isn't really that small.
it's in the mail

You need to go back

What did you do with the children?

and who are you? my fucking landlord? piss off retard


Note: I love you, pumpkin

how can I keep my keyboard as clean as that one
I have one of those aerosol cans for dusting it once in a while but hair and other shit keeps piling up under the keys

>what kind of computer should I get
how is this still a question in this day and age?

Whatever it is get mesh. Pleather or even genuine leather wear much too quickly

I take my keycaps off every now and then and clean with Q-tips.

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whyd you buy a 1x if you have a pc?

worst part is that his chair costs $250

You've got a good eye user. Definitely one of my favorite albums but i've never seen them live. Hope you enjoy!

I actually want to get into vinyl, what turntable do you recommend?

Attached: 3e1.png (491x335, 322K)

I have very little knowledge of that honestly. The turntable is my GF's old cheap one and i just bought some of my favorite albums, mainly for the artwork.

>if you ever bring girls over
making a lot of assumptions here

>shitty tiny garbage meme cabs
>with mk and sf2
kill yourself you tryhard

is that your dad on the right?

They came with my Gateway back in 2002, still using them. They just don't quit.

yeah, I'll probably just get the cheapest audio-technica I can get since I'm just itching to listen to some and invest in a better one down the line once I know what I want out of it.

Sounds like a great plan

Old Toshiba All-in-One used as Monitor sitting on top a scummy Wii box with the Wii in it
Water stain from cup even though it's on a coaster.
Gayzer keyboard and Headset.
Prebuilt PC and using mouse that was included.
Shitty wood desk that I bought from a smoker for $50 that doesn't even fit the monitor.
Chair is nice but it's falling apart and I can barely move it since it's sitting on top of a shitty plastic pad on top of a thick carpet thus sinks in.
The Water Cup has an orange stain growing at the top of the straw that I scrape out sometimes

Hey Yea Forums, how fucked am I? Also, yes, I know I am a fag that just described the image.

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i got mine used from craigslist for 800

That sensor placement is awful, dube

Slightly off topic but there's no better thread to ask in; what's a good pair/brand of headphones for PC gaming that aren't super expensive? I've never fucked with gaming headphones before and I'm not an audiophile so please throw me a recommendation

Did you black out the icons on your taskbar?

next time you ask this question tell us where youre from and how much youre trying to spend you dumb nigger

I got a pair of steelseries arctis 7. They're really comfortable, good build quality, wireless, long ass battery life.

But, you need to fuck with an equalizer to get a good sound from them and the mic isn't really that good.

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That an MF DOOM mask? Good shit and comfy as fuck room.

America, and probably $200 max but lower would be better. Sorry user, I just don't know any better
Those seem pretty good, I'll look into similar Steelseries pairs. Thanks user.

Did you make that desk yourself? I don't know shit about woodworking but it looks nice

fidelio x2+boom mic.

>anime shit everywhere
>nintendo switch
checks out

sup dudes

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How do you explain this to people you know? What if they want to visit? What do your parents think?

what's there to explain? most people actually don't give a shit. not only do my parents just not care but they also don't have any reason to come to my apartment. plus my roommate is a weeb.

Attached: battlestation2.jpg (2880x2160, 2.35M)

why do people hang their headphones on their monitor? i dont want any shit to be touching the screens of mine

>what's there to explain?
A pillow with a cartoon child on it. Doesn't that weird people the fuck out? I appreciate a good anime/manga but that weirds me out.

I don't mind if people think I'm a little weird, if that's enough of a turn of for someone to actually dislike me than they're not the type of person I would want to be around anyways.

Far enough, i've just always wondered so i thought i'd ask.

I want to get a Snake Plant (2ft-ish), but have no idea where it would go.

Attached: battlestationnew.jpg (4128x2322, 615K)

Too cramped