Why is World of Warcraft allowed to release Classic which already happened without even upgrading graphics...

Why is World of Warcraft allowed to release Classic which already happened without even upgrading graphics. Why are people willing playing this wow. If a single player game released again in the future if it didn’t have updated in some way it would have been a disaster.

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Other urls found in this thread:


WoW cucks have measurable brain damage from wasting hundreds of days played.



cant kill whats already in the grave

It was perfect
It was ruined
Now its back

because it has FUCKING SOUL

How are people this dumb? I don't get it

Why are there so many posters who can’t type out a single proper sentence?

This, when you.understand most of.your audience is mentally ill escapists avoiding the need to actually start a life/get a career it becomes rather easy to manipulate them


1. You can actually play with upgrade graphics if you want.
2. You're gay.


MMOfags have no standards.

Why are people happy to go back to vanilla, where roughly 2/3 of all playable character specs were actually useless?

Well when you put it like that, wtf I love WoW classic now

You mean the game people left in droves because it's so shit? Good.

>WoW Classic

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>not even out for 1 day
>already dead
nice """game""" nostalgiacuckolds

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at least now they are forced to sober up from their cuckstalgia irl.
it is why the nu wars movies are so trash. they are monitizing giving you the death of what you used to enjoy. you basically pay to learn a simple lesson. self indulgence has its price and its higher than what you think it is. live and die the death of a filthy dog. bugpeople.

I think the real and most important question everyone should be asking is why there's such a concerted effort to demonize or antagonize everyone playing this game and having fun.

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what the fuck are you talking about

I'm not a WoWfag, is there a reason why the OP of every single fucking thread about this game is either wojak cancer or asmongoloid cancer?

are you new here? check the other topics

There are plenty of threads that aren't extremely cancerous, shitposter-kun

>ewww the graphics are old
Why are zoomers allowed in this board?

(((They))) don’t want you to remember a time when your media wasn’t tightly controlled by the ones who now spoon feed the masses their news, movies, television, literature, and Nu-games.

Nostalgia for a better time is poisonous to (((their))) goals.

because it's the same couple of posters spamming them. just look at some of the posts in the threads, even the ones that aren't just straight copypasta.

I'm 19

God this faggot looks like he has some inbred mental deficiency. I mean, he is obviously retarded, considering his whole life circles around a fucking videogame and a bad one at that, but I have an endless thirst for euthanizing him just looking at this dumb face.

>4 when WoW released
Zoom zoom

Holy shit, do you realize how fucking deluded you are. You are literally feeding fucking jews with your neetbux for a game which required close to zero effort from them and still released in an absolutely unexcusable state. What gives you the right to preach anti-system sentiments you dont even fucking understand?
I mean, I would get if the game would be free (as it should be) and offered some kind of additional premium servers for genuine cucks or something. But all Blizz/Activision did was slamming down its foot on some private servers, insult their users and the they sold the same fucking product to you cuckolds, which is objectively inferior with its horrendous waiting times and toxic zoomer population.

People hate you idiots exactly because you are feeding the jew and enabling them to no end. You are the capitalist equivalent of the communists useful idiot.

Only a shill with an agenda would seethe this hard.

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Cause thats a false narrative pushed by only raidingfags and nothing else.

the real shills are the ppl supposedly “pro vanilla” but are defending it pn Yea Forums instead of currently playing it when it just relaunched. really makes u think

>You are going to kill modern WoW
Holy shit I love classic now. If were lucky an actually interesting MMO can rise from the ashes

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why is the face of wow some hobo neckbeard and not a guy like Sco who takes care of himself and leads a world first guild?

Most people are fucking idiots.


>I care about graphics

did someone get ashbringer yet?

Maybe because there's 20,000 people queues

Nigga, I am not the one sucking corporate dick here, do you even undestand what shill means?
You are right at one point though, I am lightly broiled over the fact that you are making this shit site a tad shittier by spreading your shit threads and literally shilling for a frankenstein of a game which should have stayed dead.
My only agenda is that corporate dicksuckers should eat a bullet or atleast stay out of my view, I think it is a sensible standpoint in our time.

what you describe happens on a regular basis, most games are just ports with nothing other than resolution options updated

[citations needed]
Maybe should pull the head out of your MMO trash for once to actually see where the market is at.

Once upon a time Yea Forums knew this, before Yea Forums and /pol/ invaded and ruined everything

Gameplay > Everything else

Classic has different gameplay to retail WoW, arguably, vanilla was the best period of WoW and it was lost when Wrath hit, which just so happened to be the peak of its playerbase. It created a big fissure between the pre-wrath players who wanted a leveling experience, dungeons and wpvp and post-wrath players who think raids are the entire point of an MMO.

But all this other rubbish you dumb rocks keep bringing up like graphics, streamers, layering and the fact its "old", like this somehow makes it bad when most of Yea Forumscore games like STALKER, HL2, every RTS ever, ect are all old and there are more old Yea Forumscore games which get continuous attention over the years than new games is just unintelligent babble.

Im more upset about how shit Yea Forums has become since you retards politicized everything and turned every game into a us vs them, shill vs woke bullshit agenda. This whole god damn board is literally just an extension of tumblr and shittid at this point.

Classic wow already has higher than 1.12 graphics options.
The only thing they could do to update it is completely fuck up the lighting (which would ruin the art direction) or remake every asset (which is extremely rare for a re-releases because of how expensive it is.)

Good. Modern Wow needs to fucking die.

The people you describe are exactly the people I know who are hyped for this. 28 year old amazon warehouse employees and burger flippers. Like pottery.

Modern Blizzard as a whole needs to fucking crash and burn!

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what are you talking about? Every single virtual console Nintendo has released is an old ass single player game with no updated features and people buy it again and again a few years apart on a new system. People like games that bring back nostalgia.

>log in to 6k queue at 3 pm
>make food
>go to gym
>come back home
>it's been 3 hours
>2k players

if streamers did not exist none of this would have happened

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It actually does look pretty nice. Just went into Elwynn Forest from Dun Morogh and it looks great on the new client.

It made me sink into my comfy chair even deeper.

Why do victim blame the raped and cheer on the rapist

Why does classic wow make people so mad?

they're mad other people are having fun while they're dead inside

But they do that with single player games. Link's Awakening is releasing with downgrades and it's not going to be a disaster either

What's wrong with his eyebrows. Dude reminds me of alien

Imagine having fun

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Yeah because it's totally not sad to see your friends posts their life away on some lame faggy mmo competing with chinks and russians


>I had to watch this 30 times just to remind myself why I'm still waiting in queue

Please tell me it'll be worth it by the end bros...

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Never played pre-cata. I've been playing literally all day and going as slow as possible on purpose. roleplaying as an old man dwarf who isn't as strong as he used to be, so I'm playing a hunter. Just walking around, feeding my boar, shooting shit in the face. There's already more RPG content in the first zone then there is in the entirety of retail. This shit is so much better, it's actually a fucking GAME and not a fucking mobile tickbox.

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because gullible retards gave money to ppl they were mad at for ruining their game

>why people play video games
>why people play old video games
>why people play bad video games
>why people play good video games
>why play video games
i'm so fucking tired bros

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Its because I'm dead inside and know I'd get sucked in permanently and end up playing past age 30

Bet Status: Hedged.

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Why won't Blizz just move him to the front of the queue whenever he logs? He's literally the reason most people even know about Classic.

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I don't really care, I just want to remind you of how shit it is and how shit that should make you feel.

unironically because BFA was the worst shit ever and he was the main guy really sticking it to Blizzard for how bad retail became. He road that shit to the bank and gained tons of viewers

>concerted effort
>one (1) tweet from some random guy months ago
why are wowfags so obsessed with playing the victim?

I already have horrible shits and its only been a day.
filled 2 Gatorade bottles with ass piss.

you're literally a misinformed liar. The graphics are massively upgraded I actually have been creaming my pants over how nice it looks this entire time

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Look at the amount of threads being made on a daily basis attacking the re release of this game and the people who are enjoying it.

>I dont care but im going out of my way to convince you not to play the game
It sounds like you're not being honest.

How are they gullible? So far classic is what blizzard said it would be.

nobody's "mad," we're just laughing at the idiots paying activision a subscription fee to play a zoomered-up version of a 15-year-old game.

Hey how are you?

>go on private server

>enjoy any xpac for $0

>no 5 hour queue

the amount of criticism threads have been negligible compared to the amount of "home" threads started by activision shills.

>i-im not mad im just spending all day telling people not to play the game because I enjoy doing that
Uh ok.

yeah, i'm having a blast right now! i love playing with my friends 4 hours after waiting in queue just to play for one hour!

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>activision shills
>20,000 person queues
>definitely not legitimate players excited to go home
Negligible? You've inverted reality with every word said in that post. Get a grip on how ineffective you are.

actually, it has some graphic tweaks built in, to be honest. no remodelled game tho. and no new models, thankfully.

Nice projector friend, did you get it off of Best Buy or from Amazon?

So far the only legitimate criticism ive seen against classic is layering. Other than that it's 99% accurate other than a few minor ui elements and spell animations.

>those "react" asmongoloid vids where he just stares into his cam for 20 minutes

Fucking christ

>at least 10,000 player queues on every server

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You really sound mad though.

Because they are unironically correct, this 200% nostalgia and the hype will be over in 2 weeks

That's the cruelest irony of all of this. The classic cucks, who claim modern wow is shit, are unironically funding modern wow. All of this hype is going to boost the total players of modern wow. Truly Blizzard is one of the most jewish companies in existence.

because people don't give a flying fuck about graphics dumbass, why don't you use your retarded brain before shoving more garbage in this shithole

*Activision wearing the flayed skin of Blizzard

Imagine paying a monthly subscription for access to a video game in 2019

it's going to be hilarious when activision starts adding microtransactions a couple months from now. they can't help themselves, they just did it with crash team racing. maybe then the wowtards will start to realize why everyone's laughing at them.

the same reason people replay old vidya. It's nice re experiencing something, even for nostalgia's sake.

Based retard

>Translation: I hope they add a mount store to classic because I want the game to die because of how upset it makes me

not actually that much crossover most people are playing Classic explicitly because they hate retail WoW. People who have zero interest in MMOs besides shitposting make the most retarded arguments about how people are drones for enjoying a 15 year old game. Why is it a threat to you that others like things that you don't? Things you probably have never actually played in the first place?

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Nostalgia is a shock to your marxist programming and shows how much better things were before its onslaught on pop culture. This is what angers you most.

This is the same reason why Hollywood re releases movies but makes them worse or butchers the source material. They take the nostaliga and CRUSH YOUR SPIRIT.


everyone is laughing at you Yea Forums shitposter most people don't care about your simplistic niche opinions

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i don't care, but it's inevitable due to activision's greed. as soon as the media stops paying attention to classic wow, that's when they'll roll out microtransactions.

PM'd you the link

how is marxist programming connected to commercialized nostalgia in any way? Those are practically diametrically opposed concepts think before you speak retard

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I think it's good people are having fun playing a video game
I think it's bad people are paying full subscription price to play an old video game


Sure user, whatever you say.

The exact same thing literally happened with XIV's most recent expansion
>b-but muh based jabanez cumpani

I'm more disappointed in people more than anything.

Classic WoW is a celebration of regression. It's a massive company turning back the clock by 14 years to placate instead of addressing issues.
This is what stagnation looks like. Instead of trying something new and building upon the positive strides in the past companies will just vomit up shit they did years ago because it's the safest way to make a quick buck. Meanwhile the medium really hasn't made any major strides in anything for over a decade.

If you were alive and old enough to be playing games earnestly in the late 80's, 90's, and early 2000's, you probably remember the hope and excite you held for the industry. All those major strides, all the innovations, all those games that tried to push their complexity.
Jesus, what the fuck happened?

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>i hate retail wow!
>because of this, i'm going to give my money to the company who ruined wow so i can play wow! surely they won't ruin it this time!

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Let them have it OP, this is the last bastion of happiness for people that love WoW or Blizzard. There is literally nothing more for them left. Not even BC or Wrath servers will have this much hype or player excitement. Wrath introduces duty finder half way in. BC has badge gear and welfare merciless gear you can raid up to TK with.

You understand WoW is a vehicle for social interactions between individuals and the nostalgia comes from sharing experiences with other people. Localized servers created communities and you would run into players time and time again. Something you can't find in modern gaming.

Also those social interactions are largely unmoderated and anti PC. I bet that freaks you retards out too.

every person in my group and the constant complaining about retail I see in every WoW community and from people who obviously actually play WoW on this board

>Not much cross-over

Are you handicapped? The vast majority of modern wow players are likely playing classic while they wait for the next patch. Remember they get classic for free, because they pay for modern wow.

The whole point of baking the classic subscription with the modern one was so that when people are bored of classic, they will try out modern wow, whilst also placating the modern wow retards. On top of boosting the overall subscriptions at almost no cost to themselves as they are just putting out a game people have had private servers of for years.

I played vanilla and hate what Blizzard has become. I would never pay for either classic or modern because I want the company to burn to the ground. I would play a private server before paying blizzard a dime.

WoW happened.

they did it with call of duty, they did it with crash team racing, but yeah, i'm sure they won't nickel-and-dime this huge audience of classic wow paypigs.

Hello ESL

if you haven't noticed the same thing is happening/has happened universally
it's the modern cultural dark age

ok see you in 3 months

post more ass


>don't worry everyone who stopped playing wow years ago will switch to retail once they get bored of classic
that's some pretty hardcore cope

me and my friends shit on each other like this but we're all waiting in the same queue so we can play the game we loved as kids and teens again.

They've been trying to improve the game for years and it's only getting worse. They can hardly "address issues" when they don't acknowledge them in the first place

I've tabbed out while waiting in queue. I'm about to take a shower and by time then, I should be able to play again

world of queuecraft

I donated to asmongold

Is this guy in the pick a cuck or something I see him all the fucking time now?

underage, gtfo

they hate retail wow but support blizzard(company that ruined wow btw) by paying them 15 a month to play classic again, an experience they already had in pservers.

>They can hardly "address issues" when they don't acknowledge them in the first place
now they don't have to since paypigs are throwing money at the 15-year-old version instead.

You are extremely mentally ill and your response had almost nothing to with what I said. Actually think about how crazy it looks to just go off on people as a stand-in for your boogeymen when they question your moon logic. The community experience and having actual interactions with people is the entire reason why I wanted to play Classic in the first place. But it's pretty pathetic to twist that aspect of things as another part of your weird disjointed right wing narrative by claiming ownership over it for being "anti-PC." Why does it bother you so much that there are people out there who don't want to be racist to casual strangers? I'm not sure if you have a lot of experience with social interaction but most of it is not people circlejerking over how much of an edgelord they're willing to be.

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You're just pissed that Blizzard didn't butcher and destroy the nostalgia gamers had on purpose like Hollywood does to their fans every time they try to resurrect a movie/franchise


Based Classic

They could easily release "hardcore servers" with most of the features people want from vanilla (Finite hunter ammo, classic soul shards, no dungeon finder, etc.) and they wouldn't even have to alter the game that much. Nobody actually likes vanilla for its gameplay or class balance. You're right though, they would absolutely find some way to fuck it up, and classic vanilla servers are the only way to avoid that.

the community ruined wow retard, they're literally the ones who ASKED for all the qol shit that ruined it
also actually saying pserver is anything like actual vanilla is just hilarious

ok but maybe don't ignore the part where I claimed most of the non-casual playerbase has been seriously unhappy for a long time and is more interested in the classic experience than retail. Obviously having people check out retail WoW is their scheme but they're going to have to do more than stay the course for that to actually be effective because BFA actively repels people

Not to mention it's a pretty serious time investment for most players to even get through everything that vanilla has to offer

Can someone explain the retailcuck meme to me? Wouldn't the pathetic fags who somehow STILL play WoW be the cucks most excited for Classic?

sorry user my thumbnails won't load anymore so I just post cheesecake at random

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yeah the community ruined wow, that's why you're paying 15 bucks a month to play with exactly the same community that ruined the game.

This is the big takeaway yeah. Incredibly pathetic that Blizzard has come to this point, it's a pretty massive admission of failure. However outside of the wider context I like this style of game a lot more than modern MMOs and am happy that I have a version of vanilla I can play without worrying about the server getting shut down. I think the best thing would be if they tried to follow the OSRS model and make new content based off the original philosophy of the game (idk if Blizzard can do that but w/e).

WoW wasn't the problem, it was decent enough for its time.

For a decent amount of creative shit, in North America at least, but I wouldn't call it a dark ages, not yet. Mind you, it is starting to get close to that.

Like you said, they don't learn, yet people keep paying for it, so they keep shit stuff out without learning from or advancing any of it.

I hate it as much as I hate modern Hollywood hack-jobs butchering stories that didn't need re-tellings or 're-imaginings'.
I'm honestly just tired of seeing mediocrity (if that) and grave robbing being celebrated.

We could be accomplishing great things, but we choose not to.

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Listen user support/not support doesn't work like this. If you want something to play owned by some greedy corp you should play it. You like this game after all. There is no reason to suffer for internet agenda points just to impress others. Your money don't matters. You're no one. Your $15 are nothing. It's just a error. You're one of millions. If you die right now Blizzard will not even notice you. If you support them they wouldn't notice you too. Even if 10000 people stop supporting them those 10000 are nothing compared to millions. One person can't change anything. This is same like politics. That's why politics is shitty hobby for people without hobby. Without weight your opinions and decisions don't matters because we're not hivemind. Think right now how people who "don't support jewzzard" posting in this thread. They want to be heard because no one cares or know about existence.

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Anybody still playing wow has drank the kool-aid and will never quit playing wow. Do you really think those retards are capable of quitting modern? The goal of classic isn't to keep or convert those players, Blizzard knows they will never stop paying.

>BFA actively repels people
You aren't fully wrong, but it only repels long time fans. A new player would have tons of things to do and collect. Especially those who quit around wotlk.

>everything that vanilla has to offer
You realize that vanilla only offers a 1-40 experience that is fun. 40-60 is a dreadful slog through mostly empty zones. The end game basically amounts to farming a couple dungeons and maybe doing the easiest raids in the game.

You would have a point with TBC, but Vanilla has the least amount of content out of every era of wow.

And that's a good thing!

Retailfags have been enduring ceaseless bragging and shitflinging from the private server crowd for years and years, and because of that they bear deep, bitter resentment for original WoW and those who want to play it. They've been drinking the Blizzard "you think you want it but you don't" koolaid which is why they hope classic crashes and burns and they get to rub it in the classicfags' faces.

the people who spent the last decade trashing actiblizz only to turn around and give them money again are just projecting their own cuck mentality onto others.

I don't think your stereotype about WoW players actually is that meaningful. They decided that Classic was an option for a reason. BFA has been a massive disaster for them. Even casual players can only be pushed so far by time gated skinnerbox bullshit. Friends who I thought would defend Blizzard's every release have completely 180'd before my eyes. Maybe think of people as people or something

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It's doing a fine job on it's own with that.

>mfw using a script that presses a random key every 15 minutes to keep myself logged in while queue babies seethe

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>kinda line up character in the direction I'm heading
>hit numlock for auto-run
>tab out to post on Yea Forums
aaaah, good times

I'm loving this rage from retail trannies lol

>Oldschool mindset is better than the new one
>act revolted that people try to fix the fuck up by using the traditional mindset

hellgate london literally released as a single player game when it was previously a multiplayer game, with less content than it had when it closed down.
people bought it.

People playing retail have shit on retail for as long as I played the game, and that was from late vanilla to end of MOP. People have begged for "classic/tbc" since WotLK released. That was what 10 years ago?

Sunk cost fallacy is a thing and it prevents the vast majority of retail players from quitting, no matter how much they hate it. Playing classic for a month or two during down time is not going to convince them to stop playing retail.

It's August 27th and Classic just launched. You're having a great time; in fact, maybe you even took off of work or relinquished an opportunity to spend time with someone you enjoy spending time with or to do something else you enjoy. A week goes by and you're on that dopamine high; serotonin is the highest its been in months, maybe even years. That week turns into a month, you've damaged your relationship to anyone not playing classic WoW with you. You've gained a few pounds and you're on a slow spiral downwards. You decide that Classic WoW is worth it. That month turns into half a year of self-neglecting. You've damaged your life as you ding 60 and miss out on half a year of experiences so that you can feel the rush of watching that number slowly climb upwards. You raid with your guild; a collection of self-neglecting individuals like yourself. You have fun or rather the illusion of fun as you know between the collective lot of you that WoW is all that you have left. Girlfriends have been left, friendships severed, self-image declined and your happiness has been tethered to your online character. You do this for X amount of following months and years only to grow sick and tired of it. Or do you? Some never will because of their sunken time fallacy. Life goes flying by for as long as you play and when you finally decide to stop (through death or other means) you have nothing. Nothing to show and nothing that will have enriched you on any level, shape or form.

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but they aren't fixing anything. fixing would be doing an ffxiv, shutting it down and starting over with a better product.
what activision is actually doing is just rereleasing the old game and now you're giving them money like a sucker.

You're right, but that change you're talking about won't come from a bunch of hacks like Blizzard

Because a bunch of retards kept begging for it for years

that's because you're just playing a jerry rigged Legion client

Well yeah, Blizzard is not even the same company anymore. The dev team that actually creates the games is nothing like it was back in its heyday. Most of the main creative forces are long gone from the company.

>literally just released more servers because of demand

pick one

nice try, life went by a long time ago, this is just something to do to pass the time while waiting for sweet sweet release

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Because capitalism

If there is a demand for it, then they can do it. Also less people would buy it if it had updated graphics/features.

As an early, literal zoomer who wants to play a mage, what should I know going into vanilla?

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i was hoping we would at least be able to import WoD models into classic but no.

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Get a 2nd monitor and load up on tv shows, movies or something. Or audio books I guess. I recommend the audio book version of The Exorcist read by the author. Really good stuff.

That's the idea

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Is warlock more entertaining?

It wasn't a diss towards mages, mages are great, play mage if you want to. Just saying that classic is slow and has a ton of travel and "dead time".

Why are people retarded? Wow was always shit. MMOs have always been shit. This outlines why single player games and some coop games and some multiplayer is better but I have never understood mmos.

I think you're retarded. Especially because you never understood mmos.

No you are retarded. It’s boring. Fucking faggot.

People say vanilla was perfect but I don't remember it being perfect at all. Every class had literally ONE viable spec for PvE. Despite on the face of it have lots of options, really you had none, especially if you were a class that could heal. You want to be a feral/balance druid? Fuck off. Enh/ele shaman? Fuck off. Ret/Prot pally? LOL. Shadow priest? If you're best friends with the raid leader, otherwise NO. And then all the dps specs had to be one spec or no to them too. Is that really fun? Having your character be that restricted? TBC fixed all of this stuff. TBC and WOLTK were the real golden age.

How much was a stack of copper ore during actual vanilla


new models look like shit imo