It's been 14 years and I still play DMC 3 for hours every single week. They did it bros...

It's been 14 years and I still play DMC 3 for hours every single week. They did it bros, they made me feel passion for games. It's just too perfect of a game.

Attached: 20190827_181032.jpg (1676x1251, 415K)

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thats me with REmake 1 to this day

i doubt they knew they were making such a good game. im convinced it was an accident

freckle butt

this but with 4 i literally haven't found an action game with its speed or feel. God hand comes close though

I want to marry and impregnate Nico

based and inertiapilled

>freckles on ass

garbage taste

>posting kikess


And by "play" you mean Bloody Palace because the the game's campaign is utter shit after Vergil 2 and only recovers 7 Missions later.

sauce on this nico

DMC3 and 4 were fantastic
God Hand was a lot of fun as well but the tank controls really keep me from replaying it as often as DMC4
Bayonetta 1 and 2 as well as W101 were the same as God Hand for me, first playthrough and subsequent getting good was great but rarely go back to replay them nowadays

freckle butt!

Attached: 1565959478656.jpg (1024x576, 44K)

when Vergil

>Playing DmC games
You're life must be uneventful

There's only one DmC though.


What do you know?

Attached: joseph.png (947x590, 635K)


i want more

Huh, That's funny. It's been 18 years and I still play DMC1 every few months, at least once a year, and I haven't lost interest.

Have you tried 4? It's basically an upgraded version of 3. Especially the SE. 5's great too, basically an upgraded version of 4.

Attached: vergil gal.png (619x800, 259K)

yeah but campaign not as good tho

Any good DMC4 mods besides the co-op one?

Credante and the Chocolate Chin

DMC3 and 5 are masterpieces

I wish there was more Dante x Nico porn though

Chocolate Chin?

NVM this is great


I remeber i played ninja game on the og xbox was very good. As good as dmc game but the artstyle and story sucked.

based. same here. game was revolutionary.

I legit can't stand 4 at times. Too many enemies are more annoying than they are engaging, Dante's weapon/style switching feels really jank, and Nero doesn't have enough going on. I wish 5 gave V twice as many movies, but I sure as fuck am not looking back beyond Credo.