Yeah, I'm thinking 3DR is back.
Yeah, I'm thinking 3DR is back.
Other urls found in this thread:
>posting eceleb garbage
>posting ecelebs talking about sjws
I shiggy diggy
fuck off jeremy go fill in your bald spot
What an ugly neckbeard, is that king incel?
why was moved to Yea Forums but this is blatand advertising is still allowed?
If this dude wasn't wrong so often and actually knew anything about videogames, I might watch him.
Mekotur fucking destroyed this fat faggot on stream lol
He is married tho
Metokur still exists? I haven't heard that name in a year at least.
Yea Forums is 18+
3DR didn't do anything extraordinary
they just had the minimum iq necessary to realize they were trying to apease people who don't buy their games
No, he nuked his channel and disappeared.
that must be fucking sad watching these two losers argue with each other
I'm envisioning it right now and I bet it'd look even more pathetic than an actual cripple fight
have you considered that perhaps they are both fat faggots?
and maybe fans of ecelebs are even FATTER faggots?
If you actually care about this shit at least watch a video from a nigga that dug more into it rather than some neckbeard polfag "reporter".
I have come to this thread purely to find someone SEETHING and reply with "lol"
Doesnt this guy gotta apologize to ProJared now or is he gonna ignore it?
>muh /pol/ bogayman
You're right they both deserve to be deleted.
It must suck being so angry and yet so powerless, huh.
Imagine unironically watching this faggot
posting quarterpounder should get you a lifetime IP ban on this board.
>realize they were trying to apease people who don't buy their games
In the end, they still did that.
Still boycotting them. They still gave $10k to the tranny charity and are forcing devs to take sensitivity training. Cucking was their first knee-jerk reaction to the smallest attack by a universally-disliked minority, and there's nothing to prove they won't do it again
E-celebs are not video games
boom boom boom boom
Jim wasn't at his best game when arguing with him, but Jeremy sounded like such a fucking faggot the entire time. Jesus christ. This fag bearded faggot should go back to washing Boogie's balls.
Hope it was worthwhile for them.
>Yeah, I'm thinking ANY PUBLISHER EVER is back
You are actually fucking retarded, did you know that? All publishers care about is money, and when people are refunding left and right, and already starting shit on other games you're publishing, YEAH YOU'RE GONNA LISTEN. You're going to do whatever it takes to stay in the pockets of anybody you can get your grubby little hands on, because that's how these fucks operate. They don't care about your politics, or which side or the other that they end up being. As long as it's the side with the money.
>Yeah, I'm thinking 3DR is back
Kill yourself.
>Jim wasn't at his best game when arguing with him
when he's at his best, can he outperform the average human when he's of average ability?
He’s still on bitchute tho
>could have ignored the mentally ill from the start
>now pissed off both sides
How is this better? They're dumb.
Cope harder, resetranny
None of that had happen if they had ignore those crazy trannies tho.
AFAIK the one who got fucked back then was MundaneMatt, not him. in fact, Jeremy was on that stream and mocked him too
>I'm a le centrist!
We see you for what you are, you leftist cuck. Stop trying to hide behind neutrality.
nah i dont buy it
Neither was Etika but he got a fucking Sticky. So please do explain.
>muh evil pedos
Never will give this fatfuck a view. Soi boi cuckold
steams filter took weeks to activate broken system lmao
It looks like it, because the idiot SJWs who don't buy their games stopped review bombing them.
nope, EA and Activision are too big to fail so they can get away with murder if they want to. Battlefront 2, Anthem and now even CTR are undeniable evidence
How did your massively retarded brain get any of that from my post?
Why do they even listen to those mentally challenged individuals? Do they have some working in their studio is that it?!
could you stop posting your fat basedfilled face every where?
no one gives a fuck you should've let that tranny beat your teeth in you fucking yos lattered pig intestine
i hate these faggot tier r/TheDonald youtubers more then the sjws they make fun of
i hope you get aids
how is jeremy so based? how does he do it bros?
Fuck off.
Are these the "honest reviews" that people were whining about being deleted?
>could you stop posting your fat basedfilled face every where?
>no one gives a fuck you should've let that tranny beat your teeth in you fucking yos lattered pig intestine
>i hate these faggot tier r/TheDonald youtubers more then the sjws they make fun of
>i hope you get aids
this is a mystery literally no one in the internet can solve.
NeoGAF at its prime cancer status had several journalists, publisher PR and devs posting there, mostly people from Sony. now shit has gone even worse at REEEEera and surprise, there they are now.
Haha didn't you know, the majority of cuck/v/ are the kinds of animals who lap that shit up and ask for seconds. And THAT'S why it's called cuckchan!
Thank god we can go to our anti cuckold haven of 8ch-
that's right
>censorship is hella freaking based!
all Yea Forumseddit newfags get the bullet
Afaik the whole "bending the knee" thing came from 3d Realms not voidpoint so nop i dont think they have trannies in the studio
wow it was just a few lone wolf shooters encouraged from /pol/. why am i being punished for stochastic terrorism
That nignog jumped off a bridge, When TheQuarterpounder jumps off a bridge he should get a sticky for 24 hours. Until then e-cancer be gone.
Censorship is good as long as it censors people I don't like.
Can we please focus on the topic instead of on the guy presenting the topic? I really dont care about ecelebs...
Must suck to suck gamergate faggots, imagine actively visiting a pedophile/terrorist safe haven you fucking incels LMAO
Etika was one of us, you stupid newfag.
Bait or not hang yourself
>instead of SJWs REEEEEEEEing to get their way now it's Yea Forums
Is this supposed to be a good thing? You're both fucking cancer.
negro, this place would deny 2+2=4 if it was Pissed Pedro who said it
>read horseshoe theory!
somebody get him some clippers
his beard is weird
how about you neck yourself retard
>they're not spending their own money the way we the collective would like them to! ruin their business until they cave into our demands!
Yeah thanks you stupid commie fuck.
>nazis and soviets have to do with anything in this thread
Must be easy going through like having an iq of 85.
Based enlightened centrist
>actively supporting chanology 2.0
you faggots are pathetic, a day won't go by that it failing and 8ch getting shut down due to terrorism isn't fucking hilarious.
>one of us
Speak for yourself. I’m actually a human being. If you lump yourself in with a weak minded, cucked out, literally jumped off a bridge drowned Nintendo monkey then maybe you should follow suit.
There are lots of non-minorities that dislike bigotry and shitty behavior.
We got 10 thousand dollars for charity out of them
Alright, good.
metokur is a fucking weird ass sociopath desu
I remember hearing him read out some pretty fucked stories and just laughing with glee
>if you dare defend yourself, you're hitler
sounds like what a bully would say to make sure he won't get hit back
Based and saved
true enlightenment is taking the black&yellow pill
You’re actively posting on a known pedophile sympathizing board this moment you triple retard.
Why do you keep posting and shilling for this cuck faggot?
>actively supporting censorship
Do us all a favor, kill yourself. Truly this board has gone to hell even more than the others. Yea Forumseddit is actual fact.
>implying complaining about cultural marxism isn't just spouting nazi propaganda. just because you try to be a cypto-nazi doesn't mean people can't smell your bullshit
>not enjoying the degeneracy of inferior beings
it's like visiting a human zoo. it's a great way to feel better and improve your self-esteem.
the world is honk, so let's just laugh and enjoy the show user
game sucks anyways
Can I get a tldr?
>anime poster
>/pol/ boogeyman
>is retarded
yup, it’s a soi alright
>complaining about what is right in front of you is nazi propaganda just ignore it
You can't even green text correctly you fucking newfag.
sjw's whined and changed a soap bottle. Yea Forums whined harder and got it changed back
He goes over how his beard is currently the only thing he has going on in his life
Hey how are you?
they're fucking responsible for 2 mass shootings at LEAST you looney
im fucking glad its gone
was shit after the death of it being a wild west anyway just became another home for dumb politics posters
>gaming politics
even worse than the special olympics of politics known as small town governing LMFAO
I hate this disgusting fat faggot and his shitty fucking Funko Pop figures in the background.
Some retarded autist from Yea Forums used a dummy account on Pedoera in order to stir up the hive. Devs caved in, ended up altering 4 pixels and the alt-SJWs from Yea Forums retaliated. In the end, nobody won.
Why does that guy who spams the e celeb cancer images never show up in these threads?
working on a douk mod second video
im using dnf voices right now, tell me what else i could use
Bad as usual
In the same way faceberg is responsible for far more streamed on their service? Never did I think I'd encounter pathetic people like you on this site.
nice smear, how about that times where he ripped furfags a new asshole for murderfucking puppies?
that's not really a sociopathic thing to do, is it?
>le hitler is based
>le stalin is based
fuck radical incels.
We did it fellow valve bros! maga! Based and redpilled!
>someone chooses to spam this leeching drama queen all day to falseflag their commie agenda
>Resetera is extreme-right wing, literally Stormfront
Internet relationships don't count, lmao.
Been here since 2006, you chanology 2.0 faggots are pathetic. No wonder you incels got shut down LOL
Pretty sure that guy is 100% pure reddit.
Oh I'm so cut up you think I'm pathetic lol
I could say the same expect I know your pathetic type thrive here
No you havent. Take your incel spam shit and shove it down your fat fucking gullet lardass saggy whore.
they didn't even really get shut down, they just lost DDOS protection
Fat, ugly, e-celeb is shilling his shitty 8ch reject videos on Yea Forums constantly.
That's it. Stop giving this faggot attention
>dispensing all illusions of not being a newfag
>ya 8ch is responsible but not faceberg because they promote and censor the way I like and they are a based mega corp
>game is artifact tier dead anyway
>I'm an oldfag I swear!
>muh incels
you aren't even fucking trying
Must suck to be an incel AND a newfag who came here during the gamergate era
then why don't you autistic cuckolds go back to the website then? Chanology 2.0 is pathetic
game was already dead back when it was still called Ion Maiden
>Once Upon A Time in Hollywood (2019)
>calling me new
Thanks for confirming how new you are after I just posted that
i have this funny picture that proves you wrong
>funko pop in the background
lmao fuck off I'm not clicking that link.
he is BASED REDPILLED and pops are actually good to BTFO china menace
nobody from 2006 or earlier even remotely supported gamergate, chanology or 8ch you fucking retard, feel free to post cracky, nevada tan, linetrap, applemilk or that one spooky looking bitch who went on to do that reality TV show though for some ACTUAL validity you fucking newfag.
>tell people you're an old fag
>uses twitter slang
lol go back to where you came
Them hiding the homophobic expletive "fag" in the game says enough for me.
Doesn't paint a great picture of the dev team if it's this acceptable to just put in the game.
Reframes the "ogay" joke into being more nefarious too, does this prove they hate gays or anything? No, but it's telling of their attitude towards them.
Thanks for linking a more informative person who actually presents the facts with their opinion as an aside instead of the other way around.
I will not be purchasing this product anymore.
Everything you write is hella gay
>being anti-censorship is fascism
Clown world.
>political discourse is literally becoming more and more of a insulting contest where the only measurement is how many people on the other side you can call kiddy diddly fiddlies
I hate being like this because there are many good people who don't deserve that, but I'm really thinking that some kind of giant societal collapse could be the only way to wake people up out of this idiocy
>calling you hella gay is fascism
Imagine being this, jesus christ. Literally nobody cares how you don't spend your money.
Youre a fucking lying faggot.
>linetrap cracky so old
I prefer young girls you old whore. Ones that you dont know and considering you still called me new after my posts you just confirmed how new YOU ARE.
>us real oldfags support censorship like based m00t did during gg lol
Get a load of this faggot.
Didn't mean to give (((you))) a (you). I am very sorry.