Why are there not as many sexy guys in vidya?

Why are there not as many sexy guys in vidya?

Why are there no fighting games focused around men in speedo's?

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Go make your own games if it bothers you so much :)

Normalfags have no taste that's why

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No idea.

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There are plenty of sexy guys in vidya, especially in fighting games. They're just actually clothed, so they look cool.
Also, at least Ryu has a fundoshi in Slow Fighter V, so we're getting there.

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Fucking sausagebrain

reminder that DOA also has males

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Because the reality is that games pander to straight guys since they’re the biggest market lol I dunno

All DoA males are tops though

Ugly males. Jann Lee looks like a vegeta motherfucker.

>Why are there not as many cute shotas in vidya?
I agree, we need more.

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I wish I had the free time to make a Bara bdsm/slave breaking sim. Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see in the world

Tell me more.

I only know about coding, can't do shit when it comes to any kind of sexy art

Nigga there's plenty of 10/10 Chads and lithe twinks what are you talking about? At least in Japanese games anyway.

Then play King of Fighters

Attached: The-King-Of-Fighters-Kyo-White-Leather-Jacket-450x600.jpg (450x600, 33K)

Shit taste

that doesnt look very lewd



>take UFC game
>mod it into something gay


Who never get the amount of detail and love from the devs the women get. Look at how low-effort and smeared his body textures are and compare it to any of the women.

At least we have some really sexy game men to enjoy. MK11's guys are delicious.

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Because there doesn't seem to be a big market for that and making a game that might damage their brand reputation for a small market doesn't seem like a smart strategy.

Porn and art that appeals to you can be profitable without as much investment and effort as making an actually good game for you.

However if these games are created by indie devs and take off big time then some game dev studios might notice. What sort of indie games for this stuff are out there? How successful are they?

Are you kidding? Every male protagonist is absolutely shredded bulky af, and in fighting games they are always topless with 8 packs. You're a fucking faggot

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Yeah, but the males are hot. SNK just has something for everybody.
Bara males
Things in between
If you're into women, there's no shortage of ladies, no shortage of tomboys, or anything in between
Hell, if you're an even bigger degenerate like this guy , I guess you have Bao or Hokutomaru to work with.