I guess Elder Scrolls VI won't have any kino music.
Jeremy Soule accused of rape that allegedly happened a decade ago
Other urls found in this thread:
Prove it.
Not OP, but I had to look a bit for a source that wouldn't just be greentexted and ignored.
I swear to fuck if these demented psychopaths and their bullshit accusations result in tes vi without his.music I will personally go to any us university campus with dynamite and blow these faggots up
Todd already axed Soule before any of this because he's a fucking retard. Elder Scrolls is bound to get worse with every iteration.
i dont believe that woman.
Provides no evidence of it actually happening but
>She also dived (sic) deeply and provided email screenshots of two companies, both based in Vancouver, that exploited her work and subsequently berated for it.
Sounds like she's pissed her work sucked and someone made fun of her for it, and using a #metoo to get attention to it.
Why are you so invested in having the soundtrack be as banal and by the book as possible?
Listen and believe. That is all we ask.
I dont believe *any* woman
>accused of rape 10 years ago
why bring it up now and how can you prove it?
Daily reminder.
Listen and believe.
Come prepared and be effective.
Just admit you hate women and move on. It's obvious none of you fucking incels are willing to listen to her story. Women don't just make this shit up for fun.
You don't need proof. The "justice" system is hard stacked against males if the defendant is female
After Skyrim and Fallout 3 and 4 I had absolutely no faith whatsoever in TESVI. Not having his music would indeed suck, but I sadly doubt the game would be playable even if he did his best soundtrack yet.
Based and red-pilled.
>pictured: the evidence
You're right. They make it up for attention
>generic fantasy composer
dime a dozen.
What a fucking retard. Just saying I think the common link is him being a fucking retard and marrying horrible women because he's a loser.
Inon Zur is unironically better and telling from the darker tracks of 3 and NV to the 76 and 4 OST he's been already wanting to do TES for a while
>believing anything Yea Forums says
They have their moments.
>He made advances on me and I explained that I didn’t want this and wanted a friendship.
>He was very threatening, and didn’t listen. He made it clear that it’s “him or bust”.
>He raped me.
I find it concerning that she never precisely describes what she means under "rape". Was it regular, old-fashioned, physical rape? Or is she using the term in a highly subjective and arbitrary way to describe how she was wronged?
baste and bake-pilled
>Le rape claim
>Everyone will cancel everything that involves the person because of an unproven claim
Has any company ever not done this and stood up to this shit?
>How did he rape her?
>I dunno, probably her ears!
Hi antifa
All it takes to ruin a man's life is a bunch of vague recollections of alleged events that happened decades ago.
And then the cunts wonder why they can't find a good man.
ESVI was already confirmed to not have Soule doing the music. Bethesda and Zenimax are shit, next topic.
Who fucking waits a decade before they finally decide to report that they were raped.
Probably fart-raped or manspread-raped.
Greedy roasties riding on the #metoo bandwagon to get a quick settlement buck and get applauded by her fellow roasties and brainwashed s oyboys.
Good honestly. His music was so characterless that it put me to sleep. The morrowind theme and wings of kynareth are kino though. But he can only make this weird type of rolling soft music that never goes anywhere in melody. It all sounds the same after the title theme.
>Soule even went on to explain how his music work was inspired by the sexual encounters he had with women.
Loving every laff.
Kill yourself kid
elder scrolls V: Soule
elder scrolls VI: Souleless
seething zoomer, get taste
"We wouldn't be here without cum" - Kanye West, then going by the legally recognized name of "Ye", 2018
I thought we already knew he wasn't working on music for VI? Wasn't there some statement earlier this year?
He's a based nigger after all.
>women are all perfect angels that would NEVER be spiteful vindictive bitches when they get salty
Women are beyond horrible sometimes. I once had a girl lie to me about being pregnant several timesl. I would offer to go to her appointments, but she would always have them whenbI was unable to attend, and the miscarriages would conveniently happen when I was unable to confirm. Managed to speak to some of her previous con victims, and they did confirm that she had run that game on them. But hey, guess I should just listen and believe. No need to protect my own ass, just bend over and take it from anyone looking to take advantage right?
I am so sick of this female bullshit.
I haven't had contact with women in 20 years and I'm fucking pleased as peaches that I don't have to worry about any of this.
I was just reading how Epstein would stop right before he was about to cum and write notes down. is this they key to success?
prostitutes are legit man
>agree on price
>do your thing
>leave and break contact
it can get expensive but if you keep a low profile you can do it for years
There's no hope for TES6 after FO4.
prostitution should be legal and women should be paid every time they have sex with a man, even their BF or husband. That will fix this problem, perhaps.
This has been a crazy day. All these fucking women coming up with unsubstantiated accusations about people, projared's rise to demonhood. It's some spicy shit. I hope these psycho accuser women get sued to death for libel.
Skyrim ost was overrated as fuck anyways
user, 95% of women are horrible people. Not everyone can win the lottery.
>Fuck around 10 years ago
>Now feel that you can make easy bux out of it
>Accuse somebody of rape because "you felt bad back then"
>Even if the case considering how stupid it sounds and how not a single proof is left gets closed without "punishing" the man the woman will face literally no reprecussions at all, nothing
>But man's life will still be completely ruined because noone will ever hire this man because "he might have raped her"
Why is this allowed? You just accuse somebody of rape and no matter how ridiculous the claim is the man's life will still get ruined while you get away with it?
Why are there no harsh punishments for false accusements? Woman should get equal punishment for false accusement equal to the one the man would get if it succeeded, and more.
some of that has come in handy in the past 9 years, bullshit or not
>people are already starting to purge his music from Youtube
Holy shit I'm mad.
except for "the morrowind title theme", almost all of his works are really repetitive and uninpired
especially when you go into things like neverwinter nights you can see that his total hour long of music produced for 60 hour games just doesn't fucking work when it all sounds the same
>engage in a sexual relationship with a woman
>assume everything was consensual for a decade
>suddenly you're a rapist
Don't forget that zoe quinn also got raped by night in the woods developer.
I'm a professional rapist. As rude as it may sound, to be honest, I often roll my eyes when I see topics praising some rapists/sexual assaulters. Sure they're enjoyable, they lock their office door, they tick the boxes and they fulfilled their requirements. For example, I'm a massive fan of Weinstein and R Kelly. The setup stories work. They work REALLY well. But I don't find them really that exceptional. They played their part but their rapes do not come out in their work. I know I'll ruffle feathers with that opinion, but that is my honest take on those rapists.
Jeremy Soule and his rape music though? Morrowind. Oh my god. I can hear the sadistic hums it in my head still and it's just as amazing as the first time I booted it up.
I strongly recall the intro video to Oblivion (and it must be 12 years since I played it) with the sweeping camera, credits, landscape and the perverse sexual violence of that original theme.
I literally have taught young women the Morrowind theme while coercing them into sexual favors even though both it and I am twice their age. It is GODDAMN magical. They have no idea what it is, but some of them know recognize it when I switch to Skyrim theme for climax.
Jeremy Soule is an exceptional rapist, and if he is not involved in TES6, I feel like it will be at a great loss to Bethesda and us.
Women aren't worth listening to in general.
>Women don't just make this shit up for fun.
Of course they don't make this shit up for fun. They make it up for attention and profit.
Why can't all these perpetual victims just commit suicide and do society a favor? Literally bottom of the barrel human beings whose only function is to be the victim, no matter what the circumstance is. Just fucking kill yourselves already, nobody needs you.
How long until The Boy Who Cried Wolf happens and people stop believing these women altogether?
Well, Yea Forums, how will we avenge her?
If it hasn't happened yet, it's not gonna happen. Believe women.
imagine being a female and thinking about wich person to make up some lie about rape and the first person you go to is the fucking guy who did the elder scrolls ost
why not Todd? dude actually seems like he's into that shit
Sometimes there actually is wolf (more often than not when it comes to men in power abusing women desu).
>Spilling spaghetti when his first wife cheats on him instead of getting video and taking it to the courts for a better deal
he deserves it though
>I guess Elder Scrolls VI won't have any kino music
He was already confirmed not to be working on it.
Nobody is going to believe she got raped by a 4' man.
I'd be more inclined to believe rape accusations if they spoke truthfully about what happened to them. I'm willing to bet that 90% of rapes are instances of sex where one party wasn't really into it but didn't say much to stop it from happening, to the point where the "rapist" didn't even understand.
She's an absolute chad who can destroy your whole career with just one tweet. Badass.
have any of you considered the fact that maybe, just maybe he actually raped her?
You are preaching to neckbeards who will never get laid and complain about "muh lying women" as if a woman was ever going to accuse them of raping her.
Can't happen fast enough.
A rape victim.
fuck off
I'm hoping that as they get older they do. Most of these types are in their late 20s or 30s. They still feel like they can amount to something or change the world by "telling their story". When they hit 40 or 50 they'll realize that shit's never gonna happen.
Don't try to talk sense into Yea Forums.
The punishments aren't tangible, but they do exist. Namely, they're the reason so many men refuse to believe claims of rape, and the Billy Graham Rule becoming adopted more often. The punishment is meted out on their entire gender.
Why would I do that?
>roughly 5% of rape allegations are false
>roughly 75% of rape victims don't report the crime
Get fucked, incel.
no, she needs to prove it before i "consider" anything you pretentious little dumb fuck
Did this bitch actually go to the police first, or did she start off her attention crusade on social media?
What do you think?
>listen and believe
>accusations without proof
innocent until proven guilty in the US, cuck
Why is it that she has an insane, autistic amount of evidence for petty wage disputes between herself and her bosses, but ZERO evidence vs Jeremy? Why should I believe something with 0 substantiation? Just because she said so? Look at her, look at her work, look at the bullshit claims she makes in that post, about how she's some flawless programmer who can do everything without making any bugs, ever. She does not strike me as the kind of person I'd believe regarding such serious accusations, hell I won't even buy a hot dog from her.
Because indelible in the hippopotamus is the laughter.
take it to court then, oh wait you don't have any proof and can't do anything so you decide to ruin a guy who by the definition of law is innocent. and women wonder why people on here think modern women are fucking dumpster fires
>just because you can't prove it it means it didn't happen!
Why are most people unable to separate a person's creative feats and accomplishments from their personal life?
Of course it could've happened, but why should I believe it?
Sure, it's possible. And if she can prove in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt that he did, then I'll believe her, because that's how it works.
The burden of proof lies always on the active side, dipshit. Maybe hitler's toothbrush is flying around in orbit right now but without any proof you have no reason to believe me.
why should i believe somebody who has no proof it happened, when the same song and dance has happened a thousand times for nothing but the guy who claims he's innocent the whole time to have his life ruined by outrage culture and pathos drinking faggots
>white knight is a pedophile
God exists, my dear atheist.
He deleted his twitter. This seems serious.
This is Yea Forums though and so the woman is lying.
Because it is a pretty serious accusation.
Here, "believing" means that the Justice has to start an investigation, i.e. the fact that she accused Jeremy Soule is enough for the Justice to move its ass. That's what "believing" her means in this context, as opposed to "hey bitch unless you have some proof I'm not doing shit".
That has nothing to do with what I've said. Moreover, just because you can't prove Hitler's toothbrush is flying around in orbit right now doesn't mean the toothbrush isn't flying around in orbit right now.
he's probably getting flooded by faggots who are automatically assuming he's guilty without any proof being provided by the hag who said she got raped, i don't blame the guy.
Based anons. Good to know that i'm not the only sane one on this board.
He should come to Yea Forums, everyone here sides with him.
>being reasonable is white knighting
Ask me how I know you are an incel.
Because less than 5% of rape allegations are false.
He may exist, but I personally believe he doesn't. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You don't have proof for any of that
Fake crisis
>needing proof as a woman accusing a man
Straight white men are the most oppressed people in society
I once had a girl falsely accuse me of raping her. When we had sex she literally asked me to "stick it in", but she eventually decided she's had enough of me, told our shared friend circle that I raped her, and everyone INSTANTLY turned on me. No questions asked, no evidence required, no communication between us that showed we were in a sexual relationship beforehand, nothing. You bet your fucking ass I closed my twitter down, I did not want to deal with people talking to me on that god forsaken platform. If you think closing off communication from the outside world so that you don't have to deal with a hate mob, then you've never been on the receiving end of a hate mob, and I sincerely hope you never will be, that shit is pretty much impossible to deal with.
Yeah, no. That's not what believing is. In this situation believing is just flat out calling Jeremy Soule a rapist, no questions asked, no proof required. Because a woman said so.
law isn't a statistics game my guy, if she has proof come forward and take it to the police. if she doesn't the man is innocent irregardless of what you or white knight faggots think
I dont believe you.
And 75% of statistics are false.
>You don't have proof for any of that
They are statistics based on facts.
You wouldn't be the first, but hey, the ones that did believe me, those are my true friends to this day. Been nearly a decade and I still think about it.
I think its sad that you lie about being accused of rape on Yea Forums. But hey I get it, it lets you bitch about women.
He has already been replaced by Inon Zur for TESVI.
Tbh if some nutjob dragged my name through the mud on twitter instead of going to the police, Id delete it too. Not without uploading a picture of my raised middle finger first what a gay ass timeline we live in
Actually about 80% of rape allegations are proven false.
What does that picture have to do with the thread?
Believe whatever you wanna believe, my guy, I don't care if cucked anons on Yea Forums believe my story, but I hope you at least take enough care to ensure it doesn't happen to you. Save your communication with partners, especially casual ones. Save that shit somewhere where it can't be lost or deleted. You'll need it.
We already know he won’t be composing for The Elder Scrolls VI, as Soule himselfconfirmed in early January this year.
read the article posted
>Yeah, no. That's not what believing is. In this situation believing is just flat out calling Jeremy Soule a rapist, no questions asked, no proof required. Because a woman said so.
You are unironically saying Jeermy Soule is flat out innocent just because no proof to the contrary is presented.
The justice system works like that, but any reasonable person knows just because you aren't proven guilty doesn't mean you are innocent. It's logic, plain and simple. Just like how Justice accidentally incarcerates innocent people, it also accidentally leaves guilty people free.
If she accuses Jeremy Soule of rape like she has done, Justice will intervene. That's really all that matters. No one is saying the guy should go to jail just because she accused him of rape, only retards like yourself think so.
Source me up, sempai. I don't know where did you come up with those numbers.
If you want me to believe you, prove it.
Otherwise you are lying.
>No one is saying the guy should go to jail just because she accused him of rape
Except that's exactly what these hate mobs say and how they act. They are not reasonable, nor do they understand the concept of a justice system.
That's not the case, especially not in the US.
does jeffery epstein seem like a success
Finally roastie-san has seen the logic of our point.
They're blatant lies, actually. You don't understand statistics or facts because you're an emotion driven white knight who recoils at the thought of honest critical analysis.
Maybe he did
Still shouldn't have his career destroyed. When I listen to his music I think about how awesome it makes me feel. I do not give a single shit about who wrote it or whatever else he did in life. I also give zero shit about the woman and her fate. In the larger picture, she is meaningless but his music is not, it has touched thousands if not millions of people.
Yes I know, "it's just some tune in a game" but it still affect people's moods worldwide. Maybe not a large effect, but far larger than anything that woman probably did. She is meaningless compared to that.
I didn't say that it's impossible for Jeremy to be guilty, that's a retarded claim and I don't think anyone can say that in their right mind. Of course there's a possibility she could be right, but I'm not one to believe rape accusations with zero proof, so I don't think this is an indication of guilt on Jeremy's part. Hopefully some actual investigation will be made to determine that, and if he is a rapist, I sincerely hope he gets thrown in jail for it and gets the full punishment he deserves.
I see what you did there, very clever! Again, I don't care about you, and I have nothing to prove to you, so call me a liar, I couldn't care less.
I'm starting to think it should actually be a crime to accuse people of committing crimes without first going to the police about it.
Except that's not what's happening at all.
What "hate mobs" do is judge. Some people judge Jeremy Soule. Some people judge the woman.
But no one is asking to bypass the Justice system.
Just applying incel logic to the men bitching about women
>peoples opinion over justice system
you're a dumbass
god forbids she has to prove her accusations on a legal court before he gets his life destroyed right?
Not that user but Fuck you.
He objectively was until he got suicided
>What "hate mobs" do is judge
And get people to lose their jobs.
For someone who doesnt care you seem to be replying to me a lot.
Face it dude, its obvious you are lying. Nobody accused you of rape. You just wanted to cry about women.
>source(s): dude trust me
Finally, a benefit to being a manlet
Absolutely rekt him. Good job user
The punishment for false accusations should be harsher than the punishment would have been if it turned out to be true. Any woman caught lying about rape should be sent to prison. A male prison.
In some countries, it is illegal to accuse someone of a crime that they didn't commit.
I thought Inon Zur was confirmed as the composer for TES VI anyway.
Just use Google, user. Plenty of statistics out there.
I believe rape accusations because they are serious business, but I'm not going to go on Twitter and shit on Jeremy Soule because without actual proof, it makes no sense. That doesn't mean I should leave this woman be... k, I don't give a shit about her either, but Justice should intervene because you can't just pretend she is lying just because she doesn't have proof. Which is what a lot of anons here are impliying.
The fact that we discussed this literal years before and the post has no replies makes me think something is very wrong with nu/v/.
Without verifiability truth is indistinguishable from lies.
advanced VR and lucid dreams technology can't come soon enough so we can finally get rid of the fucking cancer that is women
>He makes songs about sex. It’s about what he does to women. To him it’s some sick twisted old-school romanticization of women as muses.
so THIS... is the muse of the Skyrim soundtrack
Holy fucking cringe, imagine listening to that leper
The other benefit is that you are less likely to die to cardiovascular complications, and people are more likely to feel a desire to protect you.
>Y-yeah it's up to you to provide evidence for my claims
fuck of back to r*ddit
Soule did a lot of things apart from elder scrolls too
Google, motherfucker. Do you use it?
>Research for the Home Office suggests that only 4% of cases of sexual violence reported to the UK police are found or suspected to be false. Studies carried out in Europe and in the US indicate rates of between 2% and 6%.
>had a literal farce hearing because some old cunt dreamt she was raped 40 years ago
False accusations are a different matter. And as much as it pisses me off that people get away with that. It actually does help the accused if the accuser doesn't have a potential prison sentence to serve as an incentive not to admit they were lying.
Youre really dumb. The point isnt whether people here believe or dont believe the possibility. What gets people mad is throwing a name out, into the internet, accusing them of rape without any legal system involved. How do you defend against that? And how can you provide proof to not having done something? You cant, and if the other party provides none either, its your loss automatically, especially on social media. The fact that you have no empathy for the other side is what, roastie logic according to you then?
>I'll do to him what they do to women so he KNOWS HOW THEY FEEL
literally what media is doing to white males in general right now. I honestly wish that I could take the white race with me, on a space ark bound to another planet. No nigs, no Asians, sand niggers no (((jews))), no Latinos that don't self identify, so they're labeled white. Then the kikes can finally enslave the planet in accordance with their biblical instructions. If white women want to stay, then that's cool, fuck em. Surely those rape rates will drop right? Surely quality of life will improve right?
>I believe rape accusations because they are serious business, but I'm not going to go on Twitter and shit on Jeremy Soule because without actual proof, it makes no sense. That doesn't mean I should leave this woman be... k, I don't give a shit about her either, but Justice should intervene because you can't just pretend she is lying just because she doesn't have proof. Which is what a lot of anons here are impliying.
You know what? I agree. You know why I have a hard time believing this situation? Because rather than seeking CRIMINAL justice, this woman thought it'd be better to seek mob justice. She never went to the authorities, and found it more important to just make a blog post about it shows me above all else that she doesn't agree with our opinion. She didn't want to seek criminal justice, just mob justice. And you know what, I'm willing to believe that Jeremy was abusive to her, but if you read her blog post, she was positive paranoid about the man and attributed essentially all of her failings onto him, while providing zero evidence for this. Why? Why should I believe these things?
Oh boy, whatever will we do now that we can't hear another rearrangement the Morrowind theme song.
>Rates of false accusation are sometimes inflated or misrepresented due to conflation with terms such as unfounded. These designations, which allow law enforcement to close cases without arriving at a conclusion, are used to describe reports without enough evidence to prosecute, as opposed to cases where the victim is not credible or says that the account is untrue.
In layman's terms, this means that it's one thing to be unable to prove a woman was raped, and it's another thing to determine that a woman was genuinely lying about being raped.
What does that have to do with this accusation faggot? Also statistics of crimes which aren't reported? How do they calculate that?
You are dumb for listening and believing every man whining about women on Yea Forums.
Prove your shit or you are lying. You are a retard for believing incel stories with zero evidence.
Likewise to any random bitch on twitter that throws rape accusations without any evidence. It's all LARPs online. Without any hard evidence, it's all fake.
I'm not going to ask you to believe her, user. Like that other user told me, jokingly, "God exists". He is entitled to believe that and I'm entitled not to believe that. But there's a criminal system that can't sit still and say "well I don't believe her".
Saying that HE RAPPED ME without any other proof whatsoever should always be seen as a false accusation.
I mean even if it is true, shut the fuck up unless you have something else than your word.
It's because he probably didn't rape her by legal standards, he Tumblr/SJW/Twitter grade raped her.
I was murdered 15 years ago by this poster. It's a pretty serious accusation.
>even if you were raped, shut the fuck up
Oh Yea Forums
The criminal system should say, "Prove it."
And I SINCERELY hope that the criminal justice system intervenes and finds the truth, but that won't happen because she won't seek litigation, because she can't prove any of it.
The real takeaway is, if you're a woman and you were raped, go to the hospital and get a rape kit. Especially if you live in a proper country like Canada.
Make a blog post out of it and hope Justice pays attention to you.
Oh wait, you are shitposting on an anonymous forum with a retarded claim. My bad.
because women have never lied about being raped, ever. Nope, it has never happened, ever.
'Proven' to be false. Important distinction.
I dont think anyone in this thread knows what an investigation into a rape accusation involves. What do you think is necessary evidence to present?
How are you sure she isn't making it up? If I claimed I was raped by Todd Howard 10 years ago would you believe me?
so basically you're admitting that you lied herewhere the correct statement would have been
>5% of rape allegations are proven false
Men have also never raped anyone. Men never rape, they never commit mass shootings - men are perfect innocent angels.
White men are being crushed under oppressive feminists.
Considering that it allegedly came first, and that it happened offline, it could have been the impetus for her future evidence collecting efforts.
This is what I believe, too. I don't think Jeremy is innocent, but I don't think Jeremy Soule "fucked at knife point" raped her. It's probably more akin to statutory rape, like she didn't want it but didn't really make it obvious that she didn't, which is still bad, very bad even, but rape has a very broad definition nowadays and when you don't clarify what really happened there, like her, you're clearly weaseling around with words to implicate the most amount of blame onto the other person.
Precisely. And yet you insist that, somehow, statistics got at least 46% of those otherwise not-false-rape-accusations wrong.
he confirmed no such thing retard
Im not. I dont know anything about it. Which is why I think its retarded to go LOL SHE IS LYING ALL WOMEN LIE.
None of you know anything about the case so Im not sure why you're all so eager to cast your opinions like its a sports game.
People have literally been shot in the brain and healed and got on with their lives in the space of time that this woman has left between taking a rogue meatstick between the legs and coming out with this accusation.
>Im coming forward to save other people!
>Fuck everyone I could have stopped him raping for the last decade though lol
Where did I even say I believed the other guy you colossal retard. Stop deflecting and answer my points if you wanna actually talk.
She mentions numerous times that she communicated with Jeremy past the rape, but she happened to delete all those communications, strangely enough. How about that.
Not a chance in hell that happened
So you agree with me, the guy was obviously lying about being accused of rape. Glad we settled that, user.
>but she happened to delete all those communications
That is interesting. Do you remember roughly where in her blogpost it was? There was too much there for me to consume the whole thing. Any keywords I can ctrl+f on to cut down the search space?
Just because you're nice to girls on the internet doesn't mean they're gonna fuck you dude
[User glowed in the dark with this post]
soule has always been garbage - hes like a cheap wine cooler composer. You pour it in a glass you can't tell it apart from other wines.
Just like this woman lied about being raped, yep.
This is such a clown world, fuck this earth
Right, so if someone is accusing someone of a crime they should provide proof or bring in witnesses to corroborate her claims. You'll notice she puts a decade behind the "crime" to she won't have to actually prove anything.
Pretty good advice for 2010
enough information is out there to support the claim that she doesn't have any proof of it ever happening
You play a dumb game. By your logic, she lied then, too, while on the other hand you get mad at people for not believing her without proof. Make up your mind, you make no sense.
That's nothing, I got raped by Shigeru Miyamoto, 2 months ago.
You're saying you don't know she's making it up but then say we should all believe her anyway? You cannot give people the benefit of the doubt on huge crimes like these, there needs to be proof, there needs to be an investigation, believing her at face value and actively trying to ruin Soule for an unsubstantiated claim is fucking lunacy.
I'll see you on the news white supremacist.
I'm sorry, I misremembered, she didn't delete those emails, but she didn't post them. I apologize for misleading you.
I got raped by a deer in Oblivion once after installing way too many mods.
Can I cancel Todd Howard yet?
I hate women and they deserve rape.
I wouldn't even rape her with a stolen dick.
It was an almost perfect post but it had to end with retarded shit like
>Honor is a male abstraction, don't expect women to understand.
as if many a men weren't dishonorable bastards. The only reason honor is anything close to a "male abstraction" is because it is shoved down young boys' throats when they are growing up.
Im talking to a very dumb person. There is no way Yea Forums will ever side with a woman over a man with regards to a rape accusation. If you disagree you are very obviously new.
WOOF. Why is it always the ugliest women coming out with these accusations? It's always harpies with a ton of baggage.
Gotcha. She could be maliciously withholding, however that could also be legal evidence (depending on how things play out from here) and posting it publicly now might tank the case. Not a layer obvs, but until we get more info it's tough to tell, and I've heard lawyers say in the past that publicly posting evidence can hurt cases.
I guess we'll see how things play out.
That makes even less sense, why not go to the police at any moment, even before she went on twitter? Thats solid stuff DIs will find useful in a case. So, instead of doing that, she goes on twitter to talk about her rape?
You just had to bring so called race into this you fucking peon......Listen what happening to "White" men right now happened to "Black" men decades prior with the hate speech and slander by the feminist of old(Black men are worthless they're not fathers to their children etc....) Hell some of you even believe the lies still to this day. You really need to understand that in reality this system is out to fuck everyone over those that think they rule over you doesn't give a single shit how pale or dark you think you are.
That statement doesn't mean all men are honorable; it means the honorable ones are only men.
reply to this post if you are a wizard or wizard in training and will never have to deal with a roasties' horseshit
t. man
And don't you forget it!
That could mean he's either got range (he's done dawn of war and Company of Heroes) or that his rehashing of the Morrowind theme is his way of trying to warn us about Bethesda's recycling crimes. Either way 4D chess
Fuck off, dogfucker.
Only a couple more years and I'll surely get my wizard powers.
I thought it meant that women literally can not understand what honor is.
And they can't.
You have several people talking seriously with you in this thread right now, you lying cunt. Again, stop deflecting and adress my point if you dont wanna embarrass yourself further.
Which is patently false. But I'm willing to forgive him if he is a dinosaur.
Same thing
Why are the "people" in this thread trying to argue it isn't weird to wait T E N years to accuse someone of something? Even if they were following the coattails of #metoo why did they wait all this extra time? The movement itself was over two years ago.
This is suspicious and rightfully so, it reeks of foul play.
Depends on the woman but yes, I agree. I'm glad at least a few places remain online where the no proof required cancel culture hasn't taken control yet.
Most of them are BPD. The attention is more important to them than anything else. Some will even create false memories and actually believe what they make up. Therapy for this condition is hard and requires utmost cooperation of the patient, which they are very unlikely to give.
Where did I lie? Are you retarded?
Almost at my 22nd level and I have no outside contact, my apprenticeship is going well.
>depends on the woman
Name one time Yea Forums believed a woman who said she was raped.
Jeffrey Epstein cases
Its not "people" its just one "person" replying to nearly every other post, if the IP counter after 2-3 replies is to be believed
You are 99.9999999% right or she is just overblowing her own whorish behavior, but the dude deserves it, he's a pathetic piece of shit.
reminder that most of the prominent MeToo rapists either were proven to be guilty or admitted to it, so this idea that women are falsely accusing men in droves is literally a lie.
The actual source doesn't speak of any proof, just of workplace mismanagement.
Once again a woman is raped and instead of filing a report, she just waits for nerds online to come up with excuses about cops not caring and her being in a disadvantageous position in life.
No. You should ALWAYS file that report when it happens, even with no proof. You don't make public callouts. You're literally making law enforcement's job harder, allowing falseflaggers to arrest innocents if they get enough media atenttion, and letting actual rapists get away scott free.
Is there a list of all claims made connected to verdicts?
Are you implying that nigs have suddenly become better at fathering? Save for a few uncle Tom types, every black person I know is a living breathing stereotype.
>Not just not having a twitter or any normie internet account in the first place. When family asks me about it, I just pretends to be a sheltered fag who doesn't use internet
>even Yea Forums is starting to shun robots and /pol/cels
feeling very proud of you, guys!
Legally it's a good idea to not say shit. Disabling his twitter is a good move, at least until the case is over.
quiet down fag, false flag somewhere else.
You said theres no way someone on Yea Forums would side with a woman, while on the other hand multiple people entertained the possibility of it being real. But I get it now, you must have some kind of autism or memory impairment if you forget your own points that quickly too
Did you read her full post on the matter? She spends more time talking about how her previous employers called her work shit or were dicks to her waaay more than she talks about the "rape" and it's impact. I have no doubt Jeremy Soule is a creepy slime fucker but shes literally calling him using his powerlevel as an industry figure and pressuring her for sex until she relents, a "rape". She had a million chances to say something or walk away but keeps making excuses, hello bitch, people will take advantage of you if you have no spine, this goes for sex.
>Allegedly get raped
>Refuse to follow criminal proceedings
>Nah, I don’t want my alleged rapist imprisoned
Does this actually sound plausible to people? There might have been an air of legitimacy had she actually pressed charges instead of just rallying the mob.
>actual whores are more honest than women
We truly live in a clown world.
Was there ever a confirmed case of a false rape accusations in the MeToo thing?
That's why you go to the police about these things. Not to Twitter.
>You just know...
Yes, several.
Some of them were against people who actually were rapists, but they never had any sexual contact, they were just trying to weasel into a civil suit or gather attention.
fuck this clown world
It was not rape. The chick lied.
worse thing is she never claims he actually raped her but only that he was over jealous, aggresive during sex and once stuffed his fingers inside her (with her approval) and walked her around the house like that
wtf, i'm turning gay now
The only way women can be taught honor, courage, or commitment is if they have a good father. The best women come from strong families with fathers passing down those traits.
Which is why military brats either make for decent wives or 'rebel' and become the worst.
>Yes, several.
Post them please
Except he's right. Women can't have a sense of justice or act honorably.
>Reminder that many, many men obtain magical and/or super powers at age 16, capable of bypassing multiple security organizations including the CIA and FBI as well as all law enforcement officers and are capable of sealing the lips of many for decades
>and they use these powers to fuck the
>Whores imaginable.
Notice how unbelievable that sounds? There's a fucking reason why people here doubt the rape claims.
NO ONE WOULD FUCK THAT unless they were 1 step off of being the next Elliot Rogers.
It's a bunch of truths, half truths and bullshit, but mostly bullshit.
Except the one about market value by age. That one he's spot-on on. A man's most valuable in his early 30's and a woman's most valuable in her early 20's. Not saying that its the perfect commitment age, but it's the ages each side will seek after.
She's a professional victim who thinks everyone is out to use and abuse her. Now, that doesn't mean she wasn't, at some point, used and/or abused, but it does mean that everything she says has to be viewed through the lens of someone with a very negative view of other people. Much of her rape accusation is actually about how she was supposedly mistreated by her various employers, in fact, most of it is. If Jeremy Soule actually did fuck her, it was because she allowed it. What seems to have happened is that she had sex with him because she worried that if she didn't, he would ruin her career due to lumping her in with women who he feels have done him wrong. That is not actually rape, it's not even technically coercive sex, because he did not, at any point, threaten her, despite her repeated twice claim of him saying something akin to "it's me or bust". She interpreted his speech and behavior as threatening because she was way outside of her comfort zone both by associating with him and working at this job in Canada. Her feelings were valid, but they were not the fault of Soule, she put herself in this situation and it was up to her to extricate herself from it.
It's entirely possible that Soule is a creepy, crazy motherfucker who shouldn't be left alone with women, but it really doesn't seem like he raped her.
>Are you implying that nigs have suddenly become better at fathering?
Your "IQ" should be high enough to understand this.
And as of you now your fellow brethren are turning into living breathing stereotypes so what does this tell you?
Also why are you hanging around low class "nigs" in the first place?
You know it's just dawned on me how weird it is that it's two music composers who have been accused as well.
Hell even their styles of music are kind of similar.
Yes, every single one was confirmed to be false.
>And as of you now
And as of right now
Hey now, I’ve been falsely accused of rape before
His lawyer probably told him to, having white knights screeching U RAAAAAPIIIIISSS on every tweet of his won't do him any favors.
Lost my virginity 3 months ago, at 24, and now I'm dating the qt3.14 who banged me.
I've never been happier. You people shouldn't listen to incels on Yea Forums
I believe her. She kept her mouth shut until she got her greencard and Soule has always been arrogant twat so he thought he could blackmail her
And the accusers are both two women who were "very far from home and using this one job for connections", working in "shit conditions of hellish mismanagement", living in "precarious conditions with shit pay" and "making sacrifices to join a hard industry".
Just like 99.9% of music industry related rape accusations.
God am I glad I don't give a fuck about vidya developers. I have no reason not to believe their accusations, but I also have no reason to give a shit about the same tired old song and dance.
well done, just don't get stuck on her if things don't go well. finding someone else will be a lot easier now that women will no longer smell the incel on you
>Jared finally fights back and Vic straight up took the bullshit to court
>Now suddenly there is a new target
God I fucking hate twitter
okay Louis CK
Louis CK didn't rape anybody, you dumb fuck. He just done some creepy shit.
Ah gee Rick I don't know if this is such a good muse I mean aren't muses supposed to be pretty
Honestly there should be a limit of x amount of years you can go public with this kind of shit. If after, say, five years you haven't gone to the police, you've lost your chance at justice. I know a statute of limitations exists for most crimes but that only determines whether or not charges can be laid. There's nothing stopping someone from making a public accusation of something 40 years after the fact and that's not right, IMO.
it's not that they shouldn't make the accusations, it's that they should be promptly disregarded.
I don't know about anyone else but I don't think he raped anyone. I think that they were all given the choice of either failing due to their own mediocrity (as honestly none of them can actually act) or succeeding because of him. The latter meant riding his dick too and once they chose that, it really doesn't count as rape but as a business transaction.
One step at a time. Nobody is going to say "I was raped 13 years ago" if it means the accused can press charges and put them in jail.
number 12 literally saved my life and kept me from going to jail
that's how it should be
I can agree. A lot of a-list actresses like Charlize Theron have come out and say he tried stuff on them and they told him to fuck off. They still had and continue to have amazing careers. He's still a fucking piece of shit though.
If the accuser isn't going to present evidence, that's what should happen.
>I was too afraid to speak up against an industry legends.
>...they guy who would eventually release night in the woods 3 years from now, and was currently only known for the "Feminism stole my icecream" gif that Tumblr loved so much.
That's not fair if it's a recent rape. Not every rapist leaves evidence behind, and even if they do they can claim it's consensual.
The only shitty thing he did was to promote crap actresses. I think they are more to blame than he is though.
He must have been tapping some fine ass when he composed for Guild Wars and Oblivion then.
>literal who dev of some onions walking simulator
>"an industry legend"
>pick her up and dance
Unironic cringe
>industry legend
Sid Meier? Cliffy B? Kojima? Todd? Or, wait, some noname indie dev? lol