Thoughts on Driver: San Francisco?

Thoughts on Driver: San Francisco?

Attached: driver.png (502x640, 482K)

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GOAT racing game, up there with the likes of Burnout and Blur.

Ehh. Fun at first then weirdass difficulty spike. Story can't decide if it's a sequel or a reboot.

I can't believe a game about playing a ghost cop that possesses cars to fight crime exists and is actually good.

I JUST finished watching that video. I'm definitely gonna pirate it when I get home.

Hell yeah I love and I mean LOVE the youtube algorithm! I just watched that video too!

>op's next line is:"What video? I just wanted to talk about this game."

Ubisoft sandbox crap. Driver 2 and Stuntman were better.

I saw that video too, went to check if it was in my library and apparently I brought it back in 2012 and forgot about it

haha I just watched that video too fellow Redditor!

>tfw Driver is all but dead

Maybe youtube wants everyone to pirate it (because who the hell is going to go through the whole process that the uploader went through) and then have unleash some journlaists on us and the GREAT HARMS OF PIRACY for games that are more of a hassle to purchase than to pirate.

it was dead for long time but now we care.

Wish Jewbisoft would release it.

*blocks you*

Attached: 1404108789.jpg (480x360, 15K)

hey fellow zoomer I see we have a similiar youtube reccomended page
keep it up with the good tastes fellow zoomer people
t. not a millenial that watches youtube

President's Run is a way bigger filter, man.

I really want to buy it but there aren't any Subways in my city.

What fucking video? Holy fuck you eceleb faggots are insufferable. Stop shitting up the board and fuck off already.

I liked it - wish there was the ability to further tune up cars so my Dodge Charger could've stayed more relevant. This, and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier are my favorite Ubisoft titles. But today's ubishit games are aids infected garbage.

Really great and underrated game, shame we will never get a sequel.

This is actually a secret mission in SF.

like clockwork xd

I don't even specifically watch e-celeb trash. Most people just watch gaming related videos, youtube says HEY NIGGER, WANNA WATCH THIS 30 MINUTE VIDEO THAT (probably, I wouldn't know) HAS LIKE 50 ADS IN HERE? HERE YA GO and the video title is click baitey but not cringey so we click on it.

>finished that mission with the car beat to ever loving shit, upside down and on fire
Felt good man

>nobody talks about it for years
>somebody does a video on it
>"whoa guys, I coincidentally just thought about this game and didn't even have anything to say about it, just wanted to hear your general thoughts lmao"


Have this on steam but I don't remember buying it.

>he lets a company dictate whether he can play a game or not
digitalfags BTFO

If you watched the video, he goes through a key reseller site to legally purchase it. The comments are filled with people saying it's easily piratable too.

he purchases it with a Subway giftcard
absolute madlad


Plays good, looks good. Has an original concept. Of course these are pros or cons depending on who you are

>wish there was the ability to further tune up cars so my Dodge Charger could've stayed more relevant
I'm not a fan of this either. A game with this many cars should have some sort of upgrade system. So many cool old cars that aren't worth using.

oh it's this faggot closet weeaboo
>stupid piece of japanese internet culture nobody gives a shit about exists
>uhhhh i need to go to Japan again

You sound upset user.
Did he go and kill your family or something?

Really good game, better than expected
Definitely needed more content like cars, different locales and fucking colors
Jumping from cars to cars was fun, although it would've been nice to have more reasons to stick to 1 car for a while
What's with the e-celeb dicksucker god damn when's INternet CELebrities the board coming to fruitation

Pretty much anybody who watches video game content on their signed-in youtube account got this video recommended to them. INCEL watcher or not.

Kill yourself, eceleb dick sucking faggot

You unlock it by going 88 mph in the DeLorean. Very cute detail.

I know Nick Robinson irl
He's a pretty cool guy

One of the best games of the decade. It's seriously underrated and the perfect send off for the series.

>tfw hitting 88 mph in a Delorean unlocks a remake of the Driver 1 tutorial

how often does he go to japan?

You first.

Its great, I remember being disappointed when the first gameplay videos came out, it seemed very casual with the car switching mechanic and having the chased car have that weird trail. But then I played it and it was really fun, loved the tone of the game and its gameplay.
It sucks that it looks really flat and boring so it makes a bit harder to go back to.

Fun game. Too bad story leads to nowhere and graphics were subpar even for 7th gen.

Story based driving games are great and I wish there were more of them.

One of the only racing games I ever liked. Glad some youtuber made a video about it so the Zoomers can finally play it.