Why would anyone want to play this game? Looks boring as hell desu. Nintendo needs to do better.
Why would anyone want to play this game? Looks boring as hell desu. Nintendo needs to do better
its a game for tokuchads, but of course Yea Forums plebs wouldnt understand the appeal
looks incredible user
git good at action games
>phone posting
>shitting on astral chain
I don't ever plan on owning a switch, but if you think this game won't at least be interesting, you should promptly kill yourself
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
COPE more
This week is going to be ugly, even by Yea Forums standards.
September is gonna be worse, its gonna be an Astral Chain tier release every week on the Switch, making the usual suspects shit and scream themselves into comas.
>It's Wonderful 101 all over again except people aren't fucking casuals this time and giving it attention
Imagine trashing a consoles performance when they are all shit, is this just another sony cope?
You also need to do better if you don't want a thread that is freefalling to page 11.
OP is a faggot.
>>insufferable, delusional community
>>manchildren love it
>>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
please stop
It's fucking awesome! Kojima is a genius!
if luigi's mansion 3 gets a 90s metacritic score this board will be an overflowing indian sewer
Stay mad sonybro
im thinking based
Not fair, how come Switch gets all the best vidya girls and other platforms get western goblinas
>luigi's mansion
>90 metacritic
80 if you get lucky and they apply nintendo bonus
Have sex
see? they're already seething
>its another investigation stage
>its another 15 minutes of cutscenes
>its more aimlessly walking around
why does this game not want me to play it so bad?
COPE harder
Then don't play it and leave those of us who see the appeal play.
If you are generously asking it's because it's an anime game made by platinum games. That's good enough for some of us.
Stop replying to Eric you fucking idiots
Is it okay to pick the female character in this game
Do you want her to be silent or not?
You can pick?
>A Women
Perfection too bad we don’t get that in real life
Yes that's how women should be
Fucking hell Yea Forums I'm tired of seeing the same types of threads like this pop up every time a new game is going to be released. Not just Nintendo, but every game. So many people here dislike video games, just have fun y'all. Life outside is more serious and this is to relax and enjoy oneself.
why am I here
You looks boring and your mom needs to do better
Who the fuck is Eric
Kill urself fag Yea Forums isn’t your hugbox
I'm playing it right now and it's awesome.
I agreed with your post until
begone nigger
Look, i know your life is shit, that you're a college dropout still living with mommy and the only way for you to vent your anger is to lash out on the internet to strangers.
But it's not healthy user, you're only hurting yourself in the process. Do you really think your comment will have a long lasting effect on the guy you replied to, he probably shrugged at your response and went back to his videogames having a blast.
Stay positive :3
lol stay mad
lmfao you're having a hard time coping aren't you? Things didn't turn out like you hoped.
Its only going to get worse for you. Why not waste another THREE YEARS of your sad life trying to derail the Switch? lol.
How do we stop Nintendo guys?
no demo no buy
Nintendo saved the video game industry with the Switch
Switch exclusives:
>Mario Odyssey
>Smash Ultimate
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Sequel
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Golf Story
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Mario Tennis Aces
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing: New Horizons
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Box Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 5
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Mario & Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Blaster Master Zero 2
>Mary Skelter 2
>Omega Labyrinth Life
>No More Heroes 3
>Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Mega39’s
>Dragon Quest IX S Definitive Edition
Nintendo exclusive multiplats/ports:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Rune Factory 4 Special
And more to be announced
wait they made tokyo mirage sessions 2?
oh please. nintendo exclusives get kid-glove treatment on here compared to all other new games.
Watch movies instead.
You post this on every switch thread and you still somehow think that Yea Forums calling is funny names is a legitimate argument against it
>It's Wonderful 101 all over again
God I hope not, that game was fucking terrible.
>uploads an image from his ifaggot device
Literally cares about your tasteless opinion?
pirated it today and played the first few files
It's really fucking okay, but bayo 3 is going to kill this game
Nice projection you couldn’t be less spot on
bing bing we have a wahoo!
people replying to the same exact shitposts day in day out
zoomers really need to be annihilated
The game's default difficulty is casual mode though
No, they are just good games.
Remember non-floaty, non-cinematic movie shit user? Nintendo games are so popular because they are just games. And don’t try to be anything else.
Even a brain dead nigger could see this.
Grow up and stop playing shallow kids games
Have fun with your own games and some making enemies over fictional worlds
>>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>>Pokken Tournament DX
>>Fire Emblem Warriors
>>Bayonetta 2
>>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
My switch is a megaman machine now. this shit is just a wii u 2.0
>I only play mature video games for mature gamers such as myself
You'll understand the joy of videogames once you become an adult
Played it for an hour today. Can't see shit in combat but maybe that will improve. The writing is pretty bad and a bit of a let down. The game is gorgeous though.
>ignore 3/4 of the list
>t-t-those don't count
Pathetic snoyboy
Keep throating that Nintendo cock you corporate cuck
Not a pirate user myself. Is this game worth full price?
I only said that because I knew it would offend the Nintendo manchilds. Looks like it worked.
What changes if you pick the guy or girl?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Pretending to be a retard still makes you retarded
>being above 12
>unironically enjoying power rangers
Not in sales that's for sure. Bayo sells like dogshit while a casual Platinum game with adventure elements will appeal to normies.
The gender
Maybe Bayonetta just sucks.
Get a job and play them yourself. At the very least stop coping
I really want to be excited for this because aesthetically it is cool and platinum seems to be putting in real effort on this one, but the combat just screams to me DmC style color coded enemies. I dont want to just not think and switch to the correct legion for X encounter instead of playing the way I want
no game is worth its full price, will you ever learn?
I did you mong, switch is my biggest buyers remorse this gen. nintendo games are boring nowadays
the other list only have 3 good games
>The writing is pretty bad and a bit of a let down
What's it like being a homosexual? The writing is great, and the whole opening set piece where everyone loses their legions is hype as all fuck.
I did roll my eyes at SEELE, though.
Not him but 60 bucks for a game I can spend more than 40 hours in sounds like an amazing deal to me
>t-t-those don't count
See, I told you you were going to say that
You snoycucks are very predictable
gotta work harder for those (You)s
>40 hours
This game doesn't look as replayable as Bayonetta to me, so I doubt you'll get that much. Though I'm hoping that the out of combat sections are fun enough on a multiple playthroughs
This is the first game for the switch that has any value, but it's a still fairly paint by numbers title with nothing crazy going for it.
If you own literally anything else on the Switch, you might as well buy this.
but this game isnt 40. if its double the usual length of a platinum game then it would be like 20 hours tops.
60 dollars? nah, pirate it
yeah, 1-2 switch, lgpe and super mario party sure are great!
The coming month is going to absolutely destroy snoyfags.
I'm glad I'll be playing games instead of being stuck here making impotent shitposts.
3 euros/dollars for an hour of entertainment is still pretty good
>Though I'm hoping that the out of combat sections are fun enough on a multiple playthroughs
The detective parts are pretty bland, so far they just feel identical to some of the meaningless side quests in Nier Automata, only without even the chance of an interesting story element.
yeah its not bad. i just didnt want to lie to you about the length and get your hopes up.
Why does this game keep wanting me to solve puzzles, watch boring ass cutscenes and talk to people
I just want to beat the shit out of mecha aliens
>new game coming out
>shitposting ramps up the closer we are to release date
Has there been a single serious thread on this game as of late?
I wasn't sure about how long the game would be including all the side missions. Some games offer 200 hours of contenr like Xenoblade 2 for 60 bucks
It's only going to get worse as we inch closer toward release date.
yeah and like 150 hours for dragon quest 11. but this isnt one of those games. this is a game made by platinum. they famously have very short games (usually) with a lot of replayability.
Platinum can make some fun ass games. Game looks fun but like Daemon x Machina it needs better optimization because man does it look choppy as hell.
playing it now
its literally dark souls
I'm going to miss the threads for the next few days since they're now going to be full of both spoilers and shitposting from people who can now pretend to have played the game.
Is that handheld? The game looks like shit docked, but that just looks awful.
I also didn't realise just how obnoxious it'd be to try and move the camera while you're also having to move around your legion. If ever they made a game that needed 3 joysticks, this is it. I don't know why they didn't add gyro camera aiming, but I guess they were already totally out of buttons.
This looks like a PS2 game not that there's anything wrong with that
Cant you just use the lock on so that camera control isnt an issue? I only have a problem with that when Im trying to grab the red shit in between battles
i cant get high ranks help me bros
Dark Moon got an 87, dipshit
So 77 when you take out the bing bing wahoo bonus.
That's why I'm rushing through the game tomorrow morning to avoid some shitcunt doing the same and spoiling me when I wake up.
Lock on is a fucking waste of time in my experience, it's alright vs one enemy but with multiple it's an absolute trainwreck trying to select the one you actually want your retarded legion to attack. Plus all the areas are super cramped so you get pushed into corners and can't see attacks constantly.
The chain jump is also really, really unsatisfying to use. It's so easy to fall off, or accidentally recall your legion at the last second because the joystick spazzes out, and then you lose a whopping 20% of your life because the game is a piece of shit. What should feel fluid and cool is something I use as rarely as possible.
This is what 30fps does to an otherwise great game. I really wanted to buy a Switch for it but posts like yours keep me from doing so.
Only if you have a hacked Switch.
The framerate honestly doesn't feel that bad, I've only really noticed it once or twice. The problem is everything else, it feels like another experimental W101 tier control scheme but made by a blind infant. One thing that really spoils the game is just how mushy the triggers feel, and you're CONSTANTLY mashing them.
So, anyone who isn't retarded. Gotcha.
>responding "port" to the part of the list that was already correctly labelled as ports by user
I assume you're using pro controller, right? Control scheme looks fine from what I've seen but maybe we're more accustomed to different button layouts. I cant imagine why triggers would feel weird to mash.
Only a retard spends money on pro controllers.
pretty good so far. The combat is slower and isn't as in depth or as cuuhrazy as other platinum/capcom games.
That's what critical-level SNOYtard seethe looks like. First they lost the Vita, now they're losing PS4. PS5 might as well be dead out the door thanks to the way SCE is handling things.
Okay I think I see where you're problems are coming from. Thank Nintendo for not shipping the console with the real controller.
Nintendo hasn't shipped the console with the real controller since the Wii.
How he can surpass this?
You are LITERALLY in a thread that proves that statement false
i dont
i do enjoy rider, sentai and ultraman though
of course, really hoping this delivers since i wasnt too fond of build's last arc or the entirety of zi-o
Pirates will surely buy this game to support Platinum if they enjoy this game enough, right?
yeah they always do. they are a very honorable bunch.
I will buy the PC version when its made avaliable, only chumps pay for beta tests
Thank you pirate bros for supporting the game, such good lads. Playing the game so I don't have to
The only way you're gonna play this on PC is through a Switch emulator in 3~4 years.
While the Grand Zi-O henshin does get me diamonds, it suffers from the problem all final form henshin sequences have; incredible visuals, but they only ever do it once, or it’s not as great the other times around
I much prefer when the lower level ones are good, because we hear those all the time, and I really like the transformation sequence for Rising Hopper, text to speech voice and all
Still, that fucking Iwae and KAMENNN RAIDAAAAAA get me pumped
They won't but its not a big deal, the amount of people with hacked Switches is fairly low so the % of the switch population that will pirate this is pretty fucking unnoticable. It's not like the 3DS near the end of its lifespan where fucking everyone was pirating everything.
Not to mention current-model Switches are practically bulletproof when it comes to hacks.
>indian sewer
they have sewers in india?
>final form
But is not his final form
Any difference between standard and ultimate play styles other than the number of revives? Can you get better ranks or rewards on ultimate?
lol dude you have no friends
because nu-nintendo makes movies, not games.
thats why i stopped going to the movies: i got sick of having to solve puzzles.
this game is boring as hell
Would you still be saying that if you spent $60 on it?
dont like hack n slash games
I hope it's good, the last good karate bugman was Ex-Aid and even it stumbled after the reset