Are they the best character in the video game redemption arc?

Are they the best character in the video game redemption arc?

I can't think of anyone else that went from so hated and cringe to loved and based

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I'm still iffy on them desu

Not until they fix their fighting game department.

>SFV launch fiasco
>SFV fight money fiasco
>SFV in-game ads fiasco
>SFV rootkit fiasco

nice try crapcom shill

Ono is getting the boot after SFV is "done" he's being replaced by Ryozo (the monster hunter guy)


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Any new IPs this generation?

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No, they still have to make a few comebacks
>Apologize and release Legends 3
>Fix the fighting games division
>Capcom vs Capcom

Man I'm glad you can take that filter off because it's real bad.

If everything being made today is shit, why not keep making the good stuff from the past? The industry clearly doesn't have the talent to make good new stuff.

>make 2, maybe 3 solid games over the course of 2-3 years
>omg guys they're back

>>Apologize and release Legends 3
It's scary how close we're getting to a legends collection/legends 3
Each of the previous collections doing well got new games to their series (rumored x9 is in development)
And with them """announcing""" it was leaked a zero/zx collection, it proves Capcom is willing to put out series other than classic/x that were unfinished (no zx 3)

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When are they going to make a new game for portables?

What he said.

And maybe a new Darkstalkers, but I gave up.

Nah, that would be SNK that even sold the pachinko division

>Ryozo uses his new position to make a MH fighting game.
Wouldn’t mind.

>Monster Hunter World
>Capcom vs Mahble I
>le who remembers le epin rockman XDXDDXDX fighting to save the world XDxxxDXDXD blue bomber XDDXXD
>POOOPPYY COWABUNGA PIZA PARTY!!!! DUDE THE PS2 was totally based and not like a zoomer console or anything dude movie games are EPIC as long as they also have ADHD combat systems
>Dragons Dogma
good aside from pawns
>Deep Down
game of the generation

They still have SFV and Marvel to fix

die crapcom shills die

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what a dissapointment you are.


Yep i'm thinking hes back

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>that beatemup collection commercial where he strands 80s kids in the future
So good.

>the disaster that was MvC:I
>can't be bothered to make a Marvel vs. compilation back when they still had the license
>tarnished their relationship with SNK so that there will NEVER EVER be a Capcom vs. SNK 3
>Power Stone Collection is still stuck on the PSP
>the half-assed ROM collections that are 30th Anniversary Collection, MMLC, and MMXLC
>the barebones effort that was Mega Man 11
>"Darkstalkers is not dead" because Darkstalkers 3 being resold for the 5th time didn't sell millions
>the fiasco that is the CAPCOM Arcade Stick, it's hefty price tag, and the fact that it has AvP held hostage on it
>the disaster that is SFV
>all the countless IPs that they still refuse to touch
>can't make fighting games worth a shit despite practically inventing the fucking genre and being the masters of it during the 90s
>all the bullshit and full jew tactics they've pulled on the Switch, including holding all Switch support hostage over a $40 25 year old port

Redemption arc my ass. They're in the same boat as Konami and SEGA as far as I'm concerned.

its obviously their intentions at this point in time to regain fan trust. They're good for now but once they've got what they want they'll go back to their old selves

Not until Dead Rising makes its RE Engine debut.

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You can feel the Nintendo ass hurt in these threads whenever Capcom is brought up

From what I can tell all they did for MML3 before cancelling it was made the engine, which they did use for EX Troopers so they didn't develop the engine and then just dump it without using it.

they never forgave the capcom five. never doubt an autist scorned

But this is coming to switch.

What were they thinking?

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More like what were they smoking.

>Wow, that NES Classic thing really sold. Lets hop on that bandwagon somehow.

Ejecting Keiji Inafune like some kinda fucking evil voodoo spirit

absolute chad move

>b-but nintendo
rent free

>From what I can tell all they did for MML3 before cancelling it was made the engine
They also had a working demo, they just cancelled it right before it was supposed to release.
Unless that's what you mean by engine than yes, they cut it off way too early but not a total loss.
Honestly, legends 3 deserves a big screen like 1/2 and having it on the 3ds would've limited it (I do not want to revert to legends 1's camera thank you very much)

So considering everything else MM related is getting a collection so far, what're the odds that the BN series is next to get one?

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If this sells? Somewhere north of 60 percent. 70, maybe.

>tarnished their relationship with SNK so that there will NEVER EVER be a Capcom vs. SNK 3
There never was a relationship, only an agreement to develop their own games featuring each other's IPs. Capcom made a couple of solid fighters while SNK shat out some trading card battle trash, went bankrupt twice, got bought out by chinks and had to shut down pachinko operations so they could afford to make another game

The real question is do they include NT with it?

The collections have been in chronological order too. The fact that Zero and ZX are getting a collection means that Legends is next.

Considering the zero/zx series (a series that didn't sell well enough to even finish mind you) got a collection, I'd say a bn collection is VERY high. Like almost inevitable high.
The only question is if they'll use the superior wii u ports or not (and how the games will be divided from the alt versions)

I don’t recall them being hated, at least on the level people have towards Activision or EA.

Play more ps2 games pleb

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I mean say what you want about Capcom but they never outright stole another company's IP and used it to make them rich like EA did.

Are BN1 and BN2 worth playing?

I love RE and Dragons Dogma

Or cancelled all their games and proudly announced their new pachinko and mobile stategy, like Konami did.

There's already a Capcom BN (albeit mobile) title in the works and considering it has historically been the best selling MM series other than classic, I would not be worried about BN getting love sooner or later.

capcom has three healthy franchises, the rest is either dead (they're basically sega tier when it comes to taking advantage of their classic ips) or a laughing stock (street fighter)

the mindless masturbation about them in this kind of thread makes me think this is a marketing campaign or maybe just autism

They're fine.

They still need to stop taking one step forward two steps back with SFV. I really like SFV but that's in spite of its bullshit like ads and the gutted FM system.
MvCI could have been good since the gameplay was on point but it got fucked by timing by being released right before the Fox buyout and having fuckall for a budget while trying to make a cinematic story mode.

Early 2010s was horrible for Capcom's reputation between the SFxT DLC fiasco, DmC, cancelling Legends 3, and ORC.

I'm surprised they haven't made a Dead Rising collection of 1, 2 and OTR for Switch yet.

I mean that's shitty, but stealing the gridiron source code from Bethesda and using that to make the Madden series crosses the line for me from "shitty" into "evil".

2 is one of the best in the series.

Oh, no one doubts that EA is pure evil. Only Activision comes close.

And if we're talking beyond vidya, Disney.

>BN/SF Collection sells well
>SF4 gets made
SF3 was fucking great, so SF4 would be kino. The SF4 leak made it sound like it would have been the conclusion to the SF/BN timeline as it ties both series together.

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Fuck star force.
The only good thing to come out of it was Luna.

battlenetwork SOON

t. friendless virgins

IceKino alone is enough for me

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1. You misspelled 'Sonia'
2. You'd still be wrong

I'm prettyy much sure all these people are MH fans, since it's the only Capcom franchise which has been good/excellent for the entirety of its life

Do you think a BN collection could get us to have a bluray release of EXE?

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Xebec is dead so I'm not sure how that's gonna work.

Call it beated wife syndrome or whatever but I'm seriously enjoying how they're treating Mega Man, something I never expected years ago

Fuck you. Star Force gave us the masterpiece that was Star Force 3. BN7 would feel forced since BN6 ended on a conclusive note. Just add online multiplayer to BN games in the collection along with the shit from the WiiU games.

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Card Clash 2 was easily the best game of the crossover series

Probably not
Best case scenario my niggas at Discotek do a quick package of the the original Japanese and edited American versions. I mean, they released the fucking Monster Rancher anime so anything's possible.

No I mean even if it's a Japan-only BD release, just that we get one.

I really hope they do, I'm getting sick of arcsys shit

That's not how it'll go most likely, SF sold very very poorly compared to BN. If a new home console/PC BN/SF game gets made from after a BN/SF legacy collection selling well it'll almost certainly be a BN title instead with probably a SF cameo

Eh, Japan has a bad tendency to do disgusting upscales of early digital shows.

fun fact: BN6 only ended on a "conclusive note" because the higher ups told the devs last minute they wanted to start over with a new series, not because BN6 was intended as a finale. It doesn't matter nearly as much as you think.

>still not lost planet 1 and 2 remaster port
>not new megaman x game
>still not new fighting games besides sf series
Redemption arc my ass

It'd honestly be more likely that we get a release while they don't. Japanese re-releases of old vidya adaptations like Rockman.EXE are few and far between.

A new BN would be very dull since we know that Lan and Megaman would beat every single threat until Lan dies of old age. Therefore, all the tension from BN7 would be non existent. Meanwhile, SF4 would have been filled with tons of BN references and call backs given its premise, and it would have tons of great moments since Geo and Kazuma are wanted criminals. In fact, they could somehow make Megaman.EXE playable for Kazuma's battle sections since Kazuma is Lan's descendant.

Just imagine SF4 starting with the option to pick and choose between Geo and Kazuma with Geo's scenario playing like SF3 while Kazuma's is like BN6. Instead of "Star Force 4" they could call it "Star Force: Battle Network."

At least Konami didnt make Suikoden 6 a mobile gacha game and try to claim it was a real proper canon numbered sequel

What's coming to Switch? RE7 needed to be STREAMED to work on the Switch.

>What's coming to Switch
The Zero/ZX collection.

They'll redeem themselves when we get the Dragon's Dogma sequel we deserve

It does matter. The only things that matter are that the devs decided to go through with making BN6 the finale, and they decided to make the Star Force series as its continuation. Hypothetical situations, decisions that were never followed through with, or "what could have been" don't matter.