What is this hot RPG? Must be interesting to go through various art styles

What is this hot RPG? Must be interesting to go through various art styles

Attached: Hottest RPG?.png (766x456, 272K)

World of Warcraft Classic, load it up then go fap to hentai while you wait in queue

Can I just say how absolutely frustrating it is to see everyone raping the term "RPG" and attaching it to everything just so their shitty game may look deeper than it really is.
Will this fucking meme ever end? Can't these parroting faggots latch on to some other genre like RTS or something?

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F*** man I really want to know more about this interesting multi-genre blending RPG

It doesn't matter; neither was elected the hottest RPG of this current year of our Lord.

I've started saving these.

They're comedy gold.

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I don't know but I feel like fapping to Affect3D right now.

Who makes these ads?

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then what game is the hottest RPG of 2019?

Attached: click here.gif (300x250, 24K)

I will be 26 next week, I will finally be able to take down tree

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So which one is the real Hottest RPG of 2018! ?

Rance X

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So in the end, she needed to eat all the eggs?

maybe some kind of A.I? every single ad i see even in my own language doesn't seem to be man made, they are aways so weird as fuck.

if you want an unironic answer. It's the fbi

they must have realised the only way to have people click on ads is to make them as puzzling as possible. Same thing with that "this is how mafia works".
The stranger the better, as spawning memes is probably also a benefit.

Indian scammers

Fuck off we been through a lot of shit, at least you guys get good RPG from time to time

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