Just finished pic related

Just finished pic related.
What did I think of it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Same I thought of it.

6/10 game. Becomes a 9/10 when you mute the sword.

you take that back, that voice can melt steel beams

>sword tells me that it loves me
>want to hear it from a person

this game made me get a gf

One of the greatest experiences I've ever had

Attached: transistor.png (1920x1063, 2.66M)

You going to play pyre next?

babbys first tranny game

>tranny game

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>Femoid protagonist
It’s shit. Stop caving to Reddit tranny Zoomer brainwashing.

It was satisfactory.


Yes, tranny game.

bretty gud but not as good as bastion and you're disappointed they robbed you of two boss fights


Elaborate, tell me where the tranny propaganda is.

Yea Forums is an unholy mass of buzzwords and shitty memes now.

Transistor is just a worse retread of Bastion. Worse combat, worse story, worse worldbuilding, worse main character and motivations.

Bastion > Pyre > Transistor

Attached: Bastion.png (870x535, 916K)

The greatest video game love story ever told

if you want to have a sword that loves you, you should get a bf user

It'd put Transistor over Pyre.
I love much about Pyre, but the gameplay was a disappointment after Bastion and Transistor. It was a pretty dull sports game, nothing more.

Anyone know if Hades is any good?

Attached: hades-h.jpg (2547x1429, 994K)

>Space Jam VN
>better than Transistor

It's good, despite light SJW overtones the gameplay and art direction make it easy to ignore. It's hard to give something so short anything above an 8, but I want to.

you thought it was indie trash
[/spoiler] Metro 2033 [/spoiler]

kill self

What SJW overtones does the game have?

I personally had more fun with the sports gameplay than I initially expected. It was more fun than what Transistor had anyways.

Plus the world was much more fleshed out than Transistor's, and a bunch of characters you had reasons to care about. Choosing who to send home was nice and sorta painful decision to make, it would've been infinitely better if any of it actually changed how the ending went.

I enjoyed Hades, it does get repetitive after a while but that's the nature of the game I guess, plus they're still adding levels to it so I'm holding judgment.

Incomprehensible world building. Riddle me this OP:

>where is the fight between Royce and Red
>what the fuck is the cradle
>what is the spine and why does mr. nobody go crazy near it
>is cloudbank itself inside the transistor, like and endless recursion of matrioskas

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>one of those minor character bios each function has lists their gender as X
>2 of the antagonists are heavily implied to be a married gay couple
>Another antagonist is a lesbian crushing on the MC
Neither of those things have an effect on the actual game but its enough to send some people here into a rage.
Of course I've also seen SJWs complain about how you are opposing a lesbian and gays. How that gay couple has a 20-year age gap and how the biography goes on to call that character "He/Him/His" anyways.

You play as a girl and girl is what trannies want to become

Been my phone's wallpaper since the game came out. Across multiple phones.

gay characters =/= SJW user, especially since it wasn't particularly in your face about it. It didn't feel like virtue signaling, it was just characters.

>lefty SJWs and righty SJWs screeching over minor LGBT shit in a game
sounds about right

>one of those minor character bios each function has lists their gender as X
The tranny is completely irrelevant to the plot.

>2 of the antagonists are heavily implied to be a married gay couple
Asher and Grant being married is not shoved in your face and requires some thought on the players part. SJWs would point out their gayness at every opportunity.

>Another antagonist is a lesbian crushing on the MC
Which starts a chain of events that ends with the destruction of their entire world and the death of all Camerata members.

Yes, Hades is great.
I'd rank it as their best title yet in terms of gameplay. Get it once it's out of early access, however. While it's already really polished, some of the characters still have placeholder art as portraits. The updates are substantial, but slow, so you don't really gain much from opting in now.

>tranny defense force

What were Yea Forums's opinion on pyre? I missed out but I just fucking finished it and the game's a solid 8.
Is hades worth a pirate yet or should I wait?

Fun game, but it needed more bosses. It clearly peaked in the first and the last.

Nigger, I'm a fucking reactionary. But facts are facts. For a studio based in San-Francisco Supergiant Games are as non-SJW as humanly possible. Downright conservative me commiefornia standards. So shut your fucking mouth. My boy Greg is no SJW.

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Hades isnt done yet. Wait until then.

Only played it once. I replayed Bastion and Transistor like 4 times, but thanks to the cyclical nature of the game, it provides little to no replay value. Also worst story of all three games so far. Gameplay was good though. I liked the coping with failure theme a lot.

Liked it more than the other two.

Shitty falseflag.

I loved the visuals and along with the soundtrack it really left an impression. They created a great atmosphere of a city that was falling apart. A situation when everything is going to shit but it is so beautifull you aren't even hopeless because of it.

Shut up, Tohsaka Rin.

Holy shit, I thought I was a hatefull and petty conspiracy minded nutjob, but you clearly outrank me.

>tfw why do I hesitate
Name a better antagonist.

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>I liked the coping with failure theme a lot.
Me too, tried it out on true-nightwing mode and I fucking lost 3 liberations, FUCK DOGS AND FUCK HARPIES AND FUCK SWAMP NIGGERS MY GOD.
I literally can't, he's a god-tier antagonist and he deserves his goddamn happy ending.

Wasn't as good as bastion but almost nothing is, story was a little 2deep4u, too much vague shit left open to interpretation.
Overall good though, would reccomend.

I just hated the NBA jam gameplay too much, dropped it like 30-40% in and haven't picked it up yet.
I was intrigued by the oregon trial part of the game, but not enough.

>tfw you need to lose the final boss in order to get a perfect ending. Fuck you, Greg.

Transistor > Bastion desu
At least for gameplay, in Bastion most of the weapons felt pretty samey to me but each of the chips in transistor played in a different way and the system of upgrading the chips in transistor felt better.
Also the final boss was delicious.

Bastions story and themes are on such a high level of kino that no other game can reach near it, but yeah: In terms of gameplay Transistor wipes the floor with Bastion, even though it's an even bigger mess mechanically.

Dude, it has "trans" right in the name

>a maybe-interesting bit of trivia is the game also handles the case if you go through the entire story never even having met Sandra. She is the only epilogue character who is technically optional -- or rather, meeting her in the narrative is optional, since you do face her in the practice Rite at the very beginning. So in this case, she appears masked in the epilogue and her outcome is more ambiguous, from the point of view of a Reader who never got an introduction to her. I had iterations where she simply didn't appear in the epilogue at all, but that proved to have more problems. I'm not sure anyone has played through this way for real but we did decide to make the Beyonder Crystal completely elective, so it had to be done!
Pyre really accounts for so many variables. I wonder exactly how many versions of the epilogue exist.

Attached: blinded laughing assassin lady.png (541x960, 369K)

I agree,
but How about... Me

Wow, I remember this shitposting about "trans"istor from early 2014. A lot of shit has happened since then, hasn't it?

>where is the fight between Royce and Red
Inside the Transistor itself. Two users vied for administrative control of the Transistor and only one was allowed to emerge. The other was processed.
>what the fuck is the cradle
The sheath for the Transistor. When the Transistor is in the Cradle, the master of the Transistor can control the Process.
>what is the spine and why does mr. nobody go crazy near it
A really fucking big Process. Named after a song Red sung. There are multiple of them.
>is cloudbank itself inside the transistor, like and endless recursion of matrioskas
Cloudbank is not inside the Transistor, but it may be inside a computer. Inside the Transistor is the "Country", ie Cloudbank's idealized afterlife. All who were slain by the Transistor and absorbed by it get to meet again within it. Everyone else is just dead.

The Royce fight would be a lot better if both Red and Royce could interrupt each others Turns

>Inside the Transistor itself. Two users vied for administrative control of the Transistor and only one was allowed to emerge. The other was processed.
If that is the case, why does the inside of the Transistor look like the "Country" (same red barn and everything) with a bunch of Transistors in the background? Also they can't be in the Transistor because according to Royce it's just a blank void you can't get out of.

>The sheath for the Transistor. When the Transistor is in the Cradle, the master of the Transistor can control the Process.
Then why does it look like a bigger orange Transistor?

The environment within the Transistor is shaped by its occupants, as seen in the ending when Red commits suicide and reunites with Mr. Nobody. And her fight with Royce was special because of two users with administrative control fighting over it. That shouldn't normally happen.

Ask the Process, not me.

Why does a sheath for a sword look like a bigger sword?

Okay then, riddle me this: If you go for new game plus, why is Mr. Nobodies first line "Hey, Red. We are not going to get away with this, are we?" Spoken by Royce instead of him?

Supergiant being spoooky.
I did like NG+2 to get all the achievements because I liked the game so much when it came out, but I can't tell you what that means.

This is just about how every transistor thread ends up.
i really hate how they left so much story and worldbuilding open to interpretation.

more like truefag, amirite

Well just remember the ending
Pretty fucking obvious joke there

Mr. Nobody is Royce who slipped from another timeline, got swole and smoked too many cigs

>i really hate how they left so much story and worldbuilding open to interpretation.
They even tease you with it. After you come out of the final back door, Royce says. "...and that is what I believe to be the true function of the Transistor. It's true Nature". So we only get the end of an elaborate explanation of all the wonky metaphysics. Mr. Nobody even says: "Wait, could you repeat that?". But Royce can't hear him because Red is only able to hear him from inside because she was close to him. And Red herself has no voice, so they have no way of telling Royce they missed the memo.

I've listened to countless Interviews with the devs for all their games. When it comes to composing songs and shit for the game, they work off of a design document written by Greg that contains all the world building and lore. Somewhere in their office must be a file which contains the entire world building of Transistor and the answer to our questions. Would be a shame if somebody hacked into their severs and leaked it, wouldn't it?
How is that a joke?

Fuck the dog enemies. How do you cheese them in some of those challenge rooms?

I remember finding Transistor's combat really awkward. I found many of the skills weren't efficient at dispatching enemies, especially when they started getting upgrades, and that was NOT a winning combination in a game where you need to grind the same skill in each of the three slot to unlock its backstory and then shelve it. I read some people deepthroat turn() but I really didn't feel it or the characters, and especially not having two of the camarilla just leave logs and suicide.

In contrast, Pyre was less annoying to go through even with stars on, was less clunky because it was 100% real time, you had a bigger cast of characters I mostly liked, and the ascension choice/failure was a neater way to shelve your used team members.

Use Help() yourself. It's an utterly broken Function. Fetch()s are amazing.

Literally what I came in here to post. Jesus the motherfucker NEVER shuts up. Give it a fucking twitter account so it can opine silently instead of comment on every goddamn thing.

>That room with all the Youngladys and Badcells
>Nobody tells you to just sneak through
>Says you scare him if you decide to kill them all

>the main pair of characters are a loving normal couple stuck in a middle of tragedy
>antagonists are two faggots, lesbian and an autist
>they are the ones who has invoked the tragedy and it all happened because the lesbian got jealous
I still can't believe this game never got SJW shit storm surrounding it because it literally spits in their faces

Attached: 1547184407672.jpg (210x175, 9K)

Easy to see, surface level stuff gets the shitstorm. That lies true for Twitter, Yea Forums, wherever, You actually had to play the game to see the plot of Transistor, because you can only get it by upgrading your functions and reading the backstories and listening to dialog.

Bastion is the weakest supergiant game

I diagnose you with shit taste, user.

Attached: 1439946014344.jpg (320x304, 32K)

>1 button weapons
>Spammy safe defensive options
>Shit collision detection on the edge of the world
>Like 4 enemy types
It's undercooked ass compared to Transistor and Pyre.

>playing supergiant games for their gameplay
That's like saying MGS1 is dogshit because it is clunky as hell and best played on the minimap. This may be true, but that's not why people love the game.

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>combat needs to be complicated to be satisfying

Even if you disagree about the combat, the story, world, character development, and music were all absolutely godlike. Leagues above what Transistor had to offer.

>playing supergiant games for their gameplay
This is the sort of backwards thinking only a bastionfag could produce.
The mechanics of transistor and Pyre are up to par with the story art and music. Only Bastion falters in that regard. Pleb harder.

It's funny how the Portal turrets were such a goddamn upgrade to the standard turrets that I'd always use them as my subweapon in the Who Knows Where challenges. They're really goddamn strong.

>Dime a dozen WW2 analogy
>Leagues above anything
Bastion has been utterly outclassed by Transistor and Pyre. It has no claims to be the best at anything in the supergiant lineup.

Bastion has nothing to do with WW2. It's more of a frontier colonial story with a cold war gone wrong on top of that.

Transistor > Bastion > Hades > Pyre
Pyre > Transistor > Bastion > Hades
Hades > Transistor > Bastion > Pyre

That's pretty cool.

Attached: 943928598439.png (560x351, 328K)

Hades is just sort of a game game.

The Ura are the Japanese and the calamity was a nuclear explosion. You're an idiot trying to play smart.

The story of bastion is applicable to many wars.
There's clear colonization elements as well with the Caelondians being outsiders and disrupting Ura homes.


a waste

But they are also redskins and Cealondians are Europeans colonized their land. Turn on your brain. Just because Ura (裏) is a Japanese word, doesn't mean the plot is a fucking WW2 analogy. The Ura are clearly a savage native people with inferior tech and not an expansionist empire like Imperial Japan. Fucking moron.

fine, ill finally play this. what am i in for?

You know I'd be down for a Bastion sequel detailing the Bastion and its occupants journeying across the world to find their origins like Rucks said they would. Evacuation was the better ending anyway.

The ura are pale white with black hair across the board, like Japanese people. They share no similarities with native Americans

Holy shit. Imagine being THIS dense. They don't have to look like indians to be an analogy for them, you colossal dipshit. Lmao.

>New Game Restoration -> New Game+ Evacuation
Is this the definitive way to experience Bastion?

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Evacuation is the good ending, yes. Because it embodies moving on with your life, instead of hanging onto the past with sad feelings. . But a direct sequel would undo all that. If they ever make another game in this universe, how about in a pre-calamity Cealondia?

That's what I did. Absolute kino.
Cealondia, we are coming home.
There is no going back. But maybe we can go... wherever we please

Confusing world building and deep mechanics.

Attached: the beginning.png (730x630, 625K)

The beauty of Transistor is that every loose end is answered, you just have to dive really deep in to the game and think about it a lot. Once you figure out why Nobody says that, you're pretty close to understanding the game.
Remember: when everything changes, nothing changes.

Please tell me. For the love of god. I've been trying to understand this shit for like half a decade.

If you didn't appreciate the music you're a dumb cunt.


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>tfw Pyre gives you those feel-good emotions about going on a long journey with someone and banding together towards some greater purpose
>There is 0 story for 50% of the game where you're basically going through an NBA season mode and messing around with all the brackets

What are you confused about?

That's me with Blitzball in FFX. Some part of me utterly despises it and just wants to get the good rewards from it, the other half of me actually enjoys the damn sportsball game.

Good list, I can get behind that

youre silly bro

See and Basically, why the fuck does the arena for the final fight look like the country at the end? Is the country death or just the real world, etc? Why is Mr. Nobodies first line "Hey, Red. We are not going to get away with this, are we?" Spoken by Royce instead of him on NG+? Why does the Spine cause the Transistor to go crazy? It almost seems like Cloudbank is running on the Transistor, which is itself inside of cloudbank. What is the thematic significance of the spine concerning Red's and nobodies relationship, which all the stuff about breaking it's heart and such?

That's like 10% of the questions I have about this game.

I'll give you some hints:
>the line is triggered on entering NG+, this basically confirms that NG+ exists within the diegesis of the game, and the characters are, to some degree, aware of it
>in the final battle with Royce, activating turn() reveals human silhouettes in the little chambers, there are exactly as many chambers as there are usable functions for Red
>when everything changes, nothing changes


Which Supergiant Games game has the best music?

I'm sure most of you would say Pyre but Bastion really resonated with me to the point where I learned how to play one of the songs.

Attached: yrfj.png (449x642, 499K)

There is no correct answer for any of it.
it's all left vague, unsanswered and 2deep4u so everyone thinks up their own theories and plots.

What do you think the answers are to your questions, because you're not wrong, And everyone who has a different theory is not wrong either, nobody can be wrong, because there is no right answer and there never will be.

>in the final battle with Royce, activating turn() reveals human silhouettes in the little chambers, there are exactly as many chambers as there are usable functions for Red
No shit. But that could either imply that we are inside the Transistor, or in the outside world and those banks are like those human batteries from the Matrix. Hell, maybe even both at the same time.

So please tell me what is the difference between:

1. The Country
2. The Real World outside of cloudbank
3. Inside the Transitor
4. The place where you fight Royce

Are all those 4 places the same thing?

>>the line is triggered on entering NG+, this basically confirms that NG+ exists within the diegesis of the game, and the characters are, to some degree, aware of it
Which implies that NG+ happens inside the Transistor world which Red absorbs herself at the end of the game. But that makes no sense. Are the NG+ Red and Nobody the same as NG? Are they the only people after the events of the finale and act like Adam and Eve for the new Cloudbank inside the Transistor?

>when everything changes, nothing changes
The creed of the Camerata. Grant was fed up with the cyclical nature of politics and Royce with the cyclical nature of architecture trends. Together they tried rewriting the world to create true novelty, but how does that explain any of the metaphysics?

>because there is no right answer and there never will be.
There is one and Greg knows it.

I have absolutely no idea. They're all super good.

>Basically, why the fuck does the arena for the final fight look like the country at the end?
How do you know what the country looks like?
>Is the country death or just the real world, etc?
Concepts like death and the real world stopped mattering long before the events of the game.
>It almost seems like Cloudbank is running on the Transistor, which is itself inside of cloudbank
You're on to something here.
>Why does the Spine cause the Transistor to go crazy?
>What is the thematic significance of the spine concerning Red's and nobodies relationship, which all the stuff about breaking it's heart and such?
"The Spine of the World" is a song written by Red, the creature you encounter in the game is simply named after the song. There's a huge number of clues in the lyrics of that song. There's a huge number of clues in all of the songs with lyrics, actually. It's what I love about this game, the songs exist within the story and they help explain it.

>The Country
This is Cloudbank's euphemism for the afterlife.
>The Real World outside of cloudbank
Does it even exist...?
>Inside the Transitor
A world created by its inhabitants.
>The place where you fight Royce
Inside the Transistor, surface level. Before the point of no return.

Sybil was cool. Doggo is a good doggo.

>How do you know what the country looks like?
I'll assume it has a lot of Rye, based on the game over screen, which fits the final shot with Red and Nobody in the field in front of the red barn, which also fits the fight against Royce.

You thought it was nice to play a game with a non-uglified main character.

I was hard into wanting to make the Pyre Book of Rites. I love the style of it and the golden lettering as well as art.

>Implies NG+ is inside the transistor
Nah. But it definitely implies that the Royce who was absorbed into the transistor has seen this all before. Like when you've seen a movie enough times to know every line. "For you." and all that.

Holy shit, you understand the theme of the actual songs? How? The game describes Red's music as political and controversial and we just don't have enough info about cloudbank to make sense of those lyrics. So please tell me, what is the theme of the spine song and how does it tie in with the Spine boss. I assume nobody names it after the song because of a thematic link. But what exactly is that link? Please, for the love of god, tell me. I've been thinking about this shit for 5 years.

there are clues bro let me just give you some random "hints" and ask rhetorical questions to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about without actually saying anything of substance

actual autist

You loved it. You know have a crush on Red but you're embarrassed to tell your family that you've fallen in love with a fictional video game character.
You are now considering running away from home with a cutout you had printed of Red. When you go to bed, you can hear her singing, just for you.
Then you realize that you can't marry a fictional character so you set out to become a better person. You start working out and dressing well with a nice job. You finally decide to talk to that cute redhead you see at the coffee shop. She'll say she also sings. You'll call her Red as a cute nickname and she'll love it.
Also the combat was interesting. Took a while to get used to it but it was fun.

Attached: red-transistor-game-hd-wallpaper-1920x1080-5597.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>Do I fit in yet guys?

Oh, yeah, the Book of Rites was definitely kickass. If there was ever a Supergiant Games collection they would be missing out if they didn't include a physical Book of Rites.

I skimmed through the book ingame too, so I'd probably be reading the book while in bed too

Yeah. If you really understand this game as much as you claim to, spill the beans already instead of dropping hints and playing hard to get.

It's not when you get there, it's always the climb. But I won't save you.
>The country
A fiction for the denizens of Cloudbank. Doesn't actually exist.
>The real world
No info about this is provided by the game, it's also entirely irrelevant to the game.
>Inside the Transistor
The whole game is here.
>The place where you fight Royce
The closest you get to not being inside of the Transistor.
>Are the NG+ Red and Nobody the same as NG?
Yes, absolutely yes, same goes for all others.
>Are they the only people after the events of the finale and act like Adam and Eve for the new Cloudbank inside the Transistor?
No, but you're getting warmer with this idea.
>how does that explain any of the metaphysics?
The Cameratta figured it out, it's why they commit sudoku before Red arrives, and figuring out the puzzle is their role in all of this. Notice how the more a character seems to know about what's going on, the longer they make it in the story.

Interesting take, hints on Royce having a bigger role than it seems
Also, he's the only case when you get his function while he's still alive
Also also, why is he even fighting you inside the Transistor? How did he get there? Just by proximity? He didn't have any connection to it at the time.

my guess is that it's what happens when two superusers are "active" on a Transistor at once
when the transistor is returned to the cradle, Royce regains admin rights but the Transistor doesn't allow for it, so it teleports them into a sort of "admin mode" if you go by the computer sim line of thinking where they can suss it out
or something

Royce still had administrator privileges over it too. Sybil accidentally transferred hers to Red when she tried to kill Mr. Nobody.

>accidentally transferred
viewed it more as the Transistor getting datafucked attempted to scan Mr. Nobody(since his Trace was impossible to categorize,) and then Red was simply the very first person who touched it + the side effect from the no survey Trace let Mr. Nobody have a connection to Cloudbank while in the Country

Was Mr. Nobody a NEET?

I don't know how Supergiant does it. Art is always on point, easily in the top 5 in the entire industry, with Transistor having the most beautiful art style I've ever seen, soundtrack is always amazing with some incredible highlights like Build that Wall or Paper Boats, voice acting it goes without saying, Bastion practically sold itself on the narrator, gameplay is always experimental in some really cool way, writing is engrossing, characters are complex and endearing. How the fuck do they do it?

Attached: red.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Well yes, but that same process allowed the Process to run wild and start reverting the city back to its default configuration. Sybil fucked it up.

>Bastion practically sold itself on the narrator
I'm gonna have to say no on this. Starbound has the same voice actor for its narrator and I just could not get into that. Bastion sold itself on the narrator, story, artstyle, music, and gameplay. All things that made a good game.

Alright, well the spinal cord is an essential part of anatomy for any vertebrate. It relays messages to and from the control center. Red's making anatomical analogies with this song:
>It's just skin and bones
>Nothing inside
>Sleeping alone
>Fingers tied themselves in knots around the heart
>It beats in time
So we've got an empty shell here, with other entities seeming to intermingle around the organ that powers its body.
>I see the spine of the world
>Sparkle and shine, light the inside
>I see the spine of the world
>I know it's mine, twisted and tied
Red can see the spine, in other words she is coming to understand the nature of life in Cloudbank. Not only that, but by seeing it, she is now the owner. I could do this for the rest of the song, but it's going to take a lot more time than it's worth.
To skip past a bunch of incremental inductions, it goes like this: since everything physical can be changed in Cloudbank, does anybody actually have any power? The answer is yes, artists do, because they can actually change the mind of others. The only way to genuinely impact Cloudbank is to change what others think. Art is one of the most powerful ways to do this, and as one of Cloudbank's most renowned and talented artists, Red is the closest thing (as far as she knows) to a god. The lyrics of all of her songs, and especially this one, is her slowly realizing and coming to grips with her place in this. She very carefully chooses the spine, though, because she doesn't seem to understand where the head is or what the body does. She only sees the paths between the two: the spine. An empty shell that lights up when people take action within it.
>Watch it break
>If we get closer
>Much closer
Her fear when she wrote this song is that spreading this message might radically change things for the worse, but it turned out to be prophetic in a different way.

Anyone else went with the kino ending of spending all of eternity fucking the chick in the book who trains you?

I'm not trying to say that Bastion didn't have anything else going for it, obviously, but the first time I heard about it was from people saying that Ruckus was like a smooth chocolate during a summer breeze. People obviously praised every single aspect of the game but the narrator, since he was the only voice in the game, which was a genius choice, really makes him stand out.

Zia talking in the end made it even better

>Hints on Royce having a bigger role than it seems
His name is literally Bracket. As in [()]. Which is pretty fucking suspect in a game with so many programming themes. And Royce's role has never seemed minor. It's only his presence that seems lacking. For all intents and purposes, he is literally the beginning and end of all that happens plotwise in the game.

>His name is literally Bracket. As in [()]
>he is literally the beginning and end
This is some advanced pottery

>mfw the entire narration is just rucks telling Zia how they got to this point, while the kid is on the final mission. And then get kid returns and the narration catches up with present
Absolute kino.


I'm fucking loving this thread. Supergiant are master kino creators. I'm jealous that nothing I'll ever make will come close to this level of kino.

>Art is one of the most powerful ways to do this, and as one of Cloudbank's most renowned and talented artists, Red is the closest thing (as far as she knows) to a god. The lyrics of all of her songs, and especially this one, is her slowly realizing and coming to grips with her place in this.

All her songs are from her career as a singer from before of the events of the game. She lost her voice, remember? How can the songs be her way of dealing with the events of the game? She is mute.

Someone recommend music that has the same sound/feel of this game.

>a bastion circle jerk on Yea Forums of all places
I never thought I'd see the day. Back in 2014, people here shat on Supergiant and called them pretentious. I love all of you

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>Supergiant are master kino creators.
When Greg said: "I want to make games as good as FFVI. I want to make games as good as Planescape Torment" at his GDC talk, he really meant it.

>All her songs are from her career as a singer from before of the events of the game
That's exactly what I'm saying. IIRC The Spine was written before the Camaratta started targeting her, and it's what put her on their radar.

Brainlet. This is the CRUX of the sociological commentary and controversy that is mentioned about Red's music. It's a statement about Cloudbank that is repeated in-game by other sources a few times over. It's not about the transistor you ninny.

Ah, I see. That actually makes sense. So basically being an artist and all Red kinda has the powers that the Transistor has, but in a less direct way? Is the Transitor only capable of reshaping Cloudbank because it absorbed Red's voice. Holy shit, thank you so much user.

Would you have enjoyed this moment as much if I had just told you the answers?
I fucking love this game, dude. It's ambiguous as fuck, to the point where most that play it don't have a clue about what's going on, but EVERYTHING is explained somehow if you dive in to it. Unwinding the narrative and themes is its own game in itself. In my eyes it's masterpiece level writing, rivaled by few other games. That's why I try to be a bit cryptic in Transistor discussions, it's way more fun to think about and unravel yourself.

It's not just that. The Camerata were targeting high-profile figures within Cloudbank to add to its own creative process when reshaping the city. Look through all the Traces you get, they're all of figures with high skill in their chosen fields, save for Mr. Nobody, the sole anomaly processed into it. Red's singing and influential ability through her songs were what lead Sybil to point her out to the Camerata, and then she conspired to kill Mr. Nobody so she could have Red instead.

That didn't work out, so Red was partially processed and lost her voice, but gained Sybil's administrative privileges over the Transistor in exchange. Remember the stage with the audience full of Cluckers? Even though it is their job to run wild and deconstruct the city, the Process still sees Red as their admin.

God bless them. They somehow wrangled up just the right people to make some of my favorite games. As far as I'm concerned, they're up there with Team Silent for relatively small teams who are just a perfect match for each other.

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I literally have that figurine. It's quite fragile.

A good game, but personally my least favorite of the three SG games.

>Space Jam VN

Yeah, that makes it better than 99.9% of all other games.

>teams who are just a perfect match for each other.
My dream is to have a bunch of people that I just click with to make games. I hope they are aware of that insane privilege and never stop making shit together.

What are you doing to it, user? You wouldn't do anything lewd to Red now would you?
Whenever life decides to smile on me and I actually get some nice paying job, I'm definitely going to try and get this figurine.

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Are... Are you gonna cum on it?

So, how does that relate to mr nobody and the heart?

Red is too pure for that, I'd never. I'll just wallow in misery knowing I'll never find that special redhead who has an amazing singing voice.

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That's the dream. I once tried to get my own dream team. Things went fucking nuclear fast.

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Haha. Same. Been trying to make games with my friends since I was 13. I'm 24 now and people still bail on me because they can't stand my over ambitious idea faggotry, or are just not as passionate about games as I am. Maybe one day. What is your skill user? I'm a fucking C++ expert. If you can do art, maybe we should make a shitty game together?

Let's see.
>The Spine is a song about Cloudbank's social structure and the power of influence and art
>The Spine is a gigantic process that spews out processes and brings Nobody closer to a "death" state the closer the transistor gets
Two totally unrelated things, really.I guess a lame brainlet explanation (i.e. mine) is that the closer Red gets to a "godly" state the further she gets from him, which ties into the ending.

What did Mr. Nobody have left? What did the Transistor steal from Red? As for the spine/heart, you have to understand what the process is. Here's a big hint:
>at the start of the game, the process is basic geometric shapes that look very alien
>over the course of the game, it continuously takes on more and more biological traits

user, I'm high as fuck and I need to go to sleep. I have finals and it's fucking 2AM. If you want to tell me, tell me now.

When Nobody first feels its presence, he says, "The spine of the world..." in a way that implies he is struck by how uncannily similar the impression he's getting and the song are. Thematically, Supergiant chose to leave him nameless. Note how he's inside the Transistor yet not granting Red a function. None of this is coincidence.

While were at it, explain how "In Circles" relates to Sybil.

I loved Bastion and Transistor to the point I bought their soundtrack, but Pyre didn't interested me much so I skipped it. Looking at this thread, maybe I should give it a try one of these days.
Hades interests me a lot, but I prefer to wait to the end of EA.

The music is so good.

>What did Mr. Nobody have left? What did the Transistor steal from Red?
A voice. How does that relate to a spine and reds power to influence the world through art? Why does the spine hurt mr nobody?

It was good but relied too much on it's soundtrack, visuals and Royce's narration. The story and world are too tell/read instead of show and experience. Gameplay was really unique compared to Bastion but at least imo not as well refined or fun. I think I was also way too hyped for this game, Bastion was one of my favorites from that year and I so badly wanted Transistor to go above and beyond. But in the end I found it to be style over substance.

I'm also more on the programming side, although when I tried to get my dream team it wasn't even over ambition.
Friend of a friend was the main artist. She had an art style that I really liked, actually reminded me of Supergiant's Hades. Musician was a guy I went to college with, very chill, fun to talk to. Main programmer was a close friend of mine from childhood. I mostly helped implement things in the game but also wrote, helped out on the art when needed and played some instruments with the musician to help the composition.
Individually, I worked amazingly well with each, but they all started to hate each other. Artist hated the musician, musician hated the programmer, programmer hated the artist. It was fucking impossible to sit down with them and actually come up with cool ideas. Half the time I spent trying to work was spent listening to them bitch about one of the other 2. Even though I liked what we were doing, nothing mind blowing or anything, it was too fucking exhausting. I called the whole thing off before I ended up with a mental breakdown.

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It's a boring slog and the voiceover makes you want to gouge out your eardrums.

Trannies love this because they want to larp as a cyberpunk waifu in le cyberpunk art deco city

>Not granting Red a function
user. Not only does he do that, but his function relates to the fact that he shouldn't fucking be there: (Breach).
Anyways, I can't parse what else you're getting at, besides how ironic it is that The Spine is named by Mr. Nobody.

That's pretty simple. Sybil has a huge girl boner for Red. Red knows this, but prefers man boner. In Circles is a personal letter to Sybil.

All of their games sucks ass. "Artsy" shit with no fun and just gayness.

> relied too much on it's soundtrack, visuals and Royce's narration
Not a bad thing when each of those is great. But I do get what you mean. It took me a long time before the gameplay finally clicked. Also around the time I looked up some OP combo but it also made the gameplay more of a chore. Still, I respect Supergiant for how adamant they are with experimenting in their gameplay.

Well, you got further than I ever did. So congrats on that. Even though we are both just programmers, maybe we should still stay in contact. Add me on steam if you agree.


So she literally wrote a song to BTFO her lesbian stalker? That's kinda mean if you think about it.

>love redheads in general
>can't stand Red
am I autism?

Yeah I respect them for not just making Bastion combat again. It was really a fresh take on isometric action rpg combat, but yeah I also found some ridiculous OP combo quite fast and just used that for the whole game. And before you get a few programs, it's ungodly boring. At least Bastion by comparison is just a Zelda type combat so at it's worst it's just top down Zelda with a dodge roll.
I should play it again and go in with a fresh mindset instead of expecting the greatness art game of all time like the first time.

>user. Not only does he do that, but his function relates to the fact that he shouldn't fucking be there: (Breach).
Oh shit, I forgot about that, my bad. You're correct here. Thematically and narratively it makes the same point, though.
The process is one of the most important characters in this game to understand. Read the lyrics of the song, and relate that to what you understand about the process. There's a very good reason he called it The Spine. One hint I'll give is that Nobody's place in the Transistor gives him a little more knowledge than he lets on.

>That's kinda mean if you think about it.
Well did you read her online comments? I mean, before she starts correcting herself

There's a difference between gingers and dyed red though.

I don't remember. What where they?

There's a lot of really fun weapons and combos in Bastion, it's hard to pick just one. I remember when I got the Calamity Cannon, that's all I would use. Now I use different stuff.

So the Transistor contains clouckbank itself and the spine is the literal backbone of the world? Okay, how does that relate to the art stuff again?

I'll be honest, nothing personal but I won't keep in touch. I just never got over that early internet days paranoia of remaining as anonymous as possible, with only people I know in real life having any info on my accounts. It's why Yea Forums is the only place I actually communicate with other people online, no strings attached and all. But hey, I won't give up on my dream team hope and neither should you. Who knows, maybe one day our paths will actually cross in real life and we won't even know it.

The only friends I still have left IRL are all people I've met online.

>Who knows, maybe one day our paths will actually cross in real life and we won't even know it.
You won't, unless you're German. See you in the country.

>So she literally wrote a song to BTFO her lesbian stalker? That's kinda mean if you think about it.
It's a huge part of how she discovered how powerful art is in Cloudbank.

Is Hades' story bad? Supergiant is usually careful about crafting at least decent narratives

Nice interpretation. If you're right: What impact did the song have?

Portuguese here. It's not like my country has a gaming scene so who knows where I land.
See you in the country, friend.

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I could listen to the soundtrack all day.

You're getting there, just look at things a little from a more abstract, metaphorical perspective. The Spine is a song that's an accidental double entendre. She wrote it to describe something personal she was observing, but it ended up being prophetic. Red's place as a somewhat accidental prophet is why she's so integral to this story.

Yeah the further you get in Bastion, the more fun it is. Same case with Transistor sure, but Bastion just has quicker more responsive combat. I remember switching weapons/abilities so damn often. I also think Bastion handled the narrator aspect better. It was odd having Royce talking to someone he knew couldn't respond. Bastion it felt more natural especially when it came full circle. Bastion also has the virtue of being smaller in scope when it concerns the story/world, Transistor felt like it needed to be a longer game, hell some of the "main villains" literally an hero off screen. Just felt sloppy in some aspect when compared to Bastion. But then again Bastion isn't an "indie game" while Transistor is. Definitely didn't walk away with that feeling of finality with Transistor where that whole ending level of Bastion is so memorable and puts a cap stone on the whole experience.
Yeah definitely going to put these on the replay list.

You would think being the 4th largest economy in the world Germany would have a booming gaming industry, but nope!. Our biggest developer conference looks like a small indie congress.

Rejection ate Sybil alive so intensely she literally arranged Red's murder (or at least the closest thing to murder Cloudbank has).

Okay, but that's how things could go jn the real world. No computerized utopia required. Ahh, I get it.

Oh, and the fact that Red made a public spectacle out of it probably fanned those flames.

Explain further. I need to go to sleep, user.

Media in general is always tough to make in Europe. I think part of the problem is the language. Americans making media mainly aimed for americans means a 300 million user base + everyone who understands english, who by this point is pretty much everyone. European countries either default to english and hope for international attention, usually not grasping the subtleties of american culture or the english itself is kinda choppy, or they focus on their own language but the user base is too small for any decent stability. France seems to be the only country that managed to break through, with one of the biggest publishers and several good dev studios.

The spine has a function within the process that is in line with a vertebrate's spine. Relaying information between the body (the rest of the process observed in the game) and the head. The fact that, just with its presence, it affected Nobody (someone inside the Transistor) is a huge clue. The fact that it didn't affect the Transistor itself, Red, or any of her functions is another huge clue.

Still not getting it. Sorry. But please explain further. You've already kept me up for 2 hours.

Huh, never thought about it this way. My English is just pretty good because I stopped consuming localized media when I was 13, after I realized how much was often lost in translations. But I forgot that most Eurofags, even the leftwing internationalist types, have poor English skills. Good enough to watch a film in English, but not good enough to write a novel or a poem.

The process is not there to delete information. It's there to parse it. I love you bb but I'm not going to tell you the answers, as I said earlier part of what makes this game so good is it leaves those questions to ponder. If I gave you the answers, I'd be taking that away from you. It's not the destination, it's the journey and all that.

Literally, unironically, did almost nothing wrong

it's shit
pretty forgettable

I think that's because France knows people like hips.

It's not necessarily a matter of poor english skills, it's simply a matter that our culture isn't based around english. I grew up exclusively with US/UK media and I'd still say I struggle with writing for/as those cultures. It's why America/UK/Ireland/Australia are much more prevalent in general culture than say Germany or Portugal. If I tried to write a Rambo type story, I'd likely end up writing the equivalent of a porn parody of Rambo because there would be a lot of subtitles about the culture that I'd be missing.
And since European culture is heavily influenced by American culture nowadays, if I tried to write about my country's culture, I'd end up writing a knock-off american culture. It's a lose-lose situation.

Bless the french and their unapologetic ways of putting their fetishes into everything.

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Well, I'd argue that German culture is closer to American culture than yours is, simply because we got BTFO in WW2 and occupied by the eternal anglo, which allowed them to spear their memes and cultural ideals. That's what is song "America" by Rammstein is basically complaining about. How American culture invades everything.

Fucking amazing soundtrack on her. Jesus is it ever good.

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Coca cola, and sometimes war

Nigger, it's been 5 years. But thanks anyways.

>the cyclical nature of the game
They're doing this shit yet again? What possesses them to contextualize NG+ for every fucking game they make?

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Not NG+ this time. But a core gameplay loop, where the first iteration fools you into thinking it's the entire game.

Germany is a bit of an exception due to WW2, I'll agree, but it's in the same way the world views Russians due to the cold war. It's the default enemy character. It's either a russian, a german or a very posh british. It's never really about your culture, just the accent.
Also Portugal was one of the biggest pioneers for sea trades and the longest lasting empire, but that's just my patriotism speaking. We're basically a blip on the map nowadays.

>What possesses them to contextualize NG+ for every fucking game they make?
Who doesn't like this? I fucking love when games don't just take some gameplay feature as just a mechanic you're not supposed to think about.

Is that why Japanese games resonate so much with the international market? Because there is a big hint of American culture in them?

That and unapologetic fan service

>game about trying to escape the Tartarus
>feel extremely sad about Hades since he is the only responsible adult in the setting despite all the shit he gets from other gods and his own son

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Part of the appeal is the culture being radically different, with very different ways of problem solving, very particular art style with anime, etc. But yes, most of their franchises that make bank overseas are basically american culture viewed through the eyes of Japan. It's the thing we know mixed with the weird concepts only Japan can come up with.

Same, making NG+ into an actual thing in-game is always a favorite of mine.

Was it this one?

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I liked it in Bastion, but Transistor using that plot beat was disappointing and repetitive. It felt like Transistor's plot was being written partly around accomodating that and I don't think the game or story is any better for including it. Or at least, not so much better that it's worth repeating an ending from your last project.

Maybe I'm forgetting something but I think Transistor was very light on explaining NG+, as in, it doesn't really acknowledge it. In Bastion it's a major end decision, both plot wise and gameplay wise. In Transistor it's basically just NG+ with maybe some hinted at idea. The game has a conclusive end.

I wanted a sequel to Bastion...

Oralech did nothing wrong.



Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!

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Everyone has a right to an opinion, but damn do I disagree.

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He really didn't.

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Got it free and decided to finish it and get the platinum.Main Character is mute and i have to listen to her shitty boyfriend tell me shit stories about red i wanna hear the main character not listen to you bud whats the point in so much character build up if its all wasted on a mute.

Enemy design is dull and the world just looks pretty but no substance felt like a cheap bioshock infinite ending made me wonder why i bothered.Nothing much to do after the first play through.Combat never really reaches the tactical depth that it could do.

Overall a mediocre experience in a dull lifeless world with nothing interesting to say that left little impression on me.I moved on to better games than this filler.

I am continually perplexed by people who hype these games up as an "experience" simply because the art looks nice or the music made them feel sad.Its disingratiating.

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I'm a brainlet, somebody explain Nobody to me. He seems like a normal human bean but hes so anomalous within the context of the game that I feel like I missed something major along the way

Form your own fucking opinion asshole.

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He's Red's boyfriend. In Cloudbank, everyone allocates their interests, jobs, hobbies, etc to their profiles, while Mr. Nobody was still undecided, working things out, so the Transistor partially didn't know what to do when it killed and absorbed his Trace. The error in the scuffle between Nobody, Red, and Sybil caused Red's Trace to be partially absorbed too, depriving her of her voice, but giving her control of the Transistor and sending the Process running wild. Because he's connected to Red, he can see the world outside the Transistor and talk to her, but she can't talk back or him ever return to her.

Amazing game that was way too short.
Also one of the best soundtracks ever that I still listen to when I'm working.

Not him but I didn't realize there was an actual explanation for how the attack took Red's voice.

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>Reds boyfriend didn't fill out his Myspace About Me section so the world ended
Surely there's more to it than that

>dumb esl has shit taste
No surprise there

aw did the user not like your game you half arsedly played once awhile ago that's too bad.

Just a guess but the whole plot with the Camerata was shanking and absorbing influential people and their characteristics into the Transistor to eventually create a world of their own design (i think). Not just to take it into the Transistor, but to also eliminate their influence on the world of others through silencing them.

Nobody didn't have any real characteristics to his profile, so the program they used for shanking and uploading went nuts because it was effectively dividing by zero searching for information that wasn't there. He was literally Nobody.

And I guess that could be why The Process is going apeshit everywhere, searching for his information if they have to tear everything in Cloudbank apart to find it and finish the upload program that was erroneously started on Nobody.

Its been a long while since I've played though.

I thought "dang that was a cool gaem"
but without reading the thread I imagine Yea Forums thought it was poo

>but to also eliminate their influence on the world of others through silencing them.
Ehh. They wanted these people for themselves and because their talents were being wasted in Cloudbank if anything. Rest sounds about right.

It's even sadder when you know the original Greek lore, Zagreus is Zues son that told would kill him so Zues killed his mother before he could be born prompting Hades to save the infant.

There's no fucking SJW overtones just because you have some homos in the game. It's when it's a gay character doing "DUDE DID YOU KNOW I'M GAY? LOOK AT ME BEING GAY. OH MY GOD (VILLAIN) HATES ME CUS IM GAY" that it's fucking obnoxious. Transistor's characters are characters, the fact they're gay/lesbians are just one of many aspects of their personalities