I'm not some virgin

>I'm not some virgin
Dropped. Why the fuck would you make a game about cute girls and then include shit like this?

Attached: dsxf.jpg (3840x2160, 1000K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>this just in: people around the world are suddenly incapable of lying

>claims she's not flustered
>is clearly flustered
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder

Attached: 1566489756301.png (809x5152, 1.46M)

this really says a lot about our society


what word is censored here?

Nice reddit frog/feelfag, faggot

Attached: fuck commies.jpg (461x393, 66K)

Ejaculation Neocortex

please god I'll take ragecomics over this shit christ I hate this

Shes bluffing, you fool


basedjak is the greatest meme to come out of here in years

Why is it that when a woman loses their virginity they are impure and unholy used goods, but a guy bangs 50 chicks and he's a playa with 50 bitches? Why is society ok with that?

no h was a mistake

I'm not okay with either but a guy at least has to put more work in to have sex so it's sort of an achievement.
t. Purityfag

Attached: tsecontempt.png (187x187, 39K)

easier for girl to get laid than men, simple as that.
The key & lock analogy is 100% correct but oddly enough, they won't admit it.
However it's not especially a matter of having 300 dicks or vagina, I wouldn't trust someone who's been in 10+ relationships or fling and expect it to last or to have any significance

What game is this?

Something something, shitty lock.

Attached: 4ab.png (680x535, 529K)

literally who mentioned this lookism shit you freak

She is a virgin though.

Member when joke comics like these were made with generic characters and driven by the dialogue exchange instead of using characters the artist knows the audience is predisposed to hate so they don't actually have to make a joke with the words?

>Newborn infants prefer attractive faces

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Love at first sight is real

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Height is extremely important

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>when surveys are done. Men place attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

Attached: nick-bateman-15730.jpg (666x1000, 75K)

This is why good boards hate dumb frog posters and wojakfags alike.


I mean, there are a bunch of different reasons for it:
>Guys who have lots of sex get to brag about it because it was something 'conquered' rather than two people agreeing to get off
>Guys who don't have a lot of sex don't feel jealous that people are having sex and they aren't
But the big one
>Guys who never have sex get to have a partner who is just as bad at sex as they are, so they get to feel secure
This one is actually twofold, as a lot of guys have a phobia that some dude who is better looking/better at sex/has a bigger dick is going to come along and snatch up their woman. So they do everything they can to make sure that they are the biggest man in her life, in every way possible.

Of course there's the women's side of it too, with the one really big benefit:
>Women are less likely to put themselves in a position of vulnerability, physically and emotionally, with a random guy who they can't fully trust to not abuse/rape/kill them

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Attached: 1566106933185.png (497x410, 41K)

women are responsible for choosing the right guy
men are responsible for being the right guy

choosing is easier than being

Wojak is common on every board except gay ones like Yea Forums with ban happy mods.

Through context clues, you too could figure this out. It shouldn't take too much effort nor time!

Kinda hot, does it continue?

Life's unfair, deal with it. Might as well complain that water makes you wet and fire hurts.

Fuck you I did it myself you fucking nigger it’s utawarerumono

Attached: B018FFC9-895B-4DAD-8FC6-144D477EFEE2.jpg (1024x830, 159K)

Attached: r9k_top.webm (866x813, 2.98M)

Nice OC
I don't think I used that word in a decade.

Attached: 1388892276067.png (951x558, 34K)

>pic says only chin matters
>also shows neck posture mattering
fix you're memes

I would have to imagine you're correct, since that is what I came up with too.

Would you rather I tell you the wrong answer and then we both look like fools?

I love underwater ray romano. Whoever knew putting animal ears on the side of the head turned a good/good into a great/great

Then make better OC you crying cunt.

Attached: cnn hentai.jpg (938x527, 84K)

>wojak edits
ahahaha no

The word "chin" does not appear in that image.

It isn't though, just look at places like /jp/, and even there it's despised.

I would prefer to be lazy and spoon fed every detail

Nice counter text OC faggot.
The new wojack OC is better than what you have contributed to the memosphere.

Attached: 24398579082437590243.gif (157x160, 34K)

Oh. Well you're better for this, then!

At least the kind user continued.

Is there more? I suspect not.

Any more?

>few millimeters of bone
neck posture is not bone and the difference is in centimeters
fix you're memes

This is not what OC means.


Name one good use for a male virgin.
Even in myths gods and creatures wanted female virgins

>if it's not brand new at the very moment then it's not OC

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The point is that she obviously ~is~ a flustered virgin, and it's cute she's trying to cover it up

1. It's harder for guys to get laid
2. Women suffer serious negative consequences for having more partners (more likely to get STDs than non-gay men, twice as likely to have a divorce after 3 partners, more likely to cheat, less likely to be happy)
3. No one wants to be compared to someone else, especially when it comes to something as sensitive as sex

I'm immediately turned off by any woman who has had more than 2 sexual partners. It means either she's bad at keeping men around, or she's bad at choosing men. Neither is a good proposition for me.

Attached: US State tier list.png (1328x709, 27K)

>The new wojack OC is better than what you have contributed to the memosphere.
I think producing nothing's better than a shitty wojak edit

All the good boards have copious Wojak/Pepe usage (Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /fit/, /pol/, Yea Forums, /biz/, [s4s]). Yea Forums and /jp/ have been shitholes since 2013 - 2014.

The only good boards that don't use a lot of Wojaks are /ck/ and /f/, my home board.

Fuck right off. Rage Comics were, and are, fucking cancer for Redditfugees.


>Wojak/Pepe usage
>good board
stop contradicting yourself. a board is not good because of the wojaks it uses.
A board is good despite the constant pressure of the shitposters, if a board can withstand wojak and come out fine then it is a good board. A board drowned in sea of wojak is not good, no matter what metrics you use

seriously tl;dr

Mobage, remake and zan when

No, I'm pretty sure there's a direct correlation. Wojak/Pepe is pretty consistent with oldfaggotry. Boards that have gone through population replacement end up pretty bad.

But the biggest signifier is Spurdo/Gondola usage. I'm not even European, but Finnish posters are the highest quality. Canadians, Australians, and Germans, and the boards they frequent, tend to be shit. As do any boards with a heavy Latin American population (like Yea Forums or /int/).

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She is a virgin. Learn english sentence building you fucking moron.

Utawarerumono trilogy. The first game is on PC and is quite old and the last two are on PS Vita and PS4. It's a really good read.

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>Wojak/Pepe is pretty consistent with oldfaggotry
look at this picture and tell me with a straight face that this is a sign of the poster being an oldfag
pro tip: it's not and will never be.

Attached: random soyjak i took from google images.png (785x1000, 261K)

aw man look at those fluffy ears