Didn't play yugioh in a while

>didn't play yugioh in a while
>Buy this game
>Play offline for a while, get cards
>Play online
>Everyone is a turbo-autist who do like 50 moves in the first turn and play card after card with very long and complicated effects

Wow yugioh is really bad now, how can someone have fun like this?

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Yugioh has been bad for like 15 years.

The fun of it is having the most broken deck. So you either boardwipe, board lock and have 5 negates at turn 1 or stop the enemy on his tracks with a hand trap on his turn 1.

>long and complicated effects
Stop lying OP. Everyone online is playing Sky Strikers and their effects are very straightforward.

Syncro was shit but nothing like those blue cards, having to wait half hour just to see the rival summoning 50 times it's just disgusting

That's the same reason why I almost didn't buy it. Wound up buying it only because I can play with my brother, and we use fun decks - not meta shit - and we've been having a blast.

Not only that but is also a ported mobile game with trash cinematics, you also get less cards and censored cards while you could have been playing Yu-gi-oh Pro for free with uncensored cards and the full library

How is the offline stuff? Is there a fun story mode

This, you can have the most fun playing with friends, ain't nothing wrong being a tryhard playing YGO, but it's boring playing against or being an asshat who summons 10 monsters in a turn that lasts over 20 minutes

5Ds era was the peak of yugioh.
Thank you

Haven't played since GX. Give me a quick rundown on all the new card types that have been introduced since then and why some anons seem to think they're cancerous.

mr4 sucks

>Plays the new handtrap after 5 SS
>Nothing personnel,kid

same request but before GX. The most complex, up to date summon I know is pic related

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Im not sure, but now apparently you can summon a full army on a single turn, including monsters with the effect of being basically immortal with also 3000 attack or more

ever since synchro was introduced you could do that
broken decks always existed

If only it wasn't such a blatant half-assed port of an already crappy game with a shitty interface.
I fucking hate that Konami gives zero shits about anything that isn't mobile trash or gacha shit.

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>it's a "first-turn that lasts more than minutes" episode
I always instantly quit.
Fuck these niggers. All of that to have their cards deleted by my fucking Hyperion.

Why konami doesn't ban this?

>he can't into modern yugioh
What a pleb

I can, i just don't want, it's boring as fuck

>Gemini I think?
I'm not sure if Geminis existed back then. Effect monsters that you basically have to normal summon twice in order to get their usually lackluster effect. They suck, no one uses them. Synchros
White cards. Like fusions but more generic, no polymerization, needs a monster with "tuner" on it to summon. Summoned by using monsters to match the level of the synchro monster to summon it Cancer because faster than fusions
Black cards. Their stars are a rank instead of a level. Instead of tributing monsters to summon it, you stack them, and use them as ammo to activate effects. Usually require 2 monsters of the same level as their rank to summon. Cancer because more versatile and easier to summon than synchros
Monsters that are also spells. Have an effect as a monster and an effect as a spell. Have their own distinct places on the board. They have numbers on the sides of the card. If you have one that says "1" and one that says "8" on opposite sides of the spell/trap zone, you can special summon any monster that doesn't have a specific summoning condition from your hand level 2-7, and also Pendulums from the extra deck, which is what the fusion deck is called now. Cancer because just look at that description
Blue cards but have hexagons unlike rituals.Don't have levels, can't be in defense mode. Came with a rule change that only lets you summon 1 of the other extra deck summoning mechanics at a time unless you use them. Cards have a number on them their -Link level, send that number of monsters to the grave to summon. Cards have arrows on them, any place these arrows point to can now have an extra deck monster summoned to it. You can send 2 link-2 monsters to the grave to summon 1 link 4, for example. Cancer because 2complex now
Otherwise there are now Psychic and Cyberse-type monsters. Otherwise I believe that covers everything

How many more mechanics Konami has to shove into the game so the ADHD kids that play it stay interested?

Was D-Link any good?

t. sub 60 IQ autismo

Which of the PSP and DS games should I play? I'm lost and I'm in the same position as

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Call me when they make a game with cards that only appeared when Yugi was still in the anime all that link shit looks retarded and gay it’s like autists who still play pokemon like nigga grow up

That's just card games in general.
Single-player card games is a lot more fun, even when the AI blatantly cheats at times.

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The issue is in meta. It's why I dropped Duel Links, they're going to just keep adding new card types until everything's cancer again.
I had fun with Altergeists but it's heavily luck based whether I get to play the game or not and it's based on me going first and having my hand be usable to set up everything on that turn so I can negate shit. Most meta decks revolve around using chains of cards in a single turn to floor the board and create an OTK scenario.

you can play it on PSP so it counts

Attached: ps1_yu-gi-oh_forbidden_memories-120314.jpg (640x639, 122K)

>ported mobile game
Duel Links =/= Legacy of the Duelist
Duel Links is Speed Duel Format
LotD is Normal Format