Anyone else unironically hyped?

Anyone else unironically hyped?

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No. Gears 4 was one of the most boring games I've played this gen. I'll check it out because it's on Gamepass but I don't expect anything good out of it.

Nope. I haven't bothered with Gears of War since Judgment. Gears Tactics seems much more interesting than Gears 5.

>Xbox one console exclusive
>Also on steam

I'm hyped to play it coop with my brother but I'm not hyped with the game itself.

based retard


Do people even care about Gears anymore? I sure don't.

I am. I’m even more hyped I can play it day 1 on gamepass and get it discounted if I still want to play it after a month. Gamepass is dope. If it turns out to be shit, no loss.

not hyped but ill play it for free

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Literally where do you even go after 3 that can match the spectacle of the locust war. Everything and everyone is dead except a small handful of people by the end of the trilogy. The entire planet is devastated. Theres almost nothing left. I loved how grim the universe was and how hopeless everything seemed but eventually you hit that wall of where do we go now and anything you dream up just seems stupid. How many ancient slumbering monsters live on Sera?

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Where will it go on the tier?

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Imagine playing Gears of War for the campaign. Don't tell me you read those books too. Nerd!

I don't just by judging on its cover art

Lol I did and you can laugh if you want I was like 17 and obsessed with the military and it was pretty rad for that.

yeah,arcade mode is the most fun i've had with gears for awhile. It's also nice that they're finally addressing the bizarre shit that happened in that lab from gears 2

GoW4 was bland as shit. You gotta be shitting me if anyone expects excitement from this.

Written by Karen Traviss. And she wrote more than one? Good grief.

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>removed "of War" from title
>features female Donte on cover as mc

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I am.
Was also thinking of getting this neat looking resin statue...till it turned out to be $700. lol

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>Imagine playing Gears of War for the campaign.
that's the only thing I play. Gears have one of, if not the, best couch coop campaigns out there. Only autists with no real life buddies disagree.

Why did they change the name to Gears?

yes actually, i like the direction its taking. except arcade mode, fuck that.

Now it gears of emotion, featuring the strong and brave female protagonist as she struggles to find meaning in her life and love (with another woman).

Gears should have stopped at 3

Shortened the title for easier/quicker brand recognition purposes: Gears 5, Gears Pop!, Gears Tactics, etc.

Unironically yes

At first I was gonna give this one a miss because gears 4 campaign was pretty uneventful compared to gears 2 and 3. And with this one from the first trailer I thought they were going in the direction of making a 2deep4u walking sim, but the new trailer sold it for me

Looks pretty good, and idk why but I always loved gears of war versus - versus and horde were the part of gears 4 they got right, so I'm definitely gonna be spending a bit of time BTFOing noobs in versus. The gears of war community is on par with modern warfare 2 and halo 3 in terms of some of the hate messages you get, which is just downright hilarious and always makes my day. And the mexican dudes who can barely speak english sending voice messages is just too good to miss

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Have TC commented on the situation with skins in this one? I wasn't a fan of the goofy paintball skins in 4

>phantom dust

"Gears of War" was too complex of a title


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Cautiously hyped? Gears 4 was a lot of fun. I hadn't touched the series since 3 and I was surprised at how long SP was and how much content there was.

I'm not entirely sure why we are supposed to care about Kat so much but I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

They've already said there won't be anything like that for 5.

not really, but I'll buy it anyways because I'm hispanic. Horde looks semi-interesting again, but we'll see how much of it is locked behind lootbox crap again

I'm pretty hyped. I enjoyed the beta multiplayer and the recent trailer makes me anticipate the continuation of the story. And I got 12 months of ultimate for $1 so I get to play it early.

That'd be fucking great if they actually said anything these past events, but it seems like Msoft and TC want all the focus on this
Latin America does

Is there a bigger chad in gaming?
>swole as fuck
>bursting with testosterone
>badass voice
>makes short work of roided up lizards
>personality is mostly grunting, shouting and shooting
>yells "NICE!" after cutting locust in half with a chainsaw
>strong enough to crush someone's head with his hands
>has no fear
>bangs a 10/10 aryan qt and has an aryan chad son with her
>patrols thots hard, just watch how he kills the locust queen

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It's confirmed there's no gear packs / loot boxes

I think Gears is Mexico's biggest esport

but new york times said she's good!
we should make a thread and exchange tags once it releases, kind of sad that /vg/ died for it, but it was never gonna survive without dedicated autists bringing up the same crap every thread

They still have some sort of system, the supply drop and iron. how the statistics work out remain to be seen though, but I'm hopeful.
for a shooter, definitely. still a lot of fighting games, although i've never seen anyone win anything big

On Steam
Cross platform
Local Multiplayer
No season pass (which probably means that the content on launch and post launch will be paper thin because they cheap the fuck out)
Can't be worse than 4.

Single player with co op &, co-op objective mode, multiplayer mode.

Unironically hyped and I don't even care for the series as much as other shooters.

>turned Gears of all things into wahmen power feminist shit

Even when he isn't the main character.
>survives getting connected to the Swarm when everybody else died
>despite knowing Kait's mom is good as dead, he fights off hordes of the Swarm so she can see her one last time
>is the only one to give advice to Kait about the visions she's having

I'll play it if they reverted that shitty Red Omen back to how it was in Gears 4

my gf's brother is working on the game and he's saying it's GoW2 level good

oh no

It's objectively the best one


not an argument

While I have to agree the Gears 2 maps were amazing, the gameplay suffered a lot.
It took 3 major title updates until the Gnasher felt right.
It also had slower movement speeds making combat sluggish and felt laggy.
The hammerburst was still a shitty 3-burst instead of 3's godly single fire.

fuck, i had forgotten about this, I'll power through and adapt, but that design is fuck ugly and obscures too damn much.

gow2 is fun as fuck, but damn, did it have problems at the end of its life cycle

Yes 4 was dumb fun and it's coming to gamepass, it'll be fun to play something trashy for a few hours.

>Know gamers hate women
>Put woman front and center on your box art
Literally asking for it to fail.

too bad they fucked it up with three more title updates. and I'm pretty sure 2 had single fire hammy, but plebs couldn't handle it and they changed it to burst fire for 4.

Incels don't play gow anyway

Gamers don't hate women. They hate bad character she's a terrible character.


honest opinions guys, how did everyone enjoy/not enjoy the tech test? I thought the maps were a step up from Gears 4, but I doubt we'll see the quality of the original trilogy come back. new weapons seem pretty cool, but the real problem seems like the lack of modes again, but that seems like a problem Gears has had series long

you have to have character to be terrible, her, del and jd have zero character, and JD finally looks interesting but they've switched everything over to her.

What sort of bugs me about this game is the "wall bouncing" in multiplayer. The devs never meant for it to be used like it is, correct?

user, the hammerburst was semi auto in both gears 2 and 3.

Hell yeah baby although, i think TC fucks up every rule that EPIC set up in the past
Making Kait to be the main character now and putting the Fenix family to the side is lame and feels like catering to fag SJWS


Aside from the fact that people mostly play Gears for the multiplayer and Kait is one of the most, if not the most, selected character in multiplayer.

cool by me, I hate the character, so others choosing her makes it easy to put her down