Ruining a franchise

I work on a major gaming franchise that is about to be ruined because management wants us to follow fortnite and appeal to generation z by being more "fun" and "inclusive". Expect something from your childhood ruined in a about 12 months.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Drop some names you fucking goon

Nope, industry too small.

pussy. tell us.

Is it the Elder Scrolls?

>Expect something from your childhood ruined in a about 12 months.

Whats new about this? Something else from my childhood is ruined every other month.

Nice thread

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Can you describe what your company is like?

It better not be Perfect Dark.

Most likely you'll see at E3 2020, it looks like we're forced to announce that early (Production is short). It's really crazy though, because lots of people on the team know exactly what fans want and we did market testing that showed exactly that. But highers ups want it to "appeal to a new audience". We were arguing for a new brand but old brand is free marketing money for them. So. Well.

give hints

crash bandicoot battle royale

Can you please give us a less vague and ambiguous hint than this?

Fucking this--what hasn't been ruined by corporate greed. Fucking Disney going full-retard with old IP's.

At the moment divided in the middle. There is some people who want to make a grown up game and do it right and others who go "but we have to sell skins/mtx/bs - we're not the target audience anymore" Which is total BS, because our competitors are still making those kind of games - for which we get "since they already saturated that market we have to do sth different"

Bros. It looks like Chess 2 won't be what we hoped for.

>something from your childhood
lol who gives a shit then.

Can you give us a list of random IPs, but in that list have your IP in there?
Just list off like 15 random names and put yours in there somewhere

Can you do anything to stop them from ruining it? Advice them non stop? Or will it cost you your job?

Well at the moment it's still around, it's just that old.

Mommy issues?

how old are we talking?

Okay here's a hint:
Fuck off I don't want to lose my job

There has been a wave of old-timers who already left, so that seems to be the only way. We're still fighting for the game at the moment, but ultimatly it's our direct bosses who are against us.

So then you're full of shit

>There has been a wave of old-timers who already left
Oh, it's blizzard, you're talking about Diablo. Not surprising, the design of Diablo is naturally suited to lootboxes and micro-transactions.

Tomb raider?

Is it a remake or a sequel?

Kys cuck

It's definetly in that league. One last resort would be to leak material (like the deadpool team did) to test the water early. Can go either way.

Advance Wars turned into a shitty battle Royale. Thanks OP

then why are you name fagging?

fake and gay


Beyond good and evil?

Chess 0th Hour?

Just say the developer you work for
What could possibly go wrong?

Is not me.

Eastern or Western title?

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These aren’t my posts by the way guys.

Acti-Blizzard has almost 10,000 employees. Your secret about Starcraft and Diablo being ruined is safe with us.

This isn't me

That blows, thanks for trying to make a difference though...hope your bosses learn the hard way, though hopefully not at the cost of you and your team.

>another ebin leak thread where the OP is too stupid to use a trip
well at least there will be some funny jokes

Could be Rare with Banjo Kazooie
Rare technically exists, despite literally being a shell of its former self
Smash Bros might have been a way for them to gauge the reception, but companies don't realize that initial hype doesn't guarantee sales. Just look at Nuts and Bolts.

I mean, remember fucking that weird Conker vaporeware game? Microsoft's depravity knows no bounds.

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Well, you might as well cause confusion, because I'm not going to risk my job. But you can expect a lot more female characters, furry costumes and emote dances were previously there were none.

Please stop impersonating me, I'm trying to share a secret.

Stop impersonating me.


it ain't me
it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate son

Okay I'll spill the beans.
Introducing.: Mario vs. Sonic Battle Royale coming Spring 2021

Guys I have a deep "Insider Secret" to reveal

Nothing specific but...

**A sequel to a major franchise will be released in the next 12 months**

Shocking, I know...

just a question, I want to confirm something that probably has nothing to do with your identity, what made you choose the name noko?

These posts aren't mine.

Welp, there goes an interesting thread

Fine, if you faggots need a hint heres a hint.
The name of the company i work for begins with the Letter E.

Then stop trying to act like some half-ass Internet celebrity when you're actually complying with an NDA

No one gives a shit otherwise
>Hey guys, I got a secret!
>Sorry, but I can't say shit about it except it [insert widely accepted sentiment here]

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Hey guys just want to report back in that my job also requires that I suck dick, all day. But you know what they say about work, it's not a job if you enjoy it!

The ONE time a nigga should just use a tripcode. And he's a namefag instead

do it
not me

Tbh, I just need to vent, I just had another thing rejected because it was not "GenZ" enough. Sorry. Any constructive ideas would be helpfull though.

Epic Games?
Is that you, Tim?

good thread

It is for me, I already feel better

You want the truth?
Death Stranding is actually Silent Hills

No it isn't. But if you work in the industry and meet someone from Guerrilla, they can tell you some stories about him over beer

>Drop some names
Thread should've ended there.

This is not to inform you about the game itself, this is to show a bit what's happening behind closed doors without you every hearing about it. Industry is crazy.

Technically you're not breaking an NDA if people come to their own conclusions.

For example
>It's by a company that many of its old-timer devs have already left
Is actually a really good hint, but vague enough that it could be several companies.
Again, if you wanna be a leak-fag. you're going to have to give us more to work off of, because technically your first could still be several different companies, especially considering most people don't have intimate knowledge of devs outside of shitty celebrity ones.

Like, technically you could tell us what kind of game it is without actually disclosing the IP. But then again, it's all up to what you fucking agreed to in your NDA. You can break some NDA's by simply saying you're in an NDA.

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I did now if it helps

What the fuck are you afraid of? Some NDA?
You're anonymous here and the archives are busted so how will they even trace it to you?

No, there’s absolutely no way to know who the op is now.

Oh I'm not interested in leaking anything. NDA Breakers don't get re-hired in the industry. You might as well apply at Kotaku afterwards.

Most importantly I want to let you guys know that devs are not a uniform group usually - and no matter if it goes one way, another way or becomes a mangled compromise, we know exactly what kind of product we're releasing in the end. It just can be very frustrating if the differences are that big.

No shit Sherlock
what's fucking new

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what are you talking about? classic wow already launched.

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Like my childhood wasn't ruined already by everything these days.
One more who cares...

Just break the NDA, pussy. Use a VPN if need be.

For the record, I enjoy lathering my penis with peanut butter and coaxing my fog into licking it clean.

Whelp, can a mod just delete this abomination of a thread then. Thanks for fucking nothing

I got a secret
>But I'm not telling
Fuck off

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>Many of its old-timer devs have already left
Is it a good hint? Feels like a lot of big-name studios have bled the old guard and got left with new meat and upjumped marketeers.

>NDA Breakers
Tell me how the fuck will they know it's you.

I feel like this is a Microsoft move.
Bet it’s like Conker or some shit

So are they dictating bright colors and moronic dances, or is that a shit director's interpretation of "more fun and inclusive"?

Because everything could theoretically be more fun and inclusive without being ruined.

There is actually a special department in most big publishers that likes to hang out here and on reddit. Then again, most devs talk in bars and have switched companies + stayed in touch with collegues. Most insiders know roughly what everyone else is doing.

atleast drop the genre of the game you fucking retard

Fuck dude, I don't know if I can make it.

Google managed to trace their whistleblowers, and they have a bunch of people working for them, I'm guessing a development team will be easier to sniff out the leaker.

Don't even make a thread if you're going to be a bitch on the level that you are. You could've just said what game it was and there'd be zero way to trace it back to you

The virgin NDA compliant vs the chad leaker

They're called (social) media managers--they exist for just about any customer face company, and even moreso especially since Twitter has been the chosen medium for announcing a company's status.

Sometimes they're actively advertising a product through viral marketing. Sometimes they're lolrandom like Wendy's, trying to drum up hype. Sometimes it's subtle, where it's 'don't buy or competitor, they suck.'

I thought this shit was common knowledge by now.

OP is talking about Jak and Daxter. Naughty Dog is making a prequel that's basically a movie game. Explains Jak's origins and since Daxter is still human at this point, Jak just runs around with Crocodog. His mom is important to the plot because she taught Jak his moves. If you thought TLOU was pushing a political agenda just wait till you see this. Also Max Casella doesn't return for Daxter.

That’s code for faggots and trannies.

Will it be gun Jak or platformer Jak?

You clown, Social Media Managers are the ladies with pink hair that hang around the coffee machines and break their Macs while trying to promote some bs announcement on twitter while getting rape threats as PMs. I'm refering to the quiet guys the IT department employs - every company gives them a different name like "Internal Investigator" etc. Basically the gestapo of games.

user do you work for blizzard?

This thread is useless. We already know this shit is happening in the video games industry and you aren’t willing to reveal any specifics

>Gen z
>Caring about being inclusive

Alright if you can try to squeeze these questions through, it would be lots easier to narrow it down without breaking NDA
>What decade did this franchise start?
>Has it spawned its own TV show?
>When was the last game they made?

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>There's more time travel fuckery near the end so you'll get to use a couple of guns. Just the basic yellow and red guns, no other ones. The Jak you mostly play as takes inspiration from kid Mar in Jak II. Also when using the guns, you enter a third person kind of mode. In the ending young Jak gets sent into the future, and his mom sacrifices herself so he can go or some shit

The fact that it could be a number of co ponies goes to show what non-news it is. What video franchise hasn't been ruined? Mario? Elder Scrolls? If it's a Blizzard title it's BEEN fucking ruined.

>Constructive ideas
Malicious compliance. Try to insert a lot of hip, trendy lingo into the game.

Isn't there a rumor where Diablo 4 is going to be a FPS?

>Malicious compliance

That is my goto plan if we can't turn it around. After all, we do get paid for doing it.

Sorry to those of you who hoped I'd leak something. I just needed to shout into a hole after an e-mail I just had gotten. I now feel better.

Ugh, I forgot to mention.....

The story goes that, inspired by Overwatch's co-op scenarios, Blizz is scrapping the isometric RPG genre, and turning Diablo into a first-person shooter, and is supposed to be a cross between Left4Dead, Vermintide, and the aforementioned Overwatch.

I wouldn't put it past them at this point--whatever they've been doing hasn't been working, and it fits the Fortnite, gen-z motif.

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No, it was officially announced to be a mobile game or something like that. So your mom can play it on her tablet.

Smash Bros Battle Royale

>Source: My peenus weenus of course!

That's not Diablo 4
That's a Diablo spinoff


Thread over. Now we're posting cammy uwu

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>DUDE who's going to believe an old IP will be ruined within the next five years?

Do you live in a cave motherfucker? OP may as well be warning us there'll be another hurricane during hurricane season without predicting where it'll hit.

It's Halo isn't it

Ok based on what OP said, it's too general besides
>the company is too small for him to not get away with breaking NDA
>they haven't done something in awhile so this is going to be their comeback to the market
anything else?

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Thread reminds me of a guy I knew briefly who worked at Rainmaker. He was excited because they might be reviving Reboot. Fast forward a little bit and he wouldn't talk about it.

It was so dull most people were thankfully not even aware of it.

They did technically 'revive' Reboot, but in name only. It was some live-action trash akin to when Cartoon Network or Nick started doing live action shows before they even trashed that.

This dude nailed it. In five years a dozen IPs will be messed up, so OP can just scatter shot and be right

Seriously, why was CN so big on live action for a while? People watched them for cartoons.

Jesus. I don't even know much about reboot and I can feel the pain radiating from that awful revival

There was a change of leadership after the Aqua Team bomb scare

Command and Conquer mark words.

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that shit's been on a steady decline for ten years you fucking dope. ofc it's going to die a gristly death soon.


If this is your attitude then you shouldn't be working for a gaming company.
Videogames are supposed to be fun and inclusive. Sorry, boomer days are over. No one wants your boring shit anymore.

They already did that. You don’t remember that mobile game?


You dont get a (you) cunt

Faggot blog poster
Go larp on Yea Forums faggot

>larping blogger
lmfao kill yourself

It‘s Rainbow Six. Next installment is all out fun because siege worked well but was limited by setting.

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Age of Empires IV?
If it's Crash, you are based for blowing out retards who enjoy orange pickle rick
If it's Diablo, you are based for blowing out retards who enjoy lootnigging

Completly f2p with battlepass. Ubi got jealous of fortnite seasons, they want to have a piece of the cake. Currently discussing lootboxes (though might skip thanks to EA) but definetly no more realistic operators and weapons. Think Tom Clancy name with Chicken guns and furry suits.

Siege but with no fucks sounds kinda fun, actually.

Not actual art but characters looks pretty much like that. Edgy teens, multiculti, mp5 akimbo etc. Other half of team wants to go direction of modern warfare, serious, more focused on gunplay, more tactical. Total divide.

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>I know something, but I'm not gonna tell you
uh ok

its fucking splinter cell
isnt it?

Similar thing happening over at splinter cell, basically replacing sam with his daughter or something and she has actual superpowers like sensing enemies etc.

No thats rainbow, but splinter cell is also rebooted

>Expect something from your childhood ruined in a about 12 months.
This has been my perpetual state of being for a while now

Btw not joking

I think it's that most IP just wasn't meant to stand the Disney copyright tenure. They run these properties until they start to fail, then cut the budget and make drastic changes to it simultaneously.

We got lots of artists who want to make this stuff in montreal, but new AD doesn‘t even know the name of a single gun. Crazyland.

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Guys I have insider info too, a new game will come out in the next 6 months. That's all I can tell you, but I promise it's true.

Probably just cheaper to steal some kids and force them to act out their shows than hire an animation studio.

Or some exec got in charge who came from a TV background who only knew how to make recorded TV shows and hadnt a clue about animation.

You‘re late, OP works on siege

>Expect something from your childhood ruined in a about 12 months
i'll take "safe predictions" for 100


>faggot millennials force their diversity bullshit in yet another game
>blames muh zoomer boogeyman
If you're going to larp to push your agenda at least be clever about it.

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Art Director you pleb. The man who decides what the game looks like.

zoomers dont even like this shit
everyone i have talked to sees this shit as awful garbage peddled to toddlers not teens
I just stopped playing seige because i can tell that no matter how much i tell myself otherwise, its all downhill from here
i just want vegas 3

thank you, my smoothbrain just couldnt put 2+2 together

OP is just predicting something that's bound to happen anyway.


He doesn't seem to know a lot about siege since they already have wacky animations on the victory screen, furry skins and a shitload of microtransactions and he claimed there was none before.

post yfw all your childhood franchises are already dead

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Well unlike you many on the team remember what this series was about back with Rogue Spear / Raven Shield etc and don‘t want to shit all over 20 years of legacy and get reddit to hunt us down.

Not at launch. Game was originally a lot more serious. Yes it‘s going that direction. That‘s why we‘re here.

have you been to reddit?
they eat this shit up and cannibalise anyone who thinks ubisoft can do any wrong?

Not official art but spot on. Makes me want to jump out the window. It‘s not like TF2 adult humor, it‘s really idiotic.

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