What actually went wrong with this game? It had such a good atmosphere that perfectly synched with its slow, methodical gunplay throughout its entire time in Early Access but the moment they start unrolling the release candidate they completely fall back on everything that made the game good. What on earth were they thinking?
What actually went wrong with this game? It had such a good atmosphere that perfectly synched with its slow...
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well its a fucking battle royale game so
They forgot to optimize it.
Is it though? The goal isn't to be the last man/team standing. That is unless you are playing the battle royale mode, in which case you were always retarded anyway. If you are playing the actual game I'd argue it's not really a battle royale.
The gunplay is exceptionally good.
But all that BR-like gameplay sucks.
Make it something like 10 bounty hunters against 5 outlaws in some fortified outpost or 2 forts shit and it's golden.
Let's debate then. If you play classic game mode all you have to do is survive.
Just let all the hotheads kill each other, kill the boss, take a token and evacuate.
You'll earn much more this way than getting killed while you helplessly try to reload after killing a boss and 2-6 people.
Wasted potential. Theres no more space for multiplayer games.
Strange I can play it maxed out.
shame they fell for the BR meme
make it a coop games and its 10/10
Because it's made from the leftover scraps of a cancelled game that could've actually been good
Devs jumped BR train instead of making single player game.
its alright i just wish more people played it
It's already perfect.
>They forgot to optimize it.
you have shit specs
> What actually went wrong with this game?
The fanbase. Drones are huge mongoloids, just take a look at the forums. They can't stop sucking Crytek cock.
Protip: buy a legendary skin, you get the weapon too, then have fun 1-shotting everybody with your fresh Nagant while your account is still lvl1.
It's not Pay2Win, I swear, trust me, just get these $50 bloodbounds.
nigga for sure if they added coop shit this game would explode. I love the coop stuff in this game the most, I wish there was a bigger PvE mode in this.
> buy a legendary skin, you get the weapon too
no you dont
> Pay2Win
no its just cosmetics
Here you go, this was the initial project, before it was turned into a shitty battle royale for easy cash
>weird medium and low settings
>a bush changes when you zoom in
>youd be able to see a player model rendered in regardless of either bush positiong
Im not sure what youre implying user
why are you making shit up user
thats not how it works at all
winning any game gears you for like 6 games
do you honestly lose video games vs random shitters?
I usually go 3-4 games in a row killing 5-10ish people every game and im a slow-ass 30 year old boomer playing on a 60hz monitor.
if I was 14 again, id shit on everyone with my reaction time
What changed?
I haven't played in a few months
Buy $40 game. Then buy premium currency, get all the weapon at the start of the game, reroll your life.
Don't worry, crytek drones will tell you it's fair, because it's a small company and they need money for the (shitty) servers.
>hey, just dont play the game and poof, earn more
Thats retarded, the point is to kill other hunters while you aim to kill a boss and extract with the bounty that way you rank up and unlock much better weapons. If youre suggesting to just sit back and not even play the objective then go fucking play minecraft or some other dumb shit
How to win every game since 1.0 happened
> set up Gunslinger mode
> buy shotgun
> run and jump everywhere
> shot randomly at people
Congrats, you are now one of the top players on this dying game. Maybe you will compete with Lawbreakers players soon.
Mixing perma-death mechanics with pay-to-win/grind-to-win implementation is a horrid idea and kind of killed the game
You can only play for so long until everyone outguns you with scoped, silenced or otherwise modified guns that you'd have to put 50 hours in to unlock
Isn't there no reason to reroll?
Is there any gameplay changes? I remember they added dark sight for people who stole bounties and that shit was so cheaty you auto won once you got it
> Isn't there no reason to reroll?
You can get more life bars.
> Is there any gameplay changes?
Gunslinger mode. Hunter is the one you already know. In Gunslinger, all the shit is optimized for consoles, turning it in a Call of Duty clone.
> dark sight
Still there.
Game servers will be closing during 2020, mark my words.
It was never really a popular game though honestly.
That looks a bit too much like remnant from the ashes.
From what I've gathered, it runs like shit even though it looks amazing
the number 1 thing I look for games is performance
Early access stigma and initial release having shocking optimisation.
Optimisation has been fixed and the very last build before full 1.0 seemed to fix know bugs and issues. Hoping for them to flesh out the game with a couple more bosses and a map would be nice
Yes, the game was indeed "optimized", aka downgraded as fuck. Even in max settings, it looks now like a PS3 game, and I'm not even joking.
But eh, releasing it on consoles is a pure coincidence, right?
>muh graphics
This thread is filled with people who've never even played the game. Probably since theyre sheckle-less after giving it all to Epic with fortnite skins
Imo they optimised the shit out of this game.
The graphics look just as good.
Go compare early access screen shots to 1.0 fucking faggots.
It runs shitty and remember the fire looking better
The gunslinger scheme is for fags
Its enjoyable but has very questionable changes.
> y-you n-never played it! it is not true! I work for Crytek and you are wrong!
> le Fortnite boogeyman
Thanks for showing the Hunt Showdown face in all its glory.
>all PVP
I just want to hunt monsters and shit in cowboy times with friends, not have some MLG pro gameroo shoot me down
Installed on a 2TB SSD
Game runs just fine. Don't let haters win.
you're spending all this money but go for a 9600k?
Nigga wtf
Hes lying user about le premium currency.
Its just purchasable dlc skins, or you can reroll hunters (ishyddt), or get another hunter slot (lolwhy).
I mean the other slight advantage would be that you could be say a negro women whos in mostly black clothes instead of a guy whos in pale blue WOW
I dont know why hes so butthurt about huntshowdown.
Maybe its that dev from that terrible 80s br game reeeeeing for no reason about other slightly successful developers, and is just flat out making shit up because hes mentally ill.
its called red dead redemption?
pussy ass faggot
>Its just purchasable dlc skins
That gives you the weapon too. Stop lying to defend your precious Crytek, they don't care, as much as they never cared about the feedback in the alpha.
Stop shilling this crap game here, it's so fucking obvious looking at the people in this thread
Daily reminder if you don't play this game because it has pvp you are a pussy and should go play cod
> if you don't like a pvp game go play a pvp game
We got a clever cookie here
You are genetic trash
yeah it gives you the weapon SKIN and the skin you buy with your normal ingame money for the hunter, and gives you a hunter WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS.
Meaning youll have to spend real money for the skin, then in game money for the hunter, then also spend in game money for the weapons/items for them to use.
And you can just get 5 geared hunters rotated in after every match fully geared that you can buy for less or equal of the cost of the empty skinned hunter.
Then if youre so immensively fucking horrible at the game and have lost like 10 games in a row and have no more money, you can just get a hunter for FREE.
if you want to play pve then fucking kill everyone and then also kill all 500 monsters on the map for bonus exp or dont be a pussy and blast every single fucking thing in the way giving zero fucks cutting yourself across the chest yelling on the mic COMEON DO IT COMEON COMEON KILL ME KILL ME IM RIGHT HERE KILL ME COMEON DO IT NOW KILL MEEEEEEEEEE
The Answer?
I could go full tl;dr here, but i'll keep it short:
>make decent game
>get following
>generate hype
>completely fucking generalize game and release on console
>everybody who got hurt already paid for the game
>casuals will leave after a bit but they still paid
>pull plug
bonus list of shit crytek pulled with 1.0, feel free to expand:
>Graphics Downgrade (Draw distance, detail, filters, particles and effects)
>Nerfing Endgame items
>Nerfing Earlygame items
>The fucking console UI
>replacing male hunter sounds with roblox oofs
>Day 1 DLC
but remember, "we small indie studio we need shekel"
Isnt it only 4 or 5 people making the entire game?
I'm not sure why everyone gives this game so much hate. I'm having fun.
99% of the people complaining about the game haven't played it
same applies to literally any game on Yea Forums, people don't play games here, everyone's just a contrarian and whines about things
Just not a fan of pvp games in general.
> the virgin cavalry saber
> the chad combat axe