yep no more gendered speech, they/them pronouns from now on. No more Jaina no more Hombre.
V no longer has a gender
Other urls found in this thread:
You sure they didnt do this just because they couldn't be assed recording two seperate tracks of voice lines?
>having a gender
Lmao Protoboomer.
it does save them a lot of time. two birds one stone. pathetic.
Actually, you choose your gender by picking either a male voice or a female voice. they've just untied the male voice from the male bodytypes and vice versa
My V will be male.
no they removed gendered speech cause V no longer has a gender. how else would we choose which pronoun to use?
sorry that option no longer exists.
>wtf i hate when he said Jaina
>wtf why isnt he saying Jaina anymore
make up your mind
i loved it when he said Jaina, when did i say i hate it?
>no more Jaina
Thank fuck, that was the cringiest fucking thing, do mexicans really speak like that in the us?
>yep no more gendered speech, they/them pronouns from now on. No more Jaina no more Hombre.
Your link doesn't say that anywhere.
V no longer has a gender = no gendered speech. why call V he or she if "they" don't have a gender?
>Why did I move here? Guess it was the gender
ya they do. could have mixed it up with loca, chica a bit more.
So you're making crazy assumptions and reporting them as confirmed facts.
Nowhere in any of this are speech or pronouns mentioned, just that you now can choose a male or female body and a male or female voice as separate choices.
I called it weeks ago. Now I just feel dead inside. I'm so angry at the industry right now.
Actual Mexican here. Chicanos aren't Mexicans.
This is genuinely awful to look at
how else would we know which pronoun to use with which body?
If they had a pronoun picker you guys would be equally as mad.
yes and it's exactly as fucking obnoxious as it sounds
By having it tied to the body? By picking which pronoun you want in a separate choice labeled 'pronoun' instead of 'gender'? Any of these are speculation, but less of a dramatic leap in logic to "they must have re-recorded all lines with gender neutral pronouns!"
Can someone tell me exactly, what the fuck happened today? Why are anti-cdpr shills in the override mode?
I'm an argentinian and just can't fucking deal with that "spanglish" or whatever people to call it.
that would make the SJW even more mad. just because you have a "male" body doesn't mean you are a he/him you could be a he/she they/them xim/dim boom/shoom or even a frick/mick
Is is real??
Just like the real thing
Makes the script easier to write. I don'r get why more games don't do this to save time.
so you are perfectly ok with CDPR removing genders from the game?
I have strong boots fetish but those are pretty shit.
so this is literally just the saints row character creator?
incel lmao
Same. It's as bad as mixing jap and english.
I'm gonna make V a trap, and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
I don’t follow... is this some tranny enabling shit?
I'm neutral, I guess. It's just a time saver, so why not?
2077 is settled in a future where everything is shit, if it didn't had that it would be unrealistic.
its bait for incels to piss themselves over
enjoy your stroke
>Start asking the guys in my life if they'd actually be cool fuck with a trans
>My face when literally all of them say yes
Am I ... the bad guy?
actually its an alt reality envisioned in the 80s. it doesn't have this faggotry we have today.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt . Removing the genders of the voice lines is a bit extreme so i doubt that's gonna be the case.
Sounds pretty fucking dystopian to me
In hypotheticals the tranny is actually attractive. There are only a handful of attractive trannies in the entire world. You niggas get blinded by photoshop and loneliness.
yeah, maybe its time to leave this gay degenerate world, huh? ciao!
Why don’t devs stand up to these sjw fools? Enabling them just encourages them.
Op literally made that up
In the 80s they thought by now we would have a much better life than they had, truth is although technology has advanced it has not advanced a lot, and our societies are worst now than in those times, 2077 will be the same, it will be utter shit
because like AIDS SJWs have infected CDPR
Your friends are gay i don't know anybody that would fuck a tranny .
Trannys are just advanced incels.
It's about a dystopian cyberpunk future....
So it is tranny shot then. Trannys are basically late stage incels.
im fine with the world be fucked up. but i would still like to be ME in a roleplaying game. and im a MAN.
This game is a fucking trainwreck already LOL
They said they were going to tie it to voice so you could make transgender characters. There was some talk about a pitch slider also.
But i think it's only a matter of time before a them/they option.
The created literally made it as a future that was the results of unchecked leftism.
Because they're worried about the machine getting behind them. It starts with the vocal minority bitching and moaning but then turns into major publications talking about it, then we get industry changes. So they just throw them a bone and try to move on hope they keep quiet.
Unchecked liberalism and virtue signaling
You can have a dystonian future without pandering to trannies
that is a fucking cope out
God I hope there isn't a pitch slider, you always have to find the exact point where it isn't actually doing anything or your character's voice sounds fucked up for the entire game
Imagine still being excited for this trash after all of this recent information.
movies belong on
>and im a MAN
they can kiss my ass fucking retards
Then that's not a distopian future, are you afraid of how real dlstopian societies look like? I actually love the direction Cyberpunk 2077 is taking, it is not as advanced as delusionals thought it would be because a society like that would never have huge advancements in technology
Because that isn't how people talk?
People really will make excuses for anything CDPred does. Multiple post in this thread about how laziness is a good thing, but they would eat Bioware alive if they pulled this shit.
This actually makes me not want to play the game at all.
Has cdpr had the biggest vidya fall from grace of all time?
No. Theyve always been shit
If there was any type of game where this would be justified, it's a game based on a fucking futuristic cyberpunk dystopia.
Why are people pissed?
real talk?
don't care about the sun, don't care about muh gta, don't care about retards who try to say it's not an rpg, I was legitimely hyped and willing to give CDPR every benefit of the doubt possible.
But this? This is pretty finna gay ngl. First "doomsaying" news of the game that legit made me reconsider the path it's going.
I'm still buying it, but shit, I'm kinda worried now
Fuck off tranny. The world isn't just going to stop hating you in 50 years
People are just tired of politics being shoved into games.
Not politics just one sided
Every piece of information they release just makes it worse. Why dont they just shut up already
I don't get this, don't trans people make up less then like .0001 of the global population? why are multi-million dollar games pandering to them?
is Yea Forums still excited for this game?
Transhumanism, and transsexuality along with it, is an inherent theme of Cyberpunk. You would know this if you weren't a dumbfuck and actually read a book once or twice in your life.
Gonna leave this thread to the idiots who start crying and screeching anytime anything outside of what they consider "normal" sexuality appears in any fictional context whatsoever.
I really don't understand this meme word. Are there really people out there who can't "relate" to the plight of a character if they don't look like them? These people can relate to a futuristic cybermerc assassin but only if he shares their race and gender?
the samefagging in this thread is Unreal and its the same People all the Time lol
The left uses these as excuses to try and change media they will never spend any money on and have no interest in. its purely tribal warfare for them.
squeaky tranny gets the dilation oil
but that actually makes sense in this setting so who gives a fuck lol
they are not pandering to them they are pandering to the SJW crowd that want to destroy everything.
for me, it's because it isn't for purposes of worldbuilding or keeping it with the setting, it's because they wanna be inclusive or whatever.
Mind you, I ain't pissed. I'm still buying, I just think this is fucking gay
The entire point of Cyberpunk is a degenerate shit hole future you fucking retard,.
lol, god no.
so glad I cancelled my pre-order.
I fell for the Keanu hype, that was the last goodnews that came out of this game.
I hope all these progressive trans freaks get what they want and have 100 percent inclusion in everything. No more gender pronouns, no more rights for white men, nothing. I cant wait for that day because society will be in flames and only the endangered white man will know why.
>Yea Forumspol/ SEETHING again that yet another popular AAA game is progressive and inclusive
die mad, incels!
because people want to play as themselves in a roleplaying game..
Lmao you can chose your gender in the game as both genders are voiced. There's no utopian traditional conservative cyberpunk you stupid fucking faggot. The entire point is that cyberpunk is our degenerate future.
snowflake culture creating yet another SJW outrage thread
Then its a game made for trannies,
I wont waste my money on it.
thank you.
The entire point of cyberpunk is a dystopian degenerate future. If this shocks you that you can chose your gender or be genderless In a cyberpunk world, then you should stop fucking breathing you 50 iq mongoloid.
>retard doesn't even know what cyberpunk is
There are fucking literal furry people, jfc
You can chose to be male or female, the voice and body types are there, you stupid fuck.
>You can't be opposed to far left progressive nonsense unless you are /pol/
>op lies
>op gets btfo
>op gets called a lying kike
>op starts to astroturf until the thread dies
What difference does it make?
>society in flames because I have to admit trans people exist
oh god the horror
Nigger you don't even know what the fuck cyberpunk actually is. Gtfo with your politics bullshit.
if you have hold /pol/'s opinions without even being /pol/ you're an even more gullible brainlet than them
Please keep your Trannygame in where it belongs.
>society in flames because we facilitate mental illness
>complaining about degeneracy in cyberpunk 2077
This is why people laugh at you
>virtual mental illness is now real
Let me guess you think video games cause violence too?
>society is in flames! I'm the expert on society here in my mom's basement!
>zero politics or racebait shit
>good and bad characters come in all races and both genders (none of this "the good guys are all sassy blacks and Hispanics while the bad guys are all white men" garbage)
>no trannies
>characters are relatable through their plight and personality rather than "durr dey look like me"
>themes are simply an exploration of philosophy rather than a vehicle for propoganda
Ironic that a company full of nu-male faggots manages to make more sensible and centrist games than the cucks at Rockstar, Ubisoft, and CDPR--not to mention better gameplay.
cyberpunk is a genre of fiction dumbass
>tlou 2
>still using a language that has gender pronouns
The absolute state of americucks
I hate trannies
>giving a fuck about trannies in a world where you can make yourself a crab handed cyclops with orangutan length robot arms and a gun hidden in your big toe.
Imagine defending a leftist company that makes leftist propaganda games and has repeatedly cucked to feigned leftist outrage for free on the internet. Just because they come from a conservative country doesn't mean these leftists don't hate you and everything you stand for.
If you can't be assed to take the time to record "he" and "she" in your dialogue, your writing is going to feel SO fucking forced after a short time. I've been holding off on how I'm going to approach this game, and this is where I draw the line for "I'm pirating it without no more afterthoughts". If your character has a gender and your game is voiced, VOICE THEM BOTH. If you want to make your character a tranny, give them special dialogue too, i don't care. But don't make straight men and women less engrossed on your story because "you didn't want to offend anyone". ACTUALLY kill yourselves CDPR.
I feel the same. But as long as it doesn’t try to shove political crap down my throat I’ll be fine. Like I hope it doesn’t make a point to tell me how bigoted I must be about my views of gender.
>trannies are ok because ______!
Nope. Never ok.
Why are you so desperate for Yea Forums to hate this game? How many threads a day do you make about it?
Imagine being a retard complaining about political bullshit when he doesn't understand cyberpunk has always been a degenerate dystopia. You're just here to whine like a little bitch about something you never knew anything about.
>op astroturfs until the thread dies
And by that, the people that screech about inclusivity show themselves to be the most shallow of us all.
Imagine going to a street doc and he accidentally implants you with a girl implant. This is important because in the degenerate future they value 1950's family values.
You realize OP is lying right? There still is He and She.
You literally won’t be able to tell because the transhumanist tech is so advanced. Literally anyone that can afford to pass, would.
>its ok because X!
Still not ok. Fucking die.
I'm not comfortable with people using pronouns. What now CDPR?
So what is your plan to stop it?
I'm not hip to tranny lore, what is the box with the swirl on it?
Imagine being so butthurt over a video game. Pathetic.
Theyll kill themselves eventually statistically speaking.
Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one video game has additional character creation options you don’t have to use. That sounds really hard.
Cope harder tranny
People go gay today after only a few years in prison and you think that wouldn't happen a quarter-century into a worldwide cataclysm? Not to mention Ellie being lesbian is irrelevant to her character and she's probably going to be portrayed as a bad person in the game anyway. What's the problem?
I didn't read through the thread. Back to neutral I suppose, thanks.
Must be nice to discredit every concern over the rising tide of politicization of media as pol. That lies somewhere between poisoning the well and straw-manning.
the one that seems to be butthurt is you though.
Yea Forums is either retarded or really gullible. OP is literally lying to you.
And trannies are lying about being women
>"No you"
Uh huh, keep coping
Well duh, otherwise they would be called trannies now would they?
There's a difference between exploring trannyism as a side effect of societal decay in the context of your dystopian game and going out of your way to market your game to trannies in real life, you absolute fucking retard.
Imagine your only argument to any debate is that the person is butthurt.
>basically zero speakers
Real great languages you got there, finnõ-Ügric.
>Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it
prove it
I can't wait for the meme videos of player character abominations.
it's not something i feel all that strongly about to begin with. talk about autism.
Kek you think they are going to be exploring "trannyism". This is a game about revenge not fucking exploring a dystopian society.
>Actually, you choose your gender by picking either a male voice or a female voice
What? But what if someone wants to make a woman with a deep voice or a trans male to female who still has their male voice? What if you want a male drag queen or trap who talks like a woman? This seems pretty lazy and not even worth mentioning in an article.
I'm going to assume OP is full of shit as always. What does the link actually say?
No. you can't. There is a male-like bodytype and a female-like bodytype which you may choose. You may also choose a female-like voice and a male-like voice. But you can't choose the gender itself and the voices are such that there is no gender implications eitherway. For example, V always has sex with other men, no matter the body type or voice selection.
That wasn't an argument you dumbfuck, its just pointing out the obvious.
Just your usual we want everybody to play. Nothing about you being genderless.
I mean, the so called trannies are fine with this. You are the one blowing up a storm and then telling the calm people to dilate and that they're coping, but there is literally nothing to cope.
>triggered trannies and SJWs spend 24/7 shrieking on social media and trying to influence culture, and manage it by being an incredibly vocal minority
>normalfags do not like this
>somehow this makes normalfags triggered
Triggered is for ridiculous reactions to things normal people aren't fazed by, unfortunately for you normal people ARE fazed by trannies trying to usurp reality and turn it into a degenerate circus, that doesn't make it triggered you dumb cunt.
Except thats wrong, the character customizer has a BIG M next to the male and F next to the female.
actually the removal of he/she being replaced by they/them is actually removing a feature not adding one.
>yep no more gendered speech, they/them pronouns from now on. No more Jaina no more Hombre.
This is a lie. Why do you always lie?
>they them pronouns
That's stupid lol, what's with westerners and plural pronouns like they have multiple personalities? I actually prefer that xhe and xer shit over them and they.
>a cyberpunk game shouldn't explore cyberpunk themes
>it should just be a generic revenge story with the actual cyberpunk reduced to a backdrop
Please stop replying to me if you're really this stupid. Enjoy your tranny game.
You stupid fuck, the one making this quote is literally a fucking concept artist.
> the removal of he/she being replaced by they/them
The article you posted doesn't say anything about pronouns, OP.
Well good job outing yourself to never playing a fucking video game ever.
>You know, [with Cyberpunk 2077] we really want to make a video game that’s really inclusive. Of course, if you tackle certain subjects then you will expect people to have an opinion about it and we respect that. And it’s good that people give us feedback. And our character creation menu, for instance, compared to the last demo we now give you so many more options. For instance, you don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, ‘I want to be a female or male character’ you now choose a body type. Because we want you to feel free to create any character you want. So you choose your body type and we have two voices, one that’s male sounding, one is female sounding. You can mix and match. You can just connect them any way you want. And then we have a lot of extra skin tones and tattoos and hairstyles. So we really want to give people the freedom to make their own character and play the way they want to play.
>Our team is very international and very diverse but we have asked for a lot of feedback. We always ask for feedback and even when we show these demos, we still ask people to tell us what they think. We just wanna know what we can improve on because we want to make a really good game [with Cyberpunk 2077] and we really wanna make a game that everybody is comfortable playing. But at the same time we’ll tackle difficult issues. It is a cyberpunk world after all.
Tell me where that says "no more gendered speech, they/them pronouns from now on. No more Jaina no more Hombre."
Senior Concept Artist Senior Concept Artist Senior Concept Artist Senior Concept Artist Senior Concept Artist Senior Concept Artist
THIS PERSON IS A FUCKING NOBODY, god Yea Forums you are fucking retarded
>the so called trannies are fine with this.
No shit?
Okay, but why? Can trannies not play as non-tranny characters? Do you have to be a rich treasure hunter Chad to play Uncharted? If you make and sell a game, anyone can already play it. That's how it works.
I stopped giving a shit about this pile after the fitst gameplay video. I'm just in for schadenfreude at this point.
Last (you) you will get buddy, dont spent it all in one place
All the games dialogue has likely already been recorded several months ago, if not over a year ago since before all the sjw twitter outrage brigade showed up, don't be thick.
your reading comprehension is amazing. Read the rest of the post. You're telling the people that are fine with the choice that they're coping right now. WHY WOULD THEY COPE WHEN THEY GOT WHAT THEY WANT?
imagine actually unironically getting mad at this
this user understands it. it fits the world they're building here perfectly.
v has no gender = no more gendered speech = they/them
>Literally too dumb to read 2 sentences
>Why would they cope
Because it's not going to stop them from killing themselves?
People always whine they can't play who they want, this isn't new.
u stupid faggot, the world can be shit. but you as V cannot be a faggot and accept they/them pronouns like a faggot that you are IRL right now. Do u understand the difference faggot?
Dont waste your time user, this people only read the post they are replying to.
You ignore the fact the person saying this a concept artist, and they already recorded voicelines with them referencing your real gender. No fucking way they actually cut that out.
Trannies are mentally ill and the people that enables them are too
Does it matter? They are just gonna kill themselves anyway.
Goddamn, you just write buzzwords for no real reason then?
I dunno man, I'm trying to force people to engage on the boards here. I get frustrated as fuck when people act like fucking retards, not even functional retards, but genuine shit themselves retards.
So you can play as Dr. Girlfriend?
try again, use english words this time and breathe before you start typing
resolution for ants
Except my pronouns are Zim/Zam/Zo/Zum, so I am offended by this change.
Guess ill be pirating
Not giving money to Tranny enablers.
I hate that picture.
Her arm is too fucking fat.
Why is every clothing item in this game so shit?
this, it's supposed to be a horrid place filled with illness and everything terrible under the sun
que te jodan
It doesn’t bother me because if I’m going to care about something, it will be something that matters.
Jesus Christ anti-trannies are fucking obsessed
trannyera. the game.
Who's to say you can't choose your pronoun
They can’t stop thinking about other people’s genitals.
CDPR: you can be whatever the fuck you want
Yea Forums: they are forcing us to play as a tranny bros, we need to rise up
It's a quirk peculiar to English that it picked up somewhere during the Middle Ages.
removing gender pronouns is not being able to play as whatever you want faggot
>It's vital that the npc says "He is here" instead of "the merc is here"
it is faggot. now take your faggotry over to faggotera
Wew, she is testy today, ain't she?
When will /pol/ understand that sex and gender are two different things?
Cant i just be cyberfreak with so many augmentations you cant even see where the flesh is?
Everyone knows cyberpsychosis Is a lie made by skinbags.
they're not, John Money you fucking pedophile lunatic
>Because that isn't how people talk?
Nobody flinches when I use 'they' as a catch all pronoun
It's an RPG. Self-inserting is kinda the point. You know, 'role-playing'
fuck off faggot
so.. a few hundred years ago when it was the apex of masculinity to fall down on the floor weeping because the world was beautiful.. that wasn't due to the social constructs around the idea of a man, but purely genetic? Why has it changed? Are you less of a man because you don't act like a real man now?
So typical of conspiracy theorists to let everything hinge on a single bad actor. He didn't even invent it.
Never, because they're concrete as opposed to abstract thinkers. The idea that the self-image could possibly be dynamic and changing is beyond their comprehension. They don't understand differing value systems either, b/c they keep calling body mods 'mutilation'
We truly live in a TrannyERA
Augment, meatbag
what happened to poland being safe from mental illness Yea Forumsros?
>trannoids hoping tech will make them into women
This one's not doing it, Carlos.
Man, I'd get subtle face augments just to mess with people.
>Eyes slowly drifting apart, after an hour I can look to the sides
>create a small eye on my lip when people look at me in their peripheral vision, remove it as soon as they look more closely
>have a small robot hand do beckoning motions in my ear when people stare at me from the side
>have a kenshiro face hidden in the hair of the back of my head
>Have eyes and nostril grow as I get more and more excited
Fuck getting beauty augments, fuck getting fighting augments, I'll ascend it all
Who gives a shit. Why is nobody talking about the gameplay?
The gameplay is going to be shit regardless. What's important is the story and setting. From what were hearing they seem to be holding back their punches.
I mean. I guess I’m used to it because of Saints Row but this is still stupid.
I’m sick of these gender idiots infecting everything
Because there's nothing to say about the gameplay.
That's why CDPR is talking about useless shit like that.
Sad thing is, i wouldnt even care about the trannie freaks if it wasnt for the fact that I know the game is gonna force their ideology onto me and force my charactor to be on their side.
After caving once to resettranny their is no way in hell this game will let me chose to go against them.
It's a fucking console FPS who gives a shit? Story is the only thing that matters in janky CDPR games.
Man, I sure am glad I'm not an obsessive loser like this so I simply get to enjoy the game.
OP is a faggot.
It's not an RPG, it's not an FPS, it's an "interactive experience".
Do I hear crying? you gonna cry? here, have some piss 100% charge free
Holy fuck, even the normies are mad in the comment section.
What i find funny is that they are going for le "cinematic story driven" gameplay.
Therefore there's a high chance that the NPC will just don't care about that gender bullshit.
Technology has made man weak.
You were able to do this in Saints Row. The various VAs weren't tied to any specific character model, you picked whatever you liked the most. Why is it suddenly an issue now? What changed that made people decide that player choice is a bad thing?
>RPG about immersion
>because of some mentally fucked people, I have to lose the immersion of being called properly just so they don’t feel bad
I’m actually starting to hate these gender revolutionists.
becaues the gameplay is shit, lmaoooo.
it has no redeeming factors left at this point.
>normies in comment section
>implying thats not Yea Forums posting in there
>Explanations for children don't capture the extent of the more complex reality
What's next, you're going to debunk special relativity using the chapter on Newton's theory of gravity from your physics textbook?
The difference is that Saints Row was supposed to be silly and dumb, hence why you could change the Boss’s gender whenever you wanted to.
Meanwhile once you chose your gender in Mass Effect, it’s set so that characters actually acknowledge it.
Keeping it “generic” with They makes it feel like your character doesn’t exist as a person, at least for me
>You know remember that FF7 is coming out at the same moment
Kek, they are dead.
>>Explanations for children don't capture the extent of the more complex reality
>the more complex reality
1 step closer to gray blob zone
>Remove limitations in character creation
>You have less choices now
Maybe for you, but I will create a straight male in my game.
This is actually already pretty common in games where you can pick the player characters gender to save on voice acting.
*Remove options
>no personality
I dunno, bro. Those blogs look pretty smug to me
You can do it in Monster Hunter World too. Do you think this is something new?
you mean the Dreamworks face?
Not anymore :^)
>You don’t choose your gender anymore. You don’t choose, "I want to be a female or male character" you now choose a body type
>More options for people who want it that don't effect me in the slightest
Why should I give a shit?
gender is a spook
You guys love arguing about trannys
Maybe Hiro needs to add a tranny board
Do I get to pick if I have a penis, won't mind playing as a futa, but I don't think they're going to do that.
You shouldn't, because 4channel is a tranny safe space now.
Isn't that basically what Yea Forums and /soc/ are?
You mean all blue boards, right? This place is Reddit now
>Not liking dickgirls
>Bringing that up as if it means something
The tranny twitter police got offended they were using "trans" sex to sell something in their fictional game. CDPRs response was to ignore them because they are making the game they want to make.
Yet Yea Forums cries when something happens thats not on "their side", almost as if they are triggered.
Fuck trans rights
We need cunny rights
fuck m*les
Do people that want to be called "he" have a choice, do people that want to be called "She" have a choice? No, they took the easy way out, to avoid contraversy, I don't care if there are trannies or non-binaries/whatever, but at least have the choice to be called he/she, if that's what you want, but it sounds like that's been removed.
Calm down famalama
I'm just here for the ride
But there are no sides. There's the mentally ill, and not. Being mentally ill isn't a "side".
>it sounds like that's been removed
Yeah, from the words pulled from OP's arse, you gullible tit.
Yeah, you're right, incels should just be ignored
This just in, being a straight person isn't normal. More at 5
>Dickgirl used to sell drinks
>Gender netural option added for characters
Bunch of fucking queers. Only difference between you two pathetic sacks of shit is what website you cry on. Now call me a centralist you predictable shitposting garbage.
The whole point of removing restrictions is that you now have MORE CHOICES, you fucking stupid nigger. Character voice is no longer tied to character gender so instead of MAN and WOMAN you now have MAN, MANWOMAN, WOMAN, and WOMANMAN. Why the fuck are you opposed to the idea of more choice in a fucking character creator? It's a single player game. If you don't want to be MANWOMAN or WOMANMAN just don't fucking pick either of those options you fucking stupid retard.
>Mix and match body types to voices
>You can now create any abomination you want
>Trannies get to make their wish fulfillment characters and normal people get to make men or women
>Either way, it fits the hellish inhuman future that Cyberpunk is warning us about
he's the same kind of nigger that jerks off to Dr.Girlfriend in Venture Brothers too.
It's implied if there is no gender choice, there is not going to be he-her pronouns, they'll use neutral ones.
>All straight people are incels
You really are mentally ill
>you can now play as "female" V with the male voice
>cute cyberpunk femboi trap V is now a thing
why must you do this to humanity's collective dick, CDPR?
am I a pedo if I would like to cum on that 3000 year old demon or am I a perfectly normal young redpilled man
Being a faggot isn't normal, Greek and Roman faggots had wives and children and if they didn't they were an invalid.
It's going to be a manly voice though, traps are better with more feminine voices.
This is all but confirmed. And not because of this tranny bullshit. The story is incredibly linear and has no reactivity. That's why everybody is going to call you V
Greeks and Romans didn't accept faggots
V is a product of the word they're born in and are raised in, not ours.
A 'V' that mirrored our contemporary worldview would be horrendous and out of place.
Still confused how this effects me. Not a tranny shitheel so I'll be going with a male or a female to dyke out with fellow cybertrash. The fact a "they" option exists won't effect me in the slightest.
>He/she has been removed
Yeah that's gonna trigger me, literally shaking if thats true. Seriously though have you never played a game that does this before? Are you 10?
Exactly, invalid. Buggery was rampant.
Yeah, there won't be. Because the games going to have a ton of dialogue and its an absolute waste tripling (He/her and they/them) every line, a waste not just of time and money but disk space where audio is nearly always one of the largest factors. But I guess its because CDPR is cucked and bluepilled, right?
They would publicly mock homosexuals
You mean like New Vegas where you were referred to as The Courier for the entirety of the game until you hit the handful of ending slides with alternate voiceovers?
People think they have to be mad so that they can fit in.
it's only a game, why you haff 2B mad?
Yikes, it's like a coordinated attack against me, begone trannies! Go back towards the discord from wense you came!
Then they'd go home and fuck boys in the asses.
As they should. We publicly mock pedophiles but pedophiles run our countries.
Roman sexuality was completely different. You were a faggot if you ate a woman out whereas fucking a twink in his tight little boyhole meant you were straight. It's dumb to try and compare it to sexuality in the 21st century.
You don't understand because you're a low test faggot. They're putting in effort to please a small minority of people at the cost of game quality.
It always amazes me how they aren't comfortable in their own body and just assume they will be comfortable in someone else's. Enjoy suicide when you come to the realization your brain is fucked up and it's the problem.
But Yea Forums loves that game, wait a minute, do you think its got something to do with cyberpunk being a massive target for shitposting, or because CURRENT YEAR has everyone living rent free in political garbage? No, no there must be something else, Cyberpunk just has a tranny agenda, its obvious.
This is literally what 99% of games do, what the fuck are people shitting their diapers over?
Because now everyone wants to shitpost about trannies because it's the hot new trend in shitposting. Fucking edgelord zoomers.
This was not Roman at all. People who conflate Romans and Greeks are sub 70 IQ niggers
>at the cost of game quality.
Explain it for me then. I'm just a low test cuck and pretty loopy right now from all the hormones I've been taking, so explain how its effecting the games quality?
Please bare in mind when you answer that the game won't have ever used he/she much regardless as it would require multiple recordings, just as New Vegas (Courier), Three Heroes (Professor), Mass Effect (Shepard) do with 90% of their voice lines.
That's not even true, for example the female NCR ranger mentions being a lesbian for a reason she isn't into you.
It's basic cause and effect. If they're spending their time working on something that's not for the majority of players the gameplay will suffer.
yeah sure
It was all added into a patch in Sims 4.
You do know nearly all homosexual art from the Greeks and Romans is fake, right?
Shitposters come off really pathetic when trying to respond to regular posts. Why don't you just start sunposting or something?
>>If they don't refer to your character in a specific gendered way, they don't actually exist as a person for me
You're probably a sociopath then, user.
>That game being tranny bait is someone proving your point
You ok?
This. They sound like they're pulling their punches for the story.
You can literally go to pompeii and see it for yourself. And many are in museums, i guess you know more than them i guess.
The only reason they say that is because they live in ignorance.
>Nearly every game with a lot of voice work uses a gender neutral pronouns to save on voice work
>Suddenly its now an issue
The shitpost train never stops with cyberpunk, its great. The absolute levels of autism.
I literally just spent eight hours studying the concept of libertas and how Roman citizenship afforded an individual particular privileges including the right to not be penetrated because their entire sexual culture revolved around the concept of a virtuous man being the one doing the penetrating regardless of gender. It doesn't matter who or how you were fucking, you were straight if you were the top and queer if you were the bottom.
The SJW won and there's nothing Yea Forums can do to change this fact.
It probably only took like an hour for them to implement this change. Like it's literally just tweaking the UI a bit. This didn't affect the quality of the game in the slightest. It's purely a PR move.
>You can go to pompeii and see artwork that has been added in modern times
>You can go to a museum ran by ((them))
Wow, one spa in all of Rome had gay watercolor on the wall.
Romans could only fuck their slaves, did your queerbooks tell you that faggot?
Did you think election tourists play games enough to know this?
By this logic nothing about ancient civilizations can be proven, so it is worthless to keep arguing with you
>One spa has gay watercolor
>Fags let alone mental ill trannies only JUST started being accepted now by retarded lefty zoomers
>Someone think that millions of years ago romans and greeks accepted it
You talk about logic..
>guys a game about bleak future containing our bleak future in a positive light is a good thing!
Is this supposed to be ironic?
One of the Emperors, Elagabalus was gay and likely suffered from gender dysphoria.
Good thing it will be easy to pirate.
Are you saying gays are trannies?
One of the hundreds of Roman emperor's may have been gay, that means all Romans were gay.
I literally just said that Roman citizenship meant you were protected from being penetrated, yes. That implies that Roman men weren't fucking other Roman men. That doesn't change the straight/gay top/bottom dynamic in any way, though. A strong Roman man was expected to both own and fuck his slaves, male or female, because that's what normal straight men did. They were, however, notorious philhellenes to such an extent that most of them spoke Greek instead of Latin and you can bet your bottom dollar that meant they also fucked little boys because it was trendy. The Spartans were the faggiest people in human history and Cicero, the single most Roman man that ever existed, routinely fellated Spartan culture and complained that fucking boys and speaking Greek all the fucking time wasn't enough.
>Elagabalus was gay and likely suffered from gender dysphoria.
You trannies make me fucking sick, stop trying to rewrite history to be accepting. History rightfully hated you.
He also was an insane sadist that got murdered by his own praetorian guard, mental illness.
Why do you see trannies everywhere?
Read some history for yourself.
Where is this Roman arguement even going?
>dude Romans diddle children
>pedophilia has been the norm for ages
None of this disproves it being taboo. It also acts like we are going backwards.
>Very very few people practiced homosexuality
But I thought the narrative was there were gay dogpile every Thursday?
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
stop trying to rewrite history, you think the average roman went "oh yeah the emperor fucks men and that's a good thing!"
About time, where have you been?
Hadrian loved his boy toy so much that he had him deified, which means that this faggy little twink is infamous for having more surviving images than any other Roman, period.
> A strong Roman man was expected to both own and fuck his slaves, male or female
well there's a poster with a girl who has the mr studd (fake benis) implant
no idea if it's actually possibly to get it yourself
I feel like he got a ban and actually waited it out
Wow, that almost sounds like a fictional story! Wait a minute.. it's just that! A story. Many you sure are a stupid nigger.
That's not the same though, and is just a poster.
No, unless its someone else. The dedicated cybershitposter is the same autistic who spams these posts for other popular releases, ban evading nonstop. Mods confirmed it.
The strongest source is that there's straight up no distinction between heterosexual and homosexual in Latin. The words don't exist, and have never existed, because the people that spoke the language didn't need them. Because it wasn't about who the were fucking, it was the fact that they were the ones doing the fucking and not the ones being fucked.
It's like the tranny shit in Rocko. It almost seemed like a joke. How was that representation "good"? It makes trannies look crazy.
nice source retard
typical jewish revisionism
They literally called gay men "gaped assholes" they had a word for faggots I assure you.
Will the release of Cyberpunk cause Yea Forums to implode?
I can't wait to see these faggots have when the game inevitably sells well.
I can see it now.
>People playing and enjoying the game
>Autists try to shitpost in every thread trying to derail it by posting memes and buzzwords
>They get mad as fuck when it sells well and they can't stop people from talking about the game
It’s like they don’t want people to buy the game.
>Muh Joo boogyman
not an argument
>I can see it now
Well no shit it happens every time there is a big release. But they don't get mad. Shitposters are not really mad about anything, they are just shitposting for entertainment. Once the games out they'll find the next game they can shitpost about to get the (you)s they like.
So the lack of existance of the phrase proves the normality of it?
How does anyone even find proof for this sort of thing when it is allegedly impossible to record a distinction?
>Muh "the Romans didn't kill gays immediately" so "it's okay so eat another man's shit"
>front wheels
holy shit my penis
Oy vey that damn mouse has got us again!
for breaking.
its the retard skates, I'm honestly surprised you never seen them. Have you never went roller blading?
Damn zoomers. Those are brakes.
That account can't be a real testimony.
That's even crazier than the theme-park-oven-rollercoaster testimony.
Roller blades have brakes on the back like a sane person would expect (or not at all like a rad dude would expect).
wait now I'm confused I know they've always been on the front, but I can't imagine breaking on the front without falling on your face.
>future with robotic bodies and cyber brain shit
If any game setting can have trans, futa, gender bender shit it's this one.
Wow, out of 6 million casualties, one report isn't credible! Therefore they're all fake! This is truly the famed Aryan IQ I've been hearing about
Sir, that's six gorillion.
drag one of your skates behind you to slow down enough to stop
This is some Mandela Effect shit right here
Sure, but capitulating to the tranny ideology and compromising design for it is not the way to do it.
>but I can't imagine breaking on the front without falling on your face.
That happens a lot before you're used to them, once you're a rad dude you learn to just put enough pressure down to slow yourself without fucking your balance. The reason they are on the front is so you can walk when needed, such as up stairs or if you want to push up for a radical jump. Least I think so I'm not an expert.
>Wow, out of 6 million casualties
Does anyone have that image where the news was running bits about the 6 million before the war was over? I'm trying to look it up to see if that's just a meme or not.
What's funny is that they're doubling down when they know full well it will cost them in sales. Is the game that bad that they have to surround it with controversy to get it to sell?
When are you fucking retards going to realize that there is a difference between putting trannies in your cyberpunk game as a consequence of the times and actually marketing your game to trannies like they're doing?
Roller skates: 4 wheels in a 2x2 configuration. Brake on toe.
Roller blades: 4 wheels (typically) in a 4x1 configuration. Brake on heel or no brakes at all.
The brake on the SKATES were angled such that it'd touch the ground with the trailing edge of the brake component as opposed to the flat of the component or the leading edge thereby preventing such topples (usually - if you were too vigorous or cheap skates it could do exactly that). Brakes were sometimes not used if the user was experienced, usually doing a tight circle to stop.
>Pls does anyone have that epib /pol/ info graphic!? I gotta pwn this lefty
Could you both fuck off to /pol/? At least the cyberpunk shitposting was Yea Forums related.
>sometimes not used if the user was experienced, usually doing a tight circle to stop.
This is how I remember breaking when skate rinks stopped using breaks
>/lgbt/ spam is on topic
Fuck off nigger
I'm just asking user, I want to look it up.
don't act so hostile.
Wow, out of 3 billion white males, one is a mass shooter! Therefore they're all mass shooters! This is truly the famed Soi IQ I've been hearing about.
>I just want to keep shitposting about jews don't be so hostile
Rent free types need to go back to their containment board.
People are going to look back at this decade and think it was a joke. They'll see shit like the apache helicopter and assume no one took this seriously.
I'm just happy it will be DRM free so I can pirate it I learned my lesson about supporting WOKE shit it only gets worse as the company gets older it's like finding cancer
user if you're not going to be helpful, don't bother replying.
Nothing about this is WOKE shit.
Stop falling for shit posting. I'm tired of you dumb niggers.
>D.. don't talk about t.. things I don't like
You have to go back
I fucking hate this website
The apahe helicopter is real though and it's highly effective. Why would you compare this vidya nontroversy shit to one of the most decorated and effective attack craft in existence?
you sound like a bitch lol.
>god I hate coming back to this site
Why? Because someone is spreading information? Is it challenging your struggle for control?
>Nothing about this is WOKE shit.
they are passing it off like it is that tells me more than enough, they are going to go full bioware in the next few years I have no doubt.
>can be degenerate in cyberpunk dystopia like the rest of the degenerates
honestly at this point you guys are just looking for shit to get mad about for no reason
>they are passing it off like it is that tells me more than enough
That they want the free poistive PR it'll bring, you fucking rent free faggot. Bare in mind trannies seethed about the fake dick poster girl in the gameplay video and they got shut down.
Even bioware wasn't retarded enough to say they were purposefully attacking their playerbase
I wish they'd add furries, they're in the source material and the mass suicide of triggered Yea Forumsedditors would be hilarious
>honestly at this point you guys are just looking for shit to get mad about for no reason
Welcome to Yea Forums.
I guarantee you will never see a cd projekt game with gendered character creator no matter the setting
So people are made uncomfortable by the mere mention of gender now, huh? Okay CDPR, whatever you say
You joking, right? They did it throughout the whole ME3 fiasco, they did it with the ToRtanic, they probably even done it earlier, though I didn't really pay attention before DA2 (in which they, again, attacked their playerbase over complaints). Their egos inflated far too much and they couldn't cope.
Not only free positive PR, but they also get idiots trying to make negative PR which just converts into even more free positive PR.
Yup, and if you're not full blown tranny acceptance they don't want you playing their game. Sound familiar?
game keeps getting worse with every single article, first time i have seen this
Sounds like Nazi Germany, to me.
>Not allowed to disagree.
I like the idiots defending it they're probably the same idiot they defended bioware when the first staed going WOKE
I was kinda hyped when I saw the first trailer trannie shit killed most of the hype but still gonna pirate
Did you know some of the books Nazis burned was about tranny acceptance?
>3 billion white males
I just wanted to follow the story of that police officer and the lady that became a police officer after the murder spree.
Guess it was too much to ask for a good story based in the cyberpunk world.
That would have been incredibly gay and bad though
What’s actually crazy is you people thinking the mass majority of the general population gives a fuck in either direction.
There total is and it's called the imperium of man
>Do the shit 99% of games do (Fire Emblem Three Houses for example)
>Act like you're doing it to be inclusive
As opposed to what we're getting... right...
Go dilate.
From how I read it it's more like "instead of having one option to set both body and voice you first pick body and then voice". If the game (as in characters) actually react to obvious mismatch, get confused and the like I'm all in favour of the change. All in all seems like potential for more RP options and more possible characters resulting from various trait combinations so far.
If they're doing this shit, I better be able to cause a shit fit in game by asking to be called He/Him
>Doesn't say that anywhere in the link
Reading comprehension is difficult huh?
Remember when their chief marketing officer said exactly that?
It's one of, if not the most, anticipated game releases of next year on literally everywhere else other than this inconsequential mongolian throat singing forum
I can not actually wait for Yea Forums to erupt when they find out this made it into 77 in full glorious slavic fur tech.
>actually react to obvious mismatch
Yeah because tumblr opinions are so much better, right?
Weren't the preorder extremely lackluster though?
Literally I don't.
Was it an official statement or something?
If true, that makes me even sadder.
Begone from here faggot
Yup. Official statement. They actually said that they were going to not only deliver the 2013 trailer, but that it was going to be better.
You're reading it completely wrong and don't understand shit about the cyberpunk lore. They won't react because its 100% normal to be mixed gender in this world, technology lets you strap on a dick so a lot of girls just bolt that shit on and go assmaster on people.
If you don't like that stuff, cool shit but thats the world, thats the lore of cyberpunk, get mad and leave if that stuff triggers you.
Absolutely fucking based.
what page is that on?
>Giving a shit about other people's gender
>Far left
Who even cares what people identify as? Just tell me what to call you and I'll call you it, I don't give a shit if you're 'Lisa' with a Gandalf beard and a six pack. How fucking empty does your life have to be to even give a passing fuck.
>It's going to be a manly voice though
They can actually have several. Depending on the number of lines the protagonist has they may give a range of VAs not dissimilar to, say, NWN.
the sad part is pokemon already did this a few years back
Oh well.
At lest the game they're actually delivering is so vastly different from that trailer that there's still space to hijack that concept and style.
Indeed, when i go to "el otro lado" i cant stand Chicanos trying to speak with our mexican slangs, they sound so tryhard.
It's actually a different game entirely. They nearly abandoned the project in 2015
There was a 40% chance they were going to do it anyway.
Everybody is getting worked by the "Devs", bet your ass that you're gonna get 2 scenarios or some shit like that.
Very empty. These people attach themselves to these ideas because the have the need to belong and are too weak willed to ever admit that their social shortcomings are partially their fault. It’s easier to project your anger than contextualize it and these people always take the laziest route. It’s why the extremes on the social political spectrum are completely socially retarded.
Fire Emblem
Mass Effect
New Vegas
Off the top of my head. Yea Forums is crying about nothing, again.
It's almost like people whose sole identifier is who they fuck are complete pieces of shit
Not being normal doesn't necessary equate to being bad, though. Einstein certainly wasn't normal, for example.
I realize you're merely portraying how the typical complaints from this group of autists go.
>You're reading it completely wrong
>and don't understand shit about the cyberpunk lore.
>They won't react because its 100% normal to be mixed gender in this world,
I'm not sure corporate execs would agree with you, bucko.
>technology lets you strap on a dick so a lot of girls just bolt that shit on and go assmaster on people.
"It exists somewhere in some quantity" doesn't suddenly translate to "everyone does it all the time".
Yeah straight dudebros piss me off too.
Not me, where's my "dudebro" option? I want games where getting pussy is the main objective.
>"everyone does it all the time".
I'm not as obsessed about political garbage as you are but in that hour long demo I don't recall every single npc being a trans flag waving heshe. Retard.
>I'm not sure corporate execs agree with you
Game is low life, you're interacting with corps but you can't join them, the focus is on the dregs of the city where all the sex and degeneracy such as shemales live. Not only do you not understand cyberpunk, you don't know shit about the game and you seem to have trouble reading into posts outside of the literal words used, which is a major sign of autism by the way.
>where's my "dudebro" option? I want games where getting pussy is the main objective.
Male V who only sleeps with female characters. Wow that was hard.
Try highschool
Contact Biotechnica for an offer.
They never said any of that though, just that you’d be able to choose a body type and a voice.
Oh so this game is only about fucking people? No wonder they're pandering to sexual degenerates
The only "empty" people are the ones so devoid of life and a personality that they base their entire existence around their gender and using it to make every single person around them as miserable as they are. I'll call you whatever you want to be polite in the same way I'd call an old person with Alzheimer's whatever they want. Leave me the fuck alone.
Didn't they have to keep showing off the tranny until they had to put it center screen for anybody to notice?
Just rewatched the trailer.
It had so much fucking potential.
I'd actually love to see what they had before they scrapped/restarted it and what happened that caused them to change direction so fucking dramatically.
>I'd actually love to see what they had before they scrapped/restarted it and what happened that caused them to change direction so fucking dramatically.
They didn't have enough people to get the Witcher 3 dlcs out the door before deadline so they pulled everybody off of cyberpunk (which was supposed to be out that year)
Friendly reminder that so far all these have been confirmed
>You MUST use gender neutral pronouns
>After the origin section you wake up in your apartment after having slept with a man
>Your main quest givers are a black man and a woman who boss you around
>Shooting women and children in the game results in a game over (But not men)
>The story is centered around a chip that is put in your head to make you cis, and you are trying to get it out
>showing off the tranny
What tranny are you even talking about you sad obessed faggot? The poster? Thats in one or two clips and its not a tranny but a woman with a sex toy attatchment.
Yeah, but that doesn't explain why the game they're now releasing is so different than what that trailer gave us.
Yeah. They kept putting it in things and nobody noticed and it got to the point where they had to put it center screen.
They're weirdly obsessed with dilation as well.
Well they did mention that they were also updating the witcher 3 engine because it performed so poorly. Maybe they just decided to start fresh.
Obviously this thread is retarded pol bait
>The only "empty" people are the ones so devoid of life and a personality that they base their entire existence around their gender and using it to make every single person around them as miserable as they are.
Truth, I can't wait for the manly man bacon XD stereotype to die. Masculinity is so fucking dumb.
Not using my proper she her gendered pronouns is problematic, who let this hate speech get through
so this is going to be removed?
>Cdpr not changing everything they release
The two checkboxes are turning into either four checkboxes or two checkboxes and a list of voice sets.
>Trannies will defend this
>where they had to put it center screen.
Oh right that part of the gameplay demo where V stops to talk about trannies and their place in society for twenty minutes, yeah that part.
You know how absolutely pathetic it is to get triggered over an art asset you see in a game, right? I mean serious talk, you DO know how fucked up that is? You legit have something wrong with you if you seeth over pictures in a video game, regardless of the pictures content.
>not even called a rpg any more
>confirmed to a very linear story
>amd now this this meaningless WOKE virtue signaling
this game is going to be shit isn't it ?
Imagine falseflagging and making up lies about a game to try to convince Yea Forumsirgins not to buy it and to tell their friends to create a chain reaction of misinformation because you're assblasted by a bunch of fucking polacks
>You MUST use gender neutral pronouns
Source? Also using gender neutral they/them and referring to the protag as a generic name like Shepard or you know, V, is not at all uncommon to avoid rerecording lines.
>After the origin section you wake up in your apartment after having slept with a man
Sourcing this on that demo they did? They confirmed that was all they had done so it was all they could show.
>Your main quest givers are a black man and a woman who boss you around
You mean the black man that betrays you in the most recent trailer? Also what woman? They've confirmed multiple contacts with more unlocking the higher level you get.
>Shooting women and children in the game results in a game over (But not men)
Pulled this one out of your ass.
>The story is centered around a chip that is put in your head to make you cis, and you are trying to get it out
You weren't even trying here.
He's being sarcastic.
Goddamnit. Why cant we have a When Gravity Fails vidya instead?
You ever think that some posts are making fun of people, user?
No the part where the tranny poster took up half the screen in a released screenshot after people missed it for weeks
I just feel so bad for these people, maybe they just liked feminine things or could have gone to crossdressing clubs on the weekend to let it out. They could have still had a chance to have a relatively healthy lifestyle and maybe find happiness despite feeling like they woulda liked to be born the other sex but instead they riddle themselves with drugs and in worse case, mutilate themselves. I honestly feel that this culture hurts these people physically more than anything
Yep. This ones going into my pirate compilation.
>Femininity is so fucking dumb.
>Humanity is so fucking dumb.
This is how retarded you sound.
>thread full of people intentionally misrepresenting the game to shit on it
>haha what if I did that too, but as a joke ON THEM
>pandering to trannies
You and trannies are missing the point that having no gender is part of this dystopian future. There's nothing to be proud of there. But trannies are still happy so everyone wins.
CDPR confirmed for 200 IQ
It was screencapped and spread around everywhere the day of the event, there was a massive uproar from the sjw crowd about muh sexual explotation of trans people. Way to out yourself as someone who either hasn't paid any attention and thus is just here to shitpost, or willfully lying to shitpost. Either way fuck off retard.
And it's still the best city ever created in a videogame, at least until Cyberpunk comes out
this sounds more like a convenient excuse to not have to include separate audio tracks for each gender
Yeah, it was also in a bunch of shit before but nobody noticed so they purposefully released it.
Poster you're quoting. It was literally a joke.
>Shooting women and children but not men is a game over and the story centers around trying to remove a cis chip
How the fuck can you people read that shit and not take it as either shitposting or a joke? Jesus christ you people need some awareness.
>Nobody noticed it
>It was literally noticed day one, capped and spread causing a massive outrage that was in the news cicle for weeks
>Y-Yeah but nobody noticed it from the trailer
Find someone else to collect (you)s from, faggot.
I can recall some Ubisoft titles where it wasn't far from the truth.
Also fuck you, ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and this is exactly why.
>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Ironic shitposting is 90% of this thread where every post is made to bait people, my post was obviously a joke, one that others clearly picked up on. Not our fault you're autistic and can't read into shit.
It was in the game before but nobody noticed. How many times do I have to say it? They purposefully released it because nobody was spotting it organically. Are you retarded?
Femininity is dumb, humanity isn't dumb, but the people who cling onto femininity and masculinity like it fucking matters are.
Fucking kill yourself you disgusting roasty pig.
And you people wonder why so many men are pedophiles. Fucking disgusting.
>the river was already full of litter, you weren't supposed to see me littering and get mad at just me!
fuck you you stupid nigger
>Tranniies a compealty sane guys we should definitely pander to this group of people
Jesus, get help pedo.
>I can recall some Ubisoft titles where it wasn't far from the truth
they've let people punch women since AC4
What the hell are you even talking about you fucking aspie.
>someone did a writing so I'm going to judge everyone based on it
>hurr femininity is useless
>wow I wonder why men would rather have a feminine pure cunny instead of me?
Work it out hag
Shut up kike
Get help.
>"Fuck #metoo those women were asking to be raped"
>"wow someone wrote graffiti on this women's shelter, what a disgusting individual. I am morally superior to them."
Didn't say I approve. I've been way too tired of le irony since about five years ago.
Thank fuck i saw this before i pre-ordered.
>Must be a woman because I think masculinity and femininity are stupid.
Wow this must be the fabled incel logic I've heard so much about.
More importantly. Will there be an option for a furry dick girl?
Damn, she swollen.
it just keeps happening
>incel incel incel
Keep barking you fucking disgusting old dog. I truly hope you people get put on a leash soon, where you belong.
Reading OP made me so mad I punched my computer and now there are weird green dots all over my screen what the fuck do I do?
How much sex do you have?
>Am I a man of a woman?
>Maybe if I kill my family I'll get the answer
Do you think it worked?
Maybe if he took enough estrogen his daddy could have easily overpowered him and prevented his death
>Only transgender people go on murderous rampages.
Do you know how much crazy shit the 0.1% of the population says on twitter?
I've watched them these people are mentally ill.
Which one of these people is you?
everytime they do crazy shit it's always linked to their gender this is not healthy
And it still pales in comparison to the crazy shit the 99.9% of the population say on Twitter.
Like men who kill their wives when they feel emasculated. Or men who kill strangers when they feel emasculated. Or men who kill themselves when they feel emasculated. Or men who go on shooting sprees when they feel emasculated. You're right, this focus on gender is really unhealthy.
Did you know kek predates kekistan by 13 years?
No I'm not into Kekistani culture
The frog god Kek goes back to Ancient Egypt. Shit predates the Jews.
Based zoomer not knowing what kek is.
>This is what people who make /pol/ threads look like
Wow, already feeling better about myself.