Are there any tactical advantages for dressing up like a slut in a fight?

are there any tactical advantages for dressing up like a slut in a fight?

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distract thirsty dudes

Makes my pp hard and I'm less likely to win


Ease of rape after losing.

Distracts male opponents

makes the guy less eager to protect himself from certain wrestling holds

those jeans look really uncomfortable to fight in

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Clothing can be grabbed, the less you wear the harder it is for your opponent to grab you.

You won't be mistaken for a dude whose come here to fight.

Technically, most of the characters in Street Fighter aren't dressing up to fight. They are just in their casual clothes, and they end up running into other characters and start fighting for reasons.

So Laura is just a ho that dresses up like that on the daily.

>Is there a reason that men wrestle and fight nearly naked?
But seriously those are just her street clothes. Its called street fighter.

What are some other games with underboob?

explain this

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Can punch your opponent’s boner for maximum damage.

Kojima wanted to bust loose in joost and needed a reason to get her naked.

to make you feel ashamed of your thoughts and deeds

it's not her body

Japs have been thirsting for Dutch pussy since the Tokugawa Shogunate period where the Dutch were the only foreigners allowed in Japan

Exactly. He wanted the face on a better body

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Because being fully naked, although tactically adventageous, would not allowed in a AAA videogame due lost sales.

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Titties can be grabbed AND sucked tho

fucked and sucked


Yeah actually, studies have literally shown there can be an advantage to slutting it up with your character choice in a fighting game in terms of opponent distraction.


go back to your oversensitive snowflake era.....o wait we are still in that stupid crybaby oversensitive sjw bullshit era.....

wake me when that shit is finally over

You are missing the point. She is an attractive woman therefore she must wear the maximum amount of clothing so other women do not feel threatened by her regardless of how irrational their arguments and all boil down to "I HATE ATTRACTIVE WOMEN THAT AREN'T ME AND LOWER MY VALUE BY EXISTING".

The same women that will wear the skimpiest shit are the same ones that will say that outfit she is wearing isn't okay and give a fucking shitton of reasons which are merely justifications on top of the real reason which is competition for male attention.

Thy had to cover her tits and vag to get by the ESRB.

Based and kanker :DDDD

this, if you break your opponent's penis then he's done

He didn't tell her that she didn't need to be naked until afterwards though.

>Taking OP seriously

You do realize most fights are fought shirtless and with skin tights? This argument will never not be retarded. I know you're baiting though.

leg movement

laura is cute

it will ban your non burka game from FGC. men in speedos are okay though

Yes. It does.
That's why Aku turned into one against a duel with Jack.
NEVER compromise in a fight, even with a woman.

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I want to marry and impregnate Laura

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Thats a nipple alright


She breathes through her skin

I wish I was Laura

Me on the right

Poor lucky bastard never stood a chance


Removes weak sponsors from your tournaments

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Literally me

Still one of my favorite animations

Unironically yes. Less to grapple. Why do you think all mma fighters male and female are wearing glorified underwear?

To distract male opponents with their sex appeal and make it easier to move around.

But she's very vulnerable to being wedgied with her thong.

I mean she is in a desert, got her skin burned down and replaced, now has super skin that can also breath and has camo abilities and is literally trying to seduce snake

she is by far among the most logical designs within the whole MGS series, yet everyone goes apeshit about her half naked design just because she is a woman.

Like noone gave a fuck how almost all bosses in MGS1 were half naked in fucking Siberia with not even some minor logic behind it outside of "it looks cool", but people (especially Yea Forums) can't stop seething about how unrealistic Quiet's design is.

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is this good?

God I wish that was me


did she drop something?

My dick.

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The fact that this animation is still on the first page of Laura animations when it's 2-and-a-half years old is a travesty. She didn't get enough

She is totally underappreciated. She still doesn't even have her own doujin.

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Ya'll got any more dominant laura?

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Do you think she whips out her dick and teabags people when she wins?

Once you get dominated in the fight your opponent can hold you can and properly dominate you like the little whore you want to be.

If your clothes fit tightly, they're harder to grab to pull you off balance

>Homosexual detected

oh god please no!

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So would the most optimal way a woman would prepare themselves for a fight be being completely naked and oiled up and being flat or replacing their breasts with very rigid implants?

Easier to mindhacc

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Getting mercilessly raped if you lose the fight lol

Legs together and ass pointing up in the air. Now shake it for me like a good little bitch.

Fighting for sport is mostly done in little clothing that is form fitting so it doesn't get in the way or give the opponent a means to control your movements by grasping it. The kind of clothes you see in video games are mostly for making my peepee big though, which is an even better reason.

no way user you have to beat me first
but if you lose you have to take it in the ass user

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Only against gamers anyone who masters nofap turns that sexual energy into sexual power

>but if you lose you have to take it in the ass user
Fine! It's not gay if you've been defeated in battle, after all.

The fact that this is the only decent SFV animation in almost 3 years is a even bigger one, every single girl in that game is made for sex but no one does jack shit

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Sorry pal, MK has grown up now. We can't have that kind of thing here.


Freedom of movement

Grab rock hard boners and sever them with vice grip

best girl

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Any reason why her pants are unbuttoned?

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Tight jeans aren't comfortable. God, I hate jeans, I wish I was in the timeline that didn't have jeans as the predominant form of leg wear.

Yes the MC is based

Less clothes to grab onto and control in leading an opponent to grab there.
In a fight most people aren't thinking about clothes so if certain attacks are your specialty you can lure an enemy to grab you in certain areas that makes those attacks easier to connect or blindside with.


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There was exactly one consistently half naked boss and he is a literal Inuit shaman from Alaska with potentially spoopy magic and the physical strength to carry around and fire an aircraft mounted revolving cannon. Also no one actually cared about Quiet, that was all PR shilling. Get off the internet, you've started to go soft in the head.

based coomer

what does getting manhandled by a muscular girl feel like?

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Somebody just post the webm already

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>are there any tactical advantages for
women fighting huge men?

no, so they better be there just for eye candy as well

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>having to explaing any design

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what about huge woman fighting small man?

Koijima just wanted a mute lady in swimwear, no other explanation is needed

As much as I like the skin tight look, I don't think it works when the pants are pulled half-way down. It looks like her asshole is sucking the pants in.


Why is that considered slutty?

Because if an ugly chick wore it everyone in a 10 mile radius would start throwing up uncontrollably.

>thong sticking out of jean underwear

Less clothing means more mobility

Already prepared for rape when they lose

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god I wish I were Laura unironically



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and I'd make sure to be a good one

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And how exactly are you gonna sure you are one?

post discord please

Would you rather be raped or murdered?

yes please

Raped until murdered

Thats relatively tame and you know it, idiot

Yes, and it's important.


>dirt and roots caked into every crevice
Yeah, you have fun with that one.

dumb 'toko

Are there any tactical advantages for dressing up as a male underwear model in a fight?

That's literally just how she dresses in everyday life, she just happens to wear her street clothes to the street fights. I'm disappointed with the mental gymnastics on boths sides trying to criticize or justify it when it's as simple as that.

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some men are intimidated by strong women

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>tactical advantages for dressing up like a slut in a fight
more "GAME OVER" porn

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More of this needs to exist

please borplease I need to coooouummm give me the ID

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Ok, now how about some sauce on that?

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God why can't that be me

It can be

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I want to thank the people that made both the animation and the male model. Absolutely fantastic and such a shame that model isn't used more

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Just be a slutty chun

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Women never go anywhere intending to fight. It doesn't stop them from dressing like sluts.

I-I'll do my best..
But i've never played SF...

Just be a proud cop with a hidden need to be degraded and dominated

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Oh, that I think i can do, pretty easily actually.

She releases fucking eletricity with her own hands, so who cares

And why's that?

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Quiet breathes though her skin

I hide my need to be degraded and dominated all the time.
Just need to work on the proud female cop part.

Nothing that being on the internet and claiming you are can't help. You can be the proud female rape bait you want to be

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Nice crop job.

I suppose that's true! I'll do my best, user.

Be the best whore cop you can

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It's anons like you who inspire me, so thank you!

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in a land of cucked fighting games god bless capcom for not being afraid of fanservice

Where does she tuck her balls in this pic?

In my ass.

automatic world star upload fame

>game is called street fighter

They added some weird skin tight body suit to juri under another skin tight body suit just to censor her titties

I'm jealous.

now be our slut pig

She's supposedly Brazilian, right? I can tell you that chicks around here, specially high schoolers in my experience, actually dress almost like that, no joke. They cover more skin but that pic ain't that far from the truth. Fuck, a chick in elementary used to dress kind of like that (tight, really small shorts, almost showing the bottom of her butt cheeks, used to fold the school shirt in-between her boobs like you see on those 80/90s cowgirl pinups with the flannel shirts) used to do lap dances in the middle of class for lunch money. Another chick (same class as the lap dancer) was caught having sex and doing drugs with an older dude, dude got arrested for pedophilia, chick got away scott free and kept the huge teddy bear gift the pedo gave her.
One of the classrooms on this same elementary school had a hole in the wall that went from one class to the other, some dude stuck his dick inside the hole once.

there's not a ton of cleavage in SFV, you just need to appreciate giant asses, giant titties, thick legs, and feet

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is this a mod or an actual costume?

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No, it's a video game, not reality.

get over it.

You know just how to treat a lady~


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fuckpig. breed sow

Yes! That's exactly what I want to be, keep it up please!

Nope. You gotta earn it

I-I'll earn it, I'll do whatever I can to be treated like a slut!

>Just be a proud cop with a hidden need to be degraded and dominated

like that one bong movie with the girl cop in the parking garage where all the gang members are white?

less for your opponent to grab onto. greeks literally competed naked for this reason

Post pics

O-of what...


A sharpie in the pooper

why does a secretary need to dress like this?

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To take my 3 inch cock.

higher range of movement(usually)
making the enemy think she is not a threat(female ninjas and spy agencies did (and do)this all the time)
looking cool and building a fanbase.


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s0uce me niggy

Is SFV is really that trash?

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How whorish would your uniform be?

Is there a torrent or mega with all these slutty mods? These kikes are really out of their mind asking to pay 10 bucks and more just for one costume mod with skin variations/


A tied up police shirt, a police skirt that barely covers my ass, showing off the garter straps holding up my black thigh highs, and really tall black high heels!
And my cute little hat on sideways.

why does she have that weird half and half hairstyle?

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Wow. No function at all. How are you gonna chase after crooks in those heels of yours? What if people mistake you for a hooker?

She's a BR

its not femdom its trash as fuck

I'll get them, don't you worry! They'll come back running when they get a look at me.
And if people mistake me for a hooker, I'll arrest them of course! That's solicitation.

Knew it was too good to be true.

it's a disadvantage, you don't want to get caught in a deadly titty twister

fucking gamer

What if they don't believe you? They'll probably think you're just being funny and give that fat ass a smack

>Sean has to share an apartment with her and deal with all the boys Laura brings home and into her room
>And how she's always wearing his basketball jerseys

It's a cruel life for Sean

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derete disuuu

Short shorts are actually very comfy.

Hmph, then I guess I'll take them to a hotel room so I have an easier time handcuffing them! That way they can't run or can't call for help!

It makes my peepee hard and big and easy to hit and hurt me.


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Have you tried to fight with a boner before?

Dam kolin looks like that?!

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I don't change my attire based on whether I am planning to be in a fight that day. Its not like someone started some shit with her and she took the time to change her clothes before kicking him in the teeth.

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GOD i love this artist so much~

Feels like that's just a convenient excuse so you can get railed

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Of course not! But, maybe I'll have to so I can see if his solicitation was serious.

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that looks totally like a tranny

i lick thicc asfuck stuff too user, but the fucking faces are horrible

And how far are you gonna go? Just suck him off? Or will it take multiple unprotected loads in your womb to convince you?

I like the faces in a weird way. Being so "horrible" makes them look more depraved~

Depends on what he asks for! I'll make sure to milk all his loads to really see if he's guilty, though. I wouldn't stop until his balls are completely empty!

I know what scene you're talking about and not exactly because in that scene the cop lady didn't get a big stupid grin on her face and roll her eyes up before the guy finished, fucking hilarious as that would have been

Why do women insist on that shaved side of the head haircut
It's fucking retarded

Take it to /trash/ people, the thread for fighting sluts just came back for that purpose

I-I've never played a fighting game :(

i mean you don't have to, you just have to be a slut

discord or email?

Just not sure if I'd do the characters well in a thread about fighting games...
[email protected]

and lizard, and dwarf. Elf is a thot though, and only has an anvil.

I hope so.

Oh well, just in case you still feel like trying (or someone has girls too lewd for Yea Forums)

By then you'd probably be a fucked silly mess! Knocked up even. He'd probably just leave before you can even begin your little cop routine

Just being a good whore is good enough, trust me

Why are SFV women so sexualized?

what would you do with a kolin gf?

you can tell the cops the guy raped you when you lose

Hmm, well even getting knocked up won't hurt my job, I think. B-but I'll do what I can to keep him there!
I'll give it a shot then, I think... Fighting girls are super sexy...

>that webm of juri where she headscissors the guy to the death

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Like what? He's busted his nut so what can you offer?

They LOVE degradation whores like you

Why does it frameskip like that?

M-maybe my number so he doesn't have to resort to prostitutes, committing crimes!
Th-then I'll REALLY think about it...

better mobility

>actually got interested and start reading some gay fantasy following all the replies more so then the actual thread
this is some, stare into the abyss too long and it stares back into you type of shit, I dunno y'all niggas need to cut it out

Letting a crook use your thick slutty body as his personal cumdump? Are you SURE you're just doing your cop duties?

Hey, I'm the cop here. Making sure potential lawbreakers stay within the law is part of my duty!
If I need to wring his cock out daily to make sure he doesn't hire a prostitute, or worse rape a woman, I will!

But then he'll just use you whenever, wherever! It doesn't matter if you're patrolling or chasing a criminal. He'll just bend you over your patrol car and dump his load, impeding your duties

That's fine, there's plenty of people on the force to handle the other stuff! Someone has to keep him in line!

Even if you're making quite the show for everyone around? Soon you'll have a line forming for heir turns. You'll be known as the pig bitch

have sex incel

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That's fine, just means I can stop other potential horny rapists! The more the merrier.
So what if I happen to oink for them all...

I fight with my boner every day.

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go get a chat room faggots

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People will be more inclined to let you grapple them.

someone already did and it seems it still flew over their heads

Oink in your public use stockade

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Why would I be in a stockade though?!

Ease of use. To better serve your role as the town bicycle

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..That's fair, I guess it would be more comfy than having to bend over constantly!
The makeup on that pic is really nice, by the way.

Optimal would be to wear padded skin tight and form fitting clothing with a shield for the crotch.

Of course you'd like the skank look

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You can't blame me for that, I think it looks nice and fits me perfectly.

What are you two even doing

It would fit a sub slut cop yes

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is the thrill of being kicked out what's keeping you anchored here?

Careful user you're gonna get banned posting stuff like that...
But yeah, I would fit that role quite well.

Hasn't Redmoa been doing some good animations of Juri recently? Though it's a crime the other girls don't get more love.

which is why ill be in /trash/

the same reason why chat wheels and pings exist in dota. its to distract and tilt your opponent

Wh-which thread, just /fgsg/?

of course

Then I'm on the way!

>actual 3dpd actor is really attractive
>in game model is vomit inducing
Fucking why?

I want to eat Laura!