You guys don't ACTUALLY like this franchise, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I do cause the arcade games are fun

>Hating on based Mikey

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>What If...What if Mikey was your aunt?

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reminds me of devil may cry haha

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You have to be a literal retard if you don't like Donatello

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Not that Donatello though.

I always do but he's never really been my favorite.
That one comes close because Rob Paulsen is godly but if I had to pick a time where he was my favorite, I guess the new show despite how little of it I've seen, because I like his sarcastic demeanor

>"We fight as a team, Mikey"
>Proceeds to split each of the turtles

What did Boon mean by this?

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I love both Mikey and Dante, fite me

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>intentionally choosing worst Donny
Rise Donny is a literal Chad and you choose the virgin?

Purple used to be my favorite color so I was all about Don in the day

How is he the worst?
Still better than the reboot Donatello

Eat feet loser
'03 Turtles was peak TMNT

Attached: CIA Nigger.png (185x382, 115K)

Other than the original movie, I agree, but I'm also pretty nostalgic for both

/r/ing that recommendations chart for TMNT comics I saw years ago


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Thia show has pretty good animation

>Not liking '12 tmnt
I was born in 85, grew up with 90s tmnt and still think 2012 was a great series. Get off your nostalgia horse

I fucking loved tmnt as a kid
Don't know about it these days tho

>O'neil is black

80s April was my first cartoon crush and also has one of the better designs.
But god she's a downgrade compared to the other Aprils

Attached: 80s april.png (400x496, 657K)

>used to be
What went wrong in your life?


>He doesn't like dark meat

That design is alright but dear god I hate the red librarian glasses, remove it and that design goes from meh to pretty good

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How could one era be so absolutely based?

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The 2003 series is for real men of taste

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I just don't like when they force characters to be black just to be progressive because of their political agenda. If they were originally black, then I have no problems

Is this the stealth dmc hate thread? Because if so...
Fucking tubular, dude.

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>CHAD continuity
You get a pass for decent taste.

Why is Raphael so huge?

He's a literal beta that would rather get strung along by April than grow a spine and move on. Also he's pathetically inept unless the script wants to remind people he exists.

>adult gets mad about show called teenage mutant ninja turtles

Cowabunga dude

extra pepperoni

Thing about April is that one of the Ninja Turtles creators, Kevin Eastman, often changed April based on his girlfriends.
So there were comics were April was white (like she usually is) but there were others were she was either black or asian to match his current girlfriend

Attached: april 4.png (1203x612, 37K)

It's shockingly impressive. I didn't expect much out of it at first but it has sakuga moments practically every episode.

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Yes asshat

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I love how gory the original comics were

He's a snapping turtle in this one and those have always been absolute units in TMNT.

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>be 30 years old
>think im too old for new fetishes
>this happens

stop i don't want to be sexually attracted to turtles

>Not Raph

Attached: raphael.jpg (500x427, 106K)

Seethe more Dontefag

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She would rather have sex with giant turtles than you.

self-inserts are dumb

2014 TMNT and TMNT Out of The Shadows were the peak.
Fucking amazing fantastic kinos that caused normies to screech and flail their arms because MUH MICHAEL BAY REEEEEEEEEEEE

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Did this artist draw the cuties fucking each other yet?

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Mostly MaleApril cucking FemDonnie with the other turtles and Splinter

No lesbian incest but cuck shit? Fucking dumb bastard.

I just rewatched them recently, and I heavily disagree, they weren't peak in the slightest and among the worst TMNT movies only surpassed by TMNT 3
>trash Turtle designs that miss the point of them being ninjas
>shallow pandering to 80s fans in the second one while missing the mark in most areas
>rushed stories and you can see where the rewrites occurred in the first one
>dumb story beats like the first one having them learn ninjutsu from a book that's in Japanese
>Karai makes her live action debut and it's a complete waste both times because she gets taken out easily
>odd creative decisions that are invalidated in the same movie

where's the toon where Mikey fucks April then cums in Krang's mouth

Everything you just posted sounds amazing. Also I don't think they ever fought demons. And I read the whole thing in Dante's voice.

it's my headcanon Dante and Vergil both really liked the ninja turtles as kids. Nero too but he was/still is more into pro wrestling

Man.. it would be great to get a game based on those comics where they're older. I remember having a single issue of that when I was a kid. It scared the shit out of me. Raph had lost an eye and they used some sort of mech suits to swim around in the ocean avoiding brains with tendrils that tried to take over your body or something.

He got murdered and crammed into an animatronic.

but you cant discuss cartoons on Yea Forums its illegal

Since I was 4 years old, yes.

>Also I don't think they ever fought demons

Couple a times, really.

donnys the virgin, its even in the theme song
>leonardo leads, donatello does machines!
he literally cant get laid so he has to use fuck bots

Engineering your own fuckbots so you can focus on yourself is the most chad thing you can possibly do.

Low t zoomer can't relate to anything from the pre-onions era.

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>Pikachu on a raft floating over the ocean

Remember when Michael Bay thought they were Teenage Mutant Nigger Turtles?

He made them all giant nuggets instead of turtle ninja manlets

Attached: Teenage_Mutant_-Ninja_Turtles_Out_of_the_Shadows_Screencaps-8-640x360.png (640x360, 394K)

Why doesn't Yea Forums have anything nearly as good as Heathcliff posting

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>tfw no games let you play as the best turtle brother

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I'm surprised nobody made a turtles in time mod, all the assets are available and compatible with the streets of rage remake engine.

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He just wanted his palm tree

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I want to fuck splinter in his tight rat asshole

Fuck, that caught me unaware. Spilled my tea all over myself. Damnit user

Give Mike Gf
Give Mike lolifu

>Watched '03 toon
How fucking young do you think zoomers are

Which Splinter?

zoomers are be born in 1995 to 2012

All TMNT fans need to play this. It's a "best of" the entire series of games, animation and shit. Dozens of playable characters.

Read the original comics then

you picked the wrong image buddy

here use this one

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Did TMNT give anybody a foot fetish?

>As he read this it dawned upon user just how old he had gotten.
>those "2012 was seven years ago" troll posts were suddenly true.
>he reflected upon what he had done for the past 10 years
>he didn't like that feeling and cast it aside
>He dreamt of splinters tight rat anus instead.

Gtfo. If you don't remember a time when there were two Germanys, you're a zoomer.

That and Digimon

Did you actually watch it past season 2? Because good lord does it shit the bed HARD after that.

Sad but true.

they were the zoomers of the eighties

I disagree, there's some good shit in seasons 3 and 4
It wasn't as good as 2 but I liked the first half of both having an overarching plotline despite them going a bit too long. Not to mention the unannounced hiatuses during the premieres of the reboot movies really hurt the show a bit

>being a boomer in 2012+7
might as well die, grandpa

>There are people who think Leo isn't the coolest shit
Dual wielding katanas gives this reptile access to 2 sets of one grillion folded superior nippon steel. That's 2 GRILLION FOLDS at his disposal.

Is it a mugen or BoR slapjob?

What a fucking awful thread.

Sorry kid, I have to mow the lawn tomorrow at 08, can't die now. I have to make the kids next to me appreciate dad rock.

on the intro level with April I can't stop staring at her ass

how is this a kid's gaem

Attached: april OotS.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

He was my favorite as a kid. Nowadays though I see him as the straight man leader unless they actually make him a fully developed character

TMNT 12 is quite literally the best iteration of the turtles thus far.
Shitty art style aside.

Doubtful when 03 exists.

They still make turtles games?

out of the shadows was delisted a couple years ago
digital only
so yeah

Is TMNT actually worth getting into?

I'd argue the 03 series is a better adaptation (until it starts doing its own thing with that future bullshit) but 2012 has a lot of great original ideas and brought back a lot of the shit from the 87 show and made it work (better?)

Having Paulson as Donnie was a nice touch but I thought his obsession with April got old fast.

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play the genesis game
you will prolly like it desu senpai faggot

Depends on what media you want to watch/get into
Don't know jack about the comics or games, but I can recommend some of the movies and shows

Depends on what you mean? The games? the comics? The shows?

Stop and ask yourself if something called "teenage mutant ninja turtles" appeals to you at all. If so yes it is

Oh God yes. If you acknowledge that the whole thing started as a tongue-in-cheek parody, and that every version since usually never takes itself too seriously.

His obsession with April got old really fucking fast, and that's why it was fucking fantastic that they had an arc dedicated to knocking sense into Donnie.

>thought I would hate it
>it's actually the best version

That must be after I stopped watching, it didn't ruin the show or anything I just thought it was the focus of his character way too often. At least when Casey showed up it had a reason to be brought up. Gutted I missed out on this series when it was airing and the toys were in production/actually fucking good

I refuse to believe you.

Which Shredder is best Shredder?

I can kinda get season 3, how could you even stand 4? The space arc was godawful in every way.

TMNT 2k3 is unironically one of the greatest cartoon ever made.
Also not video games.

In terms of effectiveness? 2K3.
Funniest? Uncle Phil.

Fuck no, not even close. 12 was just a shitshow that didn't know what it even wanted to be, so it just aped every other version and made it worse.

The crossover episode being a much better interpretation of the 80s Turtles (including getting their voice actors to return this time) than Turtles Forever, Fugitoid and Triceratons getting to appear

>TMNT 12 is quite literally the best iteration of the turtles thus far.
Zoom zoom.

Fuck you retard, I watched 80's turtles growing up.

2K3 For most ruthless.
2K12 For best overall Shredder.

>made it worse
I always felt like it was more or less meant as homages to previous versions or just giving them a new identity. You can tell the guys behind the show were super fans, they fucking referenced the 2007 movie even

This. As hit and miss Rise is, it's at least it's own thing entirely rather than using the fanservice as a crutch.

you dont have to but I do

>2K12 For best overall Shredder
Fuck no, 2K12 Shredder was an incel cuck.

>renting this game over and over even though it wasn't that good

Attached: tmnt tournament fighters.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

>even though it wasn't that good
It's my favorite fighting game and one of the best fighting games.

03 since he's a fucking threat and a demon spawn.

>shredder word on the street is your niece has been fucking a red turtle

Holy shit, I remember watching this so long ago.

>Halloween Snicker dick.
Holy shit my sides.

But the problem is the references and homages became constant after a while, and that is not a substitute for good writing. By the time season 3 rolled around the whole show just became a retread of past shows, and the way they were implemented became increasingly contrived. It got so far up its own ass about it that they completely forgot about most of the character arcs they were setting up already. Remember Mutagen Man? The writers sure don't.

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>Mutagen Man
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's upset they forgot about that.
Yeah, I do see what you mean by the homages getting a bit out of hand, but I do think the show overall isn't bad. I did really enjoy the last season being a bunch of one off arcs with what if scenarios though, it was probably the best since 2

It's pretty damn good, user.

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Meh, won't last. Toy sales are terrible.

>choppy as fuck
>trashy character designs

I don't care how well-animated it is. Is the story any good. Are the turtles any good? Because it sure seemed like they were changing things for the sake of change.

what happened to mutagen man after they froze him?

theyre more turtles with attitude than ninjas if thats what you're asking

>We want the non-existent sonic boom audience

They just never resolved the storyline and he makes cameos from then on

Haven't seen it, but I did see the Batman crossover and they were characterized like shit there.

no and i dont like transformers either

Really? I thought they were spot on in that

It's already green lit for a second season.

You have to go back

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It's basically 80s turtles fare with some story bits here and there. It's nothing serious, but still a fun show overall.

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It's choppy because of the user who made the webm.

What sense? She liked him too and the last thing of the series released is her kissing him


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April was originally an ink drawing brought to life by a magic crystal, so race shouldn't even be a factor in her life.

BoR, it looks like.

Also, its gameplay is based on the NES games, mainly the third. Don't expect anything on the level of Turtles in Time.

1990 movie Shredder, though to be fair, everything in that movie is the best in the franchise.

The easiest example I can think of is Leo since they gave him a third of an arc which was a rehash in itself.

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It wouldn't even be so bad if everyone wasn't Flanderized to hell and back in the process. Mikey became completely retarded, Raph became a violent asshole, Casey was literally the show's Scrappy-Doo, etc. Also Splinter died fucking THREE times in this damn show. I'm not supposed to say "fucking finally" whenever Splinter's gone from a show for good.

>Shredder... Is an Utron!?

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This show is unironically great


>April was originally an ink drawing brought to life by a magic crystal

>Casey was literally the show's Scrappy-Doo
He really was, I'll never understand why they made him so underpowered and even shat on him at times (there was an episode he had to sit out completely because he broke a rib when they've done more dangerous shit and he's come out of it unscathed)
Leonardo I thought was fine and his sequence with the fear toxin was fitting to me

That's about all. Peace out.

Don hasn't been in Metalhead for awhile, dude.

The series finale of 2k12 was absolutely amazing. Robo-don is sick as fuck.

>the whole planet is destroyed, everyone's home is gone and the Turtles are lost in space on a ship
>Casey five seconds later: "THIS. IS. AWESOME!!!!"
Yeah, that's when the show died for me. April was still crying for fucks sake.

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These shorts were so fucking nice.

Reminder that 2K3 had Gigachad Baxter Stockman
Motherfucker just wouldn't quit, after being bullied, humiliated and mutilated by Hun and Shredder he just fixed himself up, until he was chromed out by the end of the series, managed to slap everyone's shit at least once.
He even got a good ending in Fast Forward

I do love me some good Devil May Cry Featuring Dante from The Devil May Cry Series

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the mad max style episodes, Was that the canon ending to the '12 series?

There is SO MUCH gay porn of them.

TMNT is great.

90's movie > TMNT > vs Batman > Secret of the Ooze > Garbage > Out of the shadows > III > 2014

Attached: 24-4.jpg (592x578, 92K)

Yea Forumsmblr it's time for you to leave

Dante acting like Michelangelo is exactly why we like it

I don't recall that part, but at the same time I believe you

If I recall correctly, they did confirm it was canon. Or rather that it's "supposed" to be canon.

>Leonardo I thought was fine and his sequence with the fear toxin was fitting to me
He wasn't nearly serious enough, couldn't coordinate very well, and that sequence was resolved with a simple "MUH FAMILY" excuse at the end. Nothing about him went anywhere.

Out of the shadows was pretty good though, it did the turtles justice

Brainlet faggots make TMNT incest. Real gaylords make Donnie X Leatherhead and Raph x Slash.

>Raph X Slash

Tmnt 2012 was the best

>2014 below 3
Why that low? I agree it's not good and in trash tier but I wouldn't say it's worse than 3
He felt like the 2003 Leonardo to me, pre getting nearly killed by the Foot I suppose

Turtles were made to suffer.

Attached: Teenage Mutant Ninja Sufferers.png (645x773, 51K)

Nonsense, if anything there's not enough gay porn of them

What's Yea Forumss opinion on gay brothers fucking eachother?.
Is it wrong?

that's a really big April haha
imagine her big foot stepping on your dick at this size haha wouldn't that be painful hehe

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Anons he is actually talking about DMC, not TMNT

Ninja turtles is boomer core

Even boomers dont know what they like it other then nostalgia

Ciro wrote it to be canon. But nick said No.

Not if they're mutant ninja turtles


Nick can suck my big fat cock.


April got kunoichi training from splinter, physic powers, and a kraang back story. Meanwhile Casey just stays the same goofy hockey guy the whole time.

Go fork over cash for another MCU movie, zoomer

Attached: shredder.webm (700x394, 2.77M)

Born in 85 too. discovered the 2012 series this week-end on tv, thought it was a new show until i had read this thread.

That looks pretty cool. Character design looks horrendous though. They look more like frogs than turtles

This ain't to bad honestly.

>Ciro wrote it to be canon. But nick said No.
why is Nick so retarded sometimes, at least they still aired the episode. I remember Korra got taken off TV, and they streamed the rest of it online.

To be honest, Korra was garbage so who cares?

The only mistake Nick made was renewing Korra for 3 extra seasons.

Did Splinter have any good fights ever?

muh dick tho

The 2012 one had a great one against Shredder
Climax involved him embracing the rat stuff briefly and charging at Shredder at all fours

2K12 Splinter had some cool shit with Rat King.

>they couldn't have just added April's black friend

point is executive decisions are retarded, calling something non canon but still airing it and having creators say its canon, or renewing a show for another season but taking it off cable(dying medium) halfway just so you can replace its slot with reruns while you stream it online anyway

Nope. Writer said it was his personal headcanon. Lead writer said it wasn't real canon

Canon ending was the cookie cat music video...somehow

Im reading the IDW comics and aside from a rather convoluted origin they're pretty based.

Aside from that point, OP is also incorrect and the turtles haven't been that over the top since '98.

Attached: Kermit2.jpg (1920x1200, 167K)

in '12 the turtles are getting stomped in their first fight with Shredder, so Splinter has to come in

He kicks ass in both 2003 and 2012 shows

aside from the convoluted origin and fifth girl turtle made by a tranny you mean?

Yes, is there a problem?

Fuck you user, I have a new fetish

>"What's up, Donatello?"
>"Well, you know April, I was doing some research, and I was astonished to find that despite being 13 percent of the population---"

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do not speak of the self insert OC turtle


It's there and you have to acknowledge it, Yea Forumsmblr was screeching yass queen and clapping their hands about it endlessly

That staff of his looks to be about 10.2 feet, which is pretty impressive

that animation cant fix the godawfeul character design

2012 series really became amazing, such a climb from that awful pilot to having freaking Lo Pan of Big Trouble in Little China as a villain...just astounding

Is 03 worth watching? Shit's like a million episodes long.

Remember how the only way to watch the Generator Rex finale was to either buy it or pirate it off of fucking iTunes because CN always refused to air the last 4 episodes, then months later they said "ok we'll air one episode" and it was the only episode of the 4 that was filler and to this day CN has never aired the actual finale?

everyone says stop watching when they go into the future

The first few seasons sure, Ninja Tribunal is a bit iffy and the last couple seasons and Turtles Forever aren't all that good

Then what's the fucking point and why do people claim it's the best one?

well before then it was very good, then it wasn't so good no more...

People loved the early seasons, you could watch it all yourself

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Yes. Seasons 1 to 3 are the absolute peak of TMNT. Seasons 4 and 5 (mystic turtles) are beginning to drop in quality, season 6 (Fast Forward) is more hits than misses and season 7 (Back to the Sewers) is actual fucking garbage except for the finale which is actually a great conclusion to the series, I'd advise skipping that season entirely except for the last episode.

This. He's ruthless and calculating but also has logic to every action. IDW is kino

*more misses than hits
Sorry. Really, only the Bishop episode was memorable and good, the rest is a blur of mediocrity.

Great storytelling, animation, and action in the first 5 seasons

A female turtle isnt a new idea user, nor is yhat any reason to discredit over 50 issues of Kino by my count so far,

The original before the gimmick series sequels is amazing

yes Yea Forumsmblr we know, nothing like muh trans representation to earn gold stars from you

that episode was great, definitely something for boomers to enjoy.

Why make Shredder an ____om, user? That pissed me off

April in general was just the worst part about '12. They just threw a bunch of stuff at her to see what fit, and nothing did.

Uh, no? I'm not clapping for it. I'm saying that that alone doesn't nullify the fact that apart from that decision the series is really good IMO. Did you not like it before the addition of that character?

Utrom Shredder, unironically.
After that, I'd rank them 1990 > IDW > Uncle Phil

Because it's cool, unusual, unexpected and new. It helps him stand out from the other Shredders and builds a real mystery around him and his abilities in the first few season, then helps set him apart from Mystic Shredder in the later seasons. TMNT has always juggled between sci-fi and kung fu fantasy and making Shredder a hundred years old alien psychopath impersonating a thousand years old Japanese demonlord really helps bridging those two aspects of Turtle mythos

I get that. To me it just makes him look like everything he was was built on an elaborate deception though. A farce. Like unmasking a mysterious figure only to find out he's a midget on stilts. Whats worse is that every bit of story they gave to his character could have easily been given to Krang, and indeed, IDW's Krang is better in that role IMO.

At least Jennika is better than Venus

>long lost sister of the group, that Leonardo conveniently remembers "There was a fifth turtle with us."
>but not really, as now all the turtles aren't biological brothers, that way she can be romanced. So she broke an established bit of lore (which hasn't been broken since, until Rise.)
>Defeated all four turtles in her first appearance.
>Defeated the Shredder, for good.
>Is essentially the one to save Splinter from the dragons.

Venus is the definition of Mary Sue. No wonder Nick doesn't even want to talk about her.

Don't mind me just posting the most kino fight in TMNT history

>he was was built on an elaborate deception though
Well that's the thing with ninjas. They deceive. They trick. They lie. They misdirect. Also hot take but I always thought Krang was a fucking shit villain. At least Utrom Shredder remained ruthless, efficient and menacing even after the reveal.

is the inJUSTice turtles based upon a certain iteration of the series?

Look like a take on the 1990's movie designs to me.

Yes, but where Utrom shredder relied on an image, the Shredder I prefer has always been one that was a legit Demonic ninja warrior. Utrom shredder was just really good at lying. Just my thought.

Which version of Krang, though? IDW's Krang commanded and entire empire and killed his own dad WHILE saving his people for his own gain. Pretty badass to me.

>tfw wasn't watching OG '03 live for most of its run but ended up catching a lot of premieres for Fast Forward & BttS
There were some fun episodes scattered about in there (the evil clone turtles in FF had cool designs, and there's a BttS episode where they get sucked into some fake fantasy MMO and the random top-level player that helped them out was actually one of the villains playing the game for fun without realizing it was the turtles).

Is this game good?

>TFW we'll never get a HD Remake that adds Casey Jones, Newtralizer, Splinter, Usagi, Aoplex, Slash, Leatherhead, Agent Bishop, Beebop & Rocksteady.

I was always saddened by no Casey or Rocksteady/Bebop in that game. Especially since the inferior Genesis version had Casey and ninja April.

>that OP
Fuck, what happened to erase quality of this level?

Wasn't Casey in the NES version?

I love this design. Even without the mask colors you can tell who is who.

Did Leo want to fuck Karai? (2k3)

They are pretty great, I consider those designs top tier
Alongside the first two movies, 80s cartoon, original comics, and the 2007 movie

Attached: TMNT-Turtles-Raphael.jpg (450x185, 77K)

Yes, definitely. It also helps that they didn't throw the stupid fucking incest angle of 2k12

2k3 has the most kino ep. Forgot the name but Donny was sent to a future where he ceased to exist, and it was a dystopia.

It was the season 3 finale right before the space season.

I think it was called Same as it Never Was

Same As It Never Was, great fucking episode
Right at the end I'm guessing?

>everyone I don't like is Yea Forumsmblr
>a child's guide to Internet discussion

>Right at the end I'm guessing?
Yes, literally the last minute of it.

Also 2k3 handled the triceratron/Honeycutt arc the best, also traximus is hot.

May as well ask, but how do you feel about Female Turtles?

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Fellow user from the DMC Thread here, just wanted to say that all of you turtleanons are stinky

Hi, Shred-Head!

Did this show get canceled?

Venus was a good idea done poorly.

All of them are fucking shit. I'm not strictly against the idea but it's just never been done in a way that didn't reek of OC donut steel autism or blatant GRL PWR pandering. I'd much rather have non-Turtle female allies like April, Karai, Mona Lisa, Alopex or Ninjara.

I had to spam this just to beat Challenge mode.

>Also 2k3 handled the triceratron/Honeycutt arc the best
Agreed. Reading the first volume of TMNT after having watched the entirety of 2K3, it was crazy how much material they managed to adapt relatively faithfully from the original comics. I thought for sure volume 1 would just be street level/Shredder shenanigans but nope, the Fugitoid, the Triceratons, everything was there real early on.

>That one time the Turtles game was better than the current Smash at the time

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The 1990 movie is kino and no one can tell me otherwise.


True, but its sequels are schlock.

What id you think of the IDW version, user?

Honestly, I haven't read IDW TMNT outside of a couple storytimes on Yea Forums when it was first coming out

Secret of the Ooze is fine.

2003 is the middle child that gets overshadowed by anything new or the 1980s turtles
Being a 2003fag is suffering

Most people still agree that it's the best of them all, even 30 years later
Makes me glad that I'm also a fan of the original movie, but damn do I wish the 2003 Turtles got the same treatment it did

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So I dunno about what the other user was saying happens from way earlier (??? trans turtle? ) but I have read up to issue 60 and while they do change the turtles' origin, some of the twists are pretty Kino. Splinter and Shredder's rivalry seems more personal and a lot darker than in the past.

As for Honeycutt, From what I remember he's the same as the 2003 series except he's running from a...different fate. The Tricaritons are not directly involved but they do seem to be being saved for a future Arc that im not up to yet.

I think that its because of the lackluster video games and the fact that 4Kids had their hands on it during a time where not only anime was booming but weebs were completely destroying their corporate asshole over all that Yugi-Oh and One Piece bullshit; thus 2003 TMNT was always sort of cast in a bad light

They fucked the turtles calarts style huh? Pathetic. Through my vengeance, all will suffer

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I hate the new show but their design is the antithesis of calarts

Really? I used to post on the Technodrome forums back in the day and most fans seemed to think it was a great love letter to the comic.

she's a redhead, of course she gets blackwashed. it's how it goes now

I'm not talking die-hard turtlefans but mostly the casual audience

>??? trans turtle?
Basically a trans writer on the comic added xer self-insert female turtle OC who is an human transformed into a turtle through a blood transfusion from the TMNT

Apparently there was backlash from fans who grew up on the 80s show hating it. I wasn't on the Internet at the time so I can't relate

Is it? Looks pozzed as hell either way

Well, from what I recall it was the flagship show of the FoxBox when it aired so it musta been doing something right.

Oh, Jennika? huh. Well, I'll see how they execute it. From what I'm reading she seems to be being built up well, so from the looks od it i've seen worse.



And yes. Sharper lines. Less curvy, edgier shapes, more varied sizes, less blobby characters.

This is exactly why we need Female Characters (and I mean worthwhile ones especially pretty ones). They need to stop the gay. Also Star Fox suffers from this same problem. And also Klonoa. The cure? Female Characters also do NOT do what Nintendo does "Female Character in Starfox? Crazy Miyamoto demands they be retconned out of existence so he can fursuit and be furry gay." God I hate that man for doing that.

You guys make the best TMNT threads.

Also how come Capcom has never been approached to make a TMNT game with Itsuno's team? That's a dream come true.

Also they could also do a crossover with Devil May Cry as well. Just make the villain Savanti Romero (a TMNT Demon whose powers are time travel and crossing dimension so he's perfect for Devil May Cry).

>Yeah, I do see what you mean by the homages getting a bit out of hand, but I do think the show overall isn't bad

Oh I disagree. When a show literally repeats the same arcs over and over again that's horrible writing. Why do you think Season 3 of Teen Titans is bad? Because it's a repeat of a hero obsessed with a villain but it's done with Cyborg and Brother Blood instead of Robin with Slade and of course Slade is a cooler villain than Brother Blood.

Anyway TMNT by Nickelodeon? It really repeated arcs.

Season 1 it was saving April's father (who no one cared about so they dropped him after Season 2). Now Season 2's arc is ALSO saving April's father because he got mutated again. But a new target is also added, Karai. Karai needs rescuing in Season 2 because she's Splinter's daughter. Season 3 again we gotta save Karai. Do you see what I mean about repetitive arcs? And Karai didn't get saved permanently til Season 4.

Repetitive story arcs aside the Farm episodes and the Outer Space episodes are complete trash. I recommend highly skipping those filler episodes with no value. Overall Nick TMNT was a bad cartoon. Very very very bad.

Casey Jones is the best part of TMNT and you can't tell me otherwise. He cripples ninjas and mutants with fucking sports equipment and gets to murder way more often then the turtles.

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My friend it's WORSE than that. I'm ready to drop IDW TMNT because that disgusting mentally ill tranny is going to get promoted to HEAD WRITER starting from issue 101. I don't think I can stomach this man's bad ideas (like the ugly bald muscle thug dyke who betrayed her family because she has a crush on Karai).

Tom Waltz created Jennika the Fifth Girl Turtle. It's just that for whatever reason Tom Waltz decided along with Eastman to agree to make Jennika's mutation and choice of bandanna color to be yellow (which is that bastard Tranny's color of choice for his OC).

Do you guys think we'll get an original TMNT game for the PS5? Like something original similar to the Batman Arkham games. That way it's not a cheap tacky worthless licensed game. Besides I want to see some new TMNT characters who generally don't get any kind of exposure like Rat King or Old Hob and the Mutanimals.

>yeah I called you Hector do something. and you chinese. you don't get respect until you earn respect nigga clock out

This shit will always be hilarious. Wish Youtube had more content like this unless I'm looking in the wrong places.

I wish. Always wanted a TMNT that got the love that the Arkham games got.



Literally every turtle is a special attack, regardless of which Turtle you actually fight as. And the super uses all four of them as a team, retard.
Surprisingly, yes. It's a huge improvement over IJ1.

DMC x TMNT crossover when?
I could totally see Dante and the turtles hanging out then some demons show up in NY so the Turtles jump to fight and Dante goes too since demons are his gig.
Dial Dante down a bit to be T rated and you got yourself a cowabunga of a good crossover.

I thought that they've been REEEEing endlessly into the abyss because they can't jerk off too it?

No, it's just on hiatus right now.

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No arguments here.

Fuck society I thought it was pretty okay. Nothing Oscar worthy but far from a Trainwreck even if their designs are admittedly wonky but I got used to it after a while.

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Who's the Travis touchdown looking dude?

I don't think anyone will disagree at all.

>had this as a kid
>still have the gba game
>but don't remember a damn thing from the show

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>OP was trying to shitpost that Dante was just Michelangelo

>Thread is just a TMNT thread




>these weird as fuck fan made videos

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This is one of the most manufactured threads I've seen in a while

>no bean mouths
>no noodle limbs
>actually decent animation and fight choreography
You might as well start shitting on Motorcity while you're at it.


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I liked it, but they seemed like they were going for a spread of everything and not settling on a single characterization.

>Donny at the beginning
"don't call him that, precision in wording is important"
>also Donny, in the exact same movie
"we don't call it mutagen and retro-mutagen, we call it ooze and anti ooze"

there are fags who think mao mao is calarts too because reasons, ignore them

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I kind of see what you mean.
I also found it odd that they opted for ooze and anti-ooze coming off the 2012 series where Donatello definitely referred to the substances as mutagen and retromutagen

What’s the Yea Forumserdict? I remember kinda enjoying this at the time.

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Ooh, palm tree!

I remember it being unusually difficult. Fun game though.

Man I miss infinite chan. These soundless WebM's that are under 16MB depress me.

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>YFW you hear the booming drums in your very head

The TMNT would never hit this high note again.

I love TMNT 3 The Manhattan Project.

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Hell, didn't that show poke fun of the trend itself?

Yeah that one ep where he was forced to look less vicious

2003 TMNT is my jam. I was thinking of rewatching the whole series again.

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I just watched all of season 1 on and off recently and it was pretty good, gotta get back to it at some point

Yeah it's a great rewatch especially without constrained to waiting for weeks. With that said
>that longass "teaser" before the episode starts
>want to skip it, but miss out on the cute narration of the character

>April in general was just the worst part about '12.
She had a fat ass, so I couldn't hate her all that much.

I never want to skip those since they usually ended with a "what's gonna happen next?" attention grabber, and led into the theme song

My favorite was the Ancient One
Seeing Leonardo's journey to be able to learn to forgive himself was so fucking cathartic.

Why does western shit always go for the ugly/deformed art style, it's embarrassing

>best designs
>best voices
>best shredder
>best casey
>best music
>(arguably) best story
How did they do it?

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What was that one TNMT on the Wii? I used to play the shit out of that although I was complete garbage

The animators focused on it a bunch too, it's like they knew

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>Utrom shredder was just really good at lying.
He also manhandled the shit out of the turtles several times by himself. He was good at lying, but he had more than enough skill and power to back it up.

I forgot what that ep was about.

>best casey
That's actually the toughest call here, Casey is (almost, fuck 2012) always the most based person in TMNT


Neat, thanks!

Fucks wrong with you fool

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Why the hell are they using ladders as weapons all the time lmao



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> best shredder
>best designs
>best casey
What a shit taste
Get the fuck out

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TMNT game with DMC gameplay when

did they make her black because blackwash or did they make her black because of the fake "SHE WAS AKSHUALLY BLACK ALL ALONG" shit, because i'd rather she be blackwashed this time instead

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Mommy April best April

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Who knows but Rise April is not April. It's a fucking reskinned Irma

go find the images with all the aprils fucking each other.

There are a few tmnt threads popping up on Yea Forums

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Worst of the three. Two player maximum, and because of

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>Neca Movie Shredder figure being a convention exclusive
>8 bit Shredder convention exclusive
>80's Shredder at Target only
>Shredder and Ras Al Ghul 2 pack in December

I just want a decent Shredder dammit, I've already got enough TMNT teams

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Watched it again this year, it still holds up and I hope kids today will find a way to watch it.

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