>People will literally wait in a line in a video game to have a turn playing
Lmao these people are truly pathetic
>People will literally wait in a line in a video game to have a turn playing
Lmao these people are truly pathetic
imagine being the nigga on the barrel.
You ain't even on line, you're just managing a fucking queue.
This shit is the ultimate self-cuck:
>Waiting in a queue to wait in a line to collect boar assholes.
>on line
New Yorkers are retarded
>roll on Herod
>4+ hour queue at 1pm EST
>still play on Herod knowing that in a few weeks to a month the queue will be 1-2 hours tops and the server will still be alive even after Naxx and the game has no more new content
>in the meantime, use VNC to remotely join the queue on my home PC while I'm still outside so I don't have to wait as much when I get home
And I haven't seen a single queue in-game.
its fun
imagine paying $15 just for the privilege to wait in line to be able to collect 1 item for a quest that only gives 15% of your exp bar
Its only fun because you're a deprived retard who needs a purposely shitty cashgrab MMO reboot to have fun
Based remote desktop connection bro
To do this shit your time must be worth absolutely nothing. Like holy lord fucking Mary.
Can someone explain the line of people to me? What are they doing?
*cuts in line your way*
the ultimate self-cuck isn't the line. It's the guy who's on that huge barrel. He spent money to manage a fucking line. Imagine if he didn't even do the quest yet.
>item spawns for quest
>need to get item
>once the item is picked up by anybody, it disappears
>you have to wait a couple of minutes for the item to reappear
>1000+ people are doing the same quest
>Make servers purposely small
>Quest requires you to kill boss
>40 other people ahead of you
>Either conform and wait your turn or rush ahead and get ganked by mega Blizz cock suckers with power problems
that particular zombie mob is for a quest and only one at a time can spawn, and Blizzard being the geniuses that they are decided to keep it as a slow respawn despite all the thousands of people in the starter areas
people take turns and group so they all receive the quest objective, as opposed to just free-for-all killing it
In Vanilla, only the person who got the first hit on the monster will get credit towards a quest for killing it.
They are lining up to kill it one after another as it respawns.
Yeah... I'd rather sit in a queue now than be on a dead server 3 weeks from now like most of the ones they added in a panic will be. I don't trust BLizzard to merge/combine servers, since there are plenty of servers right now on retail that are next to dead compared to others and need to be combined.
And the long queues may turn away the fotm people even quicker
Jesus fucking christ. That's why instances need to exist.
>roll on EU server
>fucktons of people but no queue
>group up for quests
>no waiting in line for bosses
>chat with randoms, they're talkative, helpful, funny and kind
>have a blast
>go to bed
see you tomorrow!
i'm walking past this entire line and getting what i need
you are fucking insane and probably underage otherwise
>why can't everybody be a winner all at once
I hate the people standing in lines but I hate you more.
Don't bother. Just go to another area and get that XP.
Seeing Ross playing WoW Classic made me appreciate how much superior FFXIV is.
It's an on line game.
he does it for free...
Does anyone have that pic where some dude is dropping redpills all while lined up for some dumb shit?
It isn't though.
>playing video game
pick ONE you massive faggot
>lmao just wait hours in a line for no reason to show how dedicated we are to old skool wow
lemme see
>This is why I play solo game !
Good, this is an MMORPG, not a solo game.
Isnt sharding supposed to solve that?
Someone please cut the line and post a webm of the queuefags screeching
That's what people playing MMO are looking for : Social interactions they lack IRL.
Yes MMO is a retarded genre, more new at 11.
That said, WoW vanilla is enjoyable even as a solo game.
Then it becomes trash immediatly with TBC.
Why don't more people cut the line?
This please
If this was old skool wow I'd get friends on the other faction to come kill everyone wasting my time on this fucking line bullshit.
>all this classic meme did was making me come back to retail
fuck blizzard and their jew tricks
>Get in hour long que at 5am this morning
>play for an hour
>get back home
>Get into three hour long que
Every pathetic 30+ year old manchild virgin playing this deserves to suffer.
The queue is comfy
>Log during real nigger hours on a na server
>Do all my unique starter mobs quests
>Skipped all lines
200 IQ
sociopaths deserve to suffer more.
This is what the people wanted. I genuinely forgot if being in a group gave credit for everybody or if that was only for group marked quests at the time though.
Do people in other states unironically say "queue?"
ive been going to these lines and stealing the item spawn/ creep mob jsut to fuck with these faggots. it is amazing
I want to buy the game just to cut the lines
>press tab
>cast instant cast damage spell
>thing dies from being exploded by like 100+ dudes standing at various distances trying to figure out how to tag it first
in the area
>loot my quest item and walk away
>didn't even join a party
wow so hard omg
you only get a group credit if its a elite/dungeon/raid/ quest. those quests where you fetch items on the ground don't count for group credit so prepare to stand in line.
Why wait one by one? Make groups of five.
funny how the shitposting shifted from "dead on arrival lmao nobody wants to play this trash outdated game" to "lol you're a bunch of cucks for queuing for this trash h-haha".
tf is this shit? are they actually forming a line to wait for some dumb shit? why not just cut in, do shit and move on with your life. i can never understand mmo players man, its like their brains are programmed to do dumb shit all the time
meanwhile on reddit
ive been cutting, they say im black listed... ya ok
>defending this shit
Blizzdrones are back in full force I see
I know, I just snipe the spawns and run off.
it will be dead in a month or 2 because casuals will have already reach level cap and there's nothing else to do because it's not like private servers where all the content is right there, instead its pushed out in artificially timegated phases.
Its the local janny. He is doing it for free
I'm starting to think modern mmo players are just really bad at games and have low intelligence/creativity within them. It would make sense if you look at ff/gw2/bfa.
>private servers where all the content is right there
based retard doesn't even know that private servers also timegate content in this way.
He is actually paying for it lol
>artificially timegated phases.
Everyone who knows anything about the game understands this is a good thing. If ALL the content from 1.12 was out already it would basically invalidate most of the end-game content
>paying for classic, when there's 100s of free private servers.
I think that's even more pathetic than waiting in line.
Problem is theres actually more to do with this game and once mmo players realize that the places from whence they came are will be fucked and they may just end up quitting the genre.
>mfw people actually having genuine fun playing video games
that's progression private servers. not all private servers are progression servers.
literally social engineering the game.
>theres actually more to do with this game
not really. the leveling experience is the most content part of the game but even then it boils down to the same quest designs with a different coat of paint/text.
>reaching level cap in 2 months
but I will only be able to play for 1-2 hours tonight if it goes on super long. If in 3 hours I am still not in, I will go to sleep so I can wake up even earlier in the morning to play. Shits crazy though
Realistically what is preventing a person from just skipping the queue?
very possible unless you play a really shitty leveling class like priest
Nothing, it's an RP server though so people are playing a character. In any normal server it would just be a clusterfuck
>social engineering
You don't understand what that word means. Humans organizing themselves and attempting to form roles and basic government isn't social engineering. Wolves and monkeys do the same thing to the full extent their mental capacity allows them, except without words or fancy titles.
What if my character hates queues?
Yeah, just........... like........... browsing........... and ...........shitposting...........on ...........an ........... imageboard.
... Oh .............. Wait ............
>meanwhile on the TRUE Horde side
Their white skin
People que on straight PVP too.
>its true
wtf theres a lot of post about they love the community because the lines
>problem exists
>players find a solution for it by working together to make everybody happy
This is what made old MMOs peak ludo you fucking pleb. People talked with each other and tried to make the world better, instead of whining on forums until the devs fixed it for them.
This is S tier coping.
>get into low pop server
>switch to high pop server on character screen
thank me later noobs
i made a meme
are classicfags legitimately retarded? what are they doing in OP's pic?
This isn't anything new, Zoomer. Fuck off with your shitty bait thread.
I've never even played world of warcraft, I don't give a shit about the classic launch. I just miss old MMOs.
Not exactly, I'd go ahead and argue the pvp has a lesser learning curve than a lot of modern mmos alongside huge casual appeal with things like bgs and hks. I'd also argue the end game pve mechanics of places like AQ are much better than most of their modern counterparts in mmos. Most modern mmos like ff and gw2 seem more like character builder simulators than they do a game.
TBC was still based af. Truth be told it didn't turn to shit until all the way in WoD. That really was the beginning of the end, it was tolerable up until then
>only a few east coast servers, all jam packed with massive queue times
>"bro just go to a different server!"
Fucking barbarians
This is EXACTLY the SOUL everyone wanted back, the community organizing itself instead of a railroaded singleplayer experience. Go back to fucking retail you mongoloids, this is why white people built civilizations and your third world ass lives in a shithole.
Not really. They could simply just add loot sharing like in retail where you can kill mobs with people you arent in party with (if they are the same faction) and still get credit and items.
Not that simple in vanilla, all starter zones are full regardless of race and content isn't scaled down to your level you scale your level to the content, only other choice he has is trying to find some mob spawns to maybe grind out xp, but he potentially loses a larger quest chain because of not doing this quest
It's funny because the only players that wait in these lines are new to the game. Try to snipe it once or twice while killing mobs, if it works great, if not move on.
These are just new players doing new player shit. Eventually they'll realize it's a waste of time and catch on, but even still they're enjoying the game how they want to and that's none of my business.
Yeah, it turned to shit with the death of professions and casualisation of content, it became less of we're killing bears to secure the forest for the lumberjacks and more we're killing these things and moving to tge other camp as that's more efficient than doing the next quest in the chain.