New (100% completely brand new, not retro) tracks

>new (100% completely brand new, not retro) tracks
>costumes for characters
>DD character-exclusive items return
>Diddy "not in Mario Kart 8" Kong
>return of Mission Mode
>new features not seen in any other Mario Kart game like reverse tracks
>all wasted on mobile gacha

y-yeah the switch is getting its own exclusive non-port Mario Kart r-right bros haha?

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What a waste of ressources & ideas

It hurts more as one of the 5 Wii U owners, I haven't had a new Mario Kart track since 2015

are the tracks completely flat like SNES and GBA or are they actually cool like everything from the later games

>no Metal Mario

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Why the hell is this footage in portrait mode?

Metal Mario is in the beta

Seems to be like the DS tracks which were a missmash to run on the hardware

I heard it works but it only plays in portrait

That trailer showed at least twice as many old tracks as new


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So it's on rails piece of shit then, great.

Most of the tracks are ported from 7

This is just making me madder about 8D not having any DLC, Tour’s new stuff is perfect material for that

Bet your ass it gets a Switch port that functions as basically a "deluxe" version too.

The name "Mario Kart Tour" sounds so good too, just imagine if it was just the Switch iteration of Mario Kart
>mission/story mode
>fuck load of new and old tracks
>big roster with skins, not taking up slots and with some of the characters that made sense not cut
Would outdo 8 easily

Yet if someone recommended you Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled, you'd go "it's a port of a 20 year old game full of microtransactions!" Never change, Nintendies.

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>Trying to recommend 30FPS trash

and it will cost 60 dollars too because nintendies are braindead paypigs

I already have and enjoyed that game despite the microtransactions so I don't know what you mean.
Not to mention that's an actual console game versus a mobile game I wasn't all that interested in to begin with and may not even play.

Looks pretty good. Likely won’t spend a dime on it.

i'd rather play a good game in 30 fps than mario trash.

Ctr is an unbalanced mess. Even Mario Kart is better balanced by a long shot.

>SNES Rainbow road

Attached: 1508343980195.jpg (864x960, 113K)

thanks god the uninteresting racing game with uninteresting racing physics and uninteresting Russian roulette gameplay core manufactured to be played by 10y/o is balanced.

it just werks

We'd better get a MK8D tour dlc for costumes, special abilities, characters and missions

>Ignoring the fact that the reason there are character-exclusive items is BECAUSE it's Gacha

Gacha is the reason BEHIND so much innovation in games these days, and you need to shut the fuck up, also this entire post is ironic and inb4 someone acts otherwise.

You guys shouldn't be looking at it like that, you should look more that this game will give Mario Kart 9 some fantastic ideas

>reverse tracks


Mario Kart 8 Wii U's battle mode says hi

>What a waste of ressources
This game will make more money in ten seconds than the entire Mario Kart franchise has made in 25 years.

I’d rather support 8D for the rest of Switch’s lifespan than let it rot and and wait for 9 in the next gen

like avoiding any further console release because nintendo will notices that the phone's industry is 300% more fruitful for a company going full microtransaction.


Attached: 0wario.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

are you fucking joking

>Only one console mario kart game this decade

This series is truly dead

And no Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is not a new game and is basically MK8.

Maybe. Then again, it might be a relative dud like Mario Run. Fire Emblem succeeded mainly because it followed the traditional pay-for-waifu-gacha format.

I'm a little lost following this conversation. Are you throwing shit at Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing?

don't you have a hedgehog to be bullying?

Let him in damn you.

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like I said, try guesing nintend-u-m-b. I guess the fat retard working as a mod didn't like people shitting on nintendoids so my post disappeared

A lot of Mario Run's problems were because of it's poor launch. They've ironed things out now, and Mario Kart looks like it's learned from it's mistakes. I wish mobile gaming wasn't as stupidly profitable as it is but as it stands I'm pretty sure one day gaming will just entirely swerve in this direction as a whole.

This isn't the first time we've seen something like this. Doesn't anyone else remember those Mario Kart arcade games? The one where you had characters like Pac-Man and that little drum thing from the rhythm game?


he was in the beta

As far as I can tell, here's your roster bro.

Attached: Mario Kart Tour.png (384x275, 198K)

not bad


Character-exclusive items existed in DD. Though I won't say it's a valid excuse for bringing it back in a gacha format. I would much rather it to be back in its own title
It's up

Isn't it gonna be freemium trash though like all other phone games?

I guess some of the track could be reused in Mario Kart 9 on the Switch 2 in 2024

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>Microtransactions and cooldown timers

Attached: into the trash it goes.jpg (300x418, 30K)

Nintendo just loves to shit on their franchises, don't they?

>trailer analysis
yikes, call me when they find Bowsette in the files



"completely brand new, not retro" my ass

Have you -seen- that trailer you linked? SNES Rainbow Road, Waluigi Pinball, one of the GBA Bowser Castle tracks and the DS's DK Peaks were all here

Nope, it's guaranteed flop like all the other Mario mobile bombs

Reading comprehension, everyone that already knew about this game from the beta saw that there were only retro tracks available. The greentext says there are completely brand new tracks, which there are, to dispel earlier assumptions that the game would just be retro tracks, thus it is not a lie.

Nope instead have Rosalina even though no one likes her

Only people who were in the beta 2 months ago can reply to this post.

He’s only missing because He’s in smash.....oh wait he was in the beta nvm.

>no one likes her
I'm pretty sure she's still pretty popular among Mario fans, people who didn't play Galaxy or get every character in MKWii don't know who she is though

>giantess waifu
>heavy weight
>no one likes her
low test. No one will remember her when Pauline will be playable in a real MK though

Yep. You know it.

My dick still will because I fap to them both

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Honestly Mario Run is a pretty decent mobile game and if this is similarly good then I don't care about gacha, that just means it's probably free.

I bought it and Activision pulled the MTX Jew on me so I sold it for a pittance to GameStop.

Was fun before it got ruined though

>introduce gachashit to convince people to spend money and use fan-favorites as bait
>instead of adding obscure characters people have wanted to return for years there's just shitty costumes for the main cast
fucking nintendo

I'll get CTR when they add Nina

>still no Funky Kong

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You've got a month to go according to datamines then

All I want is Funky Kong and I'll be happy. I still won't buy or play the game because it's Gachashit, but I'll be happy.

Good. He doesn't deserve to be in a shitty game like this.

Even then she is in Smash, and in the other Mario spinoffs like Party, Tennis and the later Mario Karts.

True. But I mostly mean the older fans who don't really keep up with all those series

I was in the beta. It had you go through an assload of cups named after each character with tracks repeated a lot. Each cup had three races and one alternate mission like hit X goombas, pass through rings, et cetera. You get a score in each track, and each one has a +, ++, or +++ ranking for every character, kart, and glider. You get increasingly good effects for using higher ranked stuff.

Since you want a high score to get all five stars on a track, the +++ character is most important as it gives you three item slots and is the only way to get a frenzy when all three items are the same. Frenzy lets you spam the shit out of an item and rack up points. Any item can be frenzied. Even a blue shell. You want the stars for a high score because higher cups are star gated. There are also rewards like karts, gliders, characters, and gacha currency for them. If you lack preferred parts for a track you can slowly grind out what you do have to level a character, kart, and glider for more base points.

When you unlock a cup, you have to wait an increasing number of hours to "construct" it. You have five stamina hearts and use one per race. Five minutes to recharge one. Weekly, a cup is selected to be the one everyone has to compete for the highest total score on for a set of rewards.

>Defending Mircotransactions
Sonyfags really are the worst of the worst. I'm not getting Mario Kart Tour either so don't fucking call me a hypocrite.

>three item slots
>lets you spam the shit out of an item
I really hope this doesn't carry over into the mainline titles. MK8D was already bad enough.

>>DD character-exclusive items return
I smell pay to win with OP items being exclusive to the newest golden Bowser or something.

Oh yeah, the beta only had portrait mode and defaulted to turning with repeated swiping and auto turbos. You could change it to tilt to steer and manual turbos which worked way better if you don't mind looking like a complete imbecile while playing.

Overall, it's still fun because it's Mario Kart, but it could be a real grind without +++ characters. Hopefully, they would add landscape mode with on screen buttons at the least.

Part of me hopes there will be some 8DX DLC/integration with Tour, but I highly doubt it at this point

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