Does this game run well on PC yet?

Does this game run well on PC yet?

I refunded it at launch because I couldn't get it to hold a steady 60fps without stuttering.

Attached: file.png (616x353, 482K)

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Not even close

Even if it ran well it wouldn't be worth your time.

World was a mistake.

I get 60fps just fine, You might need a better PC.

Yes it runs much better now.

My PC is a little old, but there's no reason the game shouldn't be able to run at 1080p 60fps

Attached: file.png (483x238, 20K)

>I get 60fps just fine
Yeah, if you turn on prioritize framerate

Do NOT buy any Monster Hunter that isn't on a Nintendo system they are all CRAP!

bing bing wahoo!

>Do NOT buy any Monster Hunter

Ignore all the salty nintendies, I bought this game a while ago when it was 50% off and I can't even remember the last time I got this hooked on a game, it's a blast and I played a bit of MH4U.
As for performance, I run it maxed out (with HR texture pack) at 1440p with around 90fps on a 2070 so I'd say it's pretty good.

Do NOT buy any Monster Hunter that was released after 2015. They are all terrible.

no hahaha

>washed out colors
>bloom so strong it blinds you
>no way to turn it off
how can jap devs be so trash!?!?

there is not, i have a 1070ti with a ryzen and i get well above 60 fps at 1440p, something is fucked up in your pc

Just drop it to 900p. Also it might be a vram issue since devs did a shitty job optimizing textures. If ik not mistaken it takes more than 2gb of vram which is weird since more intense games use way less for 1080p.

>how can gook devs be so behind on graphics
D... do you even gook games?

Don't forget the radial blur meme shit that you can't turn off.

Runs like shit on my 2080 Ti and 9700k

No. There's a guide about playing it at 30 FPS instead. It's not too bad.

bullshit im on a 2060 and run it all on ultra 1440p 60fps
are you sure you're not power throttling my guy?

Its a bit more optimized, not too much though. At launch Teostra made my fps like 12 if it used certain attacks, but not anymore. Make sure you turn off volumetric lighting for much better performance if you have to.

What do you mean power throttled? Neither my gpu or cpu is being power throttled in any way, using a 850w psu by the way

Attached: 1545897172795.png (1290x918, 273K)

I mean i feel fine playing it between 45-60 fps on a rx 570, this is a low-mid GPU so. You need to turn off volumetric fog or at least put it on low since its ugly and take like 20 fps, its not worth it even if you like that.

Oh, and is a processor based game, that very same rx 570 hits 60fps on an i7, i have a ryzen 2600.

there's definitely something wrong then cause a 2080ti could chew this game no problem even in 4k

I don't know, works fine on other games but I get terrible stutters, frame pacing and frame time on worlds

Because the game is a cpu hog

What specs? The game can needs a lot of CPU threads to stretch its legs. You're not a threadlet, are you?

It's because every animal on the map is constantly rendered and doing their AI bullshit.

What kind of CPU do you have?

It does much better on Intel than it does on AMD, unfortunately.

Still, with a 2060, and a ryzen 2700x I get a consistent 60 fps by turning a couple of settings off/down, mainly volumetric fog.

You should be able to run it at least at 60 consistently.

9700k 5.1ghz

Found the problem. MHW will actually use up to 32 threads, so only 8 isn't ideal. Should've bought a 9900k or a ryzen.

It's much better now yes

>Japanese game
This is gonna be a fat doubt for me

I have a warped motherboard that blue-screens minecraft, but I can play MHW all day.

I do recommend the special K mod though, lots of optimization fixes.

Found the problem, 4 cores just aren't enough these days, especially for MHW, which tries to run across 32 threads.


Still fun though.

Attached: 20190724194731_1.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

>he doesn't know how to optimize his machine for gaming

Attached: MHW you came to the wrong neighborhood.webm (1920x1080, 2.77M)

Considering how subpar the game looks and just how much better games like Arkham Knight, MGSV, Witcher 3 or even Dark Souls 3 run I'd say fuck no. I play with a 1080 and a 7700k, I get 60 for the most part but still often get frame drops during special effects, especially in ancient forest.

I run l it very smooth with ultra settings 1080p
Ryzen 7 3700x
RTX 2060
8GB DDR4 3200MHz RAM

>Game runs just fine
>...unless it's rotten vale, or vs anything with fucking TORNADOES
Is there a mod to disable or tone those effects down? Holy shit fuck my ass.

Attached: kill me.png (501x403, 23K)

It uses so many threads it uses a lot of CPU power to switch between them.

>amd fx
No amount of modding will help you i'm afraid, the game is especially heavy on CPU.

It's better compared to launch, but it still runs like shit relative to what you actually see on the screen.
Something's wrong with your PC. I have a 1st generation i7 and an RX 580, and I'm able to play at 1080p / 60-75fps with low-medium settings.

Except against Lunastra, my framerate goes to 40 or something.
I don't believe you. The best 2060 you can buy reaches 54fps at 1440p, and that's average framerate. It probably tanks to the 30s from time to time.

By the way, I don't see how 60fps can be considered acceptable with a 2060, a 400$ GPU from last year. Look at Wolfenstein 2 for example, it rarely drops below 100fps and it looks WAY better than MHW.

At launch it was almost unplayable for any average PC, it's better now but still isn't great

It's the only game where my cpu and gpu get warm

I played it on my friends old laptop and it was so laggy that the experience was terrible

Runs amazing for me

people are idiots
>guys my game runs at perfect 60hz stop being poor
>game looks like it's from xbox 360 and the gpu is a 1080ti

i5 8600k + 1080 - 1440p@60
i5 9400f + 1660ti - 1080p@60

Works just fine

Runs fine for me with the HD texture pack and I don't exactly have a top of the line PC. Maybe it's time to upgrade.

Try installing the special k thing. It optimizes thread usage and such to give a pretty good boost in performance.

It's the 4 cores. The game enjoys 6 or more.

Gen1 was pure garbage, yes.
Gen2 was mostly garbage but had a few monsters that were good. Overall shit however.
Gen3 was great
Gen4 was great but brought back too many old shit monsters
Generations was much worse than 4 and 3 due bringing back even more old shit monsters and questionable quest design
World is the best MH has ever been. Iceborne will bring up the roster to be competitive with the other games, making it the definitive Monster Hunter experience

>Retards still use their computing devices generating heat as a metric for if they are being utilized

If your GPU or CPU never gets hot you have fucked up settings because you would never run games at the fastest possible framerate you could that way.

You sound like those retards who think their laptops are dying because the fans turn on.