can some one red pill me on the 25th ward?
i find suda's writing style to be pretty engaging, but I'm not sure if this is worth my time.
can some one red pill me on the 25th ward?
i find suda's writing style to be pretty engaging, but I'm not sure if this is worth my time.
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just fucking pirate it then. there's no need to redpill anything. it's a great but weird suda game and you either play it or you don't you faggot
how is the gameplay improved from the silver case?
it's mostly the same, although the interaction happens with a different interface now for reasons
is it a longer game?
There is much more "gameplay" now, at least you have to actually solve some puzzles instead of clicking auto-solve button.
Also, I hope you finished Flower, Sun and Rain, because 25th Ward is a sequel to that game. Just like FSR is a sequel to The Silver Case.
You don't read it for Suda, you read it for the second Placebo. Also, Matchmaker is a nice spin on the TSC's Placebo. Completely derivative - but nice.
no, you definitely read it for Suda. especially if you're a fan of his TSC/Killer7 style writing and this remake is your first chance of playing this game.
Suda is a brainfarting edgelord who stopped cosplaying Lynch only after he teamed up with Ooka, who wrote Truth Files for Moonlight Syndrome's guide. The idea of the malice being a sort of meme virus, central in Transmitter, is directly shoplifted from Truth Files. What Transmitter doesn't tell you, however, is that this "meme virus" is simply a metaphor for hearsay, truth getting irrevocably perverted by means of intentional and unintentional misquoting aftet "changing hands" plethora of times. And while Suda was doing his best to chew on this, Ooka made something entirely new in TSC's Placebo.
Suda was never spearheading Kill the Past to begin with, he was only cosplaying the lead - and TSC&25W, along with Truth Files' fan translation, made it blatantly obvious.
>I hope you finished Flower, Sun and Rain
i couldn't. Algebra was my worst subject.
that's a hot take and all, but i don't think it's entirely accurate. KtP Suda and Lynch definitely have some similarities, but i feel aside from some common core concepts they branch off into drastically different directions. can't say i've seen Lynch tackle cyberpunk dystopia with memetic viruses and government espionage. Lynch is more focused on the spiritual, and while Suda can certainly touch on that, he uses those common core themes for more grounded stories and allegories.
Government espionage - yeah, don't know where's that from, admittedly. Truth Files didn't introduce any of the sort.
Also, from a grounded, commonsense perspective, Suda's writing is pants-on-the-head retarded. Just compare internet culture depiction in chapter 4 of TSC - and in Placebo.
Bad taste. You read it for Suda.
big titties
i'm thinking you missed a good portion of what TSC was about. not only that but you've made the mistake of comparing him a little too directly to Lynch. an influence is just that, doesn't mean he's going to do the exact same thing. beyond that, why even play Suda games if you dislike his writing? i'm confused.
I meant, TRO/SSO/whatever.
No, I don't.
Friendly reminder there's an NMHIII livestream at 6am EST
is gonna have big titties?
See, I only compare WHAT I KNOW OF MOONLIGHT SYNDROME THROUGH TRUTH FILES to Lynch. I could've read half-completed MS translation too, but after Truth Files I honestly didn't even see any reason, since Truth Files basically made it a point Suda was simply reciting some dumb hearsay and didn't have a slightest clue what he was talking about (hence the virus metaphor, as explained above).
In TSC Suda took a spin on what Truth Files introduced (here and now, highly subjective perspective, Y2K connotations, subcultures as the means to converse on particular topics with likely-minded persons, aforementioned virus-malice), treating all the metahorical stuff in a blatantly literal and heavyhanded manner. While he was doing that, Ooka made the actual sequel to Truth Files not only developing themes from it further, but also deconstructing Transmitter itself and making it apparent Suda is reaction-fishing attentionwhore, who intentionally misinterprets others' words for fun reactipns from thereof, and whose mannerisms are best being simply ignored (this point is directly shoplifted in Matchmaker with its purple suit guy and "I think I am gonna bust a nut" bossfight). See, there is a difference. One guy was actually up to date, another one wasn't, that's what I am trying to convey.
Also I started it due to Suda being a meme, but then discovered that Ooka is simply way more interesting (not to mention infinitely more readable) to me.
now, with all that being the case, how do you feel about this:
>[Masashi Ooka] I wrote a strategy guide of Suda’s “Moonlight Syndrome”, called “Moonlight Syndrome Truth File” in 1997. It is more like a fan fiction of the game rather than an actual strategy guide. In this book, a journalist investigates the cases happening in the game and writes the reports about them. The original idea came from my editor. Suda read that and called me, asking if I wanted to work on the scenario for “The Silver Case”, which was his new game at that time; this was how I started writing for video games.
it's admitted fanfiction from Ooka himself, written based upon Suda's work. i don't think of us can speak for Suda, but i'd say that rather than wanting to make a mockery of Ooka's work, it's much more likely that he admired it and wanted to reworks its contents to fit his original vision. and where TSC is concerned, Ooka is writing a story that complements and supplements that of Suda's half, in other words a world built by a writer you apparently hate. which again, leaves me wondering exactly why you're consuming Suda's work, or why you're in this thread. just because you personally prefer one of the two doesn't mean the other is a hack, no does it mean that the other is attempting to discredit or misinterpret the work of your preferred writer.
jesus christ, typos galore, but the message is there. also forgot the link i took that quote from: