>involved with VTMB:2
yeah I'm thinking he's back
>involved with VTMB:2
yeah I'm thinking he's back
Other urls found in this thread:
Back where or to what? He literally is whoring out his name for years now
Back? When was he ever here?
Literally who?
>Literally who?
shut up, sperg. adults are talking.
I hope Larian Studios hires him for BG 3
Also it was really eye-opening to read all the stuff he had to say about the mismangement at Obsidian. F:NV, Dungeon Siege 3 and NWN 2 could have been even better games.
I thought this guy triggered Yea Forums because he stood up for the LQBTG
Idea got frickin old mate
he was involved in a lot of lackluster games recently tho
D:OS2 Was kino
he may be degenerate but he do not project it into his writing in this regard he also sometimes post on codex with is basically little /pol/
He's not involved in any major capacity. The last game he fully directed, wrote and designed was Dead Money, Lonesome Road and Old World Blues.
He wrote a companion for Pathfinder Kingmaker. Consulted on FTL2. Wrote and designed the BACKGROUND and LORE of the Undead races in DivOS2, he DID NOT write its Undead companion (Fane), wrote 2 companions in PoE1.
Dude killed Fallout and drinks söy
He's lactose intolerant, at least he has an excuse.
>Dude killed Fallout and drinks söy
no, fucking take it back.
you're thinking of Todd "Lying Con-Man" Howard.
>onions is bad meme
it isn't. onions-milk or cow milk, they both contain estrogens, just different types.
>the writer of some Fallout DLCs killed Fallout
>also sometimes post on codex with is basically little /pol/
what's he posting? any juicy stuff?
>best candidate to reprise jack's role
i'm thinking HE'S IN
why does that picture make him look like Ryan Stiles
Imagine making a career out of being a living kickstarter stretch goal.
fallout has no dlc
Sorry, but by this point Avellone is mostly a meme. Please take his stories about Obsidian with a huge grain of salt, and also count into it the factor that one of the reasons he was finally kicked out was that he was shit-faced all the time, a tradition of his that goes as far back as Planescape: Torment, where he was either high or drunk most of the time. The guy hasn't really directed a game in a decade, and only does bit parts in other games. He's a walking "name on the game box" at this point.
legionfags BTFO eternally
He did dead money dumbass.
And his stories on obsidian are absolutely true, as what he said was going to happen (obsidian being sold in the near future) did end up happening. And stories of feargus being a huge fucking cunt aren't new either your dumb zoomer.
except todd is based and /ourguy/
I know the man since around 2013-2014. Also, dig through his thread on RPG Codex, where even his most fervent fans admit that he has an addiction problem, a problem to which he himself admits (although claims he no longer has it). The guys even posted some pictures where he is clearly shit-faced.
based rant
>that goes as far back as Planescape: Torment, where he was either high or drunk most of the time.
he should get shitfaced more
Don't talk with your mouth, squirt. Adults are talking.
You're a fucking idiot.
Don't spoon feed these fools, folks.