FE6 character guide

>God-tier early-game


>The Meme Team



Full-price Hugh
Tate on hard mode


The rest, which like half the cast

Now play FE6, faggot. It's not that hard.

Attached: Fire Emblem the Binding Blade.jpg (640x398, 62K)

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I did. It was alright, there was some stuff about it that bothered me (i.e. axes being basically useless, weird character growths, true ending being locked behind gaiden chapters that are hard to get on a blind playthrough) but all in all I can't say I hated it
Still probably a lower tier Fire Emblem game for me

>true ending being locked behind gaiden chapters that are hard to get on a blind playthrough
the only one that i can really think of that was intuitive is keeping Douglas alive since it's basically impossible to do without a sleep staff and/or somehow knowing Lalum can choke that point
the rest are fairly intuitive, the turn counts are extremely lenient, you will beat them unless you're a turtling faggot. you have to keep certain characters alive, but very few people are likely to do an ironman run their first playthrough.

*unintuitive, sorry

That's honestly just personal salt since I didn't get the true ending on my first playthrough, but I can't even remember what it was that I missed

Thracia has better maps than 6. Too bad it has shitty mechanics like capture and bullshit reinforcements.

>not God tier
You best be joking nigger

Great stats, except for skill, and that's important since he wields axes. He has a terrible hit rate.

If argue dieck is god tier because he uses the most accurate weapon type, doubles early game which only rutger and lance can do reliably, and besides fir is the best candidate for second crest. If niime who comes at the tail end of the game just to warp and rescue spam is god tier then dieck def deserves it for his early game contributions and he has an easy time in western isles. Idk why klein and igrene are even in the same tier, all klein has over igrene is weapon rank and loses in everything else. Raigh is absolutely worse than lilina, no hm bonuses and doesnt get the durandal gaiden or the early western isles pirates to grind on. Otherwise solid list

Rank my end game team.

Attached: team.png (474x626, 49K)

Dont listen to this fag and play the game with the characters you like.

>Tate on hard mode
Does that mean the rest of the list isn't hard mode? That would change a lot of things.

It just means that Tate is only good on hard mode. Her normal mode bases are extreme trash. Even on hard mode though, Shanna is way better. Less STR but more speed and has had 11 chapters to train up

I mean, I respect it.

I meant for the rest of the units. You should pick one or the other. E.g. if it's normal mode dieck is about as good as rutger and if it's hard mode shin is easily better than alance.

Merely seeing wendy made me give up

Milady was my absolute MVP, once she got promoted the game got like 30% easier and also more fun to just watch her fucking annihilate everything.

>Idk why klein and igrene are even in the same tier, all klein has over igrene is weapon rank and loses in everything else
because they're both "decent"
the tiers are very general
klein isn't necessarily bad just because igrene exists
they both lose out hard to the nomads anyway

imo she should promote immediately or at least before chapter 14. just treat her like a prepromote, makes everything easier

luckily, all the best characters are also the ones with the best designs and writing
except wendy, i've always liked her design

I shit on the endgame with Marcus.

>any good
>when the early game is already over by the time he joins
you should have godlike lance-alen already

Probably but my autism makes it really hard for me to promote someone before they hit level 20

Useful for the wyverns reinforcements in chapter 7 when he joins, and that's it

Unlike in FE7, I feel like Marcus actually falls off in this game. In FE7 his bases are honestly enough to last him most of the game, and his growths aren't great but they're enough to keep him viable.
In FE6 his bases and growths aren't enough to keep him viable past the desert (about the same time Zealot falls off, since they're basically the same unit), but that doesn't diminish his helpfulness in the early game. The idea that you shouldn't use Jagens is retarded. EXP stealing is a myth.

You should have a god-like one of them, because you only get one Knight's Crest until Chapter 15. Plus, there's nothing wrong with using four cavs/paladins. You should use four cavs/paladins.

Very not worth it, especially in FE6 where growth rates are pretty low.
Promote Rutger at level 10 for 30% crit, Shanna at level 10 for +2 strength, everyone else maybe it might be worth eking out a few more levels if they're doing fine without being promoted but generally promo bonuses are much more substantial than levels. I'd say wait until level 15 at the most. Of course, there will be a lot of units that naturally have to wait longer due to how stingy FE6 is with promo items.

Why would you make a tier list this general. Half the units arent even on the list

His bases are fine. Pump him with stat boosters and he solos the game.

but those stat boosters could also go to other units. or sold to buy boots.

Anyone want a FE5 character guide?

Realistically unless you have like 60% in a growth rate you dont actually grow that much over the course of 10 levels. Someone with a 40% growth for example only gets 4 more of the stat on average over those 10 levels. I usually promote at 15/16 or if a unit caps a stat to promote but waiting till 20 is way too long for little benefit. Units in old games just dont grow that much when you compare it to promo gains

because it's more of just a guide on who's worth using
if everyone was on the list, that'd be like 22 characters in the bottom tier

i would not rate a taxi that high, her combat potential is abysmal, loses speed using anything but slim lances and fails to deal any meaningful damage, she dels like 2-3 damage to the cavaliers in chapter 4

>saul in god tier with no ellen in sight
>miime lmao
good tier is alright, i would argue that fir is better than dieck

Why do you keep riding thracia every thread? Play a different fe

Or you can make god.

Sure, which game should I play and what challenge should I do?

Fir contributes to the easiest part of the game because western isles doesnt get double hard mode bonuses for enemy units. Dieck helps with the hardest part of the game and is one of the good combat units for his part of the game and western isles. Fir may have a better route split performance than him but contributing early and contributing more than fir for western isles > contributing more in illia/sacae

inb4 someone btfos you with a Mekkkah video

Play new mystery, its a fun game and no one talks about it. Or play conquest without any pair ups, thats always a classic

Her speed grows too fast for con to be a realistic issue. Losing 4 speed when you have 17 speed still lets you double 9 speed enemies for example. Yeah her combat isnt all that good but her flying utility is good for the entire game and she can contribute to combat in western isles after the chapter 8 whip


fir is probably the best unit you can ever use in ranked runs, she is basically rutger that joins 5 chapters later with the same base stats, also dieck speed is really low, it is really easy to get speed screwed with him rendering him useless, even oujay with a little bit of help becomes better than dieck, he is good for chapter 4 and 7 and dieck utility ends there

>mekkah: you should not consider the ammount of effort you invest into a unit to their performance

>also mekkah: if you invest a lot into this pegasus knght it can become really good

>her combat potential is abysmal
does good damage with killer lances and silver lances, will always double
>loses speed using anything but slim lances
this doesn't matter at all if you have the best speed stat in the game
she will always double.

>if you invest a lot into this pegasus knght it can become really good
that doesn't matter as much when said pegasus knight joins in chapter 2
if Nino joined in chapter 12 of FE7, she would be top-tier

meant to quote this

>Movement of 6
>Not 15
Do you even secret shop?

enemies in hard mode get really fast, it doesnt matter if you can use killer or silver lances when you are getting weight down by 4
the main enemies you want to target with lances are myrmidons and mercenaries, and you wont ever double those if you get -1 speed
fucking mirmidons in sacae come with capped speed

she does not have nino growths, instead she has 30% str growth
enemy cavaliers usually have 6-8 defense in hard mode, thany has 4 base str with a slim lance that is 8 might, with that you can see how much she contributes, the only reason to train thany is to not go sacae because that route is a bitch

Are ranked runs fun? Or is it just an unintuitive hassle to manage exp and combat and funds?

math time

Attached: fire emblem math time.png (707x308, 34K)

Ayo we postin Mekkkah kino?


Mod Hector into the game and give all of them to him.

All boots to Lalum

Zero boots because the tactics rank is lenient

If you want to talk about something relevant feel free to post a transcript of your video but I'm not going to watch it

>specific high def enemy instead of the litany of low def units in the other chapters

>I won't watch video because I think an eceleb is advertising his several year old video on Yea Forums

Are you autistic?

Don't fucking buy any boots.

This guy did a max rank run of FE6 and bitched about it the whole way through.

When do you approve of savescumming Yea Forums?

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> I set out fully intending to look at this game with fresh eyes and judge it on its own merits, rather than in comparison to 7. And I succeeded. It just turned out not to have any of the merits I thought it had. I believe I have made a very strong case that this is not merely a bad Fire Emblem game, but a bad game outright. There is little satisfaction in being very good at a very bad game, but if this Let's Play encourages other people to play a good game instead, then I suppose my time was well spent.
Seems cool, maybe I'll check it out someday.


Only on emulator.

>My face when I imported the original GBA game 15 years ago and brute forced it by just using what i knew from Fire Emblem and a script that was online.
I still have it.
Save scumming is for pussies.

Attached: 1532813838164.gif (512x288, 2.98M)

is savescumming savestates or just restarting if you lose a character?
If savestates: never, that's cheating. I can't stop any anons from doing it but I highly recommend not doing it.
If losing a character: always, the game gives you a game over when you lose important characters anyways so it's not that different from that and you're punished by having to replay the level again. This is how the save system is intended to work, otherwise they wouldn't give you a restart mission option at the main menu.

Alright, how about fe4 which allows in-chapter saving? You okay with someone saving at the start of a turn?

Attached: 1556102271006.jpg (1600x1138, 845K)

ironmans can be fun.

>intended to work
The way it's intended to work is super lame though. The DS games give you save points for you to rig crits and other bullshit but I think it's more fun to make strategies that always work.

If it's an in-game mechanic it's fine I guess. I personally don't use it but I can see why people would with how long the chapters are.

Lunatic/reverse can get pretty bullshit to where you have to rig a crit or accept a death
The bottom part of Prologue 8 comes to mind

what said, seems tedious to save every turn but the game allows it so I consider it different than using save states

FE4 chapters are fucking gigantic, it'd be ludicrous to not save at least after every castle conquered

>Worrying about AS loss due to con with Thany/Florina etc when they have super high speed anyway.
Weighed down Thany was like as fast as Lance at base.

Is that supposed to be impressive? Dieck can't even double most of the time but at least he deals damage when he attacks.

Oh wow I flipped through a bit of this and saw
Still waiting for that hack.