Why aren't you guys playing astral chain?

Why aren't you guys playing astral chain?

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It's not out yet for most people.

Does it work on 7.0.1?

I don't play gook games

enjoy every moment switchbro
after that it's probably wait until spring 2020 for another game


Luigi's mansion comes out in October

Why piratefags always win?

I've honestly never been a big fan of "character action games" or Platinum games in general, except Vanquish which was decent but repetitive.

its out? post torrent

Starting Astral while waiting for Control to extract and install

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Because now that classic is out nothing else matters.

Fucking scrub, just go to umbra or nxbr

cuz i'm watching chinese cartoons

i dont have a switch


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I actually bought it. I'm waiting for my copy to come by on Friday. How does platinum get away with this design? Tits so massive they're literally suffocating that neck tie.

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Nah, I'm "picking up" Links Awakening, Ni No Kuni, DQ 11 as well as AI: Somnium files this month. The Switch is finally being used heavily after a year and a half of indies.

I'm sorry you're too poor to afford anything other than a PS4. Meanwhile, hardworking, rich, white people such as myself have a gaming PC, PS4 and Switch. As a side note - my PS4 is collecting dust. Almost every game on there is either garbage or at most a 7/10. Let me see you coping now.

>haha no games
>here's game
>b-bad game!!!!!!
Why is Yea Forums so trash?

because they prefer gacha shit because most of the original Yea Forums has moved on. It's mostly zoomers and retards now.

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Want to see more opinions before buying

>no games
>post retarded nip pseudo MMO button masher waifu sim
>W... why are they so mean?!

funko pop, played it with better rig, played it already with better rig
again, savour the taste of astr8l ch8in as much as you can
after that I just hope you enjoy shitty pokemon or meditating for christmas

0fps on PS4

>pirating games
enjoy starting the tutorials and never finishing them :)

What an angry little tranny. Well, I'd be too if I had nothing to justify my purchase (yet again). You are not white, you are not rich, you are not cute. Enjoy the only console you own and its 2 games a year

huh your character is actually customisable than the ones on the box? I unironically like their default looks though

If you actually looked at the game you'd see it isn't a button masher. It's deeper than any platinum game released to date. Sure there's some similar mechanics but you can pull of ridiculously complicated combos.

> post retarded pay2jpeg gacha games
> I luv dis gaem Yea Forums

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Not much, haircut, skin color, eye color, lip color.

Same, I'm hopeful there's a good chance of it being shipped early from Amazon since I'd preordered a week ago.
Out of those, I'm only picking up DQ11, LM3 and AS for the rest of the year

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Which ones the guy and which ones the girl?

Do they ever ship out early?

>Nip fighting game
>not a button masher

It's fine, he has his Ps4 for watching Netflix.

stay mad snoy faggot. Too much of a retard to come up with a cohesive point?

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I want to stick my tongue in her butthole.

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Rate my cute tomboy please

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boomers out

My switch is still on 3.0 and I really can't be bothered fucking around with it so I don't blow the efuses.

godammit, every time...

Reddit out

because my T-levels are too high so even touching a switch will instantly melt it

Fuxk, I couls have made Casca. Good one user

choke on a tide pod

Because every time people cream about how amazing some switch exclusive is they're always blowing it out of proportion.
Meaning this is most likely just a 7/10 game and nothing special.

Put it on PC. I don't do the McDonalds happy meal toy thing.

That's amazing. Still, don't let the bait posters get you.

>japanese super police
>they don't drive mechs
You had one job.

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>rpg stats
No thanks, hopefully Bayonetta 3 actually runs well.

I would be extremely disappointed if there's no unlockable lewd costumes.

Stands are cooler than mechs, sorry.


In some cases, depends on the retailer and I've heard of it happening with Fire Emblem so I'm optimistic

No wait, it was Persona Q2*

check the second word you wrote. We pirates always win

Everyone should pirate this game so that it gets no sales and Platinum can be punished for partnering with Nintendo. Only bad things happen when you join the wrong side.

Stop falseflagging.

Why do japs have to sexualize everything

I got Astral Chain this friday, then DQ11 DEFINITIVE EDITION, Daemon x Machina, Zelda remake, and Luigi's Mansion to look forward and that's only just within 2 months.

How about you?

platinum games never sell the millions they deserve. PC, Switch, PS4, it all comes down to the same result. Just like elder scrolls oblivion: amazing game but poor sales

I have a shitload of switch games to play before I'm even going to consider buying this.

Same. I might pick of Link's Awakening for nostalgia's sake but I'm not sure. I might just buy FE instead.

Is it really 30 FPS? Fucking yikes.
I love my Switch but almost everything I play on it is 60. Only exception is Zelda but that's a lot slower paced than Smash, Mario Kart, and fucking Astral Chain.

>RGB values for hair/skin/eyes
How wild does it let you get?



Death Stranding

You have a Stand that you'll almost certainly merge with and go full Kamen Rider. It's just as good.


Plat already got paid. The only ones you'll be hurting is Nintendo who's already prepared to take a loss on the game.

I hope it kills them. Platinum should be hung for working with Nintendo. They should only work with real publishers and console makers.


Because I can't trust anyone here. Any link can brick your switch if you're not careful

Good, I hope Nintendo makes no money

I dont give a shit about this games i wont even bother googleing it
just post a torrent or i wont play it faggot

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And then you get rimmed in your anus, piratefags.


Why are you black, user?


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And you wonder why people hate switch niggers

Because he is a criminal

Is it fun?


I wonder who're the most retarded between blacks acting like retards to get (you)s or the idiots taking it seriously

>navigation privée
He's fake, french language, a frog so.

I would like to buy I don't have a Switch.

When I tried weapons for the first time, I was like that too.
And shitted my pants on

1fichier takes a while

Attached: BBeard.jpg (500x500, 87K)

got a link my guy? my usual place has a broken link


>Black hand

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Yes. Pirate the game. Don’t buy it. It deserves no money.

I do not have Switch and may not get one. I have a hard time justifying its purchase when I'm really only interested in Platinum's titles. Hope you guys have fun with it.

>Actually saving shit like this
Get help.

How long is it?

>Results: We found significant differences between Caucasoids and Negroids on all variables except for serious assault, but all of these significant trends except for homicide were in the direction opposite to the one claimed by Rushton: the Caucasoids had higher crime rates. Thus, point biserial correlation coefficients indicated that reported crime rates for Negroids were significantly lower than those of Caucasoids with respect to sex offenses with rape included (-.77, p

>Caucasians have higher crime rates

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Not gonna lie I'm pretty fucking bored
I thought the Legions would be a little more intuitive.

Is the combat really that shallow?
It looked like nothing special in all the gameplay footage.

how's the music?

I mean it's okay, but I'm still only on the 2nd mission or whatever after the tutorial
It will probably get deeper as I get different Legions maybe?

Intro song after the tutorial with the vocals was pretty fucking stupid but everything else so far is pretty nice. No standouts yet though for me

Is this reddit?

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Are you left handed?

After second mission combat feels much more fluid. I was a bit worried at first too but you'll see what I mean by the end of the mission

Because I used my 2 gold tokens to buy Donkey Kong and the new Zelda game coming out.

If you've played Nier Automata on consoles you'll be fine with Astral at 30fps. Platinum seem to be pretty good at making it feel responsive. Would still like to see a 60fps mod with oc though

Shitmata sold 4 millions though.

Gross that looks like indian person hands. There is nothing more offensive than being in a thread that is occupied by the presence of one of these brown things.

sure there is. their stench is pretty fucking bad.

Probably because they're little ape people

cause the nsp is still downloading :)
also for anyone looking for a linl just check switchnsps on reddit,copy the code into decode,make a copy and download

funny because that mainly applies to people who buy games
muh 200 steam games what do i play??????

Fuck jannies and fuck niggers

Humans are inherently sexual creatures. Japanese games express this by having sexually appealing characters. Western games do this by defining all of their characters by what genitals they have or had and what genitals they’re interested in.

I don't give a damn about piracy but somebody please rip the ost

Not wasting $60 on a 5 hours game


I don't own a PS4

5-6h is the sweat spot for vidya. too bad poorfags and teenagers are demanding more and more copypaste open world games

Tell me piratefags, does the game has HENSHIN?

Wait, that one is too "evil", this one is better and even has power song.