*has no post-game*

*has no post-game*

Attached: BotWHeader.jpg (1920x1141, 545K)

And thats a good thing

*has no good-game*

Attached: botw01.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

Didn't need one, the whole thing was exactly what post-games are; drifting from objective to objective at your leisure, generally being unstoppable.

*has no game, period*

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I got really disappointed when I found the houses that were made from building blocks thinking you'd be able to build your own house anywhere in the game only to find out that they're just for the town quest, and you can't even design the town yourself.

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What annoyed me more was the fact that those eyesore lego houses stayed even after the builders left

Post game is whatever you didnt do before you took on Ganon

It's such an open game that it barely even has an "end", just play until you're satisfied

>post game
do you really need one? do you want to play the same game forever? when you beat a game, move on to something else you gay

>he didn't speak to Kilton after defeating Ganon.

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>post game

Why are zoomers so fucking obsessed with this bullshit

You finish a game then move onto something else, not everything has to last thousands of hours you fucking retard fornite spastics

But I want infinite content that I can complain is repetitive

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I know right

Parasites like OP are the EXACT reason we get “10 year” scams like Anthem and BF2

It does. Everything after the Great Plateau is postgame.

wow, looks fun

You are beating up the retard tier enemy in the game in the most boring way possible.

Hit the weights, faggots

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So a 'ave bate OoT and BotW, which wan should a play next?

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holy based

Release order

am no playing that babbie 6 pixel shite, so ye can get that tae fuck.

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Post-games are for shitty linear games.

If 90% of the content in your game isn't accessible after the tutorial, it's a shitty linear game.

Attached: bad combat.webm (853x480, 2.84M)


*story content is large enough to be played for at least over a week*

>What are shrines
>What are sidequests
>What are koroks
>What is master difficulty

>b-but kill these enemies in some long convoluted way LOL
Shut up

Pointless filler

Lmao CEMU niggers turning off AI and claiming it's normal just to bait people
Here's your (you)

I'd agree for the koroks, because fuck lifting rocks, but the shrine challenges is where the meat of the game lies, and where the fun is to be had. There are a few neat sidequests too, nothing majora tier but mostly pretty good.

>linear games should have post game
>not open world games with dozen of unused areas

Here we have yet another CEMU niggers trying to bash game of the decade. Lmao

>game seems like it's going to be a stellar adventure with all the cool shit with manipulating the environment and living off the land you do in the plateau
>turns out you never have to do anything creative, it's 45% walking from point A to B and fighting the occasional pockets of enemies, and 45% slowly climbing rocks and ubisoft towers, and 10% samey shrines and dungeons
What the FUCK went wrong?

Just like GTA, TW3, FarCry, and countless other open world games?

No. But similar, they didn't quite nail it on their first try.
Go actually play any of those games, I know you havent. You'll see what I mean

>n-n-no bros BOTW has the best AI ever!!!!! Believe me!!!!!!

What do you get out of spamming these things every thread.

Man, I really want to replay it again.
I should.

>Shut up

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Seethe more, CEMU nigger. Everybody knows BoTW will be an all-time classic, and for zoomers it's their Ocarina. Your pitiful attempts to downplay its greatness only go to show how much you love it when Sony shoves its PlayStation exclusive movies up your ass.

>Game is hundred of hours long
>Complain about no "post-game" as if that's even a bad thing

I like to be done with games after I beat them anyways, post-games are a relic of the past that should be forgotten.

What brainlets that say BotW is "too easy" don't realize is that the game allows you to set your own difficulty the entire way. DON'T wear the overpowered armour. DON'T spam food. DON'T take power-ups from the dungeons. It's ENTIRELY up to you how easy or hard your experience is.
>b- but that's bad game design!
no it's based game design

Nice bait but
You're fighting archers, kind of normal they don't pose a threat whatsoever close range. You can't do this with a melee foe.
And a good part of the fun in BOTW combat is finding yourself the most satisfying way of beating your enemies.

?is all zelda games on same timeline ?

Post game is what you had when games weren't online and you had a reason to spend hundreds of hours racing chocobos
As things stand online games outcompete them in the "can play 5eva" department.

It's also about being efficient, how you want to take out the enemy with whatever tools you happen to have on hand at any point

delicious (you)'s

Should I give Majoras Mask a go or lay Wind Waker instead?

>delicious (you)'s

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g-guys will Bref of the wild 2 be on wii u, cuz i wanna play it on my pc..

>sure if i feed the troll enough it will go away

>>sure if i feed the troll enough it will go away

Attached: rrrrrrr.jpg (320x383, 59K)

there are even more retarded enemies though
>skeletons that look like lizards

at least the fags stopped hanging out around my house for that alone it was worth it

how do you get the horse armor?

This actually works on all enemies except the mini bosses.

what ARE koroks?

>dive into ring of flowers
>put metal block at other metal block
>pick up rock
>pick up rock near circle and put it in circle
>press 'A' on moving sparkle
>stand on block and shoot at balloons
>follow a flower

high tier gameplay right here

master quest costs $20

Yes, it's pretty great how they are spread out around the world as a sort of soft challenge to make exploring the world even more entertaining.

You can absolutely do this shit in game. All you need is a large weapon and it will stunlock them. It even works with 2 enemies at the same time.

I don't think ANY Zelda has a post-game.

So you fags learn its not good

BotW absolutely does have post game. First of all you have the DLC but the northern snowy area is also clearly intended to be an end game area since the enemies there are stronger than bosses.

none of that is entertaining though it's just tiring after doing it 100 times you still have to do it 200 more times and then 300 more times and then 300 more still

Nope fortnite will be a bigger classic

>You can't do this with a melee foe.

Has combat ever been good in Zelda games?

You don't have to do it that's the point. It's just passively there for you to stumble across so while exploring the rather varied biomes around the map occasionally you go "oh, cool!". You don't have to like the game, but it's pretty easy to see why people do.

Don't even need a horse. Literally just a big weapon and time your attacks and it stunlocks.

>since the enemies there are stronger than bosses
Hardly. Most of the enemies up there can be one shot if you use a fire sword or arrow.

But they're all cherrypicked to the point it doesn't represent what the combat is like at all. You even turned off the AI so don't act like you're trying to "educate" anybody, fag.

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People who say the game has no difficulty are retarded. First of all you don't have to get a ton of hearts, nothing forces you to upgrade your hearts. But even then if you upgrade your hearts enough the game will start spawning silver enemies which are crazy strong. I have a ton of hearts and they still do half my health with one hit. The only way the game is super easy is if you're cheesing with items, like fairies or cooking tons of strong dishes.

>what is a sliver lynel

wow who would have thought fighting one trash mob at a time would be easy, derp.

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>I have tons of hearts and they still do half my health in one hit
Seems like good game design if littered with reskin enemies that do retarded damage and have retarded health.

It's pretty easy to get stunlocked to death too if you stumble.

Ok so post a webm that shows it has good combat

>inb4 its a video with a guy switching in his menu for 10 minutes

who seriously is posting all these threads? It's the same webms and butthurt, but it can't all be from one guy, right?

Attached: BOTW samefagging.png (1802x1356, 467K)

you're going out of your way to do that. A 3 year old mashing the button would make it more interesting to watch.

If you took Dark Souls or whatever game your advocating for and only walked an inch at a time like an idiot, it would look stupid as well.

Attached: dumb.gif (370x243, 1010K)

You mean the same mob you see million times throughout the game?

who cares. pick up a foot ball

>graphics whore
you're what's wrong with gaming, you know that?

Except dark souls the enemies dont get stunlocked easily and ACTUALLY ATTACK

>disprove my opinion with your opinion

nice try fag.

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what rumor are you trying to spread? I'm a huge sucker for rumors.

It kills a lot of the fun when you know your reward for exploring is either health or stamina. I miss when you got random shit like masks or bottles. Shit game.

You get clothes for defeating shrine quests

Better graphics were liked since the start retard

for That's generally how trashmobs work, yes. Also you forget to mention, if we're being representational and all, you're generally fighting them in packs, not one at a time

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yes. the game has flaws and that's one of them. your medal is in the mail.

Attached: you can't see me.gif (496x278, 2.12M)

cool. you missed my point.

>dude fight a pack of braindead AI lol
Wont make a difference

cool you defend garbage design

the game giving you tools to dispatch mobs more effectively isn't a flaw. You can play BOTW like a corean grinding simulator if you want

>I HAVE to have SUPER realistic GRAPHICS in EVERYTHING because I'm a HARDCORE gamer who likes MATURE games!
you're still what's wrong with gaming.

So like every Zelda?

it does, actually.

Its more effective to hit them in the head then setting up your gay creative tree trap catapult

this is your argument.

I'll defend BotW day and night... but let's not pretend the enemies weren't bullet sponges.

>but it can't all be from one guy, right?
It was at one point some time ago.

Attached: Blunderfag.jpg (3488x5869, 2.71M)

Go play ascii graphics games then

This but unironically

>every single thing in reality has to be polarizing. if it's not state of the art NASA computer level graphics, it has to be a spread sheet.

Nice strawman. You sound like you're seething right now.

>game has combat mechanics, they are shit, you fight a lot of mobs that respawn
This is your argument

You can pause at any time during combat to heal and it has a built in one-shot protection. It's also a lot harder if you play it with your feet instead of your hands. But just because you ignore conveniences in the game doesn't mean it was designed to be difficult.

>uhhhhh who cares i prefer graphics be better then old games lol
Ok whore

Don’t respond to ACfag user
He’s a literal broken record and has been for like a decade.

Your first Zelda game?

pretty relaxed actually... just a little confused by your guys faulty logic in just about everything. Thanks for the (you)s though.

90% of games ever made are about combat.... do you lump in FPS gamers, fighters, adventure, rougelites, etc just because the have "combat?"

seriously... is it just one guy coming back at me? seems more like three.

>he tried to collect all the koroks
Holy autism.

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BotW is literally the only Zelda game WITH a postgame.

>just a little confused by your guys faulty logic in just about everything.

Maybe that's because you're putting words in other people's mouths, but I wouldn't expect a 70 iq manchild like yourself to be logically adequate. Maybe if you were to calm down you'd be able to contemplate people's arguments more effectively.

Not a rumor, he's talking about the Kilton "medals of honor"/achievements for killing a certain amount of enemies. It only unlocks after the Calamity. So I guess it counts as post-game for

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What the fuck is this

Concept art from Mass Effect Andromeda.

Attached: 1.jpg (1600x1600, 1.05M)

I'm about on the same level of Bishop at this point but I don't want meme status I just want monies

>its either good or not good
this is peak autism

I've collected like 200 of them I imagine. at this point when I see one I just sigh

well it has been 3 years

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I just started playing it a week ago or so

wow do you have a job?

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What does post-game mean in a game where everything is optional?

So literally classic Zelda puzzles? They're just there to add a little bit more interactivity to the world. You know how joyless assholes always ask why people who actually have fun why they do little things in video game worlds for their own sake, like collecting some useless item or arranging objects in some pattern? Well, koroks are a small reward designed to coax joyless assholes into having fun like functioning people, and to give a bonus to the kinds of people who would do those little things anyway.