Disregarding sales faggotry & recognizability, what's the mount rushmore of video games?

Disregarding sales faggotry & recognizability, what's the mount rushmore of video games?

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A piece of history that's only relevant to a country?
Dragon Quest

You literally didn't even care about Dragon Quest before Smash Bros DLC stinky.

A Tetrimino

> Tetris, Pac-Man, Pikachu
None of these are relevant without salesfagging

Neither did the West
Players are not to blame for Square's horrible management of the series in the West

> The Legend of Zelda
> Final Fantasy
> Super Mario
> Metroid
Pretty much any gaming related list will have these in the top 10

This isn’t about sales. They’re universal icons

Recognizability has no relevance on what people deem the best, mount rushmore in Sports is always solely related to what the media deems the absolute best in their sport.


With Mega Man, Sonic, Ryu, Scorpion / Sub-Zero and Lara Croft as alternatives.

>Recognizability has no relevance on what people deem the best
This isn't about the best, it's about recognizability
Mario is on par with Micky MOuse

that's his point, dumbass

> Muh recognizability
T. Absolute brainlet retard, Mount rushmore literally refers to Greatest of all time. You would know if you weren't a Eurofag & grew up Watching ESPN


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>he didn't buy DQ8 for PS2 just for the FFXII demo when it first released but ended up falling in love with the game and the entire series

I disagree with Ryu and Scorpion / Sub-Zero
Lara is far past her prime
I'd have to begrudgingly add Steve to the maybe pile too

Mario, Sonic, Doomguy, Pacman


This is why you should never have game discussions on Yea Forums, nothing but delusional boomers clinging to "Muh influence" and Zoomers clinging to "Muh Sales"

user, Mount Rushmore itself isn't necessarily the "best" presidents.
It's presidents representative of different eras in American history.

go away fag

Mario, Link, Samus, Pikachu, Marth


normies dont care about Link
"best character ever" lists are only voted by nerds
they are irrelevant

Mario, Pac-Man, Sonic, Link

shit's pretty easy

>normies dont care about Link

what are you fucking retarded?



only nintenbros care about this generic avatar,

>Disregarding recognizability
>Mount Rushmore

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Imagine seething this badly

Mount Rushmore is a shit tourist attraction.



Motherfucker people know who Pikachu is.

Doom, Mario, Tetris, Pikachu, and whatever you want to represent hot coffee.

my dick

I bought DQ8 for DQ8. The FF12 demo just convinced me to not buy FF12.

All literal who's except Mario, nobody knows who Pikachu is in real life. They just know what Pokemon is, they cannot name any of the Pokemon.

Mario and Pac-Man are the two guarenteed spots

I'd argue Pikachu is probably guarenteed and Link too

What characters would an 85 year old grandmother instantly recognize? Think of it this way

>nobody knows who Pikachu is in real life

That's really specific.
I stole a copy of 8 from a foster because I was a sticky handed little shit, then fell in love when I finally played it.

Anyone below the age of 40 doesn't give a single fuck about Pac-Man, he's been irrelevant since the 90s. Link is roughly as famous as Mario, everyone in the world regardless of their age knows what Legend of Zelda is. It's the first game casuals name when you ask them what their favorite game is. I went outside yesterday & asked my neighbours what their favorite game is and they said ALTTP & FFX

>nobody knows who Pikachu is in real life
My old lady who knows nothing past candy crush bootlegs, says her favorite Pokemon is Pikachu.

Pikachu isn't even the most popular pokemon, Recognizability literally means nothing. 52,000 people were asked to name their Favorite Pokemon and Pikachu wasn't even in the Top 40.

>Disregarding sales faggotry & recognizability
Whats the fucking point then?

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Those are irrelevant metrics that nobody cares about, people in real life have no idea what the best selling games are. My friends in school growing up had no idea what Tetris, World of WarCraft, Doom or Pac-Man were, but knew about Undertale, Zelda, Mario, SoulCalibur, Final Fantasy & Halo

>My friends in school growing up had no idea what Tetris, World of WarCraft, Doom or Pac-Man were, but knew about Undertale, Zelda, Mario, SoulCalibur, Final Fantasy & Halo
Is this underage bait?

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No, they only PC game i ever heard anyone talk about at school was Counter Strike & Undertale. My friends all any turn based game besides Pokemon Final Fantasy

Legend of Zelda is normie-core since Ocarina you dunce. What the fuck do you think drove Breath of the Wild and initial Switch sales?

Joker, Piranha Plant, R.O.B. and Pichu

That's Pokemon fans.
Actual normalfags all know Pikachu. My dumbass old mother knows Pikachu.

Mario, Sonic, Pikachu and Pac-Man.
Bitch, Pikachu is the only Pokemon anybody actually knows.

> No Link, despite Zelda being the first game that normalfags will say they like to show that they play video games
> Literal who's like Pac-Man

>Literal who
Pick one, and ONLY one.

Zoomers don't know who Pac-Man is, he's only relevant among boomers in their 50s or 60s. And even then nobody fucking talks about him in real life

user, you need to be 18 to post here

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If a game was iconic then age demographic wouldn't matter, see Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Super Mario or Pokemon

>Doom, Pac-man, WoW, Tetris
>Not Iconic
>One of the most groundbreaking shooters thats still being remade today and has a game comeing out soon
One of the most reconized characters that ended up in Smash
The most played MMO that CURRENTLY had 1.1m viewers on twitch
Oone of the most Iconic/best selling games of all time that just had a huge resurgence with tetris 99
>Not Iconic.
Yeah, okay, You can suck a cock

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Probably not Steve, a creeper face, more like.

Miyamoto,Iwata,Miyazaki and Todd

zelda is like, the normie gamer girl tier game.

"Girls can be gamers too, I love The Legend of Zelda"

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>Not Kojima

Kojima is a hack that makes movies

As far as franchises I'd say
>Final Fantasy
>Dragon Quest (Japan)
>Mortal Kombat
>Street Fighter
For characters
>Donkey Kong

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hes got much more of a recognizable face then Miyazaki

>>Donkey Kong
no, average Joe thinks Link is called Zelda at best, some Peter Pan redesign at worst

Tracer, Dragonborn, some Fortnite character, and Pewdiepie.

nigga link is more well known than ryu, twilight princess and breath of the wild call him Link without you having to read the manual.

This thread is dumb.
It's obviously:
Master Chief
Crash Bandicoot
And Gordon Freeman

Prove me wrong. Protip:
you really can't

This is the answer

It's not the Mt. Rushmore of Nintendo faggots, it's the Mt. Rushmore of VIDEOGAMES.

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Get a load of this fag

>not relevant

At least I'm not a fucking dipshit like you.

Still recognizable despite having his name wrong. No one is going to say 'I know who that is! That's Tetrimino!' which you have on your 'yes' list.

That's what he's saying you stupid fuck. You didn't even comprehend his point and just wanted to respond with a fucking meme.

alternatively swap Chief or Crash with a different character from PC

BJ Blazkovicz
DQ1 Protag