ITT: "Why wasn't this guy the final boss?"

ITT: "Why wasn't this guy the final boss?"

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because he was not a bad guy, I love his fights his last one in particular

Have you even played the game?

oh yeah let's fight him a 50th time

>because he was not a bad guy
He was fucking scum, dude.

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Ganon ruined TP.

He was a shitter though
Awano should've been Kiryu's final boss, and Majima should've had a post-credits boss fight with Sagawa in that alleyway
Almost all the Yakuza games have extremely underwhelming final bosses in my opinion

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underwhelming plot-wise? yeah maybe
underwhelming thematically?
shibusawa was hype as fuck as Kiryu. Too bad Majima just had the chinese assassin shitter

I want NMH 3 to somehow bring him and his brother back as some kind of Siamese Twin abomination in the vein of Destroyman.

Helter-Helter? Skelter-Skelter?

Im still mad

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"Hey lets have this guy be the most evil character in the game but then make you clean up the remaining lords of cinder after you kill him in the middle of the game"

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>think kuja's the final boss
>discount exdeath just shows up

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I mean they just introduced that stuff with Shibukawa right before you fight him, you could do that with any almost character in that game.

> Kuze
> Shitter
Yeah no

I didn't want to post this but I'm glad somebody did, you could probably have Zidane still want to save his only brother afterwards.

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FFIV did it first with zeromus

>muh pride
>muh honor
>who the fuck do you think you are KID?!
>just another greedy asshole stepping on the backs of people more competent and throws a bitchfit when Kiryu rightfully exposes him as the ladyboy he truly is
Fuck him

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Sagawa was just trying to get Majima to stop being a Yakuza. Even after he took the job to kill Makoto, he hounded Majima on it. He was trying to show him how terrible Yakuza life really is, but his efforts were for nothing.

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Wrong as fuck, the ending was good.
Also wrong, but Vivi should have been the protagonist.

if we're talking about Yakuza at all you cant just not say anything about the ultimate bait and switch with Jingu in the last hour of the game

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Found the woman in the thread.

He is a shitter though. Terminator cop from 4 was a more memorable recurring boss who wouldn't fuck off, Kuze was just a crazy boomer with a nice voice.

>Also wrong, but Vivi should have been the protagonist.
>implying he wasn't
>implying he didn't live a long fulfilling life passing the torch to the next generation
Goddamn I love FF9

This is very literally a franchise for women, it's a j-drama with fight scenes in it basically

Women generally don't watch crime dramas, men do.

He's effectively the deutragonist, but I meant in terms of perspective. Probably would have helped a lot of the character writing issues where the game kind of made people shut up because they had nothing to say to Zidane.

>This is very literally a franchise for women
It's a series that women will never understand, evidenced by the fact the effeminate zoomers in here think Kuze is a "shitter".

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>crime dramas
Have you played any of these games? They pretend to be a serious crime drama for the first hour or so and then turns into pouty men taking turns crying at each other, it has way more j-drama cliches than it does old yakuza flick cliches in there for the most part
Y3 was the only one that was different I guess, for better or worse, in that was a knockoff of Sonatine (but with nowhere near the same amount of appeal + more babysitting) for the first half and then it shoved all the stupid plot in your face all at once (with a literal exposition dump segment at that politician's house IIRC)

>Women don't watch mafia soap operas
Have you ever seen a woman?

Women love crime dramas, the more fucked up the better even

One thing I will say is I'm surprised Kiryu didn't fight Awano at all and that ended up being a Majima boss. Then again, I guess one of the big three lieutenants had to fight him to tie him into the story. On the other hand, a Sagawa fight didn't seem right to me either. On the whole, his late game and ending are very sloppy due to the character that Majima must "become" in later Yakuza games.

>knockoff of Sonatine
Well now I have to play Y3, I'm lowkey obsessed with Kitano

Kuze is a shitter though. OP says he should've been the final boss, but the guy is an absolute chump and the least intimidating recurring character in the entire game.

> Haruka gets CHINKED
Truly a major cuck

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>him fight good, him not shitter
You are a fucking brainlet if you don't understand that manly qualities extend beyond his physical attributes, he is a liar, thief and a hypocrite who betrays every single value that he purports and no amount of bare chested motorcycle battling will change what he ultimately is a BITCH

but keep defending him though.

Your opinion is worthless because you fail to grasp just how much respect Kuze garners from any man.

It's worth experiencing and you'll notice the Sonatine parallels pretty much immediately, just don't expect it to be as well-done as Sonatine

>how much respect Kuze garners from any man.
Then they are just as blind as you are

pontiff deserved better

Kuze's actual character is that he's a 'shitter' that sticks to his ideals contrary to all common sense mate. I like him but I agree that he would've been an extremely underwhelming final boss, even moreso than the pencil pusher in disguise final boss we got again.

I meant crime dramas that take place from the crime perspective not the law enforcement perspective.

Good point but that shit doesn't really happen till the end when they are shirtless on the Millennium Tower.

Again, have you ever even seen a woman?
Do you know how many people want to suck Tony Soprano's penis?

The obsession with serial murderers and the like that many chicks have is something I don't think I'll ever understand

Do you not understand why men like bitchy women? It's the same thing. They're exciting people who breed conflict and are very emotional/passionate.

To be fair, Nishiki was still the final boss, just not the primary antagonist by that point

Will def check out (if it comes to PC...). Now if only Hisaishi Joe would make the OST for a Yakuza game.

That's not an equivalent comparison at all though and you know it

>It's a series that women will never understand

>crime soap opera
>mc is a literal virgin and cuckold holding out for his oneitis
>mini-games galore
I'm genuinely not understanding what part you think they wouldn't like user.

I was referring to the story of the series, or rather many of the characters in the story. And even at that i said they would never understand them, i didn't say they wouldn't "like" the game.

>bomb in yakuza didnt kill everyone from the pressure

>Gender dynamics aren't 1:1
No shit, you retard. Still, a lot of people enjoy the fantasy of a wild, dangerous person with a lot of passion.

>unironically acting 2deep4u about soap operas
cmon son, don't act like some bored housewife. it's not hard to grasp.

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I'd argue more male players would have trouble understanding the cast. Like shit, Kiryu is written like a Shoujou character, and most of the "MAN TIME, MAN THINGS, BE A MAN, MUH HONOR" stuff is so fucking basic. There's more guys who don't get why the main dudes are the way they are and mock them for being cucks than there are who actually get what the writers are going for.

You clearly don't know anything about women.
It's not deep, it's just using scenarios and logical thought processes that men would come to, while women find weird and makes no sense. Much like yourself you estrogen boosted tranny faggot.

Sulyvahn did nothing wrong

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>Almost all the Yakuza games have extremely underwhelming final bosses in my opinion
1, 2, and 4 disagree

>you don't understand women
>he says as he keeps insisting women don't understand things *that are consistently found in women's literature*
You're a goddamned idiot.

only one of us is acting like a crazed woman here, and it ain't me.

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4's final bosses are easily some of the weakest.

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They should have really drawn out the big crowd fight Majima had towards the end of the game and made him snap in a cutscene. I get that his Mad Dog persona is probably inspired by Nishitani, but they could have done a whole lot more with Majima's character development.

>no scene of him snapping into maniacal laughter
>no scene of him cutting off his ponytail
>barely anything between him and kiryu besides the random five seconds long post credits scene

Cop man and his 50 body guards was kind of a downer but the others are good, and the thematics around it are pure kino

>Kiryu I'm sorry, I really need the money
2 of the fights were good

Daigo is just a bit slow, he needed to have some sense beaten into him.

>The actual primary antagonist is the first boss fight out of four
They fucked up the order

>the final boss is Jingu 2.0
I guess they wanted Tanimura to be the new protag or something.
I felt like he was only there because Kiryu needed a boss fight

>I guess they wanted Tanimura to be the new protag or something.
Most of the plot of the game does revolve around him, it's fitting.

Judgement probably has more than a lot of what was left on the cutting room floor from Tanimura in it.

>beat the shit out of him 3 times
>gets hit full on by a speeding car
>still somehow lives so we can keep fighting him
Really wish the game would have given me a choice to bash his skull in with that pipe.

I'm 99% sure one of the developers said the fanbase in Japan has a lot of women while western audiences are men.

Being evil/=/ top dog. He was Aldritch's bitch.

>time for the big moment where Majima's gonna snap
>oh nevermind he gets talked out of it
>oh and now he calmly decides he's going to be crazy from now on