UnderRail thread.
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UnderRail thread
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Play as a hammer wizard
I'm a Tin-Can Shotgun/Sniper user. Which Core City faction should I join? I understand the Protectorate offers guns/armor, but I feel like the best armor is just made from Super Steel. Coretech offers great electronic gadgets which is useful for shields, and even goggles/scopes which I use. I wish I could access the vendors for both.
Which is harder to acquire? Decent gun parts for my Shotgun/Sniper, or the Electronics from Coretech?
I wonder, is there a single feat more omnipresent than Sprint?
Coretech for shields can protect you from what armor cant
Besides its not like weapon frames aint that strange to get anyways
I really wish I didn't dump agi on my tin can. Sprint would have been so useful. 55 TM does help to mitigate the problem somewhat as it still gives me a burst of speed, but it seems to be bugged in one of two ways: The first turn I use it, it gives me the 30 movement points and 20 Action Points. However after that it seems like the 30 Movement Points given to me are modified by my armor penalty so it basically gives me nothing. I am not sure if I should always have 30, or if the 30 on the first turn is a bug.
Is it fun?
It is both fun and frustrating, but the kind of frustrating where you're so close you can taste it and want to try until you beat it.
I've tried to get into underrail a few times but it just feels like more of a puzzle game than an rpg.
You're not so much building your character as you are following a specific way to build to not hit a dead end or entirely run out of resources.
>or entirely run out of resources
The what? The only place where you can run out of resources is the final dungeon, and only some resources, and the game still throws massive amounts of almost everything at you there. For free.
I might be remembering wrong.
Like isn't it set up to where vendors or buy X amount of specific things so it's entirely possible to just flat out run out of money for ammo or meds?
They restock and want to buy new things after a little bit.
Vendors only buy X amount of specific things, but stores refresh every hour or so. Even if you only stop by them when you have a quest to report in, you'll still never have resource problems after a while. Only the first few hours can be harsh.
>Alright time to go kill the acid hunters
>Sewer lock doesn't open
>Key is not in the inventory
>Oh, silly me, I should have put it in my room's locker
>It's not there
Expose weakness on a shotgun build.
Introducing the new hardest difficulty: APEX HARDCORE
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-grenade cooldowns are increased by 1 turn
-high efficieny energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-using psi abilities from 1 school will put psi abilities from other schools on a 1 turn cooldown
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks and has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies (typically knife-users) will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-trap location and type is somewhat random
-enemy placement is somewhat random
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange and search the map
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
Why would you ever drop or store a key. user, why.
there is no key
Expose weakness is a melee feat you mongoloid. Just use Trainshot.
There's no lock on the way to acid hunters.
Expose weakness on a silenced pistol build
Expose weakness on a crossbow build
There are 2 main things that makes it fun, for me at least:
First off, you're a motherfucking tanky tin can, you're an unstoppable wall of iron, laugh as bullets harmlessly bounce off you and knoifefags angrily cry as they go *clink* *clink* *clink* on you. Also the feeling of being the ultimate melee fighter, bashing everyone's head in with a huge ass thunder hammer
However slow ass tin cans struggle vs more specialized enemies, like psykers, plasma guns, bio enemies, etc.
The fun relies on getting good and figuring out the correct approach for a certain situation, everytime I got my ass handed, it was because I did a wrong move, I corrected my mistake and won, in very rare instances the game boiled down to quickload fest like Black Crawler base, fucking Dan or Sneaky constantly dying godfuckingdammit. Necessity is the mother of invention, and strife makes you get good.
The other aspect is that, everything I mentioned before is, to some fairly large extend, countered by Psychokinesis:
Mind freak casted pseudo spatial projection? Proxy punch the cunt
Knifecunt got 6 stacks of Crippled on you and you cannot even move, even less lifting your hammer? Proxy punch the faggot
Is a Death Stalker being a pain in the ass to you? Run to a corner, electrokinetic imprint and proxy, the moment the bugger gets sapped, mind punch it
Getting overwhelmed? Force Field yourself away
Everyone bunched up? Brap nade, fire nade and proxy mower in and out
Is there a sniper making your life hell? Disruptive field him, zap zap and charge him down with Sprint and Adrenaline
Is an Industrial bot about to hammer your head up your ass? Electrokinesis and book it until you're better prepared
Carnifex? Get more than 50 DT, proxy implosion, blow a breeze on him and he dies
>all npc's have 30% greater trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
why not regular detection too?
Protip : You can hold two different weapons and switch between at any time without any cost
>store a key
It makes your inventory look cleaner. I like it.
3 int.
>-items sold are worth 10% their regular price
>-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
Do we have to go through this again, Krieg?
I still think the psi cooldown thing is stupid as hell. I forgot to ask in the previous thread, what makes you think that Styg wants to handle his planned psi nerf by messing with cooldowns?
>Willingly giving up a backup Sniper/pump-action for meaty Sixth Shells
>Willingly giving away 40 skill points which won't even be that effective since you'll have shit accuracy
>Willingly giving away a Feat slot
No. Shotguns have no trouble piercing armor.
If it didn't need to hit, this would be a fairly interesting idea alongside execute
I only ever went Protectorate and didn't have a high mercantile skill but I feel like it's not worth it for the items.
They didn't really have anything other vendors don't.
Wait, am I remembering wrong after so many runs? Please tell me this is a mushrooom brew induced stupor and I'm trying to open up the wrong door
Shotgun is the wrong avenue for this. Shotguns with 6 or 3 pellet shells shred through armor anyways. Totally unnecessary.
no, I'm right
we were talking about how psi is overpowered and I listed my suggestions to balance it, and he responded with pic related (other comments cut out)
if you need a key, you're going the wrong way
There is no key for getting the Acid hunters.
Your boss tells you they are in the sewers, once you landed on the correct sewer, hug the walls, you will automatically discover a lever, pull it and the door will open
Before dont try unless you have high PER, it will only trigger AFTER your boss gives you the quest
There is no key involved
Yes sure but imagine TWENTY PELLETS penetrating armor instead.
You don't need to do damage with it dumbass. Take versatility if you want.
I'm pretty sure Verstatility boosts don't count towards Feat requirements. Even then, you're wasting 2 Feats for a mediocre damage boost to the equivalent of a pocket cannon. Just slap on a Focus Stim if you're that starved for damage.
It's kinda useless on gun builds, but Ive seen many xbow builds that recommend it. Sounds retarded to me though, just get versatility and chem pistols.
Now I'm considering joining the Discord just to join the discussion
In all honesty I'm okay with making multiple psi schools more harder, as long a single psi users dont get nerfed I'm content with that
And I swear to god if he nerfs carry capacity I'm going to mind punch you so hard
Thank god
>saw 140q frames of all shotguns, except for vindicator
I bet the ((((free drones)))) are behind this.
hey, these are my memes for a harder difficulty, styg was only talking about psi
40 skill points is nothing in the long run.
As for feats, eventually you will run out of useful shotgun feats, this is much better than stuff like barrel stare.
I can't say this enough times, Discord was a fucking mistake, holy shit. Why must you faggots encourage his stupidest ideas? Psi needs a nerf, but cooldowns is not the answer.
>psi needs some sort of a non-auto-replenishing resource, like other ways of attack have to deal with
Styg, come the fuck on, the auto-replenishing was added because the mana bar was even more OP.
On the other hand the insanity meter could work. Actually, wasn't there something similar in the earliest videos? Not for psi specifically, but something similar.
tin cans are the ((())) ones
I wanted to try a psi-monk puncher, but the stats seem spread way too thin. How do I build a psi/fist hybrid character?
You could hit them while they're bear trapped or stnuned or unaware of your presence for max accuracy, then back off quickly.
The tin cans put their tins on the cans for your sake, you ungrateful zoner.
such good goys
makes a zog proud, yknow?
>nobody in the free drones has a unique knife with extreme armor penetration named "the can-opener"
Missed opportunity there Styg
I'd post my psi monk but I cannot right now
You will have to wait
And I cant even remenber his stats, fuck
Lets be real:
>Styg doesnt visit nor participates in Yea Forums threads?
>Nobody here will ass themselves to make an account on the Underrail forums
>Discord is the easiest way to talk to the devs
In any case, if you want to prevent stupid ideas from going afloat, you should join the discussion and tell why it's a stupid idea, in a place a developer can actually read what you say, because sometimes these threads become a massive shitflinging fest, I know Discord is very faggy but you have to work with what you have
I'm an absolute monkey and I have no fucking idea where to find the GMS compound to find Gorsky, I went into some place past the tunnels where there were stalkers who shat on me. I then tried down and went to Junkyard then I went into a place where 3 thugs raped my anus.
I'm just lost bois.
a stiletto, that'd be neat
>Nobody here will ass themselves to make an account on the Underrail forums
oh my sweet summer child
When in doubt - ask Essie. She's always on-point.
>In all honesty I'm okay with making multiple psi schools more harder, as long a single psi users dont get nerfed I'm content with that
The problem with this is that seamless comboing is literally the only thing keeping tri/quad-school full psi in the "OP but also fun to play" territory as opposed to "OP and boring as hell". Also a massive kick in the balls for a fully specialized tranq, cast anything and not only 3/4 of your selection goes on cooldown for the rest of the turn, but half of what you are left with might already be on its regular cooldown anyhow. Psi isn't going to become more interesting to play by being forced into casting the basic cooldown-free damage spell of its school over and over again.
Hear me closely and pay attention:
From SGS train station:
North > North > West (gotta fight a bunch of rathounds) > You will have to fight yet another bunch of rathounds, once done, at the northwest corner of that area there will be a SGS soldier guarding the entrance, talk to him and he will let you in
Use the compass if you need it
How wrong am I?
I want to know
boo hoo
There are lines that should never be crossed. This is one of them. Such a free, casual direct channel to developers, be it Discord, twatter, irc, any kind of chat, is always a terrible mistake.
Food for thought here pipeworkers, how about instead of nerfing shit you ask Styg to BUFF other things, such as, you know, nonchemical/laser pistols or that dang 95% hit for machetes?
Just dropping some ideas here, since you're all so bothered by other people somehow having fun with their own builds in a ROLE PLAYING GAME, eh? It's almost as if these games are about letting people have fun the way they like instead of being glorified math puzzles and F9 benchmark software for first graders.
You just give me a flashback, Darkest Dungeon had a moment like this in which almost everything got hugely nerfted, and delved into 'Nerf everything to the ground'.
Now while I agree the whole cooldown is rather dumb, there must be another way.
Maybe it could be like, a ''reversed" skill synergizing, the more psi schools you specialize, the more penalized your effective skills become
Ayyy sykas, I got me a fucking question. Considering how fucking ammo inneficient SMGs are, how monk is done and overdone, how sledge is boring as shit, Im thinking about shotties.
Combat or normal? What stat distribution as a whole? Big stronk nigga or agile as fuck shotty ninja? What feats and how do I optimize it for max fun?
What psi abilities can be resisted? I know some of them are guaranteed but not which
Mental breakdown, rage, fear. Technicaly the stun from the psykinetic lightning and the stun from tk fist, if you count them. Nothing else to my knowledge.
>psykinetic lightning
Electrokinesis is a guaranteed stun on the first target it hits unless it's completely resisted (example: Coil spiders) or it's absorbed by a shield, it cannot be resisted
>Mental breakdown, rage, fear
So even at level 30, 18 will and max thought control, I still have a chance to fail to mental breakdown a rathound?
What's the point of that cave hopper island in expedition? The one where you climb down and there are all those spiders and rocks you have to blow up? Just some shitty loot? No story shit and not even a unique oddity?
People wanting to nerf psi is a meme. Gee wilkers, the magician is strong as fuck, with huge investment into his skills and with a build beyond ultra specced for it.
A build being good is fine. People who want for there to not be a good build are idiots. The game is made to be beaten, by whatever methods you are given, you dont just slam your keyboard and run into danger like a autistic fuck unless you are a 20 str balor hammer user on easy, and yet when theres a build thats versatile and not ass to play that can dunk shit, people reee.
Snipers can trivialize everything. SMGs can outdamage fucking anybody. Tank sledges can become FUCKING INVICIBLE. Dagger dudes can kill a entire room with good crit chances, as they always do. Laserbois can literaly get over 900% crit power on a fucking las pistol and plasma pistols delete fucking anything. Trappers can literaly cuck the entire fucking game. But psionics? Nah bre, we cant have no fun in this game. We cant have no fucking versatility and have a cave magician be powerfull. How dare we have fun.
Fuck no. A rathound aint gonna get any kinda shit on that, its very much dependant on what kinda motherfuckers you handling but 18 will level 30 will do fucking fine bre. Just some enemies are imune to fear like Rathound King and some bosses have a higher chance to resist shit, but those are exceptions.
On harder Difficulties you rely on Armor Piercing or Hollowpoint Bullets if you use Guns but Vendors wont have them in an ammount you will need, crafting them is also hard because of rare materials.
Psi > everything else
It's quite simple really.
I wish you put that on the discord so Styg can read it.
Psi is fine as it is. Plenty of builds are extremely powerful in their own way as well, and all of them have their own strengths and weaknesses. Psi users are frail, and putting points in Will means not putting points in other stats.
If he really wants to nerf it, he should simply add a 25% or so extra psi cost for using a different school's spell in the same turn. Anything more than that and it's just being anti-fun.
Psi users aren't any more frail than anyone else.
You can have 10 con as pure psi, and stack stoicism/conditioning for some neat survivability along with survival instincts giving you massive damage.
Maybe this wouldnt be happening if full psi users wouldnt think so highly of themselves
If you act like you're OP, sooner or later people will believe it, then the dev will come with his nerf hammer, then everybody throws a tantrum over it
>-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
>-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
already happening
>Still turning DOMINATING in a mass Grave yard with SMG,Supressive Fire/Opportunist and Infused Cavehopper Gear
Snipers can trivialize everything. SMGs can outdamage fucking anybody. Tank sledges can become FUCKING INVICIBLE. Dagger dudes can kill a entire room with good crit chances, as they always do. Laserbois can literaly get over 900% crit power on a fucking las pistol and plasma pistols delete fucking anything. Trappers can literaly cuck the entire fucking game.
But psionics? Yes bre, psionics can do all of the above, and then some more.
Kinda related to psi, is there any content just for characters who refused the psi pill?
Just the satisfaction of playing on the actual hard difficulty
During the Tchort battle, do his minions respawn infinitely? It seems I'm doing well until I get randomly mentally break downed
I think they do unless you destroy the mutagen tanks
With the 25% HP reduction you won't be all that durable unless you use metal armor, and speccing into both pure psi and CON leaves the strength needed to wear metal armor out of the question. Combine that with intentionally lowering your HP to trigger Survival Instincts and you're still a frail glass canon. You also have shit initiative.
You can have all these stats, idk what you're talking about, nothing is forcing you to take survival instincts, and initiative is a mostly useless stat outside of the arena fights and some fights triggered after dialogue
>there must be another way.
Agreed. I'll be honest, TM pushed full psi too far even for me. I enjoyed it very much in the DLC, but the base game content was... not exactly stimulating. It was never balanced for this.
>Maybe it could be like, a ''reversed" skill synergizing, the more psi schools you specialize, the more penalized your effective skills become
I don't know. Reverse-synergy might be good if the schools had more abilities and more feats, and encouraged specialization this way. But the way things are currently, uni-psi only makes sense for hybrids. But hybrids don't usually go with the kind of investment that would make use of the cap, and the reverse synergy isn't going to make hybridizing more attractive to current non-psi builds like it seems Styg was hoping.
Will also serves a defensive purpose. It's much better than, say PER, since your Detection fucking sucks even with 10 PER.
You don't have to intentionally lower your hp for survival instincts to be useful.
Although, no build can do this as safely as pure psi, thanks to their crowd control.
Seriously though, locus of control still exists, so don't even bother trying to argue that pure psi isn't the strongest build in the game.
Other builds builds gratefully get 10 con for a feat that ONLY counters stuns and still leaves you dazed, while psi does that for everything else, and does stuns better too, oh and buffs your powers why not. Every other build is simply fucked if you get one of the other disables, and ACTUAL frail builds can't get even thick skull.
I guess. I hate the idea of a character so disconnected from all the magic bullshit happening around them, but it does sound interesting gameplay-wise for a replay.
You'll have utter shit mobility user, psi builds are not perfect. And initiative is only useless to savescumfags
>and initiative is a mostly useless stat outside of the arena fights
You dont need 18 Will, are you this dumb?
>And initiative is only useless to savescumfags
Press enter, step around the corner
Wow good job you won the initiative roll
Why would you know there are enemies there? Meta-gaming is a trashy tactic.
Fine, lower Will and put points elsewhere at the expense of losing great damage potential because you aren't using a psi tactical vest and your Will isn't maxed out. Now you aren't a perfect killing machine.
>Initiative is useless
OK nigger.
And to add, even if you constantly enter combat not knowing if there are enemies beforehand and check everywhere to avoid getting ambushed, there are area transitions where you'll be met with enemies immediately with no chance to enter combat, as well as dialogue that starts with combat afterwards.
I don't want to be a faggot though so I admit psi is not completely balanced (but not as unbalanced as everyone says). Part of its fun is that it is supposed to be powerful, psionics aren't something everyone has access to. It's a special weapon not everyone is special enough to have.
Anwer me you zoners.
>long term I want to have more hybrid builds
Drop the HP penalty. Dark Sun gave every class one free psi school to pick as support and it was a nice system. Gate psi feats and access to more than one school behind the redpill with all the usual and maybe some more penalties, but let every build pick one school without a penalty.
Don't tell me metagaming is bad when everyone plan their final build before even starting the game. Do you just pretend to not know what you're doing and magically know all the skill thresholds, huxkey, quests etc?
>losing great damage
You dont need to hit the maximum possible effective skill to kill everything, like not at all
I play a short vindicator agile shotty build on hard.
The feats I have are Sixth Shell, Kneecap Shot, Barrel Stare, and Nimble.
>Barrel Stare
Oh no no no no. Should've gotten Leading Shot my fren.
If you thought SMGs are ammo-inefficient, then combat shotguns will be the end of you.
Tin cans are better suited for combat shotguns, but I'd suggest going fast either way, there's always times when you need to close the gap to murder something before they can move.
Leading Shot, Sixth Shell and Sprint are a must. If you want to waste shells, grab Suppressive Fire and Opportunist, Full Auto if you have the str. If you fall for the 9 perception meme, Fragmented Chaos is good.
Grant me wisdom wizard of the shotty. Stat distribution? Playstyle tips? Early tips? I got 500 hours but I love to hear the justifications for every single stat alocation and planning, always something to learn.
I have Leading Shot and Perfect Scattering as well.
5 STR, 6(7) DEX, 6 AGI, 8(10) CON, 8(9, excess can go here), 4(excess can go here) INT.
Mechanics, Chemistry, Tailoring, Electronics if you don't care about Hack/Lock too, 25 Electronics is nice for the Crit Bonus Sniper scope. 50 Bio (can go higher if you wish), 55 Temporal, 45 Kinesis, 50 Throwing minimum.
Sprint, Leading Shot, Sixth Shell, Fragmented Chaos, Recklessness, Grenadier, Conditioning, Thick Skull, Temporal Acceleration. These are your core Feats, pick whatever else you want. Kneecap Shot is alright, Aimed Shot is excellent with a backup sniper, Three-Pointer is excellent to whittle down large groups of enemies to low HP so you can kill them with your rain of pellets.
Leading Shot and Barrel Stare don't interact.
9 PER*
And 3 Will obviously.
That is what the build looks like at level 18. Get initiative, blast target in the face, run behind corner. Kite while Sixth shell builds, fire into now grouped up enemies to kill 3-4 at once.
Shouldn't you max perception?
Some pellets will always hit, but the more the better.
Shotgun accuracy caps somewhere around 70%, and Leading Shot will make sure you're close to that number anyways.
PER does nothing for accuracy by itself, what it does is make your effective Guns skill higher, which is what solely decides accuracy and gun damage.
>Shotgun accuracy caps somewhere around 70%
Not him, but I've been wondering about that. Does that have something to do with spread angle?
But still, isn't that better than more agility?
"More" agility? It's 6 for Sprint. You need sprint. As soon as you get sprint, you'll feel silly for asking this.
If it wasn't for Fragmented Chaos, even getting 9 perception would've been a waste.
Any merchants selling energy edge emitters in the early game?
I'm not certain as Choke and Long Barrel are so woefully underpowered I've never used them beyond the prologue, but I think a tighter spread angle just helps you maintain accuracy when targets are further away than optimal range. Long Barrel doesn't have a Precision malus either, so their accuracy is higher, but it's really not worth it with Leading Shot.
It caps at 75% btw, just rememebered that's what I get against stunned enemies.
Don't look at me boy, I'm not defending pumping AGI beyond possibly 7 for Hit and Run (which is much weaker than you'd initially think), I use , I'm so overpowered I can afford to use Riot Gear just because it looks cool.
Blaine, and it's rare as fuck.
Ah, fuck.
Welp. I'm post Depot A and still haven't found one. At this point joining the Expedition and assassinating the edgelord might be better than waiting for one.
What does Yahota say when you've genocided a faction successfully. She says the pirates are 'pretty much dead' and 'barely any activity' but does that mean there are a still few left I need to kill?
You can trade a gas grenade to Mordre in exchange for his
They kind of do if you count 'covering weak areas' as 'interacting.' Leading shot for when there are no melee range enemies, barrel stare when there are.
I think I saw one either at Foundry or the hidden store in Rail Crossing, for sure that it was special merchandise tho, try Buzzer too. The Coretech guy is bound to have some I'd imagine.
oh piss off, it's a funny joke we like to make
try making more memes about one-shotting things with your overcompensating sniper rifle
If she barely sees any activity it means that its either near fucking dead or dead as shit for either faction, which means no raids. When she says she barely sees any activity or lights for the tribals, it means you did good and they wont attack but bre, unless you slashed Magnars throat, and literaly genocided every square in the top left area of the map, you didnt kill em all.
>Implying Im a Sniper
jerk off about your 2000 super slam sledge damage then
I haven't even tried the tribals yet. I just slaughtered all the pirates to rescue Oldfield and I'm wondering if there are still some strongholds I missed.
I do not negotiate with terrorists.
Undertale thread? Undertale thread.
Which monster is your favorite and why?
What does he have, an energy knife? Nah, I've made up my mind, Aran is dying tonight. I can't be assed to wait longer for something less good. 20 skill points is a small price to pay.
Letting Buzzer die may have been a mistake. Yes.
i will fucking fist you
Oh I read that as energy shield emitter
I doubt anyone will sell them early game without special inventories unlocked
>I haven't even tried the tribals yet
It takes a while. Bring more ammo. And patience.
>but bre, unless you slashed Magnars throat, and literaly genocided every square in the top left area of the map, you didnt kill em all.
Top left? There are two villages, don't you have to war crime both of them?
Also, technically speaking, you don't have to kill all the women. You should, though.
Bre, what. The entirety of the top left of the map on the cursed Black Sea is from the tribals, they may technicaly be two different villages but you just kill em all anyways because raids suck ass. Music is great but fuck dealing with em. The women drop odities, id kill fucking Six with whatever bullshit method Styg hasnt found yet if he had some, full murderhobo
I'd kill Six for less.
>top left
And top right. Though I guess that's just semantics, yeah.
>The women drop odities
I found my first oddity from them right at the end of the genocide and I'm pretty sure I killed and looted all of the women. Fug.
You see user, I would too. Styg dickriding that ayy lmao moonnigger is fucking stupendous. Literaly gun in his forehead vagina, a fucking laser emitter armblade, psion or close to psion powers that you CANNOT RESIST OR HE WILL BE FOREVER ASSHURT, so on.Its actualy disgusting and the one true thing I do not like about this game. Helping Six is stupidly forced. The Faceless are beyond the autism spectrum, and Tchort, while mildly evil, is unironicaly more fucking relatable than a bunch of pet project motherfuckers whose apex nigga betrayed his creator just to fucking throw everyone they didnt like into a a vat of fucking mutagen.
Fucking faceless man, hate havingg to cooperate with these actually autistic retards who give you a fucking friendship emblem made of stone. You killed their biggest fucking oposition in the world, their mortal enemy, spared as many as you could and they give you a fucking FRIENDSHIP BRACELET AND LEAVE. Not even a fucking thanks.
Fuck em all.
I think there are two main Savage villages, the one connected to Jointsec that has Magnar, the snake man, and maybe the old wizard and the lesser one that connects to Blistering Shores, which has the dude with the big club and the blindfolded guy who lights himself on fire.
Wait, the obsidian sword dude lights himself on fire? I always killed him so fast that I never noticed.
Okay here's my question.
Why are you not in /vg/?
Because we discuss the game and dont require a eternal sleep in a board where video game discussion goes to die.
Videogames are occuring. Discussion is happening. Suck my fucking dick you Zoner.
To be fair Faceless probably inherited autism from the high ones genes, so they're assholes just like Six on genetic level, only reason to help them is that alternative is worse
He has exothermic aura yeah
>not killing Tchort and the Faceless
plebe, it's like you enjoy being a bitch
What's the point if Six will teleport behind you and probe your anus in any case?
Would metathermics be better if there was a 0 (or even 1 turn) cooldown offensive heat ability to better make use of Thermodynamicity or would that make it too OP?
How the fuck would they have higher being genes if only really one was even remotely smart enough to be considered the Caesar of the group and trusted by the head dude. They are meant to be atleast halfway smart, they seem mostly like a bunch of slave fuckers who took old Biocorp tech from their Apex and fucking modded themselves out because they are geneticaly fucking worthless and need constant augmentation and tech to do jack fucking shit.
Just saying, if you got actual answers, do give em lad. Im always interested in lore.
to piss him off
and also kill him too eventually
Why do you think Six and the other two went to Godhead or Machine head or whatever to become cyborgs? They're fucking weak outside their dimension.
Hold up, Godhead? The only place with Godmen tech to my knowledge is Occulus, and I dont know of Tanner or Melek (suposed third, if not you) ever going there. Is Godhead a place outside of the Rail's earth and are we talking Visions of the Monoliths or are we talking advanced theoretical lore a la Fallen London? Legitimately curious
Use the exploit to keep the Cube and pretend it totally wasn't an exploit.
It comes up in one of the visions, the monolith in DC I think. It says they will be incased in metal but reborn as the beings they originally were when the job is done.
DC, yes. Cool, seems I still have the old image.
So, lemme get this shit straight.
The faceless are fucking bonobo apes experimented on by Old Biocorp that have fucking AYYYY LMAAAAO DNA, that managed to escape, and that after the hundreds of years that have passed, essentialy rose to absolute power by going into a potentially alien fucking planet with aid of faggot ass motherfuckers like Six, so that they later can, while augmented to be bullshit plot motherfuckers, lose a invaluable fucking artifact that gets snatched by the conglomerate of people that raised them and got melded together in vats of horrifyingly painfull and terrible mutagen.
We are aiding the fucking feeble and autistic fosterchildren of a near extinct race of space niggers because they lost a big fucking diamond and Tchort is grudging them by fucking nicking it, all while a even bigger space nigger is escaping Six's probing gun and planned to take the big fucking shiny diamong.
You are telling me our entire fucking journey is based on fucking over the friendliest and most advanced human society in the fucking South Rail because of a fucking half millenia old grudge between a bunch of emanciated half space niggers and the masters they betrayed that now became a fucking gestating psionic god?
Fuck me, we dont mean shit, do we. Fucking Six.
should i buy 100quality blue parts from Blaine and sell elsewhere?
is that a thing?
Damn they really dropped the ball on these last few quests
is underail like undertail
Don't listen to niggers, Six is a bro and just want you to notice him
i really want to punch six to death
stygg should at least make him take some damage on dominating
i think you'll only make your money back if you have mercantile
You'll never make money back unless you're on a easy difficulty and craft something with it
You got the one's for the Glowing Canine or the Shadowlithe?
The second the game is even halfway modable I will fucking reduce Six's defenses to fucking 0 and murder his useless fucking ass. Styg, you may be a fucking genius codewise and I respect that, but goddamit, stop inserting yourself in a asshole space nigger with ultra tech and plot armor, you are serbian, you are not a demigod half robot subhuman, you are just a regular subhuman slav.
Absolutely not. At best, you can buy high quality gun parts and make guns for sale, but even that is barely worth it on hard.
im on normal
ive noticed snipers go for a lot
maybe i should get a high qual part and craft some for good money when vendors want firearms (4)
Arena and final boss are the only required kills, right?
I posted a collage of the Shadowlith before, but I haven't done a complete version of the Canine yet. I could update this one to have it all in one place, but I'll have to dig up the font first. Or just collage the Canine, if that's good enough. Never screenshotted the old rocks with the new font so making a mega collage that doesn't look like ass would be too much work right now.
If I play expedition before doing any of the core city stuff, will I be hilariously overpowered for the rest of the main game content?
On the contrary, you might be a little underleveled
It really rounds the difficulty you're playing tho
What's recommend level for expansion? I know game tells me about HARDCORE but I heard this is mid game addon like Night Of The Raven for Gothic 2. NotR actually buffs vanilla game so you can't beat second part without finishing it. Is this same here? Or I will be overpowered for vanilla?
Yeah you will get like 5 levels easily and of course all the loot
15. Are you already stronk as shit? You can risk it at 10 or whatever if you already did shit like the Beast or Balor. If your build is worse, go at like 17-18.
15 if normal
20 if dominating
Not like NotR unfortunately. Very little was changed about the vanilla parts, so you'll be overpowered as fuck for the last third.
First playthrough but on hard
Anywhere around 18.
>NotR actually buffs vanilla game so you can't beat second part without finishing it. Is this same here?
>Or I will be overpowered for vanilla?
Probably. Depends on your build and difficulty, really.
Anyway that works user. Your going gods work
>First playthrough but on hard
You're fucking derail jack, go around level 17
And before you do embark, do tell us, you could use a fair warning
You unlock it around 10 but 15 is recommended. Gameplay wise the bare minimum is that you have to impress the recruiter by mentioning some of your exploits, like being the Invictus or defeating the Beast, or passing a Persuasion check. Also bring trillion billion poisoned caltrops with you.
>Or I will be overpowered for vanilla?
You'll be more powerful than normal due to lack of level scaling. However you should do the expansion before Deep Caverns because it unlocks some unique dialogue for the latter if you performed certain things in the expansion area or brought a certain item with you.
>You're fucking derail jack
Not him, but it's honestly not that bad if you take the psi pill. Well, at least after Depot A.
I waited till lvl 20 to start the Expedition though.
I took the psi pill and I was level 22 too
The first time it caught me off guard, barely survive
Everyone deserves a fair warning
>20 if dominating
Everywhere is harder in dominating, it's dumb to say this.
No it's not, for the huge variety of damage and sheer tankiness, it's a fair warning.
Crabbos alone made many people's miserable
And Expedition is harder than everywhere else in the Lower Underrail. Makes sense you'd want to wait.
Just started this game, I have no idea where to go. Had to buy a molotov just to deal with the first dudes I see who ambush me in a tunnel. Now i'm dying every other encounter where a bunch of dudes just gang up on me.
What do bros, am I in the wrong area (Lower Underrail trying to get to the power stations)
Unless you're calling rathounds "dudes", you're in the wrong area, Jack.
>power stations
user, go to the caves. Not the underrail passages, you went in a completely opposite direction.
You went as wrong of a way as you could possible go.
Every time. Every single goddamn time. Some fucking way, some fucking how, a newbie always ends up uncovering the ass end of the rail because he does not fucking read the text.
Listen bre. You are gonna go back to SGS. You are going to engieneering and talking to the dude at the left. You are gonna go to the lowest level of the place. And then youl do your quest. And after that you will start reading aloud the text that pops up because if you do not read, it will be the fucking death of you, aight lad?
idk, the only thing I had trouble with is the first native invasion if you wanna stick with Aegis and forgot to bring a boatload of traps
I can see genociding the savage being hard but it's optional, the rest is just robots and crabs/spiders
>Crabbos alone made many people's miserable
Literally animal tin cans, honestly dunno what you're doing if you have no options to deal with armored enemies
fucking retards, man
>uhhh, I didnt read anything, what do I do?
>uhhh, I can go to a text based website and ask questions, where my answers will be in text, but I won't read the text in the actual game
>idk, the only thing I had trouble with is the first native invasion if you wanna stick with Aegis and forgot to bring a boatload of traps
Thats the point, new players wont know that they should bring fuckloads of brap nades, caltrops and traps
>Literally animal tin cans, honestly dunno what you're doing if you have no options to deal with armored enemies
I did not had problems with them, I say OTHERS did, many people, which must not be ignored
I doubt any new player is on dominating desu
I'd spoonfeed you
But I wont
Read the fucking text you little nigglet, and use your brain for once
Personally, I had plenty of trouble with the F*tid Marsh. And there's lots of little encounters here and there where one poor call with your positioning can get you killed. Fucking nets jesus christ.
>Every time. Every single goddamn time.
If it happens quite a lot, maybe the problem is with the game and not the players
naw, not even remotely true, they're suicidal lemmings
try this sometime: aggro some non-humanoid enemies, throw a toxic gas grenade on one side of a door, get on the other side and close it, keep opening and closing it each round until they're all dead, as they'll be grouped up on the other side of the gas each round until they die
all enemies, even humans, will happily throw themselves into a caltroped, gassed, burning, bear trapped hellhole to get to you, in nice big grenade-able groups. I have never seen an enemy choose to go to cover instead of rushing me, except for stuff like crawlers after they sting you.
Doesnt mean he doesnt deserve a fair warning still.
No, it quite literally where to go on the very first quest.
People need to read and use their brain for once
well, I always have toxic gas and crawler caltrops on my characters, as virtually all of them have throwing
on my first invasion, I had enough sense to throw some down at chokepoints before the fuckers started coming off their boats; didn't use a single trap on the first invasion
after that it was common sense to put down traps on the beach in preparation of another such attack
Or maybe the players, aka you, got a fuckin stick up their ass and expect shit they shouldnt of a very much non caring game that will not pander to you with quest location icons and refuse to read on a goddamn CRPG.
Why do you guys refuse to read. It makes no sense. You learn how to do it in the 1rst or 2nd grade, why do you play a RPG and then refuse to fucking read, especialy important quest dialog and directions on a CLASSICAL rpg reminiscent of fallout.
May be true below hard, but intelligent NPCs avoid environmental hazards at all costs in my experience, which is actually quite useful to lessen their numerical superiority or force them into your favorite chokepoint
its true on every difficulty
sure, if they see a path around, they'll take (not always), but that's it
>Bro why are these obviously overpowered enemies kicking my ass with no hope of me killing them? Did I go the wrong way????
Die scum.
Dunno, the AI is supposed to be easier on easy and normal but never tried these difficulties
>okay oh boy time to go into the burrower mines
>go through the red
>few seconds after transitioning, see a hulking behemoth for a second on the other side of my map
>in awe of the size of the lad
>take my spooked ass back to the camp
its supposed to be better on hard and especially dominating, but I haven't actually noticed any difference
I've never played on normal, but I have played on easy to test certain things and I haven't seen a difference.
Dominating? Good fucking luck getting past that CHUNKLORD, unless your bear traps are on fucking point, you wont be able to do shit.
gas grenades fix all problems, my child
Also, if psi, just group them up in traps in a hallway, themoD on a burrower, focus fire kill it (HE grenades/mines help)
even big daddy warriors won't survive that shit
>tfw i want to restart with a new build but i cannot stomach the idea of doing the early game again and dropping my current 45 hours long run
t. weakling
50 DT will solve your problems
And a hammer too
Nah, I'm playing Normal as my first playthrough.
True, but I tend to not use BRAAAP nades. I just dont find em very fun unless I force the fucking buggers into em or do shenanigans like gassing tribals behind a forcefield.
Hate metal armor. Sorry bre, tac vests will do but tin canning is just boring for me.
>Hate metal armor. Sorry bre, tac vests will do but tin canning is just boring for me.
Spoken like a true weakling.
Tac vest wont save you from getting swarmed by 20 enemies while being cornered.
Tin can will prevail
>Locus of Control
Why the shit am I getting cornered to begin with. I have crawler caltrops and sure step in every single one of my characters.
>blah blah ferryman metaphysics
>get the feat, and discuss the center
>die later because jet ski RNG fest
>realize I forgot to save
>click through 150 dialogue again
>get feat again
>this time he refuse to talk about the center no matter what
>go talk to captain for quest
>pic related when I come back
FUCK this old faggot and his crap
Im gonna sit there until he come back cause Im not going through this again
Oh, that's devilish.
Your gimmicks wont save you, sooner or later.
My gimmicks 1 turn magnar, 1 turned snekfuck, 1 turned burnboi and 1 turn everything that isnt either a pure horde, pure tank or a pure slog. The true gimmick is being a 0 speed tank who relentlessly spends AP to get close just to burst burst burst or worse, swings his big hammer twice and thats that.
Which ends being way more engaging than "Press LoC to win".
You know, because it forces you to think for once.
>kill Gorsky and his unwashed friends during the Black Crawler mission because why not, I'm bored
>SGS miraculously knows about it and is hostile now
that's bullshit, good thing I always save before doing retarded shit
I feel you, I almost always end up around the 18-24 range and then restart.
I guess my problem is that most of my builds end up being late bloomers and I kind of get bored with scraping by with something suboptimal for the early-mid game.
Perhaps I really should make a focused build for once, but it's so fucking boring, the only one I enjoyed was a laser pistol build and even then it was still boring as sin.
Perhaps I will try a Laser Pistol/Dagger build with full psi support next since my current shottie/psi build is getting boring too.
Reee I regret every point I put into Dodge & Evasion
This build is over I am restarting
>no natural health regen
ugh uninstalled
>shottie/psi build
I'm going down a similar path and struggling still. I'm having trouble with larger enemy groups in particular. Even with all CC options, having to be so close and delivering kind of average damage (sixth shell helps a lot of course) hasn't been too fun. I must be doing something wrong.
This reminds me
>no natural health regen after Psionic Mania
Good riddance
Think? You forget snipers exist, you forget plasma pistols exist, you forget even the .44 revolver exist, you forget crits based anything melee exist.
There is plenty of thoughtless shit in this game. When I spec hard enough I can crit Magnar to death, thats a lotta points when I know for a fact a simple laser pistol can do the same. I know a good bear trap hotspot and a gas grenade can do the same. I know almost anything can be just as thoughtless, and above all, sledge tincan melee/AR burst is the most utterly thoughtless shit of all because your options are
>be slow pseudo invincible wall
>shit out damage
What amazing gameplay.
If you nerf psy for being able to delete a enemy in particular hard, I demand you dunk on snipers, the entirety of the crit shenanigary you can do with a simple anatomical scope mounted anywhere and everything melee when you do crits. Cry me a river ya zoner, if you think any of the above are somehow "intelectual" you are dumb as shit.
Nothing is. The games complexity is much much smaller than what we think it is and we all exploit the shit out of it. Double shot a round snipers, shotties demolishing everything, a specced grenadier? Lets not pretend this shit is any hardcore.
You can do both.
Psychokinesis and grenades exists.
Ferryman has enlightened me and my next run will be no items in inventory except necessary quest ones, no equipment, no looting, maximum INT ascension with no false deaths
holy fuck why is the old junkyard so difficult, even the MP5 can't clear enemies fast enough
also the acid mutants are spooky as fuck
>my current shottie/psi build is getting boring too
I hope I never feel this way. Currently half-way (I think) through Expedition and I'm enjoying it more than ever. Does feel like a bit of an overkill for Hard though, once you get going.
No, it's the average experience, Shottie/Psi is a late bloomer build.
Ferryman does loot and trade stuff, though. It's like you haven't been paying attention at all.
Out of necessity, I dont have to pretend to be a real person who eats and sleep.
It's the end of the tutorial, if you can get past it, you should be able to beat the game.
You need to survive Tanner's epic fetch quest though - and looting would help with that, quite a bit.
so you're telling me to buy a shitload of grenades?
should i prioritize recklessness over critical power? i didn't take the former over other skills on my knife man and i just unlocked critical power
Grenades, traps, armor with strong acid resist, psi fuckery, there's really a lot of options when it comes to Depot A. You just gotta find the one that works for your build.
the only time you want recklessness over critical power is if your weapon has low crit damage bonus
is 18% to be considered low?
>psi fuckery
fuck off, i'm not a mutant
where do you buy acid resist armor?
Think about it user, without any clothes or equipment, I will be more stealthy
crit damage bonus, not crit chance
at this point in the game I don't think there's any option to buy any armor with high acid resist, you either have to craft it yourself from mutant dog leather, or get lucky when killing muties and get some from them.
oh my mistake the cirt damage on my knife is alright so i'll take recklessness, thanks.
you can buy mutated dog leather armor on occasion
nadespam it is
also who the fuck thought that having cooldowns based on the type of grenade was a good idea
why can't i throw 2 grenades mk1 but i can throw 1 mk1 and 1 mk2
but to have shops restock i have to wait like 90 irl minutes, right?
That old man is a bad influence for you, jack.
its rare
No I must get rid of all burden
I will descend to the deep caverns to ascend as a superior human
Without clothes
Finally he came back, and the old faggot deserves one false death for fucking with me and my jet ski.
maybe you shouldn't be an idiot
have you ever thought of that
No it was his fault I didnt do anything wrong
Psychotemporal Contraction is overpowered as fuck, there's literally NO reason to NOT take the wizpill and level up Temporal Manipulation up to 55 in ANY build in this game (even if you have 3 will) to get this ability. It's super useful and the trade-off is completely negligible.
you guys wanna hear a joke?
rapid reloader
You must descend to become exalted. Proudly rise to submission.
dex to max
10 agi
5 int
6 str
3 will
3 con
It's not so bad. You can reach 7 AP per shot with 11 dex and silenced nigger luigi pistols.
Plus gunslinger, forgot to add
I wish
The joke is that it's as rare as the acorn
has anyone actually purchased a fancy jetski from ray? i can't imagine having the charons to spend on one. although the shark sounds cool since it has rockets.
that's it
im going to start taking screencaps of all the times I see two reloaders on the same merchant
photoshoppers need not apply
RR is basically a quest item
I bought the devastator :^)
Oy Vey, can't you do any better on the price!?
would something like this be ok for a first playthrough on hard? i have no idea what the skill breakpoints are and just allocated them roughly. feel free to ridicule me.
underrail info tm/build/?HgMQAwcDBwcAwqAAAAB8AFQtHgBqZFFbWADCoCgoRwA8KyYnFk1RXFheG18OUG0abMKewp3CrcKuPt-_
I dont understand how butthurt leads to such delusion; we must have very different genes
Anyone here sided with the pirates? what turns out different? Do the expedition just die if left alone?
>Throwing knives
No user, just no. Throwing knives are literally the worst build.
Well you dont have to be a little bitch to the northern faggots
And without you, the great hero, of course they tend to suffer quite a bit
>3 will
The reason I wanted to go psi was for force emission, complete with force user, which is why I'm having so much trouble with the stats. Without that, I'd rather just go full ninja with no psi, honestly.
Does the guy you can pay to ferry you back to Core City from the expedition leave permanently or am I crazy? I'd much rather pay the money than deal with that trek.
Also, how the hell does the game expect you to sell jet skis you got from the black sea? Do you have to sell and then immediately buy a new one to get back to the black sea? That seems silly. There has to be a ferry I'm missing, right?
Bre... Go talk to Dude already...
Aggravating, but the thing that really bothered me in that pic is the fact that you're not filtering quest items in your inventory (I guess the RRs wouldn't show up if the filter was on)
damn :(
does it at least look like im on the right track for building a viable character in terms of everything else?
Day 5 of no electronics stores selling laser emitters.
Fuck this.
It looks alright desu
I would put some of these Dex points into Agi to not be a snail but you can be a snail if you want
>having to go to a separate screen every time you want to use the navcom
Honestly, not really. If you want to something kind of similar that is viable (but quite hard to play) you can do a hunter/trapper kind of build. Its silent and its not a firearm, and has a ton of utility.
I just dragged it to my skill bar, are you using all of them?
i was also thinking of thinking of trying to build around deadly snares with a crossbow and chem pistol.
yeah, it'd have to be the last slot on my ctrl one
100% derailed
psi, man
This one is great
>force user
not needed
psi headband is better
>Start a laser pistol build playthrough
>First box near Omega base yields a laser pistol frame
cool i guess ill go for that then. thanks for the tips user.
opportunist is godmode with an acid pistol. aimed shot on a snared guy leading to entagement for a billion damage is sexy
I wonder what's on Underrail TV tonight
Is a laser/psi build viable in dominating? I went through the game on hard a couple years back with sniper/psi and want to try out energy weapons and the new difficulty.
Is there anything that helps against throwing nets besides the escape artist feat?
I just finished the first DLC mission with a melee build and already had enough Underrail for today.
That fucking net spam made me furious.
I definitely think a dual wield feat would greatly benefit ballistic pistols. Make it so your basic and special attacks fire both of your guns (provided they are pistols) at a precision loss. I don't even think that much balancing would have to be done to them if you did that. Maybe make a new pistol type of Revolvers (I know there is one in the game, but it is unique) that has higher AP costs but a lot more armor penetration.
It says that it is based on strength but that seems like BS. My 10 strength character seemed to always be netted for 2 turns anyways.
evasion and strength
They cant net what they cant see
Just buff rapid fire and make it firearm pistols only. Fanning the hammer is a known technique
Fanning literally only exists with revolvers though. Can't fan a random slide action gun.
eh, they already get dex reduction
you can get 5mm's down to 4 AP without point shot or rapid fire
Yeah but then you're firing 5mm
Doesnt seem viable unless you go full crit
>tfw eye of tchort watches you take a piss
How do riot armor shields work? Do they take up a weapon slot? can I use a shield with a gun?
welp here I go wish me luck for not getting needles burrowed deep in my ass
no, they just restrict you to one-handed weapons
I see.
So no consumables or equipment against that then, I guess.
Also some other questions about the raids:
Do they get stronger with time/your progress?
Are they time sensitive as in "triggers every 90 minutes" or do they happen when you finish certain quests or any quests whatsoever?
They are part of your chest armor slot, they don't take up a weapon slot but you can't use 2-handed weapons with them, so pistols should work.
What do people usually use with a riot shield then? Yeah, sword/spear, but what is your offhand? Just a different sword/spear, or like a pistol? I am considering making a Riot Shield character (yeah, I know they're not super great but still) and I want some ideas.
idea for firearm pistols:
gun fu
now someone smarter than me figure out how to incorporate the idea of dodging, melee range, and firearm pistols into a feat
They get stronger with time
Apparently they're based on time, not sure how long the delay though
>Do they get stronger with time/your progress?
>Are they time sensitive as in "triggers every 90 minutes" or do they happen when you finish certain quests or any quests whatsoever?
invasions happen x minutes after the last one ended, but you only get so many before a certain quest event, then the last few after that
swords, spears, knives, fists, pistols
offhand? whatever you want
Im a machete guy; I use either the powerfirst or another machete
i'm going to lose my mind looking for the damn crank in the graveyard
I hope you aren't searching graves user.
>Really don't want to fight like 6 locust hives
>Huff enough drugs to punch a boulder like Chris Redfield
Man, I knew I was saving those vitality powders for a reason.
First map wasn't too bad. Wondering how handling multiple Burrowers at once will be.
its the simplest shit, man
only check the areas with the water graves, hold tab
check each water grave thing to see if its attached to any of them
Abuse Pyromaniac and mollies
>3burrower lmao!
I'll come back later.
Bro you have an energy shield, that should trivialize burrowers.
Am I about to get CRAWLED
turns out my dumbass missed a whole map.
>Ah, I see there is no zoom function
What resolution do you guys play at? Surely not native... Right?
Animals are designed to be afraid of fire so the game wants you to use fire. Abuse is the wrong word
>tfw already Level 3 on oddity with riot armor before even completing the first mission
That free 44 Hammerer is one hell of a drug.
Holy shit, I'm an idiot. I spent way, way too long looking for the pesticide gas grenade blueprint.
soon you will truly learn
I want to make a Shield Bash + Sword user. How are these feats? Does anyone here have experience with such a build?
To be honest I am having problem with stat allocation. I'm not entirely sure where to put my stat points. I am starting with:
STR: 9
DEX: 7
AGI: 6
CON: 7
PER: 3
INT: 6
Any advice on better stats/feats? Or where I should put my stats on level up?
Oh, and Psi Empathy is for 55 Temporal Manipulation and 25 Psychokinesis for Force Field.
if you dropped con to 5 you could get 5 will for ripper
dex is generally better for swords than strength; leave str at 7 and max dex
if you dont specifically need 7 con for something, make it 6 so you can have 10 in your main stat, which you should level
I would get escape artist before doing the black sea
if you're getting body weight training, you may as well get nimble
expertise is a waste
id get cheap shots earlier, crit power at 14th, regardless both before recklessness
vile weaponry wont be good unless you're using the bone swords
What overcoat and ballistic panel do I want for a psi tac vest?
>get new feat
>feel sad that I'll have to wait 2 more levels to get another one
not the same user, but is stoicism worth going 7 con over 5?
Sorry about the wait. I'll repost it in the next thread if you aren't here anymore.
In the end I had to separate it in two, there was no way to meet Yea Forums's max resolution and still keep it readable.
This one has the monoliths from the base game, including the fourth Mainframe vision.
1920x1080 because everything is way too small on higher settings.
And these are the two rocks from Hell's Gut, with both versions of the vision for the Canine.
>vile weaponry
is this good for knife?
stealth if stealth
antithermic if mobile
blast if not
stoicism is a good feat, but its best used when you have ways of stacking global resistance; if you dont plan on doing that than its probably not worth changing your build over
I gotta admit, the Wiki doesn't say what "Carved Up" does and I thought it caused bleeding, but instead it increases their chance to get crit. Is it still worth taking Taste for blood and using bleed boots?
I really appreciate your input, does this look better? My plan is to stack up with Boarded Up and then have massive shield bash critical attacks. I did have to get 8 Strength for Shield Arm though.
I changed my starting stats to:
STR: 8
DEX: 8
AGI: 6
CON: 5
PER: 3
INT: 5
I don't know if the levels I am grabbing certain feats at is correct (like getting Ripper that late).
I've done an unorthodox dominating sword & board build focusing on str and con, so here's some advice.
Shield bash crit dam, and maybe crit chance scales off main hand weapon for some reason, so red dragon is the best weapon bar none.
The only shield that matters for dam is tungsten which is heavy as hell, so get nimble and body weight together if possible, all other shield materials can only reach around 2/3 block value so keep that in mind.
Shields also do not really contribute until you can get the ap cost reduction specs, so they only really come to play at lvl 18 and above.
Also, you get more mileage by doing a 2:1 spec investment into shield bash damage and boarding up respectively.
Als, riot gear has piss for defense compared to all other armor suits, even worst then some leathers, so either consider a speedy agi build, or tanky con build up to your preference.
For a agi build i'll go:
STR: 8 (For Shield Arm)
DEX: 6/8 (For Flurry)
AGI: 7 (For Fancy Footwork)
CON: 7/5
PER: 3
WIL: 3
INT: 6 (For Red Dragon)
For feats, do not take any shield related feats until lvl 14, starting with shield bash, then boarding up and finally shield arms. Decapitate is useless, as well as expertise since you get BIG damage off crits, consider off-handing the Sormirbæren Skærder Sword if taking taste for blood.
Ah right on! Thanks user
>Is it still worth taking Taste for blood and using bleed boots?
I mean, yeah, that's probably a decent use. You dont really need tabis because flurry has a set cost, but you'll miss the move points for sure.
There is a type of sword you can find that applies bleed, but its not the greatest quality and has no secondary enhancement like electricity damage.
anyway looks good, but if you're leveling dex, take increased dexterity instead
wiki says bladed boots only cause bleeding when you use fist weapons
ah, I never realized that
Oh, that's what happened. I wanted to kill Briggs myself. I guess even as a pirate I had to genocide the natives.
>not fighting and killing Brigs when he confronts you in the tombs
Do you even DOMINATE?
Im afraid I never made it this far user, I was fired after he got mad because of the muties medicine
damn, I thought he only docks your pay for that
ha, I just got a paycut
If you talk to him like a little bitch maybe
That was my plan from the start anyway
I really appreciate your advice too user. What is the earliest I can grab the Red Dragon?
I followed your advice, but had to cheat a bit just because at level 12 I didn't really have a great feat to take, so I took Shield Bash a bit earlier thank you suggested. I put my first specialization points into Shield Bash AP, then Cool Down. Just for inspiration, do you remember what feats you took? Or how does this look for order.
I went:
STR: 10
DEX: 6
AGI: 7
CON: 5 (I was considering taking a few points out of STR to put into CON, since I'll be playing on Hard)
PER: 3
INT: 6 (While I don't need 6 int at the start because Red Dragon is later, I did take the point earlier for better crafting/hacking/lock picking early).
Any advice to further refine it?
I'm sorry, but the PC might also be an alien? Does anyone else think this stuff kinda bogs the game down?
one thing i dont get- is how do the monoliths corrupt people, if they are of the godmen?
The shadowlithe (which is of the Leviathans) corrupts people, the monoliths don't corrupt shit. Though given the doppelgangers and how that one Rassophore went nuts, that doesn't mean their not dangerous.
i dont think the lore bogs the game down, if the PC is an alien or interdimensional traveler, then it explains the rapid increase in power on such a tiny timescale
Cheers. Have a v2 to of the black sea one, I shouldn't have skipped the totem vision. It's so short and wowit'sfuckingnothing it kinda slipped my mind. But it should be there anyway.
So how do you find out about the possibility of the PC being an alien? And what's the story behind you not knowing?
well that is the question - how do the doppelgangers fit in? the evil doppelganger-like entity in the caerus residential complex forced one guy, Wasi Abdul, to rip his own flesh off. that is of the godmen monoliths it seems, unless the monoliths are already leviathan-corrupted somehow.
Dr. Dyson, who is now the drunk, also informs you that the crawlers/deathstalkers are living shadow. if thats true, it would seem they are of the leviathans, in which case the crawlers the rassophore controls would be effectively control over evil leviathan material/entities. if so, it seems unusual to attain such an ability from a godman object, if the godmen objects are anti-leviathan.
Based user
Can you use sword without shield and psi?
user youre drunk
Only Leviathan Shadowliths corrupt, at least if you look at it from a Godmen's perspective. Bit Monoliths can drive you insane just as easily, because you are effectively trying to forcibly mindhack into an encrypted storage that might even have some kind of AI of its own.
Kek, thinking of it that way reminds me of The Bureau, XCOM Declassified or whatever it was called.
>level 12
>need to go see the Rathound King
>don't have enough Persuasion for anything fun yet
>also spooked about the inevitable crawler
What else can/should I do to progress? Since I did the burrower mines, I should be able to go through that burrower cave at the GMS place, right? Are other filthy fucking critters in there? Give me advice tell me what to do with my life
given the entirety of the in-game lore dialogue, it seems to be quite possible the PC is either an alien of a type, or at least a timetraveler/interdimensional being. especially considering the ferrymans dialogue, which, if true - and of course his philosophy could be completely false - entities are reborn after death, and all deaths are "false deaths' until a final, permanent death at the end of time or something. this does not mean the PC is the third godman, as, for example, it seems strange that Six wouldnt recognize the PC as one of his kin. nonetheless, it may be the case, or something equally esoteric may be the case with the PC.
>What is the earliest I can grab the Red Dragon?
If you're willing to cheat a bit, the moment you start expedition, Aran will spawn in core city, then its just a matter of dropping a few gas grenades at his feet, additionally, going to expedition also nabs you the Sormirbæren Skærder Sword off the first invasion if you are lucky, and since you get the junk jet after that, you can get those two weapons as soon as you can hit expedition.
Tungsten machetes have innate 180% base crit damage bonus, so i'll take cheap critical power before shield bash.
I personally would not take both sprint or fancy footwork together, but thats just personal preference.
Finally, remember that you do not have to take the psi pill immediately, so i suggests only taking psi when you have skill points to spare, or when you feel you do not have enough damage.
If you're going to 10 str, then consider dumping all future stat points into str or con depending on your needs, and leaving dex at 6, this will improve your melee skill at the cost of lower crit rate. Ripper is useless by the way, a crit from red dragon will kill most normal mooks in onehit regardless of health, and if they live, just smack them on the head with a shield.
pic related is how i would redo feat selection if i could.
Do Foundry or Core City quests.
Not him but it would mean you're some sort of special chosen one who didn't work for his power instead of a random guy who just happned to have immense potential to do lots of superhuman shit. It brings the self-insert element down I suppose?
the evil emanating from the monoliths is inconsistent with the lore, or there is more to the monolith issue than is understood at present.
I've broached a little into Foundry already; turned in Evelyn and I've gotta get a piece of Bladeling for Ezra. Can I handle Bladelings? I'm a psiman.
how do you explain the shadowcrawlers controlled by the rassophore then? or the real, legitimately malevolent doppelganger attacks, specifically where abdul scrapes himself to death?
The crawler will usually end up engaging that alpha rathounds so you can take potshots at it, I usually do the same with the crawlers in the storage with the bots near rail crossing, open the door, lob a grenade to lure them out and the barricade myself in the room while the plasmabots tear their assholes apart.
They have pretty low movement due to having strong armor. You can kite them if you're wearing leather or nothing.
What sort of stats are you looking at with that build? I gotta admit I am pretty afraid of a melee build that doesn't have Sprint, because even on my gun characters sprint saves my ass. However I do, in general, quite like that set up. With getting Expose Weakness at 10, how do you deal with early robots? Just an electric knife/machete or something? And how do you apply bleed for Taste for Blood?
Also, will killing Aran early fuck me over in the main story or the expedition story? I have no problem introducing the man to a few Brap Grenades.
I'll have to play more tomorrow when it is daylight and I am not as spooked.
Is it though? The only monolith confirmed to be from the godmen is the Canine's Tooth. The Crystal Mainframe looks a fuck ton different from all the rest of the monoliths, and so does the monolith at the West Wing. Core city, Silent Isle, and the Labyrinth all have identical crystals, but the Core City monolith doesn't have any doppelgangers. How the fuck does that all fit in?
Sure,5 str, max dex, 7 agi, 9 con and 6 int.
Spec into crit power, start every encounter with a flashbang, and laugh as your every other hit with red dragon crits and instantly kills the target.
But psi for temporal contraction will help get 1 or 2 extra hits, and hence kills per turn.
Fuck these faggots are annoying.
At least there armor is pretty good.
Doing a laser/chem pistols build, what should I spend my specialization points on?
really not too sure, thats why i thought perhaps the regular cave monoliths arent necessarily of the godmen, or are some manifestation of weird interdimensional relationships. however, the standard opinion seems to be that those monoliths are of the godmen, which might be untrue, or half-true. however, the one which had the rassophore go insane did look a bit closer to the crystal mainframe in oculus though
Since i see this being fucked shilled on here, if i were to get this game, how long would a first run last ? I've had a binge of turned base games recently and I'm looking for more, if they'll last a good while.
Ill give you a hint about ferryman philosophy
f5 f9
Your first playthrough, if you explore a lot and do a lot of the quests, you're going to take a long time. There is also a decent amount of replayability with different factions to join and totally different builds, along with higher difficulties.
Unless you're playing on dominating, early robots are all sentry bots, so a good tac vest makes you immortal, then either elec machete or pray for crits. Taste for blood can be applied with the Sormirbæren Skærder Sword, which can potentially cause 3 stacks of bleed n one hit, so its possible to max out taste for blood stacks in 1 turn with flurry, 1 attack with tabi boots and a free shield bash.
killing aran just stops you from selling the acorn for stacks of cash, but he'll disappear and you won't get his gear, so effectively nothing.
Lastly, you'll be looking at stas of, but honestly, 12 STR is more than enough for hard, and the 2 points can be moved to CON
STR: 14
DEX: 6
AGI: 7
CON: 7
PER: 3
WIL: 3
INT: 6
Thank you for your advice user. I am gonna start this character tonight then.
i know that possible relationship already, but we must consider that other elements of his philosohy may be faulty and its not necessarily Styg inserting real world-lore.
>throwing grenades and planting bear traps
That's hardly superhuman
You're just the hero
if you are not a complete casual that will get filtered by the tutorial and then come here to complain that you can't even savescum your way out then you are looking probably around 100hs or more with the expansion if you don't rush towards the end, higher difficulties might even be longer
How rough is the game with your build choice ? Is it possible to fuck up a build, but only find out later on you're fucked ?
I don't mind that if that is a possibility, but i'd like to brace myself for it, just incase
Well, there's this. When Six later lists the events where you have crossed paths he never lists anything this could be referring to.
I think that the "normal" monoliths, like at silent isle, maybe related to the godmen and leviathans, but aren't directly from either of them. The Shadowlithe gives a good impression of what leviathan tech looks like, and the Canine's Tooth and shard give a good idea what godmen tech is, and the "normal" monoliths kinda look like both. The crystal mainframe and the rassophore monolith do seem to be more alike then the rest, especially with how they're hooked into other shit.
Another thing, why does it seem like the monoliths are new to the researchers at Hollow Earth, if they had one hooked up at the University? They considered them to be different things maybe?
To be fair you do a lot of crazy shit in the game, you basically one-man-army everything, have the potential to genocide tribes and pirates, and you're are the only being with the potential to deal damage in five digits.
MC is basically the Goku of Underrail.
depends on the difficulty you choose to play, on normal its pretty hard to fuck up a build and not be able to finish the game, specially if you have any experience with rpgs, you can feel a little weak though if your build is subpar, on hard, its still difficulty to totally fuck up but if you don't have much experience with rpgs and you aren't a savescumming addict then it could happen, dominating is completely different, its totally possible to fuck up a build beyond repair there
Yeah, it is possible to entirely fuck up a build and be useless. However: If you use the build maker (Google search it, for some reason Yea Forums thinks the link is spam) and just look at talents and their requirements and work towards good talents that make sense, you should be fine. For a first playthrough you should play on Normal and just remember that crafting is very important.
While Hard/Dominating require a very optimized character, on Normal you have a bit of leeway and can fuck up a bit and still be totally fine. Just remember in UnderRail you need to use everything to survive. It is expected that you're using grenades, some form of traps/disables, combat drugs, and heals. A lot of seemingly difficult encounters can be made a lot easier by some well placed Molotovs and Caltrops.
the university one looks like it might be newer probably after the hollow earth incident and might not even be related to biocorp
>UnderRail you need to use everything to survive
I've been playing Divinity 2 recently, and that game has helped me break my habit of just hoarding consumables and never using anything.
Yeah well I bet Hank Wardell could do the same
Dont think you're a superhero because you killed a bunch of zoners after 5 reloads
>Brapping peaceful tovarisch to death
Kokoschka ain't gonna be happy about that.
Laser and Chems don't mix all that well in terms of specialization and Chem especially is a pain early on due to the almost complete lack of parts, that said it's doable as long as you focus exclusively on those, but a focused pistol build is kind of boring imho.
That said, for Energy guns you'll definitely want High Technicalities and Practical physicist with at the very least 10 INT, I'd personally add Gun Nut too because it's a decent universal feat for gun builds, Aimed Shot/Kneecap Shot are also a must, Execute too.
For chempistols, Mad Chemist+Cooked Shot is what you'll want, I don't really like chempistols that much so I don't really have further suggestions.
Some people also like Point Shot but I don't really have a lot to say about it, might be nice if you really go pure pistols, with some Smart mods it also becomes decently powerful.
Stat wise, DEX and PER are your go to stats, DEX especially if you want to use ballistic pistols on the side, I'd rather pump PER up to at least 9 though, consider that laser pistols benefit more from high INT due to High Technicalities, so they're ideal for Psi hybrids.
It's in the west wing of what used to be the Biocorp University, which had been sealed off for like a century before the game begins. That places it in reformed-biocorp at the very least.
There's also a bunch of the stasis pods in the room where you talk to six, like Tanner has in his secret room. I just can't believe the Tchorists or Reformed-Biocorp put them there.
there is speculation that the PC is the one who in fact stole the faceless cube and infiltrated their society, although its unproven
It's not only unproven, it's utter bullcrap unless you think female MCs are trannies.
Sounds more like a job for Hank Wardell than your level 1 PC
it seems possible that those were lodged into those spaces through some form of time/dimensional travel, whats clear is that Six had been occupying the west wing for quite some time, at least 20-30 years prior to the game. one tchortist was supposedly sliced in half cleanly.
Haha, that's a good one user.
I got lucky and he didnt mutate AND his body was outside the gas so I lifted his AK off him.
Just a heads up, this is nothing like divinity 2, divinity 2 on tactician is a cakewalk compared to even normal on this, and they are 2 completely different kind of games
Oh i forgot, if you do go 9 CON, you might consider taking survival instincts since your crit damage is sky high, however the shit defense of rior gear probably will result in getting shot to death by anything with range attacks when at
thats thinking too narrowly, you must consider the possibility of the PC being some sort of entity that can inhabit different bodies.
Like some guy behind a computer?
You see six in the Oculus before you find him in the institute. I know he's all about that time fuckery but even still, what makes you think 20-30 years?
the shit in the room where you find six could have been placed there after the tchorists left the area due to the cave-ins, since thats probably where six has been fucking around trying to find tanner, the monolith might or might not have been moved there as well after the hollow earth incident, hell maybe some of the tchorists did it, since there is no reason for all of them to know what the hell some of the departments are investigating
Yeah and I think MC is Tanner's remote controlled psionic projection. This theory is too random.
you know you can kill all the free drones by going up the ladder before inserting the gas right?
we know monoliths and aconr's can make shit out of nothing
those pods may not have been there before six got there
wtf how do you kill people without gas?
t. domichad
wtf how do you kill people without gas?
t. CAU
depends on your build, exiting through that vent gives you an excellent place to hold, all the base has to come through that door and you can just fuck the shit out of them, regular gas grenades makes it pretty easy and well, not using the mutagen is better since you can loot everything and you don't risk getting fucked by it
what if the MC is actually Hank Wardell secret child?
the MC is obviously sheldon cooper
just look at him
Fair point, I don't think there's anything in six's room that says that Biocorp built it, but I don't know about the monolith. It's a decent ways away from six's room, and definitely seems to be Biocorp caliber fuckery.
>ok cool this area looks safe
>just in case, I'll turn on stealth and look around carefully
>suddenly combat starts
stop using gas
Detection needs a buff or something, I could a huge PER stat, ate a cave bat, and have detection goggles and these fuckers still sneak up on me. And muggers too, why are muggers so strong?
but it smells so good
is the kuki a viable late or even end game weapon?
But war crimes are funny
>Throw out pyrokinetic stream
>Dumb idiot runs into it and lights on fire
Heh heh heh
Well this is a good start to a sword character.
>Tchort, while mildly evil, is unironicaly more fucking relatable
Was it autism?
>Just realized that I accidentally put it on Normal Difficulty
Whelp, just fuck my shit up. Time to restart.
You can just export and import your character to keep your inventory.
Will that fuck up the game at all? Other than me having a bit of extra starting cash, I guess.
Not really, you can dump your inventory but the tabis if you're worried about that. Oddities are kept recorded as well, so your exp will be balanced in the end.
Thanks, buddy. I'll do just that.
It's supposed to be a new difficulty, you can just not play on it. It's not like Styg is going to overhaul psi for everyone after all these years.
speak with praeposter amelia and read the tchortist history in the library.
Psi builds are just funner than other builds. the ammunition requirement for guns can get very irritating
whelp, that does sound like six's faggotry at work
shit throwing could be the most annoying thing in any turn-based rpg ive played.
fuck idiots who never played baseball or hucked a fucking rock. you're the reason the grenade goes literally behind me when im aiming two spaces forward
the westwing guards also speak of 'weird electrical sounds' which i took as being Six moving around, since i think they already mentioned coil spiders
Psi is fun, powerful, versatile, gives you access to the most lore, boosts social skills, doesn't require ammo and has 100% to hit always. Now I understand why Styg wants to nerf it a little. But in the end it's freaking magic, it's supposed to be cool and fun, so putting psi abilities fron other schools in cooldown is trash and anti-fun and just lowers your arsenal of powers, it's not a fun nerf. A good idea is to boost universal psi costs by 10-15% and / or implement that one idea of boosting the psi cost of casting spells from different schools in the same turn, either option would make resource management and careful use of powers far more relevant while conserving the fun puzzle aspect of knowing which spells to cast in which order and in which enemy and when and where.
>limit psykers to a single discipline
>increase the number of distinct abilities and spells in each school to compensate
>allow psykers to create custom spells from collecting the "psychic echoes" dropped on occasion by defeated enemies much like they can craft with gun parts
>let players mindrape that faggot six to death
Psychic echoes sound cool. Being restricted to 1 school sucks.
Maybe 2 schools max, but without mastering either.
one thing that isnt explained, is why don't the two godmen we see have psi bars? do they have any psionic power? its quite explicitly clear that they both have thought control capability to a degree, or can offensively impose on others minds and expunge thought controllers from their own minds. (Six mind stricture in tchort institute; tanner expelling ezra from his mind)
what even is this place? what's with all the cats?
>leave psi the same
>hit chance goes UP TO 100% on enemies who have their dodge/evasion reduced to 0 or who are being attacked from stealth
[x] Bad ammo economy because (almost) no enemies use them
[x] Inconsistent damage mechanics (as seen in other anons tests on 4channel)
[x] Mediocre damage per AP considering the necessary close range
>hit chance goes UP TO 100% on enemies who have their dodge/evasion reduced to 0 or who are being attacked from stealth
i'm completely fine with this and it would be a huge improvement to the game
BUT you should meet a minimum weapon skill / optimal range in order to have 100% accuracy against these immobile enemies.
Not sure i like this.
Some schools like metathermics would be shit on their own.
Meanwhile everyone keeps dipping into temporal manipulation with zero drawbacks.
Just make using psionic powers have some kind of consequences.
Psi-Booster toxicity maybe
Unified health/psi pool? There's a feat for that anyway
Consider something like Thought Control
Mindraping people shouldn't be something you can do without also risking exposing your own mind to psionic daemons.
The game makes it quite clear psionics are complete nutters -- make the player "become a nutter" too!
t. pure psi player on normal
>t. someone who thinks dominating is hard
you can easily beat it with zero loads if youre not trash
The best combat encounters are the ones that kick your ass at least a few times as you gradually turn on your brane and really think about how to approach, control, corral, and obliterate the enemies.
i wouldn't mind 100% to hit only being in the optimal range of the weapon.
i really want that buff specifically for two, similar cases: high AP cost melee weapons missing on 0 dodge targets (absolutely backbreaking) and sniper/chem pistol potshots missing on trapped enemies when you have the PER to back it up. the guy bursting a thousand times doesn't really need this, but a 20/25 AP miss with a sledge on a guy who's asleep hurts so, so much
Sure you can beat it with no loads if you play pure psi with max throwing and you know every encounter, but that doesn't make it interesting.
>pure psi
i played firearm pistol. mad?
Then i don't belive you.
Guns miss, and eventually that will fuck you up and you'll have to load.
>eventually that will fuck you up
except... it wont? guns dont miss if you have the right build. i have 100% accuracy from any range because i got the trait you only unlock by not savescumming
but you wouldnt know about that huh
Tchort is Evolution
(and Octavia is my wife)
not all psionics are nutters though, bisson is fine, ezra is quite sane, and eidein, while unusual, doesnt seem necessarily insane.
Epic bro, i also just finished the game on dominating with my strength knife build.
kys fucking faggot
if you ever said that shit to my family id knock your fucking teeth in
bitch ass fag
>ezra is quite sane
he may be uber-autistic, but i think his uber-intelligence is just indistinguishable from insanity in some cases. his actions are those of a sane, albeit immoral, individual.
haha based :^)
He's just avoding your gimp suit.
That's fair.
Me personally, I'm on team Tanner & Ezra to the end.
Six is too spergy and Oculus are dweebs.
No bullshit lads, where do I find the guy with Red Dragon so I can just yank it from him and continue my Hokuto Shinken run?
I think you'll find that what I'm wearing is a finely crafted hand-made full grain Siphoner leather jumpsuit. It allows me the full range of mobility I require to duke it out with Lurkers, Lunatics, and Ironheads.
Once you have acquired the acorn, go back to Core City. Walk around the Docks or perhaps the Metro courtyard? Handsome Joe should notify you that a samurai is waiting for you in the bar in the residential district.
>some dude tells me there's a guy waiting for me in a bar after getting the Acorn
>get a quest for it
>never go there
>dude cosplaying as a marvel villain whacks me with his gay sword in my basement after getting out of the rift
>shove a spear up his ass
>the quest still won't go away
is there any way to finish it or am I fucked
Wrong, he's in the bar as soon as you start expedition. Throw cryogas and then toxic gas grenades at him to get the sword.
Really? That's crazy, he's just sitting at the bar sipping mushroom brew that whole time?
Which bar, lads?
please roleplay with me
The shitty one in residential area.
*gags you* on your knees boy
God Bless.
>no option to join the tribals and huff shadowdust all day
why arent you responding you fucking nigger
>no zoom function
4K on a 14'' screen of course
invute me ti a game oleadr kill dddnd my
*blocks your path*
but you can just click on dogs and they go away
I still think Combat Shotguns, when built around burst, are still pretty strong they are indeed the worst viable gun. Yeah, Pistols are weaker and just unusable. Shotguns are viable but definitely weaker than Snipers/ARs/SMGs. However it does feel like when you get off a good string of crits with your 5 shot burst you pretty much can clear an entire room in one go.
I don't want to be a burstjerk though
I want to pump action, shoot and scoot
So there's no downside to slaughtering the entire Army Base right? I got past it thanks to Persuasion and Intimidation before and I've got jack shit stealth or social skills this time around.
The Gray Army Base?
No downsides, you even get to fight some cool Spec Ops dudes.
>Inconsistent damage mechanics
>Mediocre damage per AP
Are you talking about Combat Shotguns here? Because pump-actions rip through enemies.
>He doesn't prove to himself he can beat an encounter by tackling it unoptimally then quickloads back to before the encounter to have it unfold optimally
The problem is long barrelled shotguns being worthless.
Long Barrels and/or Chokes should allow you to use Slugs or something.
who here cheat engines himself 6 dex to get burglar each run?
>tell Ferryman you feel like you've experienced several false deaths before
>he asks you to describe the feeling
>"Determination" is one of the possible answers
Hey but it's just a theory. A GAME THEORY.
Are snipers really that good?
i'm considering it as a secondary weapon for my shotgun.
With all the crit chance i'm stacking, i could almost auto-crit with ambush.
I was thinking the tradeoff should be different
Short barrel: Less AP, less precision, more spread
Long barrel: More AP, more precision, less spread
Instead of the current system where short barrel means more damage
Also long barrel should allow silencer for Chigurh mode
>tfw im not a richfag and cant buy like 1000 copies of underrail to fund next expasion by myself
so about the hunter feat
critters specifically means shit like cave hoppers right? so it doesn't actually have any real use?
it means anything that's not humanoid or robot
>rathound king lair with 3 PER and no trap skill
i'm gonna break my f5/f9 keys
bros thoughts about dropping 1 will to get 7 int for power management as survival instint psychosis meme?
If you haven't dumped Dex it's not a problem with the right gear, food, and patience