Grug dont like rock exclusivity. Grug want to pick up rock from any rock pile he wants. Now Grug get rock for free.
Grug dont like rock exclusivity. Grug want to pick up rock from any rock pile he wants. Now Grug get rock for free
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Yes that is the basic premise. I'm glad you out it in terms epic shills will understand.
Creationists HATE this game lmao
thag no trust longnose tribe
they want to steal thag stone
It's already cracked lmao
Longnose tribe tell Grug if Grug give longnose berries longnose give berries back but more later. This good deal?
Thanks for the free game, Tim.
It costs nothing to download epic client retard
You are just a brand loyalist, plain and simple
>giving your info to the Chinese
>costs nothing
Bruh look at this dude...
Wait, when thebfuck did this get announced as an EGS exclusive? I was fucking looking forward to this.
>muh Chinese boogeyman
Not an argument
Not an argument.
I wasn't making an argument, just pointing out your lack of one
>look up footage
looks like chimp simulator, do you get more distinctly human as the game progresses or what? seems weird to have a game about "the humankind odyssey" if it just covers stuff chimps do today
unga bunga rockstop
Thanks for the free game Ebin Games
You’re already giving out your info to the Chinese by using anything on the internet. The Chinese own most of your tech companies and social media giants now.
Also the CIA sells your info to the Chinese because it’s a source of revenue.
I just hate Epic because they killed UT4, I don't like their exclusivity deals but I am not that mad about it
Long nose tribe says grug need let nightskin tribe in grugs cave because holobunga, but nightskin tribe not work not hunt eat much. Small in number but make many problems. Longnose tribe not let nightskin tribe in longnose tribe cave. Grug think holobunga not real, grug think holobunga need happen for real.
Well duh nobody wants to play it, unlike fornite, so good riddance. inb4 unpopular game good, popular game bad
is the game any good though? I could be up for some cavemankino
I watched some of it, looks interesting and each evolution/stage seemed longer than expected. The only thing I would say is the controls look clunky and the player was in the same space for hours. I don't know if the map/world opens up
>libtard garbage game
Well, I commend the leftist incel devs for trying something new instead of rehashing lesbian main character or stronk wahmun leads. Pic related, the target audience for this monkey fantasy.
Eventually you start walking on 2 legs and learn how to "alter" rocks/sticks you pick up to make tools.
Sure thing ching chong, go ping pong somewhere else. We're not fueling your earth destroying economy.
That's doesn't stop me from being mad
Also i don't think that fornite is bad is just not my kind of game, the game is extremely polished, I just wanted them to keep working on UT4 they have the money and talent for it, but they didn't even gave a fair chance to the game
i just dont like epic because it's so bloated and intrusive. takes forever to close once i open it.
why'd you put alter in quotes?
>truly believing Steam doesnt do the same damn thing
lmaoing at your life
>Join multiplayer lobby
>See a few chimps walking around
>One of them is trying to talk to me
>Wants me to help him pick up a stick for his objective
>Agree to do so
>Some asshole oreopithecus (level 3 evolution chain) grabs a rock and throws it at guy
>Loses his grip and falls down the tree and loses the stick in the bushes
I hate this game
holy shit that sounds hilarious
I thought this was single player?
>Yea Forums!
It was made by Ass Creed and Prince of Persia creator
The epic client itself isn't the problem, the problem is a company paying money to establish a temporary monopoly. Monopolies always hurt consumers, so as a consumer the logical choice is to punish the company by not buying the product from the company which created the temporary monopoly.
Early Africans were better hunters than Neanderthals.
>Early Africans
>better hunters
by what measure?
>Early Africans
That includes the majority of hominids
The ones in Europe and Siberia
>better hunters
Neanderthals were shit at running, Africans could chase down their game for hours if they had too. Neanderthals had the advantage of chucking spears and ganging up on prey. But Africans had to be more inventive at catching animals on the flat savannas, so they had to ambush them or set traps. Your neanderthal ancestors died out you white recessive cumskin.
Game could've been better if they started in the ice age. It was advertised as a view of defining human moments.
Chimps are our cousins, we don't come from them.
If they died out how can they be ancestors?
Mate with homo sapiens.
They mixed with homo sapiens, but they died out probably because of changing climate or dangerous megafauna (like the sabertooth tiger and wooly mammoth).
The game is a clear cut example of devs thinking up of a really cool gimmick/concept first before actually developing the main gameplay.
I would totally be down for playing a game of this same concept, except if it was actually executed properly.
>all reviews shitting on it despite the epic payout
Then it doesn't make sense as an insult. If a species gets out competed by a new hybrid then he's essentially saying "Haha your genetic makeup is superior to your ancestors'"
so you play as a bunch of monkeys that evolve and learn about the world? what the fuck is the end of the game like?
Chimp... Cousin... Not come from them...
I'd play if you could evolve after modern humans and evolve into ayylium grey shit and conquer galaxies in space ships.
That's beyond the scope of the game or any game.
They were actually absorbed
>what the fuck is the end of the game like?
You are a race of 7+" tall aryans who are tasked with exterminated all the inferiors races on the earth, then you immediately begin building a dyson sphere to harness the energy from the sun and colonize mars.
I don't get login emails from chinks on steam.
I'm guessing you don't see the problems with the terms you're using.
Comparing the majority of hominids (all apes when I think you mean hominins which is everything after gorillas split off including some species that don't hunt at all, you really should have stuck to Homo) to just Neanderthals, and just the Neanderthals in Europe and Siberia (the western and eastern extremes covering two continents), then counting who is the better hunter by a misunderstanding of anatomy (running occurs pretty late in human evolution and definitely before Neanderthals split, while long distance jogging or just walking behind prey until it dehydrates is what you're likely talking about), habitat (flat savannas mean "Africans" couldn't throw spears or use teamwork? Glacial Europe wasn't a similarly scarce environment?), and conjecture of material culture tool kits (what traps are you talking about?) instead of a measure like butchered remains or meat in diet as an indirect measure of hunting success is pretty fucking stupid all around.
It was both. They mixed with homo sapiens and died out in their shit climate.
Fast forward to today: Wh*Tes die out due to shitskins moving out of their polluted dystopias and mixing with the native European population.
Steam is a monopoly, they are paying to end it
One of the greatest successes of corporations at the turn of the century has been to convince individual consumers that they are powerless and their purchasing decisions have no impact.
>Now Grug get rock for free.
No Grug cannot get rock for free. Grug must realize it's 2019 and free game Grugs too dumb to crack rock. Stealing cracked rocks is meme.
Grug will just have to miss out on good games from now on, because Grug loyal to rock pile of big nose man.
Holy shit dude shut the fuck up and seethe more
Humanity changes and trying to hold on to the past has been responsible for most of the bad things in human history
The Europe you think existed never did
>you have to design a game
Even if your premise of steam being a monopoly was true, replacing one monopoly with another is a worthless action at best. Besides that you'd also have to consider who has control of said monopoly.
If steam were the monopoly: Some fat fuck controls it.
If epic were the monopoly: A bunch of chinks control it.
How many games were exclusive to steam? And were Epic unable to release games to their store if the games were on steam? Having a dominant market position is not the same at having a monopoly. Even a small amount of competition affect prices in a huge way.
>europe was never white
fuck off kike
hmm bretty sure America is a earth destroying economy too
absolutely based retard
>The game is a clear cut example of muh opinions
>lists no examples
>probably never player the game at all
Yeah because Africans are clearly just as capable of being civil and prosperous as Europeans...
Does this game even get to stone age neanderthals or is it just monkeys eating leaves the entire time
Humans from Africa did not lay traps or ambush. That was frozen neets. They just chased animals for a day and when they got tired beat it with a stick
that would actually be fucking amazing. just a couple hundred years past the present to show a possible future
>Africans are clearly just as capable of being civil and prosperous as Europeans
Sure, if Africa received just as must financial aid from the United States as Europe did throughout most of the 20th and 21st century.
Because as far as I can recall, Europe was a war torn shit hole constantly on the verge of imminent disaster before NATO was established.
thanks for admitting your wrong
At least Europeans were capable of building something in the first place.
dude you tried way too hard to blow him the fuck out, but I appreciate it because it was hilarious
why does this game look so bad?
its like a 2013 early access game that never got completed
don't mind me just a drive-by poster, but I find it kind of funny that one guy posts numbers with sources while someone """""counters"""" it by posting a crude painting of what the first guy looks like.
>He posts valid sources
>You post a stupid fucking meme
Great work, genius.
pretty fun but I have no idea waht the fuck to do msot of the time grug smash rock on rock
niggers suck I agree
Neanderthals were just buffer homos, but couldn't sustain their metabolism when earth cooled down, you retard.
Costs even less to download a pirate game copy.
its the only way the left know how to debate when they cant ban or censor the other side,
Cousins for us but looks like they're ancestors for you.
>the amount of mad poltard replies
You people suck
wtf I ain't come from no monkey.
I'm just a sperg on adderall with a relevant degree
at most I hoped the thread would turn into /sci/ instead of /pol/ but I took too long
Pirating it doesn't cost anything either.
This is what cope looks like
>valid sources
valid sources for the statistics but a gross misunderstanding of the issue and a complete lack of critical thinking
how the stats were used makes surface level sense at best and additionally relies on "black" as a biological category
>relies on "black" as a biological category
No, just a statistical category.
>implying i can't hate on niggers and fat neckbeards alike
Arguing is stupid and even more on an anime forum lol
Do you also have a table following every internet fight you have winned ?
Kill yourself loser
>replacing one monopoly with another is a worthless action at best.
Competition aint a monopoly
black people
how do you count all black people as the same if it isn't reliant on an underlying biological basis?
they all share the same traits, like a proclivity for violence and criminality. also low IQ and psychopathic traits
That's a lot of words for not actually refuting the claims. Instead of saying "This is wrong!", why don't you give real reasons.
It's not competition if it's a monopoly you shilly shill.
Competion would be two stores selling the same game at the same time.
>they all
objectively wrong
>share the same traits
why do you think so?
It seems very polarizing. look up some gameplay footage and decide for yourself.
Stay mad incel.
Yeah and you are some faggot nobody in a video game forum talking about niggers and shit lmao
Also heritage is a spook
>why do you think so?
Define "black" as a number of different biological groups and people who have a significant amount of ancestry from that group. Maybe you sprinkle some cultural groups as well. Fuzz the edge conditions as well and you'll have defined "black people"
>out of africa theory
It's shit if you aren't a creationist, too
Not an argument.
Just your private data to Tencent
the out of africa theory is the most logical
Fake as fuck lol
you wish it was
Longnose tribe want put bugs in cave.
Tell me "bugs free, just take bugs, I give free rock. Take bugs"
Me no want bugs.
Fatman Tribe no give free rock, but also no put bugs in cave. Me like fatman more. Fatman let me buy many rocks at same time and give discount. Smart fatman has wheel.
Longnose tribe no have wheel invented yet. Instead want to give more bug. Say bug better than wheel
Thak want to steal longnose rocks.
The client is also a huge fucking problem but shills always handwave how garbage the software itself is.
>doesn't have bandwidth limiting
>bruh just download and install a thirdparty software to stop EGS from raping your connection, why are you such a baby
Because is it
Why do you always post the same bullshit even thought it has been debunked countless times?
Fuck off with your kike tactics.
>that desperate cope
poor fella, reality not what cnn told you it was?
Too bad that what you feel to be the most logical isn't what is supported by evidence.
What evidence?
>Stop being a brand loyalist and download the client gweilo
Solid advance chang, does my social credit score go up for it?
Humankind are humans. Stupid developers. Apes doesn't have long lifespan.
Do you really think that taking the numbers for how America is now and using those to create hypothetical stats for an all black or all white America doesn't leave anything significant out?
Why do you think an all black America with roughly similar economic distribution as America has now would act like the generalized african-american population now does? What is the religious breakdown in these hypotheticals? You don't think you'd have snooty New England blue bloods that didn't murder, just because they'd be black in this hypothetical? How does redlining affect inner city crime when you don't have race to redline by? How does police-community interactions change without skin color to provide such a readily available visual signal? Having an entire US of black people wouldn't mean you have a homogeneous US all of a sudden. A lot of how people act is influenced by their time and place in a society, by the history that preceded them. Those are the kinds of things this simple math ignores. The hypothetical all black or all white America ignores all this, but that doesn't matter because it found a conclusion the author and posters agreed with.
How is epic an monopoly
>The CIA sells your info to the Chinese
no they dont you fucking retard
t. us ic member
The one that debunked out of africa last year.
no, I mean how do you explain the statistics?
>black people are doing it!
but why?
>more schizo tinfoil hat retards crying about Chinese boogeyman
They literally pay to be the only ones capable of selling games. If you're the only one offering a product you're holding a monopoly on that product.
Old Apes doesn't look even old in 60 years.
because they are black
They made it become a reality once they got proficient at bleeding whales dry.
>durr everything is a monopoly cause they got exclusive games or features
You're retarded
Just download the EG client you dumb goys, your data isn't worth anything to us anyway
blacks have their virtues too, like courting and breeding white women.
why should the criminality of blacks be more of a defining characteristic than their BBCs, genetically superior athleticism and their abilities to charm white women?
that is a terrible photoshop
Humans will evolve into cyborgs.
Has anyone beat this game yet? Does it even have a proper ending? Or do you just breed generation after generation of the same ape models with better Monkeyvision™ and Sharper-Sticks™?
Did you even read what you posted?
Why post a blog instead of the actual article which is linked there?
That new fossil you posted doesn't predate the oldest human remains with widely accepted dates, or the new Morocco fossils that push back things from about 200kya to 300kya (big leap, so that's still contentious), either way both of those are still in Africa.
only the rich will embrace transhumanism while the working class will be made genetic slaves incapable of breaking their submission.
fpbp but no one even knew
I want to know too. I mean, all they showed of gameplay before is just the really early hominid part. But does the game goes to the hominids going out of the jungle too? And there is neanderthals or early men?
Go home virgin. Nobody cares about your ass ravaged tears.
so black is some kind of underlying, biological category?
>only the rich will embrace transhumanism
only the rich have computers
only the rich have smartphones
only the rich have free time
only the rich have knowledge
But average human have all of this too, now.
member when Yea Forums wasn't infested with political dogshit
pepperidge farm remembers
> Your neanderthal ancestors died out
Yes they evolved, yet africans still can only run real fast and jump pretty high whilst we rule the world.
Also apes doesn't need to go into gym. They are strong from the moment of born.
have to be, otherwise they'd fall off momma
hmmm interesting.
If this thread is still alive by the time I get home I'll respond. Cant do it on my phone.
>game is just about lame monkey running around in the ungle
>not a caveman game about fighting terror birds and building the pyramids with mammoths
Dawn of Man is better
>Video games
Ok and retard?
Sure. I'm guessing the answer is that you are satisfied with how that math was done and the conclusions drawn from it, because the myriad of social, economic, and historical variables don't matter as much as some innate quality of "black people."
How to progress in this game, just smash rocks together for 10 million years?
>he doesn't know about the underground youtube monkey torture community
Just go to some of these videos and look at the comments, almost all of them are going to be similar to pic related. They're also some of the funniest people on youtube.
Just look at the comments on these videos. All of these videos have similar comments.
wtf is this
Ancestors gameplay.
Poor intercity "yoof"