Oh, so you think Bernadetta is the best girl, hm? Fine...

Oh, so you think Bernadetta is the best girl, hm? Fine, I see how it is -- you're not coming with me to the Leicester Alliance.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You're too mainstream for me.

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Yes Bernie is best girl. Lys is a filthy nigger like Catherine because her hair isn't actually white and skin isn't naturally that pale. Bernie is my daughterwife, lysenthia is a sperg who doesn't want to be loved as a child.

Attached: bernie is a cute girl.jpg (462x458, 45K)

They're fools

Attached: They're Fools.jpg (800x900, 96K)

I consulted the chart and it checks out.

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Marianne is basically Bernie, but more realistic and better

I want to kiss Lysithea's cunny!

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>mercedes in a mercedes


>best girls don't have a support together

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what if i snatch her teacup and drink the rest of it?

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Well, it would true if I werent best girl all along.

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she is pretty hot

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Bernie not smelly and neet. Bernie very clean and cute

I want to smell her ass

w-whats that user kun you want to hold hands with me???
just get the sp-spikes away uwu

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I like Lysithea, but man is she a terrible unit.

She's better than the lords what the fuck are you on


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I married Marianne though.

What the fuck she hits like a cannon

>Caballero de Muerte
>Stronger than Lysithea Blanco

Lol that's revisionist history

...said no one ever.

she's so pretty. it's her perfect skin.

Attached: happy bernie.jpg (435x369, 71K)

You're a fool.

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dare you to say that to her face

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Dorothea is the best girl i dont care about the others

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Just got this game. I love how you can literally have a tea party with your units. 10/10

I was doubled over laughing when I first discovered that mechanic.

She’s good but not that good


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Are you a woman who loves women or do you a touhoufag who appreciates headgear on their girls?

>This pic
I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard


Attached: n7M1w8z45xo1_540.jpg (448x795, 135K)

I love girls with senses of humor and big boobs and asses. Dorothea hits all of the boxes.

Still seething. Emile?

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Seteth is the best and cutest pairing with f!byleth

Attached: CUTE.jpg (639x639, 69K)

Is that fucking McBurn from Trails LMFAO

memes aside she's unironically a good character post timeskip.

Attached: WeKilledFerdie.png (1000x3671, 2.53M)

Say that again, I fucking dare you.

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Can't say I do

WHAT!!!??? How the fuck is she a NPC choice, when she have barely been shown on anything ever?

she's the thot self insert. She clashes with the entire game. They seriously should have cut all the commoners.

>Dorothea actually has good character development after the timeskip
>Bernie just runs back to her room and stays there like before

Attached: bully the neet.gif (498x155, 143K)

This honestly. Bernie was trying too hard to be cute. You never see her acting like a bad person due to her anxiety. She had a decent character arc but she was a bit too wish fulfillment, especially with how thick she lays on the "I can really be myself around you!"

>unironically supporting the nobles
how can one man be so cucked

>bernie tells me her mom will be in the second to last chapter
>manuala can visit the opera house
>send bernie to every building
>no scene with her mom

Post timeskip Lysithea is the most touhou character honestly

Her better “be myself around you” support is Alois. I didn’t even like her before I saw her Alois interactions they make a lot of sense considering her character

>cut all the commoners
There is baitposting and then there is this level of baitingposting.

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Cut all the commoners, they all drag down the game, including byleth.

Alois is just based all around, glad I got to see his supports in my Church route


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>literal most OP unit drags down game

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Liz love

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She makes a good dancer

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greetings professor!

Haha I wonder if Lysithea has trauma about the mole people haha wouldn't it be funny if you kidnapped her and took her to the basement as a joke.

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>You never see her acting like a bad person due to her anxiety.

She considers murdering Sylvain in fire because he read her book

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Wrong thread liz nigga.

Haven't done that support, but it sounds like it's played for laughs.

>that C support with Ignatz
defend this Lysitheafags

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It's generally clever as it deals with her own age complex deciding to bully Ignatz realizing at the end that's what people do to her and what she gets mad for.

wtf bernie

How do you Berniefags cope with the timeskip

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But Marianne and Lysithea do

I prefer this look

>she’s a hypocritical bitch
Yeah, she’s a bitch

I just change her model back. Also we love Bernie unconditionally and don't care what she looks like.

Attached: ugly tumblr bernie!.png (500x517, 231K)

but i thought this was a Lysithea thread?

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I fucking both of these girls and don't see how anyone likes them.

She looks like fucking Dora nigga

say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens

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Bernie is both one of the best and worst girls in the game, her characterization is all over the place. If they had kept her shyness and cowardly nature while making it more subtle and not annoying with her squeals she would be 10/10.

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Fuck Hilda
Marry Lysithea
Befriend Marianne
Kill Leonie

what class have you got her as and why

>aged up caspar with part 1 bernie
what the fuck

Her supports are alright, what she needed (and this goes for all the BE characters) is more in depth explanation on why she sided with Edelgard and where her stance was on it. The only impression I got is that she just wanted to fucking survive so joining the winning team was the safest bet

I can't love Bernadette because it's too narcissistic.

I want to fill Annette's tummy tummy tum with my cummy cummy cum!

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Dismounted dark knight

>her c support with Alois
That was pretty cute, I'd like to read the next parts but I really don't want to use him because he brings almost nothing to the battlefield

NG+ lets you set character portraits to pre/post timeskip.

NG+, there are alternate hairstyles too.

Alois has some stupid but fun supports, like his Dimitri's is the definition of retarded while being wholesome as fuck.

why so few annette lewds?

Why are there so few lewds of FE in general. Especially with how popular Heroes is

The thing is most of the BE cast genuinely has more development when you recruit them outside of the BE route. Characters like Ferdinand and Bernadetta for example seem quite happier and more confident, Ferdinand refuses to become a political puppet for Edelgard and Bernie, while dreading the work, feels actually confident in their cause and is more willing to work for it.

I think on the other routes the BE students all seem more confident because they actually believe in their cause, while in BE they sort of just follow Edelgard just because. I was talking about this before but Be feels weird since the characters that may actually have a reason to join Edelgard all reside in the BL and GD house. In a way BE casts doesn't really fit its route, though I suppose that may be the intention.

Tl:dr she reminded him of an uncle she had who died and he overcame her trust issues by being the warmest soul in the monastery
In their A support they decide to go visit her uncle’s grave, not sure what their ending is but it would be nice if he could adopt her into his family and they could have a comfy life farming in a village.

japs only care if something has an anime

Help me, bros. I think I only have one more playthrough left in me before burning out. Just finished BE.
GD or BL?

Who from BL actually fits BE? Because even Ashe is a huge knightfag.

You'll be missing BL kino, but GD for plot stuff that isn't biased as fuck.

Alois is one of her best supports, maybe even her best one. I think her Seteth, Ferdinand, and actually Byleth supports are her good ones. Byleth supports in general are sort of weird since they're usually more just for character backgrounds then bonding but her's feels pretty well done in both regards.

Nigger that shits all in your head, they ain't even in the damn story cutscenes if you recruit them wtf.

Ashe is the obvious answer, on other routes he even fights with them to avenge Lonato. Though there are few characters I can confidently say make sense for BE Lysithea and Lorenz also could be strongly argued for, maybe Sylvain as well.

not enough promotion pre-release and no real stand out moments in supports outside of her singing and Hilda raping her while she sleeps.

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I agree with most of your points, but at the same time I feel that is also a part of BE’s identity. Their inability to bond together like the other two houses is mostly because of their eccentric personalities which came about from the fuckery that is growing up in an Adrestian noble household (or in Dorothea’s case getting fucked over by them). Also Edelgard was very convinced for most of the game that her friends wouldn’t stick with her so she didn’t bother bonding with them the same way Claude and Dimitri did. The whole thing is a mess but I appreciated having one house that wasn’t perfectly cohesive.

>they ain't even in the damn story cutscenes if you recruit them wtf.
You realize they have unique dialogue in the monastery, right? If you actually talk to them you can see how their characterization is different.

>ywn snuggle up with Hilda’s massive breasts and body pillow sized frame

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>what is the monastery

>maybe Sylvain as well.
You really can't argue for Sylvain, he's like Feliz and Ingrid, he cares more about his childhood friends than about whatever goal Edelgard can have, including crests.
I mean, can you actually imagine Sylvain murdering any of them because Edelgard tells him to?

>Why are there so few lewds of FE in general
Japanese (male) otaku don't like Fire Emblem since they are not into shipping and forced cucking. If you put a male self-insert into a game and the "wife" candidates can romance other males you're losing their interest. Since most female Otaku in japan are Fujos they are okay with cucking by default. Just look at XB2, to this day it keeps getting high quality doujins and fanart made by nips and Awakening outsold it.

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They're just cuddling together like friends!!

that's why you recruit all three and have annette kill dimitri


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His fault for choosing house with his penis lol

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I said maybe for a reason, I just thought he was worth mentioning for his strong hatred toward the system, though as you said he doesn't really work for the same reason Felix doesn't.

In all honesty basically no one has a truly valid reason for joining the empire, characters like Lorenz joining them in BL only feels "right" because it ignores him having any kind of development to justify it.

>murdering my dad was so fun!
Fuck BE Annette, character assassination at its finest.

>murdering my dad was so fun!
You what, BE Annette didn't enjoy killing Gilbert.

What's up with the classes in this game? A lot of them don't seem to have a comprehensive progression to them. There's Pegasus Knight in intermediate and Falcon Knight in Master but nothing at all for lance fliers in Advanced.
Then there's some units that you build up to an Advanced class but they don't fit into any of the Master categories without a sudden shift in their needed skills. Am I missing something?

im in love

It was a joke, the thing is that it's so out of character she may as well have said that.

how did she get away with it?

Attached: HILDA HILDA HILDA.png (400x556, 84K)

Oh well I suppose IS didn't want BEagle players to get assmad that they can't recruit.

Bitch aren't you dying of crest cancer or something?

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It's a bit odd but both Paladin and Wyvern works out for 20-30 depending on the character. I really wish there at least was an infantry lance option, something like B in lance and C in sword.

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Personally, I progress them Pegasus Knight -> Paladin -> Falcion Knight so they pick up Aegis. Yes, it takes a commitment to B rank riding, but you'll have lance for both Paladin and Falcon Knight by the time you're done.

where's the art of Hilda giving Annette the fingering of a lifetime with her gorilla strength?

Attached: hilda.jpg (480x480, 37K)

Too much work, Hilda would just lay down and let you do whatever you wanted to her.

I think a lot of characters don't need to end in a master class, while a couple can skip or not spend much time in an advanced class.

She really sent the entire continent spiraling into war just to dab on church, didn't she

hilda is designated first year FWB
flayn is designated wife endgame


>marry hilda
>always be a dead fish in bed so she has to do all the work

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This is the woman who draws fanart and writes fan fiction about her teacher, of course she does.

Pounding Flayn's tight pink pussy mercilessly

My name is Felix Hugo Fraldarius and I approve of this idea

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If she wasn't a psychotic dictator I'd like her autism.

That sounds alright with me senpai


Her autism only exists to ease you into her psycho dictator mode.
>isn't the smell of charred corpses in the morning great, sensei?


She’s only psychotic if you don’t cure her user

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Putting whipped cream on your dick for Lysithea to lick off

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No she doesn’t, she’s out of the room much more often and basically every support she’s in notices the change

She's too busy curing marianne's depression with tender yuri and friendship.

Nah, she's just behaving because she wants sensei cock, she's the exact same deep down and if you told her you're ok wit it she'd probably nuke the continent.

>Ashe can't marry either of them

>you will never cure her autism by holding her tight and telling her it will all be ok

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Which students are canonically not virgins pre-timeskip?

this is a Marianne board reddit

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>another fire emblem threads where retards unironically think that Lady Edelgard was literally Hitler

You guys just don't get it

Just Leonie afaik, unless you trust Sylvain.

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If Hubert wasn’t an actual fucking homosexual she would’ve been satisfied a long time ago

>literally the strongest unit in the game by far
>terrible unit

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Lysithea is already better than Bernadetta for the fact that she gives you kids.

No one should ever get that kind of late stage waifuism.

Hubert just understands that him having sex with Lady Edelgard would leave her vulnerable.

>literally the strongest unit in the game by far
She's good, but Byleth and the lords are still better overall. She is too squishy to be on that level, she is among the top five outside of them though.

>commoner can't marry nobles
as god intended

Her autism is incurable user, fortunately it's her autism that makes her so cute.

>dedue at 1 HP: “lol this is nothing”
based black man

>caballero de muerte above lysithea blanco
Objectively wrong.

I want to know how the hell he got past all those Warlocks, Gremories, and Mortal Savants

The FE fandom at large is so used to comically black and white characters they cannot comprehend the idea of any sort of grey so they pick their sides shit themselves and fling it at each other to determine whose headcanon is superior when faced with it

You're actually implying they didn't just let him walk in and murder the shit out of her.
>trusting slithers

she just needs a little tenderness. Hubert doesn't have the patience for that

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She's great, but carried hard by Thyrsus.

Maybe she's comically black in 3 routes and a really dark shade of grey in hers?

I can't speak for anyone else, but here's my Lysithea so far.

Attached: 69086448_2294847120825814_8697180475136933888_o.jpg (1280x720, 272K)

The absolute state of user’s RNG.

he literally admits to her face in their A support he loves her

>lvl 52

I don't think I've ever had a unit above 45 even with the statue xp bonus.

And yet the only support where he actually blushes is Ferdinand’s

ferdie just has that effect on people, its the noble charm

He likes the taste of semen tho’

>lvl 52
Not that you need it on "hard" but holy shit a lvl 30 map on maddening would shit all over her. They need to buff her shit growth.

Even in the other routes save for like BL she's not as black as say, Garon or Validar.

>Lorenz wants to be a mageknight but can't be that literally past level 5 until level 30
>literally everyone wants to waste their time on riding if they aren't a pegasus or wyvern
The biggest problem honestly is there's no real way to get +1 movement for Advanced classes aside from having them waste their lessons to max riding. Well there is 2 but that's it, and it's most likely going to Byleth and dancer

yet i cucked him

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Any good streamer/jewtuber doing three houses let's plays?

The treatment of magic in this game baffles me.

>Edelgard has a hidden talent for black magic
>But learns dark magic
>Also can't use magic unless she's a mage/gremory


>Some characters learn magic, most maybe learn one or two spells and don't have the stat to drive it
>Magic is also locked to specific classes


I guess they got bored after the shitton of hybrid magic classes fates had?

Well it makes sense what with her being a cancer patient

She's the only lord that has decent mag growth but it's only used for bolt axe at best. Her unique class should have been able to use magic and her kit should have been either completely black or dark. That said, I also have a beef with the dark/black tomefaire split. Lysithea and Hubert gain nothing from being warlocks but only Hubert can be a dark bishop (and even then it doesn't get dark tomefaire). Then again that means she doesn't lose much going into gremory and dark knight has both anyway, but it's still a wasted ability slot for anyone except Edelgard. I guess I should do dark knight Edelgard at some point.

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Keep her at 1 hp missing, her personal ability is pretty good.

>Genealogy + Awakening = Black Eagles
>Genealogy + Tellius = Blue Lions
>Genealogy + Elibe = Golden Deer

Lorenz sided with the Empire during my BL run and I had to put him down. But during the GD run he says his father is just supporting them so they have no reason to cross the bridge and fuck them up, so maybe Lorenz was forced to fight with them to keep up the ruse

That's kinda right.

What if I want Genealogy + Magvel

imagine if you slathered it with cake

Hidden talents in general man tend to be bait at least from the Golden Deer experience
>Claude has a hidden talent for axes but both his relics are Sword and Bow
>Marianne has hidden talent for lance but her relic is a sword
>Ignatz has hidden talent in magic but literally no reason to do that because GD has enough powerhouse mages plus he's an archer and will never use spells
At least Frozen Lance and Hilda's armor are good for the moment
Game should had an item to use magic as a nonmage at minimum

That's DLC for

Dimitri has some of Ephraim already, what with the lances, bloodthirst, not-incest.

I don't get how people like bern. Her voice, at least in the jap dub, is unbearable

>a yuri fag
>drawing cuck art

The irony here

Attached: link.png (500x256, 155K)

Ephraim does one man guerrilla war too not giving a fuck about his kingdom

>Wanting realism in a fucking FE game
I bet you complained about Catherine's armor.

could have literally been the wands, so the tradeoff is a limited number and them taking an equip slot

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t. NPC

Ugly whore is ugly, next.

Lance autism truly is one hell of a drug.

Could Dimitri cure her autism through the power of incest?

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Yeah but first you’d have to get him to stop reconquering

I still can't believe those are fucking shorts.

Fuck that made me laugh


Nothing wrong with it.

They also have different support convos.

Dimitri and Edelgard aren't blood related.

Would it even be incest? They’re step siblings

Teasing Annette!

Fine, through the power of not-incest

Its canon though...

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I want to hold Bernie's hand

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Ah, I see. For my BL run I'm planning on memeing it up with an all-mounted(/flying) crew, so I'll probably try her as a dark knight then

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I want to have tea with Dimitri

Shamir is my wife.

Attached: wife.png (1920x1362, 1.54M)


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Playing FE8 rando what should be my seed?
Also Annette best girl

This is a work safe board

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Claude leveling axes lets him use higher level throwing axes.

he has bows user

dorothea has the sexiest body but petra is way hotter in official art

>blaming someone for being exploited by literaal dark mages as a child

>Annette's JP VA also voices pic related
Gilbert, give fish egg.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_13.41_[2018.06.17_21.42.20].jpg (1920x1080, 173K)

Well you want to know what happens if you don't blame them? Edelgard, you get Edelgard, so blame that child for her own sake.

Marianne's at least helps her by making it easier for her to become a Dark or Holy Knight.

Felix's is also good if you want him to be a Mortal Savant.

i married her first playthrough, now i'm femleth and don't know or care about who to pick. was thinking dedue but him and shamir's interactions are so pure i don't wanna get in the way

I had him marry Annette, so suck my dick

Bow have no MT. If you are his lord class you aren't going to have +2 range so unless you want to repair his relic bow you are better off using throwing axes

You can marry anyone of the Chad nobles or Sylvain. I for one like Lorenz He is a foot man of great taste.

even lorenz backtracks on this business in most of his support convos

Ashe can marry Anette

What does Yea Forums think of Ferdinand von Aegir?

Attached: Ferdinand_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 822K)

He is a much better leader, fighter and person in general than Edelgard.

I think him and his boyfriend Hubert are great!

Why did you post a picture of me?

Only if you play Beagles. She becomes a hikki again in other routes.

Recruited him into GD, didn't expect him to turn into punished ferdinand after the time skip

Discount Lorenz. If you are doing a no recruit BE run he is ok but by far the worst of your "cav" units you can get.

His flowing long hair post time skip is beautiful and majestic.

A man of taste.

>no ending with him and Lorenz where they do noble things together

what a shame

Like every other BEagle, he’s a whole lot more interesting when recruited outside his house.

He's a fucking bulldozer when he doesn't get stat screwed.

The same can be said to literally any other unit. It's just that Ferdinand will most likely get stat screwed unlike other units

So is Rhea actually evil or is she just a bad person?

Caspar's just as much of a shonen protagonist as ever. I really want to see what his dad's like.


The class has bowfaire though. If you are going to use axes on him you should just go wyvern lord.

My husband

morally gray person who has done some questionable things

Hello professor! I've never been alone with a boy before!

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He's an absolute chad that massacred the Dagdans and Brigiders.

>t. Edelgard

I like how scared he is of facing him on the battlefield if you recruit him.

>her dad wants her to marry a rich man and torments her to be obedient
>she marries the most powerful lord, becomes exceedingly wealthy, and screws her family over
Fucking based revenge.

like almost everybody, she has more or less decent intentions but she's got a dark side and murky past

The only outright ‘evil’ faction are the dubsteppers and actually they have a reason to do the things they do.

Why are Deer so stacked. They have the best cast out of any class. Lorenz has a relic that make Lys, the best mage, even more OP. Yeah their route isn't as Kino as BL and they have that dubstep battle. But aside from that the build up to their final fight is pretty sweet.

Attached: GD.png (500x367, 157K)

Ingrid has been carving racial slurs into my dorm door and has began cutting the carpet off my floor and placing dog fecal matter before sealing it up again.
How should I respond to this? Confronting her about the matter just caused her to laugh hysterically.

Attached: Doudou_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 735K)

>he doesn't like dubstep battle

I hope to God people make more of this and go even further

Attached: 1566356167991.png (344x135, 24K)

*sips tea*

>NG+ change appearance setting doesn't change the portrait

Time to wait for the DLC I guess, they'll definitely add the option to change the portrait too

Also, daily reminder that Edelgard did nothing wrong

Cuntpunt her

You know what you must dedue

>1. Have you heard of DUSKED.com?
>2. Please send all HR-related matters to your king.
>3. Up yours, digger.

This along with the fact that she hits like a wet noodle is why she is forever benched. If I need a Peg/Flaco knight I just use Leonie, since she can get strength growths.

On a side note who is the best pair for him I hear Mercedes is good, but what about Flayn

There was never a choice for me, I knew I had to S rank her from the beginning and every step of doing it only reinforced that decision.

>This along with the fact that she hits like a wet noodle is why she is forever benched.

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Grey. She at least put and to Nemesis and 10 elites so it mean she saved Fodlan. She was in wrong to rewrote crests as scared items and give them to some nobles to control much of Fodlan for rest of 'peaceful' 1000 years though. It probably happened because she lost beliefs in humans after they killed her siblings and mother so I kinda understand why she do this. Rhea, Edelgard and Dimitri went crazy and do bad things because they are sole survivor of some tragedies, I think it's a big theme in the game.

The dubstep battle is a pro young fool! Don’t forget they get to fight unga grandpa as the final boss.

His supports do feel pretty weird without Edelgard on your team tho

Why is Bernie so popular on Yea Forums and /feg/? She's the most Fates/Awakening-like gimmick character in the game and most of the hivemind shits on those games for even less gimmicky characters than she is, yet she's mostly loved here.

the cutest

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I killed her in my beagles route. I didn't know you can avoid her.

Is there any impact on avoiding to kill any students in the beagles route? Does it mention at the end of the story on who was spared? I'm not sure if I want to redo that mission.

because she's just like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait a second, that’s from one of omen of your ‘make a doll and fuck her’ games, right?

Perfectly fine by me to blow between those puppies

>Mercedes in a Mercedes
fucking lmao

She can dodge tank and double all day, but that doesn't mean anything when you do almost no damage. Leonie does everything she can do but better. She also has a better ability, and a in to become a bow knight if you don't want another flyer.

>Is there any impact on avoiding to kill any students in the beagles route?

They won't join you but they won't stay dead either. The only characters who stay dead in BE unless you avoid them are Hilda (for some reason) and the BL kids unless you recluited them earlier.

>reply guy numero uno
the absolute state of my sides

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my nigga

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Am I the only one who thought MByleth had a ahoge from certain angles?

I like the tomboy version of Annette more.

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They survive the war and probably go home. There is no impacts since you can't see their epilogues, but it make you feel better that you don't kill any of old friends and see their dying words.

>Shamir (Universe 6)
Ok I will admit that one made me chuckle.

Hey man Nemesis just wanted to Unga like a Bunga.

>proto is better than the base

Why did they do this?

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>Hilda calls Edgelord for being a snake
Unironically based

God spoil that shit man this is a blue board. I guess 5 year is enough time for someone to go full hoebag.

Because she's literally perfection and she's my wife and I love her so much and also she's for bullying

nuFE is a mistake

Your seed?

Huh, maybe I’ll give Tora a rewatch later this year.

>that first support between Flayn and Seteth

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>Flayn and Sylvain C support.

Man Seteth even when you aren't around you are based

he's preserving the cunny for byleth

Anyone got any pictures of the students with their panties showing, or in their bra and panties?

>nobody posted Sothis
The way she speaks is super cute and she was really comforting when she told you, you could cry on her shoulder.
I only cleared BE, but it’s criminal how she’s just gone after 50%. Maybe she’ll appear in the other routes.

/feg/ was a mistake

I don't really like sothis but her theme is probably the best song in the game

>and give them to some nobles to control much of Fodlan for rest of 'peaceful' 1000 years though.
That part never happened

Edelgard: I understand. It's difficult being born a noble. Those who inherit everything also inherit great burdens, but the same can be said of those who inherit nothing.
Caspar: What are you talking about? I don't have any troubles. Who cares if I don't inherit anything? It just means I get to cut a path to my own future. You know what your problem is, Edelgard? You always have to make everything about you.
Edelgard: Are you picking a fight, Caspar?
Caspar: Hey now, come on. I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Always happy to fight though, if that's what you want.
Edelgard: Ugh, I have no desire to bicker with you. Good luck with your training. Good-bye.
Caspar: What was that about? I'll never understand her...

Caspar's C-support with Edelgard is so fucking based.

Yuu is cute but I like Annette more, she's not a raging lezbo.

>Lorenz Calvo (Forma Sans)

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>Losing an argument to fucking Caspar

How absolutely pathetic can you Be?


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bernie is a boy

Caspar is a shounen protag disguised as a side character, is it really that surprising

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what happened to edelgards mom

She doesn't

There's some conversations in the game that weren't add in the story. One has Dimitri fighting Felix. There's no backstory to it, but it appears that Felix betrayed Dimitri before his father died, and he's pissed at Dimitri for it. I guess he was the one that's was supposed to defect from the BLs to the Empire.

Fuck you ISIS

They brought public education to all fodlan

But hey if you max out her support she'll poof into existence at the end when you select to marry her just to say 'yo I love you too senpai'.


How do you even max put her support? I thought you just need to select her,

It's 100% out of character for Felix to join BE if he cares that much about his father according to this cut conversation. In BE route you can make Felix kill his own father even though he's kinda pissed that Dimitri caused his father's death in BL.

Does pairing Lysithea with Lorenz cure her AIDs?

By giving the correct answers to her

He's one of the few characters who called out Edelgard's bullshit and got away with it lmao.

No, but she lives, albeit in terrible health.

I guess this is one of the reasons why devs think the player should recruit Caspar for BL, other than the Death Knight scene. Caspar doesn't at all care about Edelgard's ideals, and if you talk to him in the monastery in the other routes where you recruit him, he actually seems more happy and motivated.

IIRC didn't Felix hate the whole idea of loyalty and chivalry? Considering in BE the empire is pretty much the winning side it makes some sense for him to defect assuming you did recluit him. Chivalry was kinda the reason his bro died in his mind after all



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She develops out of it in most of her endings so it can’t really be called a gimmick. Plus it’s given plenty of justification in her character through her backstory. Her ultimate endgame is an introverted girl who enjoys quiet activities like drawing, writing and being a good supportive wife to her husband
Little details like her leaving her room for you to place flowers for Jeralt already put her miles above fates awakening crowd, all characters in this game are much fleshed out than them if only by nature of the sheer amount of text

You can’t do it, it’s impossible. I tried to marry her in the ending and the game just crashed no joke.

Yes, Felix hates the knight system because he sees it as dumb propaganda that tells people to go die for their country without actually thinking about why they fight. He hates the fact that his brother's death, a ultimately pointless and preventable death, was met with praise rather then realization that the system is corrupt. It's part of the reason he hates his dad, he thinks he glorified it instead of seeing it for what it really was.

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She's not though.

Marianne, Lysithea and Hilda are the most popular girls here.

Hell, Flayn might even be more popular than that smelly tranny.

He hates chivalry because it idealizes people blindly following their masters and dying for them. He still cares for his friends and family, just wants them to think for themselves instead of just going "MUH CHIVALRY".

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Felix is like the biggest moralfag in the game behind the Sasuke persona

He hates chivalry because it is self indulgent and selfish when he just wants to protect people


Does Lysithea have to be paired with specific people to survive even on BE?
I kind of want to have Felix go full edge and recruit him to Edelgard's side since I already stole Sylvain.

>Does Lysithea have to be paired with specific people to survive even on BE?

Lindhardt Hanneman and Byleth if you want her to live, no exceptions

Yes, of course it's only flavor text so it doesn't matter all that much. The people I know she survives with are Claude, Lorenz, Lindhart, and Hannemon.

Doesn't she also live with her Edelgard ending?


Yes. Marrying male Byelth and Linhardt allow her to live longer, she also have longer non-romantic endings with Hanneman and Edelgard.

You have to be pretty fucking slow if you can't see the game as trying to paint everyone as morally grey in some respect.
Except Claude for some reason, where he's just the standard fire emblem main characters with a slight trickster flair with no real dark side.

n-not the N word!

>playing it in weeb language

>Except Claude for some reason

And also the TWSITD, who are kinda there as well

Were you happy with your waifu's s support? Flayn's was very cute

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How would sex with Flayn be like?

I would’ve been if Bernie didn’t have that stupid fucking hair

Edelgard’s was kinda disappointing and I’m 100% certain it’s due to it having gender neutral dialogue.

Lysithea’s was precious and probably my favorite of the bunch. Hilda’s was fitting to her character albeit kinda odd to me for some reason

I liked Ingrid's up to the CG
How did they fuck all of them up so badly?

Good, I'm not following a nigger leader into battle

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I liked Edelgard's but her CG was just off

Different artist

Edelgard's whole route is just a prelude for her S rank.

>marry sothis because it's basically marrying myself
>she goes yandere
>tells byleth to put the ring on his own finger
>he ends up marrying himself
best result

Honesty can’t comprehend not s ranking her on that route considering how mushy and emotional she gets over you at times

If a hairstyle change suddenly makes her ugly, you never really loved her.

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>they finally made a fire emblem game where they gave everyone 5+ supports, instead of having some of the later characters only have one support with the MU.

This is one of the changes I'm most happy about. Any other game Alois and Seteth would have only had one support and that would have been a tragedy.

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It's definitely inconsistent. Flayn's is probably my favorite out of the female cast.

Fuck anyone who says this, looks are literally the only thing that matters and bernie’s pre time skip aesthetic was so fucking beautiful and perfect for her character, honestly one of the best designs they’ve put out in recent years and the reason this character has viral appeal.

Japan hasn't figured out how to draw anime noses when you're looking at them head on in a pov shot.

Imagine how hard he jacked it that night with the ring on

How do I beat dragon Macuil on Golden Deers?

What's with all the fanart of Bernie and plants?


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>save your gambits for fighting him
>Break his shit so he can't attack
that's about it

she has a support where she says carnivorous plants are cute

Punch the nigga with Raphael.

she mentioned that she likes carnivorous plants in her paralogue with petra i think

She has a thing for carnivorous plants. She even gets 2 hearts if you give it one

Give everyone wide-range battalions and blast his ass. Make sure to break all his shields and finish him off in one turn so he can't counterattack.

Also Claude, though I guess that's irrelevant on the BE route.

Dragon cunny is ILLEGAL. STOP posting Flayn or I will report you.

She's probably quite pent up after 1000 years in isolation.

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How the fuck can anyone like Bernie? Her japanese voice is utterly unbearable.

Go all-out and break his barrier as soon as possible with as few units as possible, then unleash every dragon/monster-slaying Art you have. You cannot let him attack or else he will snipe your slowest unit when his turn comes

>t. seteth

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Wait, does that mean Sothis is also illegal?

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Dude, go check her A Support with Seteth. She's screaming at him that she wants to find a man and get the DICK

haha wouldn't it be funny if someone killed the little girl goddess, took her body apart, and make a sick ass whip sword from her body parts?

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Tana is best girl in FE8
Fight me

h-haha yeah wouldn't that be weird.

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Petra's was cute.

Is there an indication of where reinforcements will spawn that I'm missing?

Very rarely. Have fun.

Not really
The game thinks that since you can rewind time they can just dump reinforcements on you with no warning

just rewind time bro

W-when will Lys get her FEH premiere guys?

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taking flayn's virginity!

>Lorenz sided with the Empire during my BL run
If you beat him with the mc you can convert him to your side. "Yes, I will convince my father to abandon the empire, I will join you" You killed lorenz for no reason

I just killed him because his hair was stupid desu

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>Not Kino
>Fucking missles
>Retarded plans that actually work
>Almyrans backup surprise
>Dubstep in the dark
>Ungabunga and the ten Chads as the final boss
>God-shattering star
>Using the power of friendship to defeat the bad guy
it's less focused on the characters and more on the story and lore
it's more "Fun" if you will, while Bl is more fucking suffering
both are really, good, though GD could have been even better

next student dump probably, most likely will be:
>Felix or Sylvain(Since BE got two last time to add a waifu alongside Hubert)
>Lys or Lorenz

This is only possible if you recruited him before the time skip. If you didn't recruit him prior he will be killed and you won't have the option to spare him.

The game never explains this to you ever, it's weird.

>watch C support with Ignatz
>throw her on battlefield naked in next chapter to be ravaged by horny faerghus soldiers and killed
felt good lads

I killed him as Byleth and he just died.
Did I need a certain support rank with him? I had him at C.

I wish she was taller.


Carnivorous plants are living the life according to Bernie. They do absolutely nothing all day and dinner flies into their mouth.

Weird, I never recruited Lysithea pre time skip but she was just fine with joining me in CF.

More like Lorenz is a discount Ferdie.

>swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty

I wish she was a baller

And she's right, carnivorous plants are cool.

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>it's a "commonfolk can't appreciate their godlike nobles" episode
>it's a rerun

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>the devs
I didn’t know your dad worked at nintendo user

i prefer him as a wyvern.

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>Bernie Marianne support
jesus the smell

>Special bonds with people who don’t even have supports with each other

Man why is there so much content we missed out on. Honestly wish they would have delayed if we could actually get it

dorothea's was wholesome as fuck which was kinda surprising given how they drew her art.

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Well IS already delayed the game twice so they probably were like, 'okay it's good enough as is, so let's get it out'.

Leonie bros...

There's still a chance they fix & add some extra content thought like Mario Odyssey, right?

Do characters who die in part 1 not show up in part 1 cutscenes?

Well they already said they're doing a staggered DLC release, or do you really think the Officer's Academy uniform was all the Season Pass gets you?

I don’t think you actually tried anything with Ferdinand

Looks like she’s about to pull down her dress and tittyfuck you on the spot, jeez

When's the first DLC update?

They have a scene involving Mercedes and her brother that requires you recruiting a BE member. They encourage recruitment. That's not a propaganda piece or a false narrative. It's supported by the game itself.

She knows you're a hot commodity and has to claim you quickly.

Anyone got the screenshot of Felix's and Ingrid's support convo with Felixhe saying something like "Go get married."? I thought I had it but I guess not.

Does Byleth live forever? Wouldn't he eventually die and then Flayn is all alone again?

I finished my first run last night and really want to play again, but I don't think I'd be able to face my old class without choosing them again.

Nah, a steady supply of dragon cunny juice would keep him alive indefinitely

Just recruit all their memebers.

It was an extremely difficult choice between her and Marianne but I'm a complete sucker for tragedy so I chose Lysithea to save her.

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If you did BL first good fucking luck with BE

Based and best BEagle, how could Edelgard even hope to compete

They have many different scenes and paralogues involving characters from different houses. Yes, the devs want you to recruit characters and try things out. No, it does not mean the devs specifically meant for you to play a certain route and specifically recruit Caspar


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They didn’t die like true knights...

>Annette crying out in intense orgasm
>Hilda is just chanting "HIL DA HIL DA HIL DA" while rubbing as hard as she can

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Well technically the uniform was the first but the first real DLC is coming in September or October if I'm not mistaken.

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CohhCarnage is pretty tolerable.

Yup. I don't even think I'll be able to do the BE route.

I'd feel bad taking everyone away from Dimitri, though.

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Lysithea von Naizuri

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Leonie's design is wasted on her.

don’t recruit, just go full Hitler and get it over with

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>have sex

Sheesh, Felix is really merciless. What was his reason for joining the Black Eagles?

I mean half of that is Rodrigue's fault for saying hurr durr i'm glad my son died protecting the king instead of just mourning like a proper father should.

Same reason for the most of the cast. Cause.

>Felix-Ashe C support
>Felix calls out Ashe's kiddy stories for being idealistic trash
>Ashe's model and portrait look pissed
Made me laugh.

Probably for hating the system of nobles and honor and his dad loving the fact that felix’s brother was killed in battle.

Rodrigue is pretty merciless too, he just decides he's going to cut him down right there and now.

She has one of the best CGs for sure. Very intimate

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>muh honor
this is why felix hates his father and I’m not surprised they’re willing to kill each other

I recruited Lys into black eagles. She fits in extremely well and I like her support with edel.
Her only downside is she's not bisexual.

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Lys really does fit in with BE, if only because her whole reason is so her and Edelgard can get rid of the crest abuse shit and the experiments on children.

I believe if they die in part 1 they will appear in cutscenes but not be playable, while in part 2 they actually die.

>Bernie makes you promise to never leave her side
>actually get a happy ending where, while she never truly recovers form the childhood abuse, still becomes your main adviser

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I love boomer fishing Byleth

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>Bernie afraid of getting kek’d
heh, unmarriageable to the very end

No one fits in BE honestly. All the BE students unironically have more development from their monastery dialogue on other routes then all the cutscenes of BL.

All of those tweets are pretty good

Need more fishing mbyleth

Made him a Hero and he was fucking incredible. Fast, speedy unit that can hit like a truck and dodge shit like nobody's business thanks to his personal.

Nah. Nobody cares about mbyleth.

Hero is underrated, I made my Byleth one on my first playthrough and never found a reason to take him off of it. Shame it's exclusive to the guys, these gender specific classes fucking suck.

This desu


How good is assassinate? Is it guaranteed to work on things that don't null it? If no does it stack with lethality?

What's the point of hero compared to swordmaster?

Use it for memes if you want, but never expect it to work out.

They literally have the same development but for different reasons. Ferdinand's in particular feels more fullfiling in El's route after all.

Also the BE kids in the church & other routes sound helluvadepressed as hell which sucks but also makes sense considering the context

it's nothing to rely on, but when it procs, it can suddenly make distributing your units in a given turn easier if you're taking on a lot of enemies

Hero has more lenient requirements compared to Swordmaster (B-Rank Sword and C-Rank Axe vs A-Rank Sword). Other than that, Swordmaster is superior.

Units that you want make Heroes tend to be bulkier, a bit more HP growth, Axe bonuses, have very similar speed to Swordmasters

>Shamir (Universe 6)
I lost

>I just use Leonie, since she can get strength growths

Leonie has 16.6 str at level 20 compared to ingird's 14.65. And then advance class sets them both to their 17 minimum. From there, Leonie gains 1 additional point of strength over Ingrid every 20 levels on average.

Yeah, seriously it's crazy. My Leonie at level 25 could do more damage than my level 40 Ingrid. And she can tank damage almost as well as Gorilla Hilda. And she can use bows.

Byleth, all of the dragons, and Edlegard all have longetivity.

Only outside the BE story unless you S-ranked Sothis(???). Also Edelgard is implied to die young due to crest cancer thought not as soon as Lythinsea

>Also Edelgard is implied to die young due to crest cancer
Only in reddit's collective head-canon. None of her endings reflect this. Compare to, say, dimitri, who dies prematurely to a wasting sickness in all of his epilogues.

t. Ferdinand

reminder that mounted units are actually a trap with the universal -10 speed growth until the master classes

No ending says it explicitly but many mention she eventually dissapears from the public, leaving either her husband or succesor as the empire's face.

>manuela can visit the opera house
What really?

Well her paired ending with Lysithea pretty clearly says that THEY got back the time THEY lost to the slithers.

Married Catherine in my first run, choosing Shamir in my Golden Deer run.

You’re just angry about the other house

>you should teach Claude he is very selfish and only cares about himself
>you should come teach our house instead
>his dream is selfish
>my dream will bring unity and peace to Fodlan
>this is why you should follow my path instead
Why is this bitch such an insufferable cunt in all routes. Can Nintendo please patch her or something?

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She’s right about Claude though

She canonically has a boner with Byleth on all routes, that's why

Anybody remember what the reward was for Seteth and Flayn's paralogue? I was thinking about skipping it this time since I don't plan to use Flayn or Seteth but I might wanna do it anyway if I get something good out of it.

Cichol's lance & a rare staff I think

The awesome staff that gives you +1 range to all spells

All the paralogues had good shit IIRC.

She wants her cummies just give them to her and she'll calm down

I bet they were supposed to have a support but it got cut. If the new content includes supports then I hope they get one.

+1 range staff and A rank horseslayer, both have Renewal effects when equipped.

The cummies belong to daughter mommy Rhea though

How many Byleths does it take to solve the plot completely?

I like to think that Bylerh does all the routes using magic time reverse powers.

6, one each for Rhea, Dimitri, Claude and Edelgard, and then 2 to marry each other.

Cummies in a tissue offered to the actual mommy wife

All M, right?

1 to side with Edelgard



Only for Claude and Dimitri

They're all female except for the ones who are banging each other.

fat whore

Is it still gay if you marry yourself who is also a guy who is also a girl who is also you?

*defends Nemesis*

I an't stop laughing at her ending slide.
>sensei i'm not doing this for personal gain, i want to help people
>ending slide is giant Adrestian Empire flags everywhere while she tramples on a Liecester flag in front of it's citizens and threatens them with an axe
>while all other routes found the United Kingdom of Fodlan, BE route has the Empire subjugating everyone to be subservient to the Empire

Ask again