You guys got any rage stories?
You guys got any rage stories?
Whenever I play challenge maps in the Arkham games and I get a ridiculous combo streak of over 300-400, then some fucking thug hits me with a bat in the middle of a ground takedown.
>be 10 yo me
>playing Banjo-Kazooie
>in Gobi Valley
>can't get the honeycomb piece in the o-shaped cactus
>rage quit
>begin to have an existential crisis
>"I suck at vidya, so I must suck at life".
>call friend to see if he wants to come over for pizza and play vidya
>he says okay
>when he comes over, we play some games on my SNES
>mom calls for a pizza
>play vidya for an hour or so
>pizza finally comes
>mom brings the pizza to the dining room table
>friend looks confused when she brings two plates to the table
>asks me why he doesn't get a plate
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
>he looks even more confused
>says he has to go to the bathroom
>mom tells him where it is and he goes
>close to finishing our pizza
>wonder where my friend is
>think he's having stomach problems
>finish pizza and go to my SNES to wait for him
>see that my SNES is gone along with a couple games
>the faggot stole them
>never talk to him ever again
When I was a child I got so mad at Super Ghouls and Ghost that I threw my controller. My controller broke and my parents told me that they wouldn't be buying me another one for a long time. It took me 6 months to get another controller and ever since then I have never broken or thrown anything in rage.
The plot twist is that you were the shitty friend all along and you're both niggers.
One time I got mad, like really mad. So I breathed in and out, slowly, carefully, and then, no mad
Not much as a child, but as an adult while at the wifes parents i was playing souls and got so mad i slammed my controller down on the table. The controller was fine but i left an indent in the wood table. No one ever said anything about it but I felt like shit.
Good, what kind of trash even mentions food before someone comes over to your house as a guest and when it finally arrives you go "none for you"
I raged so hard once that I orgasmed. Turned out I popped a vein down there.
I broke my game boy advance SP after losing to the last boss in pic related way too many times.
well deserved you sneaky faggot
is it possible that you guys are black?
Dude don't bring video games to your inlaws
Second time I went to my inlaws summer house I brought my beefy PC, I hijacked the living room PC and played GTA all day for 2 weeks until I left.
they hate you
>not hiding your power level
you fucked up
my screen is full of brightspots
my brother got so frustrated in the sims 3 because he’s colorblind and he couldn’t make pewdiepie’s exact hair color and he coughed up blood
for me it's the opposite
>sit down with a game i'm great at, just to unwind from the constant failure i experience in life
>flub the most basic shit and inevitably end up in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why i'm terrible at everything
I know, that's why I did that.
>taking over the house
>fucking up
i laugh everytime i read this story
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
What does this even mean
it's been so long since I saw it
Its sad you think your an alpha
Nigga, how bad were you? I got this games when I was 8-10yrs old and beat it without raging.
Only raging part is that I didn't understand english, so couldn't understand what I had to do for extra content
I did not say that but whatever nerd.
I broke my DS Lite in half over Mario Hoops 3 on 3.
To be fair though, the AI in that game is complete bullshit even by my current standards.
>do a bunch of coke at party
>come home early to play minecraft
>put a hole in my wall when I kill my horse by accident
Still angry today tbqh
>see homophobic shampoos bottle
As a kid, I probably threw a bunch of bitchfits, but that was long ago and I don't remember any specifics.
In recent years, usually the angriest I ever get while playing a game is usually just me saying "fuck". However, recently while playing Splatoon, I actually managed to get salty enough to actually close the software mid match. Almost immediately, I realized just how childish I was at that moment, and mellowed out considerably.
>people not realizing that is stale pasta
I'm too old.
I punch my table sometimes but it's very sturdy so it doesn't damage it at all.
i rage fapped once after dying in a competitive game
gg ez
Please tell me that's a true story
>playing blops 2
>was on good streak
>one kill away for first nuke
>baby niece gets in the way and flings shit at my face
>dodge the shit close call
>got killed in the mean time
>place my niece for adoption the next day
I very rarely have had moments where vidya made me angry enough to do anything else than cursing, but usually only punched my desk and even then with a force that wouldn't even kill a fly.
The only extreme thing I did was during a mission for that special armor in assassins creed 2. It was at the final part where you had to activate something and complete a bunch of parkour before the timer ran out. I ended up throwing some footstool down the stairs and screeching like a monkey. Never once did something similar.
>When I said we're having pizza, I meant me and my mom... Not you.
I play a shooter MMO that's on its way out, and if I die during a play that I honestly think/thought I should have been able to complete, I slap my thighs REALLY fucking hard. Like, hard enough to bruise my tiny body. I'll never get it checked out though, I'd rather keep playing because when they do succeed, I feel like a god.
Once I said the gamer word
I literally just had a rage moment yesterday.
I got angry at a bullshit game and punched my bookshelf.
It hurt pretty bad, but that's honestly the first time in many many years I've gotten physically angry like that.
>all these outed newfags in the replies
This is some fine pasta, haven't seen it in a while
Once I got angry and yelled fuck!
>hits gf
>tells gf "YOU NAKE ME HIT YOU!!!!"
control your rage bro. Theres nothing more silly than a ragefag
>Metroid Prime on GC
>Be 14
>Reach Ice world
>Vertical area, must jump on various platforms to reach top door
>double jump too early at the last platform
>fall all the way down
>Rinse and repeat 10 times
>lie on bed breathing heavily looking at the celling
What the fuck are you even talking about
Where did you even get any of that from what I posted? I know how to control my rage, hence why I said it was the first time in many years I've reacted like that
>Played wow arena back in 2007
>Had a pretty hot win streak
>Lost every rating-point earned all night in three games due too rating difference
>Go in to my room and roundhouse the wall
>Hole created
Dad made me fix it myself so I learned a little bit about dry-wall repair so in the end I think I actually ended out on top.
let it go, user, it's been years
>lie on bed breathing heavily looking at the celling
Lol, the shit we did as kids. I'm positive I've been on the verge of tears in a similar situation but just can't remember.
I get mad sometimes and yell bad words.
I love Hollow Knight but the final gladiator area made me so fucking angry, you know that bit where there are only spikes on the floor and you have to jump on walls to kill the flys? I kept dying in there over and over again I punched my desk, shoved my chair against the floor, it was the first time I got that mad in years and ever since I havent been like that again. Fuck that game.
stop, this isn't your pasta thief!
Last time I absolutely lost it was pvp on Dark Souls 2. Dude was dual wielding avelyn's and I was doing good but then I got hit by one arrow and was outright murdered, threw controller and broke the two right shoulder buttons.
2 black kids playing: the post.
>playing video with friend
>friend gets really mad and rages
>now i feel sad and depressed
>depressed at the fact that somebody could lose their temper over video games
>something that is supposed to be fun
>don't want to play anymore
what a fucking faggot
your friend is retarded too
So why is this so bad? I know they were just healed for 95% of their health but was that a lot of health to beat through though?
This fight on first playthrough can go on for 30-1 hr assuming he doesn't get healed.
>playan CS
>doing well
>tied with the other team, last match to win the game
>me and another guy left
>we end up deciding to have a knife fight to end the game
>the faggot stabs me in the back
>mad as fuck, their entire team is ranting and raving
>hatch a plan for my revenge
>stalk the guy on the net
>find out as much info as i can on him
>found his name and address
>roll up to his house the next day and nock on the door
>he opens it
>but before he can say anything i stab the fag right in the chest
In Persona 3, yes, you fight for every sinhle hit point you knock off a boss, and often have to load yourself up with buffs and find the One Single Debuff that can affect the boss before you can do more than zero damage
a nearly dead boss getting healed back to full is essentially game over, you can fight on but you're only delaying the inevitable party wipe
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
kek, every time
Yeah its a lot of health, but it really isnt a big deal. It happened to me on my first play through and I fought threw it
I wish shit like this actually happened. Like, imagine if gamers were SO insane that this was the norm? You would absolutely think twice before wronging somebody.
next time you call me a fag on the internet i may just cum around your house and make you my bitch
I don't rage a vidya games because I am not a mong, but I had a friend when I was younger who got so mad at trying to perfect a song in Elite Beat Agents that he punched the ground and broke his hand. It was very funny watching him explain to our classmates why his hands was broken.
I still find it amazing how you can tell both individuals are black from implication alone
Holy fuck the final cup and match arr bullshit, i forgot all about it
>11 years-old
>Playing Pokemon Platinum
>Cynthia keeps kicking my ass
>Her Garchomp and Spiritomb would fuck my team up
>Out of rage, I'd punch my DS Lite really hard
>Eventually breaks so the image wouldn't show up on the top screen unless it was positioned a certain way
Also broke my GameCube controller's analog stick over Ocarina of Time's ice cavern dungeon by throwing it against a wall a year or two prior. Haven't gotten that mad at games since
>11 years-old
>Playing Pokemon Platinum
One time I was playing mario 64 and I got so mad I don't have any friends and I want to die
...user...It's been 12 years...
Pokemon Platinum came out almost 11 years ago you dumb fucking nigger
I was born in 97, user
Zoomers leave
One time when I was a kid I was playing Mario Kart with my cousin and after losing a race I got so mad and angry I threw up on the carpet and my parents forbid me from playing that game ever since.
What? No, I was still in high school when this came out. That was...
Oh god
>22 year old
Imagine being this fucking dumb
When I was a kid, I smashed my GBA with a hammer after I got grounded from it. I wasn't a very bright kid. I think my logic was like "if I can't play it, then nobody can," but I didn't think it through
Did he try to lie?
I am not le zoomer, I am le boomer!
That's woman think.
That fight is pretty damn long. There are 12 shorter phases before that so its a bitch if he gets healed
They don't call you Batman for nothing.
>Threw my chair at the wall once
>Punched a hole in my wall above my monitor
>Broke a monitor after punching it multiple times
And they say video games don't make you violent... Minecraft says otherwise
whats a woman?
Calm down, D'arby.
I once got so upset at World of Tanks it made me sick. I got a massive migraine and felt like I was dying from stress. It was beyond anger, it physically hurt, I was in a cold sweat, my heart felt like it was wheezing. I stayed in bed for a couple days after wishing I was dead from the awful headaches. Thankfully I am 2 years clean from that shit.
>24 year olds and literal newborns are the same generation
Why are all of Gen X such retards?
I trashed a GCN controller playing RE4 years ago. I had a dexedrine habit at the time. Basically twisted the thing apart and i'm quietly ashamed to this day. Drug free now so that's something.
I'm going to get some bread to enjoy with this pasta.
>naruto ultimate ninja 2
>fight against kabuto, who can regenerate health
>to pass the mission, i have to defeat kabuto with a level 3 attack (which requires a full chakra bar)
>every time i weakened kabuto to a point he can finished off with a level 3 attack, i need to recharge my chakra bar to full, but he will have regenerated health by then
>raged and stomped on the game case, breaking it
Good on you user.
>at locals for my c ity's FGC
>that week there was a blazblue tourney (calamity trigger, we're talking way back)
>I'd never played, but I did play gg
>pick tager because I could tell he was a grappler just by his fucking look
>my opponent gives me a couple minutes to look over his commands
>double perfect his ass
it was a mixture of sheer luck and his total garbage playing, but it was funny all the same, that man got so embarrassed he never showed up to a locals again.
When I get really mad, I usually vent by biting really hard on pretty much anything. Usually it's just the chair, my bed or the corner of my desk but I actually destroyed a PS3 controller once in dark souls pvp.
Nothing really out of the ordinary though I guess.
>Be like 10
>Trying to beat SF2 on SNES on hardest difficulty for the first time
>Was not very good at the game, using Ryu
>Getting assraped match after match
>stand up
>start swinging controller by the cord
>smash it into the drywall with as much retard strength as I can muster
>somehow controller doesn't evaporate into a mist of plastic and pcb
>still works
>left a huge dent in the wall in the shape of the side of the controller
I once headbutted my crt after trying to get J-boots for over 2 hours in Everquest. Bad idea.
I used to punch and kick the screen of our ancient console tv when I was a kid, and usually ended up doing more damage to myself
the absolute state of youtube celeb fans
hey mods, move this thread to Yea Forums this isn't video games.
punched through the wall of my bedroom (sheetrock) over a megaman 2 boss when I was like 12; hid the damage with a batman poster. all was well until the day we moved out....
have destroyed many a cartridge, disc, controller, console as a lad but stopped after I wrecked my new yellow n64 controller against the asphalt driveway over quake 64. pissed on the mgs2 disc after some tanker incident.
How does these idiots' caretakers not beat the living hell out of kids that act that way?
Notice how almost every poster only has one incident?
>How does these idiots
Find another thread.
>die in Dark Souls 3 just now to a bottom bitch wolf 1 shot headshotting me with a snarly tackle with my shield up after killing like 30 of his buddies
>say something akin to VNIGGER!
I just don't commit self vandalism like you spergs do. I don't get mad at video games like you children do.
Child abuse only produces losers like you
Why the fuck are there so many stories about people punching holes through walls? You fags live in cardboard houses?
How many posts until someone posts the one such a Megaman reaction image?
Maybe that's why saying "nigger" is bad - we think it's normal so that eliminates that pathway of release.
when i was a little kid i didnt know that if you sprinted it made you jump farther in mario. So i got to the part where you needed to be able to sprint jump to progress and kept dieing and i bit off the select button in frustration then told my parents the dog did it.
just logged out of planetside 2, a MMO shooter of three factions fighting each other.
>fight people on range
>kill one after another
>other people of my faction come
>they keep running into the enemy, dieing like flies
>running in front of me so i can't really kill the enemies anymore
>in big open room instead of going behind me, someone who's clearly aiming at something they run in front of me
>they catch some of my bullets
>game keeps warning me not to hit team members
I mean i know people are stupid, but if you have to play in a team with them holy fucking shit are people morons.
Makes me wonder how they survived long enough in real life to be old enough to play this game.
I think I'll log back in now.. hopefully some other fights have formed where less of these idiots roam around
>at rich friend's house
>get on his wii u with best friend
>Playing Tr4sh
>i'm villager, best friend is shulk
>utterly destroy him using nothing but down b
>jv3 his ass
>throws the gamepad down the stairs
>kicks metal chair
>ends up flying through the drywall
>rants for 10 minutes about trees
>leaves, we all lose our shit
>rich friend's mom comes home and blows up
>best friend never allowed back to rich friend's house
>everytime best friend is around chairs, we all pretend to act scared
power of nature, bitch
You and you're mom are terrible people
I broke a 20-year old Gamecube controller when a Luigi in Smash 4 performed an 80% combo that I couldn't escape from.
Someone put a blank screen on that tv please for the love of god
>be me
>high school
>this skinny weak kid kept playing minecraft on the computer lab
>everyone made fun of him
>reminds me of my own bullying
>decide to befriend the guy
>he's pretty chill
>ask what other games he plays
>entire library has a 0-violence policy
>his parents had to approve every single game he'd play
>he had to beg his parents to approve minecraft
>invite him over to play games in my house
>I start up Skullgirls
>character select screen
>"Heh, yeah I guess..."
>he kept choosing Valentine
>he was obviously staring at her tits
>he fucking sucked ass
>"user this is so much FUN!"
>literally couldn't land a single hit, his eyes never parted from her chest
>he giggles his way out of my house
>go visit him next day
>parents say he can't play because he's "severely being corrupted with puberty"
>they let me in to say hello anyways
>he's locked in his room
>panting and moaning
>skullgirls theme, too
>doesn't open up
>parents tell me he's too busy "fighting his demons"
>next day in school
>he printed out porn pictures of the entire skullgirs cast and sneaked them in his backpack
>they're all filthy, crumbled up and covered in solidified semen
>Valentine's is in the worst condition
Turns out his parents eventually found out and he came back with bruises to school, and every time I mentioned Skullgirls to him he'd get a Vietnamese flashback and start screaming.
>mfw don't feel remotely bad at all
oh and also when some other people come from behind and attack us.
Somehow i feel like they tend to kill me first, but who knows, might be biased.
No one takes care of the attacker...
Medics just revive and sometimes die before they can revive because they don't even think about shooting at the enemy.
They also seem oblivious about open fire, like they just do not see it rendered on their screens.
escape from tarkov
kikes who are content to sit in place for 40 minutes rather than play the game
Fuck this game in particular
Went thru 2 dual-shocks in one game rental period
>co-op rush through Salt and Sanctuary
>Trying to beat the first boss in NG+ at low level with a shit build
>get ruined for an hour before I finally call it quits
>30 minutes later I'm still angry, start it up again
>die 10 more times and immediately throw a downwards punch directly into my table
>Leave a dent and bust my knuckle
This was a year ago and since then I haven't gotten anything more than annoyed at games.
oh god, another one:
When our respawn vehicle is under attack.
People spawn from it and run away instead of defending or repairing it.
Like sure, we can capture enemy facilities without a respawn nearby, right? no fucking not!
Why is Kirby so fucking pissed?
Do you not know what drywall is? Doesn't take much to get through that.
My older brother throws shit around when he rages so I have to frantically find things for him to throw like soft stressballs and things like that. One day I couldn't find my usual stuff so I gave him his measuring cup that was plastic. He chucked it so hard he cracked it in two. Still beats breaking a controller I guess
The Apex of me rage quitting is me leaning back, exhaling through the nose while closing my eyes and then turning of the game without going through in game menus. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Murricans unironically do
have you tried hitting him?
stuck in nightmare, so he can't eat properly
We're all completely fucked. And you're obviously better than anyone here. Might as well head on over to reddit, user.
No, I don't even know anyone that destroy their belongings when losing a game and my little brother is a adhd neet with no sense of money. Is it an american thing?
Always been a really keep it to myself type of guy. So when i was alone at home it was the time to let it all out.
I'm also really into fighting games and back in 2012 i used to be your typical online warrior with SFIV. If you play fighting games you know how rage inducing some stuff can be.
>Alone at home
>Yelling like a gorilla, just as usual
>Losing streak
>Got matched up against a Blanka
>It was laggy
>Sweep, hop, hop, sweep, hop, hop, grab
>Fell for it every single time, horrible delay
>Dropped below 4000PP
>Started yelling even higher while slamming my feet against the ground
>Kept this up for a couple more minutes
>15 minutes later
>My neighborhood called the cops on me
>Had to nervously explain to the cop it was just a video game that made me angry
>I-it's just how you get angry when your football team loses, g-get it?
Something something sperging is good, something something you're a souless robot something something reddit.
There, saved you time with 8 replies rolled up in one.
It's absolutely an American thing. So this isn't the community for you.
what are you gonna do? Throw your goldfish against the drywall repeatedly?
it's always funny because they do it on Yea Forums. like any mentally stable and well adjusted person would be where people post pics of the girl they just killed or convince each other to make crystals out of ammonia and bleach.
I never said I was going to do anything. Do you throw fish and other living things against walls when you're perturbed?
Damn, how embarrassing, but it's pretty impressive that you could get to 4000 PP with a monkey brain.
I've started arguing with my brother once or twice over videogames, but I've never broken anything.
How are you spergs allowed to own anything nice?
Holy shit, do you even read. No, I was just told that I'm from reddit because I don't let my emotions get the best of me. But it seems like it something some people here might do.
>that shitty sidescroller 2D SNES Star Wars game
>mfw cantina boss
Some people are different than you. Are you familiar with the concept? That other humans aren't as perfect as yourself?
White people, user
lol good job DSP
It's just that I've never met another person that destroys their property as a reaction for anything. Imagine seeing someone eat without putting ketchup on their food. It would perplex you, I assume?
A masterful shitpost, well done
I'm sorry, did you wreck your home now?
I recognize this
>Playing Rivals of Aether
>Online is Dead
>Reach Diamond
A guy in tournament ragequit on me when i was 2 down-tilts into the first wobble of game 2
>Download file
>Extract it
>Go to delete .rar
>Accidently delete both
Most people wouldn't fess up to breaking things in a temper tantrum. I would imagine all of your friends and family are above that though.
How do you maintain a job?
>doesn't get sale
>Starts undressing and screeching while throwing chairs at everyone
I used to get upset at games alot, but never to the point where I would break anything since I'm not a sperg. I did go to therapy for unrelated reasons and got some anger management down pat, so now I'm actually playing games without getting upset. Anons, seek therapy if you break your fucking walls.
Did you tell him you were getting pizza and then tell him he’s not even getting a fucking single slice and expect him to leave right as it gets there??? Fuck off pizza Jew you deserve it.
>tantrums are exclusively public
I disagree.
I literally never said that, I just assumed that if you can't control yourself when you're alone and relaxed that you would perform even worse in a stressed situation. You have the capability to control yourself, yet choose not to then? What the fuck is wrong with you?
A person is more likely to lose their shit when they are unobserved. We all have the ability to control ourselves, but we're less inhibited in private. Your position is that you don't fully understand human nature. And that's fine. If you don't see it, it isn't real.
>It is better to destroy your stuff
I'm sorry, I can't really imagine why you would want that, much less try to tell others that it's the better choice.
How do you guys get so mad at video games? Just turn it off and cool down.
No one sane wants that. And no one is saying it's a good choice. This discussion is evidence that it happens. And not everyone is rational 100% of the time.
It's fairly easy to drop in on a discussion like this one and tell everyone they're retarded. Just don't expect much respect for it.
Ah, I have been told that this isn't possible.
I never said anyone was retarded, I just can't relate. I still feel the emotion, I just don't give in to it. I'm not sure how I am supposed to respect someone who acts like a child at home though.
>i was 2 down-tilts into the first wobble of game 2
Is this British slang?
dumb smokey the snake poster
it means he stuck only two fingers in the dudes ass during their second round of gay sex
>Be me
>4th class of primary school
>Play spyro 3 over and over again like a sperg
>Loved that fucking game
>Had no memory drive for my PS so I had to beat the game in one sitting every time
>Invite a newly met friend over to play some spyro
>Had the game paused and ready for his arrival
>Wanted to show off Firework Factory (My favourite level)
>Yet to go in because I wanted to gather all the collectibles with him
>He arrives and he's having a blast playing the level
>He was hogging the joystick for 30 minutes
>Politely ask him for my turn
>He frowns at me and shouts "NO!"
>We get into an argument
>As the argument escalates he suddenly rips out the joystick from the console (this would turn the console off for some reason)
>I watch in horror as all the progress I worked for disappeared in the blink of an eye
>Furious I point at my room's door and shout "LEAVE!"
>He crosses his arm and refuses
>Start pushing him towards the door yelling at him "OUT! OUT! OUT!"
>He sucker-punches me out of nowhere
>Mind you he was a skeleton and half a head shorter than me
>Channel all the rage inside me
>Slug him in the stomach with all my might
>He keels over and falls down gasping for breath
>Not done yet motherfucker
>As he's heaving on the floor I reach for a wooden sword I got as a gift from my dad
>Still filled with the rage of 1000 apes I prepare to strike
>He howls in pain and curls into a ball
>Hear door open and see horrified grandma standing in the doorway
>I immediately snap out of it and run out of the room like my life depends on it
>Hear my grandma trying her best to comfort him
>She calls his mom and she picks him up
>To this day don't know how I managed to avoid his mother's wrath
>Next time I saw him he had bruises the size of beachballs on his ribs
No one fucks with my Firework Factory
>he kept choosing Valentine
Shit taste. Double is best girl.
Holy shit you're autistic
>Holy shit you're autistic
I know user, I know.
Surprisingly we remained good friends for like a solid 7 years after the incident
Raged so many times in das1. That game brought out the worst salt in people. I have the hate mail still on my ps3.
Shitty parents
>Playing MK2 in arcades.
>Some faggot kid comes up and says he wants to fight me, despite me trying to beat the single player.
>Say fine. He's like 7 or 8 but he's still short as shit and has to use a plastic stepping stool to reach the controls.
>I'm Reptile he's Sub-Zero. He does nothing but spam freeze and slide, which is annoying, but I still kick his ass in round 2.
>He starts bitching that I'm using a cheap character, but he has more quarters so we go to game 2. He picks Liu Kang and does nothing but fireballs. Again, it's annoying but I still kick his ass.
>Game 3 he picks Sub-Zero again. Fight goes on as usual, but midway through he knocks over my cup filled with quarters. He ends up winning the first round because I'm busy trying to catch all of them before they fall to the floor. He looks at me with the most shit-eating grin imaginable.
>Round 2. I kick one of the legs of the plastic stool and break it off, sending the kid flying backwards onto his back. He cracks his head off the concrete and I can hear him start to snot and cry like a little faggot.
>Arcade manager comes over along with the kid's mom. I tell him the stool just broke on its own. His mom doesn't buy it, but the manager can't prove I did anything so I don't get in trouble.
>Next day I go there they have a metal stool for people to stand on.
now post the continuation where fucked his mom
Good job, user
Here you go.
>playing bullet chess on li-chess
>think its fixed now but back when people would abandon but not leave
>roast him early
>he "leaves"
>get upset, this is stupid
>wait 7 min 30 sec
>don't want to give him the satisfaction of a time loss
>keep clicking the +30 sec time for him for half an hour
>He finally forfeits
>i win
No because I'm not clinically autistic.
kill yourself
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
You deserved it. This makes no sense.
My nigga. Spent hours getting those shots right.
I've never really raged particularly hard at a game, I'm terrible at games, I'm used to losing and I'm at peace with it.
This is my face though when I managed to lose my Dark Souls 3 data, after I spent a pretty long time (I gotta emphasize, I'm really bad at games) fighting my way to the Nameless King.
Oops, this was my face I meant
>Persona 3
>have jack frost equipped
>get ambushed by 3 magus sisters
>get knocked down every turn to fire attacks (lose my turn)
>teammates can't attempt escape on their own
>die without ever getting a turn
>ragequit for a month
Yeah that's what you get asshole its a common courtesy for you to feed another child in the house especially if you ordered pizza you little faggot
Faggot started it. You only returned the favor.
>bored and not in a good mood
>play game
>get cc'd a solid 15 seconds
>decide its not worth it to play right now
>wait till match is over
took a nice nap
stop playing shit games faggot
all games are shit retard
what about the game where you mom gentle femdoms me with her delicious asshole?
shes anything but
also kinda hot
I broke a gameboy advance sp in half playing spyro the dragon
Kicked an old TV into a wall, putting a hole in it
Got angry playing halo and headbutted a TV, breaking it
Threw an Xbox controller on the ground, breaking the analog stick
Broke two keyboards over my knees playing war thunder
And i've cracked my PS4 controller open many times but with lots of super glue it still works
I've had anger issues since i was a little kid and was forced to drop out of grade school because i kept yelling at teachers, and got into a few fights with kids who bullied me
I never finished school and have no job
I used to. At this point in my life, my soul has been completely sucked out. Now if something fucks up dramatically, or if my team isn't listening or trying in a FPS I sigh and quit the game immediately. Then I tear up and reach for the bottle.
I got kicked out of my colleges student center for a day.
>friend got stuck in a Bloodborne, couldn’t beat the Shadows or Rom
>I’ve beaten the game so I give it a go at his request.
>do just fine, beating the bosses. Friend talking shit about my playstyle despite it working
>beat Rom after a bit after he assures me I can’t.
>”There! I did it! Now shut the fuck up!”
>his response? “You didn’t do it fast enough.”
>I explode at him and start calling him every piece of shit insult I could think of.
>feel a hand on my shoulder. “You need to stop.”
>I don’t turn around, just say “Fuck off! This motherfucker piece of shit deserves everything I say about him!”
>they say “Really?”
>I turn around. It’s the college supervisor and security
>”you need to get out.”
>I don’t even argue. I leave and come back the next day. They give me dirty looks the rest of my time there.
Nope, you just have shit taste
He sleeps, but doesn't dream
oh i cried at the end of my 6th birthday party when i decided to pop super mario: legend of 6 golden coins into my brand new grey brick game boy but couldnt get to the level where i could get bunny ears to fly
I saw this on reddit
he is op, damned to an eternity of western kirby box art
I threw an NES controller at my big brother when he made me lose a guy in Mario.
I got in big trouble, but I never threw a controller ever again.
Don’t worry I’ll upvote it :)
It’s a fake story for (you)-farming by a Facebook attention whore
he was invited for pasta, not to post pasta
Called someone a nigger over vc in r6s because he kept talking about how he needed money for his HRT. Then started to beg for money. All while I was desperately not trying to lose the rounds and getting pissed off by rook placing his plates down way too late.
It took me a long time to figure out that SFIV had open microphones, I thought I was just raging to myself until I got a message. Felt really bad.
underrated post
I played it, but it was horribly optimized for PC, with textures not even loading in properly when moving the camera too fast around. And I was disappointed in the severe lack of environmental interaction. I would need to play it again and then play the sequel though, but I think that Borderlands is better.
based lostposter
tfw cant play splatoon 2 ranked modes anymore because i get too angry at fags playing cheese weapons
at least salmon run is fun when theres not a ton of ass rotations with rollers and snipers
>playing fighting game
>getting bodied
>keep getting bodied
>turn off game
>go to bed
>just bought ps4 2ish years ago
>tell roommate about it, he suggest we play some co-op games together
>sounds good.mp3
>he buys guilty gear xrd says he loves the series and wants to introduce me to it
>don't play fighting games but its more about the social aspect than the game anyway
>his brother/other roommate joins us to watch
>3 rounds/2 to win matches
>manage to pick up the controls fairly quickly and by observing his playstyle/countering it like any normal retard
>four-ish rounds in he still hasn't won a match, begins making comments about me button smashing under his breath
>decide to switch to random characters, thinking hes bound to beat me at least once right?
>nope, because hes too predictable in how aggressive he plays
>I was able to predict the reach of most of my attacks and would just methodically sucker punch at just the right times and readily guarded
>round 10ish
>he starts adapting by experimenting with more difficult combos/specials and trying out different characters too
>good but still not enough and hes literally getting redfaced at every loss
>periodically glance with the brother and hes just shaking his head at him
>tried to break tension asking about how to do certain specials I didn't execute well enough with Jam
>he looks at me in the corner of his eye, refuses to say anything, and picks Jam going in heavy special spamming
>assumed that was a sign of weakness he could exploit and still got his ass beat
>tried to give advice and outright tell him what his exploit areas are but he refused to listen
>gave up on him, joke around with the brother rest of the game
>literally play up to 150 matches/300 straight round wins
>final round he snatches my controller and tosses it at the ground
>breaks the shoulder buttons/they didn't respond afterward
>says I'm a shitty player and button smasher despite not button smashing and clearly knowing what I was doing to make himself feel better
>we never play games together again
well it use to be code for services you wanted
You were in the wrong mate. Your friend was just trying to push you to your full potential and you treated it like an insult. Channel that rage into getting gud.
>Second year of University
>Shy but trying to branch out
>Smash Ultimate just came out
>Friend invites me over to play
>Pretend to be bad to get his ego up
>Proceed to win ten in a row
>Screams faggot and punches wall
> Leaves dent in wall , broke three fingers
> RA kicks him out for the week
> Still my best friend from school
I need to meet people anons :(
>playing with niggers
they're white
Bruv I am “gud”. He was just a contrarian piece of shit. Admitted to it too.
his mate is obviously the shitter, he couldn't even beat fucking rom
> cheese weapons
> posts fucking clash blaster
I'd literally respect fucking Tetra Dualies more, user. You're shit.
Playing tekken with friend when we were teenagers, beat him several times in a row, he gets kind of close to winning a match, I beat him. He punched me in the face
Same friend was stuck on a boss fight in mgs for hours, let me play the battle, I beat the boss he sperged out ran across the room and shut of the PlayStation before the cuts even could play.
Different friend was with me and my best friend, we rented super Mario rpg and went to my house, friend was a huge jrpg nerd and a huge Nintendo fan. Guy was over the moon excited to play smrpg we let him play for a half an hour and we got bored so we told him we were leaving to go to our friends house to start fires and fuck around in the woods, friend started crying, had a bitch fit the whole way to our friends house, got in a fight with my best friend because he was making fun of him the whole time, bff pushed him over a fence and then he went home crying. I think that's about it.
Playing Street Fighter 2 on SNES (early 90s). Put my fist through a wall. Messed up my wrist so bad that I couldn't use my right hand/wrist/foream for about 4 months. Physiotherapy 3 times a week for 6 months. Learned my lesson. I was about 14 or 15.
>Belmont online in Smash Ultimate
>Everyone ragequits because REEEEEEEEEEEE projectiles and reads.
>Half my wins are just that.
>Go into streamers arena
>3-0 3 times in a row, no one knows I'm in chat.
>"Dude this fucking Richter is so cheesy All he's fucking doing is spamming. You know what this guys probably just some random idiot scrub."
>3-0 Again
>"Yeah you know what fuck this man, You guys yeah this just isn't fun fuck people who play this gimmick trash. Fuck off"
>*Gets Banned*
Playing the Belmonts in Smash truly is an experience.
I am pretty autistic and that hurt to read, holy shit user....
You do realize you can just sperg out in private or among your autistic friends as opposed to just letting it all go in public right?
It called fucking DREAMland and some nigga appears spreading nightare everywhere
Bitch the belmonts are some of the easiest characters in the game.
At least most of the high tiers require you to be in melee range to do dumbass shit that kills too early.
I’ll fully admit that it was an awful buildup and I’ve since gotten better. Those who knew me back then admit that my friend was just straight abusive towards me. The type of shit he put me through was emotionally abusive. He got me into some pretty awful drugs and I was easily manipulated back then. Trust me user. The me of today looks back and cringes too.
>Zone Zone bad, Mindless rushdown gud gud
> it's zoning when I do it lol
No. It's all fucking spam. Die in a fire.
>playing with a gay friend
>get team killed
>call the team killer a faggot
It's always Smashers that hit walls
generations are 25 years user
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
apex lel
good pasta
>>"I suck at vidya, so I must suck at life".
I used to get this every fucking day as a kid. I got it with everything.
>wana come over for pizza
>pizza comes
>btw u can’t eat it
U deserved it, that’s what that means who says wana come over for food btw u can’t have any
What the fuck faggot
One is jewish and the other is black
Did you suck his dick as an apology?
I intrepreted it as they were going to turn him into their pizza like a shitty creepypasta
this is obviously a fake pasta but I haven't seen it before so uh thanks I guess
Dad was proud he didn't care how
When i used to play warframe i had a couple
>was farming for days trying to get maiming strike from the acolytes.
If you don't know maiming strike is (or was, haven't played in like 2 years) an extremely rare and valuable mod for melee weapons which gave you insane crit chance on slide attacks, paired with certain weapons it was one of the strongest mods in the game allowing you to easily get over 200% crit chance on almost any weapon.
>finally get it
>head to extraction
>connection times out while extracting
>don't get the item
>slammed my fist down on my desk so fucking hard that i broke my index finger at the joint
Never farmed the stalker acolytes after that again. Shit made me to mad, just traded for it like a month later.
The most I've ever raged is when I tried to play co-op games with my imouto. She simply is shit at vidya because women are shit at and have literally no reason to get good. The tipping point came when I called her to play spell ICUPhead and when I put her on the very first run n gun level while I configured my controller, she walked into the very first enemy, got all pissy and didn't want to play anymore.
Nice one user.
>tfw never beat the FF team
Not vidya, but
>doing 3D model work
>knees deep into a project I've been excited about for weeks, about three to four hours worth
>involves use of a few blender addons that are kinda jenk, but whatever
>blender crashes
>'o-okay, it has an auto save and recovery function, I'm sure it's fi-'
>recover last session
>all that's up is my reference pic
>absolutely none of my sculpt is there, not even the ball I started with
>stand up
>literally unplug my pc
>walk into living room
>shaking like a Hillary supporter
>scream like Shinji
>pick up nearest thing, thankfully it was just the tv remote
>throw it at the wall
>it shatters into pieces
This was two days ago. Still haven't opened Blender back up.
>scream like Shinji
Ikari? I'm picturing this and I'm laughing my ass off, I'm sorry user.
>February 2018
>friends, media, and basically whole world around me is telling me Dragon Ball Fighterz is gonna be great
>spend my last bit of NEETbux on it because I love DBZ & fightan
>pop it in & play
>from the two hours I booted the game up & trued out tutorial mode, Arcade, and Story, I realized the game was actually a boring slogfest that didn’t give any incentive for the player to learn anything offered in the system & did only the bare minimum of its fanservice
>got really fucking upset because that was my last $60 & I could’ve used it to help me in school like a responsible person would
>felt betrayed by all the YT fags & fightan news outlets I watched & read
>screamed into my pillow & cried my ass to sleep
>woke up the next morning
>immediately put in an application for a starter supermarket position
>doubled down on my studies instead of playing vidya all day
>downloaded a video blocker & got Maxishillian & all his like ilk off my goddamn recommended tab
>life’s been on the upswing ever since
I still miss my $60, but things are going pretty good, I got a job offer at an engineering consulting firm coming up that I’m gonna do the research for, and if that don’t work out right, there’s always the career fair & a couple casting facilities in the area looking for new hirees. It was the most upset I ever got at a game ever, and I have nothing but hatred in my heart for it, but I have to thank DBFuckup for at least getting my life on the right track.
Also as a kid, I used to punch boards & shit when Mario died. Everyone did that.
Whenever I get mad at games I start punching my own head and face really hard.
>trusting autosaving features
>not having multiple saves just because
Son, your a retard.
only time i've completely raged was when i used to play fifa a lot and i was hammering this german guy online but he somehow managed to score with every shot he had so i was 5-0 by half time and ended up throwing my controller at the wall and smashing it. i got another controller and thought fuck this i'm not letting this get to me and ended up scoring 5 goals myself to end the game 5-5. never let myself get that pissed off at a game ever since if i get pissed now i just release that anger by shouting at my friends online or getting up and going for a short walk around my house.
Punch your thigh instead retard
>be 7
>playing super street fighter 2 the new challengers on snes
>can't beat vega
>go in my mom and dad's room to tell them about
>they laugh
>get mad and start attacking them with pillows
>mom says maybe violent video games are making me violent
>conceal my emotions to keep my snes
>never show emotions to that bitch again
I guess it all worked out
> your
the retart is you
My brother did/does? this. He has autism.
better yet dont punch anything
I have a vivid memory of snapping a CD or DVD in half out of rage. But I remember nothing else. Not the situation that angered me or even the game. What does this mean?
The only time I ever really damaged anything from vidya rage was when I faceplanted my Wii U gamepad. Now, whenever the screen is dark, I can see a faint purple circle near the center where I damaged it.
playing Splatoon ranked vs Japs with 1,000 ping and Dynamo Rollers was a nightmare.
I'm supposed to be on a low-carb diet.
I unironically had this happen to me one time I was visiting my friends (twins). They bough and cook food and didnt gave me shit. The most fucked up part Is that they did shared with another friend that was there, it was only me who didnt ate, and they fucking hid while doing so.
To be fair they always shared with me in the past, I think they just miscounted the portions that time, but fuck it made me mad. I rather starve than pull that shit.
>shaking like a Hillary supporter
>scream like Shinji
What a drama queen
>some neighbour kid keeps coming due to parents being friends
>kid breaks the controller because he started beating the controller on the floor
>get mad, scream at him and say to buy a replacement
>his mom said "no buy"
>I said "goodbye"
>never played with that kid again
>another kid comes here before dinner time because "parents friends" and my mother thought we were friends
>play videogames in the living room
>kid goes to the toilet
>taking a while so i go and see what is going on
>leaves the toilet the moment i arrive and says he needs to leave
>find weird and look at my room
>half of my dinossaur toys are gone
>go to his place the other day
>the toys are there, some already broken and ask "what the fuck are my toys doing here"
>says "toys are his" and his mom covers his story
>punch him, his mom gets mad and says she will tell my mom
>tell her there is no need, since my mom already knew he stole my toys since no one else was in the house
>that kid eventually becomes my classmate for a year
>plays dumb and wants to play videogames at my house but it ignore him
Funny, how both moms and kids were the same type of scumbag liars and smartasses. It was a good lesson for the future
No, but I have a tard story.
>Playing with my younger brother in the basement
>Grab my dad's favorite mouse
>Start swinging it around the room like a flail while chasing brother around
>Get too close to the wall
>It connects and smashes into a million pieces
>Try to convince my dad I just smashed it while playing a game
>Because for some reason, having anger issues was less embarrassing than admitting that I was going medieval on my brother's ass.
Opposite happened to me.
>Sleeping over at my friend's house, playing videogames.
>Get up for breakfast.
>Wasn't expecting this, don't eat breakfast at my place.
>Politely tell his mom I'm not hungry and I don't need any food.
>She fucking slaps me.
>Silently go to friend's room, gather my things and leave without speaking to her.
>Tell my mom.
>She shrugs it off and tells me I should eat their breakfast next time.
>Never sleep over at his place again.
>Friend starts sleeping over at my place.
>He steals my pokemon games one day and pawns them off.
How old are you both, and are you both Hispanic by any chance?
Barely related but still
>aunt and uncle are babysitting me when I was really young
>go to a supermarket, they buy a tube of M&Ms for my even younger cousin
>ask them if they can buy me one
>"Well user, do you have the money to pay for it?"
>on the way back in the car said cousin is stuffing her face while I watch
I thought it said Diarrhea
I think I was 11 or 12. I'm the whitest little faggot you'll ever know and he was some kinda mongrel and his real dad was black but fucked off after getting his mom knocked up.
Source on image?
Did his mom say anything to you before she smacked you?
>Be like 12
>Have PS2
>Best friend always wants to play 1v1 CoD 3 splitscreen multiplayer
>I have fucking had it with Call of Duty 3
>Friend comes over one day
>"Hey user, want to play CoD 3?"
>Get Call of Duty disk
>Get golf club
>Repeatedly smash that shitty fucking game into oblivion
>Friend looking at me like I'm crazy
>Still friends
Yes, she said inshallah allahu akvarrr allahu akbarrrrrrrr
I think so. It's been like 18 years since then so I think she said something like "while you're in my house you will obey my rules", I think she said that after the slap though.
That is way too much rage for console overwatch
my earliest memory of vydia related rage was also because of banjo, but it wasn't the game's fault actually
>play the game as a little kid
>can't speak english, so I just have to rely on what I see on the screen
>pretty sure I'm about to finish the game, had a lot of fun with it and proud that I could get to this point
>some relative of ours comes to visit us
>"wow user, you have this console? let me see what it's like"
>show him banjo and give him the controller so he can see how it works
>first thing he does is opening the options menu and such
>he can speak a bit of english
>he slowly reads what's on the screen in our language
>"are-you-sure-you-want-to-delete-this-save file? YES"
>he deletes all my progress before I know it
why? why THE FUCK would anyone do that to someone else? he was and is a dumb alcoholic fuck but that's not an excuse, he fucking knew what he was doing, goddamn I hate that fucker ever since
My older brother would punch the shit out of random shit in his room at the smallest inconveniences, especially when he lost at video games. He was only good at sports games like Madden, I kicked his ass in everything else, even with the nine year gap between our ages.
>Brother playing SF2 Champion Edition on the Genesis
>He's stuck on Sagat at seven star difficulty level, loses a shitload of times in a row
>I'm just sitting there watching him suck at video games, notice obvious pattern/trigger
>Brother punches around an already-existing hole in the drywall several times during his losing streak and throws the controller across the room
>"why don't you try it, punk"
>I pick the controller up, choose Ryu
>Immediately defeat Sagat on my first try by making the CPU consistently whiff Tiger Uppercuts
>Brother is dumbfounded
>I also defeat Dictator on the first try
>Brother challenges me
>Perfect his ass
>He pummels the drywall like it was a bonus stage car
What happened
There's a lot of Kyle's in this thread.
Sup, Kyle.
Make me a sandwich?
What the fuck is wrong with you. Bet you have long-standing, deep-rooted social problems to this day. Have any friends? NO, user - Real life friends? That you, you know, talk to?
>he actually doesn't think twice before wronging a gamer
Did you only let him to drink from the hose too?
what the fuck
I was so pissed when I finished grinding one of the popular challenge maps and then realized every score above mine was clearly hacked.
I do this when im lifting to psych myself up, only when im alone though kek
i got a nosebleed playing SMW.
fuckin chocolate island
We Americans are just so powerful that mere walls of wood and stone can not stop us.
I've never gotten to the point of breaking something because I was mad at a game. How does it feel?
t. dracula
like breaking bags of salty milk
Yeah in endgame unless your level is much higher than the boss's you're landing triple digit hits of about 100-200 HP.
> every time I mentioned Skullgirls to him he'd get a Vietnamese flashback and start screaming.
prime pasta
>play the answer
>have to go through this fight again
Literally the shit cherry on top of that shit parfait of a shit dlc
ignore him, he's a literal brain damaged retard
>play game
>be bad at game
>dedicate 100hrs to improve
>still bad
that's all the rage I got
Sure I do
>Be me
>Be married to cosplayer roastie
>Be producing content that has, through hard worked, captured an audience and fanbase despite my jew nose and below average looks
>roastie tires of me, as all roasties do
>wants an excuse to cheat, suggests "open relationship" so she can look clean through all this
>forgets that I, uggo fuck extraordinaire, managed to bed said roastie
>Say yes.
>Roastie beds some dumbfuck whose life she'll ruin after me
>I bed some dumbfuck who will also get fucked over
>roastie gets mad
>Alleges cheating
>my side bitch comes out
>Roastie and side bitch war on to the detriment of both
>I step forward with my master hand
>All bitches and whores BTFO
It's a weird feel knowing that some of the people I play against in fighting games are literally hitting themselves because I'm beating them even when I'm zoned out and just fucking around. Ego is worthless my dudes.
Do you know what a generation is you dumb faggot?
>Be me
>Play CS:Source all the time
>Friend comes over and watches me play
>Land nothing but headshots the entire game
>New match starts
>First one to die, by headshot
>Start to rage
>Slam my fist against the wall
>Friend asks if I'm okay
>Tell him to go home
>Friend leaves
>Take keyboard to the garage
>Start smashing the keyboard against the garage floor
>Eventually just start stomping on it and calling it a fucking garbage piece of shit
>shitty fan in case randomly starts buzzing really loudly like it's got a wire caught on the edge of it
>usually fix it by kicking case
>been doing this with no problem for over a decade on multiple pcs
>put more effort in my kick because i was already heated
>slave hdd starts ticking and locking my pc
>take it out and reinsert
>opening even an image on the drive locks my pc up
>lost all my past media (screenshots, music, misc. things that would save that reminded me of my past events) and chatlogs from the past 16~ years
to be honest, that's bullshit
When I was 14 I had a friend that was apparently gay. We were playing split screen on something, he kept finding excuses to touch my leg. The time it was obvious enough I found the courage to hit him in the face. I broke his jaw and his family pressed charges. That might be where my hatred towards gays stems from t b h. That's legit the only time I ever lost it in life though.
>broke multiple controllers over online fighting games
Im glad i grew past it all and havent YEETed a controller in years.
My friend though, he's the opposite. The more I beat his ass over the years the ragier he got. Never has done anything crazy, just the usual controller spiking and uncomfortable rage
>Hit something
>It breaks
lmfao! that fucking picture with your story, oh i'm laughin
My DS has a bite mark on the top because of raging over something, I assume it had to have been from trying to 3 star Mario Kart missions
>be like 8 yrs old
>playing sonic 3 and keep dying on hydrocity
>get so mad i fling controller as hard as i can
>smashes a mirror
>mom runs over and takes my games away
>cursed with 7 years badluck
I remember getting really mad when I was playing a ranked match in LoL and we had a power or a connection cut, sometimes in the middle of a teamfight.
Never again, fuck ranked matches in any game.
>You fags live in cardboard houses?
yes its called being american
they even live in houses built on top of the ground
I'll occasionally scream obscenities if I'm doing especially poorly or if I get dunked on at the last leg of a race in online Crash Team Racing.
Hollow Knight also had me pretty tilted at times
>good job DSP
theres literally nothing you can do to stop that from happening
hitting things usually fixes them
>raging at minecraft
Ah this one took me back
I'm happy someone still remembers.
Who gives a fuck if your inlaws hate you, mine definitely hate me.
Newfags shoo shoo
I hit my desk in rage while playing CS a few days ago and my PC blue screened as a result. It's fine now though.
One time I threw my controller to the ground after going down a rank in halo 3. I’ll usually make a grunt, sigh, or swear if I’m losing or lose in tekken.
>They are better than me
>So they are hackers
this is why you're not at the top of the list user
tl;dr: git gud
I used to rage but then i quit fighting games and my life improved.
One time I was walking around down-town Chicago late at night and witnessed a rape in progress in an alleyway. I think the dude was fucked up on something because he didnt hear me walk behind him before I shot him in the back of the head. Ended up unloading all of my rounds into his head/upper torso area because i thought the police response time would be worse if it sounded like a gang shooting. The girl was just a sobbing mess so I called 911 from her phone and free-wheeled it out of there. Probably my most vivid "rage" moment.
>play Tera because GF wants us to do things together
>absolutely shit at it apart from PvP healing
>get dragged into drama because of this, I just want to heal
>gf only does PvE but guild let her join to keep me around
>rival guilds start going after her
>killing her when she spawns outside a dungeon, chatting shit etc.
>"just ignore it", but she can't
>main rival guild is lead by a "fake" black girl, the kind that is sweet to everyone and acts obvious but is a major cunt
>each server has a FB page, idiots join it with their real FB accounts
>terrifying to see what you can find out by an American just by their name and state
>have pretty much all their addresses and numbers
>engage them on the forums, never swear or attack them just make fun of them
>get banned on the forums for causing hostility
>errr ok, don't ban the people making threats or anything
>go after every single person
>send pizzas to their house, glitter bombs, call their places of work, release nudes they sent to people, harass their family
>vast majority of my victims end up quitting the game
>the few that remains try to switch server
>reserve their names so they can't use the same name
>2 "e-couples" broke up, one person got fired as I kept calling their work, the black girl was a single mother who I called CPS on
Looking back on it I was probably angry and full of autism justified it by saying "well if you put that information out there it's your own fault". Probably best to ignore and walk away.
It was fun as fuck though messing with these people.
just get some rest jared, you need it
>be me 11 yo
>play mario kart with a friend
>win a couple races
>feel good about myself
>look over to the side
>his face has turned all red and he is on the verge of crying in anger
>win another race
>he is now literally crying and sobbing and screaming at me as we keep racing
>try to let him win
>ends up getting fucked over by the cpu
>throws controller and tells me to leave
>pack up my stuff ready to go
>his mom forces me to to stay and sends me back to his room
I like this story.
If this is true then you did good, user.
Kino, you are based. Classic WoW will give you another chance to fuck with people. Can you imagine the zoomers? They are all vulnerable. Yea Forums was feared once, ahh the old days.
>high school
knew it was bullshit right there
at least make it convincing out of the gate, man
>depressed at the fact that somebody could lose their temper over video games
The only thing that's ever made me lose my temper is video games. They are so perfectly frustrating in a way that nothing else is.
i smashed my fists into my desk like some kind of retarded nigger ape and ended up knocking the lightbulb in my lava lamp loose
>get mildly angry at video game
>toss controller towards desk but be relatively careful about it
>ends up hitting TV screen in just the right angle to put a crack into it anyway
No because i'm not autistic as fuck.
>lets throw something close to somebody so it just scares them
>hit them anyway
its common
Is being observed with America a European thing?
>having a commission sales job
i got it second try
the only incident i remember that wasn't just a load of swearing is when i threw a controller out a window, and it was only because the peice of shit kepts disconnecting and ignoring my button presses.
So you just like to join conversations about things you don’t understand or can’t relate to, only so you can inform everyone that you can’t relate? Is that fun for you or something? I’m genuinely curious, I can’t relate.
Love the word play in this pasta. Classic.
It's feasible that the unlimited time maps can have maxed out scores, but most of the challenges have a literal finite amount of points due to being only 3 rounds long.
Nobody is going to get 99999999999 points on a normal challenge map under any circumstances.
Dont remember which game but when i was like 13 i was playing my ps2 and straight up smashed one of the controller handles to bits. Thankfully we had like 3 controllers and i stopped playing that game. Still cant remember, it made me rage like no other
planetside 2?
One time I got so mad I stopped playing the game.
That said, rage had caused me to threaten a girlsoldier to beat her with a rifle and later to shout at her and almost flip a bunk bed on top of her, it had caused me to curse a bullying cook's mother to his face and throw chairs as I abandoned my duty. And it put me on trial for choking a higher ranked NCO. All of these are offenses punishable by imprisonment. With all that, I have never raged at a game. There's no reason to reach such a level of anger when you can just stop the game at any time and do something else. The only factor that all my rage-induced violence shared was being cornered with no ability to nope and walk away. Vidya doesn't have that.
I get so gosh dang steamed sometimes that I quit playing the game and go beat my meat.
Woah this guy is cool as a cucumber
Ok Fonzie
>play FE Sacred Stones
>choose Eirika's route
>play until second last chapter, the cutscene with Lyon tricking Eirika into giving her stone to him
>quit the game and never touch it again
I'm still angry.
one time i was having bro time with some bros then a girl spoke on mic and i got so mad i shit myself but it's fine because i told her to make me a sandwich and she quit then the whole lobby clapped
League of Legends is the only game that made me rage. One day I told someone to get cancer and die and then I realized it was time to stop. I'm a 23yo telling people with probably half my age to get cancer, it's fuckign embarassing.
He could've mitigated the chance of it a little bit by bringing Yukari instead of Ken so a Charm heal could potentially go out before it happens but eh. He also has the healer last in his party, which is precisely what you don't do because of stuff like this.
its always some shitty kid with a single mom or some drunk dad that doesnt give a fuck at all
Generally you're trying to do something like beat the boss or complete the level or whatever and turning it off defeats the purpose.
>1995 is zoomer
i'm what i swore to destroy
I don't get angry at vidya, I get depressed.
I don't care what an infographic says. Zoomers are born 2000 to 2020, Boomers from 1980 to 2000 and Gen X 1960 to 1980. And actual boomers 1940-1960.
>relative played fighting games as a kid
>me and all his friends came over to play
>he keeps getting wrecked
>eventually he jumps up and puts his head straight through the trailer wall
>his mom beat the shit out of him in front of us
>all these fucking retarded newfags
anyone under 25 years old is a zoomer
>Be me
>Play smash
>Start losing in the slightest
>Instant rage
I declined a rematch in DBFZ because I had to answer the door and the dude I fought was sent me a voice message which was some ESL tier swearing rant
I also once cried bitch tears when playing the legend of Kay because I ended up choking against the final boss while having no armour and items at the end, so it was fustrating
>cousins home
>i used to juggle the controller during loading screen, spin, toss it to air and catch, no biggie
>i miss and it lands on a game disk, shattering that shit
bomberman racing
i also taught his young brother to toss game discs from window, they lived on 6th floor
>having a bad day
>friends come online
>talk me into playing some "hardcore" pvp only bullshit
>get killed 5 rounds in a row without the chance of learning the gameplay/maps/mechanics of the game
>6th round, some guy comes up to me, eats multiple headshots from a shotgun from he kills me in one hit to the knee
I pressed alt+f4
My best friend gets irrationally angry at video games. He's not fun to play fighting games with at all. Also, he picks Sniper in TF2 every time and is shit at it but gets mad every time he dies. It doesn't help he has horrible internet. Why would you pick one of the most difficult classes and get mad when you can't do it?
I hope it gets better for you, user.
I was way overleveled when I fought this boss cuz I was maxing out social links and grinding use personas I wanted, mostly from tower, so I was like probably almost level 90. The boss itself at that point was for me and I was never at any risk of dying, but it still took like 45 minutes to beat him.
>Super Star Wars Trilogy
It means he isn't good as Melee and uses an exploit to win the match.
Once I got so angry that I exhaled heavily in frustration.
I wish I could cool off, but that's easier said than done.
I was playing unreal tournament 3 when It came out and the last fight cheats you hard on the higher difficulties, it would always start out fine but once you got a few kills ahead it would turn on wallhacks/crazy aimbot shit and start wrecking your shit.
So its 8-0 and the boss starts her bullshit, reverse sweeps me and it ends up 9-10, I reeee and throw my mouse at the desk. harder than expected, it bounces off my desk and hits the wall, shatters upon impact.
I realized that shit was pretty stupid and never threw / punched my shit again.
I get mad and yell bad words at myself calling myself pathetic, loser, limp dick, etc
>imagine being younger than most video games and thinking anybody cares about your opinion
this, LoL made me swear off multiplayer for good
>One of the most difficult clases
Does this specific pose have a name? I need more similar pictures
fuck you now I want pizza
Imagine getting mad at videogames.
If it's not fun, why bother?
This shit is vintage.
because normally the game is fun up until you hit that rage inducing spot and you can’t continue to have fun until you get past that point
fucking what lmao
You have a fucked up family. What race are you?
>play TLoU multiplayer since the stealth gameplay was unlike any other online 3PS
>retards teammates beeline past me sprinting so there’s a giant glowing “SHOOT ME” on the radar
>I’m either sent scurrying to find a corner to hide or I’m ganged on by the 3 enemies rolling in a group
Sometimes it’d set me up for perfect ambushes but most of the time it just compromised me. Maybe it would have been cool if they wanted us to cover each other but they’d go right past, and if I followed they’d meander around listlessly like me or the team weren’t there. That multiplayer was the first to make me rage in a long time.
One time my mass effect 2 save of over 70 hours got corrupted and I proceeded to furiously masturbate and ejaculate 3 times that day. I got a refund for the game the following day, wont ever play that shit ever again
Y'all niggas need to control your rage
video games are the only thing im good at so if I start losing then I have to cope with the fact that I have no real passions or practical skills
>Not hammerfisting your own cockles as a form of catharsis
Weak shit
Naw man you have more qualities. You're clearly good at english for one.
How did this go unnoticed, this is badass af
>first time playing any persona
>all my demons were super weak and had awful moves
>fight would go on for 45+ minutes while doing chip damage and junpei attacking it while moonless gown was up
I got so angry at that stupid conehead I loaded my safety save from two weeks before, maxed out sports man social link and grinded like a madman to get high enough level for helel and satan. I also got the item that halves spell costs. And had an inventory full of soma/sp restore.
The satisfaction of completely trivializing that boss is a high I've never been able to reach again.
>Buy Switch with Arms pack.
>Need to beat level 5 CPU to unlock online.
>Almost break brand new switch in half.
The power of Max Brass swole was to much.
If you have a guest over and tell them to leave for whatever reason, and they not only refuse but also punch you in your own home, you have a right to whoop their fuckin ass as hard as you can.
Nah that was literally last week
>Be me.
>Play Hotline Miami 2.
>Stuck on one level as the son.
>Get increasingly frustrated.
>Get so autistic about losing, rub my forehead violently on the floor.
>Get big red irritation mark on my forehead.
>Finally complete level.
How is it an exploit?
Damn. Liam got a ton of issues after the breakup.
My buddy put on Battlefront II at a house party, all excited to show people, and he immediately starts growling and repeatedly hitting his controller at anything negative like getting hit and not getting the map he wanted. Eventually he dies once and immeduately goes to close the software while tossing the controller and stomping off calling the game stupid, then I picked up the controller and made the whole room laugh by LARPing about how crazy it would be for my stormtrooper to see the Emperor on the battlefield like he was in that match. Pretty based of me if i do say so myself.
>Mario Hoops 3 on 3
Fuck that game so hard. All my memories of that game are repeating cups and getting frustrated that i had to learn the shitty ass stylus controls when it gave you the illusion you could just press buttons to succeed.
Reminds me of
Basically the Marth player is just shrieking in the Ice Climbers' ear whenever he gets grabbed. Anyone who uses outside influence to try to get an advantage deserves to get smacked.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
its bad but not that much.
i dont understand people getting mad at ~45 min fight when they already played like 70 hours to get to this point, throwing 2 more hours to understand and beat the boss is no big deal.
Maybe he has big dummy brain and was held back for brain troubles?
That's called rage quitting
Are you a fighting game fan now? I love fighting games and hearing how people got into them
You let someone else destroy your own property right in front of you and you didn't do anything about it.
fake ofc but good taste with valentine
Me and my dad playing chess. About to beat him for the first time. Im chasing his king down. He ends up luring my piece to get ganked by a bish. Few turns go by He says checkmate. Then he says i really thought you had me there. I was fucking pissed because he was 12 beers deep and cooking dinner. and i was sober concentrating on just the game.
Only two. Once I smacked my keyboard and broke one of the risers, a long time ago.
More recently, about a year ago I hit my laptop once in anger, right where the HDD was and completely ruined it. I was playing War Thunder, but thankfully I'm over that game now.
I'm generally a very calm person, I'm very ashamed of those moments.
if you break your shit when you're angry you were never poor and i envy you
>>"I suck at vidya, so I must suck at life".
>tfw didnt feel like this as a kid, i was able to just have fun even when i sucked
>now im an adult and i think this every time i play vidya
>keep my messages on my ps4 to "friends only"
>get into ds3 pvp again
>decide to turn it back on to "anyone"
>to see if people are just as salty as they were in 2016
>2nd person I encounter calls me trash for using the sellsword twinblades and beating him using the true combo/running L1s
>he spent the entire invasion (invaded me) spamming firebombs in a hallway to bait me into some mobs
>put my messages back to friends only
why are gamers such sensitive faggots?
I always thought it was amazing that there are so many stories of kids stealing toys and the parents collaborating with the kid. Obviously the parents are pieces of shit and that's why the kid feels entitled to just take things that aren't his, unless the mom notices her 8 year old has new toys that she doesn't recognize and doesn't think that's weird.
It's fucked up that you don't eat breakfast. It's also fucked up to refuse food as a guest.
i was playing pokemon battle coliseum, on the sunset coliseum, in the last battle, i lose the battle, punch my wii and break the disc reader
>sellsword twinblades
why are you such a shitter?
I tossed Yakuza 0 in a wood furnace after getting pissed off enough with it.
The same shit happened to me
>Go out of town to stay with cousin's family every other weekend with dad
>relatives are very well off, and while my family is too we're also much more conservative with our spending
>I don't know any better so I just think we're kind of poor
>once in a while my cousin's mother and grandmother would take her toy shopping
>they'd bring me with
>cousin gets all sorts of shit every time, video games, dolls, toys, a new bike, etc
>I never once got anything
>the first time this happened I asked if I could have something too
>staring at Metroid 2 for gameboy in the display case
>they'd say the same fucking shit
>"Did you bring any money?"
>I'm 8 years old
>that trip they bought her a giant doll house the size of a loveseat
>learn to never bother asking for anything on these shopping trips
>every time we go I feel like a starving kid watching a fat ass chow down on lobster and steak
I don't know why the fuck they'd bring me with in the first place.
The stuff is only just so fun, its the unbridled autism and entitlement of the kid drowning in toys that always frustrated me. I really only need so many toys and Legos, this kid who gets everything he wants and still needs more is the problem
>friends and I get into swap magic with PS2 and pirating back around the late 2000s
>friend A really likes Silent Hill
>friend B downloads and burns 3 for us
>late at night we're playing it in B's room with the lights off
>A and me taking turns playing it
>get around to the subway area
>B has been sitting in the back on his bed, slowly losing his nerve for the last couple hours
>he's had enough
>we find something else to play, turn the lights back on
>couple hours later A wants to play SH3 again
>before we can do the stupid hook pull and swap it in B jumps over and grabs the disk
>carves "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" into it with a knife
>tosses it at A
>we call him a pussy or whatever
>pretty asshurt even though it was just a burned disk and it was his anyway
>still make fun of him for it to this day
>playing me and the boys in the room
>everyone backseating at the same time
>screams extremely loud 'I KNOOOOW'
>pass the controller
As someone who plays fighting games, this is my biggest fear.
I loved Mario Hoops 3 on 3 you guys are fucking plebs
>be me a boomer
>playing some smash ultimate
>some shitty ganon cheeser kicks my butt in quickplay
>that's fine whatever kinda annoying though
>starts teabagging as i am about to die on last stock
>lose my absolute shit
>throw controller across the room, it lands in the kitchen sink in a bowl full of dirty water
>get up and punch 4 holes in the wall
>scream and literally roll around on the floor ripping my clothes for a solid minute
I don't know why I'm like this, it's only with fighting games too, i don't understand it at all. I was like this with Tekken and Soul Caliber 2 as a kid/teen also. How do i stop getting mad at games so i can just enjoy them?
I was playing dota 2 (2k trash at the time, but 10k good boy points) as the offlaner and a combination of self righteous nigger mid, techies and tinker on the enmy team and being teleported into the enemy fountain by our illustrious wisp I lost my shit. Something snapped in my and I was wrath incarnate, I was screaming loudly enough that my bitch neighbor called the police cause she thought I was trying to kill someone. I haven't been the same since, I'm around 3.7k now and my peak behavior score for the last week was 4277.
I feel like playing actually difficult games like Ninja Gaiden Black, and competitive games like fightan, Smash, and Splatoon has calmed me down immensely. I used to rage like an absolute retard but what's the point of that when it in no way actually helps you or improve the way you play, aside from those rare occasions when you get so assblasted with rage, you somehow brute force your way through whatever. I do still get salty when I play sometimes though but it's a bad habit that I need to stop, since that fucks with your ability to play too.
No, it's not debatable at this point, the AI in that game was bullshit.
The aftermath was I had to buy a new pro controller, It took 2 hours worth of work to fix the wall and repaint it and I pulled a muscle in my shoulder when i was flipping my shit.
one time I was raging playing tekken and my dog walked in front of the screen and caused me to die and I was so angry that I hit my dog on the head with the controller and it ran away. I went to get food an hour later and it was dead.
I havent played it so no.
I don't get much rage but there was a time I got seriously pissed because of my own retardation.
>Be me
>playing SA2
>get to egg golem
>''Oh I see, have to jump 3 platforms and hit em in the tip of the head''
>for some reason I manage to jump only 2/3
>rarely manage to jump all three and hit
>20-30 tries later still can't beat him
>my patience is way beyond gone, start thinking the game has a serious glitch
>finally realize there is in fact a small glitch
>realize that if I press A too soon sonic will dash straight and will slip from any of the 2 last platforms
>begin fight again
>press A button with the speed of an A Grade downie
>beat egg golem on the first attempt
>swear I banged my head against a wall 20 times hard
>left a nice forehead mark on the wall
>Does this specific pose have a name?
Bent over
serves you right you fucking faggot
Sounds exotic
Am still a Zoomer if I was born a few days before 95?
He understands, but he can't relate.
He doesn't relate because even the U.S President is an easily butthurt sperg who breaks shit when he gets bad news and stress eats McDonalds. It's normalized here.
Lots of kids actually had that problem, its legitimately out of the question to a lot of people that the homing attack would have a rhythm, most kids mashed
If he's one of those kids that locks up and just sits there any time they are angry/don't get their way the mom probably sympathized with you, i have a step brother who would lock up like that, little twat didn't get his way he'd just get completely silent and cross his arms and sit down, even as a teenager, he'd stay like that for hours and if you tried to pick him up and put him in the fucking car because you're in the middle of a parking lot he's start flailing around. Came back to bite him in the ass though cause him acting like that made his own parents not want much to do with him even to this day cause he'll still do it.
This is such a pathetic cope post, capping off a really insecure conversation trying to bargain with someone who simply says destroying your property in rage is foolish. Hours later you're ridiculous
>shaking like a Hillary supporter
Now that is a quality adult rage. I like you user
Happened to me too at work, but instead of last session, i did the other option and it had a bunch of autosaves, one was 5 minutes ago. May be worth a try and see if theres anything in the /temp folder the autosaves are at.
I wish more people were less like you. Anyone who breaks anything over a video game is a retard. You're a retard, user.
>get on TF2
>decide it’s time to get gud
>get on EMG /MGE whatever server
>!add into a scout 1v1
>get fucking floored by stock scout with wrap assassin
>21 to 4 or close
>’gg’ and map resets and I’m booted out
>join a solly match to cope
>get Airshot’d and juggled by 1 autist so hard I go direct hit to keep up
>still lose 25 to 6 or something
>map restarts
>I airship him with direct hit, kill him, taunt, exit game, turn off pc
I decided to do laundry instead. Holy shit.
that would happen to me to a much lesser degree with Overwatch
Had an extremely smug friend that said he could kick my ass at MVC3. I bodied him so hard that he turned the console off mid air combo and stomped out of his own house
Based and Futurepilled.
does anyone have any rage videos?
My biggest breakdown is not vidya related.
>Time to go to work
>Can't find my key
>Make a mess while searching it
>the more it's getting messy the more i'm being enraged
>end up kicking my bathroom's door and making a hole in it
>throw a glass against a wall out of rage
>another hole but in the wall this time
>calm and sit down before tearing the house apart
>feel something in my pocket
>it's the fucking key
put a table directly beside the front door to put your keys and whatever else you only carry when you're going outside your house on.
I do it, i was just completely retarded this morning
Calm down
I know, i control myself in public most of the time even if i'm totally mad, but when i'm alone i tend to let myself go, it feels good after
I once got so mad at dota that i hit myself in the head really hard with both my hands at the same time and i got a massive headache out of it. Lesson learned.
did you check a doctor ? just to be sure you don't have a trauma
Nah it went away eventually. I had to go meet some friends right after too so I didnt have much of a choice.
I don't know what it is about kids and deleting other people's saves. Part of me thinks it's because a lot of young kids are just lazy and ADD and refuse to read what's popping up on screen. I had a sort of step brother for a couple years who couldn't get out of Pallet Town in Pokemon because he couldn't figure out how. If you try to walk out without a pokemon it tells you to go back or something and you can't leave. The kid could read, he just refused to.
I found out that I had slightly fractured my last metacarpal (pinky hand bone) punching the floor once after a doctor and I were looking at an x ray of the same hand from a more serious fracture about five years later.
I'm enjoying my anger, it beats feeling sad all the time
Man fuck War Thunder and fuck Gaijew
Yeah anger is probably the least shitty feeling of the negative emotions. Guilt, loss, fear, and negative empathy all feel much worse.
>getting angry at a fucking zergfest you have no control over
sorry youre a retard
and you still play that shit game after seven years
>not sucker punching that faggot irl after he threw your controller on the ground
fucking weak faggot
I'll be completely honest with you.
As a construction worker, cardboard is tougher than gypsum, it might take like 8 very hard punches to break a heavy duty exterior grade cardboard (not that shipping shit).
Gypsum is actually very weak. Now there's double layer gypsum which is heavy and has better protection. Youll dent it, but it will take a lot of power to break it. Thing is, the double layer sheetrock is only used if you want soundproofing, and you need a special expensive green gooo to hold it together.
When i'm in Greece though, i never even think about punching the walls because it's all concrete.
I have a few friends that broke their fingers rage punching the wall there.
Reading is boring and for nerd, why would you want to read in a video game ? Let me just kill things
>commit attempted murder
>two year prison sentence
what a joke
Mine isn't either, at least not directly
>be 16
>this is (or used to be, at least) college age in the Philippines, I was in my second year
>usually a calm and silent person
>stressed out all the time studying architecture cause I was forced into it by my dad
>I've spent the last year and a half perpetually sleep deprived because I had to study like crazy just to play catch up with other students
>I was still failing three subjects, it was almost spectacular how little talent I had for architecture
>there's a short break before the end of the semester, go home to my province
>my dad picks me and my little sister up, try to sleep because I had zero sleep but couldn't because I can't sleep in vehicles
>we stop for breakfast at one of those expressway stopovers with gas stations and fastfood chains
>dad goes into this tirade about how I'm failing architecture because I'm wasting my life playing vidya
>I don't actually get to play vidya much because I only had a shitty potato laptop that could barely handle emulating GBA games
>just play FFTA and Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis occasionally to unwind
>somehow listening to him accuse me of playing vidya too much when I hadn't even found the time to play in like a month made something in my head snap
>stand up and flip an unused table next to me and start shouting at my dad (at first I think I was ranting about how much I wanted to play vidya but couldn't, it devolves into incoherent screaming eventually)
>shove multiple people away and go into the bathroom to try and calm down
>not working, I walked out of the fastfood chain, flipping over like two tables on the way out
>walk out of the gas station entirely and start walking down the expressway toward home on foot
>they pick me up down the road an hour later, still seething
>fall asleep as soon as I get into the car
>feel deeply ashamed when I woke up, play FFTA at home to distract myself from how embarrassing it was
My time studying architecture was hell
You have to aim to play Sniper. If you cant aim you can't play.
So are you working at all? I'm in a similar-ish position, just quit my job a week ago and now I'm wondering what I'm going to do with my life.
I said RAGE not spergout
>first time playing persona 4
>halfway through naoto’s dungeon
>strategy at the time was to use power charge and then a multi target physical move
>absentmindedly use it on a group of a new enemies that i havent seen before
>they all reflect it back and i die instantly
i wanted to be mad but i knew it was my fault so i just laughed at it and caught back up to the point i died
@entire thread
take your meds
main casualties:
>smashed gameboy (original brick) over my forehead because of pokemon pinball.
>threw mouse at the wall smashing it cause of LoL
>punched my hori fight stick till the buttons broke cause of SF4
>smashed shitty madkatz controller against crt tv breaking the controller. forgot what game though
>bitemarks in my gamecube controller from pure rage stupidity
>bruises on face and legs from punching them in fits of rage
feels fucking bad anons. I need help. I still rage like a childish ape at games these days though I stopped playing multiplayer competitive ones. mostly just scream these days. haven't broken anything in a while.
Still mad
I would post a Rage Against The Machine video as a joke, but I don't feel like having RATM videos pop up in my recommended feed for the next month just because I opened one.
I already am
Let me guess, NC?
>Classic WoW
>Get angry at shitty dungeon group
>Turn it off and cool down
>Come back to 20k queue
was it the one in that fucking club, god that was so bullshit, half the time I died to dogs I couldn't even see due to the ass lighting.