Massively Multiplayer Online RPG

Massively Multiplayer Online RPG

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me on the left

the dad or the friend?


me under the bed

their left or our left...?

the cat

Imagine being such a manlet that your gay son and his faggot friends outclass your height and wind up ridiculing you
holy fuck it must be miserable to be a manlet

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Monumental image

why do trannies like the things I like...

They're outcasts like us, only they take it to the extreme

Because you're supposed to be my boyfriend user

Why is everyone on here so obsessed with trannies recently?

Take a minute and compare the size of the parent to everyone else.

I always assumed that was the guy's little brother.

we hate mmo's now? FUCK MMOS'!!!

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We've always hated MMORPGs
The entire genre has shit gameplay and as such should have no place on Yea Forums or /vg/
But obviously /vg/ is a cluster of cancer with quality control and as such has shit threads like MMO generals festering all over the board

>games with shit gameplay have no place in a video game board

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You can go to one of the endless internet forums that discuss normie games and cancerous MMOs on the daily but get your shit taste of my Yea Forums REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe


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may i ask what games i'm allowed to discuss here so i don't commit this error again?

why is the dad so tiny?

the answer used to be "the ones that aren't shit"
but even that is wrong since those belong on /vg/ now
really you shouldn't discuss any videogames on Yea Forums anymore as this board is now dedicated to twitter, ecelebs and online drama

jesus christ

Hes got a beard, and a receding hairline.

hormones in food, thats the cause of the waves of modern beta males


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