JRPG villain

>JRPG villain
>"Heh heh, I'll have to use... "THAT"!!

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>"Could it be that...no, nevermind..."

>wrpg villain
>"i am enlightened by my own intelligence." *tips fedora*

>jrpg hero powers up
>"he's giving off a totally different energy than before!"

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The one FUCKING dialogue gimmick is when people speak like... this...

When they stop in the middle of the sentence just before a... keyword.

It just makes my fucking blood... boil.

the second speech is unironically dogshit, unless you're a 6th grader who thinks big words and flowery metaphors equal good writing

>basic English speech
>"big words and flowery metaphors"
Apparently it's you who never passed 6th grade.

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>JRPG villain
"I was using only a fraction of my true power! Now, I'm going all out!"
>WRPG protagonist
"You already said that just ten seconds ago."
"N-no, I didn't!"
"Yes, you did, when I destroyed your first form with a single punch."
"Shut up! I'm not afraid of you!"
"You should be, since I trashed your 'true form' with just two punches."

>the drumbeat by which the universe marches
>how thin the cloak of faith was
>you are an angel left to walk the earth

and even if i did agree with you, using "no u" as an argument is gay as shit

The first was translated and is a game for teenagers, the second was written and is a game for adults.
It's also a SNES game, meaning that it had various constraints, mostly Nintendo's where you couldn't use swear words or words related to death. So shit like "blood", "angel", couldn't actually have been used in the game.
If you want to compare JRPG and WRPG dialogue you'd better compare it to something like Bloodborne.

>"Yo! shuddup brat"

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kefka's is funny and scary. the faggot on the bottom just sounds generic and kind of bland. i'd say if you're looking for great vidya villain writing, a better example would be ganondorf from WW.

Purple prose should be written not spoken.

>japanese game of any genre

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>kefka's is funny and scary. the faggot on the bottom just sounds generic and kind of bland,

>repeats that he wants to end all life nearly a dozen times in a row
>somehow it's the bottom one that's generic

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Both are fucking shit, I am baffled here that you think the second speech is any good, cringe tier.

It would be just fine if for once games could keep it simple.

>I guess it can't be helped

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he's a crazy jester, what do you expect? kefka's not about to give some tragic metaphor-laden speech, he's just a grade-A fucknugget who happens to be in a seat of power. that's a lot more chilling to me than some dude who rant about blood and angels

chrono trigger did that with lavos and that's why he's one of my favorite villains

>he's a crazy jester, what do you expect?
For him to have any sort of personality? How does repeating "I want to destroy all life" nearly a dozen times in a row constitute great writing?

I like kefka better simply for being straight to the point despite being cringe looking. You just pointed out another gimmick I hate in some games, metaphor speech, it's pretentious trash.

>jrpg villian
>"humanity doesn't deserve to exist, so i will destroy the world"

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eh, here's my favorite" villain speech", even though it's just trashtalking in the end

>turns out that it IS that
>"No.... That's impossible!"

never said it was great. it's good at doing what it does, which is making you wat to shut him the fuck up and kick his ass. that's all vidya writing needs to be

>>you are an angel left to walk the earth
The character in question is a literal angel, you dummy.

So that's two metaphors he uses. Now let;s look at how many metaphors Kefka uses:

>you are like insects to me
>now, for my next trick, I will mak you all disappear
>I will create a monument to non-existence

That's right, Kefka's speech has more metaphors in it than the other one, and terrible metaphors at that.

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>I like kefka better simply for being straight to the point despite being cringe looking.

>straight to the point

>both speeches are equally long
>kefka repeats how he wants to end all life nearly a dozen times in a row
>the other villain actually demoralizes one of your party members with the same amount of words.

In what universe is Kefka "straight to the point"?

Is it a rule that villains need to give a long and cringe speech?

>like insects
that's nowhere near as flowery. and it gets the point across
>for my next trick
that's actually clever because it's a play on the "magician" theme of the character.
>i will create a monument
he literally does that though, in physical form. have you played the game?

nyarly is absolute kino, way better than any wrpg neckbeard villain.

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>JRPG villain
>You're supposed to sympathize with him because his little sister died of ass cancer or whatever

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>any RPG where you can loot everything and destroy parts of environment
>Looks like this door is locked

You are forgetting how the other villain needless fantasize, like a prose. Both are equally shit but kefka make it simple.

>"Understand that there is no point in living"
So another jrpg villain who wants to end all life?

How incredibly unique and imaginative.

list of jrpg vllains i, an insignificant user who you don't really have to liste to, find well-written:

>ww ganon
>porky minch
>sephiroth from the original game before they made him emo

am i missing any good ones?

Are we posting good villain speeches in this thread?


Shut up, he was still the villain at this point.

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>that's nowhere near as flowery. and it gets the point across
Gets what point across? "You are like insects to me" is the most generic villain barb possible

The other villain actually uses metaphors to make a specific point, e.g. "drumbeat by which the universe marches" refers to the divine laws the characters are struggling against.

You're a narrow-minded brainless fool if you don't see how Kefka's a million times better.

then he should just say "you are breaking the law of the universe". if you were looking for a more poetic way to say that, "you are a blasphemy" sounds way fucking cooler than some shit about space drums

>JRPG villain

Why the fuck would an evil god chastise the characters for committing a blasphemy, you mongoloid?

No wonder you like Kefka considering you seem to struggle to comprehend even basic English writing.

A great antagonist, but not a well-written villain. Lavos is more of a "destructive force of nature" antagonist rather than an active villain in the story.
Nah, he gets some great scenes but otherwise he's extremely boring and doesn't do much.
Ruined forever by Moonman.

As for additions, Luca Blight and Live a Live's Oersted are mandatory inclusions.

It's easier to just say he's biased, like any wrpg shitposter here that hate the fact that jrpgs got to be more popular and ignore the cliches of their own genre as well. So wrpg kun needs to do this kind of cherrypicking image in hopes it will manipulate some retard.

how am i supposed to know the villain is a chaotically aligned god? nothing in his speech would imply that, or even imply anything other than "i make le big speech?"

>As for additions, Luca Blight and Live a Live's Oersted are mandatory inclusions.

>Luca Blight
>good villain

He isn't even the true villain of his game (that's the beast rune), much less a good villain. Luca just behaves like a generic psycho villain, and even then, he doesn't even act of his own will, as he is posessed/corrupted by the Beast Rune

aren't you the one that is complaining about kefka saying "next trick" despite being a clown?

i admittedly have not played suikoden or live a live, but they're on my backlog so thanks for reminding me. i'm a bit of a pleb, sorry

Are you retarded? In that speech, he's giddy with joy that an angel has been exiled for trying to do the right thing. Of course he's evil.

You really do come across as incredibly stupid.


>aren't you the one that is complaining about kefka saying "next trick" despite being a clown?
What does that have to do with the post you replied to?

>Cliche villain
>But god tier execution
BTFO all morally grey villains and tryhard motives effortlessly.

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>you were the villain all along but the people you fought were also villains who were even worse so it all evens out

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I find Luca Blight the Freeza of JRPG villains. Yes he isn't what one would call a complex character but there's still a lot of value on a villain that's just unbashedly cruel and incites genuine hate on the players due to their atrocities. Not everyone needs to be Oersted and that's okay.

ok dude
i'm not mad at you for your taste in villains. nowhere in any of my posts have i tried to insult you directly, and it's pretty fucking silly that you're throwing actual insults at me for trying to challenge your opinions. if you want to be civil, that's fine, but you're not really helping your case here

i agree. i'll add him to my list

>you're not really helping your case here
Neither were you when your first post was filled with flat-out lies ('muh metaphors' despite Kefka's speech being heavier on metaphors).

>doesn't know the difference between a metaphor and simile
This is 3rd grade English we're talking about here user.

>sounds way fucking cooler
Confirmed underage

Honestly the more it goes on the more I think in the end it looks like the exact same tier of speech in both cases.

>JRPG character does a cool attack
>shouts its jap as fuck name while kanji flash on screen
If you don't think that's the tightest shit then get out of my face.

I've heard it thousand times before. Its fucking lame

samefagging now are we? ok
i don't know your character or his game, but your attachment to him leads me to believe it must be quite a good game. what's it called? i'll check it out

>It's easier to just say he's biased, like any wrpg shitposter here that hate the fact that jrpgs got to be more popular

>can't come up with any actual positive things to say about jrpgs
>has to make a mindless appeal to authority (jrpgs are more popular)
You're not helping your case here, user. Quite the opposite.

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No i thought the whole conversation was interesting and I just had to stop there. Sorry if i pissed you off user

i'm not mad user dw. what's the game called?

>JPRG with both light and dark side forces
>They're both equally shady assholes and use humans as puppets so fuck it kill them both

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>>doesn't know the difference between a metaphor and simile
The difference between the two is superficial:

>While both similes and metaphors are used to make comparisons, the difference between similes and metaphors comes down to a word. Similes use the words like or as to compare things—“Life is like a box of chocolates.” In contrast, metaphors directly state a comparison—“Life is a box of chocolates.”

Well I personally think it's stupid without a cool theme song to go with it

love strange jouney, such a great fucking game

>JRPG villain
>"Heh heh, it's over hero!"
>*raises sword'

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So why are metaphors a bad thing? Sure, if everyone in a story talks like that, it's bad. But if only a few eccentric characters talk like that (which that villain clearly is), there's nothing wrong with it.

>jrpg protag

No idea, was just reading the thread


>If you kill me, you'll be just like me!
>I guess you're right

Don't worry, the main reason it's always you guys attacking us is because no one even cares about wrpgs to begin with, it's all about you being butthurt. Just like I refuse to take your bait to waste my time here to be in an endless circle of how each genre have flaws, who could have thought?

i guess that's true. that's actually a good point, user


>Jrpg villain he wants to “save” people by killing them
>Except no, he legit just wants to save people

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>Indie RPG
>"Hey kid, you wanna die?"
>Yes or No pops up, select Yes
>Instant game over

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I hate this trope so much, makes the villains look like nearsighted idiots. Hell fucking Monster Girl Quest made a villain that wanted to destroy humanity but also had a follow-up plan to replace them with creatures of her design, what's your fucking excuse you stupid game?

The difference is that one word completely changes the meaning and the imagery. There's nothing wrong with being ESL.

What game is 2?

>jrpg villain
>"stop shitting up the thread with your gay ass arguments, you turbofags

What are some games where the villain is right all along?


Should I tell him?
No, he's not ready...

holy shit you're STUPID
i am amazed by your lack of intelligence, i can imagine you flailing around, spewing spittle and plaque from your unwashed teeth through pursed, chapped lips.
Nyarly is mocking the act of being alive without any other additional purpose, that people who are content to merely exist ain't shit.
He's the crawling fucking chaos, he's literally embodiment of rampant ambition, he's literally chaos route, holy fucking shit.
You're so stupid.

user, you need to leave.

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>Don't worry, the main reason it's always you guys attacking us
Nice revisionist history you got there. Yea Forums spend most of its existence shitting on wrpgs with dishonest memes like pic related. The anti-jrpg memes were a response specifically to those.

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kek, to think I know a game that actually have this unironically and it isn't even a parody or comedy

user i love nyarly and p2 but don't chimp out just because someone disagrees

I agree. Too bad P2's gameplay is fucking irredeemable shit.

I havent seen anything anymore in years. Maybe that means that we grew up, not it's your turn.

>Nyarly is mocking the act of being alive without any other additional purpose, that people who are content to merely exist ain't shit.
And how is that some brilliant insight into human nature? It's one of the most generic villain motivations there is.

You really do come across as having never consumed a work of fiction in your life (besides tons of horribly wrriten jrpgs, obviously).

Tohru a cute.

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that isn't dishonest, though, it's the truth. wrpgs are autistic dungeons & dragons simulators with shit gameplay and shit writing.


>user, I need to tell you something!
Tell me later ok

>you are insects to me
>you are like insects to me

Oh yeah, completely different meaning and imagery.

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>baldur's gate and neverwinter nights 2 under turn-based rpgs
>not dishonest

>Where there is darkness there are shadows
No there isn't, there's just darkness. Light makes shadows. Fucking retard couldn't even get his shitty metaphor right.

if you've ever played a persona game, you know full well that's not what he means by shadows.

>all these seething final faggots
Thanks for posting this friend

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The way FOTNS: Lost Paradise did its special moves and boss QTEs was tight as fuck.

I know it ain't a JRPG but whatever

The hell is wrong with her fingers?


I really liked KotoR's twist. Didn't see it coming.

>Griffon (DC2)
>Kitaniji (TWEWY)
>Promestein (MGQ)