Donkey Kong is now the protagonist of the last game you've played. What changes?

Donkey Kong is now the protagonist of the last game you've played. What changes?

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Near Nothing.

It's good to see that Gaijin have finally dropped their Russian bigotry and given African Americans fair representation in War Thunder.

So im just playing a redguard?

does ultimate even have a protagonist?
i mean, if world of light counts, i'd like to see how DK escaped Galeem

He's just a Max power character in windjammers

I take a -10 to intelligence

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>Dominions 5
d2 super combatant with supply bonus, summer power, earth path, and nature path.

>Spyro 2
If you replaced the glide with a mega jump or something it might work out okay. DK deserves another shot at a 3D platformer. The Beast Makers world from 1 is like straight outta DKC.

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Dragon Quest V

Everything is bananas instead of sad as fuck.

>Shantae: 1/2-Genie Hero
It becomes fucking hilarious.

>DK Golf 64
Nothing changes. Maybe change unlock requeriments with mario, but that's it

>Fire Emblem TH
Literally becomes a 10/10 game

>XCX 2 Torna


>The great ace attorney
Donkey kong's oratory skill have been shown to be quite lacking, he therefore is found guilty of the murder of John H. Watson.

He then obviously escapes the courtroom, killing six people in the process.

A Donkey Kong Warriors game would be sick dude

>yakuza 3
Kiryu is quite the ape anyway

Having DK as a purely physical class would be interesting.

>Mario Maker 2
Nothing at all changes

>every DK character ever is playable
>from the arcade games, DKC, spinoffs
>even the ones that got cut or never appeared

Attached: latest.png (372x479, 254K)

>All of the cast is replaced with DKC and Rare/DKR characters