Bad ending is the only ending

>bad ending is the only ending

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>game has bad ending and good ending
>you have to do a bunch of convoluted shit to get the good ending
>it doesn't fucking matter in the end because the bad ending is the canon one anyways

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Fucking crystal gem saga, I played that shit twice because I lost at the end.

>the good ending is in the game files but it goes unused

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What game?

>bad ending is the good ending

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>get "bad ending"
>nobody you care about dies

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Omensight at least bothered fixing that.

>game has 4 endings
>all of them are bad

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>the "bad" ending is the best possible outcome but for reasons too complicated for gamers to appreciate

>the bad ending is also the true ending
Nanashi No Game Me is fucked up.

>the only difference in the endings is the colour pallete

>game has a "good" ending but it's just as depressing as the bad one
infamous 2 was such a weird game story wise

>game has good and bad ending
>sequel makes the bad ending canon

>game has good and bad ending
>sequel ignores both

What the fuck they're bread

>Game has a cliff hanger ending
>You know the game will never get a sequel
>Bonus: The ending has no audio and this was before games could be update with a simple download.

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>game has a shit cast you don't care about
>only ending is bad
>it's lit


>the first ending is bad
>except once you learn more about the game's lore you realize it wasn't that bad after all
>because you need to somehow rationalize not being able to get the proper ending, because you can't beat the boss

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>game has good and bad endings
>even the good ending is super depressing

dishonored had one of the most retarded bad ending related things i've ever seen. boat guy goes batshit about you killing bad guys and then shoots his gun to draw atenttoion to your character risking his life and the succes of the last mission.
this moment felt really poorly written, the whole game felt pretty weird. i might be too judgemental but if those bad guys had swastikas on their arm i don't think no one would had any problems with me killing them... just saying.

>to get the 'real' ending you need to lick the ass of the main villain while she kicks you in the balls and forgive every single mass murder with a smile and a thank you can I have another
>have to undermine your entire playthrough massively to achieve an arbitrary thing only required to fill a quota
>can still miss it if you didn't do specific thing at that exact moment in a place unrelated to everything else
But at least you get some SWEET SWEET FEY PUSSY!

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>ending is bittersweet for all party involved.

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>There's three endings
>Bad, bader and badest.

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>sequel takes place after bad ending

in germany when we have to pee or poo we go into the Bad

The good ending is when you escape Legless Girl.

Yeah fuck telltale's game of thrones

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This is Yea Forums, not /out/

>good ending is DLC

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>bad ending is the best ending

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>author wanted there to only be a bad ending in the game just like in the original story
>game company says bad idea

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>game has two endings
>both are bittersweet parallels

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Shadow Hearts? Although in that one both endings are canon in the end.

What makes the Nyrissa ending the real ending?

My pic was related when I wrote that but I assume there's a bunch of other games that it applies to as well.

>second game has alternate ending
>It's also a bad end

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>the best possible ending is achieved by barely losing to the final boss, making him acknowledge your abilities
>he becomes a good guy and reconciles with everyone
>if you just beat him, he kills himself while cursing you

It's more a secret ending, since it's so extremely contrived. But it is the only 'perfect' good ending where everything is set right.
I actually really liked my ending, went chaotic neutral and pulled a Genghis Khan, half my government consisted of recruited villains. Who better a Minister of Magic than an ancient world-threatening lich cyclops?

>Bad, bader and badest.

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>game from developers known for terrible endings for their games
>expect some meme shit coming down, there are even signs for it
>it's unexpectedly bittersweet and well written and actually made me tear up

>original game has only one bad ending
>remake with a new bonus ending gets released
>it’s the same bad ending but with some meaningless lore thrown on top of it

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>game has a neutral ending

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>original game has only one bad ending
It had two, actually.

It really is the True Ending, it's called that in the game files.

I cannot believe there is more than one picture of cats being bread.

>bad ending
>everyone dies
>good ending
>almost everyone dies

>second game is a prequel
>you know the whole main cast is going to die

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cat breading was a meme
this is just its natural conclusion

>Every ending fucks the MC over
>Even the joke endings

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>looks like character is about to die
>you know he doesn't because he appeared in the first game

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>cat breading was a meme
As a permutation of "breeding"?

>he actually dies

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Ah, so the cats are literally embreaddened.

>bread ending is the only ending
>everyone becomes bread but you

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>multiple endings
>none of them are happy

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>bad ending is actually better than the good ending

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That one vampire game where you pretty much became Dracula on the "bad" ending.

You guys do realize that bread is terrible for you right? Empty calories, simplifies cooking to the point of childlike, boring taste

I mean, "loaf" is the default resting cat shape.

>true ending is the bad ending but sequel takes place after the good ending anyway

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The dead kids didn’t really deserve to move on, except for Baby and maybe Golden Freddy. They were killing people for years.
Anyways, Happiest Day is probably canon, PS just bumped it back to taking place after the fire for some reason.

In Help Wanted though, there ARE no good endings so the “bad ending” is definitely canon there.

>bad ending takes you back to the starting cutscene
>good ending retcons 80% of the game

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X-COM Enemy Unknown actually does this for the sequel.

>good ending is the bad ending, but also shallow

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Fuck off, it works well as a carriage for food and it keeps you alive.

What game?

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second sight

Fuckin Metro

Name 3 games

>every ending is the bad ending

Pic related has more unprotectable smiles than a fucking innogrey game

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Nah fuck yourself, it is boring and simple food designed for absolute retards that can't work anything else besides a toaster and microwave

Good ending was canon in Last Light. Mind you I didn't know this, so I was really confused when they announced a sequel but my version of Artyom was buried under tunnel rubble surrounded by dead Nazis.

Dark Messiah.

>"true" ending is actually the bad ending
>"bad" ending is actually the best ending
>"normal" ending is a fake out

>get the good ending
>except that is still a bad ending because horror stories think nobody should ever be happy

Fuck modern horror to hell.

I fucking hate food elitists so goddamn much. A sandwich is easy to make and requires almost zero effort, and it's nutritional value resides in the ingredients you personally choose to use. I can cook proper food, but I can't be assed to spend any of my free time prepping or cooking anything that takes longer than 15 minutes, and I want you know that no matter how much you whine about bread and dry pasta, it will never change the fact that you're a wanker and I'm making myself a sandwich for lunch.

>best ending makes the game end significantly earlier than other endings and leaves out some of the best content

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Wich one?

>tfw no MH on vita

>game has clearly labeled "good" and "bad" ends
>in reality it's incredibly grey which one is better overall

whats the deal with breadcats

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>26 total endings
>all but one are bad endings or just plain stupid

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in RDR2 this happens like 5 times

>sequel confirms bad end is canon

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>game has several endings
>they progressively get worse and worse for everyone
>the happy ending is not canon

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>dlc adds even badder ending

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There's a reason it fast forwards you through the joke endings, you know.

>forced ending is a bad ending
>route good endings are bad endings
>true good ending is not really a good one nor a bad one

>ending is fucking awesome and makes you feel good
games pls

redpill me on breaded cats

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reaching but dawn of sorrow?

Baldur's gate 1 and 2 evil playthrough

He means the first metro, gotta do a lot of small things to be able to activate the good ending, and in the sequel the bad ending is canon to justify the plot.

>empty calories

Sonic 2?

Someone post that /fit/ bread comic.

Fuck off retard


sora true end

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>the bad ending involves the MC eating his younger siblings for sustenance

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I will never stop being mad

Another Amerifat assuming everyone is as fat as they are and needs to diet

What is MGS2?
>Meryl still alive yet Snake and Otacon have the homolust bromance relationship that can only come from riding pillion on a snowmobile across the Alaskan wilderness

>think you got the good ending
>game says you lost

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I doubt it was actually for sustenance

>he actually dies
>first game detects your second game save file/second game includes a patch for the first game
>you get to play the first game with an alternate scenario where said character died

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That's what you get for choosing the crazy bitch

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>Character is alive in the first game but in the prequel they die
>prequel post credits ending shows the true bad guy disguising as the character to foreshadow a sequel

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>true ending is so poorly written that the bad ending is better simply because it stops before the game can go full retarded

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>he has never toasted in an epic bread

Megaman X5?

I wanna eat them

>good ending isn't canon
>bad ending isn't canon
>cliffhanger ending is canon

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Which game?

Ys 8

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>side with the good guys
>get bad ending

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There's several fairly good endings including the one where 2B and 9S just fuck off from the battlefield together
It's even called "only you and me" or something.

Did nothing wrong.

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>can choose to kill main bad guy
>doing so results in him surviving and you getting a bad end
>not doing so results in him going to prison and you getting a good end
all my anger

>good ending lets you kill MC for being a tranny
>bad ending lets the tranny MC lives and sides with the jews so that they can start a new congress to fuck society

>3 colors

What game


You forgot the third ending.

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Mozzarella Firefox

>game has an end

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>bad ending is easily avoidable but let's you kill off a continent
>good ending is boring

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dana becoming a goddess came out of nowhere but i liked it

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>cheerful lighthearted game
>has multiple endings
>both are soul rending

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You want a real challenge? Point me to a game where the EVIL ENDING IS CANON.

Blood Omen.

Blood Omen and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic are the only two I can think of.

I am a being of solitude

>Game's "good" ending is actually the bad ending while the "bad" ending is actually the good ending when you understand the game's lore

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>game has a prequel
>game that is named MH still isn't released on Vita

>Getting the Good ending requires you to switch to another character halfway through the story during a QTE prompt

Killing Time


Final fantasy tactics advanced does this.

Saya no Uta.

You even get 3 to choose from.

>The best ending is bittersweet
>Every other ending involves horrific fates and unending suffering

calories aren't real. the way they are "calculated" is un-scientific as fuck.

I'll take 'What is Drakengard?' for 500, Alex

>There are multiple endings
>3 years later, people still argue which one, if any of them, was the good one

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>By the time you're halfway through, you know that there can't possibly be a happy ending for anybody
>But you really want to see exactly how bad things can get

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>Game has a bad ending, a bittersweet ending, and a good ending
>A year after release nobody knows how to get the good ending

Oh boy a wild keto retard appears

>game has garbage endings and a garbage story no matter what choices you maike



>game ending has more impact in it's localized version

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>game ending is cut from its localized version

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>Think things can't possibly get any worse
>The ride has only just begun

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