Why do people say Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the trilogy when the first is much better?

Why do people say Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the trilogy when the first is much better?

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I don't remember. Too long time ago. I think 1 might have been a bit ass mechanically.
me3 is probably best one of the trilogy. at least overall


The RPG elements in 2 are a little dumbed down. However the combat in 1 is an absolute abortion.

imagine thinking ME2 combat is anything but the most mindless garbage

most people started with mass effect 2, and have never even played 1. you know that like 70% of players in 3 never even met wrex?

It became more akin to a bald space marine with a scifi background. While the shooter gameplay is indeed more refined, it drastically reduced what made the first one stand out of the crowd and turned it more palatable to every other space shooter out there. Also, hardcore pandering to waifufaggotry. Muh romanceable characters.

It's simplistic but it functions a lot better than 1.

>focus on waifufaggotry in ME2
>its 99% just more human women
What the fuck were they thinking? Why make a huge squad and have so many fucking humans on it? Such a fucking waste.

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2 had improved gameplay and more polish, but 1 had way better story and atmosphere.

>thermal clips

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ME1 had the best worldbuilding and sense of wonder/exploration
ME2 had the best dialogue and characters
ME3 had the best story
ME:A had the best combat

Your favourite of the series comes down to which things you value the most.

>thermal clips
>ammo types
>concussive shot

It's because 2 isn't a boring slog

Jacob should have been a Batarian mercenary

ME1 is all about side quests, exploring abd atmosphere. Sound design is awesome, and, well... combat is "ok".
ME2 is kino. Literally. Many new-comers, good combat, linear, but good looking locations, and it expands universe at makes it a bit more realistic.
I love this whole trilogy, but I can't decide what game I love the most, because each of these games are good at different things. And it's even more harder to decide if I refer to the story as a whole.

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Regardless of plot and worldbuilding, ME2 is a better game. The people who prefer ME1 (like Shamus Young) are boring people

I'm looking for an assassin. Have you seen him?

Jacob is the only human character I like. I don't consider Jack human because of all her shit and the rest of them are either soulless or obnoxious. shame his loyalty quest sucks

fuck, how do i managed to fuck up "and" two times?

It had more polished environments and unique side quests which were alright generally, but mechanically boring. The paragon/renegade gimmick was shit, the cover mechanics were boring, the classes were useless and redundant, and the story sucked.
They never should have further simplified the RPG aspect from the first game.

Pros were the interesting levels with no elevators.

People have shit taste

I had more fun clicking on Geth from afar while driving up to Peak 15 than I ever did clicking on heads in any of ME2s endless hallways

I'm pretty sure most of the loyalty quests sucked.
They weren't exaggerating on the daddy issues trope.

In terms of gameplay the first one plays like ass. That's why. ME2 is the only game in the series where both the gameplay, level design, narrative and characters was solid and balanced.

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Look, Pal, If i even knew where he was i wouldn't tell you.

>launching probe
>probe away
>launching probe
>probe away
>launching probe
>probe away

Why the fuck am I doing this while working for one of the wealthiest shadow organizations in the entire goddamn galaxy?

>ME3 had the best story
>dude, here's the super mega ancient weapon of mass destruction that is the only way to defeat the Reapers. It was buried right under our noses all this time, but we find it on the same day Earth gets attacked because OF COURSE we do. Also, Kai Leng.

Daily reminder Liara is THE best waifu out there.

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The only thing ME2 has on ME1 is that it plays more like a generic shooter. the story with cerberus and the collectors is complete ass

It's the best soap opera in space, that's why.

>a little dumbed down
The step from 1 to 2 in terms of the complexity and customizability of the skill system is like falling off of a skyscraper.
I enjoyed many parts of ME2, but it was so obvious they were trying to get the basic-bitch-military-shooter-crowd that mainly rate games on their ability to keep their reptile brains occupied.

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my man

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It's kind of jarring in a way how much more brutal the combat is in 3. Infiltrator with cryo ammo/incinerate and half of what you're killing is exploding in chunks of flesh and blood.

I'm a shooter snob and I think people severely overrate how bad ME1's combat is. It's a basic-ass janky RPG shooter, it's fine.

If you can play something like the original deus ex, for instance, you can play ME1 no problem.

Once you go blue, nothing else will do.

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It's definitely better than KOTOR and Deus Ex shooting

>falling off the skyscraper

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but the PRIZE

1 is a better RPG
3 is a better TPS with RPG elements

2 is shit and its only redeeming factor is Jack being hotter bald than with hair

2 had some of the more interesting missions, I'd say.

>The only thing ME2 has on ME1 is that it plays more like a generic shooter.
ME1 doesn't even play like a generic shooter, but just a fucking shit one. That is also ignoring shit like the fucking atrocious inventory system, elevators and tons of other crap in that game people just conveniently ignore when they praise ME1 to the high heavens.

>Jack being hotter bald than with hair
I seriously beg to differ.

Damn, I remember that pic... God bless Liarafags (even those, who wants asari to have a cock)

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I'm genuinely confused why the game feels so small, each world is a single big room with hallways. Wasn't this an AAA game?

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Once you go blue, "nothing I could do"

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God bless you too, fellow Liarabro.

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>complexity and customizability of the skill system
Was ME1 the first rpg you played? It's skill system was simplistic as fuck.

1's elevator banter between party members was great though. It beats a generic loading screen any day.

2 seemed like it was trying to be like a campy horror movie but was kind of missing the mark.

It's almost as if the game being good had nothing to do with the FPS mechanics in an RPG, but the good writing and intriguing story-telling. :O

Then you are a boring person

>that pic
Ah, I see. You've been in a thread with vocaroo-bro too, right?

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Not the answer I was looking for

It's almost as if you're saying that the game being dogshit is fine because the narrative & story was slightly more interesting. Even though the cast is vastly inferior to the one in 2.

>not her mom

ME2 is the perfect jumping off point for console babies to transition from JRPGs to WRPGs. Play it, realize the genre is superior, then work your way backwards to older titles.

Of course. I'm always here

Acceptable as well. Not as good as Little Wing, but still patrician taste.

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Andromeda seemed to flatly ignore the things people didn't like about the past games when it was being made.

I've got nothing more to say to you. If you shot me, my tea~

Mass effect 2 had better dialogs and somehow managed to make combat even worse

HoW bOuT GoOdByE

Writing the conclusion of a story is much harder than the beginning or even the middle, that's why it's generally advised you think of the ending before you start your story. But that's not always possible to accomplish when it comes to videogames. As far as Mass Effect 3 goes, they did very well finishing up the Trilogy up until the very, very end of the ending. If they had stuck with the original ideas and elaborated on the "Dark Energy" to explain why the Reapers reap, the game would have been perfect. But as far as endings go, Mass Effect 3 was good and fun. It did its job and managed to link all the previous games and choices together. What BioWare accomplished was very commendable, despite the furious anger of entitled gamers who forget about all the fun they just had the moment they stumble across even a single thing they don't like. Mass Effect 3 was a good game with a great story. It buckled at the end, but other than that it's the strongest in the series.

I've played hardcore RPGs and other classic RPG series like M&M and ME2 is the far better game than ME1.
This is because unlike you, I'm rational, not emotional. I don't turn a blind eye to an immense amounts of gameplay problems.

No seriously I have never seen anyone say they loved Cerberus, the Meme Man, the Collectors or DIRECT CONTROL. Yet somehow ME2 has "the best story"


¿por que no los dos?

Discussion about the games is over, post memes and waifus

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I was actually talking about ME2, I just posted Vetra because Turians are cute

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Practice your reading comprehension you utter moron.
No, ME1 was not especially complex or customizable, but ME2 went way below even that bar. I'm comparing ME2 to ME1, nothing else. Is that clear enough for you?

Story and narrative is very different.
Alo Yea Forums at the time liked all of those things apart from the collectors. It was only years afterwards that they embraced their inner hipster contrarians and started hating on 2.

I don't speak hue
but if you are asking about threesome then no, Liara is too pure for that

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>Had a heroin addict steal my ME1 file.
>Never had time to Play through 1 to get my best boy back.

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As khv 17yo a few years ago I used to get really high and play ME Trilogy. Id set the game up to where I just had to hit continue, room was blacked out, Id go pop some oxy and smoke a few bowls, come back and lay down on a cot in front of my tv, put on my turtle beaches, cover myself in a blanket and zone out. I had a schedule. ME1 was to be rushed through. 2 and 3 each took 2 days to beat. I literally existed to fight the reapers. I was obsessed with getting high and playing this gane as a shotgun pinball. I was so good i would clear areas before dialogue finished. And know how to max out all speech options and other shit. I was immersed. Im talking to the point of immersion I thought I was Shep and I waifud Tali irl. It was pretty sad looking back on it. That being said I can without a doubt say ME2 is the best one. Btw i cant even look at Andromeda, i refuse to play it

why would anyone like cerberus?


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Ok cool story don’t care

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Because working with them was far more interesting than under the council. Most interesting (but dumb) thing you could do with the council in ME1 was to hang up on them.

I think Cora was only semi-acceptable thing about travesty that was Andromeda.


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non sequitur

cora was a lesbo hag asari weeaboo

unironically the weakest character in any RPG post-2010

>proving yourself to cordial ayyyliens who are unsure of the potential of humans is less interesting than being forced to work for obvious evil assholes without a say in it until the very end, when it doesn't matter because you still have to wear their shitty logo and everyone treats you like a criminal

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I played through 1 then got a little over half way 2 after not playing them for years. I basically just said fuck it and downloaded a save with the conditions I wanted online for 3. 2 turns into a collector slog real quick and I couldn't put up with that shit the way I used to for whatever reason.

Just saying, no need to be passive aggressive. Also thats the only time ive ever admitted my obce huge addiction to mass effect

I feel like my gf would like these games (maybe not the first one). I dont know how to convince her to try them though. She never really played videogames before, but here recently she played RDR2 and really enjoyed it.

Your council interactions boiled down to them asking for status updates and not listening to you cautioning them. Yes, very interesting. I was glued to my seat every time they called me on the ship.

Yep. Her ass was more powerful than god or jesus.

Cora was straight.

t. PeePoo

We don't talk about that there game round here.

I never fully appreciated the depth of me1 until maybe my third playthrough when I started fully utilizing the weapon mods and sought after armour and it was such a massive difference. I remember turning my sniper rifle into a portable cannon and going from that to gears of war effect 2 was very disappointing. I also was a freak who liked the mako portions for letting me explore loads of worlds and getting all the flavour text from the collectables. For example I remember when the crew brought in some alien tech and the engineers worked with tali to decipher it. It doesn't sound like much but that sort of gameplay loop can really fire up my imagination.

>not wanting to massage a slightly prickly but still smooth head lewdly while having balls-deep loving missionary

because the first isn't much better
the gameplay is terrible, the optional planets your can explore are all worthless, the equipment upgrades are a chore to sort through and the dialogue is often laughable.

Combat and everything surrounding it in ME1 was a fucking mess

She wasn't actually that bad. I was just memeing. Her haircut is the only thing that bothers me.

>don't talk about Cora's game
>when Cora is LITERALLY /our girl/

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Oh god, is this true? I'm about 10 hours into the first one and I hate the combat and wish I could just stay at the citadel and talk to aliums all day

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>ME2 had the best dialogue and characters
>ME3 had the best story
Did someone really just say this or am I having a stroke

I think she'd look good with Cassandra's hair from DAI but then short haired women are my jam

>that one gas giant that has artificial structures
>radio signals sent to it received no response
>any ships sent to explore it have been mysteriously shot down

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The part about ME2 is true.

Me2 is for low iq capeshit kiddies

ME1 is for boring people

Is there anything better than killing wrex on virmire?

>ME1 comes out everyone is shitting on the god awful planet exploration with the Mako
>gets removed and everyone starts crying about how they miss exploring planets with the Mako
Why did this happen?? I mean hell you hardly hear people discuss it even now when talking about the issues in the first game. Most people still mention the planet exploration as a point of nostalgia


Well I haven't played it in a while but I cant remember the combat being so bad it overpowered my experience. I played it with kb+m and it wasnt "fluid" but it wasnt a source of frustration for me either.

Same reason they got upset because they removed the horrid inventory system of the first game.
They liked the idea of it, nothing more.

Virmiring Ashley

Its the most absurd thing anyone on Yea Forums has ever said.

>tfw enjoyed both mako exploring and planet scanning
Maybe I just have shit taste.

>there are people here who played---some, even, who fucking paid for---ME: Andromeda
Fucking kill yourselves.

i miss /meg/

letting your qt ashley gf do it

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Characters that don't matter at all and add anything, as they are easily replaceable

Because it was babby's first action rpg.

>having a GF
Anyways try playing it in front of her. Might get her interested. Or try to get her to play Bethesda games. I feel like they are a good bridge between R* (not really RPGs) and earlier Bioware (RPGs).

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>talk to Miranda after blowing up the Collector base
>"you did the right thing Shepard I have no problem with this whatsoever :)"

>bring Tali and Garrus on the Shadow Broker missions because Liara, just to see what happens
>ZERO dialogue

ME2 sucks

One thing I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try
Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme when I was obsessed with time
All I know, time was just slipping way
And I watched it count down till the end of the day
Watched it watch me and the words that I say
The echo of the clock rhythm in my veins
I know that I didn't look out below
And I watched the time go right out the window
Trying to grab hold, trying not to watch
I wasted it all on the hands of the clock
But in the end no matter what I pretend
The journey is more important than the end or the start
And what it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of the time when I tried so hard

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Also acceptable.

It's got the best music and atmosphere but little else.

What? Go away.

Not the part about ME2, since it is true.
The characters and dialogue is a step up from ME1.
Apart from Wrex, the only decent characters from ME1 are in ME2 and they're improved (especially Liara).
Then we also have solid characters like Mordin and Legion, in addition to perfectly fine ones like Samara and Grunt (which mostly got shit for not being Wrex, which wouldn't have been a realistic implementation anyway).

>Characters that don't matter at all and add anything, as they are easily replaceable
So basically all characters in the series apart from Liara since she saved your life in 2?
Some, like Mordin and Legion, are pretty fucking relevant. Way more so than your beloved Wrex or Ashley.

I wish her mom had more porn.


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You say this now but you'll be shitting on the Witcher 3 in a minute.

The ranking of the games coincide with the quality of the explorable citadel. Therefore:

Liara is ruined.

Compard Wrex to Grunt
Me1 Garrus to Me2 Garrus
Kaidan to Jacob
Ashley to Miranda
Kasumi/Zaeed to anyone

You're off your meds

>Apart from Wrex, the only decent characters from ME1 are in ME2 and they're improved (especially Liara).
>and they're improved (especially Liara)
>(especially Liara)

>archaeologist woman turned into an edgy information broker for no fucking reason whatsoever besides the writers had no idea what to do with her


opinions discarded nigger

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>its been over a decade since ME first came out
Jesus fucking christ. I enjoyed the fuck out of this series but I havent ever done another full play through since release. This thread is really making me want to.

This is actually one of the biggest things i dread doing. I am always compelled to explore everything in games and I remember ME1 eventually started to feel tedious because of this.

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>i think about replaying call of duty but then remember the shooting bits and feel tedious
If the idea of exploring space sounds te dious you should have never thought about playing a space exploration game you 5iq retard.

>Literally big blue titty mommy alien
>Next to no porn made.

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Kasumi is one of the better characters in ME2 she just has nothing to do/is DLC
>interesting archetype for the setting
>good personality without being a cocksleeve for Shepard
>actually makes sense why the Illusive Meme would recruit her to help
>loyalty mission is interesting and stands apart from the rest
She, Jack and Mordin are the only good squad members added in ME2

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>Liara is ruined.
You're brain damaged if you think that Liara wasn't a shit character in 1 and wasn't vastly improved in 2. She was a one-note doorknob in ME1.

As for the rest of your text I have no idea what you're on about. Like are you actually saying that Ashley and Kaidan are good characters? Better than characters like Mording?
If someone is off their meds, it's your demented ass.

You're the ignorant one here. There's a time-skip between 1 and 2 and Liara actually did shit during that time, which there is material for.
Don't reply to me again, because I don't like wasting time on ignorant idiots. So you won't get another (you).

face is busted
tits look argonian

>She was a one-note doorknob in ME1.
duhhhhhhhh she wasnt EPIC enough........

>the idea of exploring space is what ME is about
Yeah i dont fucking think so retard. Furthermore the Mako exploration in ME1 is objectively tedious

>nice body
>sexy voice
>extremely lovable personality
She was PERFECT. And you can't have her.

One thing I'll give to 3 is that you could actually talk to crew members on the citadel. It doesn't make sense that they'd all stay on the ship every time you docked with one the largest population centers in the entire galaxy. At least more for the more reputable crew members.

mass effect isn't as good as you remember it being

I already stated I enjoyed characters that directly disprove that idiotic braindead statement. Try again, monkey.

Here is why Mass Effect and video games died.
These people right here.

I dont know but I despised 2 for how dumb and unfun it was. The first game was fantastic and atmospheric as fuck. 2nd game got rid of all the cool blues and scifi feeling and replaced it with ugly orange and red gritty gears of war shit. God that pissed me off. I didnt even bother playing 3 because I saw the writing on the wall with how bad 2 disappointed me.

The first ME is fucking terrible. The gameplay is pure trash, objectively inferior to the first.

yes it is!

I'm the first one and I like ME1 the most, what's your problem guy. That I like Kasumi and think most of the new ME2 characters are bad? they are

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Because payola-receiving journalists and influencers say it is, and marks believe them.

Combat and exploration is dogshit in the first one. I rush through it everytime. The 2nd and 3rd both have better actual gameplay, even if the story is a bit worse, it makes for a better experience. And people won't admit this, but the gameplay in Andromeda is the best in the series. The rest of the game is shit, but jetpack jumping to enemies and gunning them down is better than waiting on weapon cooldowns and playing a version of gears of war with special abilities.

Kasumi was such obvious weaboo bait but to each their own.

she was probably the least asian asian character I've seen in a while, save for her name and the BONG YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO music in her mission

You mean rational and intelligent people and not mongoloids with repressed memories and nostalgia up their ass? Sure.

You people are downright delusional and ignore ALL of the big problems present in ME1 like the gameplay, level design, mission design, etc. and just pretend that the narrative (do you even understand what this is?) improvements in 2 aren't present.

The ONLY things ME1 has going for it over the other games is the slightly more interesting story. It tried to lean a bit more into the RPG aspect but failed specularly and I don't give points for trying and failing hard.

All you blind ME1 fanboys ever do is live in your denial about the problems the game has while flinging shit at everything else.

Most ME fans who actually played Andromeda say the game plays the best but the rest of the game is so bad that it doesn't matter. It's effectively the inverse of the first game

Mind raping Giger abomination.

They were totally going for the female ninja angle. Complete with an invisible assassin strike in combat.

>says the level design and msision of design of Mass Effect 1 was bad
compared to 2, where every single mission and level was a run and gun down the same hallway? the same exact thing?

They were pretty interesting in Me1-Me2 right until they turned them into retarded fucking reaper zombies baddies in 3.

It really isn't.

ME2 had better combat.
Better sqaudmates.
It looked better graphically.
Didn't drag at any points so pacing was better.

Only thing ME1 did better was music and story.

I'd rather go green..

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>face is busted
>tits look argonian
You act as if this is a bad thing.

You could swap her to any race and it would still work. She's clearly based on ninjas but she's not a Shitty Asian Character, that's Kai Leng and those characters in ME1 who calls people -sama

>star contract of the most powerful and influencial semi-legal faction in the galaxy
>blueberry gf is head of the most powerful and influencial information-gathering network in the galaxy
>work intimately with powerful and sometimes well-connected mercenaries, thieves, genetically-altered superhumans, government contacts, and gangs.
>probably the most recognizable human in the galaxy
>still gotta launch probes to not die

why go on surviving?

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ME2 is pure kino.
ME1 is Alien
ME2 is Aliens

Because redditors and retards only think 2 is the best, when its actually the worst.
1 was literally perfect and unironically the last of it's kind of game.

It's still better than ME1.

My head hurts from reading that nonsense.

Anyone else ever deal with an autosave issue in ME1? My most recent game is completely fucky with the autosave. Wont load sometimes and the game sometimes forgets about tutorials it's already shown me like getting into the mako for the first time each new session.

Here's the thing you people don't seem to comprehend. ME2 isn't a masterclass example, but it's lightyears better than ME1 which is so bad in terms of pretty much everything but the narrative and story that it's the perfect example of how to not design a game.
Really, ME1 has amongst the worst inventory systems I have ever seen. The fucking invenotry system. That's not even touching on the atrocious gunplay, level design, mission structure and more. Like holy fuck they make Overwatch look like it was made by actual competent designers.

>Tyrone Shepard, Earthborn, Ruthless
>The baddest, blackest Canadian in the Milky Way
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Kill Rachni Queen
>Virmire Kaidan
>Kill Council
>Pick Udina for Council
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Shoot Conrad on foot, dies later
>Kill Samara over Morinth
>No ship upgrades
>Crew gets kidnapped
>Do a bunch of random assignments and take my sweet time
>Go through the Omega 4 Relay
>Jack eats a lazor, dies
>Kasumi gets blasted, dies
>Thane gets impaled, dies
>Volunteer Jacob to vents, dies
>Legion leads distraction team, dies
>Garrus escorts Chakwas back, dies
>Cocky Miranda holds biotic bubble, Tali gets seeker swarmed and dies
>Kill babby Reaper, Mordin in squad dies
>Miranda leading the ground team dies, Grunt too
>Shepard makes it out alive
>Keep the base
>Punch Al-Jilani
>Tell Allers to fuck off, later dies
>Don't recruit Javik
>Sabotage Genophage cure, kill Padok Wiks
>Female Krogan dies
>Kill Wrex in confrontation
>Kill Ashley during the coup
>Kill Udina
>Genocide Quarians over Geth
>Kill banshee Morinth
>Low EMS, Vega and Liara die on the beam run
>Kill Illusive Man
>Pick Destroy, wipe geth, EDI
>Shepard dies
>Only Zaeed made it out alive that day

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So literally zero argument as to how the mako exploration in ME1 isnt tedious and that you arent just viewing it through nostalgia goggles?

>i miss /meg/
Me too fren. I wonder what that strange German is doing now.

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I sure love scanning planets
Mako sections were kino

Blueberry pie is the best

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Game journos are paid shills and fanboys, especially Bioware fanboys, only care about le epic character moments instead of the serene kino of exploring vast planetscapes looking for the tiny specs of civilization and resources on uncharted rocks.

Noveria was the best planet in the game because it combined the atmosphere of the uncharted worlds experience with the narrative and actual combat.

1 had the most interesting gameplay, but 2 had Zaeed. It's a tough call, really.

Fair enough, and ME3 is like Alien 3 x Prometheus in terms of pretentious bastardization of the plot.

just played these games for the first time, and while the mako sections are antiquated they are more fun than the endless hallways of me2

Alien 3's bastardization of key characters and Prometheus's WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT factor

>1 scene in ME, a couple of scenes in ME2, one mail at ME3
I'm sorry for your loss, she was a cutie.

>Mako sections were kino
No, they were shit and the not-Mako sections in 2 that they added are vastly superior if you want to play as a jumping car.

There is nothing kino about driving around on empty planets with fuck all to do on them.

Your obsessed blue Mary Sue is shit

The suicide mission was the most retarded shit because of the whole "Hurr durr they not the right person for the job" despite you knowing for a fact that they can hold their own fine, and are more than capable of leading squads. It was fucking bullshit that I lost a lot of good members to that garbage

But you are comparing two different things here. Just because ME2 had more linear mission designs doesnt somehow make the mako bits less tedious

>the first ME is objectively inferior to the first ME
This is your brain on Gears of Mass Effect 2. This is who your arguing with.

>one mail in ME3

Attached: 2.5 scream.jpg (500x565, 16K)

>mary sue
yeah, sure
if the first time you meet her she was trapped in a bubble it doesn't mean she can't fight herself
she literally got 106 years to learn how to fight and use her biotics


The character progression of a pure writer's pet, plot directly uses her. The Alliance fully trusts her in ME3 despite her never having the upper hand on cerberus with her galaxy wide network of intel. She's a piece of shit.

>she literally got 106 years to learn how to fight and use her biotics

Except she'd been studying archaeology in that time.

Her even being in a combat role in ME1 is questionable since you've already got at least Kaidan as a military-trained Biotic.

>not a skilled fighter
>hands out singularities

I found common sense was a pretty easy way of knowing which squad member was suited for which job.

Breaking A Habit fits better

Can I merge the Geths into good guys into ME2, have them team up with the Quarians in ME3 then blow them up with the Reapers after they've lost their usefulness?

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Mass Effect 2 took the worst aspects of ME1, removed them entirely instead of fixing them and replaced them with something totally different and in some ways worse. ME1 was a flawed game but it never got the sequel it deserved. Something that actually fixed what it did wrong.

You're 100% right I completely forgot about that.

Why do you think? Because they went for mass appeal and streamlined it to shit. Instead of improving on the RPG elements, they decided to just gut them completely and focus more on combat cause apparently 1's was "unplayable garbage waahh" for casuals that played gow the year before. Not to mention adding shit like thermal clips cause casuals couldn't manage to not overheat their weapons in every fight and of course because it looks so tacticool when you reload. Or what about dumbing down level design? I mean who cares about that when combat looks so fricking cool and epic amiright? Casuals were so fucking overchallenged with a car with jump function on it they just straight up removed it entirely and added "lol probing uranus haha". The people who consider 2 the best are the same fucking people who thought 3 was garbage just because of the endings and they don't even realize they're at fault for this in the first place. I hate bioware and i hate ME2fags.

1>3>2 is the true answer

>Breaking A Habit
true, but In The End was the most obvious choice for me, I guess

Unironically the Suicide Mission.
That shit should've been the end of the trilogy. They blew their load too early here and the only thing left for 3 was the good ol' RPG Endingtron 3000.

Delusional monkey, right here. Someone that thinks that because something changed it's worse.
Like how he thinks that managing heat was interesting in any way or how he hilariously think that ME1 had better level design when it's a case study in how not to design your levels.
Hilarious. He even think that shit and janky design is hardcore.
Do yourself a favour and kill yourself, you'll be happier that way.

Prometheus was a good movie, get some taste.
Not a good Alien movie, but I guess that's why it wasn't called Alien, right?

yes you can
because everyone knew they were at war, so it's better die fighting for the greater good than get killed by space gypsies
also, maybe someone will want to repair them

>you can skip ME2 entirely and the story actually makes sense
it's fucking filler

>me2 is widely regarded as the best game
>Yea Forums shits on it and even places 3 over it
Proving that they're contrarians as always.

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that seems like the best ending to me, why are people so hung up on that ending choice? do people really like EDI and Joker enough? that's 100% what my Shepard is going to do

Legion is a good guy but he's an irregularity

That's probably because there's plenty of hallway cover shooters. you've played one, you've played the all. The Mako sections, tedious as they were, gave you that feeling of being "out there among the stars". That's the thing that I wish they'd have tried to distil and capture, which would have given the series a greater sense of identity. We got plenty of ME2 style shooters, there's not a lot of ME1s out there. Financially a sound decision, mind you, as there's a greater audience out there that likes shooting galleries, but I think with the increasing realignment of the series, we lost the chance at something special.

It's a sure way to get replies from actual fans of the series

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Because Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the trilogy while the first is an inferior title.

>uses normalfag opinions and game reviewers instead of his own arguments

Based, andromeda on nightmare is FUN

Basically no one will say the combat in ME1 is good, they just prefer janky RPG-esque shooter with some neat ideas over Gears of War in space with chest high walls everywhere. Don't get so personally insulted when people don't like your narratively useless sequel.

glad someone understands it the same way I do

3 is at least nice in that they stopped pretending they weren't just trying to make an action game with RPG elements.

>>you can skip ME2 entirely and the story actually makes sense
Narrative quality has always been more important than story.
Also the fuckups in 3 are egregious and are in dissonance with the core pillars of the series. The ending is so utterly terrible it actively makes the entire series worse because it taints everything.


3 is the better game though, despite the ending being lazy and making people mad

Except blowing up the reapers and damaging tech is the clear choice unless you're obsessed with Legion and have the garbage taste that makes you like Joker and nuEDI

Companions and side content.

I have, which are always ignored by the close-minded ME1 fans. Sad indeed.

Don't use words you don't even understand like "narrative". You're thinking of story or possibly the plot, not the narrative.

>Someone that thinks that because something changed it's worse.
Going from rpg to mindless tps in a rpg series is a good change, alright retard.
>Like how he thinks that managing heat was interesting in any way
Yes because that's exactly what i said, not the fact that adding TC was useless and only existed to attract GoWfags.
>or how he hilariously think that ME1 had better level design when it's a case study in how not to design your levels
Yes, more linear and more covers is how you actually should design your levels. Don't want to stress the player too much, right?
>He even think that shit and janky design is hardcore.
Holy shit, please don't tell me you thought i was talking about "difficulty" when i said casuals. How fucking retarded can you possibly be?

There you have it, your average ME2fag. Braindead and only good at strawmanning.

This is the cannon romance line you're supposed to take
>start off a renegade pro-human pragmatist
>start romancing ashley to secure a future for our non-blue children
>allow her to kill wrex for insubordination, in the process showing the extent to which she'll protect you
>leave her on virmire for objectively being a lower rank than kaiden
>towards the end of me1 romance liara instead having softened your pro-human stance after working with a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs
>by ME2 romance tali, going full miscegenation with a weird three fingered alien
>meet liara again but hold off for tali
>in ME3 choose the geth over the quarians due to the objectively higher input they'll give to the war effort (fuck that "u can save booooth" bullshit)
>tali kills herself
>return to liara as the shadow broker
this way you romance all 3 of the original female crew (except chawkes) and you can head cannon some character development

>>allow her to kill wrex for insubordination, in the process showing the extent to which she'll protect you

Jesus fuck I forgot about this scene

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>Tits look argonain
And that's a good thing

>Going from rpg to mindless tps in a rpg series is a good change, alright retard.
Going from dogshit to not dogsit is a positive change, yes. If you're so delusional that you can't even understand that a failied idea is still a failiure then there is no point in wasting time on you.

Anyone that think ME1 has better gameplay, especially with the combat, is 100% retarded and will always be ignored by any rational individual. You should remember this for future reference.

Ugh god.

>muh gameplay
Andromeda has the best combat in the games and is regarded as pure trash. it doesn't matter

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Okay, Mass Effect 2 is useless to the overall story of Mass Effect. Happy?

t. Shepard

Seriously, I don't understand why the Destroy ending pisses people off

>you replied to this thread, good.

>it doesn't matter
Yes what you end up doing for large chunks of the game doesn't matter. Good job retard for exposing yourself.
ME2 is, as has been stated before, the most balanced in terms of quality out of all the ME games.
Let me say this again in all caps since you dumb ME1 keeps missing it
Everything else is inferior. It's a far more tedious and shit experience and since the gameplay is so shit the value the first game has falls off significantly once you know where the story goes and have already experienced the decent aspects of the narrative.

You're in love with how ME1 made you feel when you first played it. Not what the game actually is. This is because you're emotional, not rational. These are people that are pretty much always wrong because they can't seperate themselves from their emotions in a discussion.

>Seriously, I don't understand why the Destroy ending pisses people off

and you'll understand why people got upset.


And this is why you won't understand

>builds the world further
>adds a bunch of interesting characters
>fleshes out things from the previous game like Cerberus
>implements the decisions made in ME1 in a meaningful way
>b-but it's filler!
ME1 hoes eternally mad.

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I think all they had to do was stitch together a couple cutscenes of shit like the rachni queen flying in and people would have been less mad. I dont think the idea behind the war contributions was inherently bad I cant think of many other ways they could make "your choices really matter" it just needed more frills.

Liara and Garrus are the best romance options.
Quarians = space gypsies
Geths = cyber-bros
Destroy ending is the best ending
ME1 = Story, atmosphere, sound design
ME2 = Action and cutscenes
and don't bother to discuss or change someone else's opinion on the internet - one man's trash is another man's treasure

Attached: Codex_ME2_-_Eclipse.png (512x256, 96K)

>adds a bunch of interesting characters
That get swept away in the sequel!

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>ME3 better than anything
Keep dreaming Mac.

this. ME2 showed you a world, ME1 only told you there was one.
don't @ me, bitches. currently on my literal 10th trilogy playthrough

you're missing that previous owner of Cerberus fucking died and TIM took his place

The combat and graphics are better but the way the missions are set up is kind of annoying and tedious.

Where and when?

>The Illusive Man
>puts his stupid logo everywhere
nice writing

Probably in one of those stupid comics nobody read.

>Going from dogshit to not dogsit is a positive change, yes.
Then why the fuck are you even playing a rpg series if you're clearly interested in the combat more you absolute moron? Go play a fucking Action TPS then.
>If you're so delusional that you can't even understand that a failied idea is still a failiure then there is no point in wasting time on you.
You're the delusional one here because you can't accept that ME did change for worse for everyone that actually gives a fuck about RPGs. If everything was such a bad idea and failure in 1 the series would have never gotten a sequel in the first place you retard. It's only because of people like you who play games that weren't meant for them and then proceed to cry about them that ME turned to shit. I won't bother arguing anymore seeing as you didn't even disprove anything in my reply and only spout the same shit as seen above. Great job for once again proving how retarded ME2fags are and what cancer casuals are. Actually kill yourself.

That isn't ME2's fault, but rather ME3 having an 18 month development cycle and a huge amount of corners getting cut, in order to ship on time to please Bioware's EA overlords and shareholders. If anything, one of the many complaints people had with ME3 was why the fuck would you sideline some of the best received characters in the series like that, in favour of Bulk Splinthair, Sto'ck Ph'oto and Daywan Dee Elsee.

Yeah, the entire galaxy is at stake rather than just humanity being the target. Yet you're telling me these people want to fart around doing whatever rather than going on the missions?

I hope you don't think Tali wasnt more deserving of being important to 3 than the cerberus newfags from 2

>The combat and graphics are better
The pew pew was shallow, the "another wave" mechanics were horrendous and people with large shields that you had to shoot through pee holes? And the graphics were better, because they removed gameplay mechanics, like holstering your fucking gun and reallocated the memory to. Both were shitty decisions that hurt the game more than they benefited them.

>no romance option for femshep and wrex

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do you really want to die?

she's a tough girl

for you

Tali was there for two whole games and she had no fucking character arc. In stark contrast, we were completely robbed of the plot line between Miranda and Oriana, where we uncover that she wasn't just her sister, but also her mother, Jack was suffering mental disorders from her Pragia abuse, as well as her, possibly/probably not removed L2 implant and the plot where Jack and Miranda overcome their differences and form a budding friendship. I am very sour about that.

>muh arcs!!
stick to the young adult section

>builds the world further
That don't matter in the overall story. What role did literally anything introduced in ME2 do in ME3?
>adds a bunch of interesting characters
That again, don't matter to the story. None of the squadmates in ME2 play any major role in ME3.
>fleshes out things from the previous game like Cerberus
You mean ruining Cerberus by making a shadowy human supremacist group into a "maybe good guys" group that plasters their symbol everywhere and LITERALLY CURED DEATH? Also, anything you do for Cerberus literally doesn't matter because they become bad guys.
>implements the decisions made in ME1 in a meaningful way
Like what? Literally name a single choice from ME1 that plays a role in ME2's story.
>ME1 hoes eternally mad.
I'm just happy to find someone that likes ME2 so that I can annoy them with how useless their sequel is.

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Its not like ME has a whole never had retarded bullshit in the plot before me3:
>I know you guys dont want to believe Saren, one of your best spectres is a traitor, but this quarian, you know, from one of the most untrustworthy races in the galaxy, just happened to find intel on Saren crimes, she found a voice recording of Saren incriminating itself, and we all know that you cant fake someone voice in this day and age of advanced AI, dont we?
>Oh and she found it on the neural node of a geth, which we know are very efficient at hiding or scrambling their data, to the point that we never managed to get any intact info on their neural nodes for centuries, but this quarian just happened to lucky out
>The council instantly believes this bullshit

I love mass effect and the world building, but the plot always had the habit of shitting itself, in every game.

>Character arcs don't matter
I get it, Mac, attachment is bad for me, you told me before. Doesn't change the fact that dropping character arcs is a stupid thing to do. Realize that potential you created, that's a plus to your game.

They forbid c-sec accesss to anything related to Saren and completely ignored some random guy out there knowing the name of their best agent that isn't supposed to be common knowledge. They only accepted it due to being pushed into a corner.

>I didn't actually see anything wrong with 3

but to be fair I played it like 4 years later with all of the DLC and extended ending.

>That don't matter in the overall story. What role did literally anything introduced in ME2 do in ME3?
>World building doesn't matter.
I mean, we could just stick to Asteroids, but we can do so much more today, why not enrich your setting?

>That again, don't matter to the story. None of the squadmates in ME2 play any major role in ME3.
The point is they make the trip more enjoyable and dropping them is wasted potential.

>You mean ruining Cerberus by making a shadowy human supremacist group into a "maybe good guys" group that plasters their symbol everywhere and LITERALLY CURED DEATH? Also, anything you do for Cerberus literally doesn't matter because they become bad guys.
Cerberus isn't the best thing written in Mass Effect, I will agree and the fact that the Reapers have to share the spotlight in their own game with them is equally distasteful as what Michael Bay did with the Transformers, but if we got to explore Cerberus separately, in a different game, perhaps it would make better sense. My point is that they botched Cerberus implementation and they didn't know where they were going with it, or just forgot about it.

>Like what? Literally name a single choice from ME1 that plays a role in ME2's story.
Not killing Wrex?

>I'm just happy to find someone that likes ME2 so that I can annoy them with how useless their sequel is.
>Best received Mass Effect game
>Literally propelled the franchise to legendary status
You may not like it, but ME2 was instrumental to having you here, right now, 9 years later, to still talk about Mass Effect, as if it was an ongoing, successful franchise.

The main things wrong with me3 are:

>Humanity "just" happens to find a deus ex machine weapon that can destroy the reapers, this is bad writing at its finest, me3 should have been about surviving the reaper invasion and setting up the stage for a me4 or the next trilogy, not about finding a miraculous weapon at the last second
>the reapers not taking the cidatel by force and shutting down the relays by force at the start of the game, they have the power to do it, in fact they do it later in the game, but dont shut off the relays, which makes no sense, its like the reapers are taking pity on the organics and giving them every chance to win
>there was a quest that was cut out of the game, showing that some quarians are still angry and still trying to kill the geth even after Shepard made peace between synthetics and organics, leaving the quest in the game would have instantly validated the reapers viewpoint and would shutdown everyone who keeps acting as if shepard is a messiah that can solve centuries of bloodshed with a single speech check

But most of what people actually hate is the lazy ending, which extended cut mostly fixes.

How is it that we end up with a story involving organic reapers in leviathan but never find out what the fuck the thornian actually was?

casey hudson

I appreciate 3 more now after a recent series replay than I did at the time. It takes the now very flat feeling combat template from 2 and adds so many improvements and QoL adjustments it's actually pretty damn engaging.It also takes the system in 2 where you could choose the effect of an ability and the end of a tree and making that half of all the skill trees. Except this time the effects can be way more significant, even changing how the ability is used. At the same time it bought back a bit of ME1's amount of abilities and skills for a character.
Something else it takes and revises to be much better feeling from ME1 is weapon mods too.

>Avenger V on Ilos
>I sleep
>5 thermal clips on the planet jacob's dad landend
>waah waah
Why is thi sóyboy like this?

Mass effect 2 is sidequest "the game" you fucking retard did you even play the games or did you just watch your favorite YouTuber play them

I think it's a big improvement but I simply do not like fighting cerberus all the time. How an organization like that can field a military larger than that of an entire civilization is absurd. I was actually quite partial to fighting mercenaries all the time in 2 because it tended to be a lot more varied.

can somebody fucking explain how ME2 combat locations is more linear than ME1? it's a "straight-forward" in both games, and ME1 side-quest "dungeons" on unexplored wolrds are the same re-used two rooms (warehouse and underground base)

Attached: i love mass effect 1.png (1301x728, 67K)

Because each merc outfit specialized in something different. Coincidentally the best parts of ME3 are also the ones where you're not fighting Cerberus as much.
In fact something that stood out to me very strongly in this recent replay was that every time the story comes back in to focus on Cerberus the writing quality has an almost fucking tastable drop. And not just in narrative, even the god damn dialogue.

you're retarted
when I write KINO I don't mean that game is 10/10 epic win
I mean that it's literally "ME the series (the game)", because every side quest feels like an episode of a huge filler season of u favorite show

IIRC the actually competent writers were the ones that had the most control over the Genophage Cure and War for Rannoch parts.

>Or what about dumbing down level design
There was no good level design to dumb down to begin with
3 has a superior gameplay, and, unironically, better interaction with your crewmember. It's story is shit, but 2's is inexistant anyway

threadly reminder that Jack is the mother of all big tits

>I mean, we could just stick to Asteroids, but we can do so much more today, why not enrich your setting?
Enriching the setting should go alone with progressing the story. The new stuff introduced was great, but since it's not in service of the story it doesn't matter.
>The point is they make the trip more enjoyable and dropping them is wasted potential.
We can agree there. That's really all Mass Effect is. Wasted Potential.
>Not killing Wrex?
He only plays a role if you decide to go to Tuchanka for Grunt's mission.
>You may not like it, but ME2 was instrumental to having you here, right now, 9 years later, to still talk about Mass Effect, as if it was an ongoing, successful franchise.
Yea, I like ME2. It has the best characters and side missions out of all the games, but that doesn't change that it was a narrative dead end in terms of the overall story. Still a good game.

You are wrong but how so based

>He only plays a role if you decide to go to Tuchanka for Grunt's mission.
Mordin too, his loyalty mission is also there

It's so much easier for people to see world in black and white, but sometimes they forgot that there is always will be something grey.

>Enriching the setting should go alone with progressing the story. The new stuff introduced was great, but since it's not in service of the story it doesn't matter.
But you can introduce new things that play a bigger role down the line, though. It's up to the developer to take advantage of all that. And the fact that you've already established them in previous games, is a good way to revisit and expand on them in your next title.

>That's really all Mass Effect is. Wasted Potential.
I feel your pain.

>He only plays a role if you decide to go to Tuchanka for Grunt's mission
So he does.

>Yea, I like ME2. It has the best characters and side missions out of all the games, but that doesn't change that it was a narrative dead end in terms of the overall story. Still a good game.
I wouldn't call it narrative dead. We found out what happened to the Collectors, the creation process behind Reapers and we stopped a threat before it grew too big that was directly Reaper related. Bioware could have done more with the information we got out of all that, but chose not to. That is still not ME2's fault.

>he wants an explanation on what was probably the most alien thing to ever show up in a ME game
Explaining the Thorian would ruin it. It was a really old creature that simply worked on different levels than other organics. Kinda like what the Reapers should've been if this series didn't nosedive.
If you want plots that go nowhere, how about Haestrom's sun dying at 100x the pace a normal star goes? Tali's there to investigate it, says it's something to do with dark energy, and then 3 completely forgets about it. You can even go to Haestrom's system, the planet is there, the sun is looking as fucked as before, but you ping the system twice and then never come back.

>big tits
go away

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Supposedly that belt is squashing them making them look smaller

the suicide mission is retarded, especially since a perfect run is dependent on you grinding a retarded minigame.

But not that smaller. The belt is gone in 3 and she's only like one size bigger.
Nowhere even close to your Samaras and Mirandas.

that said Mass Effect 1 is a shit game with a non functioning combat system. The choices are all memes as well

None of the women really have big tits.

miranda is NASTY


Dis nigga say what?

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>miranda is NASTY
You bet her ass she is.

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>Bioware could have done more with the information we got out of all that, but chose not to. That is still not ME2's fault.
The Collectors are a dead end since they are introduced, fought, and defeated all in one game. The methods of Reaper birth could've been expanded upon, but Bioware.

>That is still not ME2's fault.
ME2 is in the awkward position where it is a great game, but basically useless as a part of a trilogy. When considering it as a standalone story, it's great, but since it's a part of a trilogy it must be evaluated as the second step in a three part story. As a second step, it failed due to the sequel basically completely ignoring it.

I like ME2 crew more( except for Wrex being absent ) and the last mission is great.
ME3 is utter shit tho. I can't believe you CAN'T holster your weapon. Way to kill any immersion you stupid fucks.

ME2 is a shitty cover shooter with some dating sim mechanics and the most contrived and retarded plot ever. From the very moment they kill your Shepard to the final showdown with the terminator-reaper it’s a journey through complete garbage.

The only thing i REALLY dislike about ME2 is how they force you to work for Cerberus. I hate the whole "FOR HUMANITY!" thing.

they give you some nice "I hate Cerberus, we're not really working for them" dialog options but none of it matters until the very end

Imagine an ME2 where you can disavow Cerberus halfway through the game

>The Collectors are a dead end since they are introduced, fought, and defeated all in one game
But offer us enough explanation as to their future as that of other races, should the Reapers reach the Milky Way. It is important in terms of lore, world building and building up the threat of the Reapers. Whether you find that to your satisfaction is another thing entirely.

>The methods of Reaper birth could've been expanded upon, but Bioware.
Again, not ME2's fault.

>ME2 is in the awkward position where it is a great game, but basically useless as a part of a trilogy
I think I've proven that it successfully set up a number of things, whose potential ME3 failed to capitalize upon, in order to do its own thing, which, again, is not ME2's fault.

>As a second step, it failed due to the sequel basically completely ignoring it.
Again, not ME2's fault.

If you got rid of Tali and Garrus the ME2 crew would be horrible

>if you got rid of the two worst characters in the franchise the ME2 crew would be horrible
what did you mean by this??


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imagine playing this game for miranda and jacob. kys

I had fun with ME1, but I wasn't nuts about playing ME2, so I definitely didn't play it because ME1 blew me out of the water. Now, I know why I played it.

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Jack is cute but the rest of the ME2 humans are trash

this is now a Turian thread


All better than the cast from ME1, excluding Wrex. Tali and Garrus are also written much better in ME2. The cast was by far the best of the series.

Garrus was a flanderized downgrade and Tali was the same as she was in ME1. Samara was genuinely great, better than Liara in ways, but the rest weren't great

you birdfuckers are why /meg/ is dead

What happened? Turianfuckers are the best

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She likes BBC

this is literally a zoomer take in the purest sense user. this is the logic that destroyed WoWs skill trees too, and has completely liquidated the term RPG to the point faggots claim games like God of War are RPGs

>interesting abilities

Jack's potential is best realized when paired against Miranda, I feel. Because, as I said, they are rivalrous, without being directly antagonistic. They are similar enough to find a common basis and built a potential friendship between the two. Which is a great thing to explore in a video game, because I want my Shepard's peepee buried in both of them.

she cute

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Factually incorrect does this count as nudity?

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>Because, as I said, they are rivalrous, without being directly antagonistic
I just played ME2 and they wanted to kill each other, Jack for good reason

Hell yeah

Fucking Christ its like nothing but bones.

cute skelly bird

2 had a dumber plot than the first, but I found the excuse to focus on smaller plots and worldbuilding really cool. I liked the episodic nature, and felt it was the best at displaying ME's universe. Helps that a majority of the cast is extremely entertaining with the standouts from 1 at least making appearances in cool ways.

2 is my least favorite
>no story
>the whole game is a side quest
>where's my sex partner from the first game?


But they mellow out, especially after that confrontation. And one of the themes about Jack is her mental dysfunction. One of the problems of L2 implants is paranoia, which would make Jack have an irrational fear of everyone around her, even people she trusted. I think Jack was not herself in that incident and Miranda is, while not directly giving ground, more consolidating in the Citadel party, as in you can see she is putting some effort to reconcile with Jack. It would be a gradual process, just like Shepard's romance.

Miranda is a decent character in 3 but utter shit in 2

2 Has better characters, better personal storylines, and better lore locations. Miss me with the entire shitty Reaper plot from 1 and 3.

I would go that far. Strahovski's charm and accent salvages her, in terms of performance alone. She is a very much improved actress nowadays, compared to her days in Chuck.

except 2 had a shitty reaper plot, it just had boring bugs with their dumb boss (who was also a reaper, surprise!)

Seconded, why I like 3 better than 2.

>except 2 had a shitty reaper plot, it just had boring bugs with their dumb boss (who was also a reaper, surprise!)
>People have a problem with ME2 plot not being Reaper related
>When proven otherwise, people have a problem with the plot being Reaper related
Seriously, people, pick a goddamn argument and stick with it.

>no story
Meaning "I didn't like it"

>the whole game is a side quest
Meaning "I made the same argument, but worded it differently"

>where's my sex partner from the first game?
Meaning "where's Liara"

it was a shitty plot with reapers tacked on at the ass end to make it seem remotely relevant to 1 and 3

Tali changed a little bit but it was mainly the kind of things you'd expect from maturing.

not really
tali was still confirmed shit when it was confirmed she stole secret normandy stealth tech to give it to her shite people!

Yeah, but that's not a "change" in character, that's natural growth. Garrus changed from a normal guy with an edge to a "BOO YAH" type.

Are you still made you weren't the lead writer from the start, Mac? We've already had this same argument earlier in this very fucking thread. I was the one that argued it already.

Mass Effect 2 is filler, plain and simple. If people like that, good for them, but its still filler

Holy shit, this. Why are ME1 fags so retarded.

I'd argue you again, but I've already done it. I don't have the willpower to argue every single person in here, every fucking time we have the same fucking argument. You can catch it here and follow it down.

3 does all the same things you said, but better

Hypocrite argument, but I'll bite. The reaper plot in 2 is minimal and mostly treads water while trying to set up some foreshadowing relating to dark energy. Of course that foreshadowing never gets used in 3 but that's 3's fault for shitting the bed.

Better? I wouldn't say so. We also had that argument earlier on as well. You can follow that as well, though I seem to be lost in this thread as to where that took place, exactly. Or these threads are starting to blend together and that argument took place in a different thread and I had a different argument about ME3 here.

I've played through ME1 multiple times and each time the character writing looks more wooden and shite. Do you realize how much time both Tali and Liara spend in ME1 just giving you exposition about their people? And Garrus' grey morality talk of the day. They spend more time being actual people in the sequels.

They spend more time being pop fiction characters, a real alien would have no problem talking about their people to a human commander who helped them

Fucking brainlets in this thread not realizing the glory of shitting on enemies with abusing singularity and tech skills.

it's really not that bad

not really. shepard is old enough that the basics of aliens would have been taught in school.

What is "pop fiction" supposed to mean? That argument doesn't mean anything.

Exposition is okay. A LOT of it is not okay. We're talking roughly ~80% of every major conversation you have with these two girls on the Normandy.

I don't usually play FPS or TPS, so I can't really say, but I can't say I feel a difference going from ME2 to ME3, except the fact that in ME2, it's not "press X to everything". So that makes it easier to work with.

You're basically a walking body exploder in 3 as an infiltrator. It's absurd how strong that class is in the 3rd game.

You're retarded, in the purest sense. Wow skill trees unlocked new abilities and had the mathematical crunch to allow even increases of 5 percent to mean something. ME1 didn't.

I wouldn't say it's the best op it's ok for what it was trying to do but it dropped the ball hard.

>takes an hour to come up with "no u >:((("
quality shit user

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>The RPG elements
>Mass effect

>The RPG elements
>Any rpg ever
...i'm a little sad

Samara should've got a real romance

I don't know why they bothered to even tease it without letting you follow through. It doesn't add anything but frustration.

probably because her romance was too complicated to be concluded in ME3. she'll be the main Asari in ME4 for sure if it ever exists

I meant in ME2 tho.Why would it be difficult in 3 anyway? That's where they finally threw Samarabros a bone.

If you ignore the completely dogshit power rangers plot, the character writing is actually really good.
Gameplay in ME has always been shit.

because it took her two years to consider breaking the code just for a kiss, it would make sense if it took another two years/shepards death AGAIN for her to consider starting a family all over again

>didn't drag at any points
>what is literally any mission involving the collectors.

It's been stated in the games several times that an Asari almost subconsciously telepathically manipulates members of other races to perceive her as what they, individually, find most attractive (or imposing, or innocent, if the situation requires less seductive tactics), while retaining some of the basic features (blue color, dimorphic femininity).

As a frequenter of /d/ since early puberty, and now long-time graduate (there are some things that can only be found beyond) I shudder to think of what an Asari would look like to me, or what our "mental illusion bonding sex thing" would look and play out like.

I can't fucking wait for either full-senses VR, or AR applied to adult dolls/props, to achieve relations with Asari. They sound too appealing to not be real, and thus, as humans, we must make them real.

Okay so we're back to why bother teasing it at all in 2? All it added was frustration, nothing positive or good for the story at all.

This shit pissed me off so much.
>lmao the 9000 year old asari with endless combat experience who is respected by everyone isn't a good leader.

it's one conversation between some bachelors about a stripper you spastic. why do you keep spamming this?

>It's been stated in the games several times that an Asari almost subconsciously telepathically manipulates members of other races to perceive her as what they, individually, find most attractive
Which is objectively false. It's just three drunks stating the similarities of each of their species on the asari physiology as commonly seen by anyone.

You should watch "Beyond the Aquila Rift"

Every Mass Effect is utter shit, but I can at least respect the first for having to come up with an entirely unique universe.

In 2, it made sense that she wasn't romanceable because of the code. The second she popped up in 3 it made sense that she may reconsider because otherwise why would she be there? And she did reconsider, only briefly, but enough for the handful of Samara fans

>its false
>except for when they prove it isn't

You can keep running in circles if you like, but there is no purpose in even letting it go as far as it does in 2. It's just cockblocking for cockblockings sake. Femshep can't come on to Mordin until he tells her he loves science too much for example. Samara was the only one to get this treatment and it just doesn't make sense.

Is the pc port for 1 just shit then? I remember playing it for around an hour or 2 and got stuck on top of a rock and there was literally no way off and had to start the game from the beginning because I had no saves. Never picked it back up after that lmao.

Casuals don't care about roleplaying and lore. Making the combat more accessible was what the vast majority of people needed to get into mass effect.

ME2 plays better but is an objectively worse RPG than ME1

There was still a decent balance before ME3 fucked everything up though, and the Suicide Mission is one of the highlights of the series despite the Collectors not really amounting to anything

>Turian talks about fringe
>Human talks about face
>Salarian talks about ... whatever the fuck he talked about
There are similarities to asari physiology and other races, there's no mind trick going on. They are clear for all to see.

>ME series is dead
What a colossal waste. Can EA sell the IP before shutting down Bioware for good?

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>works on my machine :

There will most likely be a fourth mainline game because it's much more popular than Dragon Age

Not after Andromeda. DA:I was tailor made for trannies and women, but Andromedas jank killed it for everyone.

No, the anger over Andromeda shows that people WANTED a real game. nobody wants another Dragon Age, especially after GOT finale flopped: high fantasy is dead in the west

>nobody wants another Dragon Age
except the people the last game was aimed at (eg women, trannies, and faggots) while the same cannot be said for ME whether you consider the last game Andromeda or ME3.

as I said, High Fantasy is dead in the west and there is no solid fanbase for another dragon age. scifi is picking back up after the death of GOT

you could not be more wrong, you ignorant fuck
leave your Yea Forumseddit hugbox

face it jim, it's dead. it already died a painful death, then they brought out the corpse to rot for a bit longer. why do you *want* this suffering prolonged?

Do you actually think there's anyone in the western gaming fanbase who wants another high fantasy game?

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Even if they miraculously develop a fourth one, we likely won't see it until 2026 or something (assuming Bioware isn't dead). Not to mention most of the developers behind the trilogy are long gone.

It's sad as fuck thinking about the potential this series had and we'll never have one like it again. The least they can do is release a remaster but I doubt we'd even get that.

Aye, the faggots who ate up DA:I for one. I think you're seriously overestimating how much people give a shit about GoT as well. It was just a TV show.

>upset people do things besides call out his autism on a Mongolian silent image exchange forum

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It's dead Jim. Cyberpunk, Star Wars Jedi Outcast, even fucking VTMB2 and Marvel movies show that people and market audiences are more interested in Scifi than fantasy. it's fucking dead

Even if what you're saying was true (spoiler: its not) that doesn't change mass effect being killed twice over. Why do you want even more grotesque necromancy for something you seem to care about?

Fans were pissed because Andromeda was slapped together in like 13 months and shoved out the door for retail. EA didn't really care if it flopped or not, they were all in on Anthem.

>the irony that Andromeda is better than Anthem

ME is Bioware's most popular series, and EA treated it like some throw away title. They were far more interested in the microtransaction game instead.

Andromeda has a lot of talent put into it, but the talent is misplaced with a lot of executive decisions based on the success of Citadel exclusively + the political and social climate of the times

If they take that talent and put it into a new mainline game, distancing themselves from the politics (which is already happening across the board, the zeitgeist of the post-Trump era is already dying down) and making a good fucking sequel instead of a shitty comedic spinoff, they can make a lot of money

Anthem flopping is the wakeup call for them that they need to make what fans want

>Andromeda has a lot of talent put into it
we just had a thread that spit all over this idea.

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>Mass Effect killed twice over

ME3 and even Andromeda both sold pretty well. The series clearly still has a large fanbase. EA is aware of this, and I guarantee they will reboot the series in a few years.

While there's a lot of shittiness to the game, the upgrade from ME3 in terms of graphics as well as the combat shows that there was some talent in it

I don't know how you decide basing your writing off of an expansion that was well received because it was fan service for ESTABLISHED 6 YEAR OLD CHARACTERS is a good idea.

You didn't answer the question. Why do you want them to reanimate the corpse of something you seem to care about?

I didn't say I wanted them to do it....I simply said I know they will.

you're reading me wrong, Citadel was good, but the devs were dumb and thought they could copy that kind of writing for new characters. they were wrong.

>upgrade to graphics
cmon son. the gameplay is the only thing I've ever heard peole talk up and I'm definitely throwing that shit in the sunk cost bin.

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Too bad they already announced Dragon Age 4, which we likely won't see for another 3-4 years. Also wasn't it rumored that Bioware basically went rogue and teased DA4 without EA's approval? They knew Anthem was going to be a disaster so they announced DA4 early as an insurance policy not to get shut down after Anthem flopped. If DA4 doesn't get cancelled (I think there's a good chance it will), the future is looking grim for Bioware.

The actual planets and backgrounds were amazing at times. The character models indeed were mostly shit.

I'm not reading you wrong because that's what I'm saying too. I don't know why they thought adopting that kind of writing with a brand new entry and characters would work when the former worked because they were long lived fan favorites.

As I said, DA4 has no audience besides the remainders of the tiny DA fanbase, so I think they'll do ME4 instead

the graphics are objectively better, even if the animations and some character models are ugly

Even without the 360 to walk away, that chick is miles worse than Traynor, who was average at best in ME3.

oh okay then we're in agreement. base it off dumbass executives making horrible decisions. cheers bro

I think that Jedi Outcast will have a lot of say in whether Mass Effect 4 happens, but I think it'll be more popular than a lot of Yea Forums thinks. I don't think Star Wars is as hated these days as much as the Rey/Kylo shit is

>I don't think Star Wars is as hated these days as much as the Rey/Kylo shit is
This is true, but thats not the question. The question is if you think the devs making it have to ability to make a good star wars game/story or if we're going to get "the force unleashed but worse."

>As I said, DA4 has no audience besides the remainders of the tiny DA fanbase, so I think they'll do ME4 instead
How is that going to play out? They'll make a formal announcement saying they stopped working on DA and now are working on ME instead? At this point, anything that involves development changes/hiccups at Bioware spells doom for them. That recent huge article which revealed the horrendous development cycle of Anthem basically planted a red flag over the whole studio.

I genuinely think it'll be better than the Force Unleashed because there will be more heart put into it. probably the only big budget game I'm looking forward to this year

Post-ROTS stories end up usually being great

I don't think the DA fanbase is big enough to stir up any trouble if they announce ME instead.

>>Post-ROTS stories end up usually being great
user, the force unleashed was also a post-ROTS story,

And I didn't say that TFU wasn't good, it was just a little pulpy and stupid, even for Star Wars

Shite Effect is dead
DA4 will break all sales records and start the Great BioWare Redemption Arc

Loved ME2 around 6 years ago when i first played it. Tried playing ME1 several times but i just can't, the controls and combat felt like total ass, and i really, reeeallly wanted to like it.

Yeah but wasn't Anthem an ME game that got remade into something else?

>Mass Effect will have a better ending than Star Wars


>Yeah but wasn't Anthem an ME game that got remade into something else?

Except 3 was the best, graphically, gameplay wise, and RPG wise.

I'm just waiting for Paradox to get together with InXile for the obvious money spiritual successor to Mass Effect: A TPS RPG using the Stellaris setting.

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I don't know what Stellaris is but it's probably not as good a setting as ME

doesn't really have a setting. more of backdrop pieces you hobble together for randomized 4x gameplay.

>Yeah but wasn't Anthem an ME game that got remade into something else?
I don't think so. It was always going to be EA's Destiny clone with the ME team developing the gameplay. Of course this is based on what they've told us themselves.

I think they wanted to move on from ME after the huge backlash from ME3 and start on something new. But at that point, EA's shitty practices already took over their creative control and now here we are..

sounds bad

DA4 will not ride on the coattails of what came before it, if anything, it will be buried under the shit that preceded it. Anthem literally caused harm to gaming sites that overestimated it and its "live service" model, by effectively ...being a modern Bioware game. It cost them credibility, traffic and most importantly revenue. There will be a lot of prejudice from gaming sites toward Bioware's next title, regardless if that is Anthem, Mass Effect or Dragon Age. Also, I do believe user is right in proclaiming fantasy dead. Unless they literally turn Dragon Age into Dragon's Dogma, which they can't, because Bioware isn't good enough to do it competently.

After that, they will have two options for their next project: a Mass Effect one or a new IP. EA will give one look back at Anthem, see 7 years of development time wasted, for a game that didn't live past 2 months and decide it isn't worth the investment. So they will have to make another ME.

From there, their options will be: Andromeda sequel, Milky Way prequel, complete reboot, ME3 direct sequel. Right off the bat, an Andromeda 2 is dead. Memes will bury it, it won't even need to release. It will be dead before even Anthem . Milky Way prequel is not a good idea, as the fanbase doesn't want it. Anons have proposed a First Contact War prequel, but it won't work, because you're stuck on Shanxi, won't step foot on alien planets/hubs/ the Citadel, you could excuse an alien crew, but good luck explaining another browed asari, so you're effectively stuck with Peebee, Liara or Samara. And nobody wants Peebee. Also, since you'll be fighting Turians, good luck getting one to be on your team, you birdfucks.

So what's left? A reboot, that will ruin everything you love about Mass Effect, to begin with, arguably the title that will irrevocably kill Mass Effect, or Bioware bites the bullet and bow to their fans and make a direct ME3 sequel.

no it's just a 4x game.

I genuinely think a ME4 is likely, but I don't know how they'll deal with the endings. maybe they'll pick one of them as canon: likely Destroy for the drama with Joker and the Quarians + changes to the world

I don't think we disagree on anything here besides fantasy being dead. My only question is why reply to me? You don't seem to be in favor of this either. The new IP is the best option but fags who can't let go like the guy I was replying to are the reason an ME reboot would even be viable to them.

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Supprised for not killing wrex in ME1

>max armor
>max shields
>level 30
oh no, i left cover for 3.4 seconds

Pretty much this. They might have the option to make an "indirect" sequel to ME3. So in the distant future where you play as Shepard's descendant. That way, they can tie-in familiar characters/races and possibly regain fan support. But that may be their last hope to keep the studio alive (which they need now frankly).

>I don't think we disagree on anything here besides fantasy being dead
honestly, in which way is it not? at least in the west. GOT was only barely fantasy and that's dead and hated now, and Witcher is over, and LOTR Amazon is likely going to flop

They won't pick a canon. Just like a dead Shepard can't be ported over from ME2, so will a dead Shepard from ME3 not be ported into ME4, simple as that. Retcon/handwave the troublesome ending consequences away, play ball.

I'm just continuing the conversation. I do like ME, if Bioware decided to unfuck us poor ME3 stuck schmucks, I could finally be free of their bullshit and then they can die away, for all I care. A reboot of ME3, though, would just be ... imagine Sera from DA:I looking Jack, bulldyke, unlikable, retard. Miranda is now a transgender black lesbian, Liara is a fat positive asari commando, Tali is a paraplegic comatose patient that operates a mech with her stasis induced mind etc. It's going to be the cringiest SJW shit you can come up with. All the men are pathetic and all they do is stand in the corner and mope, while the women punch the Reapers into a black hole. The Reapers are also the Patriarchy.

Well ME1 and DA:O... God original and fun to play over and over. Sequels... Meh, once or twice max.

>They might have the option to make an "indirect" sequel to ME3. So in the distant future where you play as Shepard's descendant
Not gonna sell. Shepard is the only hook you have for players to return. Playing his grandkid? With all the former crew dead from old age and sporting nu-bioware self inserts? No thank you.

They absolutely will pick a canon, but they'll likely do some weird dimension merge so that if you picked a different ending your Shephard is haunted by visions from said ending

The Witcher TV series is still hyped by masses despite the poo and spic castings, and TES is still strong and viable despite rereleasing the same fucking game for a decade. Again, GoT was just a TV show. Fucking Beverly Hills 90210 probably had more of a cultural impact than GoT.

Fans have been asking for a story driven Star Wars game for years. So yeah I think it will sell well, just because fans really want a game like it.

I play the entire trilogy at least once a year....and indeed ME1 feels even worst if you play it right after playing ME3. It's very clunky.

Well you could copy 90210 for your life, but to get horse to ride, carrying sword and wearing tons of fur ain't so easy.

>doesn't really have a setting

It has a pretty well-made setting for a randomized 4X game. Multiple precursor races to use, multiple tiers of civilization built into the game, unique tech progression, metaphysical things like touching the fabric of reality or uploading your species into perfect robot bodies.

Stellaris has the components of multiple Mass Effect-tier settings used as flavour for its gameplay, so it would just be about stitching them together in a satisfying way with decent TPS RPG combat and exploration on top of it.

Although there's also the Endless universe, but that's a bit more Science-Fantasy.

Money on a full reboot of the series.

>The Witcher TV series is still hyped by masses
No it's not, no one cares about the Witcher show

hey man, don't get me wrong. I like it too. it's just not an actual setting as much as set-pieces for you to build with.

Reboot would be good as long as it isn't Star Trek shit like Andromeda. bonus points if its not actually a reboot but its disguised as one

They won't call it canon. Your choices matter, remember? As for more dream sequences? No, thank you, veeeeeery much

Here's your reboot, bro. Have a good time, I won't be joining.

name an AAA game in 2019 that actually fits this. the SJW craze happened right before and after Trump: nobody cares about that shit anymore

It's dead because waifufaggotry can only exist as a supplement. Its a side dish to a main course.

Wolfenstein: Youngblood


>killing Nazi game
Besides the cringe girl MCs, it's still the same as it ever was. just the marketing changed. it's still white women

>Meaning "where's Liara"
He might be complaining about Kaiden or Ashley. Both of which were distorted about as much as Liara.

Anthem bombed because it was boring, not because of liberal shit. its insanely and utterly uninteresting

It bombed because no one wanted another loot shooter.

But it's the worst power. It's pretty much the poor man's Lift.

>Shepard is the only hook you have for players to return
Or people, especially hardcore fans, will take offense to playing as Shepard and the original crew due to:
1) Knowing Bioware's reputation now and not wanting their beloved characters butchered
2) Citadel DLC did a good job giving them a proper "send off" and bringing them back leads to the previous point

If they have somewhat competent writers still there, I'm sure they can create new characters as Shepard's companions that both old and new fans can appreciate. Sort of like the female Turian crew member in Andromeda, who was a fan favorite iirc. Couple that with a new "epic" story that could tie-in older crew members as nostalgic guest appearances, and it may work. They'd have to abandon the shitty Frostbite engine as well.

Wrong, everyone has given up on looter shooters being ever good, at all, ever, even a tiny bit
The only "looter" "shooter" thats good is STALKER

>Moving goalposts to the game also needing to be a success
All SJW pandering games are shit and fail.

I thought Destiny was finally sorting itself decently after Bungie got away from ActiBlizz

Loot Shooters were flash in the pan, it was Anthem's fault for coming out so late

To be fair that character was mainly adored because she was like a mix of Tali and Garrus, the biggest previous fan favorites, as a character.

I wouldn't say Vetra is a mix of Tali and Garrus, she was her own character. She was just a grounded, nice character in a game full of cartoons.

Exactly why they could turn it into a cohesive setting by using components from the game events and backstories.

They've even got a bunch of Paradox-made prefab alien races that would be cool like the ancap industrial squid monsters that desertified their planet.

1) Is a chance, yes.
2) But it also didn't take advantage of any of their plot points, the ME2 characters are still shafted. That you sent them off, doesn't mean people wanted them gone in the first place.

>If they have somewhat competent writers still there, I'm sure they can create new characters
Have you played a goddamn Bioware game in the past five years? More Iron Bulls? More Seras? More Liams and Peebees? No. No fucking more of that shit. It will be an even more shit. The only chance ME has is that, through an established character template, they keep their autism in check and write them as they were written. It's much fucking easier than creating a new character and hope against hope they reign in their autistic freedom and somehow come up with a good one for a change.

>Sort of like the female Turian crew member in Andromeda, who was a fan favorite iirc
They only liked her because they wanted to stick their dicks into her raptor pussy. She's not a good character.

>Couple that with a new "epic" story that could tie-in older crew members as nostalgic guest appearances, and it may work.
How about we just keep the old crew members instead. I don't care about no new Whedon reject crew member.

>They'd have to abandon the shitty Frostbite engine as well.
Not happening.

A few people including me liked Cora as well. Basically just create another hot human female with daddy issues and bingo. Stick to the other archetypes (bashful Krogan, inquisitive space robot race, cool and reliable Turian, etc) and you're set.

No, you're not fucking set. Cora was terrible, Peebee was terrible, Liam was terrible and Jaal was barely palatable, only through the grace of not being as shit as everyone else.

I don't think ME4 will stick with the archetypes for party members, but I do think they'll have significantly less human party members than ME3/Andromeda

I think a Volus party member is the only guarantee, with a lesser chance for a female Salarian party member. the rest is up in the air, though Miranda and Samara coming back are likely

Alright let's say they bring back Shepard and the original crew. What can they possibly write for a story that takes place after the Reaper "biggest threat in the universe" arc and also makes for a compelling adventure worth having.

>I don't think ME4 will stick with the archetypes for party members

Yeah because it won't get made. I doubt DA4 will even come out. The only company EA gave more chances to than Bioware was Visceral but even they got the plug pulled eventually.

Especially after Anthem was a 7 year boondoggle, I bet Bioware has less than 2 years left. Maybe even less than 1 year.

>with a lesser chance for a female Salarian party member.
I hope not, Salarians are born at a 10:1 ratio of males to females. Females are political leaders, not military personal.

Cora's ass wasn't terrible. And that's all you need to attract the horny normie player-base.

IF bioware makes another game it'll be Mass Effect 4. if it doesn't make a game it'll just die. but if it makes a game there's no chance it's Dragon Age, or they're dead

They put out a fucking trailer for DA4 you idiot.

That's what they're currently working on to be repurposed by another studio after Bioware gets stripped for parts in February.

I don't care what they put out, it'll go the way of Versus XIII, a high fantasy game post-GOT is financial suicide

>Versus XIII
Except that actually came out eventually as XV

DA4 has no chance. Anything that can be repurposed will probably be thrown into Battlefront 3's Endor level or something but that's it.

As long as we're on the same page. Dragon Age is much more of a dead franchise than Mass Effect

Mass Effect will get another game.
Who says Bioware will make it tho?
EA owns the rights, and if they do lose the Star wars license, ME will be their go to for sci-fi.

because the race in pic related became good and joined the human forces, at least Legion, but he tells us about the good Geth

Attached: geth_by_tehaku-d4rvoo1.png.jpg (766x1044, 99K)

Do you know how many dozens of franchises EA and other cunt companies like Activision just sit on? Mass Effect is going in the abandonment closet alongside Ultima, Wing Commander, Dead Space, and countless others.

Did this moron just implied that the cast in 2 is better?
The only original character from 2 that is remotely decent is Mordin.

Combat and rpg elements are well balanced, also this along with halo 3 has the best finale in video game history

Thane, Jack, Zaeed, Kasumi, and Samara are all pretty good

Mass Effect sold more than those games.

only Jack, Kasumi and Samara are good. Thane is interesting but his race ends up being nothing more than a novelty

The cast in 2 is vastly better than ME1.
Only good character in ME1 was Wrex. Tali and Garrus were both better written in ME2. Modin also is one of the best characters in the series. Grunt also was solid as well as Legion.

>written better in ME2

>Mass Effect sold more than those games
It's not fair to compare games that came out in the 80s-mid 90s to ones that came out in the biggest boom period in vidya (2007 onwards)

Origin was hugely successful for its time and Ultima would still have good name recognition.

Oh for fucks sake it's you again.

>and Ultima would still have good name recognition.
you don't actually believe this right?

He's right you know.

he's a cartoon. in ME1 he was an ex-cop frustrated at the system, in ME2 he's an EXTREEEEEEME vigilante who does CATCHPHRASE in combat. its annoying. he's still Garrus but he's a shittier, more dumbed down Garrus

Fallout was dead for a decade and wasn't as proportionately successful as Ultima but Bethesda turned it into a massive franchise.

All it takes is the core old fanbase to get your relaunch WOM exposure rolling.