Something Awful Discovers Ion Fury

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too long didn't read
10 bux posters are faggots

who cares

Now you're just spamming.

Cry more, bitch

>retards don't even comprehend that them sperging out over shit like renaming a shampoo bottle puts them on the same level as the ones that got upset with it originally
You're all equally retarded and pathetic.

Imagine posting on SA after Yea Forums was made

why does SA even still exist

So basically criticism can never happen because it makes whoever does it pathetic? What exactly should online discourse about media be in your opinion?

Why not just say "they're"?

Take your schoolgirl gossip back to redit. Nobody cares.

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Yes but not as pathetic as you, you're sperging out over shit like people sperging out over renaming a shampoo bottle

>talking shit about SA
We created you. We own you. We could end you if we wanted to.

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>This is what one of the former internet powerhouses has been reduced to

Does Lowtax still live with his mom and get pozzed by Craiglist daddies on the regular?

>criticizing something automatically makes you as bad as the thing you're criticizing
get real user, try to think for more than a nanosecond

Something Awful indeed.

Oh fuck off; SA's been shit and worthless since about 2014. Goons are a joke.

How the mighty have fallen.

>even goons hate EGS

Well shit. Meanwhile Yea Forums can't stop being a contrarian fuck.


Properly it's S/H/It.

you are akin to a boomer that treats his son like shit only to get surpassed by him in every aspected imaginable and then dumped by him in a retirement home where you spend the rest of your life seething

>*breathes heavily* why yes, I'm an enlightened centrist, how could you tell *wipes sweat off brow*

that's not what centrism is you dumb fuck

and then the son has the exact same thing done to him by leddit

>*breathes heavily* that's not what *catches breath* centrism *wheeze* is *wheeze* you dumb fuck *sweating profusely*

Preaching to the dead; Facebook and Reddit have already consumed all

Haven't been following this controversy, why can't they "support" the game again?

you're talking about neutrality, centrism is a political alignment

>getting buttmad at people getting buttmad
you are far more pathetic than them, user

Where? they're discussing the game and the secrets, unlike here. I don't get the point of this thread.

Yeah. Being baffled there are people petty and oversensitive enough to take offense at a "olay? more like ogay har har har" joke makes you the exact same.

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>implying reddit isn't the sóylent cousin
>reddit surpassing us in anything ever