OK boys give it to me straight
Is it worth it to buy WoW and start playing it for the first time?
OK boys give it to me straight
Is it worth it to buy WoW and start playing it for the first time?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes, you will never get a chance to experience something like this ever again, to be in the first wave of millions to play classic, the first major blackrock mountain showdowns, green dragon counter raids. STV mayhem. you dont want to miss it
retail yes
classic no
No it's shit
Yes, coming from a player who has literally never played WoW before, I'm having a blast.
The community alone makes it a lot of fun to just exist in, and once you get into the loop of the gameplay it's addicting.
Remember, anyone who says it's shit has never played it before or is just trying to troll on Yea Forums.
Give it a shot user, you won't be disappointed.
based tranny
seething retailfags with nobody to help AOE LFR bosses LMAO
Stop giving people negative influence.
>imagining wasting 10$ per month for an 19 years old game
Yes, but wait for things to cool down or you'll literally pay to be queued, it's not a race and there will always be enough people that play at a pace similiar to yours.
fuck yes. but don't trust me, subs are cheap, so just buy one month and check it out for yourself instead of listening to a bunch of contrarion fagots on Yea Forums
I'm jealous, wish I could the game blind again.
epic and trannie pilled
This unironically. There is absolutely nothing in Classic except ephemeral nostalgia.
Mom never bought me a sub, it's nice to see what I missed, the good and the bad.
I'm level 15 warlock and just got my big damage wand and mobs are getting raped, having fun seeing what it's all about. I'm going back to college in 2 weeks so it's nice to fill in the time until then. Just try it m8 maybe you like it maybe you don't. It's $15 sub, if you can't afford it go mow some lawns or sell your boipucci
imagine making thread after thread after thread attacking people for enjoying WoW classic. At this point I've come to the conclusion all the seething happening is by people in the industry and shills who don't want this to succeed. They don't want it to succeed because it would indicate that the overall direction game companies has gone down is completely wrong. Game companies know that they are sacrificing their products for propaganda purposes and WoW classic won't have that agenda driven content found in modern games.
update version?
dude this game is 19 year old cringe man look yourself in the mirror
Classic wow is a solid game that stood the test of time for over a decade, private servers are the proof. Retail is a trashheap surviving only on the nostalgia of whales who've invested too much into their characters to let go.
>3 hour+ queues on the servers with populations that will stabilize in the long term
>Servers being added to compensate for this that are dead literally hours after being added, will likely be realm merged
>Layering system is broken, can randomly be phased out of your layer during combat, NPCs and the fucking ships between EK and Kalimdor don't spawn in half of them
kek it's literal fucking garbage blizzard did an exceptional job of shilling on every platform under the sun. russian chink private servers are more functional than this shit. also they're rolling out surveys on whether people want the shitty expansions and paid cash shop shit like realm swaps/cosmetic changes so be prepared for when there's a cash shop on top of your $15/month sub.
I love this game so much.
I'm no lie having so much fun with random people.
I just a minute ago gave a random player a boost Thorns and Mark of the Wild then he ran over to me and traded me some intellect spells and waved goodbye. All this in the middle of the wilderness. Feels comfy as fuck.
If it's 19 year old cringe then it you wouldn't need to constantly reinforce this narrative. The fact of the matter is that WoW classic has widespread popularity and it's obvious that people like you can't handle how well it's doing.
Wait a little while while people get out of the starting areas.
>buy $20 dollar prosecco last night at costco with wife
>on way home we eat some delicious mexican food for $25 dollars
>drink prosecco and fuck her before playing classic WoW
>see Yea Forums incel worried about $10 a month
I think they definitely jumped the gun on adding more servers. Anything new they added on launch save for the 4 they announced early is going to be a ghost town.
there's always going to be legions of retards willing to eat up whatever big companies shit up. since we live in a democracy, i feel obligated to be a contrarian so other high IQ minded folk know that they arent alone
any other mmorpg?
I've been playing WoW since beta, but never played horde. I spent over an hour looking for Thrall in Org last night.
It's 15. Nostalgia is a mental illness.
>since we live in a democracy
>calling yourself high IQ
The United States is a Constitutional Republic.
private servers are free
also the most popular expansion on private servers is wotlk not this shitty barebone vanilla
it's pure garbage
and ur playing a 19 year old cringe game. your point is?
>he seriously thinks botmane wotlk has 15k players on at all time
>Is it worth it to buy WoW and start playing it for the first time?
If you have time for it I'd give it a go.
If had more time for it I would play just to level frmo 1 to 60 again. It's quite a comfy experience, it's just nice to hang out and quest, reading what's going on in the regions, grouping up with strangers and overcoming obstacles.
I think raiding is a waste of time though.
post yfw you didn't fall for the classic meme
no it's a another thing to make you pay money you retard wake up
>and ur playing a 19 year old cringe game. your point is?
Now you're just repeating yourself and stating your opinions as if they're an undeniable fact. You do understand how ineffective you are right? WoW classic will continue to be popular and the more shilling against this game and the way people find enjoyment out of it the more it will remain relevant.
you home faggots deserve everything you get. this is what you get for daily wojak edits
they're not fake numbers, the queue is updated in real time on the website
I experienced all this 15 years ago, when everyone went in not fully knowing what to expect. It was all right.
didn't even read beyond "Now you're just repeating yourself and stating your opinions as" you are cringe and anti-based. any outside parties will view this conversation and know that I am the victor. go cry in your hole and cry and cry at how you failed. i win again
>Can't even make an argument. Pretends to not read the post.
>Declares yourself the victor
>repeating the same degenerate buzzwords over and over.
there are many things to complain about people paying money for
this is not one
didn't read beyond the first 2 lines. you are cringe and undeniably anti-based and you have taken the cringe-pilled. i am the victor in this debate undoubtedly. if you saw different;y then you wouldnt feel compelled to respond
lolno. There is absolutely no reason for a new player to start retail. The only reason people play it still is sunk cost and being part of communities.
>15 years worth of content
>better gameplay
>more activities at endgame
I'm going to jump in as soon as the queue times die down. No way I'm waiting in queue for more than 30 minutes. I can only do other things for so long.
unironically a game for pure brainlets.
Im probably gonna start playing in december when my last semester of school ends. will anyone still be playing by then?
This is a second chance to experience the rush. I'm old as fuck and remember the original release, and this is very similar.
Don't let the shitters deter you from experiencing it.
15 years of content that is invalidated the second a new expansion comes out, and just becomes a new section to grind through to get a higher number next to your name.
No world interaction with players, they are just NPCs played by other players, no community building, no talking to other players because they are just faceless masses used to help you get what you want from a party/raid finder.
If you call that better gameplay sure go ahead, but I play an mmo to interact with people and make friends.
More endgame activities? Sure I can't wait to grind azerite, and queue with people who don't talk for my faceroll dungeon clears.
cringe reddit response
Yes, role druid
a fool is easily parted with his money
LOL no
I can't fucking play been on queue for like an hour
i can't play
>having to blog to video game nerds about $45 worth of disposable income and having sex with your wife
What a chad
Fuck off. Been in que for close to six hours or so.
grow a spine little bitch
>y-you are going to miss out!!!!
The thing is if you play it you are going to miss out on something more important, your own fucking life. Its not worth it. Wow was made to suck life out of people. Just look at those streamers streaming for 18 hours straight just so they can be the best before it stops being popular again. MMOs is a genre for brain dead morons. Play something with good story, or good gameplay that requires skill and reflexes.
you should try habbo hotel instead of wasting $15 in an mmo if you only want to talk to people buddy
>imagine playing video games
>imagine playing old video games
pirate vanilla and find a good private server instead
I warned you fuckers about this shit in my last post.
Why didn't you listen, all of Yea Forums?
This guy gets it.
lmao look at all the triggered classicucks
imagine being so low iq you fall for the shilling and marketing. There is 0 point in getting into classic wow if you dont have nostalgia for it(former addict) This isn’t exactly an enriching experience for your life.
You've made such a clever post. Nobody can disagree with you. Well I have played WoW back in 2014 and I'm not a troll. Anyone who has played it and has went back to playing it again are delusional morons.
It'll last a month, then people will start demanding "quality of life" changes, better graphics, etc and after that might as well be retail.
The joke has gone on long enough, people managed to troll a fuckhuge company into wasting money, but this has zero longevity. It's a dated, clunky, ugly game, and it'll last just a bit longer than Starcraft Remastered
Imagine making the argument based on money. You're paying for a 15 year old product in a dead genre, you fucking cretin. You don't pay a monthly charge for anything else to provide you with an outdated sub-par experience.
This. Who gives a shit about the playerbase numbers? Do you play with millions of people all at once?
Yea it really is sad that everything newer is THAT fucking shit to where classic is still better isnt it
Absolutely savage.
>Position in queue: 2533
>Estimated time: 55 min
This is on Fairbanks, I can't imagine how awful Herod or Faerlina must be
are you a fan of mmo's?
if so then just fucking play it's literally 15$
it's not like this is some huge decision
Fearlina is surprisingly not that bad, at least when compared to harod/whitemane
>pay money to sit in a queue
But therein lies my point. Develop some self-control and do something more productive with your time, rather than throwing money at the company that ruined your "fucking shit" version.
Why? Literally everything else is garbage and this is at least fun for now you fucking fag
damn dude you’re fucking rich!
>"Literally everything else is garbage"
I get it, you're another one of those entitled morons that complains at everything. Seriously, develop some self-control and maybe better yourself, rather than being some salty child on the internet.
Christ youre a fucking faggot
>complains at everything
Name some good multiplayer games i should buy that are doing well right now
Your responses reek of narcissism. I'd be surprised if you were over 20 with how immature you come across on here, but I digress.
I'm not here to spoon-feed you games for you to criticise in order to feel some sense of superiority and validate your incessant whinging. Get off your fat lazy ass and try bettering yourself.
>has nothing
Get fucked retard
Can wow classic be played for free to level 20?
No, they know most people won't make past that so you have to pay to try
>out for 1 day
>already dead
I bought it and played it for about 13 hours. Its a fun game. The community is being very nice, almost saccharine. For me though, the game feels dated. I understand some people may like it, and thats the appeal. It isn't for me though. There are other games I want to play and I cannot justify burning time playing an mmo from 2004 the questing and leveling really shows the time period in which the game was made. Once again though, if thats your thing, go for it.
All these angry new fags are pissed to hear the truth. Aside from killing Naga in Stranglethorn, most of the classic experiences are still available to those who are leveling in retail.
Don't listen to the salted trannies that are all turbo pissed that their favorite faceroll simulator is dead and losing relevance to a 15 year old game, classic's fucking great.
Define dead. :)
It's worth to try both Classic and Retail, but I'm guessing you will find retail more enjoyable. I'm all for Classic and definitely think its a great idea, but I just don't see it attaining OSRS level of long-term success with new players. Classic is much more difficult to get into than OSRS, for example, and I think its going to stagnate soon (just like OSRS did until they started making new content).
I think a lot of people don't understand the important of future content (besides the expected vanilla stuff). Old school rs was on its death bed with like 5% of rs3 playerbase until they said"uhh yea we're gonna start polling and developing new content for the game".
and thus the success of old school rs was born
I hope everyone who is returning or playing for the first time has a good time