Why aren't there any games where you can play as a photographer?

Why aren't there any games where you can play as a photographer?

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there's pokemon snap

Michigan Report from Hell.

That game is pure kino


Attached: frank.jpg (1280x720, 100K)


What about this one?

Attached: 1546991067303.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Thread over, these are your photographer games.

>Summertime High School: A Young Man’s Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend On The School Tour, Then For Some Reason Became Super-Popular With The Girls For His Daily Scoops On The School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, And What He Thinks As He Goes On Dates During His Summer Of Island School Life


Touhou 9.5

Civilians want access to it. It's a fucking gun. If I had tons of disposable income, I'd decorate my mansion with knight statues with real assault rifles. Why? Because fuck you, I think it's cool, and I can afford it.

No it's not a gun

Are we just gonna ignore Dead Rising 1 or


Anyone that used the word civilian in a demaning way should unironically be shot. Any hard-working, honest civilian should have free acess to guns, healthcare and a robust public system that will take care of him were a tragedy to occur. Anything less than that makes you either a bootlicker or a worthless commie.

Yes this is a thinly veiled political discussion now

Fatal Frame? Does Beyond Good and Evil count since you can make money off taking pics?

Wasnt there some game where you play as photographer and explore some abandoned places? Does anyone remember its name? I kinda want to try it

Yikes. You should stop jumping at shadows and expand images.
Beyond good and evil for sure counts, the main plot is all about Jade trying to report a government cover up.

The scariest game of all time

Pokemon Snap
Beyond Good and Evil
Plus a bunch of other games where photography is a feature in the game.

mah nigga

life is strange

Photographers are shitty people. They think they're some kind of creative individual when all they can really do is just take terrible pictures and act like their albums of bullshit nobody wants to see is some kind of irreplaceable works of art. Now everyone with a cell phone and filters think they're a photographer which makes them extra shitty and everything sucks.

Metro Exodus has a photo mode


New Vegas has a photo quest

Why did jannies delete pic related Yea Forums?

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