Thoughts on this company?

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Making some good games but they'll never make another good fighting game and should probably quit.

I think they should make DD2.

Comeback of the fucking century

Making a pretty strong comeback but still lacking in the fighting game department.

They have good games, but sometimes you can't shake off the feeling their management hates making money.

Probably the biggest highs and lows of the industry in terms of products.

Fuck them for making mobile shit instead of X 9

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after the legacy collection for MMZ i think they're back

Feels like they are playing it safe. Just ports and remakes. Haven't seen them fuck up as bad as they did in the past

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Is it so bad to not want money?

I enjoy a lot of their games and am looking forward to RE8.

deep down...

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So fucking true

This, more onimusha would be fine even though there's this weird copyright thing for 3 involving jean reno.

I would like to see a new Breath of Fire that isn't mobile shit though.

Since he said he was still interested in the series most people believe that's what Itsuno's team is working on right now. Though he did say he was also interested in Rival Schools so its anyone's guess what will actually be revealed.

Honestly the only thing really selling from them is Resident Evil stuff so I can't blame them for playing it safe. They're doing some good stuff these days they deserve more love. Only department that's really fucked is the fighting game department and hopefully one day Ono will fuck off and someone else can give that department some love.

I still say it's a shame they don't take some of those dead fighting game IPs and work on spin-off games in different genres.

capcom is a drug addict that can't be trusted. i never buy their games on release and always expect the worst.

It kinda is when you see them miss the obvious that would make both sides very happy. Like playable Vergil DLC, for example.

It´s 100% DD2, it's the classic Capcom's MO, they released the original DD on the Switch, they also did a sale on Steam a few months ago that had artwork of most of the games on sale, DD was included in it, plus there is a Netflix show in the works apparently. They are prepping the grounds for it.

Loved them in PS2 era. Hated then in 360/PS4 era. Absolutely fucking adore them this gen, RE2, DMC5, MHW, and the best is yet to come. Probably the best Japanese dev out there right now.

Don't forget DDO being killed off. All the signs point towards it, but I refuse to let myself get excited. I'll believe when Itsuno walks out on the E3 stage with Into Free blasting in the background.

>into free
>not the chad truth OST or fateful decision
plebian taste, you CAN go wrong!

Some of the most iconic IPs and great games but always manage to piss some fanbase off, much to my pleasure.

Have been my favorite vidya company since 1996. While they had some bangers, they kinda floundered last gen. I was worried a out em. But This gen, while they havent released as much new content, what they have released has been mostly great, mediocre at worst.

Capcom has always been the gravest port offender, but this is the gen they've done the best with it.

Where the fuck is battle network Capcom?

the company has made some great game, but also some questionable development choices

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Make good games. Will milk them for decades. Every console resell your old library. I love Capcom but fuck them, I'm sick of their greedy bullshit.

Extremely bad management resulting in extremely rush games. They don't care if the product is good. They only care if it's ready. Extremely condescending like they're a western company and treats their fans like they're mentally deficient. Their marketing and PR department is horrible and it feels like children are managing it. Capcom US and Capcom EU should be closed down like Vancouver because they do fuck all. They will probably never reach the height of their PS2 generation.

>capcom EU and US suck
>said companies gave us Matt Walker and Matthew Edwards
I could be biased since I met them in person up london, but they're a class act for PR and treated everyone as equals man. They did great marketing DMC5.

Innovators of selling unfinished fighting games because they can exploit long-time fans into buying 30+ characters. They made other companies do the same, so Capcom is the EA of fighting games. They fucked themselves over with SFV but I don't see them changing anything regardless. I hate them for it, and will never forgive the fact that they tainted a once awesome genre into becoming cancerous DLC-ridden trash because they are Japanese Jews.

wait for DMC5SE goy

Ninsoyboys hate him!

>still no mega man legends 3
it's shit.

They’ve completed their redemption arc. The real question is what’s next

make lost planet 4 already YOU FUCKS

It's all fun and games until Capcom installs a rootkit on your computer.

They made 11 and it was good so I'm not even mad. With legacy ZX coming out you better fucking believe they're trying to bring back more megaman.

they made good games

Used to be my favorite game company. They're not my favorite anymore, but they still do good things occasionally.

excuse me

I will never purchase another video game unless it's Megaman Legends 3 or a new Battle Network or a pail of water.


where the fuck is vergil

good thing i dont play street fighter i guess

fuck that, remaster or remake LP1 in the RE engine. Wayne is the GOAT, I'll never forget being a kid and how much the fight against Green Eye blew me away.

RE2make was downright mediocre generic TPS that is just slightly better than Rev2 vomit. RE7 was alright tho.

Two weeks, screencap this, unironically.

I'm still mad.

why would they announce it in 2 weeks? is there some type of event happening? when is TGS?

They have carried the market on their backs since day one.

Vergil dlc is going to be our 9/11

September 12th. I'm not on the dev team or anything like that, I won't LARP that shit, but I would gladly swear on every earthly possession I have that Matt Walker and Okabe are going to be present for a DMC5 related announcement. I work for the cleaning firm scheduled for the day after the event, it's gonna be a shit job but knowing they're there makes it all worthwhile.

More like

Capcom? More like Cashcom. More like Crapcom.

>garbage man knows about the schedule

it kinda makes sense. i doubt they'd talk about monster hunter since iceborne comes out before TGS starts, and desu if they announce REmake 2 shit its a win in my book. dont let me down user

Is there a possibility that square pulls a Capcom or are their Western studios doing too well for the same "drastic measures" to be taken?

Not that kind of cleaning, user. Industrial shit, if you look inside the Chiba Center there's a fuckton of carpet, and it gets pretty damn messy especially when the stage is utilised for set pieces. I just got told who's going to be attending, eight hour shifts get pretty monotonous, people tend to shoot the shit and my coworkers suck up to management often enough.

I hope it's everything you want it to be, save the date, September 12th. I'm not making a thread or anything with this, just telling you what I know.

Capcom is basically Nintendo but doesn't make consoles.

Itsuno won't be there?

the more i think about this the more i realize its true

What did Capcom do to their western studios?

Not as far as I know, he's working on his new project. I love Dragon's Dogma but it's likely not going to be shown by him any time soon, if that's his new project.

That's pretty accurate.

jewcom is what you meant

Shut them all down or cut ties with the contract ones



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welp user. i cant say i trust the words coming out of your mouth but the idea of this happening has given me a slight bit of hope

Their fighting division is mediocre at the moment.

Yeah I'm not about to tell you to trust me, I don't even know if the DMC5 stuff is Vergil DLC. We've had fun on break here speculating whether it's coop, a very unlikely switch port, Stadia shit, etc. It could be anything, but no matter what, it is SOMETHING and that's enough to keep faith.

are you forgetting about Monster Hunter? The franchise with their best selling game ever, and a huge expansion in less than two weeks.

>They announce everything but Vergil
Honestly that would piss me off more than no announcement

That's innacurate. Capcom games don't have padded content like Nintendo games has.

Likewise, the only consolation Gamescom gave us over here is that whatever this announcement is this time, it won't be for shitty game pass.

>Wanting Capcom to make another Darkstalkers game when they haven't made an actual good looking stylized game in years.
You're the first person to whine when it turns out to look like shit.

Capcom "pulled a Capcom" because monster Hunter world sold like 5x better than they projected and made them so much cash they had the confidence to change the direction of the company with that big safety net. I don't think square has the capability to make such an unexpected success titles, nor the leadership willing to take risks like Capcom was.

SFV looks fucking great aside from a couple of goblin faces.

Capcom didn't make that game. Ken's face was made by Capcom and see how that ended up. It's why they keep outsourcing models and why everything varies in quality.

Have made some incredible, i dustry changing games and once had THE best creative illustrators in the entire fucking industry. It's also been a good few years for them. 2019 has been fantastic in particular.

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>That time Matt defended DMC fans so hard the interviewer refused to publish that part of the interview after unsuccessfully guilt trip him into shitting the fans
Matt's a cool guy.

Just outsource the Darkstalkers models to the people who made the good-ass models in SFV then


When they fix SF5, and bring out a lower budget fighting game series with it the redemption arc will be complete.

They were the best, then turned to crap and now are on their own redemption road.
Theyll never be as good as in the 90s but at least they are far from dead

They aint changed shit company wise. They're still pumping out old ports and ROM dumps galore like they always have been

this. fucking please. i'm in agony bros, i can't wait any longer.

They're in a good spot but they seem to have no ambition for new IPs anymore.

They are sitting on some of the best IPs ever made, there is no reason to make new ones, cleaning the dust of the old ones would be enough

>Makes fantastic games
>Free DLC a lot of the time
>Actually seems to be listening to fans giving them what they want
>Seems to be doubling down on making great games
>Everything business related
>Made MVC Infinite
>200 dollar ROM dump controller
>Switch support is an absolute travesty, has done less than Konami or EA, makes the entire company look bad
>any of their mobile shit

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>dude fuck new games just port and remake the old ones over and over again
we have enough Remasters and Remakes fuck off

where the

Are you brain damaged? Who said anything about remakes and ports? I want new games too, but that doesnt mean new IPs

Mixed bag, but lately they are getting better.

Every company makes a new IP once in a blue moon

>lack of switch support so Yea Forumseddit hates them
got it

In three years (or four depending of how ambitious the game turns) for next gen consoles. I guess we could get a get a teaser in the next E3 and some gameplay in a couple of years. We have to be patient

the ff7 remake is going to make mhw's sales look like a joke.

The FF7 remake is a scam with only the prologue of the original game and stretched to make it last more. It would sell a lot, sure, but it would also become a laughing stock

>out of everything posted, only focuses on Switch
Obsessed Nintendo fan detected

>Over 20 old games shoved out the door for a quick buck
>lack of support
More like support is like a shovelware develoer

i dont care what they do they just need to bring it back.

Capcom has a good year. Seems like they are moving the goalposts in a more positive direction in terms of releasing content fans want.

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he triggers redditor ring wingers and trannies simultaneously and doesn't afraid of nephilim

They've been consistently great with Monster Hunter.

>only thing thats selling is resident evil
Monster Hunter World sold 13 million copies and was the highest selling Capcom game ever