Other urls found in this thread:
>boulder throw
What's up with obsession of /leftypol/ with StoneToss?
they're trying to make him the shadman of politics
this one is genuinely funny
>stalagmite discus
Now remove 2dn and 3rd panels
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.
Why didn't he draw the president's hands smaller?
They’re trying to bluepill him like /pol/ redpilled Ben Garrison.
Alright, this one got me
Is this the /pol/ recruitment thread?
for the same reason he made him faceless: it represents every president
>lol ur so obsessed with the disproportionate amount of crime committed by a certain race you're forced to live among and be a victim of
steinberg plz go
Reminder that 100% of humans have never fucked you lol
>Bis having highest suicide rate
Guess they don't like being bi-themselves
But he's super fashy. It would made sense if he was a centrist, but he clearly isn't.
Yes, now drop and give me 88.
I don't get this one, but then again I'm an ESL fag. someone please explain
>President has only four fingers
>being rational
user I...
fucking gross
Anyone have that stonetoss edit where the guy comes into the Yea Forums room and says LOL THREAD? and they throw him out?
>a simple thread about video games
Like I said, obsessed.
>pebble peddle
oy vey
>simple thread about video games
>on Yea Forums
Why didn't he just fuck Misty?
>hey guys POKEMON!
Shad's fading in to obscurity, about time.
When he isn't complaining about the jews, he can be pretty poignant. The antifa one is great.
Does this suggest all men should be conscripted into the military so they'll put less value into meaningless emulations of war?
"king me" is from checkers, not chess.
>removes middle panels
>comic becomes better
>this thread
>about video games
Whether true or not, nobody fucking asked you about this, you attention whore.
Because Misty's gross, that's why.
its a fucking comic retard, basically everyone has four fingers
King me is from checkers instead of chess.
There's this /pol/ meme that whenever Trump does something dumb he's actually playing "4D chess", i.e. it's actually a very smart move disguised as a dumb move. Here it shows him saying "king me", which isn't even a chess thing, implying he truly has no idea what he's doing.
genuinely hot
What about angry incels like you? what's the depression rate for them?
> LGBT community has a "straight" part
Yeah, OP posted a comic about video games.
God I wish I had a ditto.
Also >shadman
The 3rd panel break the flow.
>/pol/ redpilled Ben Garrison.
He's been drawing the same stormblr shit for like 30 years.
"king me" is used in Checkers, which is not chess. The joke is Trump isn't playing 4D chess, he is an idiot trying to play a different game.
How do you know he’s an incel?
Doesn’t seem very angry either, just posting statistics.
It's almost like both incels and trannies need to be purged from this planet
It's for compare.
he then immediately followed it up with politics. how dumb are you? it's to make the jannies scroll past
You can be LGBT and still in a straight relationship
Why would anyone want to fuck that bitch?
Why are you avoiding the question?
Too short. Just get rid of the huh panel and you'll be golden.
Do you think hopping from amorous relationship to amorous relationship is fulfilling?
What's different between queer and gay
Imagine a heterosexual couple of two bisexuals still pretending to be oppressed. Yikes.
You don’t remember him seething at all of the /pol/ edits?
>post the original
Then eventually embracing them during the 2016 campaign and beyond?
Whatever Trump plays, he's king.
he likes superior waifus
but who was car?
does anybody have a full archive of all of the stuff shad had on his site? he removed some shit
It's for breeders that want oppression points for basically being nothing.
The goy cattle chauffer, of course!
why are you so butthurt?
Why do you think sexuality defines the political motives for everybody just because you’re LGBTQ?
Normal people don’t give a shit.
What about the disproportionate amount of income and education within those communities, or the disproportionate police response based on skin color? What about the disproportionate amount of reported crimes from those sectors? Asking for a friend haha.
He's easy to make fun of because he can go pretty incel in some of his strips, but beyond that they got way too obsessive and tried to shit on every one of his strips and they end up just reaching.
I think they believe if they accept part of his content, they somehow accept all of it. It's all or nothing for them and that's the way it is for a lot of extremists.
That doesn't answer the question, either. What's the depression rate for people who are involuntarily celibate? Is it 100%?
I think the 3rd panel without the text would make it better.
Ditto a cute!
none of his content is good though?
This seems off topic to my video game thread featuring pebblechuck
Surprisingly okay for a
Fuck water, pokemon creatures for the win.
Wait, you can't count and don't have four fingers? Because I've got four and a thumb, thought that was normal.
>he still lives with his parents
Strikes one and two right there.
sauce me nigger
heh you know jimbo that's pretty based
Too many apes
he said 5 minutes you dick
Enjoy your vacation
oh my!
Ughh gross
>I will delete this post in 5 minutes. React as if I posted porn or rule 34.
I don't get it
Wait, why did the original of this trigger the reddit chapotards? It had nothing to do with politics.
His style really went to shit.
>Wait, why did the original of this trigger the reddit chapotards? It had nothing to do with politics.
Ask your SexEd teacher.
The only people obsessed with sexuality are high schoolers and people who’s identity and politics are solely constructed from their sexuality, like faggots and shemales.
These “arguments” aren’t even worth the time. Grow the fuck up.
Dittos turning into whatever you want to fuck is my secret fetish. I wish there was more stuff of it
it's pretty good, but the original is better.
This one is more genuinely seething about those two, while the bike one is so silly and overblown, and the obnoxious vegan is much more common and well known than the obnoxious libertarian
Yikes, This a blue-board user!
Because StoneToss triggers them in general.
What got removed?
Whats the picture supposed to be, it looks like this for me
stop phoneposting
>LOL thread
>115 replies
>19 images
Sasuga, Yea Forums
wow its actually vidya related this time
>still no answer
This is frustrating, kind of like your sex life.
>represents every president
wow, sexist and racist
This is literally just 2 old comics from Yea Forums in 4 panels
>Winslow from catdog.jpg
Hello this is fbi
water edits are life
This entire website is based around being a thirsty motherfucker though
Literally post a image with any woman in it and the first reply will be something about how hot she is or whatever.
>Literally post a image with any woman in it and the first reply will be something about how hot she is or whatever.
called being high-test fag
Not like this
are you fucking stupid
Of course reddit posts a wojak. Don't get ass pained, it's a genuine question.
Nothing wrong with being homosexual or trans, tho. Only (((bisexual))) people are evil.
But now you know it.
Bi girls just want attention
>still no ideas beyond the most caveman tier understanding of the world
>”i must fuck”
Considering you’re not 19, do you gamers care about anything else?
So that guy's argument is bullshit, yea?
Disproportionate assumes equal, theyre not equal
Oh word, are you suggesting pebblefling can't think of his own jokes? For shame!
enjoy your v&
Either greatest bait of all time or stupidest motherfucker that ever posted
>Hue hue hue look at me try and ruin a fun little joke
Wow user, you sure showed us.
>Of course reddit posts a wojak. Don't get ass pained, it's a genuine question.
The bias here is that depressed people would be more depraved and "take what I can get", as surprise surprise, they're depressed. Your cart is in front of your horse.
You stupid fucking chimp
>this entire website
Summer’s over faggot.
I already knew it! You didn't add anything to my life except cursing me with your stupid face for 10 seconds. Thanks for nothing.
You wanna get into how it's a near century old plot to create an installed community for political capital? Or are you afraid to get into anything more complicated than brown man bad
You give Yea Forums a bit too much credit. People have been making this comparison since the 90s, if not earlier.
Based. Let's see who gets assfurious.
>cursing me with your stupid face
Excuse me?
Well, I imagine you to have a stupid face.
I don't think that applies to women, at least not to most of them.
Guess they could never get their best in slot
bisexuals are people who are so desperate they’ll take affection from both sides. You’ll be surprised that they would be picking a side if it gave them what they want.
What's hatefuck
Mayhaps, but you haven't seen it. Are you bisexual, by chance?
nah, you are for falling for it
God the lips of his characters piss me off so fucking much.
I like it. Give him a break, man...
third panel should say
>how crummy !
how do you got old style Yea Forums
Fuck off to /r/GamingCirclejerk.
>lol thread
>devolves into tranny arguments
>no images
I like
Or a transman and transwoman in a relationship
Is StoneToss Shmorky?
Hotkey is alt-f4
b-but i thought stonetoss was a litertal nazi, why is he making fun of trump? i don't get it, isn't he a trump supporter? why would he make fun of the nazi president?
Well, you don't use StoneToss in the OP if you want serious discussion.
Well, trans are opressed.
Yes, disfigured people have a low standing in society.
unbeaten to this day
Always complaing but never actually doing anything. Have some balls, you pussy.
I don't really think vgegans are more common or irritating than stupid politics, but he is right that the entirety of /pol/ will never come even close to cyclists
I'm straight, you ugly son of a bitch.
Well, water is life after all
This picture didn't age well.
Apu is not Pepe
Stonetoss edits = funny
Stonetoss edits with forced "STONETOSS IS A NAZI" between panels = not funny
I would do something, but I’m holding out for GTA VI.
Looks kino.
people finally realized that the pokemons looked like shit or something?
this one is so fucking bullshit
Did he not feel PA-A-A-AIN when he was HU-U-U-URT? I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, did he not shit? Did he not dreerj?
He was only human but yes he was chicken 'n waffles.
t. feminist
Dont bother trying to argue historical events with a group famous for historical revisionism. In their mind, it happened the way they want to remember it.
>video games
Go back to pol
>hiding his adam’s apple
Why are us gamers so oppressed?
It's easier to come out as trans than to come out as a conservative gamer.
the yakuza
>rock chuck
Why should I care about the wants of a w*man on the internet?
The extreme right hates trump for pro israel and for "giving his beautiful blonde daughter to a Jew".
A hardy chuckle
What qualifies as a "real man"?
The extreme right should get a life.
Israel is our greatest ally and a bastion of freedom in the middle east.
Shit, that one actually got me.
Oh no no no no
Getting fucked by Michael Jackson might give you social standing, but getting fucked by a unicorn gives you magic powers.
one that women find attractive.
oh wait
Maff be hard nigga
And why would playing video games or fapping to trap porn prevent anyone from being attractive?
-Being a wagie
-Being a chad
-Being unarguably superior specimen to most women
yiff in hell
>You don’t remember him seething at all of the /pol/ edits?
Because he espouses the same White nationalist ideology, he just doesn't want people to realize it. His enemies are The Bankers (who are jews) whorule the world and flood the West with invading darkies. The only difference between what he espouses and what White Nationalists espouse is they outright call out The Jew, while Zyklon Ben hides behind proxies.
That's why it takes so little effort to change his comics. And that's why he hates the edits so much. He can pretend to not be racist while the edits are obviously racist.
have kids
oh wait, you can't
Pizza hut in the garage?
This is one of his best
Is this the fruit of Protestantism?
im fine with this cause im jewish
Enjoying your cranberry juice, Sergeant Angle?
there ya go lad
Wypipo be like
"Life too spicey"
and kill themselves LOOOOOL OH NO NO NO NO
Ben Garrison isnt partocularly racist, though. He was even against people editing in the whole Somali Hordes thing until he realized the "somalians" were actually largely Sudanese extremists seeking 'refuge' from a moderate coalition that formed in response to their militant uprising and kicked them out of the country.
Taking the redpill is accepting the truth, and that’s what Ben did. Where he would have not without /pol/ and their autism.
the original was poking fun at vegans, who - as braindead idiots - are natural allies to the common chapo. they had to defend the oppressed.
it also helps that this particular comic lends itself very well to template edits.
Maybe if they don't want police responding "disproportionately" they shouldn't commit so much crime lol. And why does every place with a majority black population end up looking like sub saharan Africa if it's really about police response and bad schools?
Wet and crummypilled
Fucking hell
Hey guys I don't think this thread has anything to do with video games.
that's the sigil of lucifer actually
More like there’s no spice left to plunder.
Unless perhaps the moons of Jupiter hold some sort of rare spice.
Unfortunately the white man must cut off his burden before he can get there.
>blonde hair
>dark brown eyebrows
White w*men
The unenlightened often fail to realize Lucifer is one Satan among many.
>a pokeball
>not a pokemon creature
Still a good effort.
the REAL enlightened folk realise that satan is just a mimicry of saturn
The only place the white "man" is heading to is to an early grave.
I don't get it
Now this is redpilled humor.
mornin angle
who cares? are you telling me you are not a freemason in 2019? hah, what a fag
t. balding, mid 30s millenial with man tits
Nonsense, user.
Zyklon Ben's shift from Libertarian to being "alt-right" parallels with Yea Forums's Libertarian communities' shift to "alt-right".
He realised all along that his half-baked Ideology would get him nowhere.
>not per capita
Cops aren't allowed to beat people for wearing frog shirts if they're kids.
Who’s going to put them there?
White American men are the largest army in the world.
You start with trying to make us feel guilty, but when we reject that you become angry and celebrate the death of our race, solidifying yourself as an enemy.
That’s all the white man needs. A tangible, conscious threat to their families and way of life. So please, keep doing what you’re doing.
>Be careful what you say, you might give yourself away
If trans people are oppressed then so are incels, they both are mad at society for not accepting their cringe life styles, they both rage at everyone refusing to fuck them and they both go through life with a misplaced sense of superiority or entitlement. I didn't really truly hate incels until the media told me to and now I've realized that trannies and incels are pretty much (and in many instances exactly) the same people. A tranny is simply a late stage incel that's given up on being their born gender in the desperate hope that gender reassignment will somehow make them more popular among the opposite sex. You can study the story of Christian Chandler and this reality will slowly play out before your eyes if you watch it from where it started to where hes at In life now.
Nice LARP though. None of that will happen.
wait, he cant even tell right from left? thats the joke right?
>Christian Nazi doesn't know how video game works
I drew the same conclusion.
>Haha I liked one comic, that means the author is EXACTLY LIKE ME cause that's how it works
You are probably one of those people that pick a party first and then just retroactively fit all their ideals around it.
>stop noticing things!
Women really need to start killing themselves more often.
The comic he's referring to is old as fuck tho. As early as 2005
Do people not realize Stonetoss mocks both sides? he's been doing this since the beginning
Have you caught them swans yet?
lmao stone toss is firmly anti abrahamic and based.
No cause he is clearly on my side.
The other side is wrong after all.
You know which one.
The one you also like.
/r/asianmasculinity in full force again it seems. Imagine seething so badly over your women flocking to our BWCs. I actually had a tinder date with an Asian girl a few weeks ago and it was some of the best sex I've ever had, wonder if the changs in here have ever even gotten that tight Asian pussy
he's nobody side you baboon. everyone saying he is some neonazi or whatever are idiots who can't think for themselves
>Live among
You don't even live in the United States.
no such thing
Go back to Yea Forums and take this with you.
>t. EA's bitch
>playing both sides
that's that shit i don't like
Was it a LARP when Tarrant killed 51 Muslims?
What about Crusius and his 21 Latinos?
All within the span of a few months, from the very same asshole of the internet.
You keep pushing, and pushing, expecting white men to just lay down and take it. These things simply don’t play out that way. You’re pushing for blood, and that’s what you’re going to get.
I don't need disgusting 3d piggu when i have pristine, pure 2d trap cock and a prostate vibe.
Oh, goddammit.
the joke is overdone and something you'd expect from a /pol/ meme comic. like an ea being greedy comic from a gamer webcomic
dunno, but seems it was so bad the Yea Forums archive on fireden removed it too
And no, Centrists are retarded too. I just don't give a fuck about politics and make it my entire life. Stonetoss knows this and it gets him revenue
nobody does because everyone only cherrypicks whatever comics they like/dislike
amerimutts btfo
Relax bro I was quoting a song by chief keef
I'm not obsessed with politics either
>The Bankers (who are jews)
Holy yikes imagine believing Tarrant was actually part of you lot. He spent years in Israel you retarded LARPer, jesus christ.
it was a shadman comic of a ditto turning into the superhero dyke and FUCKING his BOYPUSSY
Alright, my bad
he's failing to give what he promised to some degree the high employment and low inflation is nice though.
There is only 1 Satan actually. It depends if you base your demonology on the Qliphoth or not
There's also a phrase about one person playing chess while the other is playing checkers, which is what he was going for.
Because no one can accurately figure out if StoneToss is satire, or if he's serious.
Fuck this fucker in poker night, always folding, every, fucking, time.
Pebble hurl may be an unfunny faggot but the guy seems sane at least. Shmorky is absolutely gone at this point, fucknuts insane.
He didn’t spend “years” there, and he was traveling the world at that time.
Nice cope though Muhammad.
I'd like to see your comic being funnier than stonetoss. I'll wait.
>White has hispanics included
>Not per capita
Nice manipulation of statistics
It's sad that they've practically ran out of ideas at this point
At least that fucker Matt is gone. He was never funny and got real obnoxious and preachy near the end.
>What about Crusius and his 21 Latinos?
>the hispanic shooter is white but the hispanic victims arent
The joke is far right are pedophiles and hes dressing like a little girl
so flat
Yeah he was "travelling" and wasn't part of mossad.
>y-you're muslim if you think he wasn't one of us
What's so sad is that you actually went all in on the LARP. Please don't shoot up your school when it starts.
succubus is cute
>its just a joke goyim
Stop posting
Neogaf and Resetara are the places who have actual pedophiles
What am I supposed to be upset at? That a fascist comic artist is having their comics altered?
There have been so many male feminists getting metooed. It's happened so often the whole thing has fizzled out. It started with Harvey Weinstein.
Arent those male?
i know a suicide rate way higher
That gif is fucking hilarious. But don't think anyone from Yea Forums is anything but interracial black cuck posters.
he is a fascist
Far left and far right both have terror pedos. Far left has era and neogaf, far right has Epstein and Weinstein
trump isn’t nazi enough
IS THAT....?!
rent free
>blacked posters
>Yea Forums
Yea Forums is a cunny and bleached board, asian redditors get assblasted by it and try to spam blacked on Yea Forums and /gif/
woke up my dog laughing
Despite what /pol/ wants you to believe pedos exist everywhere and come in all shapes, sizes, and political ideologies. This shits not black and white.
>far left has entire groups of people
>far right has two people
Racism is good but only against white people who are the literal jews.
You can't label him as anything other than stupid. He gets the neonazi label for denying the holocaust and being a racist, though.
Do people like you actually exist? Spitting out your drink and shit from laughing that hard over a meme? I find it hard to believe honestly
>Epstein and Weinstein
Neither of whom were right wing.
>Crusius is hispanic because /pol/ told me so
I remember /pol/ thought Crusius was jewish because of a picture of his dad.
/pol/ constantly posts "statistics" without having to explain them beyond "I don't like that group therefore these statistics is all I need".
>far right has Epstein and Weinstein
lay off the /pol/ user
Take your meds schizo.
Tarrant consistently posted threads about Ebba in 2017.
That’s what set him over the edge, along with you faggots clogging up supermarkets.
Not “muh slurpy jerb”.
>Weinstein is a longtime supporter of and contributor to the Democratic Party,
>From 1989 until 2003, Epstein donated more than $139,000 to U.S. Democratic Party federal candidates and committees and over $18,000 to U.S. Republican Party candidates and groups.
Though you really shouldn't even have to look it up.
Both Weinstein and Epstein were Democrat supporters and thrived in liberal circles.
Pedos thrive on the left since the left inherently supports sexual deviancy.
>brings up protestantism out of the fucking blue
must be hard seething all the time
the madmen
The only pedos on the right are literally homosexuals, look at all those pastors/priests.
his political beliefs are pretty clear
>it hurt itself in confusion!
Well they could have fooled me.
>random person on the internet
So this is what they call imageboard brain.
you know that the suicide rate for trannies is virtualy the same in all countries dispite the level of acceptance right?
Epstein and Weinstein are both left leaning you fucking moron
Oy vey shut it down
How do people get off to this?
yikes, lay off the /pol/ user
yeah man i’m sure there aren’t any societal factors that push trans and gay people into having higher suicide rates. must be mental illness. thanks for pointing that out frogposter
I don't get it. Why did they walk past him to steal his car and say shalom instead of goodbye?
Don’t try to argue with braindead /pol/yps. Just report.
I think reddit might be more your style
>no piglike
Well that sucks.
The joke is tow folds:
1. King me is from checkers, not Chess
2. Trump recently quoted co-opted someone saying Trump was the King of Israel.
He's the Cautious player at the table. They're all there for the archetypes. Heavy for the Brave player, Strong bad for the Bluffer, Max for the Wild Card.
It happens sometimes
no they're not, they're centrist liberal vampires
pedos prefer to hide in liberal/left communities, because that's where sexual deviancy is supported. Some also hide in more conservative circles, but they have to be in a trustworthy position to not get caught like a politician or a clergyman.
Reporting people on the internet for anything less than child porn is the highest form of faggotry.
>white texan
Crusius graduated from a "70% white" highschool in plano, texas. Pic related.
my dog is right next to me so it didn't take much to wake him but it does take a lot to get me to chuckle
Does the societal factors also explain why they are over represented among all mental illnesses including pedophilia, schizophrenia, depression and psychopathy?
based and redpilled
trans acceptance has a long way to go globally