Gabe Newell is retarded

This whi*toid found a way to get virgins to make his virtual market virtual hats without having to pay his employees to do that work.

You guys think this lard ass is respectable? Keep dreaming for the Jew Jew Abrams Half Life movie and the Episode 3 game.

Holy shit I fucking hate Valve Corporation.

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if he's so retarded why is he successful faggot


No, he’s a genius. He figured out how to make money without doing any actual work.

keep seething

>Made billions on fucking virtual hats

Calling him retarded is just your envy and coping mechanism talking.


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>literally 80% of it is anime shit

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>iphonenigger poster
Ironic that you attached a pic of this based panamanian to such a gay post

>had sex
literally nothing about this man is good

>adhom because you have no argument

The guy did end up being 240lb and 5'10" once he actually became president. He was a twig most of his life and struggled to gain weight. He reached something like 30 BMI.

Maybe not as fat as that left picture but far from skinny like that right picture implies.

>come to an anime site
>"wtf why is there so much anime?"
Quite a stumper there

>crying "no argument" when not only there isn't one to be made but you're also replying to a post that isn't trying to make one
>thinks ad hominem is a fancy word for insult
sasuga phonenigger.

>Maybe not as fat as that left picture but far from skinny like that right picture implies.

>maybe not as fat as the fake picture but the real, actual photograph is definintely fake.

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Back to

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>not proving him wrong
Today i will remind them.

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>Yea Forums is an anime site

Jesus dude are you retarded? The right picture was pre-presidancy. Civ 6 is representing when he was president, though badly, so it's a bad comparison. Have an actual body picture of him. He's not exactly "fit" when he was president.

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President Teddy Roosevelt was a lean, mean, rough-ridin machine. Stop posting post presidency photos for fuck sake.

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Global Rule 15 for anime when?

These ones are going to my cringe compilation

So instead of discussing how Newell and Valve have pissed away all the good will it had accumulated, thread is instead discussing Teddy Roosevelt's weight and anime?

Meh, I saved it just in case. This one's on me anons.

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That's why other boards call us Yea Forumseddit.

What's wrong with Teddy Roosevelt?

when redditors like you overrun the rest of us

>found a way to get virgins to make his virtual market virtual hats without having to pay his employees

The guys a badass but he got fat. I don't know why you guy are in denial about this. It's not like he got obese, just overweight and the civ 6 caricature is still ridiculous. We aren't taking pre-presidancy because he obviously wasn't really relevant until he was. He weighed about 80lbs more than he should at his height.

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OP is a fag

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You must have him confused with Taft, who really was rotund.

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>Holy shit I fucking hate Valve Corporation.


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>company is runned like a communism