Server queues are not the only queues players are waiting in
WoW Classic
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Whats the point of playing classic if there will be no future content?
wasn't it always like this?
is this a gameplay feature?
Its for the nostalgic purposes I guess
Is that what you faggots have been hyping about going back home about?
>pay to play
>dont even play
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Nothing can be the same.
Blizzard is using you all.
I wish you could have fun.
>this mad it actually turned out successful that you have to samefag
>allybetas taking turns to tag a mob
it will take couple of years until all content for vanilla is released. thats good enough on it's own, and theres also a high possibility of blizzard launching bc or some kind of classic + after that if the interest will be there.
holy shit, even runescape had this problem but fixed it by letting everyone just run on top of each of each other and talk to the exact same fucking npc. Jesus fuck.
Its not about talking to NPC. Its about killing a rare mob.
is there really a built in queue? What if you just cut everyone in line?
i guess it really wasnt all that smart to release an old game without changing anything in it
It's a mob on a five minute respawn timer.
Just players roleplaying as nice people. They have to wait in line till the mob respawns and just don't want to kill steal
somebody will cry to blizzard that you harrased them and you will get permabanned
Even worse. Respawn timer should be lowered just for the first few days or just have a personal mob spawn for everyone trying to kill it for the quest. Then again I've never played wow so fuck if I know if an rs quest is anything like a wowo quest.
>Some lines are well over hour long
The same shit happened in tera and the division. It's nothing new.
>cut in line
>kill mob
>tell the nerds to suck it
Webm or didn't happen. Post the salt.
I didn't have this problem in Mulgore/Barrens on one of the highest pop servers yesterday. I grouped up with a couple people a few times since there were multiple people killing the same mobs in certain areas, but that was literally what we did in vanilla, too.
i did this on samuel fibbs and everyone just kind of stood there and took it
This is some 2019 Classic Remastered shit, this ain't vanilla. Back then everyone would be standing at spawn spamming whatever they can to tag the mob.
Not this "respect and be excellent to each other" reddit crap.
there's literally no reason to do this, you can go kill 10 mobs and get the same xp
Its almost as if the players, that played the game back then and are now replaying the game years later, grew up
>this is like being at the dmv
It's not the pinnacle of comedy but I still giggled
>try and log into
>theres a queue
>try and buy a sub
>theres a queue
>log into the game
>theres a queue
>try and get a quest item
>theres a queue
Waiting in line to wait in line to wait in line to wait in line
Because people like it you fucking retard.
is this any different than ff14 bots(which make up 80% of every server btw) waiting in line to enter instanced areas?
Wasn't the reason behind this whole ordeal to go back? When we weren't grown up?
Seems fitting for a theme park.
be nice or daddy blizzard will ban you for harassment
>Back then everyone would be standing at spawn spamming whatever they can to tag the mob.
Its exactly like that on Horde side, Alliance players have and always will be faggots.
I ain't even playing this, but it still makes me smile that the sharding apologists got fucked.
There is literally nothing stopping you from tagging the mob. Just know that some fags will remember your name and try to keep you out of raids later on.
>that the sharding apologists got fucked.
Areas are fucking packed, are you retarded?
Can someone redpill me in on how professions work? And the talent tree?
I'm new to the game and just reached level 6 as Dwarf Hunter and bought the skills from the Hunter trainer but I know I need to choose at some point professions and talen skill points.
Any tips and info on those?
Can't change the way people think
World of Warcraft is now a British game.
Actually that would be runescape.
What do you call this?
>changing something
this is the classic experience wowcucks wanted
Professions are used to make money or neat items such as gear, trinkets or other misc. things.
Talents are how you spec your character. As a hunter you might wanna go marksmanship or beast mastery. I have no idea what hunters were like back then.
This mentality once again grows from malformed notion that everyone knew everyone on vanilla server and remembered their heroics and wrongdoings. Absolute fucking dogshit. Only ninjas were somewhat infamous, if their name was spammed enough in chat. No one will fucking remember you from the quests you did 3 months ago.
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
You can look up a Hunter guide on Wowhead, they'll have one for classic. You start getting talent points at level 10, and then one more each level after that up to 60. You may put points all in one tree or spread them out. I recommend looking up a good leveling "spec" for Hunters, but make sure you read up on why it's good, so later you can experiment yourself! It costs gold to respec, so don't do it for no reason, but also don't think that you're locked into what you pick.
Skinning is considered a very good leveling profession, since it increases the gold you earn since you can vendor the skins you get. Your other profession can be whatever you want, maybe Leatherworking to complement Skinning, or perhaps a gathering profession like Herbalism or Mining.
In addition everyone can learn three secondary professions, cooking, first aid, and fishing.
You can't take the wagecuck mentality out of people so easily
Just add to /ignore it's easy. I don't need to remember why you're on my blacklist, just that you are.
>This is some 2019 Classic Remastered shit, this ain't vanilla. Back then everyone would be standing at spawn spamming whatever they can to tag the mob.
>Not this "respect and be excellent to each other" reddit crap.
>not having a friend/ignore list with notes
>w-what? w-wait.. not speed leveling to lvl 120? cooperating with other players? world pvp? AAAAAA FUCK HELP ME BLIZZARD BEAM ME UP TO MY GARRISON RIGHT THE FUCK NOW I NEED TO PLAY MY FACEBOOK GAME
You learn professions from profession trainers in cities, as a hunter you'll probably want to go leatherworking/skinning, herbalism/alchemy, engineering, or two gathering professions to sell shit
You get talents at level 10, the beast mastery tree is generally the best way to go while levelling. You can pay gold to reset your talent points later on
There are people seriously hoping that Blizzards makes new content exclusive to Classic but they're fucking retarded. This is nothing but a cash grab on the nostalgia trend in gaming. Mini consoles, HD remasters, easy money for not a lot of effort because the content is already done.
>not a lot of effort
You dont honestly believe this, do you? Theres a reason why people avoid ATGames and the Silent Hill HD Collection.
I'm not _that_ autistic.
>people are standing in line because it's quicker than a bunch of retards all fighting over each other trying to do the same thing at once
>bawwww fucking reddit enjoy your shitty nostalgia game
Thanks guys.
Maybe you have a good memory.
To shortcut you to the "best" stuff;
Beast Mastery tree for levelling up, switch to Marksmanship at 60, never look back.
To make gold; your professions should be either Tailoring + Enchanting, Herbalism + Mining, or Herbalism + Alchemy, also pick up Cooking.
People pop potions/flasks/foods like fucking candy in Vanilla. Mana/Health potions are critical for raiders due to long fights and low regen values. Easy money on the AH.
>waiting years for stuff that you already played
>monthly subscription
theres a limit to the ignorelist or blacklist
shit blizzard can't even do that right
For fun you idiot. Do you not play single player games because they eventually end?
Private servers may not have been perfect but the interactions were much more old Blizzard than the milquetoast, NuBlizz fanbase
is it really even worth it to do the quest then
just do content elsewhere
>This is like being at the DMV
What a great-looking game this is, I'm sure it's worth the money
>it's quicker than a bunch of retards all fighting over each other trying to do the same thing at once
I haven't seen lines work once. They never move and it just gets tagged by the guy at the back
the shaman totem quests will be horrible
If it has a good reward, it could be worth waiting around. Blue gear doesn't pop around as often in Vanilla, and ones with good stats are even rarer. Could be 10+ levels of using the same weapon, or longer if it's a good trinket.
do you pay a monthly subscription to play singleplayer games?
No, but soon we might.
If you run out of content then just stop paying the subscription you autist.
so this is Home
No one is waiting in lines for blue item quests though, all of these "queues" are in tutorial zones that don't matter at all.
well xbox drones do
dunno about ps4 since i already played bb and nothing else interest me there
The quest in OP pic doesn't though, it gives a mediocre shield or an alright warrior staff that warriors can't use for another 6 levels
>wages up at 6:00 am
> he drives to work thinking about HOME
>"Today is the day"
>wages good 8 hours of the day away, all while thinking of classic
>"oboy oboy ohboy can't wait to recapture the virtual youth! Of my youth!"
>"OH BOY Time to go HOME, to make it HOME HOME HOME!"
>Exitedly wagie "rushes" home, as fast as the rush hour allows that is
>He sits down in front of his computer and starts up the queue, 6 hours it says
>"Oh come on come on, please hurry up!", he pleads
>"Please let me in!"
>And sure enough, in 6 hours it does
>"HA HA! Yes! Home! Everybody! Home!" he declares, as he enters the queue for the very first quest
>"Yes, yes, yes! This is it! I can't wait!"
>He shakes with exitement
>2 Hours pass and as he reaches the ALMOST end of the line, he hears a familiar sound
>But he knows, he must go bed, early to bed, early to wakie, early to wagie.
>"Can't waste the boss' time, his hard earned dime"
>So he crawls into bed at 22:00 sharp, with the light in his heart growing dark
>"Well tomorrow is another day, I know I will make it home then, some way"
>...But we know better, don't we?
>Neety nights, my sweeties.
Do not buy every skill available, especially as a hunter
Skills are one of the biggest gold sinks in the game and you probably want to save for stuff that actually helps you advance instead of buying a million different tracking skills or aspect of the beast
your important skills are hunter's mark, arcane shot, aimed shot, multi-shot, serpent sting, volley, aspect of the hawk
not necessarily important but extremely useful are feign death, aspect of the cheetah and freezing trap
the rest of the skills should be carefully considered until you have some real money
So Goldshire is the Sodom for Alliance, but what about Horde? What is the equivalent?
Horde's aren't degenerates.
Horde races are too ugly for that kind of stuff.
Was it a mistake rolling a server that has medium population? it'll probably be dead in a month.
>just like when i was a kid
whats stopping someone from just cutting the line and killing the mob and then going on their way? i dont get it
I think that might actually be better. Imho people will start joining more and it won't be that overcrowded bullshit.
Don't kid yourselves.
>gets ignored and blacklisted early
>can't find groups for things later
but people understand that this leads to the greatest happiness for the most people as it gives people a feeling of fairness - first come, first serve
That's what I did. I owe these people nothing, waiting in line is retarded.
autism and lines go hand in hand
Kek, btfo
This. There were no lines last night. I ended up taking off my staff and punching just to get the tag on the medallion guy in the orc starting zone cave.
virgins wait in line, chads play the game how they want to
There is a chance that Blizzard will see the strong numbers for classic and decide to focus more time and money on it instead of the failures that are retail wow and overwatch.
and with that comes developing new content. if it happened with runescape it can happen here.
I barely touched TBC, but I'm tempted to finally give wow a shot with vanilla. Hopefully it calms down soonish so I don't have to deal with this shit. Is it this busy on every server?
>no free pvp
>retards standing in line
yeah thats fuuuun game
chads end up with no friends
because it's fun
Weren't there already Vanilla private servers?
t. virgin
>older games do this: nobody bats an eye
>WoW does this: journos dish out articles like it's the event of the century
>can't into post timing
The latter end up blacklisted.
so... is classic exactly like back then? why would anyone who played a non-op class back then want this again? LITERALLY half the specs had no place in group content
unironically, blizzard is adding new servers every other hour
>5:30pm +4
>7:30pm +5
>8pm +1
>10am +3
>1pm +3
t. assmad virgin
Imagine waiting in line while playing a video game.
>Doing quests instead of grinding in areas with little to no foot traffic.
nooooooo why is my character being affected by other players in an mmo???
>doing quests instead of getting exploring xp to skip the congested areas
Yes, but there are "journalists" who are literally too young to remember
Wont it be like runescape classic?
Runescape classic got literally more popular than runescape 3
It might be hard for a zoomer like you to believe, but people once played games because they liked them. Not because the devs released patches or loot boxes constantly.
there is future content. only thing u can do right now is tier 1 raiding. battlegrounds, 20man dungeons, T2, AQ, and T3 all come later in phases.
oh, you mean new content? Zoomer, I dont think u get it.....
Mulgore was heaven yesterday so much open space for the cows to roam free
Ask me how I know you're a zoomer.
I'm just waiting for a band of madmen to disrupt the queues like in this absolute classic moment.
How long can you AFK in-game before they kick you out?
>It's funny when WoW does it but a blunder when it happened in The Division
Why does my medium pop PvE realm have a queue?
>Running through high level areas sub level-10 just to pick up all the flight paths.
>That run from Dun Morogh to Menethil and that one crocolisk.
>tfw Henry Cavill plays Classic
I never knew a man could be so based
What is the official Yea Forums server we're all playing on?
Thats not true, its a meme.
The only spec that is actually so terrible you would care enough to actively avoid playing with it is balance. And even then its not that bad if the druid has mostly feral gear on.
warrior prot spec is good for 5 mans. fury and arms both do good damage in 5 mans.
priest is good with everything but shadow is a little weak, but that is offset by the fact that they can drop shadow and emergency heal.
any mage spec is decent in 5 mans.
Rogue can be any spec in 5 mans and still do top dps.
Paladins are great party members no matter how they spec. They can be good tanks in 5 mans if they spec properly.
I could go on...
Lmao. It's like Everest.
is there not a single person who realizes that killing fucking random mobs would get them that precious exp faster or are classic players so fucking braindead they literally can't comprehend not doing exactly what an Optimal Guide to Leveling says no matter what
>ignore the line
>two paid rogue orcs in order to kill anyone who cross the line
>mfw the game is getting more realistic
is this the home you remember bros?
Blizzard literally proved that they ARE shit, not the players who got too picky, not that people had nostalgia goggles, THEY, BECAME, SHIT.
Herod and Whitemane, queues be damned. While waiting for queue to pop, read a book, do some pushups, go for a short run, etc.
It’s the most efficient and productive line you could hope to wait in this way.
ya i took one look at a 10 person lineup for a named mob and laughed and left the area. I was over leveled for the area before finishing and i still had like 4-5 quests i didnt do.
t. /ignored
for the same reason i replay bg2 every year it is fun
>if it happened with runescape it can happen here
Everyone always uses this comparison but it's not the fucking same. OSRS is F2P and the new content they did was fucking terrible. If they did the same for Classic then you'll get the same new content ideas from the BFA team that everyone hates implemented while also paying a monthly sub. Nobody wants that shit.
that there will be no future content
because the future content that we got sucked balls
you literally went and picked the OP classes like I mentioned in my post
rofl buffbot 5ever no matter what you do
Is the volcano raid there?
>not realizing every single random mob is contested
Can anybody recommend me some addons?
you've found out that you just need classic and not more
because it's f2p and on phones
>Guilds sell PvP services to kill everyone in line not named you
prot warrior sucks for 5 man
Kek please tell me that's possible
>Being the first to hit level 60 and then camping nerds in Redridge to bait out the other autistic grinders.
There are still ques to get into servers, but the majority have gotten oast the starting zone line autism
alright I'm giving up
an hour queue and despite the number going down, the estimate has stayed the same
either way at this rate it'll be too late for me play
h-home guys...
cross realm forums and neutral AH ya it is
>This degenerate took Bingle's bucket when it wasn't his turn a month and a half ago, he must be purged
Ain't ever gonna happen
Hey cut the kid some slack. He came up with something slightly clever and he's going to use it by golly.
its not because you only get force flagged for pvp outside of starting zones
Not possible, there are lines everywhere and the fast pass option only unlocks after hitting level 40 with your main character.
Greater blessing last 15 or 30 and buff the whole of that class.
not in fucking vanilla it didn't
Who are you quoting?
i mentioned paladins, warrior, priest, mage, rogue, and druid.
I left out warlock and shaman. Warlock spec in 5 mans doesnt even really matter. Shaman spec also doesnt matter much. Resto would be nice for healing. Enhancement does good dps. Elemental also does good dps. on par with enhancement if played right.
what more would you like to know? "literally" the only spec that is bad is balance from druids. paladins can heal tank or dps in 5 mans, they can do it all without respeccing if they are holy/prot hybrid.
Not in uncontested zones which are the only ones this will happen in
>wake up a few hours before work
>queue is 300 minutes
>not enough time
>get home from work
>queue is 500 minutes
>not enough time
>might be lucky to play a couple of hours on the weekend
>repeat for a few weeks until the hype is dead and 70% of people have moved on so I can finally play
you are wrong but its ok.
yeah and they got shut down so father blizz can collect his coin
>the power of capitalism
Why don't retards actually look shit up before trying to seem smart?
>weekly raid lockouts
>battleground queues
vanilla endgame is joke and don't pull that "THE LEVELING IS FUN BRO" excuse because it consists of nothing but fetch X and kill Y.
sometimes you gotta repeat yourself to educate the idiots
half of vanilla raids arent on weekly lockouts
There's literally no point of the sub fee other than Blizzard fucking you in the ass and co-workers talking shit about you at the next shareholder meeting.
You're not getting any new content, they're not upgrading their infrastructure to fix the lag, they're using your fucking money to fund more overwatch esports that's bleeding money.
They should make them to pay another 60 bucks just for classic,and the sheeple would pay.
>small indie company
chase the truth
I don't remember it like this. Was I the only one using macros and autoclickers for some quests back then?
all the 40 man raids are 7 days or 5 days and lets me real here that's the true raid content of vanilla.
Well I give up, waited +5 hours to log into a server where my friends rolled but yeah going to bed now and fuck this really. And because I was curious i tried to log in again to see how many people are there and its getting worse and worse, i also nothing that several new servers were added and they are already full aswell
>get hamstrung and catch rabies in the tussle
>Paladin watching takes the orcs into custody
>have to appeal to the Warlock to try and get a conviction so they have to pay damages
fuck classicucks to be honest
I don't get it why not just let groups of 50 unequip all weapons/armor and just tag the mob gang up and kill it. Or does it not count if you don't kill it?
>been waiting 30mins but worth it
jesus christ you fuckers are mentally ill
>They got shut down
Lol no they’re still up and running.
First strike decides who gets all.
Because that’s what retail does, fuck retail, I want to WAIT MY TURN
You don't get quest credit in groups bigger than 5
I always wanted to like Warcraft (notably the techy part of it with the gnome goblin and I always liked the characters appearance and model quality like Jaina and sylvanas) but fuck if the combat in that game isn't the most uninteractive, shitty piece of trash I ever played. Can we even call that combat? And the UI is so overloaded. WoW classic is the same. I come out disappointed of this attempt at liking it yet again althought I prefers classic to retail I felt much more immersed
its vanilla so a lot of kill/fetch quests are solo oriented. in other words, 1 person only gets credit or you have to wait for respawns of a item.
if you were smart you were using bots and macros to skip the tedious grinding parts and only seriously play for dungeons/raids/pvp.
Have you done any dungeons yet? Fighting mobs is really dull, it's trying to coordinate with a pack of complete fucking retards that makes the game, or did for me, at least.
Fuck it. I don't really have any stake in this game like most people.
I'll cut the line and kill the mob. Let me know which server I should subscribe to and should do this in so I can wait in que and get some webms for you bros.
>BFA bot program works for Classic
>muh blacklist
>if i keep telling them that it will happen I PROMISE
keep bringing it up faggot
People actually do this? normally its everyone sitting on top of the quest mob spawning their spells to try to tag the mob first.
It really is just some hyper autist that thinks anyone gives a fuck
Be nice if I could actually play. I've been home since 6pm from work and I booted it up straight away.
It's now nearly 9pm and I haven't played.
I'm not sure why we give Blizzard leeway on this. You would complain if you were made to queue at a restaurant for 3 hours after already paying.
Man quest monster farming in L2 on a crowded server was brutal when you could PK anyone on the spot. Don't really miss the old days when one had to camp Ketra/Varka/ToI raids for dual class and noblesse quests.
I've never played WoW or a MMORPG for more than like 10 hours lol
Is this good for a newcomer?
>nu-Blizz expects dropoff
>doesn't realize that the "tourists" will stay because the game in fun, unlike BfA
Having so few servers was insanely short sighted.
If you think it’s bad now, imagine how abysmal it would be if sharding wasn’t added
Unfortunately you can't cut the login queue.
Yeah. That's kind of why it took off like it did.
we live in the age of cloud computing and activision-blizzard is a billion dollar company that can afford the latest server infrastructures but they still can't handle the demand because they're incompetent.
>He doesn’t know
Chronicles 2-5 was the best time to play Lineage 2
No wow is very complicated and esoteric
So have they said that classic has more players than regular?
I'm actually living this right now. My friend even told me already a 8k queue on my server, and still 2 hours till I head home
Roll on a mid-low pop server boyos. Just remember Classic was designed around high ping so region hopping is viable.
Its a very boring game unless you get your socks off to talking to random people and doing fetch quests.
Absolutely not. It was good for a newcomer in 2004. There's way better stuff to do now.
>Whats the point of playing classic if there will be no future content?
To have fun? It’s what video games are for user
are queue times still terrible? only gonna pay when it's actually working
That fun won't last very long since the leveling phase isn't that long today as it was in 2004.
Why play classic for fun when I can play on a private server for fun, for free?
What? There aren't even any MMOs left anymore.
Pick a different server you spaz.
Garbage game is proven to still be garbage despite nostalgia. I'm not surprised. These faggots gave activision money, they deserve to get shit on.
Pretty cathartic isn’t it?
shadowbringers had queues that rivaled classic
Ok, why they have to wait in line to talk to an NPC?
>grew up
Physically, yes, mentally? I'm still saying fuck niggers
It is only going to get worse because even adding more servers changes nothing, +20k on a server even when they already added like +5 new ones, and they already full aswell
>just go go to a different restaurant if you’re so sick of waiting
both of you have valid points though tbhdesu
queue times still terrible
It's not to talk, it's to kill it with a 3+ minute respawn timer
Sure, if it was not for the fact that those servers already have lines of people waiting to log in, a medium pop server has around 5-10k people in line while full have +20k
Who would want to play this? Waste of time
when does the questing get good? I'm falling asleep with all this fuckin' running
In before the guy you responded to backpedals or moves the goalpost
Because that private server has corrupt slavic owners who sell characters, make deals with chink goldsellers and the server will randomly disappear one day when one of those slavs runs off with the server funds.
the questing design never gets better. it's the same throughout the game. fetch x items, kill y enemies, talk to z npc.
just because 1 private server is bad doesn't mean all of them are retard
actually it is, maybe now they'll stop giving nublizzard so much fucking money. It's like they all forgot about "DONT U HAVE PHOENS" guy.
Imagine actually waiting in line instead of just cutting
>Because that private server has corrupt slavic owners who sell characters
Hilarious that this happens on Blizzard servers yet no one bats an eye. Also
>Corrupt Slavs
Corrupt Slavs are arguably more trustworthy than Actiblizzard
The rest of your post is true, yet another comes along, is still free, and it’s the same game as classic minus Muh official stats
>food analogy
I have ordered pizza delivered to a restaurant that was taking forever to seat us. My gf had no idea I did it and was extremely pissed but the stupid butch) bitch ate the pizza
It was more popular than rs3 well before phone launch.
>true and honest real stories that really happened to actual people
>please invite xxx
>NO...he...hee(crys)stealed my scorpion!
What a faggots.
>maybe now they'll stop giving nublizzard so much fucking money.
Not even a saint has the kind of patience to wait on that day
f2p and streamer community
>food analogy
>wow sub
>both paying for a service
both the same thing retard
I think its just because its the better game, rs3 is free to play.
>I have ordered pizza delivered to a restaurant that was taking forever to seat us.
At least you didn't start shooting
>go into thread for game I don't like
>say, "Who would want to play this? Waste of time."
>browse thread to see if anyone responds to me
>some user does mocking me
>get angry and close the thread
>browse Yea Forums and touch my peepee until I feel like fapping
>microwave some hot pockets and eat while I watch my favorite streamer
>think about how productive my day was as I scratch my balls and smell them
Runescape classic added tons of new content you absolute dumb fuck
There's more new content than old
This post is the essence of the zoomer mindset Jesus fucking Christ
>can't fathom an experience that has a beginning, middle, and end
>has been conditioned to expect DLC and content patches by corporations peddling "live services" since birth
>is at the point where any game that hasn't been half developed and fractured into pieces hidden behind paywalls doesn't have the clout of the industry and so must be hiding something
>can not understand the concept of a game being fun because of the genuine social experiences it encourages, due to social faculties of the zoomer being rotted by social media since birth
>is angered by the prospect that any game without some investors' infinite growth model can be enjoyable
>nihilistically terrified of death
>only capable of shallow memes and contrarian shitposting
>completely devoid of the capacity to effortpost both metaphorically and literally
It's fun because of the JOURNEY WITH HUMANS, not because of the fucking ENDLESS STREAM OF LOOT BOXES AND SEASONAL EVENTS AND SHITTY CONTENT PATCHES. Vanilla WoW was great because the game is what you make it, you don't have to be what the game makes of you. Are zoomers the most metaphysically gimped generation since the flower children?
I found this funnier than it should be. Thanks user.
Do you project because it’s fun or are you waiting on someone to pay you
but there are far more restrictions on rs3 f2p than osrs f2p
Had it ever occurred to you once that people simply, and you may want to sit down for this one if you aren’t already:
Have you considered that people DON’T find what you like fun?
user Im a very friendly and optimistic guy, and I work as a cook, so when I go to a restaurant and wait over an hour WITH a reservation at some point that optimism and friendliness fails and I just say fuck it. I was hungry and sort of did it as a fuck you to the slow wait staff.
shit man it's 2019 and people are still falling for skinnerbox game designs but now with mandatory subscription fees.
Learn English then try your insult again, I don't know what you're saying.
why everyone is so sure that classic will now get new content? it happened in runescape, what is going to hold back classic?
>Not being in a guild already with old vanilla friends who you did Naxx with
Not gonna make it, user.
Sorry if my manner of vocabulary is above your comprehension user.
>what is going to hold back classic?
Blizzard doubling down and taking all the revenue from the new subs to invest in more lootboxes
WoW is the most bang for your buck game to ever exist. 7000 hours of play time a year for 15 bucks a month is pretty good.
>WoW is the most bang for your buck game to ever exist
It just didn't make any sense. Waiting for someone to pay me? I mocked you because you came into a wow thread when you obviously don't like wow. What goal are you trying to achieve?
>and people complained that MMOs were glorified single player games
At least you could complete the game at your own pace and have to wait for everyone else on the fucking server to make progress.
Seriously, what the fuck IS this shit?
>hop on private server for any xpac nostalgia fix
>no queue
mad, classic customers?
People got more hours out of Dota and it's F2P.
I had a massive queue on balmung when the xpac released but it only lasted like 20 mins cause they had a very good afk kicker. I think after 10 mins of afk it would kick you or something and it goes a long way.
No idea if WoW has it or not since I don't play.
There was a guy back in the day that camped the menethil harbor with his horde and alliance character. If an alliance character wanted to ride the boat he would have to pay him otherwise he would kill the alliance player that was trying to ride the boat with his horde character
Wrath clones are MMOs now? In what way? More in common with left for dead than any MMORPG.
>Set myself to auto run into a wall when I went to sleep
>Blizz server maintenance kicked me out
>6 hour queue
I'm seeing zoomers dropping this game left and right before they even get to level 10. I can see how there's going to be a massive loss in the player base within the next 30 days.
>you came into a wow thread when you obviously don't like wow.
Incredible assumption user. You know what they say about assumptions
>What goal are you trying to achieve?
To discuss a game, obviously.
What I don't understand is when things like Monster Hunter or even COD that have the same skinnerbox design but actually have good gameplay, someone would still choose shit tier MMO gameplay with a sub fee on top.
zoomers cant handle the soul crushing grind after level 20.
they will never make it to 60.
Dota is another great game. But it fills a different niche. I wouldn't pay monthly for Dota.
I agree, the statement really was a laugh
You didn't discuss anything. You came in, said it's shit and left it at that. And assumptions about people are usually accurate. It's always better to be wrong about someone and have them explain why you're wrong than to assume everyone is virtuous.
I love everything about this. Fuck these lines. Wouldn't just fucking off to the next thing or just killing a shit ton of other stuff just be more time efficient? I know in ESO everything spawns just for the player with the quest, and world boss style enemies are meant to be tackled by groups, and just getting a hit in counts.
the blizzdrones from my work that still play overwatch, diablo 3, and hearthstone all thought that classic would be great cause their favorite twitch streamers told them it would be.
I play MMOs that's my thing and they know that, I told them classic wasn't as good as people made it out to be and they wouldn't listen to me, the guy that only plays MMOs.
Blizzdrones and twitch kiddies are so stupid they literally just buy into whatever marketing/streamers say to buy.
Yes WoW is a MMO and so is FFXIV. Stay mad.
>You came in, said it's shit and left it at that.
Explain where my dude, there’s a lot of people saying it’s shit. Doesn’t mean I don’t like WoW.
>It's always better to be wrong about someone and have them explain why you're wrong than to assume everyone is virtuous.
Well you’re wrong about me user, and your assumptions have been really telling that you just don’t like people trashing something you like.
>And assumptions about people are usually accurate. It's always better to be wrong about someone and have them explain why you're wrong than to assume everyone is virtuous.
That might be the dumbest thing I've read on here.
God I hope so. I don't want to deal with them. Explaining mechanics and dealing with what their belief in the "meta" is. A zoomer that wants to tank as a paladin and a boomer that wants to tank as a paladin are completely different beasts, because one actually puts in the effort to make it work.
Has it occurred to you that this same argument could apply to the dozens of contrarian threads baitposting about how classic WoW is not as fun as all these servers packed full of people say it is?
>what's the point of living if you're just going to die
just kys, my man
Based response.
Has it occurred to you that just because something is popular, that it doesn’t automatically make it good?
I would like to think people want to do the right thing, but then I remember car salesmen exist.
is anyone else unable to talk to NPCs? there is just no dialogue box that pops up
>tfw has to log because the competition in Westfall was so fucking stiff
Is loch Modan a better place to level? Darkshore maybe?
Has it occurred to you that I addressed this in passing in my original post? You have to be 18 to post here, faggot.
Okay so I've never played classic wow but I'm trying it with friends when I get home from work tonight. Which server do I go to so I can avoid shit like this?
Has it occurred to you that you might be upset?
Just play on the chaos data center
if I recall correctly loch modan had very few quests and an unusually large monster level range for an area so small
Seen one of those retarded lines and then I just skipped the whole fucking level 1-3 area because its pointless.
They're probably still standing there.
Considering how woke Blizz is, I'm shocked they left in the ability to turn off the profanity filter and aren't banning anyone for really any kind of """hate speech""".
>release TBC and then Wrath
>run out of content to do eventually
what next, release Cata the expansion that destroyed the game and subscriber numbers?
I didn't think anyone did this shit. When WoW first came out, I more just wanted to explore everything. I was really into the lore, so I just wanted to run to the cities and check stuff out. Of course, being interested in the lore meant that WoW actually had very little to offer me.
then what the fuck was the point of your original post you fucking moron. If fun is clearly subjective you have no business making that post. Kill yourself, you brain dead cretin.
They would if they had enough GMs on staff for Classic but didn't they do a layoff back in February?
Imagine subscribing to a game just to stand in line in said game
Hey man if you think waiting for hours in lines is fun, that’s your business.
Why dont they blow the others up? Cant you do that? If not then whats the point?
Whats to stop you from just skipping the line and doing the quest?
>it's okay if blizzard does it
some people tried to start lines yesterday on horde mograine but they were told to fuck off pretty fast.
haven't seen any lines since.
>1 server without queue, the rest are minimum 3k
open more EU servers for fuck sake
Which server is this gay shit happening on? No one is waiting on line in anything on mine.
Nothing, really. You’ll probably be blacklisted by a lot of angry toons early on, though.
Zoom zoom. Something to think about, my undergraduate friend, we've been scraping together private servers for thirteen years for love of the game because Blizzard wouldn't budge from the position that the game was not popular enough to merit being re-released. The whole reason Classic WoW exists at all is because the game was so -good- despite its apparent lack of popularity, that Blizzard literally couldn't deny the growing demand for it anymore. Classic WoW is the straight up obverse of the game that's popular-but-not-good, that's a fact
Are queue times better now? I'm new to the game but when I get off work I don't want to be sitting in queue at 10pm
I remember they fixed this a day or two after launch
>black listed by people who use the word toon
Sounds good to me
people putting you on their blacklists so you're not allowed into raids
yes people actually do this and yes they do actually get used
these western cuck mmos are filled with fags like this
literally the only reason i exclusively play eastern mmos now. players there are ruthless and just do whatever to get ahead no lines, no manners, people actually acting like people and not machines
2-3 hours long at most
Only like 5 servers all the e-celebs and reddit discords picked to jerk each other off on even have a queue right now.
interlude or go home
Chinks and their absolute disregard for giving a single shit about anything comes in handy in MMOs.
>still in this thread
absolutely braindead, and I play private servers by the way.
>literally the only reason i exclusively play eastern mmos now. players there are ruthless and just do whatever to get ahead no lines, no manners, people actually acting like people and not machines
the only problem is that 99% of non western mmo are f2p thus p2w, and don't get me started on custom servers like l2
I finished setting up my auto-attack macro, I'm standing next to a quest mob.
Going to bed now, good luck completing the quest guys
I think I'll stick to FFXIV. This game looks like a trainwreck of fuck.
>Zoom zoom
You really are this mad. Goddamn. Classic as it is right now is a waiting in line simulator and dupes like you got baited into paying into a game that blizzard slapped together from a recent client and data stolen from a private server. Now that they have your money as well as the rest of your dumbass boomer bros, they can and will do whatever they want to bring in more money
Enjoy the cash shop in a few weeks
Idk what server you were on but that is exactly how things were going down on my server.
If there was a queue I would have 100% rekt it.
there's a fine line between not being a complete retard by waiting in line to hand in a quest, and being an asshole who pulls all the mobs in an area.
that's true
but I'm one of the few fags with enough time to keep up and often surpass paid players so it doesn't affect me much
also add in the massively negative stigma p2w has in the west so recently when mmos are brought over they are removing the p2w "features" almost entirely
it's only recent though in the past 1-2 years
>How dare you enjoy conversing with people
meanwhile on reddit
No, that's all private servers.
>Hilarious that this happens on Blizzard servers
No. I mean the slavs will literally duplicate characters, gear and all. Then sell the char.
>yet another comes along
People are tired of losing hundreds of hours of time spent. They want permanent progress. It takes ~10 days of real life time just to level one character to 60.
>and it’s the same game as classic minus Muh official stats
No, private servers have fuckloads of bugs that never get fixed, but people just dealt with it because they were the only option.
oh god they're soooo gaaayyyyyyyy
>Waiting in line
that sure as fuck didn't happen in Northshire or any of the early human areas. the first two hours of the game were people tagging mobs and grouping with randoms for higher chance of killing the mob and it was fun.
>lying on the internet to support your favorites developers for free
>People are tired of losing hundreds of hours of time spent.
Which is absolutely ironic given how long people are waiting in line just to play
>private servers have fuckloads of bugs that never get fixed
Elysium is pretty stable, though it does suffer the weird typos and the mob movements Nost had.
>implying I didn't just have the day off
>implying I didn't log in at 7am and skip all the queues, and entered the server at 8am on the dot
>implying I didn't play till 11pm.
NEETS are pathetic.
>the magic is alive
I don't think even those who played the game when it first came out had to wait in any sort of lines just to play the fucking game so I'm not sure how that proves that anything about this shit is magic
what game
Molten Core? Yeah, it's the first raid available.
anyone that uses anime pictures is far gayer than anyone that uses reddit you stupid faggot
I've been talking about having niggers swinging from trees in region chat since launch and I haven't been banned yet. Did Blizz fire all its GM's?
I'm a first time player why do people say the alliance is for pussies?
if they didn't like it they wouldn't be queuing for a fucking quest u dumb nigger LOL
What did he mean by this?
>Sitting in line to give someone your money
>Not just skipping to the front and taking what you want
Real-Life cucks?? defend this?????
Let's take a look at the Alliance races:
Human: Boring, what kind of fucking loser plays a fantasy game and choses to play as a boring ass human? Your favorite sex position is probably missionary.
Dwarf: Just a smaller human
Gnone: Just a smaller dwarf
Night Elf: Just a purple, gay human.
So i'm playing Druid and i need some advice.
For my main bar it changes when i swap from human to bear form.
My secondary bar that i have on top doesn't allow for swapping and has base druid heal abilities greyed out.
Is there an add-on so when i transform into an animal the actual abilities i can't use aren't taking up quickslot spaces but will become viable once i turn back into base elf form?
Classic fags utterly btfo and bummed
>Which is absolutely ironic given how long people are waiting in line just to play
I haven't waited in a queue yet. Comfy leveling right now. Level 12 hunter.
>Elysium is pretty stable
There is no elysium vanilla server. Because a slav betrayed the other slavs on the team, copied the character data, deleted the server then started his own server. Exactly the type of retarded cancer I was talking about.
>Friends picked a High pop server
>Tfw 400+ minutes
Maybe I should have waited a few more days
Which is this so I can avoid it
Lucky you friend, have fun.
>There is no elysium vanilla server. Because a slav betrayed the other slavs on the team, copied the character data, deleted the server then started his own server.
How long ago did this happen? Picked up Elys sometime in April
>Northshire Abbey crowded as fuck
>Just went and walked to Teldrassil instead
>Literally zero competition
>Also get to have my Nightsaber before everyone else (excluding NElfs, obviously)
>pick low pop realm
>still have queue
>dead after 2 weeks
What are the horde races?
I want to fuck a gnome
That's Archeage
I'm going to laugh when they come back the next day, talk about how much fun they had, and you lose the little credibility you had going for yourself.
Like a year ago.
this pic cracks me up every time
>t. zoomer newfag
I skipped WoW in favor of playing Runescape, will all of the WoWChads from back in the day make fun of me for not knowing shit about game?
>is very organized
>gets upset by minor changes
>has obsessive interests
I get to queue to queue to play the game I had to pay to use my own internet for, epic
That’s a sign of aspergers, not autism
I was in same boat as you but played RF online, Silk Road online, Lineage 2 and Tibia back in 2004
This shit doesn't help when 50 players are crowded around each other. Fuck off with your "not being a retard is reddit" shit.
Yes... we're Home.
Nobody on Yea Forums ever liked World of Shitcraft. It was seen for what it was: a grindy hamster wheel that you paid monthly fees to tolerate, where the most offensively autistic human beings dictated what everyone could accomplish, how and when.
>lack of interest in socializing/making friends
>either gazing too intently or avoiding eye contact
i have assburgers it seems
I’ve always thought the majority of “autists” are just having their parents milked for shekels while being dumbed down with legal speed.
A student of mine forgot to take his meds two days in a row and he was a lot nicer and shot 12 3-pointers in a row. coincidence? I dunno but it was pretty cool to see.
>tell them to have sex
>theres a line for that too
It’s a gift as much as it is a curse
one of them sent me a link to his twitch and he was streaming himself playing diablo 3 with the wow queue in the corner of his screen
i doubt he's going to have anything positive to say
>it's a line to their gfs
>Line was too long so I skipped
What's the point of living to 80 years old if there will be no future content? Better kill yourself now desu
I'm playing in hopes of Blizzard pulling an OSRS and making content past Naxx. I don't want to go to TBC, and WotLK has group finder. Please Blizzard, go the OSRS route!
But leveling is the game though.
They would have to admit they've done nothing but shit the bed for an entire decade. They would never do that.
Your meme speak is trash
they already pulled some alternate history BS with warlords, the precedent's set so they could just paint classic as another universe where things went differently
From a thread thst just died
>You need MONTHS to 1-60 in Classic, unlike Retail where you are max level in a week
>There are streamers already above lv30 and a couple are above lv40
loving every laugh
>realm list says pop is low
>try to login
>queue time of 30 mins
What did Activision-Blizzard mean by this?
>"you think you do but you don't"
Wonder what he's doing now...
he will be ultimately right and he knows it
>Randomly booted from queue after 3 hours
I'll just switch to the newest realm fuck it, if it turns into a ghost town I may re roll later when its playable. Even the normal realms have queues anyways.
Am I allowed to say that I think that's poor game design?
Oh boy I wasted 13 years of my life playing this game and almost becoming fucking homeless
>let's do it all again
Fuck you.
If only they could get in line to take a shower
>there is future content
user i hate to tell you this but slowly re releasing old content is not new content. You're fucking delusional.
It isn't, I would just grind mobs.
>this redditor said thing so thing is bad now
Imagine lurking on reddit just so you can share it on Yea Forums, go back.
Is Alch a decent profession for moneymaking? I'm hoping to get some potions on the AH
What server we playing on?
Just sit in a queue line lmao
all of this just so you can waste more hours of your life you've already wasted in the bottom of the bottom in term of video game experiences. What am I missing
If you're having fun doing something it isn't a waste of time. I'd argue your wasting your time by complaining about the enjoyment of other people, but if you feel that's time well spent then more power to you.
herbalism and mining you fucking newfig
black lotus are needed to make flasks and arcanite is important for many endgame recipes
crafting is for poopsocking raiders only as they get the recipes first and control the early supply
I kek’d. That’s a cute one.
why do u say that user?
Wanting to play WoW WITHOUT nu-Blizzard's dirty kike hands staining it but also they released it way too late and private servers did the job for most of us but a lot of private server players subbed anyhow because ???
>that one faggot down in the comments section furiously defending Blizz and retail WoW
Holy mother of god
Leading the company...
>Asmogold is only lv20, one of the best in the world. This guy is definetly a bot
Do zoomers unironically think Asmongoloid is a a top world player?
reddit: the post
how important is it to do dungeons in the early stages of leveling (before like 40ish maybe)
i'm playing druid so i'm questing in kalimdor but i'm wondering if i'm hurting myself not going to westfall to do the quests there and get the deadmines related quests
Lol right he's fucking terrible.
>Asmogold is only lv20
How? Didn't he have hundreds of boitoys that were signed up to do everything for him and suck his dick?
Remember all those articles about how people "didn't really want classic"?
If you get a Flask of Supreme Power/Titans recipe early you WILL be god, otherwise Arcanite transmutes and elemental protection potions will give you steady profits. Do NOT listen to because he is unaware that Flask recipes are severely RNG-locked and also Mining is going to suck fucking balls to try and make anything off of
>I wished the guy who asked the question wouldve said , remember when your game had 12 mill subs? still there in the past
They can't increase his XP rates no matter how hard they zoomzoom, only feed him gold and materials
Its the better game compared to retail.
is this what it takes?
a little whiff of nostalgia and blizzard becomes your best friend
Asmon wiped in fucking deadmines earlier constantly, it's actually impressive despite getting hard carried in Classic too
It's more important if you need the gear from quests or bosses (rogues get awesome swords from VC) or just to do it for fun. Not sure what druid gear is there but if you're not running out of things to do while leveling you don't need to do them.
>pay monthly subscription just to stand in line
You blizzdrone pay pigs are funny ;)
That Taureness reminds me of the Tauren milf in the tauren starting zone when you take her quest as anything else but a Tauren.
>blizzard becomes your best friend
How did you get to this?
and became soifaggots
>scraggly beard
>giant rim glasses
>wide open gaping mouth
yup, soi
>Wiped deadmines
Admittedly, I never played MMO's, I watched some Twitch yesterday to see what all fuss is about, and didn't get it: it seems, well, boring.
And now these forming lines for quests pics... Uhm, doesn't that ruin the immersion a bit for a game you're playing? Quest giver happens to need a million peeps doing her exact same quest or something and happens to have a million items as reward?
I suppose people loving MMO's are long passed that point and just 'grind' or something?
Let me clarify: Getting more powerful, gaining levels, is nice if it's a means to a purpose: but to me it always seems the purpose itself is those levels?To just, grind even better I guess?
It's a catch22 of fun: it's anti-fun. Or, I just don't get it...
if it does happen it'll be shit, all the old devs that made the game what it is dont work there anymore. The thing with osrs is they managed to get a lot of their old staff back to develop it and give it the soul it had back in 2007, and to train newer devs to not be shit and fuck it up like rs3.
Explore the WORLD
Make WAR with your enemies
CRAFT shit
That's the point of the game. Unfortunately that first bit is ruined for a lot of people now.
Real people actually played WoW for the lore, questing, social aspect and overall atmosphere, huge world, the music, all the zones with familiar characters, in glorious 3D. That's what an MMO is about, it's a road from 0 to 60. Anything other than that is nothing but garbage for losers. Nobody "grinds" when they do something they love, aka assemble a party of likeminded individuals to achieve a goal and get a shiny in the process. The shiny is just a motivator, not the point.
Glad I never played this shit.
>queue up at 11am
>position 4451 at 2:40pm
"You dont want it" they said
"It will be dead in a day" they said
>Check on my Queue after an hour
>Wait time actually went up
Damn this sucks
Could just get your friends and go see a movie if you'd rather do all of that instead of playing the game.
>5072nd in Server 27's queue, Layer 43, Shard 17, 131st in line. Home.
not only is he right but sĂłyfags would never complain about this, learn to meme
Wew lad, sharing too much about yourself here
>Be tank or healer
>tfw impossible for blacklist to last
Also Western culture worships assholes, look at Asmongold/Trump
epic anime pic
Im gonna be a Shaman tank!
>t. spic
people keep posting shit like this and I'm starting to think its just bait for new fags
These are losers lining up. You grind mobs off to the side, and then snipe the spawn causing 40 children who lined up for the mob to shriek at you over whisper. Then you kek at them.
I swear none of you played WoW before.
>my server has everyone standing around the quest mob in a huge mass
>put my autoclicker on 1000 clicks per second and hover over sinister strike
>I tag the mob the instant it spawns and my group gets the credit
>move on ahead of the cucks too stupid to think outside the box
*respects you* ;)
Oh! I'm sorry that my respect made you angry; I promise to be more considerate of your feelings!
*continues respecting you ;^)*
>warlocks having to make the runs for pet quests and mounts
>Mounts at 40
>The regen rates mean you will absolutely need food, first aid for everything
>paladins pussing out and bubblehearthing when they start a fight they can't finish or killing a quest NPC
>barrens chat
>leading people into aggro range of quest givers at the crossroads and watch them get ripped in half instantly
>multiple skill ranks and having to train every level
>having to make vanishing/blinding powder
are these all still things?
imagine buying a game just to wait in line. MMO neckbeards are fucking pathetic. Hit the gym losers instead of waiting in a virtual line for a mob to spawn.
>not being in a guild filled with jolly chads
>not getting drunk in raids with hot healsluts
Youre the one getting BLACKED listed if you know what i mean.
In Classic? Yep. Not sure which Vanilla update they have Classic at, but everything you remember is exactly how it was.
20 minutes
you can keep the UI edit menu open to avoid this however
Thank god an archive still exists to expose these mentally ill trannies
Good thing its classic where most of your EXP comes from kills
Im just running around leveling professions while all the turbocucks are waiting to finish quests
What's the point of having quests if they give you so little xp?
Direction, quests were never meant to be the main source of EXP, they were there to tell a story and give player direction on where content is appropriate for their level.
I leveled my warrior purely through farming herbalism and alchemy and it was the fastest character I leveled in vanilla.
They give you enough to make them worth doing but not worth waiting around for 30 minutes instead.
Is there a list somewhere that shows all the Classic servers and whether they are east or pacific? I can't find a full list anywhere. Is everyone abandoning Herod and going elsewhere now?
You are deluded my man. Who do you think will be making that new content? The same fags you already hate for all the new content they've already made.
You're fucked. Blizzard would have to unfuck itself for you to have a chance and seeing as they ban people in overwatch for using their own provided emotes, I highly doubt you can expect quality content coming out any time soon.
These fags were dead to me with the auction house in D3 and buried the corpse with that Chinese Diablo phone game that they seriously tried to pander over here as a real game.
It's over user. Enjoy the Classic feeling while you can. It will either die from lack of anything new or get fucked with the rest of the company.
How will meatbags EVER recover?
blizzard is going to spoonfeed these idiots content. as soon as the numbers drop they will introduce tbc and wotlk later and so on. so, they get to keep the instant gratification zoomers and "hardcore" players alike and nobody will complain, with 0 effort and 0 money invested. people are just
>tfw high IQ so playing on a BC server instead
feels GOOD man
I mean, better that than continuing what they were doing.
I'm hoping for a WoW: Alternate. Like they release expansions more in line with the Original content and maybe BC and Wrath
based tbchad
best part of vanilla is that tbc comes right after. anyone who disagrees is a zoomer who never played tbc.
Fucking kek.
Rewards, direction, and still a good chunk of XP if it doesn't take you an hour to complete
Wasn't sharding SORRY I MEANT LAYERING suppose to prevent this?
what are you talking about
Use to you had to be a member to even join osrs and it still was super popular
What's the point of playing BFA if you can just wait for future content?
Unlike live WOW, you're not going to clear Naxx in a week
wow lore sucks, socializing? go outside, gameplay before raiding is trash the second time.
Because 4H is a poorly designed encounter that requires you to grind for weeks. One missed taunt = wipe.
>He thinks the average player will only get stuck at horsemen
Not lines u used to just mob dot it, it was chaos and way more fun
>Wow lore sucks
It's one of the best lores in videogames next to TES.
Average player is irrelevant when discussing Naxx 40. They're lucky if they can even clear MC. Pond scum isn't worth consideration.
Back in classic sure, but they really fucked it up going from BC onward.
Can you get banned for cutting in line and repetively killing the mon so no one gets it? I might play just to do this.
What a fucking cunt. I like you.
And you're just helping the argument, why would they need to add in more content when the average player will be slowly progressing through lower tiers to begin with?
Why play BFA now when you can wait for 9.0 prepatch and blow through all of BFA's 'content' in a weekend with a boosted raid ready character
TES is also pretty low brow my man.
Problems don’t fix themselves user
BC shit the bed and every expansion since has tried to fix the lore damage TBC caused since blizzard thought it was gonna be their last expansion and had to turn everyone recognizable into loot pinatas
Oh I couldn't care less about that. I'm just an elitist prick.
hold on, they actually queue up in an orderly line in the game? what happens when you cut in the front?
why do you use words you dont understand?
Pure classic. Did they get banned?
the real big brain here is that he wasn't talking about classic standalone, but the fact that progression servers are likely to happen so you can get to experience wow die twice.
Im sure you are ion.
Let me guess, you're a dark souls fanfiction author
No thats what retail trannies spam
You're right, the only thing stopping people from doing that is artificial scarcity (Scarab Lord, Legendaries and other phased out things).
It's not as bad as Retail with achievements, mount drop %s and timed content so I guess Classic will be the best things ever for people that take the game slowly rather than rushing it, since they will barely miss out on things to obtain in the end.
>Why play BFA now when you can wait for 9.0 prepatch and blow through all of BFA's 'content' in a weekend with a boosted raid ready character
because thats absolutely no fun.
you're not very smart, are you?
10 hour fucking queue on Herod. Is it worth it going to a medium pop server right now? I'm worried that when the game's hype starts wearing off, medium pop servers will fucking die.
What do, bros?
Hogger lines were pretty common in the alliance side but never that long, although I think that screenshot might be more of a meme than a real thing.
Golly user, we don't talk about that. This is a family-friendly forum.
this isnt as fun as bfa
Kebos Lowlands is actually pretty great.
i wish wow wasn't subscription based game. i want to pay for the game once and not monthly. every second i don't spend playing the game feels like i'm throwing money into trash.
This might be their chance to do wow 2.0 in unreal 4. Can you imagine?
he's retarded and wrong.
questing is still the fastest leveling possible.
you just gotta be smart about it and know what quests to skip.
naxx will absolutely be cleared faster than literally any mythic raid lmao
No. I just dont think derivative videogame lore is the pinnacle of storytelling. Playing WoW for the lore is cringeworthy when the real enjoyment of the game(and all mmos) comes from systems mastery. Because as a platform for actual roleplaying themepark mmos were always for brainlets compared to sandboxes