Best Tomb Raider level?

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I like the one with the platform. You know. The one where you have to swan dive at just the right spot to unlock nude Lara!

Maria Doria levels are the shit

back in the day I loved Venice in 2
but the haunted island of 5 is probably my favorite.

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>tomb raider 3

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Floating Islands

thats a tough question

I like the first two in 1
I like venice one and two in 2, and the floating islands
3 had probably the coolest levels in general, but the gameplay was usually a chore

I like TR AOD
because it's the first time I saw puzzles with moving platforms in TR. I liked it a lot

I like all the pyramid levels from TR4.


FUCK Tomb Rider 3

My favorite level in the series is Madubu Gorge. Cool setting, great atmosphere, and the kayak is the best vehicle in the series because you can do weird shit like paddle up waterfalls backwards.

Attached: Tomb-Raider-3-Level-15-Image-6.jpg (1280x720, 113K)

so... all of them?

lost valley obviously, walking into it unspoiled was one of the greatest moments in gaming

Angel of Darkness actually has some pretty cool levels in it.

The one where you play as loli Lara in the latest game.

What's wrong with TR3?

Tomb Raider III is the best TR ever.

Yeah! And Final Fantasy Spirits Within is a really great sci-fi flick!

Love both India and South Pacific.
But it is more of a setting than specific levels.
Wilderness is where it's at with Tomb Raider for me.
Great atmosphere, great mix of dark and light, music is subtle, ruins and structures and mechanisms are grounded in reality, not too much actiony, feels like true TR game.

both of you state your claims with examples please

Provide constructive criticism.

i want to see a game where girls get hurt in looney tunes style and they get funny body deformations too.


What TR?

fuck you I already posted the clip arts version

the second venice level


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Literally all Tomb Raider are like that.

I need to get back into it. Finished TR1 for the first time recently having never played them before and loved it. Started II but kinda lost the will to play while in venice

> St. Francis' Folly

Alternately going underground and discovering an entire fucking subterranean Colosseum.

Fuck man I loved the first Tomb Raider, I should replay it.

99% of the combat in the first game could be cheesed simply by jumping on top of something, pulling out your pistols, and then shooting whatever animal is running around until it dies.

As a result they made TR2 a lot harder, and added a million human enemies with guns to the game.

It must felt horrible for zoomers, like Atari games or something.
Funny how looking at older Tomb Raider environments I still perceive them as incredible graphics, especially third one. It felt for me like that after 2 back then.

Yeah, me too. I still remember being blown away by n64/ps1 3d stuff in general.

I guess I'm a zoomer (22 yrs) but I thought it was fantastic. The gameplay felt great, albeit just a tiny bit too slow. You're absolutely right about the graphics though, there's something about them that makes them age gracefully. I was more taken away by finding the underground Colosseum (like some other user mentioned) then I've ever been playing all these games with "great" graphics that are released these days.
I think it's partly because with open worlds nothing feels amazing since it's all available at the start, you don't have to go through any hardships to get to certain places and see certain sights and you aren't limited in your sightseeing until something opens up. It's always open, and always explorable, so for some reason it's always boring

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My favorite location was Greece from TR1. because you keep going down deep and deeper. It probably took me over a week to finish the first time and having Pierre haunt you the entire time was great.

For a stand-alone level, I have to go with Temple of Xian.

Tomb Raider graphics are still appealing to me because all the paths and obstacles you see aren't just for show. If it looks like you should be able to interact for it then you probably can. Modern games cram the screen with graphics and post-processing but it's to say nothing.


>City of Khamoon

>Venice (all levels of it)

>Temple Ruins
Lara's Home

>Temple of Karnak

>Ireland's Haunted Island

>Angel of Darkness
>Hall of Seasons

Attached: hall-of-seasons-01.jpg (800x450, 302K)

nice choices desu

unironically st francis folly in anniversary, in particular poseidons room

the doom raider wad

>tr1 - lost valley
>tr2 - floating islands
>tr3 - area 51
>tr4 - the lost library
>tr5 - haunted island
>tr6 - paris

Yeah, I liked anniversary levels, especially that room with giant swords.

That water still looks beautiful to this day.

>area 51

Fuck you, that level was a nightmare.

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For me it's Caves from TR1.