*Ruins your game balance*
*Ruins your game balance*
Imagine thinking trading away your ability to headshot and instantly kill every class in the game for the ability to apply jarate to a single target ruins game balance
I miss the headshot immunity bonus.
*allows fucking sniper scrubs to be viable*
>literally pisses off enemies, especially snipers
only reason to use it desu
*Enhances your game balance*
I honestly find the piss rifle under powered.
You can't even do sick headscopes.
that thing is just annoying, but nowhere near broken
It's a great support weapon. Even if someone's being healed by a medic if you splash them with the piss rifle they're not long for this world as long as you got teammates to back you up
It’s underpowered if it’s just you, but with a team you can wreck ass.
t. Scout main
they added a form of head shotting with it a few years ago.
>charged body shot = target jarated
>charged head shot = splash jarate on nearby targets
pretty fucking sweet now
>It’s underpowered if it’s just you, but with a team you can wreck ass.
but you can say that about every weapon. That's just stupid. If you are good enough to land headshots you can support by just killing the threats on the map rather than hoping your partners do it for you.
>but you can say that about every weapon
I cannot, for the piss rifle actively curses the target with a mini crit debuff
that got changed a while ago
And it’s fucking bullshit
That was changed again awhile ago. Now it does minicrits on heads hot and refreshes jarate cool down by one second.
The minicrit headshot is still enough to kill a non overhealed soldier
That's not the Ubersaw.
bro i main sniper wtf