Minoria, a metroidvania where you play as a sexy nun, just came out. Made by the Momodora devs

Minoria, a metroidvania where you play as a sexy nun, just came out. Made by the Momodora devs.


Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?

Attached: minoria game.jpg (1920x1080, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:


People say wait for a patch and that it's too clunky.

>fem mc
>not even porn

Im extremely religious and sexualizing nuns like that offends me, ill be skipping this one

how about you leave the catholics alone, dumb faggots.

is it a tranny nun?

These all female cast anime games are all samey as shit

I'm Catholic and you guys are fags

Metroidvanias get boring with their respawning enemies and repetitive gameplay.

Sorry but I already wasted buckets on Dominique from Bloodstained. Looks nice though.

Momodora 4 was decent but I don't understand why it gets so much praise, it's a totally standard metroidvania

How many of these threads are shills?

>Im extremely religious
No you're not. You're on Yea Forums faggot

I really, really enjoyed Reverie Under the Moonlight so I'm very interested for this.

It came out at a time where indie metroidvanias were still a novelty, especially competent ones.

Enemies literaly 2 shot you. WTF
I think I'll refund it.

looks fuckin nice, I hope it's longer than momodora

Just purchased. Downloading now I'm hyped. Didn't know this was releasing today.

I just found out an hour ago.

I enjoyed Reverie Under the Moonlight back in the day, but Hollow Knight has it beaten in every aspect except the anime titties

Gonna give it a go since I'm pretty bored

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>mostly positive
it's trash, as was expected

>The same fucking posts as in every thread

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I'm Orthodox and God made women sexy because he loves some vagina you fag. Get better taste lmao

Agree fellow bro, let's play some WoW Classic!

git gud

something tells the posters are the same as well

>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?
Because it's a fucking disappointment compared to Momodora.

The dev is not wealthy enough to hire shills.

as someone that works in 'indie games'
probably all of them.

>that thigh slash

Is this a problem?

Why is it such a stylistic downgrade from RUtM?

You are fucking retarded.

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Just wait for the second boss to outright 1 shot you. And each time you die you need to kill a mini-boss to get it.

It's a 5 hour game, they felt the need to pad it out.

that's heresy

Because these games are 5-hour long weebshit for only the most dedicated gamers. I love metroidvania and would never be caught dead playing this embarrassing mess.

I'm a Baptist Christian.

I would dunk into that nun harder than my pastor dunked me 15 years ago.

>for only the most dedicated gamers.
So what is Yea Forums then?

Nice thighs

I still haven't finished the first Momodora.

BUILT for thigh sex.

Yea Forums don't play vidya. Just like ResetEra.

Thanks, OP. I fucking loved Reverie.

They really went all-out on the fanservice on this one and they're still getting #woke points. How do Bombservice do it?

Looks like every other indie metroidvania in the market. Maybe I will pirate it... maybe.

You don't need money to hire shills, they just do that out of pure obssession with their ""overlords""

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I dunno, but htose legs are delicious

the only good game in this dogshit genre

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Review after 1h30: Better than Hollow Knight.

>showing a thigh is now "all-out fanservice"

There's an obligatory weeb hot spring scene.

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They put a constant boob jiggle on the princess.

nuns are catholics
catholicism is not christian, it's paganism disguised as christianity

lmao, it's worse than Momodora

It's kinda fun but the constant surprice enemies that take 50% of your HP at once are getting kinda old.
Dodge would be op if there wasn't contact damage

okay sold

Momodora 4 had nica graphics but most of the boss fights were a borefest. Is this better?

Because there are far better recent metroidvanias, like Bloodstained and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom.


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h-hi, do you always come here?

lol, that looks atrociously bad


They made Koji Igarashi play this trash lmao. He got one shot by the 2nd boss and put the game down.


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Compared to OP it's vastly more visually impressive, good looking and animated.

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cringe as fuck, i'm not watching this

looks like furry shit

It's a remake of some 80's games, just mindless nostalgia pandering.

The gameplay is shit but this early 3D polygonal Wild Arms PS1 era look needs to have its renaissance, I miss it. Done with indie pixel shit, bring on the indie primitive 3D graphics shit

never heard of it

Is this even the same devs? I had it wishlisted because I liked Momodora 2 and 3, but it doesnt look like it's the same dudes.

rdein has always been a hardcore soulsfag and man does it show with his games. This one just tries way too hard to evoke that Bloodborne look without getting to explicit which defeats the whole purpose.

git fucking gud

>my pastor dunked me 15 years ago.

Attached: 2gpruz.jpg (250x238, 16K)

Hard to give a fuck when the game is getting shit reviews.

>they literally named it "Minoria"
Pedo weebs are really reaching it this time

Looks pretty bad with that 3D, I enjoyed Momodora but I guess I'll skip this one

Loved Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight, but Minoria is not my thing for sure. Really getting tired of indie developers trying to 1 up each other with the difficulty. Dark Souls is difficult but it's fun, you anticipate dangers, you plan ahead, every move you make is meaningful. In Minoria enemies literally spawn on top of you and hit you for half of your health bar and more. An assassin type enemy literally spawns out of thin air and you only get half a second to react. Bosses outright one shot you if you fail to dodge their super sanic move. It's just not fun and feels like padding for an otherwise short game (which it is, the game is only about 5 hours long). Dodge roll frames are very finicky, sometimes you roll through an enemy just fine, other times you take damage. Why? Who knows. Parry and riposte is extremely hard to pull off. Why even include it then? Rolling away and doing a basic 3 hit combo deals more damage anyway. The graphics are finally 16:9, but the art style is way worse than what was in Momodora. I much prefer lushly animated pixel art over 3D models with LEGO faces. It looks really bad when the camera gets zoomed in during the cutscenes.

Just feels like a soulless rehash, all things considered. If you haven't yet played Momodora, just play that, it's much, much better.

Ok, money saved. Thanks for that.

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>Parry and riposte is extremely hard to pull off. Why even include it then?

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s-sorry, didn't mean to creep you out, i'm leaving..............

>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?
cuz we aren't gamers like you

checks out for Yea Forums

Because metroidvanias are terrible and the only reason they sell is because switch users are so desperate for any old game they buy gobble them up

>Fanservice Entertainment presents

baptism, user

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Game's already over.

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He's right though. Trash mobs hitting for 60% of your hp (not exaggerating) is bullshit. Just pirate the game and see for yourself.

Spoken like a true alcoholic beverage!

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it looks like if it plays exacly like guacamelee.

Game is atrociously jank, just all around bad combat design coupled with bad hitboxes / timings
Sometimes you get damaged by contact with enemies, sometimes you don't. Enemies kill you in two hits for no reason.
Momodora was much better designed than this. Feels like 10 steps back.
Too bad I was looking forward to it

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"gamers" should be c u m brains

Made in Unityâ„¢

LoL tHe GaMe iS nAmEd AfTeR a PuSsy!
Yeah fuck those degenerates...

Threadly reminder that the dev is a psychotic wanker who threw several fits on Twitter over games that he considered immitations of his style, to the point of threatening unleashing his fans upon them.
Pathetic tranny.

lmao literally just git gud and stop whining like a little bitch

No it shouldn't.

All of these timings save the last one were perfect and should have yielded a parry

so git gud on the last one then

as the original poster it should, because that's exactly what i meant. i think i have a better idea of what i meant to say than you user.

are you retarded
the point of the webm is that the attacks don't trigger block frames and don't give a parry, not that I die on the last attack

The dev is a nice guy from my interactions with him. He used to post on AGDG until salty failed devs started bullying him constantly.

Im gonna wait for a sale, im still playing the games I bought during the summer sale.

Yeah he also ragequit his own discord a few times. Pretty typical weeb IMO, his first Momodora game was pretty much a Cave Story clone, but now it's all Dark Souls imitation.

>dev is a psychotic wanker
>over games that he considered immitations of his style
bullshit, they were straight up ripoffs. so much so that I strongly suspect you're the faggot that made the ripoff and you're STILL butthurt. he used to post in adgd threads, it's fucking you isn't it

>watercolory tumblresque art
Nah fuck that

Parries are earned, not given. Have you considered getting better at the game?

Wait, there's only one dev?

Go back to AGDG, the dev was having his work blatantly copied to the point it became a meme.

ah, you're trolling, my bad
carry on

>over games that he considered immitations of his style

can you name a few?

Nope, I ripoff Zelda
Just an observer over the past several years.
I know which game you're thinking about though.

>shamelessly copies cave story and touhou
>whines about being parodied

what a crybaby

Looks like utter fucking crap
>3 weapons, one locked behind a purchase of the previous game
>shit controls, horrible animations, clunky hitboxes
>More expensive than the previous game while being worse in all aspects

Bombservice has 5 members

>being this salty after a few deaths

It's pretty, but I hate this entire genre with a passion. And indie games.

git gud

i'll pirate the gog version when it's available. not wasting money on it, given all the negative reviews.

Fuck. Why did it have to be published by Dangen those cucks.

the reviews are only negative because people can't git gud

Hi rden.

they said the same about rain world. then i tried it and the game is genuinely bad. not falling for it agian

twitch /kitokys
just watch someone actually good at video games play it


Baptists believe in the divine ritual of dipping folks in and out of bodies of water to symbolize rebirth and a "fresh start" on your sin scorecard.

I got dunked at 12, it was okay. All I could think about was how, before they cleaned and filled it up, our church's dipping zone was a cricket deathtrap, like full on concentration camp starvation chamber.

I thought it would be cool if I absorbed their spirit energy to grow stronger. Instead I just got town municipal water in my nose.

Gamwe lebftb us ejt?

Not to mention he often shows plain unprofessional behaviour. Fuck man, what are lead programmers for.

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Biggest complaint is that enemies hit like a truck and that the artstyle isn't as pretty as reverie
I like this type of artstyle but I wish that the animations were better. Running especially

It's hard to get good when the hitboxes are this bad. Also losing half of your HP because of contact damage lmao.

The game makes you feel so sorry for some of its pathetic bosses that you wonder if bullying them is a moral choice that sends you on a bad ending

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yeah. it's just that they got some budget behind it.

Impressive. It's like Nier Automata in 2D.

contact damage means stop walking into enemies

I get that, but getting damaged because an enemy walked to where you end your cross slash feels a bit cheap

>sexy nun

good joke user

>copypastaing a normgroid steam review

no, it means "enemy moved into you while their attack went through your parry completely"
play the game retard

>world record holder for bloodstained
>not good

I'm interested because Momodora is fun, but these leave a lot of problems. I'll just wait for a patch. Thanks, anons. Still hopeful that this will end up being alright.

He's not wrong though.

the entire run is him running into enemies an mashing like crazy
the game is terrible and so is this run

Monster boy is hot garbage and you know it

I'm not religious at all but they're kinda hot desu

>le game is too hard argument
>the old "dark souls is hard but fair" sound byte
This is how you know somebody doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. Normals that bring up dark souls over any game they find hard always have underdeveloped taste and aren't worth listening to.

user, hypocrisy is the bread and butter of religious zealots.

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not sure this guy can read

Nobody on Yea Forums is really religious, we're gamers after all.

Catholicism is retarded. Everyone except Catholics know this. Every other denomination is better.

Funny. Enjoy the baby.


Even Mormons?

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Minoria is basically 2D Dark Souls though, the dev even said as much. So it's a fair comparison.

>back in the day
>3 years ago
Stop trying to make me feel old, even when no real time has passed.

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I'd have sex with the nun for the sole purpose of procreation, don't worry.

When you asked a good game Latin American (Brasil) made, remember Bombservice, remember Momodora. And hopefully this too

>no customization beyond incenses
>actual lost progress on death
>cutscenes full of dialogs
yeah I can totally see the resemblance
oh but you have a roll with invulnerability frames so it's totally dark souls !

I need a break from Metroidvania games or I'd give this a try

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I agree. Grafix fags have kept us from many years of lowpoly style development in favor of their visible pore fetish.

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>another metroidvania with le sexy gothic girl
FUCK OFF. I want my chad paladin/vampire/holy fighter not these fucking discount shanoas using uguu anime to sell their 5 hour shit

Hear, hear. Where's the Megaman Legends style indie adventure games?

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Sounds like shit. Momodora games were weeaboo fapbait as well. Hard pass.

how many glass things do you have to break in the garden?
i broke three and i cant find any more yet the path is still blocked

>from the Momodera devs
Is this another Soulslike they're making? If it is, then that's a hard pass from me, dawg.

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You lie! Why?

I guess the models only look good at certain angles huh

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>Giant succubus lookin demon girl boss
oh no I like it

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Momodora was gorgeous with its sprite animations, this looks lazy

lmao based

What's with all the female protag indie platformers anyway? Bloodstained, Wings of Vi, Rabi-Ribi, Icey etc

Actually user is right. Stop replying to him if you don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah it's basically the same thing but now you can parry and riposte. Dude remember Dark Souls xDDD

I'd rather just wait for Blasphemous

Titties make up for lack of a interesting varied world / length

>Hollow Knight
I'm glad this game became the easiest way for redditfags and normies to out themselves. I didn't even need to see your cancerous reddit spacing to know either

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>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?
Why should we? It'll probably be forgotten in a week just like deaths gambit since it's not unique enough

My dick will never forget.

Yea Forums is not for mainstream casual plebs

I'll definitely take a look but I doubt we'll have many threads. I enjoyed what little threads of la mulana we had last year

Because it's not on the Switch. Call me when they release it on the Switch and I'll buy it day one.


Minoria means "Minority" on portuguese.

Yea Forums is nothing but mainstream casual plebs lmao

So is it pretty much accepted now that Momo 4 was the only good game made by rdein? Was it just a fluke?

Attached: momo4_fennel.gif (320x240, 3.44M)

Yeah but it means big pussy lips in ENGLISH

As another catholic I can confirm that this user is correct

it's not even particularly good
it's more like the demo or PoC of a good game

>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?
This is like the 4th thread about this game I've seen today
Its on my wishlist now but I'm broke as fuck and it'll have to wait for a bit.

The dev said the name of the game comes from the word "Đ¼Đ¸Đ½eÑ‚".

Fennel was the only good boss in momo series

you just posted the only decent boss fight in the game. I wouldn't call the game good, just okay at best. It's pretty, but the gameplay could've been better

>Made by the Momodora devs.

So it's going to be extremely easy and like 2 hours long.


It's actually too hard for Yea Forums

go fix your game instead of shitposting on Yea Forums, rdein

git gud

overcompensating for the perceived lack of them

I'll surprise my wife with this as a present, she really liked Momodora...4 or whatever, the one with actual good art.

already finished it retard, it's shit

I bought your game for 391 RUB, which is about 6$. I hope you're not too angry at me, rdein. But I like it. It's good.

he was replying to me. i said that this game was for c u m brains, and it filtered to "gamers" instead. don't post if you don't know what you're talking about, user.

I'm really trying hard to enjoy the game, but this is just nuts. It's in desperate need of difficulty settings, that's for sure. Not even an easy mode, because I beat Reverie Under the Moonlight just fine on NORMAL, and this is too hard for me already at the SECOND BOSS.

Looks nice. Where's the GOG installer?

virgin incels are overly fascinated with females because they never had them, and some like to imagine themselves as girls because being a man is hard.

Here user.

at gog.com

If I have to buy it, the first thing I'm going to do is upload it to Mega, so you might as well just give me the link

funny. seriously, where's the mega.nz link

I prefer the actually good game where you play as a nun

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I loved Momodora 3 and Reverie. Thanks for the heads up, user.


Imagine being this sensitive about some negative reviews lmao.

Actually looks like garbage.

>t. never made anything in his life

>projecting this hard
I'm sorry your life is so meaningless.

Yeah, I never wasted my lifie creating shitty games

Get fucked retard. Should've capitalized on Momo 4's success instead of making this dog shit in Unity.

>Momo 4's success

Don't listen to these retards, rdein. Congrats on your achievement.

So weird that these redditors feel the need to bring it up all the time. Hollow Knight has it beat? What the fuck does that have to do with anything, he's not even saying that because HK is better, it's not worth playing. HKfags are strange man.

I want to sin with a nun

I want to feed and seed a nun

>Momodora finally gets big with RUTM
>normies everywhere talking about this le quirky metroidvania with charming pixel art and decent combat
>scrap all of that and make some shitty 3D game in Unity

Attached: abit.png (711x664, 314K)

>can't jump
>no backtracking

Nah. Catholics are BASED.

Isn't that normal though? What else is he supposed to do?

>What else is he supposed to do?
Start fixing all the stupid bugs and softlocks.

Parry window in particular seems to be dependent on your framerate, this is just jank.

He's not trolling. He's right.

Is the game good? It's in my cart.

Very unpolished right now and pretty cheap difficulty wise, ugly art. You can always refund under 2 hours (like I did) though, so worth a shot I guess if you really liked Momodora.

>no backtracking
So it's a linear plataforming? Why is it being called metroidvania then? Fuck this, dropped.

Isn't it better to be attracted to devout ladies of the faith than heathen women of no faith?

So what you're saying is, (You) were instigating a flamewar.

So what? You want to burn us alive now?

>muh projection
listen here retard, if you ever had to actually put anything creative out there besides Yea Forums shitposts you'd understand how easy it is to be sensitive to criticism of your work

>Yeah, I never wasted my lifie creating shitty games
no, you wasted your life playing them
much smarter, nigger

god i wish that were me

ok but what's with the shitty instagram filter color tints

Monster Boy looks amazing but I got bored shortly after getting the Frog when I realized the whole game was just gonna be this puzzle platforming with 0 challenge.
Probably would have loved the game and 100%'d it as a kid though.

Maybe consider making a good game then? Was this shit playtested at all, rdein? The amount of bugs already found is fucking hilarious.

It's there to hide the shitty graphics.

He probably is

gonna buy 3 copies

weeb should be shot down

4 copies

he's obviously shitposting in this very thread given some of the replies here


Why play with a smelly old nun when you can get comfy with your cfw 3ds and play the gentleman’s metroidvania?

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Because I already 100%'d that game and even got the Queen of Hearts. Have you?

No but I’m enjoying the atmosphere of this comfy game.

git gud then
don't forget to get all the medals as well on your first playthrough

>spiritual sequel to an average game
yeah no thanks. maybe when either humble or epic give it for free

Explain cause it’s my first time?

when you beat a boss without taking a single hit, you get a medal

Each boss gives you a medal for beating them without taking damage.

>puppet animation

Is that even possible? I thought this game was supposed to be comfy?

Next nun game due out in 3 days

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Based Baptistbro.

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the fuck is that at the top of her legs

The medals are more like achievements, they have no use and don't do anything at all. Just grab them on NG+ if you really must have them.

It's called an ass

Her labia.

I see zero contradiction between coming to this site and even my very devout, conservative religious views.
Genuine question; why do you think this?

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What class of pervert do you have to be, to think the condom makes it hotter?

What makes nuns so sexy Yea Forums?


oh, no

Attached: Max_Smile.png (672x986, 706K)

there is no such thing as a gamer that isn't a spoogebrain, so just use gamer

Attached: Screenshot_20180613-171141.jpg (720x1187, 333K)

Thats not at all how an ass looks like from the front.


Wonder Boy is pretty good
Monster Boy is souless trash

Ass so fat that you could see it from the front

I wish it was a new Sinistar game

Attached: Sinistargifter.gif (300x225, 331K)

ass_visible_through_thighs is a nice tag

Bad quads

Did someone say sexy nuns?

Attached: nun milkers christianity.jpg (800x1067, 93K)

the porn one or the other one?

Attached: đŸ¤”.png (160x160, 12K)

But you have to play as a boy in Monster Boy

So what gamer

The reason shit like that doesn't get made is because it takes more effort than slapping together some shitty pixel "art" that looks like it would have been outdated in 1986. Even if some indie devs start trying to emulate that low poly style, it'll never catch on like 2D because it's easy as fuck to shit out a game in 2D.

Thanks downloading.

the whole (you) thing doesn't work when you've already given me a proper (you), (you) mong. and no, not instigating a flamewar, telling the truth.
well shit, you got me there.

>make this shit
>it's not even an h-game
Yeah finna skip that trash senpai.

The 3d animations looks so clunky but momodora was so good i`m willing to give it a chance

Kill yourself.

Momodora 4 was too short. Felt like half a game.

Not even worth a pirate.

Call me a zoomer but there has never been a single fun metroidvania. More often than not they are lazily designed to fake a sense of exploration.

Because I've only played about 20 minutes of it.

imagine being this angry that an anonymous poster doesn't care to play your jizzbrain game that doesn't even fully embrace its jizzbrain nature

I'll call you a forced meme cock sucker

No it didn't.

rdein stop defending the honor of your trash game on an anime message board and go work on fixing your trash game instead so maybe people will actually want to buy it like RUTM.

It should be OHKO to weed out more of you.


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Based AND redpilled.

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torrent when?

Just some holy ladies cleansing the blood and guys of foul witches in a purification ritual.



>faster to make, lower development cost

Sounds like trying to cash in on customer loyalty.

It was a gamble.

Why do you think being a garbage can is a valid opinion?

shame the game apparently isn't very good because determined battle nun is one of my favorite character design archetypes

is metroidvania the most tranny video game genre?


Cartoon shooters are. TF2, Overwatch, Splatoon, especially Splatoon.

>Game goes from Nice Pixel art to Ugly 3d Models

Why does it keep happening bros?

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The same thing was done in Reverie.

The dev wants to make indie dark souls really badly.

This is a Castlevania thing.

I'm Catholic and people like you actively make me want to support this. Grow some balls, unless you're already taking HRC in an attempt to.

Yeah rainworld seems like a meme to me too

>Im extremely religious
Me too, but nuns are sexy.

You aren't Catholic if you think sexualizing the brides of Christ is in any way ok. You are a pervert. You need to go to confession.

Hey buddy, the faggot club is two blocks down.

Salt & Sanctuary already nailed it.

Might as well bang a nun, if you're going to have to confess to an old pedophile anyway.

>On my Yea Forums
Not cool. Back to Plebbit.


He's right though. You're the one subscribing to a religion but not following the rules and customs it lays down. Why even bother? Clearly the faggot is you.

My sins are absolved, regardless; can you say the same?

He originally wanted to make proper indie Dark Souls in 3D. Community outrage made him go back to 2D gameplay.

can you not see the hypocrisy in leading a sinful life solely for the fact that you "know" you'll be forgiven? Christ would be ashamed.

Oh no, human weakness in my fallible flesh? What would my designer think

there's a different in inherent weakness and weakness that you willingly fall victim to, time and time again, knowing it's weakness. stop excusing your deviant behavior user.

>Shrine Maidens



Then why Varg isn't a Catholic?

Sounds like they learned fuckall from developing the previous games.
Maybe we can bitch enough to get another super-casual-high-regen-just-give-me-a-free-win-and-achievements mode added.

Momodora wasn't good

Looks like angry birds

>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?

Because it's hot dogshit.

you may be forgiven, but you certainly won't undertake any spiritual growth if you see that forgiveness as a ticket to do whatever you please.

Omg I love momodora

That's kind of hilarious tho, asking the community for beta testing. I wouldn't read it as too serious of a request, so I assume you mean he did so other actual crappy shit.

>tfw you're catholic
Also who gives a shit, nuns are a vanilla tier fetish and a clear example of the psychological effect of desiring the forbidden
If nuns were allowed to have sex then attire would be less erotic

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Hollow Knight is garbage, you actually mean Rabi Ribi

Are there mods to change the colors?
The instagram look is my biggest complaint with the visuals

Buckets of what? Can't be money because Bloodstained isn't expensive. Buckets of tears?

Bah. I'd buy this game but I don't like their publisher. They are one of the biggest Shitera bootlickers.

Well, maybe for you. Not everyone was raised to revere nuns though. People still find nurses or maids sexy, but there's nothing really about abstinence or foreboding there.

Blasphemous content should not be allowed on Steam.

As a Catholic I always say the women in anime games are nuns of a fictitious religion.
They're not going to specifically say they're Catholic, so they aren't.
So it is okay to sexualize anime nuns

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8 - JoJolion - Vol.19 Ch.75 - Ozone Baby's Pressure Part 3 - (986x1400, 3.04M)

Isn't Wings of Vi ancient? I swear I played it in flash a decade ago.


remove that awful filter and add better lighting , this looks awful

That's a maid game

>Guy spergs about people making clones of his game for fun and to learn game design
>Rips off Cave Story's art style and Dark Souls' gameplay
Western indie devs are the height of narcissism.

How have they bootlicked shitera?
They've published a lot of good games

Dangen are gaijin that should be deported.

Out of curiosity do you have a source? It would crack me up if that was true.

It isn't.

You have two choices:
Choice 1: Design a man. What are, you a fag?
Choice 2: Design a woman. Ah, I see you're a healthy man with blood running through your veins.

Okay retard.
I didn't spend 16 years going to Catholic schools for some dumb fuck on the internet to try and act like he knows more about me.
Lick my ass hole if you really want to open your mouth for something ever again, otherwise zip it, you double nigger.

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>Rips off Cave Story's art style and Dark Souls' gameplay

You say that like both of those were the first of their kind.

>catholic school
No wonder you're a joke of a Catholic.

It says she's a nun though
And the title is "Sini-Sister"

Someone played Reverie?


I would be shocked to learn that it's not the most-played Momodora.

Shut up, double nigger

Oh duh I was thinking of another game in the Momodora thread for some reason. Right, Reverie Under the Moonlight. Yeah lots of people played that. Mea culpa.

stop trying so hard to fit in.

So why did you just stand there for that extremely telegraphed swing, though?

They aren't.
It's stupid to go insane about inspirations and originality though. There isn't a damn original idea in much of anything these days, so acting like a sperg and actively bullying small time hobby devs into quitting their projects just because it looks or plays like your own games that are equally heavily inspired by other works is really dumb and narcissistic.
Guy deserves the backlash desu

He went for a parry you blind retard

If you're fucking up your parries, why bother trying when it's so easy to dodge?

Yes, I was just trying to relate the mechanic with a game I presumed that he had already played. RutM is very easy so you would probably discover it by accident there.

quick someone post shota so he stays in the thread!!!

Momodora 4 was ass. No exploration, shitty 2 second invincible dodge roll, boring music for 90% of the game, no RPG mechanics, no meaningful loot, ect. It has neither the Metroid influence nor the Castlevania influence. It was not a Metroidvania, it was just a shitty 2D Dark Souls. Why the fuck would I be excited for this?

Have you ever seen momodora 1? it's the exact same artstyle as cave story

Attached: 1512688296_momo1.png (1023x768, 164K)

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Great another fucking metroidvania. Cant grt enough of them

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This but unironically.

We need more people cloning top down Zeldas and Battle Network desu

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This momodora game is pretty meh.

>he doesn't know about the new breed of Yea Forums catholics

>Rumbling the screen when hitting an enemy

What a shame, looks neat


That’s why

fads change, it'll happen eventually

I swear there were at least four or five top-down Zelda clones recently.

Nuns aren’t actually hot. They’re either old, fat, ugly or deformed. They also slap kids with rulers because they’re all miserable spinsters who don’t even enjoy any power after taking their vows.

That's literally just anecdotal evidence.

I picked up Momodora on sale and enjoyed my time with it, so I'll keep my eye on it, but it doesn't look good right now. I really want to see more early 3D like that though. It's a potentially good aesthetic that needs to come back.

That’s been my experience every single time.

That's exactly what anecdotal evidence means.

all religions are disguised versions of previous religions, brainlet

good to know, thanks!

Does it have a porn patch?

Be the change you want to see.

This. I only found some fucking ISO with an installer and steamjunk inside so far, I don't know why they would publish it like this.

Different user but all I know about that is one of em hates fan service shit in Japan.

Not (true) Christianity.

Weren't they making a 3D Momodora game? What happened to that?

Everybody hated it so he scrapped it.

I'm an atheist, but I believe in waifus

You have to go back

nah, those saturn-worshipping fucks deserve every bit of flak they get.

What kind of fucked up retard things a girl covered in used condoms is hot?

Why is atheism called what it is? A Theism. Why isn't it like Antitheism or something?

Pirated and played for a hour.
Its not bad but I would rather they kept the Momodora pixel looks.
Also adding a parry really changes thing because I didnt like how in Momodora you could only get hit or dodge out of the way.

This is a joke right? I really think this is a joke

"A-" is a greek prefix meaning "not", like amoral or atypical.

It's practically spelled out as one.

Anyway how long is this game? That Momodera game was pretty short.

Got bullied so hard by it got cancelled and they went back to 2D.

momodora was legitimately one of the worst 2d platformer I played.

>he hasn't play Hollow Knight

Is this actually a good game or is it one of those weeb porn games?

Imagine entering a 400+ reply thread and asking that.

I only read the first post and posts directly replying to me.

I'd wait for a sale desu

And I'm not going to reward that laziness.

Only one that comes to mind is Ittle Dew 2

Moonlighter too

The only reason I played the way I did in this webm is to show how terribly parries are implemented in the game. Attacks that would have hit you instead never make contact with you if you parry inside a very large blindspot, but you still get hit by the contact damage because the enemy's momentum carried them on top of you. Similarly, elevation will mess with hitboxes so much the enemies will straight up teleport behind you with their attacks (and STILL hit you with contact damage).
In case you couldn't tell because you sound a little retarded, all those parries were timed correctly (except the last one).

Why did they fall for the 3D meme? What happened to the charming sprites?

To save time I assume
3D is cheaper when you have tons of animations

momodora was shit
this is shit
stop making 2d dark souls, and stop using generic anime girl protagonist

>old hag
Pick one OP.

Yea Forums pls go

Kill yourself underage.

Has any new GOG specific download site appeared? Good Old Downloads used to be great but that's gone now

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so you agree?


>Why the fuck isn't anyone talking about it?
you need more than "sexy girls" to stand out nowadays.

Sounds like you're gay.

>mfw just finished the game

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A nun shouldn't be dressed all slutty like that. this game is unholy so I'll pass.

I'm sure she will be rightfully disciplined.

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Seems like it's too hard for some anons

Different user here, but I've never understood why you would be religious at all if you don't intend to go absolutely all the way with the religion.

unbalanced, weird animations, fucking souls mechanics

It's because you're an election tourist.

Praise pirates for saving my time from buying&refunding.

Someone who owns this, is the game good?

I can't tell because this thread is infested with newfaggots pretending to be trolls.

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because its fucking hard to commit

can you double jump though

I'm in

momodora was fucking trash, so the likelyhood of this being good is zero

why does a thread about an obscure indie game have 450 replies? i thought Yea Forums only responded to bait threads about AAA games and/or thinly veiled porn threads.

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>parries a year early
>gets hit

Don't know what to tell you. Git gud?

Got to play 1 hour and had fun, the combat seems pretty good if you know what you are doing.

what game?

The color grading/correction effect is too strong

3D was a mistake.

>gamers will buy this

Dark Devotion. A 2D soulslike but different by French devs. Pretty hard imho especially since it doesn't have a wiki or is discussed much so you don't know where OP weapons and items are.


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>a year early
what did he mean by this

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Don't care as long as his game is good 2bh

>linking to a steam page of a game
advertisers aren't even attempting to hide it anymore

>another indie try hard game

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Refunded. Not enough fanservice, too difficult, levels are meh, blocks are unusable, animations are bad, not enough settings, and it’s Brazilian. I only buy nip games. My mistake.

don't you have a little boy to be hustling away to ''confess'' with?

Same. Bought Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 with the refunded money.

I will now pirate your game

why does it look worse than Momodora

someone post that nun tweet on a sexy nun drawn by nips

There's a short note on one of the beds about a girl being "indecent with herself" and almost feeling bad about it. It's a small thing but it's jarring and feels out of place. Especially with the doom and gloom atmosphere the game is trying to set.

Gives enough of a clue about what was going on in the dev's head when making this game. He should've worked more on making the game not so jank feeling instead writing poor anime-esque dialogs and flavor text.

This? The game is full of fanservice like that, it's not exactly super serious and immersive. Just your typical ironic weeb shit.

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I'll have to pick it up later. I fucking love Momodora.
Would've preferred if they remade 1 and 2 though. Those two are pretty jank, moreso 1.

Yeah that one. Just strikes me as odd. But yeah the game was obviously made by a weeb.

every nun is a bride of christ so if you have sexual relations with them, you're making them cheat on jesus

is that what you want?

>thread is full of faggots
Here are the differences in religion

>Roman catholics
Nice churches, have a God emperor pope, bad people go to hell. Attracts gay pedophiles

Protestant /Lutheran
NO one goes to hell, poor people religion that didn't want to pay taxes to church even if they used its services everyday. Their churches look like boxes made for meth addicts

You all go to hell... But they are right. No no no fucking multiple women is not sin just say its for God! Our religion is beyond retarded and hypocritical.

>all the East Asians leaving negative reviews because they're not swayed by the ironic weeb aesthetic

Doesn't look like a box for meth addicts to me

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wait until Blasphemous comes out on the 10th of September

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Oh wow one church in the capital. Meanwhile every Roman catholic church looks nice.

I live in Finland also you suomalainen koira. It looks like a fucking building used by the government.

Even orthodox churches look nicer.

Looks like the town hall. Not a church to pray.

Hyper Light Drifter

>Hollow Knight has it beat? What the fuck does that have to do with anything, he's not even saying that because HK is better, it's not worth playing. HKfags are strange man.

You mean Hollow Shit shills, right? They've been plaguing Yea Forums for years now.

>Another "Let's pander to gamer incels since our gameplay is shit" indie game

That will be a yikes from me

There was a thread last night where someone posted this incredibly fast paced looking Battle Network rip-off

because the
>"let's pander to mentally ill liberals because our gameplay is shit"
games are much better

If you're talking about the pig, his design predates angry birds by 2 decades

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You are lying for attention.


I want a SPQRball

Kek, good job proving his point

So, what are the features of this game?

I've trudged through enough H-games with clunky shitty jank that something like this is really not a problem.

The difference is that the H-games are actually rewarding to play.

>Momodora devs
Why have I seen nothing about this game before now? Seems nice.

Hollow Knight had regular threads here for over a year, especially around DLC releases.
It's actually the newfags that out themselves by trying to be contrarian because the game became popular and isn't a hidden Yea Forums gem like rain world anymore.

Rather than insist you are doing it right but it doesn't work, how about experimenting with the timing? Like, try parrying when the attack is about to land instead of when they raise their fucking weapons?