His smile and paypigs: gone.
His smile and paypigs: gone
Low population server masterrace
don't big streamers get to skip the queue or something?
They should unironically give streamers priority access. I mean, it's just a handful of people who would qualify for it so it wouldn't affect anyone's wait time really. Some random person waiting in line is just that: one person, but a popular streamer is like him plus all the viewers and their wait could be alleviated with no real cost to anyone.
are you fucking retarded? why would they? you are the part of the problem for even thinking they should be more priviliged than yourself. fucking zoomer sheep fuck you
Did he log out by accident?
But he's playing it right now with more viewers than he's ever had.
fuck streamers and their cattle fans
are you retarded?
>why would they?
because they're promoting blizzard's product therefore it's sensible to give them privileges over the rest
i don't even play this game, kill yourself autist
>i don't even play this game
of course you dont so fuck off and die
No he got disconnected and lost his place. Kind of a crapshoot whether the game lets you back in right away or not after a DC.
He hasnt been in a que though. You seriously think Blizzard hasnt given streamers VIP access?
good luck with your future school shooting, double digit IQ sperg
He's playing right now though.
>bring your entire autistic fanbase to the game
>get mad when you can't log in
This is why e-celebs/streamers should be put on containment servers so this shit can't happen. Just imagine having your game ruined by a bunch of 12 year olds who want to hover around you without a single original though of their own.
No Asmongold didn't even get to reserve his name he wanted. I honestly expected Blizzard to save it for him.
I'm sure he got back in eventually but he had to wait in line with the rest of the schlubs.
>he actually trusted blizzard
That was last night.
He hasnt been in a que though.
you are literally replying to the post that shows a screenshot of him waiting in the que. are you retarded user?
No. ;)
They are more important and are entertaining millions, they should skip to the front of the queue over joe solo, its not a big deal.
Why the fuck does he keep showing up in my recommendations?
I doubt their technology even allows that
>can't identify bad photoshop
Fuck off
fast forward 2 months when your server is a ghost town
m..m-master race....
sometimes I think I'm a self-loathing faggot cuck and then I read a post like this
Why does this soilent sipper have a MAGA hat in the background? Is it le ironic?
He wasast night. He went to bed and left the queue open.
>Thinking blizz won't merge if that happens
Based retard. Enjoy your hour long queues to play on the streamer server.
>Thinking blizz won't merge if that happens
>streamers should have a free pass so they can sell that the game is working and there is no problem at all
poor wowfags
Hey i'm playing the game right now and it doesn't look dead to me. You on the other hand get to wait in 25k queueus so guess whos winning ;')
It's a "Make Azeroth Great Again" parody hat, does this look like someone who would display a Trump hat on stream?
those soulless poop eyes lmfao
the Queue judges everyone EQUALLY.
>implying I'm playing world of queue craft
because you like giant turds.
Fuck off fag
Dead games don't have queues
fuck off to your own thread
low pop atm is 3-4 hours que
Because 3/4 of the population consist of retards watching that kind of human garbage.
>retail tranny in a thread shitposting about a game he has no interest in
he was still making thousands of dollars in new subs while this was happening. just lol if you think he didnt milk the shit out of this
Absolutely based.
>Entire livelihood is tied to not one, but TWO companies that owe you nothing and aren't even obligated to give you the time of day
Imagine being a game specific streamer
oof, hit a nerve there it seems
Imagine being this much of a cuck. Holy shit. Why don't you give your life for streamer kun because they're entertaining way more people. And also let Blizzard misrepresent the game.
>highest pop server in my data center
>wake up at 4am
>no queue
simple as
>literally all but one are white haired/blonde and fair skinned
why is Japan is based?
He and McConnell like Trump, which is part of the reason why Blizz doesn't like them
If you don't have charisma, you can't play whatever you like. Most streamers are faggots who have to jump on the next big thing to keep an audience.
modern art
Its just a few people going in before you, its not a big deal. You're mounting a mole hill.
fuck you zoomer shitstain go fuck yourself nigger loving jew suckoff
Who retail master race here?
Something about 14's art throws me off completely, and I think it's the fact that they intentionally made everything look like cheap plastic so that they would look like figurine merch.
He spanked you dude, just take the L.
mods help a fuckton but it's mostly so they can fit hundreds of people in the same location without their servers exploding
Based Vinny playing (badly) whatever he wants.
It sounds like they've turned on him recently like everyone else caught up in the maga/alt right meme
It's over wowbros...
Why wouldn't big streamers be allowed to skip queue lmao, they entertain thousands of viewers while you losers idle in Ogrimmar the whole day while bringing 0 entertainment to the communit
if you cut off the bottom half, its kind of like looking at a slightly impressive msdos game
Graphical fidelity has nothing to do with online servers
>playing any of these outdated low poly MMOs at all
Twitch thinks you want to watch a bizarre man-trogg sit in a cave of pisscups and be a huge dick to 15 year olds giving money
Are you serious? Thats fucking great.
in two months.
Pray return to your general, faggot
>Get disconnected
>Immediately lose THOUSANDS of viewers
Bahahahahahaha it's like pottery
>Playing any MMOs at all
That kind of stupid shit is built for lardasses locked away in a basement and never seeing the light of the day.
>Position 19734
>Layer 27
>Shard 13
>Asmongold Guild 6
>Asmongold Group 29
>Position in line to kill Garrick Padfoot - 64.
Holy shit youre right
>Diablo Immortal announcement
>see a bunch of videos commenting on it
>his Diablo Immortal video was one of them
>start seeing him EVERYWHERE in my recommendations even though I didn't watch any more of his videos
>still see his videos pop up to this day
>now see him all over Yea Forums
What is his endgame?
there are zero MMOs that look good or acceptable for the current year so that's basically what I said
and I have the two most popular ones in my library, I can't fucking understand how people are not bored of the fucking braindead repetition they call "gameplay"
I guess the sense of belonging somewhere and escaping from a world they can't function helps tons
Reminds me of back when the game originally launched. The servers were getting hammered and causing all kinds of stupid shit. People complained, Blizzard said they'd try to do something about it. They didn't. Then they started bragging about how they were making $100m+ a month. People started complaining that they needed to put some of that into improving the servers, and again silence. Then one day on Stormrage, people were talking shit about the problem in general and someone got the bright idea to force the issue by having the entire server go to STV. Ended up crashing the server. We kept it up for a couple days and then miraculously Blizzard parted with a buck to get better hardware. Don't know if any other servers got in on the fun.
I would boot up Everquest 1.0 with all the otherkin/furfaggotry and deadzones that come with it before I install a weeb mmo
He streamed overnight while he was sleeping and he still had like 60k viewers, he literally got paid thousands of dollars to sleep while in queue.
Thanks we don't want you either.
Reminder to dab on linecucks
reminder that these people also spend actual 1000s of hours watching cutscenes and reading long walls of text for a boring story that is multiple times worse than the average single player AAA game with 20 horus of cutscenes that people like to whine and bitch so much
It's not his endgame, but that of youtube algorithm. That's how it suggests videos to you, sticking the most popular shit in your face even if it's only more tangentially related. That algorithm is a pile of shit and fails to actually give you relevant or interesting information even if you search for it.
I joined a low pop server and now it is medium, just got this now when I logged on.
It's just for the social "links" they make while playing. I can understand having fun on a tiny community server and making friends with the locals like I did in 2012 playing team fortress 2, but wowtism is on another level.
corporate world is fucking disgusting. you either somehow force them into putting any effort above bare minimum or they gonna fuck your ass dry as long as you let them
hey, you two. nobody wants to be associated with you, you can quit pretending you are cool and important anytime
very high test post
>converse xl shoes
>broken mirror
its the small things
Shut up wowcuck we own you
Please tell me this is a man
y-yes I play wow
perfectly fitting your n-narrative. you are cool and good looking (not to say youthful). everyone wants to be seen around you, you are not weird or a schizo a t a l l
normal people healthy in the head totally find themselves logging in a MMO in the middle of 2019 to do the same boring repetition they've been doing for months to get part of that iL9995 trannyrod and have their low poly avi dance in some city plaza haha
we are not at that point yet
She is
Ironic wowcuck
>still using google algorithims
duckduckgo and avoid that shit.
of course it is, it's sue lightening, tranny pornstar
>A man denied his shard
would be better without the WoW classic logo.
You've got to trust your audience.
You know, without the queue popup it could still work. People were lining up in the game.
If it really is from reddit then there's probably still like 50 comments asking for someone to explain the joke
Wonderful, you did it. You did it, you really did it.
Anyone else here unsub from everybody who went to play classic wow? I detest them.
It just keeps growing
I can’t unsub when I’ve never subbed in the first place
>4 hours to go from 10k to 2.5k in queue
>waited from 10am till 3pm to log in today
>played for an hour and got dc'd
>immediately relogged
>back at the back of a 19k queue
>its now 845 pm and im still not logged back in
top kek
I genuinely believe they force DC people every hour or so to speed up the queues and give other people a chance.
Hence, less complaining.
yeah i t hink so too
im on gehenas i might just roll on one of the post launch ones like dreadmist or ashbringer
i'm really worried about ending up on a dead server but at the same time i dont want to wait a month to b e able to just login and play
>Spend hours in a log in queue to then spend hours queuing for quest mobs so you can reach an endgame everyones already done
Sounds thrilling.
its simply a shard layer crashing, happens all the time. its not some illuminati plot from a pizza parlour
Fuck off faggot.
This shit is getting out of control
My quiet little PvE realm which hasn't had a fucking queue since launch now has 2k people waiting in it
>streamers get big streaming game
>viewers join game to play with streamer
>streamer can't play because viewers took all the spaces
This is too good to be true.
I really think this Classic / Retail thing should have been a different sub
This is too much
Why? What the fuck could anyone other than blizzard executives ever benefit from retail and classic having two separate subscriptions?
The servers right now are for two crowds not one. They should be for one crowd. They're trying far too hard to make classic a fucking retarded inclusive thing. It should be separate from retail not included. You get situations like right now happening where everyone's logging on into any server and people who want to play this game properly cannot due to stupid retail tourists.
No he didnt he waited 3 hours
Then magically a bunch of players got kicked and the line went up dramatically
Meanwhile other cucks had to wait 8 hours for the full duration and then get dcd anyway.
Absolutely ridiculous that streamers dont get priority access. One person is one person enjoying the game but a streamer allows thousands to enjoy it
Hilarious post and all but anyone who seriously believes this needs to get smeared by a semi
What if you want to tour Retail occasionally
>implying streams arent the best way to play WoW
I'm not sad enough to actually waste my life playing it
Wait a week and 90% of the population will return to retail.
In other words,
>I want to ram a server full of level 1 to 10 newb chars to follow around a streamer when it's a popular moment
Thanks now all the real players cannot do a fucking thing
Cheers mate
>return to
Lmao there werent even that many people on retail in the first place
>Blizzard should split the subscriptions
Literally one of the least intelligent posts I've ever read. With a shared subscription, both games inflate the other's sub count and make both look good to shareholders, which is worth way more than the paltry amount they'd make from people retarded enough to be subscribed to both dumpster fires at the same time.
ya nah im playing a real mmo
Just sad enough to waste your life WATCHING someone play it. Lmao
Blizzard can't code that.
Has been a queue on my server every day past midday till 2am consistently since shadowbringers.
Oh what, does that ruin your bitching? Sorry.
How are you gamers so retarded how do you not understand wow is for serious role players and not the erp garbage actually writing and reading a living fantasy novel. Clearly being intelligently and emotionally invested in activities is beyond your abilities as such I'm authorized to call you stupid faggots who will never experience fun