Announce your working on new Night in the Woods content

>announce your working on new Night in the Woods content
>suddenly get accused of sexual assault

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Twitter screencap thread
Heck off

As much as I hate Zoe Quinn
I also love a male feminist getting blown the fuck out
If only there was a way to blast the both of them

This. Twitter screencaps should be a bannable offense.

Somehow, it's fitting, since NitW has always struck me as JUST: The Game.

It's made by the same guy who made the icecream animation.

NitW was a disappointment so I don't give a shit. It had a great aesthetic but the focus of the game was on Mae's interpersonal relationships, and not the mystery surrounding the town like the trailers indicated, the ending in particular was incredibly anti-climactic.

>one of the most woke games out there
>creator gets quinn'd

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more like rape in the woods

The only truly good part of the game is the soundtrack, it's nice chill music that's better than it has any right to be

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I just want to know if Bea finally gets to go to college.

porn was nice
game was shit

user, I don't know how to tell you, but Bea...

She dies

Zero chance he did it
Zoe Quinn is a lying sociopath

isnt this the same guy who made that youtube video about MEN BAD WOMAN GOOD

Why should I believe her when shes lied about a multitude of shit before. Why should ANYONE believe her?

Hmm, it's been ages since VIDEOGAME DEVELOPER (as Wikipedia labels her) Zoe Quinn has made an announcement since the abuse allegations. Maybe she's here to announce a game or some other media? Oh no, just more abuse allegations? Big surprise.

He had it coming

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What games has she made?

True but if you lie with snakes you're bound to get bitten


You honest god will have a happier life not knowing the horror that is her "game".

Depression Quest... that's all I can think of. There was some video campaign she collabrated on but that went nowhere.

didn't nitw end with basically "ebil conservatives are doing human sacrifice"

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So, did the guy said anything about it? could he be saved? i liked his game.

>Zoey Quinn attacks one potential ally

Is Zoey Quinn actually retarded or is she telling the true? Im happy about that socialist cuck getting #MeToo'd

furry sacrifice*

do you have a link to the video i cant find it

I think it was more along the lines of 'patriarchy demon' that you beat with a single button mash segment.

Depression Quest isn't even a game, it's a shitty VN.

That was the animator, Benson. Holowka was the lead dev.

Not sure which got accused of anything, this is all news to me.


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So they couldn't tank Ion Fury so now they are moving to TWO fucking dudes in the industry with rape allegations?

Fuck me take a fucking vacation or something

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Please respect her self-identification as a game developer.

Told you guys it was a shit game made by a rapist

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Nu-Yea Forums considers VNs video games

>Zoe Quinn
>telling the truth

>one of the most SJW safe space games to exist
>creator gets rape-accused by Quinn of all people

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>Feminist profesional victim attacks ultra WOKE dev

This is a good day. Have he said something about this?

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>Turbo feminist cunts decimate the low test males that propped them up in the first place
I fail to see the problem here.

>possibly the Jackie chapter mentioned long ago

Hell yeah!

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> he’d jam my fingers inside me and walk me around the house by them

To be fair, the Soule one is a lot more believeable because the accuser is not Zoe Quinn.

I'll just post this shit again.

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It wasn't calling out conservatives or implying they were conservative because they were evil or vice versa. Nor does the game actually say the Black Goat is even real.
They were older men and women who were following a cult because they were utterly obsessed with keeping Possum Springs' economy afloat.
The whole story has themes about Mae waking up and seeing the real world. The ending reflects this as the cult goes to drastic measures to, in their eyes, save their town, as it's withering away just like anything else.




wow that's deep

too bad a rapist came up with it


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This game is over two years old. Wasn't that new content supposed to come out over a year ago? Wasn't there also supposed to be a comic?

>It wasn't calling out conservatives

Even putting aside everything else before in the game, Mae outright says this in the epilogue.

>They were older men and women who were following a cult because they were utterly obsessed with keeping Possum Springs' economy afloat.

That's pretty obviously a metaphor for conservatism. They're literally sacrificing the lives of the less fortunate to feed a god they believe will keep their outdated way of life alive. Bea even refers to them as a death cult of conservative uncles in the post-script.

(I liked the game but the ending was heavy-handed as shit)

Sounds like some rapist shit to me

oh yeah sure two gays a communist and a retard fight a group of older people that are more interested in the town and you expect me to believe that it's not the obvious paper thin metaphor

Cute, who is she?

>feminist leftoid is a rapist

lmaoing, how does this happen every time

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The game was the definition of kino. Really disappointed in Alec.

Seriously? I didn’t expect that.

Rape is just "disappointing" to you? You make it sound like he cut a line. He fucking attacked a woman, you pig.

holy shit

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>ms illustrator style
it gets old after like ten minutes man

liberals always eat their own

Scumbag rapist or not, why in the hell would you ever get involved with Quinn?

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Jesus this is hot. I wish i could do this with my waifu

how convenient.

This game was such a disappointment. Just a lame walking simulator.

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has it ever been confirmed if bea got molested by that guy in the shop?

Mae is not at all considered a voice of reason and does nothing but make retarded decisions and snarky comments throughout the game. The story makes no attempt at showing Mae to be knowledgeable about such things.
I personally didn't see it that way, mostly because the game's setting is literally in a small town where nearly everyone is conservative. The game does have several pieces of dialogue referencing conservatives, particularly Gregg and Angus being like the only gay people in the town or something like that - but I didn't see the ending as bashing conservatives, moreso as trying to say something about traditionalism and contrasting that with how mentally unable Mae is.
That's just my opinion though.

A powerful woman (male) you meet at a rave in Bea's plot-branch.

It happens when you talk to the mouse-girl on the roof for the last time. Something along the lines of "they were old conservatives who couldn't let go of the past". Just watch a playthrough.

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It's actually quite uncomfortable and kind of awkward. Trust me.

>Yea Forums's favorite commie furry game was made by a rapist


It's basically the plot of Hot Fuzz, but an actual occult group instead of a Homeowners Association/Neighborhood Watch with a spooky dress code.

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>implying Yea Forums loves any game

Pretty much every host of FemFreq has a history of fucking over people who support or work for them the moment they stop being useful.
Wouldn't be surprised if the guy did do shit to her and it would be Zoie screaming for attention again.

>A powerful woman (male)

Hot. I would suck her dick.

Fair enough

It is sad this game had some much cut content that it just became another bland forgettable indie game.

What is it about leftists that make them such sexual pests and rapists? Why are they always so racist and sexist and homophobic?
All the time we see this.

>a woman
Let's not make a broad generalization here

And not funny

See, I fucking told you guys this stupid cunt was going to deny it

The gfx were cool but I was talking about the game as a whole.

user, we're talking about the same game co-written by a self-proclaimed communist who made the valevictorian a socialist, a transgender punching Nazi's and constant "smash capitalism" remarks. It really doesn't matter at that point who said it.

FWIW I actually thought a large chunk of the game did a good job balancing the youth dissatisfaction with the older belief in tradition. That's part of why the ending bugged me so much, I really can't envision that as being anything other than a ham-fisted metaphor (even with Mae's mental issues being in the background). I'm not even a conservative, but I dunno - it went from a reasonable take on modern tensions to (imo) kind of a slap in the face.

(Then again, I thought it was a better slice of life than psychological thriller, so that could be connected)

>And I don't think it's funny

Which one's a communist?

because they value self image more than anything. Except sex. They love sex.

left means weak
weak means they have to rape
Strong men are not because they believe in themselves and they dont want the government to bail them out or "protect" them

Bea is a socialist


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As much as a liar fiveguysgirl is, male femenists are prone to doing creepy things. Maybe shes not lying this time?

Also to the bitch that reported me for racism, I only got a warning
Better luck next time tranny

Same. Though it's a toss-up between her and the socialist-gator for me.

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They repress many parts of their life to the point where it makes them do depraved shit.

Never denied it, people just made the claim that the ending was explicitly bashing conservatives because Mae calls them that. Mae is established in the story to be the female equivalent of a retarded manchild NEET. Why would you present anything she says as proof?

I agree with you on everything but the ending, but I'm easy to please. I felt the ending was interesting because I was expecting the game to genuinely go the route of making all the dangerous shit hallucinations since Mae's a schizophrenic fuck - it was an interesting sequence IMO, though I do agree that it does get kinda hamfisted with how unsubtle it is.


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There is actually. You paint him and a rapist and her as an enabler for keeping it secret. Then they can both go and get fucked!


still waiting for someone to make a rewrite of the game

Looking forward to more gay cat and lizard.

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I would let that gator ruin me.

behold, the goalpost moves in the blink of an eye

quill-weave doesn't want that

The rapist is the one that made the music.


Because context matters. The context in which the character speaks of conservatives heavily implies a negative connotation, and considering the developers personal views on such matters, is pretty apparent that he inserted his opinion into the game via a proxy. Get fucked.



based ampharos poster

But it was the mystery that was shit.

If it was all an artsy student film about Mae coming to terms with her and her losing their youth, much like the country town they live in, it'd been better.

Seems like you got offended by pixels in a videogame. I wonder what they call people that read too much into things to find any reason to play victim and act offended?
Surely there is a word for that.

Some choose your own adventure text based game about being a middle class white girl who has "depression".

Blessed post

If I were to let either Shadman or a male feminist babysit my kid, I'd choose Shadman in a heart beat.

These onions consuming manchildren are straight up psychpaths.

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>i'm wrong
>better default on "ur sensitive"
>that'll show them

Jesus you are pathetic.


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you are choosing to be offended


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>Fire Emblem threads shitting up the board for weeks
>Utawarerumono isnt a game you guize



Fire Emblem is an SRPG.

Lie with the lying snakes.

The dev also stated that the pit they throw the kids into is also a metaphor for capitalism.

>the ultimate cartwheel, none of that holding by the feet bullshit
absolute chad

and then stop posting.

>Siding with people who have no sense of loyalty and will backstab you whenever they please
He deserves it.
Let this be a lesson to all of us.

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Oh neat, so his game is free then right?

and then keep posting.

They also kill all of them (which would include many people they've known their whole lives) and the faggot wolf is like "lol who cares they killed this guy I used to be friends with" and that's about the end of the story.


who knew it was autobiographical

>night in the woods actually has a supernatural twist

What? I was assuming that it was just a game about gay teenage animals hanging out this entire time. Slice of life shit.

Damn, maybe I should've played it.

>Get shit on
>Lol u mad bro??
Commit self death

play Utawrerumono, retard

>letting a nig who faps to the thought of having sex with underage kids
900 iq user

And nothing of value was lost.


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the supernatural crap is only superficial and takes backseat for about 90% of the game.

Nah don't worry about that. If you ever wanted to know the story, this site got you

Where did it all go so wrong?

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>>letting a nig who faps to the thought of having sex with underage kids
Yes, that is why the joke is about him NOT letting a feminist babysit his kid

Night in the Woods was gay so I I'm totally indifferent to it's creator getting tangled by the bed of snakes they made.

Shadman is black?

who's the one that just tried to deplatform ion fury for a bottle that said 'ogay'?

So fucking easy

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Fair enough, Hot Fuzz had some good humor, it was a comedy, NitW I really wouldn't say so. I suppose a unifying theme could be that they both embrace the concept of absurdity?

The problem is I would say that Hot Fuzz, while it flirts with absurdity the main characters really just 'want things to be somewhat normal', because the price of having a 'perfect little town' was the Neighborhood Watch becoming an assassins cult, which is absolutely absurd. The 'normalicy' was only a thin veneer over an unnatural nest of absolute nonsense (murdering an harmless woman because she would take her gardening skill elsewhere!) Normalcy is restored and society saved at the price of violent action, a few moments of chaos.

Meanwhile NiTW, sorta embraces the absurd and the broken, Mae is a fucking lunatic, essentially nonfunctional as an adult and it felt like the story never really hoped to address that, 'it's just the way things are'. It's is the inevitability of change, mutation and decay, everyone is broken, the town is broken, it' is all dying, but that's 'okay', don't struggle, if you struggle against it, if you try and resist it will only make things worse. Nothing will be fixed, by action or inaction, at best 'the truth' of things are known, but the end result will be the same, things fall apart and it doesn't mean anything.

I've no idea why the fuck I just wrote a damn diatribe about why NitW is not a satisfactory plotline for a fucking mongolian basket weaving newsgroup, but fucking whatever, it's Yea Forums.

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And yet he somehow hasn't gotten arrested.

Why are they still using her pornstar debut photo?

Somebody should edit the dude's own face into this

i wonder if people will believe her, the second-time rape survivor, now

of course they fucking will lmao
all she gotta do is false flag gamergatoes attacking her and voila
everything else is suddenly true

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Ah dude that game was the shit back then. Good taste.

The whole duration of the game is spent pointing out that Mae is an idiot who has no idea how the world works and that her liberal views don't amount to jack shit and only harm everyone around her. NITW is secretly redpilled.

Life lessons like these are just terrible.

People were flooding her tweets with 'I believe you!" responses literally minutes after she tweeted it out.

All I know about Ion Fury is it's some kind of shitty Doom clone, so I can't really answer that for you bud.

you're giving the devs too much credit, it's more redpilling in a 'look how unhinged from reality these developers are'

It's just a prank, bro.

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White and he was working on getting /fit/. I'm sure there are pictures of him floating around if you looked.

she starts this accusation with another one, so she's at least a three-time omega level rape magnet

They're both terrible people so whoever loses, we win by default.

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Shadman is more honest and upfront than all of these two-faced front holes and orbiters.

>Take the red pill
>Like in the Matrix
>The Matrix is a good movie!
every single fucking time

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>believing women

>Male feminist
>Zero chance he did it
Pick one

To be fair, a lot of that group is both too ugly, and too high standards wise to have anything consensual going on.

shes so unlucky
to be a victim twice now!

such a tragedy for a very influential game dev
shes is a real inspiration to female game devs out there to smash the patriarchy

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>Meanwhile NiTW, sorta embraces the absurd and the broken... 'it's just the way things are'. It's is the inevitability of change, mutation and decay, everyone is broken, the town is broken, it' is all dying, but that's 'okay', don't struggle, if you struggle against it, if you try and resist it will only make things worse... it doesn't mean anything.
You've kinda opened my eyes here because I really liked NITW but got that kind of vibe from it. As much as I like it the plot isn't very satisfying; nothing really happens and nothing actually moves the plot forward since everything's back to normal by the end of it. I wish NITW either chose between being a tense murder mystery kind of game or being more of an artsy game about the decay of traditionalism or whatever. Constantly flippin between both doesn't really do the game a favor.


Seriously, why do so many people keep trusting Zoe Quinn after she has stabbed so many people in the back? Even if you are a feminist that agrees with her politics, you can’t ignore the history of everyone she works with getting stabbed in the back.

Yet people continue to drop their guard around her and allow her to screw them over. You would think they would be cautious around her just in case.

Even Max Landis was dumb enough to not think Zoe Quinn was a threat and gave her an honest answer that she purposely dated bad men and wanted drama. Which is true but then Max acts shocked when Zoe Quinn gets the media to attack him and paint him as a rapist (and got him fired from DC and got Zoe Quinn hired).
What did he expect was gonna happen? Did he think Zoe Quinn would not do everything in her power to tear him down?

How many people will Zoe Quinn destroy before people start realizing she is dangerous?!!!

I don't understand, shouldn't she go to trial against him if he's a rapist or whatever?
Do americans use twitter for trials?

There's no way a non-rapist would make something like this, it's too virtue signally. "LOOK AT ME I RESPECT WOMEN SEE!!!! I WOULDNT RAPE ANYONE I SWEAAAARRRR", I bet even leftist women cringe at this.

SJW dev got accused by fellow SJWs.
like a pottery.

>why do people trust zoe quinn
they want sex
this is always the answer
they want woke sex

she isn't the one who got assaulted did you even read what is going on?

its ok user, i appreciate your dissertation

Okay, 1 percent chance he did it then.

>Zoe Quinn is running out of money so she needs a big controversy to get more victim donations
Still, nothing better than seeing the same kind of cuck who pushes feminist bullshit get a huge load of feminist bullshit right down his cuckhole.

1. In the court of public opinion, yes, Twitter is the courtroom
2. This was announced earlier today
3. She won't take this to court because she's a fucking liar and it would never stand up to scrutiny

Materwelonz is better:

Attached: materwelonz.jpg (900x900, 107K)

What the hell is wrong with you?

>night in the woods was subtly a hint at him drugging and raping her in the woods
p o t t e r y

>the retard that faps constantly and doesn't have to get it out of the system
>the repressed basedboy that knows he can never score except for in this one moment
it truly is smart

The last scene has Mae's dad teasing reignition of some hope for the town.

Something wrong with his statement?

I'm extremely redpilled.

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You're fucking morons.

The irony is the thing with "nice guys" is they tend to be antisocial freaks, with no concept for how horrible they are because they project it on to others.
Literally that faggot nerd that the other nerds don't want to hang out with because he's such an obnoxious faggot crying about jock bros.


> SJW shits eat their own.
Loving Every Laugh.


Only something wrong if you are a decent person.


But he can take her to the court if this affect his live now. She is a fucking idiot and SJW of course believe her becuase she's a woman

False rape allegations are bad user

Then tell us what would make us decent people in this case. Believing her bullshit?

Yes. It wasn’t very subtle. But nothing in the game was.

If you're posting here, you're not a decent person.

>i disagree but have no argument so i'm going to insult you directly
and here i've pointed out what's wrong with your argument so I have a reason to insult you. Faggot retard.

>A turbo male feminist taking Zoe Quinn to court
Mein sides

Thanks autistic Amphabro.

>believing zoe quinn on anything
nah she's just a grifter trying to retain relevance by stabbing someone in the back because she just ruined a comic business

I mean, Zoe Quinn is an absolutely shitty person and we knew that pre-GG when she decided to go after the sad fucks at wizardchan just to promote her "game", so if she WAS raped she definitely deserved it. She probably wasn't though because she lies constantly and is a professional victim, it's how she makes any money at all.

On the other side we have an obnoxious SJW male feminist faggot who is either a huge hypocrite or just someone being destroyed by the same garbage he's inflicted on others for years. Either way, it's great.

"oho," voiced the Anonymous poster.
"being wrong comes naturally to you, I see"

>Speaking to the police and making a statement so said individual can be brought to justice
>Making a public statement on Twitter to boost your pity bux and completely destroy his life without that pesky evidence getting in the way

Will it be called day in the woods?
Twilight in the woods?
Always sunny in the woods?

Women shouldnt be eating ice cream anyway, it makes them fat.

Is it so hard for men who preach against other men to not be creeps?
>proceeds to rape women
They don't even slightly buy the shit they're trying to sell

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Don't you think it's odd that Zoe Quinn and ONLY Zoe Quinn consistently becomes intimate with all the worst rapists in the industry?

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Why is it that it always turns out to be a sexually degenerate relationship instead of rape.

Only a taste less person would´t like the nazi outfits

So either a faker gets outed and wrecked or a shitty shill dev gets outed and wrecked.
The art is called 'picking fights you can't lose,' user; there is no losing side when both sides losing or winning is a win in your book anyway.

>You're Zoe Quinn? THE Zoe Quinn? Well nice to rape you!

What do you think the long break was about

you have brain damage? she wasn't the assaulted one

>rape in the woods

>It had a great aesthetic but the focus of the game was on Mae's interpersonal relationships, and not the mystery surrounding the town like the trailers indicated

Why is everybody so stupid?

>the ice cream animation
The what now?

The ice cream animation? Like, the "feminazi stole my ice cream" one?

Now him after this mess:

>Speaking to the police and making a statement so said individual can be brought to justice. Zoe will go to Jail for 15 years a raped there.

Zoe Quinn will never get any comeuppance will she

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Did you read the Twitter post?

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Are you legit handicapped? She is
>Particularly the latter as he is accused of refusing to pay for Zoë’s flight home from Canada, something he agreed to if she purchased her ticket there.
There's been like 14 rape accusations in the past 12 hours.
Zoe's literally like that story from early this year, with the whale with nose ring that didn't get the ticket back because she conned the guy into having sex with her, he paid for all the arrangements, when they got there she told him to fuck off and he just left her there.

>Police in the US arresting a false accuser
O I am laffin

Not until the entirety of society burns to the ground. She is just a bloated maggot, grown fat from eating her fill of the carcass known as Western Civilization. She won't face punishment unless the body is cremated.

she will be the first head to roll when someone higher on the totem Pole wants to make a comeback

cant be as bad as this guy right?

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Nothing short of someone beating the stupid out of her would work, and maybe not even then. That woman has never had a hard day in her life and it shows.


soon lad

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hilarious hearing this coming from a neet


When a man agrees with the idea that all men are rapists, it's him literally saying he's a rapist. I don't know why this is surprising

Tfw even if it was confirmed that she was lying, nothing would happen because there are no laws about false rape accusations.

shad is literally harmless
if he actually raped children he wouldn't make such extreme content that puts him in the spotlight

it's the people that try their hardest to look innocent that you should be suspicious about

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I'm at work right now you braindead faggot, and I bet I get paid more than you. Suck my fucking dick straight to the balls you assblasted shitheap.

>sees a new Zoe Quinn rape allegation
>"Oh, thank God, I can post this video and not be the most hated person today"

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>implying Yea Forums doesn't like the game for the porn

I thoroughly regret ever asking, but thanks anyway.

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Has literal factual proof he did nothing wrong, the boy is redeemed.

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yeah bud I'm really sure you do, since you spend all your work time on Yea Forums

There's honestly no reason to believe one way or another that he did it with no meaningful evidence. However, this faggot has been signal boosting these front holes for ages so it's delicious irony either way.

She has to exist as zoe quinn

chadjared wins again.

The replies are unnerving. It looks like they simply WAITING to destroy the life of someone they loved up until thirty seconds ago with little more than an accusation from Zoe "Everyone I meet rapes me" Quinn.

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this thread is not vidya

He still cheated on his wife.

Its fucking hilarious watching all the NITW fags in this thread desperately trying to convince everyone the game isnt thoughtless leftist pandering. Like how far can you shove your head in the sand?

>"Guys come on it's not cool to offend people, we need to be open with our emotions and try to build a progressive dialog because PEOPLE MATTER."
>Well if I'm being frank this game shitting on the working class and painting everyone but college dropout trustfund babies as literal murdercultusts rubs me the wrong way, I think the creator was blinded by his own biases and used the game as a platform for his shitty and broken political views
Every time.

Maybe if you weren't stuck with McJobs your whole life, or maybe had an attention span larger than a goldfish you'd understand where I'm coming from.

holy fuck, that must be what he thought
he was literally waiting for another controversy before uploading

Actually the most terrifying thing the internet has ever spawned.

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I mean
she got raped

You mean the one who said they're in an open relationship? Play stupid games, get cucked

>those comments
>comments still enabled
>that lack of dislikes
how did they manage to preserve this little safe bubble on YouTube?

>has over one million Follower
>sends nudes with his face visible
>divorces his wife via twitter

the actual cheating isn't the problem. He has just proven that he is a 100% legit super retard.

It's because Shadman is baby's first loli futa artist. Nigger doesn't even draw guro or ryona.

sure she did

Man how fucked up does your life have to be to make something this self-flagellating? Like I know it's a meme, but really, someone should tell this guy whatever woke girl he's orbiting won't fuck him over this

those low effort jobs are the ones that allow you to waste your time on places like this. So no, I can't relate. Waiting for calls in a call center perhaps?

no she got bowling'd

wait a second so his wife pulled an anthony burch on herself? holy shit kek

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>White women can't cope with being the defacto protected class in America

>progressive liberal anticapitalism antifa developer
>gets accused of sexual assault

I'm surprised she's avoided the wrath of whoever is pulling the strings of the far left, considering her sluttery basically launched the new right.

>h-h-he didn't do anything wrong b-b-but we still need to shame him
You sound like a woman. Next you'll say you don't like the tone of his voice.

As we all know, legitimate accusations are always done right before somebody release a new product, announces a future project, or is getting approved for an official position.

Don't worry about immediately acting on something through official means and respecting basic concepts of anonymity, you can just have a good cry and people will stop asking questions about the strange timing and lack of regard for official procedure.

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>new NITW content

Can i fuck the gator ?

>make ths kind of shit
>gets lynched by feminists over a tweet rape claim
God's in his heaven, all's right in the world

No, that privilege belongs to the jews.

They're all social parasites user, they don't care about anything but their social credit score. It's better if you learn to live with that then get wrapped up in their lies of earnest.
Be like Andrew Hussie, shitpost about fat Vriska any time they try to weasel you and annihilate their faux attachment at all possible times.

Waiting for our Japanese team to show up so we can explain our new hardware to them via a translator because too many details are lost if we don't have one. Last thing we want to do is spend thousands of dollars sending a technician to Japan over the weekend because their measurements were off by a couple millimeters and fucked up their design and try and pass the blame off on us.

Thanks for asking though.

what a fucking chad

>anyone who supports Zoe is throwing ANITW under the bus to be forgotten as the pile of shit that it is
>anyone who questions Zoe is committing wrongthink and will be exposed to the flaws of MeToo firsthand
This is the kind of pleasant news I want to read when I'm starting my day

Doesn't fucking matter, the only real victim here is Ross and the other 3 can fuck off.

>Mfw I own 2 high end restaurants and 10 acres of land and do nothing but browse Yea Forums and buyfag anime merch
Lmao poor wagecuck.

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You are an indiot so i call you an idiot. I'm not calling an a pedo or cheater, but an idiot. And your penis has a freaky shape, gain some pounds.


Zionists exclusively.

>Be bipolar
>Have compulsive sex with a man
>Realize later you were actually raped


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If only.

>nothing but browse Yea Forums
I'd probably kill myself. At least play some vidya.